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Colours and Gradients

Niall7459 edited this page Sep 2, 2020 · 1 revision

Colours and Gradients


As of 1.16 & KiteBoard 3.2, hexadecimal colours and gradients are now supported throughout the plugin.

Hexadecimal Colours

Using hexadecimal colours in text:

KiteBoard provides support for hexadecimal colours in group configurations using the &#FFFFFF format. This may be used in the same way as you would use the standard &c legacy colour codes.

KiteBoard provides no guarantee that these colours will work between different client/server versions. Hexadecimal colours will only be parsed in 1.16 or above. And as a result users on older versions may experience issues.

Using hexadecimal colours in animations:

Hexadecimal colours may be used in animations that support it. Hexadecimal colours should be specified in options in the format #FFFFFF. or should you wish to use the short format, #FFF.

Not all animations support 1.16 hexadecimal colours. For more information see Animations and modifiers

Creating gradients:

For instructions on how to use gradients, which animations they support, view the page on creating a gradient animation

Gradients can be created between 2 or more colours provided. The way the gradient is produced depends on the interpolation strategy used. Generally this is kept to RGB (Red Green Blue). However you may wish to use HSB (Hue Saturation Brightness) by specifying the hsb=true flag.

Linear Gradient

A RGB interpolated gradient from #FF0000 (Red) to #0000FF (Blue)

Example configuration:

<gradient from=#FF0000 to=#0000FF>Text</gradient>
<gradient from=#F00 to=#00F>Text</gradient>

Advanced Gradient

You may create a gradient with more than two colours.

Example configuration:

<gradient colors=#FF0000,#00FF00,#0000FF>Text</gradient>

Rainbow Gradient

Rainbow gradient's use the HSB interpolation.

Example configuration:

<gradient rainbow>Rainbow Text</gradient>