# Recipe Sharing Community - CookBook Server(Back-end)
Welcome to the **Recipe Sharing Community** server! This backend application powers the Cookbook, a platform for culinary enthusiasts to share, discover, and manage recipes.
## Overview
This server is built with Express and TypeScript, providing a secure and efficient backend for handling user authentication, recipe management, and more. Let's get you set up to run it locally!
## Features
- **User Authentication**: Secure login and registration using JWT.
- **Recipe Management**: Create, update, delete, and manage recipes effortlessly.
- **Email Notifications**: Stay connected with users via email.
- **Cloud Storage**: Store images securely using Cloudinary.
## Technologies Used
- **Node.js**: JavaScript runtime for building the server.
- **Express**: Web framework for building APIs.
- **MongoDB**: NoSQL database for storing data.
- **Mongoose ODM**: ODM for MongoDB.
- **TypeScript**: Adds type safety to JavaScript.
- **Bcrypt**: Secure password hashing.
- **Cloudinary**: Media management and storage.
- **JWT**: JSON Web Tokens for secure user sessions.
## Getting Started
Follow these steps to set up the server locally:
1. **Clone the Repository**:
git clone https://github.com/MdMuzahid07/cookbook_server.git
cd cookbook_server
Install Dependencies:
npm install
Create a .env File: Set up your environment variables by creating a
file in the root directory and populating it with the following:PORT=5000 DB_URL=your_database_url NODE_ENV=development # or production BCRYPT_SALT_ROUNDS=10 JWT_ACCESS_SECRET_KEY=your_access_secret_key JWT_REFRESH_SECRET_KEY=your_refresh_secret_key JWT_ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRES_IN=10d JWT_REFRESH_TOKEN_EXPIRES_IN=40d EMAIL_USER=your_google_app_email_address EMAIL_PASS=your_app_password CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME=your_cloud_name CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET=your_api_secret CLOUDINARY_API_KEY=your_api_key FRONTEND_URL=example.com STORE_ID=your_store_id SIGNATURE_KEY=your_signature_key PAYMENT_URL=https://sandbox.aamarpay.com/jsonpost.php PAYMENT_VERIFY_URL=your_verification_url SUCCESS_URL=your_success_url FAIL_URL=your_fail_url CANCEL_URL=http://localhost:5000
Start the Server:
npm run dev
Access the API: The server will be running on
For testing purposes, you can use the following credentials:
Admin Email:
[email protected]
Admin Password:
User Email:
[email protected]
User Password: