This repo contains the solution of the Quantium Virtual Internship's Retail Strategy and Analytics task on Chips product. I have provided all the datasets and solutions to it's two tasks, individually.
You can download Dataset for overall Quantium Virtual Intership from the attached link.
No. | Column | Non-Null Count | Data Type |
0. | LYLTY_CARD_NBR | 264834 non-null | int64 |
1. | DATE | 264834 non-null | object |
2. | STORE_NBR | 264834 non-null | int64 |
3. | TXN_ID | 264834 non-null | int64 |
4. | PROD_NBR | 264834 non-null | int64 |
5. | PROD_NAME | 264834 non-null | object |
6. | PROD_QTY | 264834 non-null | int64 |
7. | TOT_SALES | 264834 non-null | float64 |
8. | PACK_SIZE | 264834 non-null | int64 |
9. | BRAND | 264834 non-null | object |
10. | LIFESTAGE | 264834 non-null | object |
11. | PREMIUM_CUSTOMER | 264834 non-null | object |