In order to make sure that a function argument is not modified by the function call, Pyccel provides the const
keyword, which is converted to an equivalent datatype qualifier in the target language. Here is a simple example of its usage:
Here is a working Python code with const
def func1(arr: 'const int[:]'):
# some code
return 0
The generated C code:
#include "boo.h"
#include "ndarrays.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int64_t func1(t_ndarray arr)
/*some code*/
return 0;
The fortran equivalent:
module boo
use, intrinsic :: ISO_C_Binding, only : i64 => C_INT64_T
implicit none
function func1(arr) result(Out_0001)
implicit none
integer(i64) :: Out_0001
integer(i64), intent(in) :: arr(0:)
!some code
Out_0001 = 0_i64
end function func1
end module boo
Now we will see what happens if we try to modify a const array:
def func1(arr: 'const int[:]', i: 'int', v: 'int', z:'int'):
# some code
#trying to modify arr
arr[i] = v*z
return 0
Pyccel will recognize that a const array cannot be changed and will raise an error similar to:
ERROR at annotation (semantic) stage
|fatal [semantic]: [1]| Cannot modify 'const' argument (arr)
If you face problems with pyccel, please take the following steps:
- Consult our documention in the tutorial directory;
- Send an email message to [email protected];
- Open an issue on GitHub.
Thank you!