git clone
cd server/
. Start in console: ./mvnw spring-boot:run
. You can Login Page with one of the 3 users given below
. After login Page : - > http://localhost:4200
.Users and city.csv file will be loaded automatically at boot up and There is no need to make any settings for this
. There are 3 user
mami -> (username : mami , password :1 ) has role to read list car , search a car and hasn't right to add a car.
john -> (username : john , password :1 ) has role to read list car , add new car and hasn't right search a car.
sarah -> (username : sarah , password :1 ) has role admin and can anything.
. Run ng new client
; show app with npm start
git clone
install bootstrap pproperly in this path
# ποΈ with NPM
npm install bootstrap
# ποΈ ONLY If you use TypeScript
npm install --save-dev @types/bootstrap
# ----------------------------------------------
# ποΈ with YARN
yarn add bootstrap
# ποΈ ONLY If you use TypeScript
yarn add @types/bootstrap --dev
cd client/
Start in console:
npm install && npm start