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McGill Natural Language Processing |
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McGill NLP is a research group within McGill University and Mila focusing on various topics in natural language processing. |
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Poster Presentation |
Research |
Publications |
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We work on various topics, including semantic parsing, question answering, reading comprehension, and conversational systems. We present our works in Computational Linguistics, NLP and ML conferences and journals. |
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Our GitHub page |
Open-Source Code |
GitHub |
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We publish code for our models and datasets on GitHub to make it easier for researchers and developers to reproduce and build upon our work. We welcome pull requests and issues on active projects from the community. |
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McGill NLP welcomes graduate students, interns, and researchers at various levels. We have opportunities for Masters and PhD students, postdocs, research assistants, and visiting researchers.
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For detailed information on how to apply and join our lab, please visit our Join Us page.
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We are a group of faculty members, researchers and students affiliated with McGill University and Mila Quebec AI Institute, both located in Montreal, Canada. We often collaborate with researchers around the world.
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