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Daniel Berger edited this page Nov 28, 2017 · 15 revisions

List of Service Classes

The azure-armrest gem contains a series of "Service" classes that wrap various Azure resources. Most Service classes are descendants of a class called ResourceGroupBasedService, which provides a common set of methods for its subclasses.

Common Service Class Methods

All classes fall under the Azure::Armrest namespace.

  • ArmrestService
  • AvailabilitySetService
  • HDInsight::HDInsightApplicationService
  • HDInsight::HDInsightClusterService
  • Insights::AlertService
  • Insights::DiagnosticsService
  • Insights::EventService
  • Insights::MetricsService
  • Network::InboundNatService
  • Network::IpAddressService
  • Network::LoadBalancerService
  • Network::NetworkInterfaceService
  • Network::NetworkSecurityGroupService
  • Network::RouteService
  • Network::RouteTableService
  • Network::SecurityRuleService
  • Network::SubnetService
  • Network::VirtualNetworkService
  • ResourceGroupService
  • ResourceGroupBasedSubservice
  • ResourceProviderService
  • ResourceService
  • Sql::SqlDatabaseService
  • Sql::SqlServerService
  • StorageAccountService
  • Storage::DiskService
  • Storage::ImageService
  • Storage::SnapshotService
  • SubscriptionService
  • TemplateDeploymentService
  • VirtualMachineExtensionService
  • VirtualMachineImageService
  • VirtualMachineService

Role Based Services

The following service classes are role-based service classes. They are subclassed from a common parent. Their methods are somewhat different than a subclass of ResourceGroupBasedService because they are scoped at three possible levels: subscription, resource group or resource ID.

  • RoleService
  • Role::DefinitionService
  • Role::AssignmentService