Unity specific skills you will need, practice, and demonstrate include:
· User Interface
o Sharing the editor between the GameObject world and the UI coordinate system
o Working with UI RectTransform
· Packages: create and import
Concepts you will explore and understand include
· The lerp function: gradual rotation and chasing
· Simple implementation of a finite state machine
· Randomness and simple examples in games (again)
1. User Interface and Packages: Example based on Module-2 Example-4
o Run Behavior: press-space bar to launch egg at slider-bar-value interval
o Packet Import:
§ Assets èImport Package: select SliderWithEcho.unitypackage
§ From the github look for ClassExample**/Packages**
§ PreFab: UI-SliderWithEcho
§ Scripts/UI/SliderWithEcho.cs
§ To create your own package, do the reverse: AssetsèExport and select the appropriate components (remember to select the necessary scripts)
o UI: Using the imported package
§ Remember, first your scene must have a Canvas (create by: UIàCanvas)
§ To use: drag SliderWithEcho pre-fab into the Canvas:
1. Align anchor: lower-left
§ Rename to: SpawnRate
§ Must configure: (Select SpawnRate and look in the Inspector Window)
1. mLabelText
2. SliderValue: (this is a Text UI object)
1. Customize the text detail, e.g., color
3. SliderBar (in the Slider component)
1. Set: Min Value, Max Value, Init Value
§ Careful: when adjusting positions of the SliderWithEcho object, do not adjust the children positions!
o GreenArrowBehavior: reference an SliderWithEcho
§ In the editor: drag the entire SliderWithEcho (SpawnRate) to the GreenArrowBehaivor object
§ The value() of SpwanRate is how many seconds to wait in between spawning new eggs
§ Note: Time.time amount of seconds elapsed since the beginning of the game
o Learned:
§ Almost all Unity specific:
§ Time.time: time (in seconds) after game began
§ Package: import/export of prefab watch to check all dependent components
§ Note the logic in GreeArrowBehavior::Update() on check for spawn rate.
o Alternate implementation:
§ SpawnRateèSliderBar has a call back (event handler)
§ Can define a function in GreenArrowBehavior and add the function here.
1. Pros: Receives value change via event, no need to refer in update()
2. Cons: Implicit references (via event service functions), can be challenging to figure out all event handlers.
§ I usually poll UI events in Update() function.
§ Exercise:
§ Implement this alternative.
WARNING: Text echo is not kind, default horizontal overflow is set to truncate, meaning, if a text is too long (e.g., number with many precision digits), the number will not show! Try it!!
UI-Canvas àSpawnRateàSliderValue: under Text (Script)
§ A wrap in the horizontal and truncate in the vertical may result in part of the message not shown!
§ Look for Horizontal Overflow, try different settings!
- Cool Down Bar: simple continuation from the previous example
Run Behavior: press-space bar to launch egg at slider-bar-value interval and watch the cool down bar
Package Import:
Assets èImport Package: select CoolDownBar.unitypackage
From the github look for ClassExample**/Packages**
PreFab: UI-CoolDownBar
UI: Using the imported package
Remember: you must have a Canvas (to create: UIàCanvas)
Optional: set the value of Sec_To_Cool_Down
Select CoolDownBar, and look for the CoolDownBar.cs component
GreenArrowBehavior: reference an SliderWithEcho, and CoolDownBar
In the editor: connect CoolDownBar UI to the instance variable
Note: the re-spawn time restriction logic is now hidden
Learned: Importance and beauty of OO, CoolDownBar hides spawn rate logic from GreenArrowBehavior!
Run Behavior:
WASD: move the egg
UpArrow chase after the egg
TurnRate: (be careful, slider bar may keep focus of mouse, click somewhere else to un-focus)
0 does not turn towards egg
1 always point at egg
0 < rate < 1: turns gradually from very slow (values close to 0), to very quick (values close to 1)
Egg: WASD_Movement: trivial behavior
Public variables
TurnRate: connects to the slider
Target: connects to the egg
PointAtPosition(): function
Pointing the transform.up towards any given position
- Incremental rotation of transform.up to align with V
- Watch out, if transform.up and V are pointing in perfect opposite directions, the turning does not work.
Calls PointAtPosition()
Move in the direction of transform.up
In game object movement consideration
Easy: Direct control: you control the position of an object
Less Easy: Indirect control: e.g., you control the velocity of an object
Obey the rules of physics: Indirect control in the world with physics (gravity and potentials for collisions), you configure the physics to control the object movement
Follow your own algorithm: No control: autonomous (as in this case)
Gradual rotation**:** Vector3.lerpUnclamped()
The PointAtPosition**(****)** function
Quite reusable
In-game object movement considerations
Run Behavior:
Watch the green arrow chases the egg, when gets close, egg spawn in a new position in the pinkish area
SliderBar changes the pinkish area size (% of world bound size)
N-Key: to spawn a new GreenArrow
H-Key: to hide the egg
Try: spawn 20 arrows, and then hide the egg, see a bunch of patrolling arrows?!
Scene Setting
MainCamera: has CameraSupport: for setting and testing bounds
Child: GameManager**:** empty game object for hanging the singleton GameManager
TargetBoundBox (pinkish)
- This box is behind the green arrow (with larger Z-position values, the larger the Z the more behind).
- Be careful**:** camera settings only allows z values of up to 1000: MainCamera.Far
GreenArrow: chases after the egg
Initialize must be done before GreenArrowBehavior::Start()!
Has reference
CameraSupport: to compute world bound and target bound
TargetBoundBox: to be scaled into the size user specified
TargetBoundSlider: child of UI-Canvas, the slider bar
GetTargetBound: computes the percentage of a given bound
ComputeNewTargetPosition: a random target position within a given bound
Vector.Distance(): Notice this function, convenient to use
Compute the percentage of a given bound (GameManager**::GetTargetBound()**)
Random position in a bound (GreenArrow**::ComputeNewTargetPosition()**)
Distance between two game objects: Vector3::Distance() function
Game object positions: z values are important
Front is smaller z, behind/far is larger z
SHOULD NOT change the z-value of an object during game play
- May cause “flipping” rotation
- E.g., change the z value of Target to e.g., 1.0f and observe arrow flips
SliderBar callback function
Efficient, only compute when there are changes
Edited in the UI
Run Behavior:
Move the arrow with WASD
Touch the plane to trigger fixed behavior
Finite State Machine: Simple state on the Plane. Here is the state transition definition
Normally, nothing, when collision
enlarge for 120 frames
rotate CW fast for 80 frames
rotate CCW for 80 frames
shrink for 120 frames
return to resting
Note: in our context, if an operation does not need time, it is NOT a state. All states, in the FSM needs more than one update() cycle.
Implementation Keys:
Draw the state diagram!!
Instance variables for state definition and transition
Enum for individual states
Case statement in update()
State service: Each state is a separate function!
As states become complicated, they can be defined as instance of different classes (with shared base class)
Partial class (different files implementing the same class)
Plane.cs and Plane_FSM.cs
Each contains separate details!
Finite State Machine: important to
Draw out ALL states, and
Define all possible input and state transitions
Implementation key: review the above!
Relatively straightforward to define simple repetitive autonomous behaviors!
C# Partial class: to help separate source code into different files for organization
Run Behavior:
All planes cycles through states without going into resting
Random enlarge and rotation periods (turn constants into variables)
After a while, look rather random?
GameManager: hanging off MainCamera
Creates all the planes at startup
Randomness: in the Start() function, sets the number of frames in scale/rotate states to be random
Beauty and simplicity of random
§ Ease of expansion when well abstracted
Run Behavior
Eggs orbits around hero
No UI support, must change from the editor, try
Select Hero in Editor and move hero around (egg follows)
Select Egg and change
- Orbit Radius
- Orbit Speed
Egg is the satellite
OrbitControlàHostXform points to Hero’s xform
OrbitControl.cs on the Egg (can be on any objects):
Literally 3-lines of code!
Nice to know quaternion 😊.