Computer Architecture LAB ( Spring 2021 ) This is an instruction of CA LAB of CE@AUT Made by me and Ahmad Foroughi LAB 01 basic gates code is written. Like and, or, xor, half adder and so on... LAB 02 4 to 2 encoder LAB 03 Sequence detector LAB 04 ROM (Read only memory) and RAM (Random access memory) LAB 05 2bit 7 segment that can show numbers up to 99 LAB 06 Carry save adder (CSA) and Carry look ahead adder (CLA) and Ripple adder (RA) LAB 07 Array multiplier using Ripple adder (RA) LAB 08 Divider LAB 09 Cache and Fully associative cache LAB 10 Subtractor with IEEE Floating Point Format LAB 11 and 12 Mano machine GCD (Greatest common divisor) It calculates GCD of two 4bit numbers (Up to 15) Selection sort It sorts an array.