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View Technologies

The use of view technologies in Spring WebFlux is pluggable. Whether you decide to use Thymeleaf, FreeMarker, or some other view technology is primarily a matter of a configuration change. This chapter covers the view technologies integrated with Spring WebFlux. We assume you are already familiar with [webflux-viewresolution].


Thymeleaf is a modern server-side Java template engine that emphasizes natural HTML templates that can be previewed in a browser by double-clicking, which is very helpful for independent work on UI templates (for example, by a designer) without the need for a running server. Thymeleaf offers an extensive set of features, and it is actively developed and maintained. For a more complete introduction, see the Thymeleaf project home page.

The Thymeleaf integration with Spring WebFlux is managed by the Thymeleaf project. The configuration involves a few bean declarations, such as SpringResourceTemplateResolver, SpringWebFluxTemplateEngine, and ThymeleafReactiveViewResolver. For more details, see Thymeleaf+Spring and the WebFlux integration announcement.


Apache FreeMarker is a template engine for generating any kind of text output from HTML to email and others. The Spring Framework has a built-in integration for using Spring WebFlux with FreeMarker templates.

View Configuration

The following example shows how to configure FreeMarker as a view technology:

public class WebConfig implements WebFluxConfigurer {

	public void configureViewResolvers(ViewResolverRegistry registry) {

	// Configure FreeMarker...

	public FreeMarkerConfigurer freeMarkerConfigurer() {
		FreeMarkerConfigurer configurer = new FreeMarkerConfigurer();
		return configurer;

Your templates need to be stored in the directory specified by the FreeMarkerConfigurer, shown in the preceding example. Given the preceding configuration, if your controller returns the view name, welcome, the resolver looks for the classpath:/templates/freemarker/welcome.ftl template.

FreeMarker Configuration

You can pass FreeMarker 'Settings' and 'SharedVariables' directly to the FreeMarker Configuration object (managed by Spring) by setting the appropriate bean properties on the FreeMarkerConfigurer bean. The freemarkerSettings property requires a java.util.Properties object, and the freemarkerVariables property requires a java.util.Map. The following example shows how to use a FreeMarkerConfigurer:

public class WebConfig implements WebFluxConfigurer {

	// ...

	public FreeMarkerConfigurer freeMarkerConfigurer() {
		Map<String, Object> variables = new HashMap<>();
		variables.put("xml_escape", new XmlEscape());

		FreeMarkerConfigurer configurer = new FreeMarkerConfigurer();
		return configurer;

See the FreeMarker documentation for details of settings and variables as they apply to the Configuration object.

Script Views

The Spring Framework has a built-in integration for using Spring WebFlux with any templating library that can run on top of the JSR-223 Java scripting engine. The following table shows the templating libraries that we have tested on different script engines:

Scripting Library Scripting Engine











String templates


Kotlin Script templating


The basic rule for integrating any other script engine is that it must implement the ScriptEngine and Invocable interfaces.


You need to have the script engine on your classpath, the details of which vary by script engine:

  • The Nashorn JavaScript engine is provided with Java 8+. Using the latest update release available is highly recommended.

  • JRuby should be added as a dependency for Ruby support.

  • Jython should be added as a dependency for Python support.

  • org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-script-util dependency and a META-INF/services/javax.script.ScriptEngineFactory file containing a org.jetbrains.kotlin.script.jsr223.KotlinJsr223JvmLocalScriptEngineFactory line should be added for Kotlin script support. See this example for more detail.

You need to have the script templating library. One way to do that for Javascript is through WebJars.

Script Templates

You can declare a ScriptTemplateConfigurer bean to specify the script engine to use, the script files to load, what function to call to render templates, and so on. The following example uses Mustache templates and the Nashorn JavaScript engine:

public class WebConfig implements WebFluxConfigurer {

	public void configureViewResolvers(ViewResolverRegistry registry) {

	public ScriptTemplateConfigurer configurer() {
		ScriptTemplateConfigurer configurer = new ScriptTemplateConfigurer();
		return configurer;

The render function is called with the following parameters:

  • String template: The template content

  • Map model: The view model

  • RenderingContext renderingContext: The {api-spring-framework}/web/servlet/view/script/RenderingContext.html[RenderingContext] that gives access to the application context, the locale, the template loader, and the URL (since 5.0)

Mustache.render() is natively compatible with this signature, so you can call it directly.

If your templating technology requires some customization, you can provide a script that implements a custom render function. For example, Handlerbars needs to compile templates before using them and requires a polyfill in order to emulate some browser facilities not available in the server-side script engine. The following example shows how to set a custom render function:

public class WebConfig implements WebFluxConfigurer {

	public void configureViewResolvers(ViewResolverRegistry registry) {

	public ScriptTemplateConfigurer configurer() {
		ScriptTemplateConfigurer configurer = new ScriptTemplateConfigurer();
		configurer.setScripts("polyfill.js", "handlebars.js", "render.js");
		return configurer;
Setting the sharedEngine property to false is required when using non-thread-safe script engines with templating libraries not designed for concurrency, such as Handlebars or React running on Nashorn. In that case, Java 8u60 or greater is required, due to this bug.

polyfill.js defines only the window object needed by Handlebars to run properly, as the following snippet shows:

var window = {};

This basic render.js implementation compiles the template before using it. A production ready implementation should also store and reused cached templates or pre-compiled templates. This can be done on the script side, as well as any customization you need (managing template engine configuration for example). The following example shows how compile a template:

function render(template, model) {
	var compiledTemplate = Handlebars.compile(template);
	return compiledTemplate(model);

Check out the Spring Framework unit tests, Java, and resources, for more configuration examples.


For [webflux-multiple-representations] purposes, it is useful to be able to alternate between rendering a model with an HTML template or as other formats (such as JSON or XML), depending on the content type requested by the client. To support doing so, Spring WebFlux provides the HttpMessageWriterView, which you can use to plug in any of the available [webflux-codecs] from spring-web, such as Jackson2JsonEncoder, Jackson2SmileEncoder, or Jaxb2XmlEncoder.

Unlike other view technologies, HttpMessageWriterView does not require a ViewResolver but is instead configured as a default view. You can configure one or more such default views, wrapping different HttpMessageWriter instances or Encoder instances. The one that matches the requested content type is used at runtime.

In most cases, a model contains multiple attributes. To determine which one to serialize, you can configure HttpMessageWriterView with the name of the model attribute to use for rendering. If the model contains only one attribute, that one is used.