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Taylor diagram #4771

briochemc opened this issue Feb 10, 2025 · 8 comments

Taylor diagram #4771

briochemc opened this issue Feb 10, 2025 · 8 comments
enhancement Feature requests and enhancements


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briochemc commented Feb 10, 2025

Feature description

I would like to kindly request a Taylor diagram recipe!

For plot types, please add an image of how it should look like

Given some model data and observed (true) data, it should return a plot that looks like this (copied from the wikipedia article):

These diagrams are useful for plotting the "skill" of a model, and are used a fair bit in climate / ocean / atmospheric sciences. AFAIK, the original paper is openly accessible at

FWIW, there is a 2-year-old Discourse comment by @mreichMPI-BGC with an implementation, but when I tried it, it threw some errors, and after applying some quick bandaid (code below), it threw a segfault for me...

# modified a tiny bit from discourse post by @mreichMPI-BGC
function taylor_plot(sdmod_rel, correl; bias=0.0, sdObs=1.0, plotBias=false, plotVarianceErr=false)
    sdmax = max(maximum(sdmod_rel), 1.0)

    ## Function to transform coordinates
    correl_sd2taylor(sd, correl) = (x=correl * sd, y=sqrt(sd^2 - (correl*sd)^2))

    ## Create Taylorplot gridlines
    correls = reduce(vcat,[-1, -0.99, -0.95, -0.9:0.1:0.9, 0.95, 0.99, 1.0])
    sds = 0:0.1:sdmax |> collect

    fig, ax, sc = scatter(0,0, color=(:black, 0));
    for c in correls
        lines!(ax, c .* sds .* sdObs * 1.02, sqrt.(sds.^2-(c .* sds).^2).*sdObs * 1.02; linestyle= :dot, color=:grey)

    for s in sds
        lines!(ax, correls .* s .* sdObs, sqrt.(s.^2 .- (correls .* s).^2).*sdObs; linestyle= s==1 ? :dash : :dot, color=:grey)

    ## Creat isolines of root mean squared difference (RMSD) and labels
    RMSD = 0.2:0.2:2*sdmax+0.2 |> collect
    xvec =  -1.0:0.01:1 |> collect


    for r in RMSD[1:end-1]

        x2 = @. (xvec * r + 1) * sdObs
        y2 = @. sqrt(1-xvec^2) * r * sdObs

       i_plot = [i for i in 1:length(x2) if sqrt(x2[i]^2+y2[i]^2)<=1.005*maximum(sds)*sdObs]

      # This also works, but not if the array sent back by the compr is empty (collect does not work)
      # xp, yp = zip([(xi,yi) for (xi, yi) in zip(x2, y2) if sqrt(xi^2+yi^2)<=1.005*maximum(sds)*sdObs]...) |> collect

        lines!(ax, x2[i_plot], y2[i_plot], color=(:blue, 0.5))

        i_lab=[i for i in 1:length(x2) if (y2[i]>0.3^2*sdObs^2/abs(x2[i])) & (x2[i]>0.0) & (sqrt(x2[i]^2+y2[i]^2)<=1.005*maximum(sds)*sdObs)]
        if length(i_lab)>0
            push!(rmsd_lab_x, x2[i_lab[1]])
            push!(rmsd_lab_y, y2[i_lab[1]])
            push!(rmsd_lab_text, "$(round(r, digits=2))")


    #### Plotting data in Taylor space

    x,y = collect.(zip(correl_sd2taylor.(sdmod_rel, correl)...) |> collect) .* sdObs

    # First the arrows, so that the point is always on top
    if plotBias
        RMSD = @. sqrt(sdObs^2 + (sdmod_rel*sdObs)^2 - 2*sdObs^2*sdmod_rel*correl)
        RMSE = @. sqrt(bias^2+RMSD^2)
        RMSDangle = @. asin(y/RMSD)
        RMSEangle = @. asin(bias/RMSE)
        alpha = @. ifelse(x > sdObs, π - RMSDangle - RMSEangle, RMSDangle - RMSEangle)
        xb = @. sdObs - cos(alpha)* RMSE
        yb = @. sin(alpha) * RMSE
        arrows!(x, y, xb.-x, yb.-y; color=1:length(x), linewidth=3)

    if plotVarianceErr
        x_no_var_err, y_no_var_err = collect.(zip(correl_sd2taylor.(1.0, correl)...) |> collect) .* sdObs
        arrows!(x,y, x_no_var_err.-x, y_no_var_err.-y; color=1:length(x), linewidth=3)

    # if (plotNoVarErr) {
    #     modPointsNoVarErr <- correl_sd2Taylor(1, correl) * sdObs
    #     p  <- p + geom_point(data=modPointsNoVarErr, mapping=aes(x,y), color="red", size=2, alpha=0.5)

    ## Plot data points (original Taylorplot)
    scatter!(ax, x, y, color=1:length(x),  strokewidth=0.5, glowwidth = 5.0, glowcolor=(:black,0.5) )

    ## Plot point of "perfect model"
    scatter!(ax, sdObs, 0.0, markersize=20, color=(:blue,0.5))

    ### Labels for coordinate system
    correlTicks = setdiff(reduce(vcat, [-0.9:0.1:0.9, 0.95, 0.99]), [0])
    text!(correlTicks*sdmax*sdObs*1.04, sqrt.(sdmax^2 .- (correlTicks*sdmax).^2)*sdObs*1.04,
        text=["$(round(c, digits=2))" for c in correlTicks], align=(:center,:center), fontsize=10)
    #scatter!(correlTicks*sdmax*sdObs*1.04, sqrt.(sdmax^2 .- (correlTicks*sdmax).^2)*sdObs*1.04)
    scatter!(rmsd_lab_x,rmsd_lab_y, markersize=(30,20), color=:white, strokewidth=0.5)
    text!(rmsd_lab_x,rmsd_lab_y, text=rmsd_lab_text, align=(:center,:center), fontsize=10)

    ## Clipping plot
    xlims!(ax, min(0, 1.1*minimum(x)), max(sdObs,1.1*maximum(x)))

    (fig, ax)


fig, ax = taylor_plot([0.8,1.2], [0.8, 0.5], bias=0.2, plotBias=true, plotVarianceErr=true)
@briochemc briochemc added the enhancement Feature requests and enhancements label Feb 10, 2025
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asinghvi17 commented Feb 10, 2025

Segfaults definitely shouldn't be happening...could you unpack the function (or just insert display(fig) after every plotting call) and see where it drops out?


I tried to adapt this to a polar axis:

# Taylor plot

sdmod_rel = [0.8,1.2]
correl = [0.8, 0.5] 
sd_obs = 1.0
plot_bias = true
plot_variance_error = true

# Do the actual plotting now
# First, construct the figure and a polar axis on the first quadrant
fig = Figure()
ax = PolarAxis(fig[1, 1])
ax.thetalimits[] = (0, pi/2) # first quadrant only

# Now, style the axis appropriately for a Taylor plot
ax.thetagridcolor = (:black, 0.1)
ax.thetagridstyle = :dash

# Now, go forth and plot!

# First, plot the grid lines for the correlation
# TODO: it would be better if we had labelled lines
# plucked from the contour recipe,
# but since we don't, we can do this manually.

"A transformation function that goes from correlation and standard deviation to the Taylor plot's Cartesian space."
correl_sd2taylor_transf = Makie.PointTrans{2}() do (correl, sd)
    Point2(correl * sd, sqrt(sd^2-(correl*sd)^2)) * sd_obs
correl_sd2taylor(sd, correl) = (x=correl * sd, y=sqrt(sd^2-(correl*sd)^2))

## Create Taylorplot gridlines
# sdmax = max(maximum(sdmod_rel), 1.0)
# correls = reduce(vcat,[-1, -0.99, -0.95, -0.9:0.1:0.9, 0.95, 0.99, 1.0])
# sds = 0:0.1:sdmax |> collect

# Create isolines of root mean squared difference (RMSD) and labels
RMSD = 0.2:0.2:2*sdmax+0.2
xvec = -1.0:0.01:1 

for r in RMSD[1:end-1]
    # this is slightly different from the "true transform"
    # so we compute the points directly and plot in corrected space
    points = @. Point2f((xvec * r + 1) * sd_obs, sqrt(1-xvec^2) * r * sd_obs)
    points_inds = splat(hypot).(points) .<= 1.005 * (maximum(sds)) * sd_obs

        color=(:blue, 0.5),
        transformation = Transformation(ax.scene.transformation; transform_func = identity),
        xautolimits = false,
        yautolimits = false,
        # label = "RMSD $r"
    ) # each line gets a label, so they should be separate


# Now, plot the actual data

# First the arrows

xy_orig = Point2f.(sdmod_rel, correl)
x,y = collect.(zip(correl_sd2taylor.(sdmod_rel, correl)...) |> collect) .* sd_obs
xy = Point2f.(x,y)

if plot_bias
    # here we want to be in Cartesian space, since we're calculating angles
    RMSD = @. sqrt(sd_obs^2 + (sdmod_rel*sd_obs)^2 - 2*sd_obs^2*sdmod_rel*correl)
    RMSE = @. sqrt(bias^2+RMSD^2)
    RMSDangle = @. atan(y/RMSD)
    RMSEangle = @. atan(bias/RMSE)
    alpha = @. ifelse(x > sd_obs, π - RMSDangle - RMSEangle, RMSDangle - RMSEangle)
    xb = @. sd_obs - cos(alpha)* RMSE
    yb = @. sin(alpha) * RMSE
    arrows!(ax, x, y, xb.-x, yb.-y; color=1:length(x), linewidth=3, transformation = Transformation(ax.scene.transformation; transform_func = identity))

if plot_variance_error
    # this should also be in Cartesian space because the vector subtraction has to happen there.
    xy_no_var_err = Point2f.(1.0, correl)
    xy_no_var_err = Makie.apply_transform(correl_sd2taylor_transf, xy_no_var_err)
    arrows!(ax, xy, xy_no_var_err .- xy; color=1:length(xy), linewidth=3, transformation = Transformation(ax.scene.transformation; transform_func = identity))


but the arrows seem wrong...maybe there's an issue with how I am going from one space to another?

Ideally one has some kind of TaylorAxis maybe that does all this, or a taylorplot recipe which returns a SpecApi polar axis!

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briochemc commented Feb 10, 2025

🤔 I was trying your code and I am getting a segfault again (GLMakie v0.10.18):

julia> for r in RMSD[1:end-1]
           # this is slightly different from the "true transform"
           # so we compute the points directly and plot in corrected space
           points = @. Point2f((xvec * r + 1) * sd_obs, sqrt(1-xvec^2) * r * sd_obs)
           points_inds = splat(hypot).(points) .<= 1.005 * (maximum(sds)) * sd_obs

               color=(:blue, 0.5),
               transformation = Transformation(ax.scene.transformation; transform_func = identity),
               xautolimits = false,
               yautolimits = false,
               # label = "RMSD $r"
           ) # each line gets a label, so they should be separate


       # Now, plot the actual data

       # First the arrows

[49476] signal 11 (1): Segmentation fault: 11
in expression starting at none:0
gleRunVertexSubmitImmediate at /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Resources/GLEngine.bundle/GLEngine (unknown line)
gleDrawArraysOrElements_ExecCore at /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Resources/GLEngine.bundle/GLEngine (unknown line)
glDrawElements_GL3Exec at /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Resources/GLEngine.bundle/GLEngine (unknown line)
glDrawElements at /Users/benoitpasquier/.julia/packages/ModernGL/BUvna/src/functionloading.jl:73 [inlined]
render at /Users/benoitpasquier/.julia/packages/GLMakie/TH3rf/src/GLAbstraction/GLRender.jl:132
jfptr_render_60756 at /Users/benoitpasquier/.julia/compiled/v1.11/GLMakie/nfnZR_l4n56.dylib (unknown line)
StandardPostrender at /Users/benoitpasquier/.julia/packages/GLMakie/TH3rf/src/GLAbstraction/GLRenderObject.jl:68
jfptr_StandardPostrender_65527 at /Users/benoitpasquier/.julia/compiled/v1.11/GLMakie/nfnZR_l4n56.dylib (unknown line)
render at /Users/benoitpasquier/.julia/packages/GLMakie/TH3rf/src/GLAbstraction/GLRender.jl:92
jfptr_render_60825 at /Users/benoitpasquier/.julia/compiled/v1.11/GLMakie/nfnZR_l4n56.dylib (unknown line)
render at /Users/benoitpasquier/.julia/packages/GLMakie/TH3rf/src/GLAbstraction/GLRender.jl:70
jfptr_render_60772 at /Users/benoitpasquier/.julia/compiled/v1.11/GLMakie/nfnZR_l4n56.dylib (unknown line)
render at /Users/benoitpasquier/.julia/packages/GLMakie/TH3rf/src/rendering.jl:127
#render_frame#158 at /Users/benoitpasquier/.julia/packages/GLMakie/TH3rf/src/rendering.jl:75
render_frame at /Users/benoitpasquier/.julia/packages/GLMakie/TH3rf/src/rendering.jl:29 [inlined]
on_demand_renderloop at /Users/benoitpasquier/.julia/packages/GLMakie/TH3rf/src/screen.jl:939
renderloop at /Users/benoitpasquier/.julia/packages/GLMakie/TH3rf/src/screen.jl:963
jfptr_renderloop_61300 at /Users/benoitpasquier/.julia/compiled/v1.11/GLMakie/nfnZR_l4n56.dylib (unknown line)
#71 at /Users/benoitpasquier/.julia/packages/GLMakie/TH3rf/src/screen.jl:823
jfptr_YY.71_61597 at /Users/benoitpasquier/.julia/compiled/v1.11/GLMakie/nfnZR_l4n56.dylib (unknown line)
jl_apply at /Users/julia/.julia/scratchspaces/a66863c6-20e8-4ff4-8a62-49f30b1f605e/agent-cache/default-grannysmith-C07ZM05NJYVY.0/build/default-grannysmith-C07ZM05NJYVY-0/julialang/julia-release-1-dot-11/src/./julia.h:2157 [inlined]
start_task at /Users/julia/.julia/scratchspaces/a66863c6-20e8-4ff4-8a62-49f30b1f605e/agent-cache/default-grannysmith-C07ZM05NJYVY.0/build/default-grannysmith-C07ZM05NJYVY-0/julialang/julia-release-1-dot-11/src/task.c:1202
Allocations: 18659365 (Pool: 18649180; Big: 10185); GC: 15
Segmentation fault: 11

EDIT: I'll update GLMakie and try again. BTW unless it's just a coincidence, it seems I'm not the only one (just saw some similar segafault on the slack Makie channel).

EDIT2: Yep, same segfault with GLMakie v0.11.2, Makie v0.22.1.

julia> versioninfo()
Julia Version 1.11.3
Commit d63adeda50d (2025-01-21 19:42 UTC)
Build Info:
  Official release
Platform Info:
  OS: macOS (x86_64-apple-darwin24.0.0)
  CPU: 12 × Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9750H CPU @ 2.60GHz
  LLVM: libLLVM-16.0.6 (ORCJIT, skylake)
Threads: 1 default, 0 interactive, 1 GC (on 12 virtual cores)

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asinghvi17 commented Feb 10, 2025

Huh, looks like segfaults moved from m1 (I used to see a bunch, but not in the same place that you are seeing them and not anymore) on to Intel :D .

@briochemc I would move to WGLMakie or CairoMakie for now - for this kind of diagram, it won't make a difference.

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briochemc commented Feb 11, 2025

I'll admit I don't really understand the arrows yet, but testing with some other data taken from that python example I get the right locations of the dots:

Julia Python reference

code (not cleaned up):

# Taylor plot
using CairoMakie
using Statistics

# model data is a vector (list) of N-dimensional arrays
# copied values from
model_data = [
    [1  , 2  , 3  ,  0.1,  0.2, 0.3, 3.2, 0.6, 1.8],
    [0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 15  , 10  , 5  , 3.2, 0.6, 1.8]
obs_data = sum(model_data) / 1.85

# sdmod_rel = [0.8,1.2]
sdmod_rel = [std(data) ./ std(obs_data) for data in model_data]
# sdmod_rel = [std(data) for data in model_data]
# correl = [0.8, 0.5]
correl = [cor(data, obs_data) for data in model_data]
bias = 0.3
sd_obs = 1.0
plot_bias = false
plot_variance_error = false

# Do the actual plotting now
# First, construct the figure and a polar axis on the first quadrant
fig = Figure(size=(400, 400))

# Corrticks for Taylor diagram
# corrticks = [-1; -0.99; -0.95; -0.9:0.1:0.9; 0.95; 0.99; 1.0]
# corrminorticks = [-1; -0.99:0.01:-0.9; 0.85:0.05:0.85; 0.9:0.01:0.99; 1.0]
corrticks = [-1; -0.99; -0.95; -0.9:0.1:-0.7; -0.6:0.2:0.6; 0.7:0.1:0.9; 0.95; 0.99; 1.0]
# corrminorticks = [-1; -0.99:0.01:-0.9; 0.85:0.05:0.85; 0.9:0.01:0.99; 1.0]
# thetaticks for taylor diagram
thetaticks = (acos.(corrticks), string.(corrticks))
# thetaminorticks = acos.(corrminorticks)
rlimits = (0, 2.7)

ax = PolarAxis(fig[1, 1];
    thetalimits = (0, π), # first quadrant only
    thetagridcolor = (:black, 0.5),
    thetagridstyle = :dot,
    # thetaminorticks,
    rgridcolor = cgrad(:Archambault, categorical = true)[1],
    rticklabelcolor = cgrad(:Archambault, categorical = true)[1],
    rgridstyle = :dash,
    rticks = -2.5:0.5:2.5,
# # ax.thetalimits[] = (0, pi/2) # first quadrant only
# ax.thetalimits[] = (0, pi) # first quadrant only

# # Now, style the axis appropriately for a Taylor plot
# ax.thetagridcolor = (:black, 0.1)
# ax.thetagridstyle = :dash

# Now, go forth and plot!

# First, plot the grid lines for the correlation
# TODO: it would be better if we had labelled lines
# plucked from the contour recipe,
# but since we don't, we can do this manually.

"A transformation function that goes from correlation and standard deviation to the Taylor plot's Cartesian space."
correl_sd2taylor_transf = Makie.PointTrans{2}() do (correl, sd)
    Point2(correl * sd, sqrt(sd^2-(correl*sd)^2)) * sd_obs
correl_sd2taylor(sd, correl) = (x=correl * sd, y=sqrt(sd^2-(correl*sd)^2))

# Create Taylorplot gridlines
# sdmax = max(maximum(sdmod_rel), 1.0)
sdmax = 2rlimits[2]
correls = reduce(vcat,[-1, -0.99, -0.95, -0.9:0.1:0.9, 0.95, 0.99, 1.0])
sds = 0:0.1:sdmax |> collect

# Create isolines of root mean squared difference (RMSD) and labels
# RMSD = 0.2:0.2:2*sdmax+0.2
RMSD = 0.5:0.5:2*sdmax+0.5
xvec = -1.0:0.01:1

for r in RMSD[1:end-1]
    # this is slightly different from the "true transform"
    # so we compute the points directly and plot in corrected space
    points = @. Point2f((xvec * r + 1) * sd_obs, sqrt(1-xvec^2) * r * sd_obs)
    points_inds = splat(hypot).(points) .<= 1.005 * (maximum(sds)) * sd_obs

        # color=(:black, 0.5),
        color = cgrad(:Archambault, categorical = true)[3],
        linewidth = 1,
        transformation = Transformation(ax.scene.transformation; transform_func = identity),
        xautolimits = false,
        yautolimits = false,
        # label = "RMSD $r"
    ) # each line gets a label, so they should be separate


# Now, plot the actual data

# First the arrows

xy_orig = Point2f.(sdmod_rel, correl)
x,y = collect.(zip(correl_sd2taylor.(sdmod_rel, correl)...) |> collect) .* sd_obs
xy = Point2f.(x,y)

scatter!(ax, x, y;
    color = [:red, :green],
    marker = [:cross, :star5],
    transformation = Transformation(ax.scene.transformation; transform_func = identity)
scatter!(ax, [1], [0];
    color = :black,
    transformation = Transformation(ax.scene.transformation; transform_func = identity)

if plot_bias
    # here we want to be in Cartesian space, since we're calculating angles
    RMSD = @. sqrt(sd_obs^2 + (sdmod_rel*sd_obs)^2 - 2*sd_obs^2*sdmod_rel*correl)
    RMSE = @. sqrt(bias^2+RMSD^2)
    RMSDangle = @. atan(y/RMSD)
    RMSEangle = @. atan(bias/RMSE)
    alpha = @. ifelse(x > sd_obs, π - RMSDangle - RMSEangle, RMSDangle - RMSEangle)
    xb = @. sd_obs - cos(alpha)* RMSE
    yb = @. sin(alpha) * RMSE
    arrows!(ax, x, y, xb.-x, yb.-y; color=1:length(x), linewidth=3, transformation = Transformation(ax.scene.transformation; transform_func = identity))

if plot_variance_error
    # this should also be in Cartesian space because the vector subtraction has to happen there.
    xy_no_var_err = Point2f.(1.0, correl)
    xy_no_var_err = Makie.apply_transform(correl_sd2taylor_transf, xy_no_var_err)
    arrows!(ax, xy, xy_no_var_err .- xy; color=1:length(xy), linewidth=3, transformation = Transformation(ax.scene.transformation; transform_func = identity))


EDIT: Actually maybe it's a bit off 🤔

This was referenced Feb 11, 2025
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briochemc commented Feb 11, 2025

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briochemc commented Feb 11, 2025

I ended up baking my own based on your code @asinghvi17 (but I used contour and its labels directly), giving

# Taylor plot
using CairoMakie
using Statistics

function taylordiagramvalues(f, r, args...)

    # STDs and means
    σf = std(f, args...; corrected = false)
    σr = std(r, args...; corrected = false)
    f̄ = mean(f, args...)
    r̄ = mean(r, args...)

    # Correlation coefficient
    R = cor(f, r, args...)

    # Root Mean Square Difference
    E = sqrt(mean((f .- r) .^ 2, args...))

    # Bias=-# Centered Root Mean Square Difference
    E′ = sqrt(mean(((f .- f̄) - (r .- r̄)) .^ 2, args...))

    # Full Mean Square Difference= E′^2 +^2

    # Normalized values (maybe that needs to be a kwarg)
    Ê′ = E′ / σr
    σ̂f = σf / σr
    σ̂r = 1.0

    return (; σr, σf, R, E, Ē, E′, E², Ê′, σ̂f, σ̂r)

# model data is a vector (list) of N-dimensional arrays
# copied values from
model_data = [
    [1  , 2  , 3  ,  0.1,  0.2, 0.3, 3.2, 0.6, 1.8],
    [0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 15  , 10  , 5  , 3.2, 0.6, 1.8]
obs_data = sum(model_data) / 1.85

# Calculate the Taylor diagram values
TDvals = [taylordiagramvalues(data, obs_data) for data in model_data]
σr = TDvals[1].σr
σmax = 2.7TDvals[1].σr

# Do the actual plotting now
# First, construct the figure and a polar axis on the first quadrant
fig = Figure(size=(600, 600))

# Corrticks for Taylor diagram
corrticks = [-1; -0.99; -0.95; -0.9:0.1:-0.7; -0.6:0.2:0.6; 0.7:0.1:0.9; 0.95; 0.99; 1.0]

ax = PolarAxis(fig[1, 1];
    thetalimits = (0, π), # first quadrant only
    thetagridcolor = (:black, 0.5),
    thetagridstyle = :dot,
    thetaticks = (acos.(corrticks), string.(corrticks)),
    # thetaminorticks,
    rlimits = (0, σmax),
    rgridcolor = cgrad(:Archambault, categorical = true)[1],
    rticklabelcolor = cgrad(:Archambault, categorical = true)[1],
    rgridstyle = :dash,
    rticks = 0:1:σmax,

# Create isolines of root centered mean squared difference (E′) and labels
levels = (0.5:0.5:4) .* σr
rgrid = (0:0.01:1) .* σmax
θgrid = (0:0.01:π)
E′grid = [sqrt(σr^2 + r^2 - 2 * σr * r * cos(θ)) for θ in θgrid, r in rgrid]
contour!(ax, θgrid, rgrid, E′grid;
    labels = true,
    color = cgrad(:Archambault, categorical = true)[3]

# Now, plot the actual data
σfs = [vals.σf for vals in TDvals]
Rs = [vals.R for vals in TDvals]

# Transform data to Cartesian space?
"A transformation function that goes from correlation and standard deviation to the Taylor plot's Cartesian space."
xy_from_R_and_σ(R, σ) = Point2* R, sqrt^2 -* R)^2))
x, y = collect.(zip(xy_from_R_and_σ.([Rs; 1], [σfs; σr])...) |> collect)
# Above I used R = 1 and σr for the reference point

scatter!(ax, x, y;
    color = [:red, :green, :black],
    marker = [:cross, :star5, :circle],
    transformation = Transformation(ax.scene.transformation; transform_func = identity)


Note that I used the original paper's notation for clarity. I also left some args... in there because I could use some weights as well. Also note that my correlation tick labels could be improved with a proper minus sign. But overall I'm pretty happy with that and it's not much code TBH. The only thing I would like is ticks (#4773) and axis labels (#4076).

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Can anyone make a simple 2-5 line MWE, so we can investigate the segfault?

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briochemc commented Feb 11, 2025

Can anyone make a simple 2-5 line MWE, so we can investigate the segfault?

@SimonDanisch For me this minimal example:

using GLMakie
fig, ax, plt = lines(Point{2, Float32}[[-1.2, 0.0]])

throws this segfault:

[45304] signal 11 (1): Segmentation fault: 11
in expression starting at none:0
gleRunVertexSubmitImmediate at /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Resources/GLEngine.bundle/GLEngine (unknown line)
gleDrawArraysOrElements_ExecCore at /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Resources/GLEngine.bundle/GLEngine (unknown line)
glDrawElements_GL3Exec at /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Resources/GLEngine.bundle/GLEngine (unknown line)
glDrawElements at /Users/benoitpasquier/.julia/packages/ModernGL/BUvna/src/functionloading.jl:73 [inlined]
render at /Users/benoitpasquier/.julia/packages/GLMakie/fj8mE/src/GLAbstraction/GLRender.jl:137
jfptr_render_59155 at /Users/benoitpasquier/.julia/compiled/v1.11/GLMakie/nfnZR_l4n56.dylib (unknown line)
StandardPostrender at /Users/benoitpasquier/.julia/packages/GLMakie/fj8mE/src/GLAbstraction/GLRenderObject.jl:68
jfptr_StandardPostrender_64033 at /Users/benoitpasquier/.julia/compiled/v1.11/GLMakie/nfnZR_l4n56.dylib (unknown line)
render at /Users/benoitpasquier/.julia/packages/GLMakie/fj8mE/src/GLAbstraction/GLRender.jl:93
jfptr_render_59124 at /Users/benoitpasquier/.julia/compiled/v1.11/GLMakie/nfnZR_l4n56.dylib (unknown line)
render at /Users/benoitpasquier/.julia/packages/GLMakie/fj8mE/src/GLAbstraction/GLRender.jl:71
jfptr_render_59084 at /Users/benoitpasquier/.julia/compiled/v1.11/GLMakie/nfnZR_l4n56.dylib (unknown line)
render at /Users/benoitpasquier/.julia/packages/GLMakie/fj8mE/src/rendering.jl:132
#render_frame#160 at /Users/benoitpasquier/.julia/packages/GLMakie/fj8mE/src/rendering.jl:78
render_frame at /Users/benoitpasquier/.julia/packages/GLMakie/fj8mE/src/rendering.jl:29 [inlined]
on_demand_renderloop at /Users/benoitpasquier/.julia/packages/GLMakie/fj8mE/src/screen.jl:1031
renderloop at /Users/benoitpasquier/.julia/packages/GLMakie/fj8mE/src/screen.jl:1055
jfptr_renderloop_59838 at /Users/benoitpasquier/.julia/compiled/v1.11/GLMakie/nfnZR_l4n56.dylib (unknown line)
#79 at /Users/benoitpasquier/.julia/packages/GLMakie/fj8mE/src/screen.jl:916
jfptr_YY.79_60179 at /Users/benoitpasquier/.julia/compiled/v1.11/GLMakie/nfnZR_l4n56.dylib (unknown line)
jl_apply at /Users/julia/.julia/scratchspaces/a66863c6-20e8-4ff4-8a62-49f30b1f605e/agent-cache/default-grannysmith-C07ZM05NJYVY.0/build/default-grannysmith-C07ZM05NJYVY-0/julialang/julia-release-1-dot-11/src/./julia.h:2157 [inlined]
start_task at /Users/julia/.julia/scratchspaces/a66863c6-20e8-4ff4-8a62-49f30b1f605e/agent-cache/default-grannysmith-C07ZM05NJYVY.0/build/default-grannysmith-C07ZM05NJYVY-0/julialang/julia-release-1-dot-11/src/task.c:1202
Allocations: 11313717 (Pool: 11303570; Big: 10147); GC: 11
Segmentation fault: 11

Some setup details:

(@v1.11) pkg> st -m GLMakie Makie
Status `~/.julia/environments/v1.11/Manifest.toml`
  [e9467ef8] GLMakie v0.11.2
  [ee78f7c6] Makie v0.22.1

julia> versioninfo()
Julia Version 1.11.3
Commit d63adeda50d (2025-01-21 19:42 UTC)
Build Info:
  Official release
Platform Info:
  OS: macOS (x86_64-apple-darwin24.0.0)
  CPU: 12 × Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9750H CPU @ 2.60GHz
  LLVM: libLLVM-16.0.6 (ORCJIT, skylake)
Threads: 1 default, 0 interactive, 1 GC (on 12 virtual cores)

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