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> Hamburg police shoot man with axe ahead of Euros 2024 match. #Hamburg #Euros #BBCNews
a major operation we're being told is taking place in Central Hamburg this is after a man with an axe threatened police officers this is all ahead of the Euro 2024 game that is taking place between Poland and the Netherlands that is due to start in around 90 minutes time now police say they shot and severely injured the man who is now receiving medical treatment according to German media Outlets the incident took place near a fan Zone for the Dutch supporters um we're also seeing that a major police operation as you can imagine is continuing the police have just posted on social media saying that the attacker the alleged attacker is receiving medical care for injuries
> Israel announces daily military pause to increase Gaza aid | BBC News
in the last few hours the Israeli military has announced what it's calling a daily tactical pause in part of Southern Gaza but not the city of Rafa it says the halting operations will be during daylight hours to facilitate the delivery of aid aid organizations have repeatedly warned of a humanitarian crisis in Gaza Israel meanwhile has released the names of the eight soldiers killed by an amass rocket in Rafa on Saturday the deadliest incident for its troops in months Israel's prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the nation on Saturday following the deaths of the soldiers here's what he said with deep sorrow in heavy mourning I bow my head together with all the citizens of Israel and mourn the fall of our heroic Warriors Deputy Company commander in the Engineering Battalion captain wasm mmud and other heroic soldiers whose names have not yet been released don't let anyone distract you from the simple and clear fact despite the heavy and staggering cost we must stick to the goals of the wall destroying the military and governmental capabilities of Hamas returning all our hostages making sure that Gaza will no longer pose a threat to Israel and returning our residents safely to their homes both in the north and in the South Benjamin naha let's go live to Jerusalem and our News correspondent John donison John I wondered if we could start with what we know about this tactical pause that the Israeli military's announced in the last few hours well to be honest it's not really clear because initially we had a statement from one branch of the IDF saying that indeed there was going to be a tactical military pause each day lasting from 8:00 in the morning till 7:00 at night around the km Shalom Crossing from Israel into Gaza and then stretching over to the main Coast Road which runs north to south in Gaza we've since then though had another statement from the IDF saying that it wanted to bring Clarity that there is no cessation in hostilities in Rafa or in southern Gaza and that the operation to get Aid into Gaza is continuing as normal that followed a statement from Israel's Hardline national security minister itman benav who said that whoever made the decision to introduce a tactical pause was both evil and a fool how much Aid is getting into Gaza at the moment well according to Aid agencies and the United Nations not enough there is no Aid Crossing in from uh Rafa uh from the Egyptian side of the Border we've got thousands of trucks backed up there waiting to bring Aid in some is passing in uh every day through Kum Shalom but as I say not enough according to Aid agencies the uh us built Pier off the coast of Gaza has been dismantled this week because of uh rough Seas uh so there just isn't enough Aid getting in the UN is saying that more than a million people in Gaza are facing starvation within a matter of weeks Israel disputes that they say there is no humanitarian crisis in Gaza meanwhile the fighting continues and we have the deaths of those eight Israeli soldiers on Saturday yep eight Israeli soldiers who've now been named they were aged between 19 and 23 so uh pretty young this was the heaviest loss of life for the Israelis since Jan January uh what apparently happened is they had been carrying out an operation against Palestinian militants in the early hours of Saturday morning as they were retreating from Rafa one of their armored vehicles was hit with some sort of missile there was a large large explosion and all died uh immediately uh Hamas is saying it targeted that ve vehicle with some sort of anti-tank missile a week ago or so we were talking about the possibility of a ceasefire and we've had uh more comments from uh the Hamas leader based in Qatar today yes this is coming from Ishmael hania the leader of hamas's political Wing who's in uh Doha and he has said that the the counter proposals I guess that Hamas put forward to that American Plan uh American Israeli plan were consistent what with what the United States has been demanding that is is contradicted by really what the state department is saying they say were some of the Amendments that hassad proposes were reasonable others were just not consistent with the deal and I don't think those talks are really going anywhere at the moment Anthony blinkin the US Secretary of State is now uh left the region his eighth visit to the region and there is a feeling I think on the ground that neither Hamas particularly their leaders in Gaza or the Israeli government led by prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu I don't really think either of them are pushing for a deal at the moment yeah interestingly the Pentagon saying that the Israeli defense minister will soon visit Washington for talks with his us counterpart because uh Washington still would like a ceasefire if they could get one wouldn't they they do want one I mean frankly the whole world wants one the United Nations has pushed for it with that security resolution backing a ceasefire plan uh last week there's no doubt that the Egyptians and the qataris who are mediating uh want it but it all counts for nothing really if the two main figures who are calling the shots and that is yayya sinoa the Hamas leader in Gaza and prime minister bet Benjamin Netanyahu uh don't want one now here in isra Israel there are elements of his government on the far right who have said they will quit the government forcing fresh elections and bringing prime minister netanyahu's government down if he does a deal so it's hard to see that happening the Americans insist that this is an Israeli plan that they have signed up to it but Benjamin Netanyahu has certainly not said that publicly John Donan live in Jerusalem thank you
> A man with an axe who threatened officers has been shot, Hamburg police said. #Euros2024 #BBCNews
police in the German city of Hamburg have shot and severely injured a person who threatened them with a pick ax they show a man wielding an axe you can see there at the front of those pictures by The Cordon they then fire that pepper spray and the police do then fire several shots now we have paused that um that was the moment that the police fired several shots as I said the video doesn't show all of those being fired you can now see the activity that happened after that now police say that the attacker was is receiving medical attention and as you can imagine a major operation is taking place in the city now German media say the incident took place near a fan zone for Dutch supporters all ahead of today's Euro 2024 match between Poland and the Netherlands
> UK Election 2024: The headlines | BBC News
hello and welcome to your election headlines I'm Rita chakrabati Labour's W streeting has admitted that he wanted his party's Manifesto for the general election to be more ambitious on social care reform the shadow Health secretary said that once labor gets the economy growing if it wins the election there would be more money to invest in public services including in Social care I make no bones about the fact of course on social care I would have wanted the manifesto to be more ambitious but to get policies in the manifesto you have to run the gaunet of answering two fundamental questions can we keep this promise can the country afford this promise and if the answer to either of those questions was no it's not in the manifesto speaking to the BBC for the conservatives the transport secretary said a lot of people haven't made their minds up yet about who to vote for Mark Harper said he believes this election offers a choice between tax cuts tax Rises he added the Tories have set out a clear program for government that is fully costed unlike West reings labor party he's let the cat out of the bag a bit about Labor's plans he confirmed both on your show and on one he did earlier that their Manifesto actually wasn't the whole story it wasn't actually a program for government it was a document to get them through the election campaign and he's confirmed that there are spending more spending uh promises to come uh and that can mean only one thing it means more taxes the SNP leader has accused both the conservatives and labor of a conspiracy of Silence about the scale of public spending cuts to come John swinny was responding to research which says that the main UK parties need to set out more credible plans for the NHS health is a devolved matter for ministers in Edinburgh but budgets are set in Westminster the leader of the liberal Democrats has said he doesn't believe you can sort out the Health Service unless you sort out social care SED Davy said his party had placed it at the center of their Manifesto promising free personal care for older and disabled people at home partly because of his own experience of being a carer well we're just over halfway through this election campaign now and if you want to see how the parties are fairing in the polls there's a dedicated tracker on our website just head over to bbc.co.uk tracker for all you need to know and those are your election headlines for Sunday the 16th of June [Music]
> Le notizie del giorno | 17 giugno - Mattino
i leader dei 27 stati membri dell'Unione Europea a bruxell lunedì per discutere la nomina delle alte cariche vli Favorita per la commissione l'esercito israeliano decide una pausa alle operazioni militari di 11 ore nel sud della striscia il governo si [Musica] oppone lunedì prendono ufficialmente il via i negoziati per decidere chi guiderà l'unione Europea per i prossimi 5 anni in gioco ci sono la presidenza della commissione europea la Presidenza del Consiglio europeo e la carica di alto rappresentante per la politica estera i capi di stato e di governo dei 27 stati membri dovranno rispettare una serie di equilibri geografici di genere e di partito nel prendere la decisione la Chiara Favorita per la presidenza della Commissione Europea è l'attuale presidente la tedesca Ursula V derl Tuttavia sono sta indicati come favoriti l'italiano Mario Draghi Anche se ormai praticamente escluso o anche l'attuale Primo Ministro Greco kiriakos mitsotakis la vittoria del Partito Popolare Europeo alle scorse elezioni e la stabilità rappresentata dalla vli giocano a suo favore per il consiglio le possibilità sono più aperte anche se tutto lascia pensare che la carica andrà a un social Democratico candidati più probabili sono l' ministro portoghese Antonio Costa ora che i suoi problemi giudiziali sembrano essere stati chiariti e la prima ministra Danese Matt fredriksen per il posto di alto rappresentante i punti interrogativi Sono più numerosi anche se in linea di principio la carica dovrebbe andare a un liberale tra i candidati ci sono la prima ministra estone Kia Callas il ministro degli Esteri polacco radoslav sikorski e il primo ministro belga ad interim Alexander de crew anche se per ora sembra che sia Favorita la Callas an la sua linea dura nei confronti della Russia per Comè ora la situazione è probabile che il quadro finale sia questo 5 anni fa il negoziato è durato tre notti questa volta dovrebbe essere molto più veloce l'esercito israeliano ha annunciato domenica che sospenderà i combattimenti ogni giorno tra le 8:00 e le 19 fino al nuovo ordine la pausa dovrebbe consentire camion internazionali di raggiungere il valico di karem chalom il principale punto d'ingresso per le merci e da lì di viaggiare in sicurezza per circa 12 km nel sud della striscia gli aiuti potranno viaggiare lungo la strada salahaddin fino all'ospedale europeo di can yunis il premier israeliano Benjamin Netanyahu ha commentato la decisione come inaccettabile secondo quanto fatto sapere dal suo ufficio gli ha fatto Eco il ministro delle finanze smotri secondo cui È delirante permettere agli aiuti di raggiungere hamas secondo media israeliani la leadership militare aveva informato il livello politico Comunque al premier sono state date rassicurazioni che le operazioni a Rafa proseguono come previsto non è chiaro Se la pausa T decisa dall'esercito consentirà agli aiuti di raggiungere il nord di Gaza dove la situazione Umanitaria è al limite della caristia l sono morti altri due soldati israeliani domenica dopo il decesso di otto in un blindato sabato nel sud sei detenuti in un carcere a rostov sul da nel sud della Russia hanno sequestrato due Secondini domenica e sono stati uccisi dopo l'intervento delle forze speciali nelle immagini di online si vedono le operazioni della pulizia all'esterno del centro di detenzione gli ostaggi sono rimasti illesi i sei sequestratori avevano legami con l'isis ed erano in attesa di processo per terrorismo la Russia è stata di recente bersaglio di attacchi giadis l'ultimo a marzo fece 144 vittime in una sala a concerti fuori Mosca