### Analytics In order to maintain a statistics regarding the program usage, Philospher reports to on-line servers every time it is used for a new project. ## Is the program collecting data from my computer? No! No data is collected from your user, computer, network or work environment. The program is not constantly collecting anything nor monitoring time-based, activity-based or behavioral-based usage. ## What kind of data Philosopher is reporting back ? We take advantage of Google Analytics for usage report, it is the same technology used by thousands of websites to monitor users. Differently from all those web pages, we are __not__ monitoring user behavior, the only piece of information collected is the geographical location of the user and the current time. ## Why you just don't use the download count as a usage statistics ? Download links are objects sitting in the wild on the Internet which is full of bots and web crawlers programmed to collect data and scrutinize websites like GitHub. This means that download counters will be an over estimation on the true number of users enjoying Philosopher. ## Are you sure no other data is been collected ? Yes! If you have any concerns, feel free to check the source code. ## Can I turn this option off ? Yes, you can. Reporting is absolutely optional and it will not reflect on or limit your experience with the program. When creating a new workspace, just add the parameter `--analytics false` to it.