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Ansible Role 🌈 📊 Grafana

Galaxy Role GitHub release (latest by date) License: MIT

Table of Contents

Ansible role that installs and configures Grafana: an analytics and monitoring observability platform.

Supported Platforms:
* Debian
* Redhat(CentOS/Fedora)
* Ubuntu


Requires the unzip/gtar utility to be installed on the target host. See ansible unarchive module notes for details. Also, due to the use of the provisioning feature introduced in version 5.0, versions >= 5.0 of Grafana are required for proper execution.

Role Variables

Variables are available and organized according to the following software & machine provisioning stages:

  • install
  • config
  • launch
  • uninstall


grafana can be installed using compressed archives (.tar, .zip) and both DEB as well as RPM distribution packages, downloaded and extracted from various sources.

The following variables can be customized to control various aspects of this installation process, ranging from software version and source location of binaries to the installation directory where they are stored:

grafana_user: <service-user-name> (default: grafana)

grafana_group: <service-group-name> (default: grafana)

  • dedicated service user and group used by grafana for privilege separation (see here for details)

install_type: <package | archive> (default: archive)

  • package: supported by Debian and Redhat distributions, package installation of Grafana pulls the specified package from the respective package management repository.

    • Note that the installation directory is determined by the package management system and currently defaults to under /usr/{sbin,lib, share} for all distros.
  • archive: compatible with both tar and zip formats, archived installation binaries can be obtained from local and remote compressed archives either from the official releases index or those generated from development/custom sources.

install_dir: </path/to/installation/dir> (default: /opt/grafana)

  • path on target host where the grafana binaries should be extracted to.

archive_url: <path-or-url-to-archive> (default: see defaults/main.yml)

  • address of a compressed tar or zip archive containing grafana binaries. This method technically supports installation of any available version of grafana. Links to official versions can be found here.

archive_checksum: <path-or-url-to-checksum> (default: see defaults/main.yml)

  • address of a checksum file for verifying the data integrity of the specified grafana archive. While recommended and generally considered a best practice, specifying a checksum is not required and can be disabled by providing an empty string ('') for its value.

checksum_format: <string> (default: see sha256)

  • hash algorithm used for file verification associated with the specified archive checksum. Reference here for more information about checksums/cryptographic hashes.

package_url: <path-or-url-to-package> (default: see defaults/main.yml)

  • address of a debian(DEB) or RPM package containing grafana binaries. Links to official versions can be found here.

package_checksum: <path-or-url-to-checksum> (default: see defaults/main.yml)

  • address of a checksum file for verifying the data integrity of the specified grafana package. While recommended and generally considered a best practice, specifying a checksum is not required and can be disabled by providing an empty string ('') for its value.


Using this role, configuration of a grafana installation is organized according to the following components:

  • grafana service configuration (grafana.ini)
  • provisioning of datasources (provisioning/datasources - *.[json|yml])
  • dashboard provisioning (provisioning/dashboards - *.[json|yml])
  • notifier setup (provisioning/notifiers - [json|yml])

Each configuration can be expressed within the following variables in order to customize the contents and settings of the designated configuration files to be rendered:

config_dir: </path/to/configuration/dir> (default: {{ install_dir }})

  • path on target host where grafana config file should be rendered

provision_configs: <['datasources', 'dashboards' and/or 'notifiers']> (default: [])

  • list of Grafana provisioning components to configure. See here for more details.

Grafana Service configuration

Grafana service configuration is contained within an INI file, grafana.ini by default, which defines a set of service behaviors organized by section representing general administration and various content provider aspects of the Grafana service.

These sections and settings can expressed within the hash, grafana_config, keyed by configuration section with dicts as values representing config section specifications (e.g. the path to store the sqlite3 database file -- activated by default). The following provides an overview and example configurations of each section for reference.


[grafana_config:] path: <key: value,...> (default: see section documentation)

  • specifies parameters that are related to where Grafana stores artifacts and variable data
   # section [paths]
     # section option 1 - path of sqlite database
     data: /mnt/data/grafana
     # section option 2 - path to store logs
     logs: /mnt/logs/grafana

[grafana_config:] server: <key: value,...> (default: see section documentation)

  • specifies parameters that are related to how Grafana interfaces over the network
   # section [server]
     http_port: 3030

[grafana_config:] database: <key: value,...> (default: see section documentation)

  • specifies parameters that control how grafana interfaces with one of the available backend datastore types (i.e. mysql, postgres and sqlite)
   # section [database]
     type: mysql
     name: grafana-test
     user: mysql-admin
     password: PASSWORD

[grafana_config:] remote_cache: <key: value,...> (default: see section documentation)

  • specifies parameters that control how grafana interfaces with one of the available remote-caching types (i.e. redis, memcached and database)
   # section [remote_cache]
     type: redis
     connstr: addr=,pool_size=100,db=0,ssl=false

[grafana_config:] security: <key: value,...> (default: see section documentation)

  • specifies parameters that manage Grafana user/organization authentication and authorization behavior
    # section [security]
      admin_user: sre-user
      admin_password: PASSWORD
      login_remember_days: 7

[grafana_config:] users: <key: value,...> (default: see section documentation)

  • specifies parameters that control Grafana user capabilities
    # section [users]
      allow_sign_up: true
      allow_org_create: false
      login_hint: THIS IS A HINT

[grafana_config:] auth: <key: value,...> (default: see section documentation)

  • specifies parameters that regulate user authorization capabilites

Grafana provides multiple methods to authenticate users and settings for each method are expressed within [auth.] sections as appropriate, allowing for authentication ranging from basic user auth to Google & Github OAuth.

    # section [auth.github] - NOTE: **github** represents the auth method
      enabled: true
      allow_sign_up: true
      client_id: YOUR_GITHUB_APP_CLIENT_ID
      client_secret: YOUR_GITHUB_APP_CLIENT_SECRET
      scopes: user:email,read:org

[grafana_config:] dataproxy: <key: value,...> (default: see section documentation)

  • specifies parameters that enable data proxy logging
    # section [dataproxy]
      logging: true
      timeout: 60
      send_user_header: true

[grafana_config:] analytics: <key: value,...> (default: see section documentation)

  • specifies parameters that activate usage statistics collection and reporting
    # section [analytics]
      reporting_enabled: true
      google_analytics_ua_id: UA_ID
      check_for_updates: true

[grafana_config:] dashboards: <key: value,...> (default: see section documentation)

  • specifies parameters that regulate Grafana's dashboard maintenance policy
    # section [dashboards]
      versions_to_keep: 5

[grafana_config:] smtp: <key: value,...> (default: see section documentation)

  • specifies email server settings for identity in addition to alerting/notification
    # section [smtp]
      enabled: true
      user: smtp-user
      password: PASSWORD

[grafana_config:] log: <key: value,...> (default: see section documentation)

  • specifies logging settings (e.g. log level and log output modes or channels)
    # section [log]
      mode: console
      level: debug

[grafana_config:] metrics: <key: value,...> (default: see section documentation)

  • specifies settings for managing the emission of Grafana telemetry
    # section [metrics]
      enabled: true
      interval_seconds: 5s

[grafana_config:] snapshots: <key: value,...> (default: see section documentation)

  • specifies settings for managing the publishing behavior of Grafana's interactive dashboard snapshotting functionality
    # section [snapshots]
      external_enabled: true
      external_snapshot_name: ENDPOINT

[grafana_config:] external_image_storage: <key: value,...> (default: see section documentation)

  • specifies settings for controlling how images should be made publicly available for sharing on services like slack

Grafana supports several backend storage providers for which individual configurations can be expressed within [external_image_storage.] sections as appropriate, enabling remote storage on services like s3, gcs, azure blob and local storage.

    # section [external_image_storage]
      external_enabled: true
      external_snapshot_name: Publish to ENDPOINT
      bucket: grafana-snapshots
      region: us-east-1
      path: ${HOSTNAME}
      access_key: ACCESS_KEY
      secret_key: SECRET_KEY

[grafana_config:] alerting: <key: value,...> (default: see section documentation)

  • specifies settings for managing Grafana's alerting engine and behavior/rulesets
    # section [alerting]
      enabled: true
      execute_alerts: true
      nodata_or_nullvalues: no_data
      evaluation_timeout_seconds: 10
      notification_timeout_seconds: 60
      max_attempts: 5

[grafana_config:] rendering: <key: value,...> (default: see section documentation)

  • specifies settings for operating a remote HTTP rendering service
    # section [rendering]
      server_url: http://localhost:8081/render

[grafana_config:] plugins: <key: value,...> (default: see section documentation)

  • specifies settings for managing the availability and accessibility of grafana plugins
    # section [plugins]
      enable_alpha: true

[grafana_config:] feature_toggles: <key: value,...> (default: see section documentation)

  • specifies settings for toggling the use of alpha features by the grafana instance, delimited by spaces
    # section [feature_toggles]
      enable: transformations

[grafana_config:] tracing.jaegar: <key: value,...> (default: see section documentation)

  • specifies settings for configuring Grafana's Jaegar client for distributed tracing.

Note: standard Jaegar environment variables, prefixed by JAEGAR_*, can still be specified and will override any settings provided herein.

    # section [tracing.jaegar]
      address: http://localhost:6381
      always_included_tag: key1:value1,key2:value2


Grafana supports many different storage backends for your time series data known as datasources. Each datasource can be configured in a set of json|yml configuration files under Grafana's provisioning directory, which can be adjusted within the [paths] grafana.ini section.

These datasoure configurations can expressed within the hash, grafana_datasources. This hash contains a list of data source structures for activation and another for deletion, keyed by datasources and deleteDatasources, respectively. The values themselves consist of a list of dicts representing individual datasource specifications. See here for more details and a list of supported datasources.

grafana_datasources: <list-of-dicts> (default: [])

  • specifies grafana datasource definitions to render. See here for a reference to available datasources from the community and their respective options.

grafana_datasources: name: <string> (default: required)

  • name of grafana datasource file to render

grafana_datasources: <entry> : datasources: <list-of-dicts> (default: [])

  • list of data source definitions (based on supported list mentioned above) to render within the configuration file

grafana_datasources: <entry> : deleteDatasources: <list-of-dicts> (default: [])

  • list of previously imported data source definitions to delete (based on supported list mentioned above) to render within the configuration file
 - name: example_datasource
     - name: elasticsearch-logs
       type: elasticsearch
       access: proxy
       database: "[logs-]YYYY.MM.DD"
       url: http://localhost:9200
         interval: Daily
         timeField: "@timestamp"
         esVersion: 70
         logMessageField: message
         logLevelField: fields.level
     - name: prometheus_example
       type: prometheus
       access: proxy
       url: http://localhost:9090
     - name: graphite-legacy
       type: graphite
       access: proxy
       url: http://localhost:8080
         graphiteVersion: "1.1"

Since version 5.0 Grafana has allowed adding one or more yaml|json config files in the provisioning/dashboards directory. Enabling Grafana to load dashboards from the local filesystem, this directory can contain a list of dashboards providers which indicate characteristics and various forms of meta data pertaining to the directory/file from which to load.

These dashboard provider configurations can be expressed within the hash, grafana_dashboards, which is composed of a list of the aforementioned dashboard provider structures. See here for more details and a list of dashboards created by the community available for download and import.

grafana_dashboards: <list-of-dicts> (default: [])

  • specifies grafana dashboard provider definitions to render. See here for a reference of supported options.

grafana_dashboards: <entry> : name: <string> (default: required)

  • name of grafana dashboard provider file to render

grafana_dashboards: <entry> : apiVersion: <string> (default: [])

  • name of version of grafana dashboard provider file (useful for synchronization across instances)

grafana_dashboards: <entry> : providers: <list-of-dicts> (default: [])

  • list of dashboard provider definitions to render within the configuration file

[grafana_dashboards: <entry> : urls: <entry>:] name (default: required)

  • name of JSON file to store dashboard configuration/contents

[grafana_dashboards: <entry> : urls: <entry>:] src (default: [])

  • URL or web address to locate and download the JSON file/content from

[grafana_dashboards: <entry> : urls: <entry>:] id (default: [])

  • unique identifier for referencing the dashboard to download from Grafana's official community hub

[grafana_dashboards: <entry> : urls: <entry>:] dest (default: {{ provisioning_dir }}/dashboards)

  • location on host filesystem to store JSON dashboard definition

Note: either one of _.src or for dashboard identification and location is required.

    - name: test-example
      apiVersion: 2
        - name: node_exporter_prometheus
        - name: geth_server
          id: '6976'
        - name: 'default-example'
          folder: 'default'
          folderUid: 1
          type: file
          disableDeletion: true
          updateIntervalSeconds: 30
            path: /var/lib/grafana/conf/provisioning/dashboards


Alert Notification Channels can be provisioned by adding one or more yaml|json config files in the provisioning/notifiers directory.

Each config file can be expressed within the grafana_notifiers hash containing the following top-level fields:

  • notifiers, a list of alert notifications that will be added or updated during start up. If the notification channel already exists, Grafana will update it to match the configuration file.
  • delete_notifiers, a list of alert notifications to be deleted before before inserting/updating those in the notifiers list.

Provisioning looks up alert notifications by uid, and will update any existing notification with the provided uid.

grafana_notifiers: <list-of-dicts> (default: [])

  • specifies grafana notifiers definitions to render. See here for a reference of supported options.

grafana_notifiers: <entry> : name: <string> (default: required)

  • name of grafana alert notifier file to render

grafana_notifiers: <entry> : notifiers: <string> (default: [])

  • list of grafana alert notifiers to activate for a grafana instance

grafana_notifiers: <entry> : delete_notifiers: <list-of-dicts> (default: [])

  • list of grafana alert notifiers to delete from a grafana instance
    - name: slack-example
        - name: example-org-slack
          recipient: team-channel
        - name: example-org-pagerduty
          integrationKey: PAGER_DUTY_KEY
        - name: example-org-email
          addresses: [email protected],[email protected]


Grafana supports data source, panel, and app plugins. This role provides a list variable, grafana_plugins, which supports specification of a list of hashes detailing the name and version of the plugin to download. For more information about installing plugins, refer to Grafana's official plugins documentation and see here for a reference to available plugins.

[grafana_plugins: <entry>:] name: (default: required)

  • name of the Grafana plugin to download

[grafana_plugins: <entry>:] version: (default: `latest)

  • version of the Grafana plugin to download
    - name: petrslavotinek-carpetplot-panel
      version: 0.1.1
    - name: briangann-gauge-panel
      # version: latest


This role supports launching the grafana web server accomplished utilizing the systemd service management tool, which manages the service as a background process or daemon subject to the configuration and execution potential provided by its underlying management framework.

The following variables can be customized to manage the service's systemd [Service] unit definition and execution profile/policy:

extra_run_args: <grafana-cli-options> (default: [])

  • list of grafana commandline arguments to pass to the binary at runtime for customizing launch.

Supporting full expression of grafana's cli, this variable enables the launch to be customized according to the user's specification.

custom_unit_properties: <hash-of-systemd-service-settings> (default: [])

  • hash of settings used to customize the [Service] unit configuration and execution environment of the Grafana systemd service.


Support for uninstalling and removing artifacts necessary for provisioning allows for users/operators to return a target host to its configured state prior to application of this role. This can be useful for recycling nodes and perhaps providing more graceful/managed transitions between tooling upgrades.

The following variable(s) can be customized to manage this uninstall process:

perform_uninstall: <true | false> (default: false)

  • whether to uninstall and remove all artifacts and remnants of this grafana installation on a target host (see: handlers/main.yml for details)


  • 0x0i.systemd

Example Playbook

default example:

- hosts: all
  - role: 0x0I.grafana

install specific version of Grafana bits:

- hosts: all
  - role: 0xOI.grafana
      archive_checksum: 0edc8207e356ef66eb7b1c78a1cdabc2cd5c0655de774000de2ad0397e543377

adust Grafana installation, configuration and data directories:

- hosts: all
  - role: 0x0I.grafana
      install_dir: /usr/local
      config_dir: /etc/grafana
      data_dir: /mnt/grafana

launch Grafana in debug mode for troubleshooting purposes and only output to console/stdout{err}:

- hosts: all
  - role: 0x0I.grafana
          level: debug
          mode: console



Author Information

This role was created in 2019 by O1.IO.