Removed uninstall hook with class again in favour of uninstall.php file. Peformance issues with uninstall hook never resolved in Core are the reason.
Updated Header tags to be more dynamic for Generate Plugin features, does not affect functionality.
Updated prefixes of global functions for better replacement with Generate Plugin Features. Does not affect functionality.
Issue where activation and deactivation could have thrown notices due to undefined indexes.
Removed uninstall.php file and added uninstall hook with class instead. Allows for dynamic plugin name retrieval during unistall
Added SonarCloud Scanning for code quality
Fixed problem where plugin couldn't be activated in bulk
Fixed problem where plugin couldn't be deactivated in bulk
Proper PHP Headings (Requires at least:
and Tested up to:
Fixed wrong usage of deactivate-plugin_ wp_nonce prefix instead of activate-plugin_
Fixed wrong usage shortcode prefix when registering shortcode. Props @anwas, TukuToi#6
Added complete ShortCode example
use https instead of https in placeholder
fixed some dummy placeholders to work with the TukuToi Plugin Generator
updated "Tested up to" version
Use Strict comparison instead of loose comparison
Some alignement of signs fixed to satisfy PHPCS GitHub action
Verify WP Nonce when deactivating a Plugin
Some space alignements in multiline conditions adjusted
PHPCS and WPCS GitHub Actions (to the main repo)
Updated readme of main repo
Added ability to remove actions and filters added by the plugin.
Added unique plugin prefix used to prefix technical functions.
Updated all files to follow 100% WPCS.
Updated empty index.php files to include a meaningful and WPCS compliant comment.
Updated readme with proper example how to add larger code chunks to Plugin Readme.
Updated JS files comments to use $( window ).on('load', function() {
instead of shorthand $( window ).load(function() {
Updated i18N class to i18n class so to be WPCS compliant.
Renamed functions outside of classes to be prefixed instead of suffixed with plugin_name, for compliance WP and codecanyon
Corrected some typos
Corrected Requires at least:, Tested up to: and Stable tag: in plugin readme.txt file
Added new ShortCode handler to work just like the add action and add filter handlers of WPPB
added @param $hook_suffix to admin_enqueue_scripts callbacks.
(3 July 2015). Flattened the folder structure so there is no .org repo parent folder.
(4 September 2014). Updating the README
with Windows symbolic link instructions.
(3 September 2014). Updating the README
to describe how to install the Boilerplate.
(1 September 2014). Initial Release.
You can’t perform that action at this time.