This project uses pre-commit to perform first line validation of code, please ensure that you have pre-commit installed, enabled and have run it on your contribution prior to requesting a merge into this project
See pre-commit install guide
The default IDE for development on this project is VSCode/VSCodium, please do not submit any other IDE specific files to the project (it is recommended to block them via updating the .gitignore file)
The following are project standards and will not be changed, (this is for our own sanity, we don't want to be battling against a continual stream of X formatting standard is better type requests/comments)
All indents (C#, yaml etc.) are set to 2 spaces All lines (for any file, excluding License files) must not exceed 120 characters in length
The following files are used to enforce project standards and are not open to contributions, please do not ask for/suggest changes to them.
- .pre-commit-config.yaml
- .yamllint.yaml
- .csharpierrc.yaml
- .mdformat.toml