Bise Core Ontology has been designed to model and better share the content of the bioimaging ressources repository. EDAM Bioimaging aims at capturing domain-specific knowledge related to bioimaging data analysis in terms of topics and operations . This web page briefly illustrates sample queries benefiting from knowledge captured in these two ontologies. Still, the RDF data dump is in a very preliminary stage and covers only few concepts and relations.
Showing softwares and their dependencies.
?s1 <requires> ?d1
?s1 a <>
?s1 <> ?d1
Inferring software author communities based on shared interests (EDAM-Bioimaging Operations)
we match pairs of softwares with their corresponding authors. As soon as the tools share the same EDAM operation, we make the assumption that authors share similar interets. FInally, we build a graph with edges <share_same_interests_with>
between authors.
?a1 <share_same_interests_with> ?a2
} where {
?s1 a <>
?s1 <> ?a1
?s1 <> ?f1
?s2 a <>
?s2 <> ?a2
?s2 <> ?f1
Search all available tools related to an EDAM topic.
We match an EDAM Topic which has a label which contains "microscopy". Then we search in the taxonomy all corresponding subclasses ?c rdfs:subClassOf* ?superClass
, and the softwares annotated with them. Finally, we display for each matched subgraph, an edge between a software label and a topic label.
?ti <> ?label .
} where {
?x a <>
?x <> ?a
?x <http://dcterms/title> ?ti .
?x <> ?c .
?c rdfs:subClassOf* ?superClass
?superClass rdfs:label ?label
FILTER (?label ~ "microscopy")
Extract some metrics (sorted counts) based on EDAM terms. e.g. which topic is the most represented in ?
SELECT ?label (count(distinct ?s1) as ?soft_count) WHERE {
?s1 a <>
?s1 <> ?edam_class
?edam_class rdfs:label ?label
GROUP BY ?edam_class ?label
ORDER BY DESC(?soft_count)