A collection of important libraries and good tutorials for both OpenGL and C++, opensource all day.
- glfw: Create game window and get user input
- glad: OpenGL loader
- stb: image loader, etc...
- glm: math library
- imgui
- alternative: nanogui
- bullet3
- assimp
- irrklang/Getting Started
- LearnOpenGL
- ogl
- opengl-tutorials
- ogldev
- Learn-OpenGL: by Packt
- OpenGL-3D-Game-Tutorial-Series
nehe-opengl: legacy OpenGLopengl-demos: legacy OpenGL
- AntWare: Damascus university project 2021-2022
- Pepsico-man: University project
- Super mario
- SolarSystem-3D: just a scene!
- More and more...
- I'll update this list over and over, there are tons of games on GitHub out there, just wanna mention the good/lovely ones.
- OpenGL-Renderer
- raylib
- Glitter: OpenGL project template with common dependencies.
- More...