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StormCast: Kilometer-Scale Convection Allowing Model Emulation using Generative Diffusion Modeling

Problem overview

Convection-allowing models (CAMs) are essential tools for forecasting severe thunderstorms and mesoscale convective systems, which are responsible for some of the most extreme weather events. By resolving kilometer-scale convective dynamics, these models provide the precision needed for accurate hazard prediction. However, modeling the atmosphere at this scale is both challenging and expensive.

This example demonstrates how to run training and simple inference for StormCast, a generative diffusion model designed to emulate NOAA’s High-Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR) model, a 3km operational CAM. StormCast autoregressively predicts multiple atmospheric state variables with remarkable accuracy, demonstrating ability to replicate storm dynamics, observed radar reflectivity, and realistic atmospheric structure via deep learning-based CAM emulation. StormCast enables high-resolution ML-driven regional weather forecasting and climate risk analysis.

The design of StormCast relies on two neural networks:

  1. A regression model, which provides a deterministic estimate of the next HRRR timestep given the previous timestep's HRRR and background ERA5 states
  2. A diffusion model, which is given the previous HRRR timestep as well as the estimate from the regression model, and provides a correction to the regression model estimate to produce a final high-quality prediction of the next high-resolution atmospheric state.

Much like other data-driven weather models, StormCast can make longer forecasts (more than one timestep) during inference by feeding its predictions back into the model as input for the next step (autoregressive rollout). The regression and diffusion components are trained separately (with the diffusion model training requiring a regression model as prerequisite), then coupled together in inference. Note in the above description, we specifically name HRRR and ERA5 as the regional high-resolution and global coarse-resolution data sources/targets, respectively, but the StormCast setting should generalize to any regional/global coupling of interest.

Getting started


Start by installing PhysicsNeMo (if not already installed) and copying this folder (examples/generative/stormcast) to a system with a GPU available. Also, prepare a combined HRRR/ERA5 dataset in the form specified in utils/ (Note: subsequent versions of this example will include more detailed dataset preparation instructions).

Configuration basics

StormCast training is handled by, configured using hydra based on the contents of the config directory. Hydra allows for YAML-based modular and hierarchical configuration management and supports command-line overrides for quick testing and experimentation. The config directory includes the following subdirectories:

  • dataset: specifies the resolution, number of variables, and other parameters of the dataset
  • model: specifies the model type and model-specific hyperparameters
  • sampler: specifies hyperparameters used in the sampling process for diffusion models
  • training: specifies training-specific hyperparameters and settings like checkpoint/log frequency and where to save training outputs
  • inference specifies inference-specific settings like which initial condition to run, which model checkpoints to use, etc.
  • hydra: specifies basic hydra settings, like where to store outputs (based on the training or inference outputs directories)

Also in the config directory are several top-level configs which show how to train a regression model or diffusion model, and run inference (stormcast-inference). One can select any of these by specifying it as a config name at the command line (e.g., --config-name=regression); optionally one can also override any specific items of interest via command line args, e.g.:

python --config-name regression training.batch_size=4

More extensive configuration modifications can be made by creating a new top-level configuration file similar to regression or diffusion. See diffusion.yaml for an example of how to specify a top-level config that uses default configuration settings with additional custom modifications added on top.

Note any diffusion model you train will need a pretrained regression model to use, so there are two config items that must be defined to train a diffusion model:

  1. model.use_regession_net = True
  2. model.regression_weights set to the path of a PhysicsNeMo (.mdlus) checkpoint with model weights for the regression model. These are saved in the checkpoints directory during training.

Once again, the reference diffusion.yaml top-level config shows an example of how to specify these settings.

At runtime, hydra will parse the config subdirectory and command line over-rides into a runtime configuration object cfg, which will have all settings accessible via both attribute or dictionary-like interfaces. For example, the total training batch size can be accessed either as or cfg['training']['batch_size'].

Training the regression model

To train the StormCast regression model, we simply specify the example regression config and an optional name for the training experiment. On a single GPU machine, for example, run:

python --config-name regression training.experiment_name=regression

This will initialize training experiment and launch the main training loop, which is defined in utils/ Outputs (training logs, checkpoints, etc.) will be saved to a directory specified by the following training config items:

training.outdir: 'rundir' # Root path under which to save training outputs
training.experiment_name: 'stormcast' # Name for the training experiment
training.run_id: '0' # Unique ID to use for this training run 
training.rundir: ./${training.outdir}/${training.experiment_name}/${training.run_id} # Path where experiement outputs will be saved

As you can see, the training.run_id setting can be used for distinguishing between different runs of the same configuration. The final training output directory is constructed by composing together the training.outdir root path (defaults to rundir), the training.experiment_name, and the training.run_id.

Training the diffusion model

The method for launching a diffusion model training looks almost identical, and we just have to change the configuration name appropriately. However, since we need a pre-trained regression model for the diffusion model training, the specified config must include the settings mentioned above in Configuration Basics to provide network weights for the regression model. With that, launching diffusion training looks something like:

python --config-name diffusion training.experiment_name=diffusion

Note that the full training pipeline for StormCast is fairly lengthy, requiring about 120 hours on 64 NVIDIA H100 GPUs. However, more lightweight trainings can still produce decent models if the diffusion model is not trained for as long.

Both regression and diffusion training can be distributed easily with data parallelism via torchrun or other launchers (e.g., SLURM srun). One just needs to ensure the configuration being run has a large enough batch size to be distributed over the number of available GPUs/processes. The example regression and diffusion configs just use a batch size of 1 for simplicity, but new configs can be easily added as described above. For example, distributed training over 8 GPUs on one node would look something like:

torchrun --standalone --nnodes=1 --nproc_per_node=8 --config-name <your_distributed_training_config>


A simple demonstrative inference script is given in, which is also configured using hydra in a manner similar to training. The reference stormcast_inference config shows an example inference config, which looks largely the same as a training config except the output directory is now controlled by the settings from inference rather than training config:

inference.outdir: 'rundir' # Root path under which to save inference outputs
inference.experiment_name: 'stormcast-inference' # Name for the inference experiment being run
inference.run_id: '0' # Unique identifier for the inference run
inference.rundir: ./${inference.outdir}/${inference.experiment_name}/${inference.run_id} # Path where experiment outputs will be saved

To run inference, simply do:

python --config-name <your_inference_config>

This will load regression and diffusion models from directories specified by inference.regression_checkpoint and inference.diffusion_checkpoint respectively; each of these should be a path to a PhysicsNeMo checkpoint (.mdlus file) from your training runs. The script will use these models to run a forecast and save outputs as a zarr file along with a few plots saved as png files. We also recommend bringing your checkpoints to earth2studio for further analysis and visualizations.


In this example, StormCast is trained on the HRRR dataset, conditioned on the ERA5 dataset. The datapipe in this example is tailored specifically for the domain and problem setting posed in the original StormCast preprint, namely a subset of HRRR and ERA5 variables in a region over the Central US with spatial extent 1536km x 1920km.

A custom dataset object is defined in utils/, which loads temporally-aligned samples from HRRR and ERA5, interpolated to the same grid and normalized appropriately. This data pipeline requries the HRRR and ERA5 data to abide by a specific zarr format and for other datasets, you will need to create a custom datapipe. The table below lists the variables used to train StormCast -- in total there are 26 ERA5 variables used and 99 HRRR variables (along with 2 static HRRR invariants, the land/water mask and orography).

ERA5 Variables

Parameter Pressure Levels (hPa) Height Levels (m)
Zonal Wind (u) 1000, 850, 500, 250 10
Meridional Wind (v) 1000, 850, 500, 250 10
Geopotential Height (z) 1000, 850, 500, 250 None
Temperature (t) 1000, 850, 500, 250 2
Humidity (q) 1000, 850, 500, 250 None
Total Column of Water Vapour (tcwv) Integrated -
Mean Sea Level Pressure (mslp) Surface -
Surface Pressure (sp) Surface -

HRRR Variables

Parameter Hybrid Model Levels (Index) Height Levels (m)
Zonal Wind (u) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 20, 25, 30 10
Meridional Wind (v) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 20, 25, 30 10
Geopotential Height (z) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 20, 25, 30 None
Temperature (t) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 20, 25, 30 2
Humidity (q) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 20, 25, 30 None
Pressure (p) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 20 None
Max. Composite Radar Reflectivity - Integrated
Mean Sea Level Pressure (mslp) - Surface
Orography - Surface
Land/Water Mask - Surface


These scripts use Weights & Biases for experiment tracking, which can be enabled by setting training.log_to_wandb=True. Academic accounts are free to create at Once you have an account set up, you can adjust entity and project in to the appropriate names for your wandb workspace.
