Summary Computer Network Lab Manual Lab 1: Switchyard & Mininet Task 1: Prerequisites Linux Python Git Task 2: Workflow VS Code Mininet Wireshark Switchyard Task 3: NJU GitLab Task 4: Modification Lab 2: Learning Switch Task 1: Preparation Task 2: Basic Switch Task 3: Timeouts Task 4: Least Recently Used Task 5: Least Traffic Volume FAQ Lab 3-5: IPv4 Router Lab 3: Respond to ARP Task 1: Preparation Task 2: Handle ARP Request Task 3: Cached ARP Table Lab 4: Forwarding Packets Task 1: Preparation Task 2: IP Forwarding Table Lookup Task 3: Forwarding the Packet and ARP FAQ Lab 5: Respond to ICMP Task 1: Preparation Task 2: Responding to ICMP echo requests Task 3: Generating ICMP error messages FAQ FAQ Lab 6: Reliable Communication Task 1: Preparation Task 2: Middlebox Task 3: Blastee Task 4: Blaster Task 5: Running your code FAQ Lab 7: Firewall Task 1: Preparation Task 2: Implement firewall rules Task 3: Implement the token bucket algorithm Task 4: Implement some other type of network impairment Task 5: Testing Appendix Environment Setup About This Repository