- Pixel perfect graphics:
- Canvas (except the current aliasing)
- Synthetic Windows context menus
- Windows are draggable
- Windows snap to eachother
- Windows snap to edges of browser window
- Dragging the min window drags all attached windows
- Recursively
- Doubling the size of windows moves other windows out of the way (TODO)
- As you drag the position handle, the change is displayed in the text box
- Easter egg mode
- Changing color as you change volume or balance
- Marquee effect on text
- Click and drag marquee
- Double mode
- Visualizer
- Bar mode uses colors from skin
- Line mode
- Shade mode
- Progress bar handle has three states
- Visualization (Not implemented)
- Volume/Balance
- Different skin sprites are used depending upon the value
- Balance snaps to center
- Pixel perfect vertical sliders (not possible with native HTML5/CSS)
- Slider background uses a different sprite background depending upon value
- Shade mode with three states for each slider hande (center state should be wider for volume?)
- EQ levels actually effect the sound
- Parse and create binary .eqf files to import/export eq levels
- Set all bands to top/mid/bottom with a single click
- Splined visualization of EQ levels
- Resizeable with exact recreation of Winamp's strange tiling strategry.
- Generate HTML version of the playlist in browser
- Select single/multiple tracks
- Drag to rearrange tracks (including multi select and dragging outside of view area)
- TODO: Handle what happens when you delete the currently playing track from the playlist