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File metadata and controls

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A glossary of terms for this project

  • Control: There is a group in the study where nothing regarding smartphone usage will be shown to them. For our case it is the group that will have all the requirement for the research but no training (intervention/treatment) will be conducted for them but we will only follow up with questions to see how they progress with phone usage and DFS.

  • Curriculum: This is the course work that will be used to train one group of the first time smartphone users. A curriculum generally describes different activities done with students in order to learn something new.

  • DFS: Acronym for Digital Financial Services.

  • DSO: An acronym for Digital Skills Observatory (this project).

  • Dumb Phone: A basic cellphone lacking any advanced functionality characteristic of feature and/or smart phones.

  • KFD: An acronym for Kenya Financial Diaries, a research program run by Digital Divide Data, FSD Kenya, Bankable Frontier, and others. See more: Highly recommended to read for anyone interested in this Digital Skills Project in Kenya.

  • Feature Phone: A mobile phone with more features than a standard cellphone but not equivalent to a smart phone. Apart from voice calling and text messaging functionality, they also offer basic multimedia and Internet capabilities.

  • Hypothesis: This is the proposition or propositions that shall be made before the research on the ground commences. This proposition shall be weighed against the actual findings after the research to see if it is indeed true or otherwise.

  • Intervention: The stuff that will be done on one group of the participants also known as a treament in research lingo. This could be a workshop to teach new smartphone owners about functionalities of the smartphones etc.

  • MPESA: A mobile phone-based money transfer, financing and microfinancing service that is run by Vodafone and Safaricom Ltd. within Kenya, Tanzania, Afghanistan, South Africa, India and Eastern Europe.

  • MSHWARI: A mobile banking service that is offered by Safaricom Ltd. where customers can save money, earn interest on savings and access loan services.

  • Quantitative: This is a measure that can be represented by values eg income, airtime used on mobile phone etc as the word suggests it measures quantities.

  • Qualitative: This measures characteristics,qualities or descriptions that cannot be represented as values.

  • Questionnaire: A set of questions that will be used to get responses from the participants of the research project.

  • Randomized control trial (RCF): (or randomized controlled trial) is a study design that randomly assigns participants into an experimental group or a control group. In this particular project, the experiment group shall be trained on how to use their smartphone in a series of workshops. The control group will however not be trained on anything. At the end of the study, we shall compare the differences between the two groups and make conclusions on whether we think the workshops had any effect or not.

  • Smartphone: A mobile phone with an advanced mobile operating system that incorporates the features of a personal computer with that of features useful for mobile or hand-held use.

  • Treatment: This is a group in the study where different interventions will be conducted with them. Training in different modules both for phone usage and DFS. At the end evaluation will be done to see the effect of the interventions versus group without interventions also known as the Control group.

  • User-centred design: User requirements are considered right from the beginning and included into the whole product cycle. These requirements are noted and refined through investigative methods including: ethnographic study, contextual inquiry, prototype testing, usability testing and other methods. to learn more.