Often one may wish to find optimal parameters given multiple data sets. Depending upon the residual function, one may wish to solve the data sets independently and avoid direct concatenation of the data. Provided one understands non-linear least squares it should be fairly intuitive how one combines multiple data sets. Simply append the residual array with the residual output of each data set.
Consider a residual function of the following:
function r = rFnc(x,y,theta)
In the above function, x is your input data, y are your output measurements, and theta are the parameters you wish to optimize. Each of these should be in a column vector form. This residual function can be anything and it is what you are trying to opimize against. For example, one can do an anonomous inline residual function for a line (y= m*x + b) such as the following:
residualFnc = @(x,y,theta) y - (x*theta(2)+theta(1)); % Experimental data minus the equation of a line
Create a batch residual function: Now consider a function that concatenates the various residual vectors into one larger residual array for multiple datasets:
function r =subR(v,rFnc,theta)
% Determine size of R Vector
numElements = 0;
for i=1:size(v,1)
numElements = numElements + length(v{i,2});
r = zeros(numElements,1);
j = 0;
for i = 1:size(v,1) % Compute Residuals and concat
r(j+1:j+length(v{i,2}),1) = rFnc(v{i,1},v{i,2},theta);
j = length(v{i,2});
Alter Jacobian: Next, modify a finite difference Jacobian for the modified residual function.
function J=jacB(v,fnc,params)
eps = 1e-8;
x1 = subR(v,fnc,params);
m = length(x1);
n = length(params);
J = zeros(m,n);
for i = 1:n
paramCpy = params;
paramCpy(i)= paramCpy(i) + eps;
J(:,i) = (subR(v,fnc,paramCpy) - x1)/eps;
Alter lma Function: Finally, modify the vanilla Levenberg Marquardt function to use both the modified r & J functions.
function theta = lmaB(v,fnc,params)
alpha = 1;
theta = params;
oldCost = norm(subR(v,fnc,theta));
for i =1:100;
r = subR(v,fnc,theta);
J = jacB(v,fnc,theta);
p = -pinv(J'*J + alpha*eye(length(params)))*J'*r;
newCost = norm(subR(v,fnc,theta+p));
theta = theta+p;
if(abs(newCost - oldCost)<0.0001)
oldCost = newCost;
alpha =0.1*alpha;
alpha = 10*alpha;
Description: Consider an example where you with to optimize the offset and slope of a line model from multiple datasets. Now, this is a simple example that doesn't require NLSQ but none the less, NLSQ can be used. The following is example code in which 3 lines are simulated with varying levels of noise and lmaB
is called to find the optimal theta values given the data.
Example code: Note, to get this to run you will have to copy the above code and save the individual functions subR.m
, jacB.m
, and lmaB.m
% NZ Test lma batch
a=2; % actual slope
b=5; % actual offset
thetaActual = [b;a];
% Generate sample data
t = (-10:1:10)';
t2 = (-10:0.1:10)';
t3 = (-10:0.1:10)';
y = t.*a+b+randn(length(t),1)*20;
y2 = t2.*a+b+randn(length(t2),1)*10;
y3 = t3.*a+b+randn(length(t3),1)*5;
% Create Residual Function: r(x,y,theta) = y - f(x,theta)
testFnc = @(xx,yy,theta) yy - (xx*theta(2)+theta(1));
% Create 'cell' vector of data
v = {t,y;t2,y2;t3,y3};
% Create initial guess
theta = [0;1];
% Input vector of data, residual function, and initial guess into lmaB
theta = lmaB(v,testFnc,theta);
% For reference, perform linear calculation on 1 dataset
J = [t.^0,t.^1];
thetaLinear = pinv((J') * J)*(J')*y;
% Calculate Errors
rLinear = norm(J*thetaActual - J*thetaLinear);
rNL = norm(J*thetaActual - J*theta);
% Make a pretty plot
fig1 = figure(1);
hold on
legend('Data Set 1','Data Set 2','Data Set 3','Non-linear batch','LSQ','Actual')
grid on
title(['Error 1 Set: ',num2str(rLinear),', Error Multiple Sets: ',num2str(rNL)])
As observed and expected, the error is less when multiple data is combined versus a single data set.