The projects listed here are not owned nor managed by Microchip Technology Incorporated. See Website Terms and Conditions for terms and conditions.
- FatFS SD Card atmega328p
- USB HID Volume Control using ATmega16 with Rotary Encoder input
- MAX7219 LED MATRIX clock with DS3231 and ATTINY 804 in ASSEMBLY
- prnf
- How-to select an optimal AVR type
- FP_display_for_UNO_V2
- DS1307 clock with menu , Attiny804, Assembly
- HX711 raw data reader,Attiny804,assembly
- HX-711 , Attiny804 weighing scale ,ASM , assembly
- Mouse Mover
- Floating_point_numbers: An investigation
- Interfacing SSD1306 based 128x64 I2C OLED module without Frame Buffer and 4 input keys with 8-pin ATtiny85 in Assembly Code
- Floating point display for the UNO
- temperature controlled dc fan using atmega8
- APL - VGA, Audio and PS2 keyboard library
- WB2812_Tiny25
- UNO_as_UPDI_programmer
- Attiny804 basic USART transmit in assembly
- 8086 emulator on Arduino UNO (atmega328p)
- Attiny10 OLED Simple I2C Bitbang master in assembly with fonts
- Attiny13 200psi pressure gauge 1602 Hitachi LCD with I2C backpack bitbang
- ATTINY 804 Simple hardware I2C for Hitachi1602 LCD
- Keypad & LCD in AVR Assembler
- AVRjs
- LM35
- SAMV71 XPlained Ultra -- QSPI MEMORY MODE -- DMA
- Labels Counter Rev2
- AVRUtils - I/O Abstraction
- A8Eprog 1.00
- SD Card MIDI Player
- Arduino RTC Alarm Clock
- Stepper motor drive for telescope
- MEGA TETRIS board (ATmega RGB LED display with pack of classic games and UART control)
- Universal I/O C++ classes that should work with all 8bit AVRs
- Capacitance meter with a current source to measure C from 1 pF to 400+ mF range
- A 540 Lumen Bike Light
- Single Letter Reader
- Another Led Game
- Full duplex software serial port
- I2C EEPROM Library
- TCPSimDBG VB Example v1
- Butterfly_RTC_demo
- Two AVR USART Communication
- AVR Sim Debug , TCPSimDBG
- YABC (yet another boring clock)
- Temperature alarm
- ROBOCON 2009
- 4x25W amplifier with usb control
- Simple Led Cross
- hexapode
- tmep_collector
- 8/16/32/64b Math routines v2.0
- Bin2Dec
- LCF Meter v1.2
- Hex to Ascii Blitzschnell
- Mega644 video generation
- AVR sound Recorder with MMC
- RPM & Temperature & Gass Monitor
- New explorer for Atmega
- I2C external EEProm Library
- Driver display 320x240
- Connect SD/MMC to atmega
- A simple RPM ATmega8
- Bluetooth Based Smart Home
- taskswitch
- IR Remote Controlled Car
- Temperature Data Logger
- Temperature meter
- attiny26 ADC convertion
- attiny26 dual PWM output
- NGW100 Led Blink C program AVR32
- My development boards for ATmega
- Efficient key debounce
- Fast/Easy Switch Debouncer
- Fast raw AVR ethernet for I/O
- Control DDS-60 RF Synthesizer
- Sony IR Remote Decoder
- Morse Code Practice Unit
- TeslaPhonic Organ V2, (update)V3
- simple 7-seg counter
- AVR BootLoader 4 Mega32
- Digital comb filter (humnuller)
- Temperature via AVR-USB
- TLC4541 dirver - 16 bit AD by TI
- Timer0 Interrupt handling
- ATMEGA8 Development Board
- Flexible 4 bit LCD mode
- Remote Controlled Car
- M-sequence (MLS) Generator
- Graphical LCD Oscilloscope V2.0
- I2C EEPROM Reader/Writer
- Washing machine
- Automatic pet feeder
- RC5 Receiver for 16 leds
- Digital capacimeter
- HF generator
- Motorized astronomy telescope
- AP7 PS2 Keyboard Driver
- Versatile digital speedometer
- DS1821 Thermometer
- Harddisk Interface
- Reaction game with AVR 90s2313
- 4x4 Matrix Key-board Interfacing
- AP7 mouse driver
- Atmega2560 BootLoader
- Basic LED Prjct Using Interrupt
- DIY ATmega32 Starter's Kit
- CAN Bus Driver for AT90CAN128 including FreeRTOS interface
- True Random Number Generator
- PWM DC motor control with mega8
- 8-Channel ADC with Atmega32
- NOKIA3310 LCD Thermometer
- AVCX: AVR based LCD controller
- AVR Scope Clock shield V3.A
- gps demo for EVK1100
- TI-99/4A PS/2 Keyboard Interface
- AVR - Lego Car
- Interfacing External Interrupts
- EA DOG-M 16X SPI C++ Library
- Analog measurements and logger
- AVGA v0.2
- PT-100 Temperature sensor
- Accelerometer Reader
- termostat
- Brake light blink
- Driver for Nand flash memory
- Driver for display Nokia 6100
- Homebrew Case for the STK-500
- MultiKit Digital Oscilloscope
- Lndkavr
- DigitalFrame MiniCommander
- USB Dance Pad
- basic tune player
- Investment Banker Eliminator
- Function Gen on Scope Clock
- AVR/FPGA digital synthesizer
- AtMega8535 PF Correction Relay
- 4-digit lock code
- MIDI controller
- PPPD PCB (STK200/300 programmer)
- zero cost Logic Analyzer
- temprature control using at90853
- LM34DZ Temp Sensor on AVR
- Dallas one-wire interface
- Driver for Hd44780 8bit data bus
- 16x2 LCD Libraries.
- ATmega8 Devlopment Board
- Interfacing 4 buttons to the AVR
- First C Project
- Metronome
- AVR-mUPI: A Unified Programming Interface for ATMEL® megaAVR devices.
- Modbus RTU Slave Library for the avr
- Eclipse plugin for UART communication using USBasp+ programmer
- Soft timers
- 3 servo claw arm
- PhoenixU1 (porting the Unix v1 to Atmega 8-bit)
- simple programablle count down timer
- HD44780 Display Drive V2.00 C++
- Loader and recorder for ZX Spectrum on SD/SDHC
- PWM mixed Drive using ATMega8
- HWA : high-level, no penalty hardware abstraction for microcontrollers
- AVR32 UC3 Assembly example
- A PC to uC IR Messaging system
- Bangla Voice Calling Bell
- AVR SPI IO Expander
- Basic AVR IO for LED Bar
- AVR231 AES Boot Loader
- AVR313 - PS2 Keyboard
- 16.16 signed binary math lib.
- Household power logger
- ADC using capacitor
- Up/Down Timer Clock
- OSCCAL Calibration Program
- Robotic Rescue Vehicle
- Simple ADC interface with LDR
- Sharp's GP2D02 Digital IR sensor
- AVR Color LCD 320x240
- STK500 Binary Counter Demo
- Simple Projects
- Temperature by SMT160 & AVR
- AVR BASED _ pre-amplifier + AGC
- MyUSB Vendor defined demo
- Multitherm
- ATtiny24/44/84 STK500 Adapter
- GAS Detector
- LCD2USB Button Fixed for Windows
- ADC Using ATmega32
- hd61830 library
- AVR SuperMario
- Microcontroller Oscilloscope
- rgb leds controlled by I2C
- 5x7 led matrix demo (beginners)
- Lcd Clock
- IR (InfraRed) AVR Downloader
- Pulse shifter (lag and lead)
- RC1 transmitter using AVR 8535
- UART with FIFO
- 3 axis bipolar stepper motor..
- Control de Motor Paso a Paso
- I2C (TWI) Sniffer
- ultrasonics water height level
- Chameleon
- avr 20 servo controller
- Wiz810MJ with Bascom-AVR
- Delay LOOPs
- Project Buggy
- 22-bit voltmeter using AD7714
- Anchor Winch Controller
- Learn Code Vision
- ethernet enc28j60 mega32
- Telephone Keypad
- SD card reader for ATMega48
- RC Signal Reader
- External EEPROMs
- V/F & SVP demo on ATAVRMC200
- Push Button Interfacing(Newbies)
- Arduino POV
- Decorative LEDs (For newbies)
- pC/OS - RTOS (realtime-kernel)
- SIRC Decoding - Sony 12-bit IR
- Serial Connection With Labview
- Serial_LCD
- BC100
- UART C++ library
- VGA Display for STK500/501
- LED Matrix
- AVR uisp adapter for breadboard
- MCUMenuObj 0.2
- LCD-Driver
- HD44780's STDIO bind
- PCD 8544 LCD Driver
- Thermometer with SMT160 on 7-seg
- SW-UART up to 460800 Baud
- Ultrasonic Resonant Tracking
- Accumulated PWM sinewave
- Simple Traffic light controller
- InfraRed Receiver
- ads7816p driver
- Program HCS412 and HCS515 memory
- ADC voltage on 7seg at ATMEGA8
- Rijndael / AES
- Run AVR's from < 1 Volt
- Atmega training board
- 2.4 GHz Wireless Development Kit
- Wireless accelerometer mouse
- Sound measuring decibel meter
- my_ds18b20
- ATtiny12 Stepper Motor Driver
- New Idea
- LotusLaser
- AVR 2.4 GHz wireless RF module
- XRay Dosimeter
- 2D and 3D video on mega32
- Conway's AI-Life for an AVR
- Dehumidifier Pump
- WinLCDBitMap Version 1.0
- Pressure and stroke sensor
- Isolated DC/DC Converter
- Disassembler ATMEL AVR
- Open GPS Tracker
- project
- Network Biometric Authentication
- AVR32 UC3 Serial Data Analyzer
- Throttle System
- LCD HD44780 C++ library
- Exposure timer
- Vacuum Tube Tester
- A (very) general controller
- Big Capacitor Stepper
- Programmable Relay
- Student Mega32 projects 2008
- 4x4x1
- AVRsulabh- Parallel Programmer
- Nikon IR release
- Interrupt-based USART output
- interrupt controlled button
- WebCam servo control
- Onewire lock system
- UAV parafoil
- UTFT Fork which supports Fonts created by The Dot Factory
- hello_arduino
- Motion Detector,Video Generator,Video GenLock with atmega64,atmega128
- AVR Assembler Library for all microcontrollers with SRAM
- FeedTimer with ATMega328P
- WS2812 LED Drive for ATmega8, ATMEGA162, ATmega128, ATmega328P
- Fix garage door with ATmega328p
- Scientific Calculator
- cojson - a JSON parser/generator for constrained platforms
- Tardyon Drive AVR Stepper Controller
- FT232RL with optocouplers
- A hotplug-capable DS1621/DS1631 temperature sensor library for the AVR
- MAMoRo - Robot Platform
- sos Fuses manipulator for ATmega
- FATEX-SD for EVK1100
- AVRCryptoLib
- M32 Clock Project
- Control library for AD9833 DDS
- Fuse Wizard
- 2 axis acceleration sensor
- music recognizing dancing puppet
- Magic Laser aperture
- uIP-0.9 With ENC18J60 Driver
- MOS6581 SID Synthesizer
- Power regulator/timer(ATMega8)
- Simple reaction tester with LCD
- Countdown timer (ATtiny2313)
- uOLED-128-GMD1 interface
- PID controller with anti-windup
- Elmcie L- and C-meter
- Moving average filter
- ATtiny26 USI UART
- Servo driven robotic gripper
- The Game of Life on an AVR
- LCD over one wire with ATtiny25
- 1-wire monitor
- Okapi
- Resistor Network Calculator
- Uni-polar stepper motor
- stepper motor driver
- MMC Unlocker
- AVR DDS signal generator V2.0
- MidiController
- Simple Traffic Light Controller
- Cover paper for AVR Dragon kit
- AVR Oscilloscope Clock
- AVR Flash Loader
- Terminalator II - The SQL
- AVR DB101 Demo gcc-Port
- trf24g RF module code
- nRF2401 radio library
- library for 24cxx and 93cxx
- Simple M168 Based Logic Analyzer
- Fast LCD driver library
- RF-talk
- STK500 Example 2
- 9 floor elevator asm program
- Speed Autobaud
- CRC32 calculation functions
- Lib For Buffer
- AVR Oscilloscope Terminal
- AVR446 ported for gcc
- Developer Terminal in C# and VB
- Sparcle
- Intel Hex File Display Utility
- Refrash routine displays 240x320
- YALBlinkie
- number-and-string-keypad
- CAN bus driver
- Sunrise Alarm Clock
- Pacman AVR
- ATMega128_DevMaster with pC/OS a
- GCC-STK VisualStudio 7-9 Add-In
- Storage Space Integration
- Dragoncave
- LED Camping Light
- One-hand, wearable keyboard
- KaikaLib - Kaika AVR Library
- IPSC timer on 7 Segment display
- Touchpannel with S1D13700
- MMC / SD / SDHC -cards using SPI
- AVR-ChipBasic2 (Mega644)
- Car room lamp timer and fader
- Automatic Baud Rate Setting
- ButtLoad 3.0 - Butterfly AVRISP
- ATMega16 shell
- VTI SCA100T inclinometer library
- Simple PID regulator
- Ethernet Bootloader
- LCD Thermometer using ATmega8
- Stepper motor driver
- Sequence Of Events Recorder
- 2.4 Ghz R/C link + Wii Nunchuk
- 74HC595 port expander for tiny13
- DMX512 3 CHANNEL decoder
- One I/O-Pin 3x7 Segment Display
- Simple 2313 programming board
- Atmel In System Programmer
- AVGA demo
- 7-segment LED driver
- Holiday Lights Controller
- LCD Font converter
- Espresso Machine
- SMS remote control
- 2 channel RF remote control
- RC5 remote control receiver
- USB switch
- Electronic safety lock
- SCP1000 recording barometer
- Traffic Light Controller
- BLIPS 4 Bootloader
- DRO-lathe
- AVRminiProg
- Noise
- Behzad Satellite Finder .
- You Got Mail
- LCD Font Generator ( LFG )
- C-More Touch Panel
- VB terminal
- STK500 Example 1
- Handheld Electronic Game 2
- Flashing LED circle
- WWVB Generator
- Helium RTOS
- Baud rate register calculator
- SONY SIRC IR decoder
- DIY MP3 Player
- SH1106 reset and init (ASM)
- CRCSNTOOL signs flash with a crc16 and can embed a serial number
- OS48 preemprive kernel for multitasking
- HOMEMADE AVR Library and projects
- Supercapacitor powered arduino LED wrist watch
- Interface HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor with ATmega32A
- AVR 8-bit microcontroller library (avrio, lcd, buttons)
- 6 Digit Open Source Nixie Clock
- avr32webboot
- Goldilocks Analogue Synthesizer
- 3D Cube - should run on the EVK1100
- avrcalc
- AVR USB Programmer (USBAsp)
- MSF Clock
- RC5 Decoder
- 1.5V white LED driver
- timer
- RC5 decoder
- Atmel Fuse Bits WorkSheets
- V-Tail Mixer
- Expand I/O-Pin
- Pumpkin Light
- metronome
- Tiny13 Firmware Updater
- Easy 2.4GHz Wireless
- Hot Wheels Radar Gun Hack
- AVR C++ Lib
- Programmable Gain Amplifier
- Handheld Electronic Game
- Event counter
- Binary data I/O for GCC and AVR
- WebCat with Bascom-AVR
- WebTiger with Bascom-AVR
- RTL8019as with Bascom-AVR
- ENC28J60 with Bascom-AVR
- 10 I/O Macros
- Interface 4bit LCD & keypad 4x4
- AVRnet V1.1
- SQRT Routine
- deogen
- Function Gen on Scope Clock
- PC keyboard to ASCII
- MIDI interface for RS232 or USB
- T-Tris
- Mike's Ambient Device
- Mr.MIDI2
- Altium Designer AVR32 library
- Mega32 SPI ADC/DAC
- My programmer
- Butterfly freq-duty on LCD
- ATmega16 and ADC MAX1241
- RTC and clock self-calibration
- 3DP-Vert
- Saphira
- Blue Sky Projects
- Headphone Amp
- Little Brother
- AVR DDS signal generator on Atme
- AVR based TDA7313 Audioprocessor
- Ushi robot vehicle
- MicroMenu
- 8x8 LED Matrix
- MegaDrum
- BCD Arithmetics
- PCB timer
- Teachers Timer
- gpio - General Purpose IO Macros
- Compact interrupt driven multipl
- Station Master
- digital countdown timer
- WebBased Control of NGW100
- AVR Mega32 Student Projects
- control dc motor by pwm and pid
- USB Prototyping Board
- Simple Task Scheduler
- DSP for Mega32 and CodevisionC
- Digital Metronome
- The concealed codelock
- USBtinyISP (EZ USB Programmer)
- HD44780 LCD include file, ASM
- Binary Clock
- 3 digit DVM module
- csRTOS port to ATmega32
- Solar Powered Clock (humor)
- Stepper Driver &Position Display
- Automated Light Control System
- AVRnet V1.0
- Stopwatch
- Header file for 4*3 MatrixKeypad
- lowpass DigiFilter
- Recycling Binary Trees
- Orangutan-lib 0.3
- DiSEqC-Tester (used ATtiny13)
- RFID code for ATmega and EM4095
- Optical Mice Interface
- Finished Dragon Wiring diagram
- general peripheral drivers
- DTMF & DTMF CallerID Generator
- Simple AVR serial Programmer
- my designed program
- Porting OK128 CVAVR
- Weatherstation
- 1wire lib
- AVRnet V0.9
- Pulse Place Modulation signal gererator for RC transmitter
- Bootloader design for ATmega128
- AVR Debug Monitor with CLI
- WIZnet
- USB Intel HEX BootLoader
- 3ch LED DMX Dimmer
- read-fuses script
- Synchronizing Fireflies
- Programmable LED
- HD44780 LCD Serial Backpack
- Simple RC servo C code
- Mr.Data
- HMC6352 Digital Compass Example
- RPM meter for car (tachometer)
- Micro Controller Based Simulator
- LEDs walking on STK500
- ButterflyAlarm
- Solar cell charger
- Tiny13 Multiple SineWaves
- Triac Switching
- Digital Midi Synthesizer/Sampler
- Layout for DIY TSSOP14 to DIP14 adapter
- convert an audio (.wav) file to Octal data
- XMEGA DAC & DMA control for waveform generation
- RFID reader with CD4069
- USB Bulk Vendor example without ASF for the XMEGA series
- Pato is a HD44780 display driver for Atmel's mega and tiny AVRs
- Manipulator 608 - miniature replica of industry robot
- ATmega328P ASF external interrupt and timer driver
- ILI9341 library to drive 2.2" tft display(derived from adafruit tft library for ili9340 type controller)
- USB Bulk Vendor example without ASF for the UC3B series
- Simple, generalized USART setup with i/o (printf() etc.), without ASF, for the UC3B series
- DS1302 Code
- Plate Copier / Plate Maker
- Digital Melody Player
- Simple Moving Sign
- yakko protocol
- US Telephone tone generator
- AVR OBDII scanner
- Tiny RS232 Servo Controller
- The AVR controlled clock
- Sanity Nullifier for 1st april
- USB SD Card Reader
- RS232 to USB HID keyboard
- Adv LCD driver
- 1-Wire LCD with Dallas DS2408
- Tiny datalogger on ATMEGA32
- 2 * Digital Telephone Ringers
- Debug Strip
- midget board
- 99 minutes countdown timer
- HCMS-29xx LED matrix display
- Tiny2313 prototyping board
- USH HID thermometer device
- AVR-Plotter
- 2313Temp8
- Behzad AVR-MT88E43 based CallerID
- Digital Fuse with ATtiny45 and BTS640
- Labor power supply controlled by ATmega8535
- Automatic Waterer for Pot Plants
- xu1541
- Tea Timer (5 minute timer with ATTINY45)
- float arithmetics
- Binary clock mk5
- Simple ATtiny45 USART (TX only)
- USB->CIS piano roll scanner
- ESC - Electronic Speed Controller for DC Motors (with brushes)
- Serial to DMX
- DMX to 3 Channel PWM
- Keyboard and LCD interface (ATmega8515)
- EM4095 RFID Reader using Atmega8
- XY Pen Plotter to HPGL translation on Tiny13 and UART fullduplex
- faster unsigned long square root
- AVR-Tool
- Radix Conversion: Binary to Decimal Conversions
- AVRMad- AVR Monitor and Debugger
- Fast unsigned long square root
- 433MHz RF & ATTiny13 System
- Pair-a-dice
- File generator
- SD/LCD Datalogger
- Magnetic Card Reader Decoder
- Jar of Fireflies
- Adaptive Intelligent CES
- CCITT CRC-16 Generator (0xFFFF)
- RoboVoice
- gcc module setup wizard
- i2c-tiny-usb
- ROV Control Unit
- A SNAKE game on 128*64LCD (KS0108) based on ATmega64
- 4x4 keyscan.asm
- AVR_DELAY_Ms .ATMEGA16/ ATMEGA xx can be use as a lib funktion
- displayer phoneno
- PT2272 compatable chip's Protocol simmulator
- Conversion of binary to BCD
- AVRDudeGUI v1.3
- portable GPS
- Behzad DTMF Remote Controller
- ATMEGA128 Code Snippets
- Simple, Full Featured H-Bridge Driver
- Christmas tree illumination (Tiny26)
- AVR Blue Sky Projects 2
- AVRasmOS
- i-Grid
- AVR32 OPen platform
- AVR Graphical LCD Oscilloscope
- Aquaticus JTAG ICE
- MP3orator
- AVRDudeGUI v1.21
- AVR Blue Sky Projects
- tinyRGB
- avrCCD
- SatanDisk
- NanoVM
- MP3stick - MP3 Player
- AVR disassembler
- AVR opcodes
- A atmel comptiable Jtag_ice and Stk500 2 in 1
- gloglobe
- BMI calculator
- Wireless Chordic HID
- ALPINE M-BUS COMMUNICATION : Audio Input activation
- USB Logik Analysator
- Joystick for VMLAB
- CQ100AVR Programmer
- Game-Playing Bot
- Noritake T23A VFD emulator
- avrcalc
- Philips RC5 IR receiver
- Philips RCMM IR receiver
- Sensirion SH11 communicator
- Flexible I2C Master-Slave with A/D, Timers, etc.
- AVR Basic Interpreter
- Data Aquisition System
- spi2cf - AVR WLAN
- ledmatrix
- lcd2usb
- CD-drive-DSA
- Tiny RGB Opto Sensor
- Debug output to PC Via Basic Stamp
- Tiny Internet Interface
- AVR TinyCAD library
- Slightly better gcc-avr delay_us
- Project Dexter Part 1: SerialSherry
- Delay AVR
- Speed camera detector
- KraftFeld Sleeping Aid
- Mega8 Controllable D/C PWM
- Simplified interrupt handling without ASF for AT32UC3B parts
- USBASP-tty - USBASP programmer modified with serial support and terminal program
- avr-boot
- ADC buttons and W/R Pioneer control
- Big Digit Clock
- Partial schematic of the AVR DRAGON board
- Energy Monitor for Domestic Solar Water Tank
- Hand Amptrol
- Interfacing SHT11
- MartinK IC Firmware Project
- avr_mppt_charge_controller
- Classic Hangman Game using Atmega328
- Light meter - basic AVR example using the Tiny26L
- delay_x
- avrburn
- AVR-Butterfly Application gcc-port
- Temp-Hyg: temperature and hygrometry measure
- Easy Sony Infrared Decoder
- Bathroom Electric Fan Timer
- Tiny13 Pwm Psu
- 3 position rotary switch emulator
- Clipswitch
- roll-down shutters
- The Programmable Chip Electroencephalogram EEG
- Schumann Resonance
- First aprils Fools Tools: Fake Geiger counter
- SX-Forth Interpreter for the AVR Butterfly ... but not only
- StromFeld Generator
- RC5 for newbee's, from newbee
- Kecani ALL
- VADR (Vision-based Autonomous Docking Robot)
- Tiny SawTooth CES
- LM95071 Temperature
- DS1302 Timekeeper
- Tiny13 RGB Sensor
- speedLimiter
- Rijndael / Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Toolkit
- BatteryLogger
- Tiny13 GSR Resistance Sensor
- Two-way Infra-red Processor (TWIRP)
- Moving webcamera using Mega48
- Tiny15/25 Pyrameter
- Cranial Electro Therapy
- "user friendly" Serial I/O Interface in AVR assembly
- Tiny13 DSP Lo-Pass Filter Routine
- PS2 keyboard to MIDI for Tiny13
- Multiplexed Frequency Counter
- DS1307 Utility
- AVRISP-MK2-modding
- U(S)ART library
- Tiny13 Mppt Controller
- FailureBot 5 - A Line Following Robot
- AVR Simple Simon (with sound)
- Electronic Access Key
- Tiny13 PID Controller
- usbn2mc
- TV Image Generation
- Intelligent Solar Tracker using Tiny13
- AVR GP2D120 Distance Sensor Demo
- Tiny13 Intelligent Led Opto Sensor
- AVR910 V3.4 firmware
- Dave's Simple iPod Controller
- remote car alarm system
- 8 channel Tiny2313 DMX switch
- Tiny13 Virtual Sim card interface.
- BASCOM AVR LCD bargraph
- ATmega16 + UART + DS1621
- EEPROM with I2C protocol Writer - Reader Routines
- Butterfly JTAG ICE Patch
- Simple VGA/Video generation
- AVR SimpleUART - buffered/interrupt driven serial
- ATmega32 alarm
- Electronic Load
- 16-bit division by constants (3-23)
- Remote Control Hacker
- Wheely balancing robot
- AVR PAL colour bar generator
- Nixie Tube Clock
- RoCK, the Robot Conversion Kit by Joseph Jones and Ben Wirz
- InterDude - AVRDude
- AVR 3-Wire LCD (HD44780) Interface (avr-gcc)
- AVR Microcontroller Projects
- LCD terminal
- TWImaster2b
- Thermometer LM75
- PORTB toggling
- A second UART in software
- Laser-Transmitting-System
- avr_io
- LED Patterns
- FSK decoding with software filtering
- Bargraph LED 101
- AVR Motion Detector
- TOKN KB16 - Classic Arcade Keyboard encoder
- Text output to a VK5121 LCD display
- AVR910 V3.3 firmware
- ATmega32 development board
- furnace control
- Playstation gamepad joystick for robot or whatever
- ultrasonic distance measurement using phase shift detection
- IgorPlugUSB as Virtual COM port
- ulogger
- Complex LJ.RTOS - the full environment of designing for MCU
- NeoRS232
- ProtoMeter
- Bare glass LCD from any AVR
- AT90S2313 count down timer with relay
- LCD Control for mega 8515
- Voltage Controlled RGB LED Tiny15
- RGB Dimmer
- Softon / Soft Off Dimmer Tiny12
- Navigate2.1b
- BSS02 Home Computer System
- LEDLoad
- FSK Caller ID
- Serial Terminal
- Fading LED
- Simple VGA/Video terminal
- Bike Light Dimmer
- Matsushita remote control receiver
- GPS Data Logger
- LCD and ADC Example for newbie
- Write and Read STK500 DataFlash
- Interrupt Driven Software UART for Tiny15 (1200bps)
- UART Test App
- Pioneer ip-bus converter
- Digital Scope
- Nixie clock MK II
- Intelligent Detection of car parking lots status based on CAN bus
- FCM - Flight control Module - Copter control
- DHT22 C++
- MIDI Merge for Tiny1634
- Arduino WebRadio player
- Dynamic memory allocater
- GPS Tracker
- Scheduler with synchronous and asynchronous task handling
- Embedded Web Server
- Arduino network relay
- SAMs Playground : a GUI Framework for ATMEL Xplained Pro
- Universal MOtor Controller (UMOC)
- STK500v2 bootloader/monitor for atmega128/can128
- Intel Hex Bootloader
- Midi Merger
- XServo
- AVR/Siteplayer Home Security/Automation with ethernet bootloader
- AVR controlled USB<>CAN Bus Interface
- WatchDog Alarm & Control System based on GSM thru FBUS protocol
- PC Keyboard
- Text Display / Alpha Numeric Display (HD44780 compatible)
- AVR J1850 VPW Interface
- Commodore VIC-20 Emulator (on an AVR)
- pid controller
- STK500 Compact Scheduler Plus
- mega48 and SPI
- Easy RPM
- TinyMenu
- Touch sensitive switch
- Clock
- binary counter AVRISP test - first attempt at AVR anything...
- AVR Mega32 NTC Measurement
- Driving a Crystalfontz LCD with a Mega 128
- Snoooooze LED
- Routines to use Interrupt-Driven writes to EEPROM
- Serial to I2C- STK500
- LCD display
- MIDI foot controller
- matrix 4x4
- 230v light dimmer
- making AVR-programmer with USB-only circumstances
- x0xb0x - music sequencer
- AD22103 LED thermometer
- TEMP/VOL monitor
- Phils WAV recoder & player
- RTTTL ring tone player with ATtiny15L
- Knight rider light #583473
- AVR-Kryptoknight
- FT232 Modul (USB <> RS232(TTL) converter)
- Controller card for autonomous robot course.
- Line follower with LDR:s
- TWI (I2C) routines in C
- FAT16-32 Library V1.01
- gavrasm AVR assembler
- AVR Assembler Tutorial
- AkkuLoad
- Phils fat 16 32 lib
- Robotic hand project
- Embedded File System Library (FAT12/FAT16/FAT32)
- Fast (max. 139CK - 16bit / 62CK - 8bit) sqrt routine
- Signal Generator???||Generador de señales
- Tiny2313 proto PCB
- EC LCD Editor
- newbie project for normaly open pushbutton.
- Fan Controller w/tiny15
- OrCAD and Protel99SE AVR Library
- pcad2002 templates
- 1wire termometr ( DS18B20)
- wav&cf2avr
- Timer0
- Car Runlight
- cf2avr
- wav2avr
- Digital Thermostat
- Interrupt controlled system timer
- LCD control
- I2C driver
- MP3 Player
- Sony CD/MD changer interface
- ASync Comms
- lcd hd44780 custom character (4bit)
- ADXL202E accelerometer
- Simple STK500 Input
- Fading Leds With PWM on AT90S2313
- RDS Decoder
- lcd_44780
- I2C-Hardware-Driver
- FFT - asm code example
- AVR 8515 LCD with serial Interface
- NTSC Video Terminal
- lcd_pcd8544
- MIDI Electronic Drum Controller
- Mega Meter
- Temperature Controller & Indicator
- Prommer
- Semitone Open Dimmer
- PalmAVR
- 1wire
- Keyboard Mouse switch
- OPEX v1 beta 1
- Hopscotch
- SDL Reflex
- Capacitive switch Triac Dimmer
- Integer SQRT(x) code
- TWI (I2C) Example using Attiny 26 as Slave
- Epson Graphic LCD Driver
- Nokia GLCD Library
- avrTer
- sensorless motor speed controller
- ThermoPWM - Thermostat
- avrtoTMT88
- 1st project - light meter
- AT-Modem, PPP, UDP, ICMP & TCP
- Gcc Library for Floating Point Coprocessor
- midi exiter (AT90S4433)
- micro-mmi
- ASCII converter
- Hello World
- ATMega Bootloader
- Simple USART + ext Interrupt + LED (STK500)
- Tiny13 Assembler Template
- Interrupt driven Two Wire Interface
- PChip
- Interrupt driven RC5 IR library
- Interrupt driven serial I/O
- RED Co DriveSafe
- 1charger
- Led christmas light
- AVR-Libc Time Functions Manual
- deerstoppers
- SolderStation
- Dye SensitizedSolar Curve Tracer
- USBasp
- ISPnub
- Colloidal Silver Generator
- Class Character LCD
- frequency meter for mega8 and 32
- SIROCO Smart Robot Controller
- MUL/LPM-macros
- Math sketches
- Eversmith - AVRSMS
- PMDEmu_small
- Snap Library
- OpenHome
- Microbilt TAT 150
- ds1302 library in avr-gcc
- Temperature & humidity measuring
- SHTxx Humidity Sensor Library for AVR GCC
- Light Stopper
- STK500 Recorder/Player
- SNAP protocol lib
- LCD Graphics Primitives Library
- Text LCD library
- Embedded Artificial Intelligence Robot
- Graphic LCD library for SED133x
- AVR-GCC+AVR-GDB In System Debugger
- Multiple DS18[B]20 on LCD
- Fractex
- Miniature Electrical Wheelchair
- Video Game Console
- ThermometerLCD
- DCF77 clock with LCD on ATTINY12
- VFD 162SD03C Control
- winavr demos
- DS1990
- Zmodem protocol
- Half duplex software UART
- LED illumination
- Sony SIRCS IR Transmitter
- Guitar Tuner v1.2
- ATmega-TNC
- XM Player
- Polaroid SONAR: ultrasonic distance measurement
- Olympus Digital Camera Serial Control
- PMDEmu
- Christmas Wreath Dazzler
- Float to String (ASCII)
- ISAAC based RNG
- OneWirePD, Temp Monitoring
- STK500 for dummies 1
- Very simple Polled UART
- Light Chaser
- PS/2 Barcode Scanner
- Error Detection Method routines
- ASCII printing routines
- Whelen Chip
- ISP firmware
- PS2 (PC-AT) keyboard Interface (GCC)
- Simple Dice
- Shout Ethernut App
- Ethernet Boot Loader
- Barcode Chip
- I2C_bus_driver
- keypad
- graphic humidity & temperature logger
- WebPort
- LH-Converter v0.23
- STK500 Control
- Lithium Ion Batteries / Charger
- Text to Speech
- frequency counter
- Universal thyristor driving circuit
- Autonomous Hovercraft - The Power of Neural Nets
- Wireless RF Temperature Transmitter
- nokia 7110 LCD gfx library
- MICONOX V1.0.2
- Humidity & Temperature measurement
- Spacevector Modulation
- Math library
- AVR Ant Tasks 1.3
- The world according to I.R.Bot
- Stepper Motor Driver
- AVR-calculator
- SRAM Tester
- Driver for DS1602 RTC (2x32bit counter)
- AVR Mega128 boot loader
- TiVo Sony Remote
- Numitron Clock
- 7 times 5 dot matrix display
- RTC time keeping
- LCD screen driving based on HD61830 controller
- Temperature Logger
- oz1ldobus
- LoLA
- one-handed keyboard
- vt100 scope
- AVR Graphics
- I2C procedures
- DS1620
- Float to ASCII without printf
- Bootloader ISP
- PWM speed controller for dc motor
- UART Module
- DC - Motor Driver
- polymcv
- midi piano keyboard controller
- uInternet Dev System
- 1-wire bus
- Net timer
- STK500 Dataflash Routines
- Delay
- MMCSerial
- Retro Games Console (Open)
- Newbie project
- Wattmeter
- Sharp GPD02 easy to use C-code
- Ethernut
- Sungroper Dash Display
- AVR In-System Debugger (Flash)
- LCDDisplay
- Variometer
- AVR Console-commandline
- AVR Console
- LDmicro new version..
- RGB led rs232 USART tiny2313
- Arbitros
- avr-edid-spoofer
- bluetooth-bee-connector
- STK500 clone (only programmation
- 4 points thermometer with PC
- Manufacture Fuses Values
- Beeper width ATtiny13
- Simple Robot
- tt800
- Motor Driver
- AVR sound player
- Digital Frequency Synthesizer
- Reader for PALCE16V8H
- Nano quadrocopter TX hack
- Simple Jeti voltage sensor
- CRC-16 on tiny85 Flash image
- tiny13A or tiny85 Reset Source
- Simple STK600 ATmega2560 demo2
- AVR Based Robotic Hand
- avrstick
- Simple 7-segment demo with ATmega4809 Curiosity Nano board
- Android temperature sensor communication over bluetooth
- Ran
- Simple USI configuration provides UART function up to 256000 baud
- FBOOT-alternative program loader for 64-bit / 32-bit Windows
- UNO_AVR_Programmer_V2
- The Rat - C-- compiler for AVR
- USART Baudrate Test
- UNO_AVR_Programmer
- Simple PWM demo using a Pot(ADC)
- Clock Configuration API for SAM D5x/E5x
- PCB_111000_UNO part 3: A selection of user projects
- door locker
- humidity sensor.c
- LM35 Digital Thermometer Project
- Bootloader
- AVR ATmega8 scope on PC
- Control of MCP41HV31 Digital Pot
- SmartHome Program
- Nes' GPS Lap Timer
- bluetooth home automation!
- AVRDroid-Wireless Programming
- Learning IR remote decoder
- avr-lvds-lcd
- Anchor Windlass Controller
- Reading The Data Light Sensor
- The intersection controlled
- BitBurner
- LCD counter
- Vacum pump controller
- SSpwm
- crc16.c
- 32 bit timer int.c
- ADCsigndiff.c
- ADCsingend.c
- T1compare.c
- external xtal.c
- clock32M.c
- AT40DB – Development board
- Temperature&Light Sensor
- AttoBASIC Version 2.3x
- A(rduino)OS
- Pure C Arduino Library (libpca)
- PC based Oscilloscope
- ATMega16_SlaveModbus
- 3 phase SPWM
- Pwm dimmer with atmega8
- USBaspLoader
- galloc
- Simple AVR Disassembler
- LUFA - USB AVR Stack
- Mark3 RTOS
- UV Exposure Unit
- DIY Door Alarm
- HMGTSR v.1.0
- HMGRC v.1.0
- Quadrature rotary decoder
- Nokia 3310 LCD Driver
- DS3234 TCXO RTC library
- Scrolling text LED sign
- BACnet MS/TP Device and Library
- Swfltek AVR Time
- Cuboid
- Window comparator + timer
- DALI master interface
- 125 kHz RFID reader
- ATtiny461/861 RFM12 node
- 3 canales pwm atmega8
- TechFX Reflow ctrlr files
- AVR Data Recorder
- Analog Hatswitch (dual channel)
- AVR-HVS-Programmer/Fuse Resetter
- ArdOS
- CX80 - homebrew 8bit computer
- Open Zigbee/802.15.4 sniffer
- Swfltek Boot Loader
- attiny24/45/85 serial bootloader
- BelgacomTV RCMM32 infrared
- FreeRTOS
- Lcd Menu with buttons & Joystick
- obstacle avoiding robot
- 32x10_character serial terminal
- PC Oscilloscope
- Espion RS232
- Library and demo for the ST7920
- Mara programming language
- ProMega
- midi keyboard
- tinyUSBboard
- SHT11 simulation
- Mutli-program serial bootloader
- Code generator for math-function
- AVRDudeGUI v2.2
- LKM1638 library and demo
- AT32UC3A3256, PM, SDRAM example
- Power Manager
- AVRDudeGUI v2.1
- AtTinyBMP085
- optiboot
- AVRDudeGUI v2.0
- ATXmega128A1 LCD TFT 320x240
- Example of ADC with LCD
- Wireless Touch Glove with Qtouch
- DMX library
- DMX and RDM library
- Example of Transmitting Data
- wall follower robot
- GPS clock
- Automatic Windshield Washer-Yugo
- AutoMatic RGB Ligthening
- Salvo tiny RTOS multitasking
- ATXmega128A1 basic examples
- Illuminate
- Controllers for fan on attiny13
- LCD jam, Remote controll
- wood stove controller
- Save data in memory DS2431
- password lock
- Super Wack Bros.
- PWM Remote Diming
- Servo Motor Control ATTINY13
- Ping)))Bridge
- Geiger Counter on a Chip
- CH340 USB-Serial AVR Programmer
- Lachini Fridge/Freezer Controller
- PCB_111000_UNO part 2: Assembly and programming the UNO and PCB_A
- neo.asm
- FreeRTOS v10.0.0 port to ATtiny3217
- PCB_111000_UNO part 1: PCB 111000_1 & UNO_bootloaderForHex&textV6
- myRFID - Use RDM6300 module to add RFID to MCU application
- ATmega328 programmable logic controller
- SPWM Inverter with ATtiny25 Updates 4 and 5
- GRBL AT ATMEGA128 and Atmel studio
- A8Eprog 1.05
- Atmega328 Bootloader for hex&text_with autoCal
- Text programmer for Atmega 328
- Wireless Health Monitoring
- LED MoodLamp
- BL4 morse code LED beacon
- SeaTalk Nmea Bridge
- uart in atmega 64
- menu
- t-boot avr bootloader
- Yet another HD44780 Driver
- attiny1634 starting point
- POS loss prevention device
- avr-rgbled
- AVR Networking Framework
- ST7565 assembly LCD routines
- LED-icicle
- Moving robot by using PC
- XMega Robotic development kit
- AVR SPI sending 2 bytes amega168
- mp3 player using atmega32
- Binary Calculator
- GSM Control System (FreeRTOS)
- AVR seven segment display
- Locking Laser Target Acquisition
- USB HID demo
- UV exposure box with timer
- unstopable stopwatch
- simple dc motor control
- RPS meter
- Avr Timer Calculator
- ATxmega programmer for $0.50
- AVRDragon enclosure / case
- Jump AVR8 and 32 without stack
- Sending SMS through SIM300
- SOS - signal
- LED Strip Video Display
- Color TFT display with HX8347-A
- Atmega328p Exit Sign Light Organ
- SD bootloader
- Metro rail system
- USB Current Meter
- RadioBlocks
- The Clapper 2.0
- LCD header file for atmega16
- Rowgoski Coil Integrator
- Traffic light on 7segment
- Temp Bar on LCD
- LED Display 8x16,128 Pixel
- AVR Low Battery Detector
- AVR Sonar
- RFD21820
- FreeRTOS port for xmega v1.3
- GT723f
- 1-wire example code
- USB 2 CD Emulation
- Door Controller
- DS1307_atmega 16_TWI (I2c)
- init hd44780 2x16 line 8 bit dat
- eSol, digital soldering station
- Librairies
- _Delays
- embedded web server
- Motion detector with PIR D203S
- Sony Unilink Wireless MP3Player
- Monitoring soil with Atmega8535
- RS232 - USB with FT232RL circuit
- X-O game Atmega16
- Qualia
- IsoJtagISP 2.5
- avrdude GUI for linux platform
- Tankless Waterheater Controller
- Light tower control via SMS
- U8glib and U8g2
- LCD interfacing with atmega16
- XMega MP3 Player
- PWM and USART with ATMEGA32A
- AVR_GCC_VS10.3 (Bug Fix 3)
- XTV - XMega TV output
- Dronolab TWI MASTER
- Mooving bit
- ADF7020-1 Configuration Settings
- CTCSS Encoder
- Arduino Debug Tool
- Temp & text on 14segment
- 7GC-For All Compilers
- LED Display
- BatteryMeter
- AVR Universal Bootloader v4.5
- calculating .HEX file size
- Buzzbox - an audible Ohm meter
- clock with timer & thermometer
- Text Editor using AVR
- AVR SimpleUART V2
- AVR and Nokia3310 interface(SMS)
- IntelHexUtility is now ACXUtility
- Arabic-English-Fars GLCD Library
- PIC code protection removal
- EEPROM logger
- Arduino Motion Night Light
- Party booth
- FreeRTOS-port-to-XMEGA
- Infrared Arduino Bootloader
- BrewTool
- Torch led
- VCR drum display
- Atmega8 small datalogger
- ATmel EasyAVR M16 board
- etherfeed – tickling your ego?
- Atmega HID Accelerometer mouse
- Dual zone thermometer
- Rainbow glowing ping-pong
- Temp by External ADC ADC0808
- Power Supply&Waveform Generator
- Simple I2C Software Slave
- IRmega
- SBI - Small Bytecode Interpreter
- Digital delay (audio effect)
- Aquarium Temperature Guardian (AquTemp)
- Code for an Atmega 328 bootloader
- Smart light with APDS-9930 (proxmity & ambient light sensor)
- Programmer for flash and EEPROM of Atmega 168 and 328 devices.
- AVR Mega/Tiny Series-0/1 TWI Master (Sensor: HYT271)
- Lots of AVR C projects on AVR Mega1284p/644p and W5500 Ethernet adapter.
- SPWM Inverter with ATtiny25
- Temperature Controlled Fan Using Arduino Starter Kit
- atmega128 + gyro, magnetic sensors
- Arduino High Precision Digital Clock
- Characters text added on video
- Decode SI temperature sensor
- libavrutil++
- AVR Watch
- libavrutil
- Zigbit Module and DIY Hardware
- Can-bus communications module
- ATmega88, valves, pneumatics
- USI I2C SLAVE for ATtiny CPUs
- 96x68 Nokia LCD Interfacing
- Ritchieduino
- Simple Sensor Webserver
- ATtiny26 Driving S6B0755 GLCD.
- UC3L0 FreeRTOS Demo
- DAQ Logger with self-programming
- USB password generator
- eeOS
- 6DOF Arduino: Compass & Accel...
- Build a serial controlled LCD
- LDR Interfacing with ATmega 128
- Add a bootloader to an ATMega32
- Shake, Rattle & Roll: MMA8453Q
- e-snowflake
- mickboot
- AVR Altium lib v 2.5
- 4x4 matrix keypad to UART
- Decimal Integer Sprintf Library
- Playstation2 controller emulator
- Graphical LCD ts128*64
- Class D power amplifier
- mini Logic Analyzer
- AVR Multimedia Board
- Home automation with router
- Cloning the UPB home automation
- LC Meter
- Firmware USB AVR Si570 controler
- Fuse restore ATtiny45
- ISP programmer/debuger MAXSIprog
- Decode RF temperature sensors
- ATtiny USB Light Sensor
- Adjust intensity LED by potmeter (ASM)
- Graphic LCD Controller
- Digital RPM Meter for Automobles
- 7 LED KITT scanner with trailing (ASM)
- Robot development kit - Robonii
- LED interfacing with ATMEGA32
- Open Source DC Servo
- Ping atMega644pa RS232
- RC Transmitter
- uComp
- IR Receiver (NEC Format)
- AVROneTouch ,New Programmer
- Inline ASM: Quadrature Encoder
- XBoot
- mmc_config_without_fat
- SSD1325 init routine OLED (ASM)
- AT90PWM3 DAC init routine (ASM)
- Binary Clock
- 74HC595 SIPO shift register
- Simplex software uart
- hayCarrito
- Cylon scanner with sound
- AVR32 USART1 Example
- Servo Controller-8
- assembler robot
- CMPS03 Digital Compass Library.
- DS1302 Timekeeping Chip Library
- ATMEGA8Restore2FactoryDefault
- Thermometer with DS1621
- MIDI monophonic synthesizer / chiptune player
- Minibloq
- Vusbtiny Programmer via USB
- USB Key AVR Programmer
- ATmega2561 bootloader
- RTCI-ATTiny2313
- Spark Loader AVR Boot Loader V.2
- 4 digit 7-segment display
- NetFlash100
- 8-chan R/C Servo with FPGA
- Light Controller IR
- Treaded chassis RF controlled
- time measurement
- ATmega644 MOD/S3M player
- RS232 module, tutorial, Attiny84
- AT32UC3C0512C GPIO Demo
- AT32UC3C0512C Clocks Demo
- nokia lcd lm35 and turbo boost s
- Hack of LED name badge
- ATMega128 + toucscreen
- LCD Nokia6100+SD(FATFS)
- ATMega128 + LCD Nokia6100
- State Machine LED Blink Demo
- [ASF review] A new user's view
- L3G4200D communication example
- FAT32 File system for SDHC cards
- usb audio dac
- PS2 controller with avr
- Sonar Library for Arduino.
- Visual Basic 6 serial controler
- AVR8 Instruction Set
- Digital Thermometer
- jazda
- Initializing the LCD
- Jtag twice (STK500 +Jtag Ice)
- Solar seeker / Sun seeker. DIY
- Older Pinball Sound Boost
- Low pin count 7-segment display
- USB Audio Open Source
- Interfacing remote
- [ASFReview] IMUX framework.
- [ASF Review] USB Media Buttons
- Atmel DFU programmer for win32
- In-circuit programmer for the Atmega 168 and 328 devices.
- Assembly Code for LCD I2C Module PCF8574 Atmega328p
- C-driver for an 8 digit 7 segment display
- AVR based Gameboy flash cart
- HTTP Bootloader for ATmega328
- Atmega2560 Usart Test
- Using the Atmega 328 internal RC clock
- WS2812 control @ ATTiny1614
- Emulate a Top Octave Generator IC (e.g. MK50242)
- PID controlled DC motor with adjustable setpoint with ATMEGA2560
- PCB 111000 a WinAVR taster PCB
- avrsysh: A system/shell with some built-in utilities and some games
- ATmega32U2 DFU bootloader dump
- ATMEGA NEWBIES Kindof HelloWorld
- Visual Basic Serial controller
- Playing music with Atmega328 PWM
- Mobile Robot with Sonar Scanner
- CH452A Demo application
- Input Event Library
- HD44780 Library
- Garage Monitor
- EEPROM Structure Library 1.03
- Accurate Delay Library 1.02
- PWM Led aquarium light control
- XMEGA Basics for Xplain
- DS1302 using with Atmega128
- XMEGA Demo for Xplain
- RTC Based Automated Farm
- very simple uart using atmega16
- AVR Programmer via LTP
- Electronic Sheep
- Test_LM35
- ANS Ver-1.0
- DIY Laser Ranger Finder
- AV Laser Range Finder
- PS/2 mouse led with tiny13
- VGA output from mega16
- SharpTerminal
- VDsk
- home automation - 6LowPAN
- Shield for Xprotolab
- Android + BlueTooth
- Accelerometer data logger
- LCD RF controller
- Control 3 sevenseg with RS485
- RGB Color Sensor Module TCS230
- Temperature sensor DS1621
- 7channel ADC
- 1 second LED blinking
- Audio Spectrum Analyzer
- Libmad AVR32 UC3 optimization
- Cell Phone
- GSM Security system
- GPS GSM Tracker
- Propeller clock
- MEGA8 oscilloscope display
- XMEGA oscilloscope display
- Attiny2313 Serial 16x2LCD driver
- Addressable LED Dimmer
- Rainbow Lighter
- PlayStation2 controller
- Swarm Robotics Platform - ATMEGA
- Universal Digital Panel Voltmete
- ATxmega SDK
- RFM12B on ATTiny26 on 4 wires
- KokkeKat FAT-free SD card lib
- Student Mega644 projects
- Thermostat with ATtiny13
- USB HID Joystick
- Arduino, TWI devs
- flame tracking through TPA81
- microSD/SDHC Datalogger (FAT32)
- G code Generator
- lcd 2x16 atmega16 or 32
- 3 wire LCD interface
- Simple Timer Libraries
- AVR Butterfly Logger
- Speed display
- LiPo Battery Control
- music player
- servo controlled by bluetooth
- xoscillo
- ATmega328P LED dimmer
- ATxmega Usart driver
- ATxmega System clock driver
- ATxmega SPI Driver
- ATxmega SDK
- ATxmega RTC Driver
- ATxmega DMA Driver
- ATxmega IO port macro driver
- POD devices - tutorial
- Mobile Phone Controlled Led Drv
- Serial Programmable Thermostat
- AVR++
- Arduino loader for AVR Studio 4
- uC-OS II on ATMEGA1284P
- 8x8 matrix controller
- Easy vs1011e MP3 Test Code
- Software RF encoder/decoder
- gsm controlled land rover
- Lightuino LED Driver
- TxtEHex
- XMEGA melody (Turkish march)
- AVR Dali Gateway
- Pyralis (firefly jar)
- SD card datalogging files class
- Fireworks Launching System
- Bitmap Converter w/ RLE compress
- temperature sensing vehicle
- AVR oscilloscope v2.00
- RC Speed controller
- 6 digit Digital clock
- Interface RFID with ATmega16
- MC3479 emulation
- PC Bot
- File-to-array Converter
- Timer for exhaust fan bathroom
- Super-Probe (atmega8)
- Intel HEX to binary HEX
- MP3 player with ATmega64 VS1011a
- Atmega88--> LCD and temprature
- Nunchuk XMEGA Driver
- Atmega Fusebit Doctor HVPP+HVSP
- surveillance payload rocket
- ASM Compiler
- Infrared Entry Alert Door Chime
- HID Delphi 6.0
- AVR assembler by Example
- Signalgenerator with ATmega16
- RFID CardReader with ESP8266
- CP/M computer on Arduino Nano 3.0
- UART based Data-logger with time & temperature log
- Relay Control Circuit with RTC
- Arduino shield L-meter done in JLCPCB and EasyEDA
- OneWire C++ Library
- Mega & XMega runtime self-test library
- ATtiny13 Flash Led Using The Timer
- Breadboard Works With CH340 Serial Adapter
- Flexible railway model gate controllers with ATtiny24
- Remote Control for AVR NET-IO
- PWM via HyperTerminal
- ADC Voltmeter via HyperTerminal
- Wireless ADC with Xbee
- SMS controlled relays
- Remote Control for DSLR
- ATmega 16
- Bitmap file to hex converter
- Nokia 3310/5110/3410 display lib
- AVRphrase
- avr software uart
- DMX 512 to D54 Converter
- Home Automation with Mobile SMS
- Zigduino
- LCD library compilation
- Stepper motor for disco ball
- RGB LED Tetris 8-color
- CNC 4axes steppers motors driver
- MHVLib
- Xprotolab Miniature Oscilloscope
- midi pedalboard organ
- Signed Flip driver for x64
- simple dc wattmeter
- interface: ADS1210 <-> ATmega8535
- Line Follower ADC on ATMega8
- Another ATtiny13 LED candle
- SenseBox
- BAMO128
- High Voltage Power Supply
- micro SD/SDHC FAT32 & Mega8/32
- Motion Activated Message Display
- ATZ VIO module
- ATZ LCD module
- Airon
- Basic Alarm
- A Better T6963c Library
- Avr Wizard
- 8x8 LED matrix clock
- Automotive HVAC controller
- first project
- AVR Shell
- Open Source AVRISP-MKII
- Ambient Color: RGB Network-Light
- Wireless RGB Light
- binary clock m32
- code lock
- RFM12 RF-node system
- Tiny5 or Tiny10 as a level meter
- Tiny4/5/9/10 LED Flasher with Pu
- Combined MEMS sensor for robot
- cocoOS
- DTMF with More Accurate Tones
- GSM/GPRS modem Watchdog monitor
- ADE7753 Energy meter
- Interrupter Gear
- DIY ZigBee and AVR
- V4 stepper driver
- I2C Bus for ATtiny and ATmega
- thermostat_atemga16
- eUnagram
- BILBY Microcontroller
- Colect data in Excel format
- Nokia 3310 LCD routines library
- RTC Based System Actuator
- Xmega DDS-based signal generator
- AVRStudio4 plugin gdb-target
- tinyPOV
- Testboard for Wireless RFM12
- 16X24 LED Matrix Life Clock
- interface lcd 16x2 4bit
- RPM measurement
- ATMega8Multiplex7segmentDriver
- Portable Off-Grid Solar Tracker
- fast binary to ascii routines
- MHV AVR Tools
- MHVBoard
- lowcost TPI programmer - USB
- Magnetic Declination Solution
- Sun Position Algorithm
- RGB controller for ATTINY2313
- flasher29
- Graphics LCD Test System
- Sure Electronic AVRDEM2 Board
- Thermometer_with_ATmega32
- nano-OS
- RPM Meter using 10 LED BAR
- CW Keyer - With 4 Bit LCD
- AVR Boiler Reset Controller
- Digital Thermometer 2
- Complete Guide NGW100 Standalone
- ACORN kernel
- USBL - 256-word USB Bootloader
- Digital Thermometer
- 8-pin AVR MoodLamp
- Minimum System AVR with UART i/o
- Xmegalab XMEGA Oscilloscope
- LCD Display
- ProGFX - Free Graphic Library
- MMA7260Q based Robot Control
- USBasp
- Digital Clock
- KTM-S1201 LCD Driver
- BAJOS - for arduino Mega
- Improved Parallax GPS Reader
- AT90CAN32 w/ nanoDAC AD5664R
- STK200/300++
- RFID reader (EM4095+M32...)
- HD44780 LCD Driver for AVRs
- Household thermostat&datalogger
- LCD bar 2X16 simple animation
- LCFesR 3.0 meter
- XMultiKit Digital Oscilloscope
- Atmega1280 AVRProg Bootloader
- ATXmega proto/devel board
- ScreenKey Example Code
- AVR uart LCD ADC with proteus
- XPLAIN PDI/Serial Bridge
- Python GUI Config for DS1631
- Attiny85 sending byte to 74hc595
- Bluetooth HC-06 AT commands programming via PS2 keyboard
- Wireless Sensor Network-Soil-Moisture Monitoring System
- Distance measurement using ATMEGA328p and HC-SR04
- Keurig automatic water filler
- RFID Card Reader
- myNetPCB
- ACORN micro kernel
- AVR HAL for atmega series
- WINC1500 ap provisioning Android 7 App
- V-USB HID Macro-keyboard
- AVR-ASM simulator
- GPS raw mode reader for Baby O's
- USART uC Communication
- Line following Robot
- Computer controlled Robot
- Physical Tone Matrix
- ATxmega starter board with SDRAM
- 8 Channel soft PWM -DMX receiver
- MOD Player for AVR 8-bit ATmega
- Arduino APRS
- Program Memory Reading/Writing
- HM55B compass module reader
- Wireless Water Gun
- USB host adapter
- HD44780 char LCD interface
- Self Perpendicular parking robot
- Communication Aid System
- AC Mains Clock
- PhorsePOV
- LCD MIDI-IN data display
- RGB 4x4x4 LED Cube.
- tinyAVR upgrade for ATtiny4..10
- USBASP for 64Bit Windows!!!
- Soft-Rheobus
- NIXIE clock with many features
- Atmel QTouch - Guides+Examples
- playBox
- rs 484 communication
- DC Servo Motor Control
- Pedometer with morse output
- Binary to ASCII Formatter
- Student microcontroller projects
- Micro hex bootloader
- Complete Bitmap to Hex converter
- PWM in ATmega16(L)
- AVR Butterfly MP3 Player
- ComAidSystem
- 7x5 Dot Matrix LED Display
- 3in1 Motor stepper controller
- Simple remote controll
- MP3 player with ATmega8
- Scrolly LED matrix clock
- ZU Hospital Mobile Robot
- Wireless Brigde ISM-Band
- AD7705 16 bit ADC to Atmega 644
- USI UART for Tinyx4
- Temperature Monitor with Xbee
- UPS controlled by Computer
- Simple 8×8 LED Matrix Board
- Pluto Board, 28 pin proto board
- 1char UART - atmega88MC + STK500
- 1s LED Blink - atmega88 + STK500
- AVR Butterfly Real Time Clock
- harddisc led display
- SuperModified
- zoAvrLib
- hyperterminal and atmega
- Baud-rate Converter
- Tinyserial
- FunkOS
- avrisp C compiled flashing leds
- AVRBoot
- TWI Clock Prototype
- E3 LCD-Key demo code
- ROTtest
- attiny26 melody generator
- ATtiny10 programmer FT232/FT245
- Amp-hour meter for 12v systems
- Microcontrollers
- O Buffer
- Moving Text LED Display
- Light Dimmer
- Light Following Robot
- High Speed Software Uart Serial
- Parallax Ping sensor n Atmega128
- Panel8x8 Library
- programmateur hv
- Control of bipolar stepper motor
- AVROSP Updated
- Traffic Lights with 4AvrOS
- Simple Button Debouncing
- fitting freeRTOS to ATxmega
- Comparator.c
- Node Assassin
- Traffic Lights with ECROS Board
- Timers and Counters
- URC atmega8
- blue clock
- bucket mousetrap
- Vibrating 3D LED cube
- ultrasonic and infrared scanner
- Holiday Display
- Graphical Alarm Clock
- Ferris Intercom
- STK200
- PyMite
- Debouncing buttons
- comparator.c
- EW24B00YLY
- It's About Time
- Simple DMX Terminal
- ping parallax
- JeeNode
- Frequency Counter
- USB-RC HID Joystick
- STK 500 help board
- Thermometer-Thermostat
- Countdown timer
- OSCCAL calibration using 32kHz X
- Direct read cap sensor no ADC
- Card Swipe - Voting System
- stk200 ISP cable (DSUB25)
- Nokia 3310 screen for mc
- ATmega8 test board module
- AVR Butterfly altimeter
- Encoder Interrupt Counter 7seg
- control motor using L298 Driver
- Delay functions cdelay.h
- AVR assembly: Syntax Highlighting in nano under Linux
- Xmega EVENT System With timer and ADC
- hexa to bcd
- Nokia5110 graphical display interfacing with ATmega16 / 32
- LED Interfacing with ATmega16
- Digital Caliper based Measurement System
- EEPROM Wear Leveling library
- Thermostat
- SP platform driver
- TCD1304DG driver circuit using an ATMega1284P MCU
- Microcontrollers for Beginners - A hard- and software tutorial
- Launch Controller on ATmega8
- OSEK AVR - a little OS like OSEK
- HD44780 'Hello World' - simple!
- Text LCD interface to AVR
- 8 outputs pwm + servo
- eMote - movement based remote
- AFP - Arbitrary Fixed Point Lib
- contacless tachometer
- BCD 4digit decoder with LCD
- Small single tube nixie clock
- Ignition control system
- Stepper motor control
- automatic fish feeder
- Avr Timer Calculation tool
- RGB pattern generator
- Small STK500v2 bootloader
- Sensirion SHT for NGW100/linux
- Programmer and bootloader
- Keypad+LCD PWM DC motor control
- LCD-DMF50840
- TimeOut Timer
- atmega8+lcd
- Flickering Jack O’lantern Light
- USB JTAG ICE clone
- Yet another Reflow Oven
- Household Water Heater RF ctrl.
- Modbus
- FreeRTOS v6.0.0 for ATmega1281
- ATtiny45 Prototyping Board
- LED light controller with PIR
- RGB LED display with soft-pwm
- Doorbell with 100 melodies
- temp sensor NTC sensor
- ATmega48 RS232/USB devel board
- Butterfly data recorder
- ATmega32 + EA DOGM128W-6 Graphic
- Power Supply : buck converter
- RTB RichText to Bitmap
- ATMega + EA DOGM128W-6
- FontLeroy
- DuinOS
- Line Follower Robot
- Dope Wars ATmega8
- Wait Timer for ATmega328P
- 6 channel RC decoder
- GPS NMEA message parser
- Game Platform
- Flashing Light with Watchdog Tim
- temperature sensor
- Split string
- Learning AVR32 with NGW100
- Multi Purpose Automation System
- GLCD LIB (Persian In GLCD)
- Stack depth analyzer (atm128)
- Simple STK600 ATmega2560 demo
- Power Down Mode Example
- CwID
- BAMO32
- Rotating LED Software
- 4mhz f meter
- 5 channel A2D converter
- Electronic Cash Register
- Simple Development Board
- AVR usuing BBC VDU Commands
- High Speed RPM Monitor
- phototrigger
- Test Oscillator
- ATtiny26 voltmeter
- I²C, TWI on the AVR Butterfly
- Low frequency oscilloscope
- RF communication between AVRs
- Flickering Christmas Candle
- Twinkling LED Christmas Wreath
- Tiny10 Programmer
- USB Programmer for AVR
- Whole House Energy Monitor
- first USART
- MAXQ3180 Vs ATMEGA2560 SPI
- RPM indicator
- Current sense
- Yet Another Programmer (YAP)
- Midi relay Controller
- Customizable LCD Connection
- Cheap Digital Thermometer
- ATtiny45 development board
- TellyMate - Serial to TV adapter
- Runo 0.1.0
- Chess Timer
- ATMega 16 1 WIRE Control Panel
- EDIS ignition timing control
- hyperterminal lcd system
- Moving_Led_Font_Code
- USB communication
- LED matrix software
- Character LCD Display for Linux
- STK600 - UC3A1512 Projects
- linux bootloader uploader
- TWI/I2C On An Arduino (Atmega8 a
- SPI Interface to an LIS3LV02DQ 3
- SPI Interface to a Maxim DS1306 Real-Time Clock
- hyperterminal - lcd system
- line following robot 1.0
- Bluetooth Controlled Led Driver
- Naive Digital Synchronizer
- UC3B-based MP3-player
- AVR VGA Interface Module
- rapidfire DDS
- Bluetooth Robot with CMOS Camera
- ATTiny2313 Servo controller
- Line Follower
- 120x32 LED marquee
- Big Dot-matrix led Display Board
- RC5 Control of PWM Servo
- Open Kubus
- Low Cost Xmega
- Xmega128_W5100
- atMega8 Stepper motor controller
- Ericsson Mobile Bitmaps
- PS/2 abstraction
- avr_select
- SAMB11
- MME-BOOT - Complete CAN BUS (MCP2515) XMega Bootloader with AES and software to encrypt & update
- AVR Visual Programming
- Easy Vacuum dental device controler
- Task Scheduler Pattern for the ATtiny104
- Moore Finite State machine
- uartavr
- Sam3x Arduino Due HC-SR04 with interrupts, reduce ASF layers
- cogging compensation for stepper motor
- AVR Universal Charger
- obstacle avoider robot
- Monochrome Pattern Fills
- AT32UC3A0128 Headerboard
- Powerful TENs Device
- AVR Xcode Templates
- Three simple TENS circuits
- Hex2Gen
- Sharp rng snsr + atmega8 + 232
- Powerful TES circuit
- Hexadecimal Display Decoder/Driver for 7 Segment LED on ATTiny26
- Dual Hexadecimal Display Driver
- R/C Polygot
- AVR-ChipBasic8 - little computer
- BlueSky Projects #3
- Super simple Li-Po cutoff
- Candy
- Phase Locked Loop
- Gatekeeper GS2 wheel locker.
- Valve headphone amplifier
- my testproject
- UV Exposure Timer
- Kernel for ATmega
- Skeeball Brain
- A complete Fat32 library
- Atmega menu and submenu explorer
- AVR Controller Based Data Acquis
- J3ME & Bluetooth Enabled Mobile
- Swipe Card (Credit Card) Reader
- AVR/XMEGA VT100 Memory Snooper
- MAME joystick adapter
- MultiKitB Digital Oscilloscope
- GPS Finder
- Build a Basic uC Led Driver
- AVR Bootloader Wizard
- AVRj1850_vpw_interface
- animated text on LCD
- uNetSerial
- A tiny 10x10 LED matrix board.
- Strobit Wireless Widget
- Serial relay control
- Super simple servo control
- Atmega16 demoboard
- MicroWebServer, modified
- NMEA Sentence Parsing Library
- ATTiny2313 HD44780 Interface
- Water Level & Temp. Controll
- foodloader
- usbloader
- hd44780 lcddriver
- Siemens S65 Display Osziloscope
- simpel code to use LCD
- Student projects
- opendous-jtag
- Line Following Robot
- champOS
- Nice GUI for USBasp programmer
- Transformation principles
- iPodGPS
- Nokia 6100 LCD driver
- I2C RTC & Serial EEPROM 24C256
- “C library� for KS0108 graphical
- B.S.C.L.
- Y.A.A.S.
- PS/2 library
- Chess Playing Robot
- Uzebox Game Console
- PS/2 keyboard library
- Linux driver example
- Noname Toaster mod with attiny15
- Quick and dirty 1wire clk RC1MHz
- ATXmega.....A1 ,Mp3Player ,Radio
- Gamecube Controller Interface
- simpel code to use intr external
- simpel code to use timer
- simpel code to use ADC
- AVRDudeGUI v1.4
- gos
- robotkit india
- fast tiny & mega UART bootloader
- FreeRTOS port to CodeVisionAVR 2
- Simple TES
- Thermometer LM35+ATMEGA48
- NES Music Player On AVR
- AVR Touch Switch
- openDSC
- Mobyle terminals for Com port
- ATMega8 Volt meter
- Yamaha TX81Z MIDI programmer
- TLV5623 DAC Driver
- Best LC+Frq Meter with Nokia LCD
- AVR SD Card Interface Tester
- Mikrokopter
- AVR sound Recorder with MMC
- Butterfly Guitar Tone Generator
- Command line Serial Interrupt
- Color Clock using two RGB LEDs
- LCD Sharp M078CKA (LH155)
- digital clock without RTC
- My Custom LED Display
- Super Tapping Machine
- Ping))) Ultrasonic Distance Sens
- LED-Tree
- DoReMi Follow Me
- pC/TFS - memory file system
- Hello World Test Project
- VMLAB User Components
- Software UART with FIFO
- userial
- fast itoa() v1.0
- Morse Code ID
- avrlirc
- BascomAVR drivers for DB101
- VB Based PC controlled Robotics
- SMS based device switching
- Advanced ATX Power Supply Test
- AVR Butterfly menu template
- Programmable Countdown Timer
- Midea IR Airconditioner Timer