Converts NVDB highway data to OSM.
This is an earlier version which works with V2 of the NVDB api and municipality boundaries before 2020.
nvdb2osm -vo "vegobjektkode" [-k "kommune"] > outfile.osm
- Produces osm file with all road objects of a given type
- Optionally within a given municipality (4 digit municipality code), else for the entire country
- Example:
nvdb2osm -vo 103 -k 0301
for all traffic calming/speed bumps in Oslo
nvdb2osm -vn -k "kommune" > outfile.osm
- Produces osm file with road network for a given municipality (4 digit municipality code)
- Example:
nvdb2osm -vn -k 1301
for road network of Bergen
nvdb2osm -vr "vegreferanse" > outfile.osm
- Produces osm file with road network for given road reference code
- Example:
nvdb2osm -vr 0400Ea6 >outfile.osm
for E6 under construction (a) at Hedmark county (0400) - The reference code is found by clicking on a road in
nvdb2osm -vu "api url" > outfile.osm
- Produces osm file defined by given NVDB api url from or any other permitted api url as described in NVDB api documentation
automatically added to the apri url string- Bounding box only supported for WGS84 coordinates, not UTM from (you will need to remove it or convert to WGS84)
- Please make sure that
is included in the api url string - Example 1:
nvdb2osm -vu ",egenskaper,metadata,geometri&egenskap=4567=7041" >outfile.osm
for all construction road objects in Norway (NB: less detailed than a road network) - Example 2: Swap
in example 1 to get cycleways under construction - The api url is found by following this procudure:
- Searching for a feature in
- Click "Legg til søk"
- Click the first link named "xx treff xx meter"
- Copy the link behind "api"
- Remove the bounding box in the copied link if any (or convert it to WGS84 coordinates)
- You may want to test the api url in your browser
- Roads will get tagging for: highway, ref, oneway, roundabout, lanes, turn:lanes, psv, tunnel, bridge.
- The road network will currently not get tagging for information from other road objects, such as speed limit, name, barrier etc.
- For road objects, the osm file will contain all data fields from NVDB in its original format. You will need to convert to proper osm tagging. Referenced roads will get osm tagging automatically.
- Please observe that road object will only produce the center line of the road, while road network will get all separate lanes, so you may want to use road network whenever possible.
- The generated ways currently are sometimes self-intersecting. Run simplify way with a factor of 0.2 in JOSM to fix it.
- The ways also currently have duplicate nodes at their end points and at intersections. Duplicates may be discovered and fixed automatically with the JOSM validator.
- - Statens Vegvesen:
- NVDB data catalogue - All road objects by code and name
- NVDB api documentation - Description of api parameters
- Håndbok V830 - Statens Vegvesen: Nasjonalt vegreferansesystem