This section defines four IAM users within the AWS infrastructure: DarthSidious, DarthVader, DarthTyranus, and DarthMaul. Each user is identified by their unique name and assigned a path within the IAM user hierarchy.
- Name: DarthSidious
- Path: /users/
The most powerful of the Sith Lords, DarthSidious commands absolute authority over the Galactic Empire. His IAM user profile reflects this power, granting him unrestricted access to all resources within the AWS realm.
- Name: DarthVader
- Path: /users/
DarthVader, the loyal apprentice of DarthSidious, wields considerable power as a Sith Lord and the commander of the Imperial Starfleet. His IAM user profile grants him extensive permissions to manage and control AWS resources, though not to the same extent as his master.
- Name: DarthTyranus
- Path: /users/
A skilled Sith Lord and former Jedi Master, DarthTyranus possesses formidable combat abilities and strategic brilliance. His IAM user profile reflects his expertise, granting him access to specific AWS resources relevant to his role.
- Name: DarthMaul
- Path: /users/
A powerful Force user and former apprentice of DarthSidious, DarthMaul is known for his agility and ruthlessness. His IAM user profile grants him limited access to AWS resources, commensurate with his specific tasks and responsibilities.
*By creating these IAM users and assigning them appropriate permissions, the AWS infrastructure ensures that each individual has the necessary level of access to perform their tasks effectively without compromising security or granting excessive privileges.