diff --git a/mail_forward/static/src/core/common/message.xml b/mail_forward/static/src/core/common/message.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c43a72c62..0000000000
--- a/mail_forward/static/src/core/common/message.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
-<templates xml:space="preserve">
-    <t t-inherit="mail.Message.actions" t-inherit-mode="extension">
-        <!--
-        In the DropdownItem, render the callComponent if it is defined,
-        similar to how it is rendered for quick actions.
-        Currently, Odoo only renders the callComponent for quick actions (2 or 3 actions).
-        However, the remaining actions, rendered as DropdownItem, do not invoke the callComponent.
-        See the related code here:
-        https://github.com/odoo/odoo/blob/a32626be4cfbaeb21ed64a0abaad298e8e223ea3/addons/mail/static/src/core/common/message.xml#L146-L160
-        TODO: This code should be removed once the issue is fixed in the Odoo core.
-        https://github.com/odoo/odoo/pull/194643
-        -->
-        <xpath expr="//DropdownItem//i" position="before">
-            <t
-                t-if="action.callComponent"
-                t-component="action.callComponent"
-                t-props="action.props"
-            />
-            <t t-else="">
-                <!-- used to move the elements into the t-else -->
-                <span class="mail_action_item d-none" />
-            </t>
-        </xpath>
-        <xpath expr="//span[hasclass('mail_action_item')]" position="before">
-            <xpath expr="//DropdownItem/i" position="move" />
-            <xpath expr="//DropdownItem/t[@t-esc='action.title']" position="move" />
-        </xpath>
-    </t>
diff --git a/mail_forward/static/src/core/common/message_actions.esm.js b/mail_forward/static/src/core/common/message_actions.esm.js
index 37b7fb0198..dcc9ace71d 100644
--- a/mail_forward/static/src/core/common/message_actions.esm.js
+++ b/mail_forward/static/src/core/common/message_actions.esm.js
@@ -12,6 +12,6 @@ messageActionsRegistry.add("forward", {
     props: (component) => ({message: component.props.message}),
     condition: (component) =>
         component.props.message.is_discussion && !component.props.message.is_note,
-    sequence: 15,
+    sequence: 75,
     title: _t("Forward"),