diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 45e4c55..d613ff8 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -9,4 +9,4 @@ Huskos SteamWorkshop Downloader.spec
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Clean Folder.bat b/Clean Folder.bat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef57504
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Clean Folder.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+rmdir /s /q .\update
+rmdir /s /q .\dist
+rmdir /s /q .\build
+rmdir /s /q .\__pycache__
+rmdir /s /q .\temp
+del ".\Huskos SteamWorkshop Downloader.spec"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 50b8b05..6e8ef03 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -11,25 +11,44 @@ The bot will ask for an app_id of the game you want to download mods for. This i
Other Infos can be found on the [Wiki][1]!
## Current Features
Proxy Scraper: to anonymize request
Randomized User Agent to Further Anonymize request sent
Automatic installation of downloaded mods
-Beautiful Terminal Interface
+Beautiful Terminal Interface*
Discord RPC
+Update Grabber
+Collection Support
+Grabs Dependencies
### Known Issues
-~Entering an invalid id will make the bot crash~ Fixed in 1.4
-~if you enter a link make sure it looks like this https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2674456883 or it will crash~ Fixed in 1.4
+~~Entering an invalid id will make the bot crash~~ ***Fixed in 1.4***
+~~if you enter a link make sure it looks like this https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2674456883 or it will crash~~ ***Fixed in 1.4***
+~~Bot Will Crash when discord is not running.~~ ***Fixed in 1.5***
+Certain Collections may throw an installation error. This can be safely ignored for now.
### Planned
-Feature to download collections
-Feature to download from a file
+~~Feature to download collections~~ ***Added in 1.5***
+Feature to download from a text file
Adding More Games to the supported list
More Bug Fixes
Linux Support
+A real auto updater
+Adding an API to communicate with a browser addon
+Code Cleanup
[1]: https://github.com/Official-Husko/Husko-s-SteamWorkshop-Downloader/wiki
[2]: https://github.com/Official-Husko/Husko-s-SteamWorkshop-Downloader/releases/latest
+[3]: https://steamworkshopdownloader.io/
+#### Disclaimer
+***We are not in any way affiliated or working with the team from [Steam Workshop Downloader IO][3]. This is a unofficial project.***
+*I would suggest you to use a customized Windows Terminal.
diff --git a/bot.py b/bot.py
index fa556c4..1d9c517 100644
--- a/bot.py
+++ b/bot.py
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
from socket import timeout
from time import sleep
+from tkinter import E
import requests
import random
import ctypes
@@ -18,15 +19,20 @@
# Defined Variables
global cfg
cfg = configparser.RawConfigParser()
-version = "1.4"
+version = "1.5"
threads = 1
get_date = datetime.datetime.now()
month = get_date.month
+collection = []
# Connect to Discord RPC
client_id = '945401698401284116'
-RPC = Presence(client_id)
+ RPC = Presence(client_id)
+ RPC.connect()
+ discord_active = 1
+ discord_active = 0
# Check if folder exists else create it
if os.path.exists('temp'):
@@ -34,8 +40,6 @@
elif not os.path.exists('temp'):
- print("Error while checking for temp folder. Please report this issue")
if not os.path.exists('configs'):
@@ -53,7 +57,8 @@ def update_checker():
updt_name = str(git_data.get('name'))
updt_rel = str(git_data.get('published_at'))
if float(version) < float(cv):
- RPC.update(state="Updating Downloader to " + cv,buttons=[{"label": "GitHub", "url": "https://github.com/Official-Husko/Husko-s-SteamWorkshop-Downloader"},],small_text="Updating",small_image="update",large_image="bridge")
+ if discord_active == 1:
+ RPC.update(state="Updating Downloader to " + cv,buttons=[{"label": "GitHub", "url": "https://github.com/Official-Husko/Husko-s-SteamWorkshop-Downloader"},],small_text="Updating",small_image="update",large_image="bridge")
print(colored("A new Update is available!", "green"))
print("Name: " + colored(updt_name, "green"))
@@ -95,13 +100,14 @@ def update_checker():
ctypes.windll.kernel32.SetConsoleTitleW("Husko's Steam Workshop Downloader | v" + version)
def game_selection(cfg):
- RPC.update(state="Selecting a Game",buttons=[{"label": "GitHub", "url": "https://github.com/Official-Husko/Husko-s-SteamWorkshop-Downloader"},],small_text="Game Selection",small_image="selection",large_image="bridge")
+ if discord_active == 1:
+ RPC.update(state="Selecting a Game",buttons=[{"label": "GitHub", "url": "https://github.com/Official-Husko/Husko-s-SteamWorkshop-Downloader"},],small_text="Game Selection",small_image="selection",large_image="bridge")
print(colored("======================================================================================================================", "red"))
print(colored("| |", "red"))
- print(colored("| " + colored("Product: Husko's Steam Workshop Downloader", "white") + colored(" |", "red"), "red"))
- print(colored("| " + colored("Version: ", "white") + version + colored(" |", "red"), "red"))
- print(colored("| " + colored("Description: Download and Install SteamWorkshop mods with a few simple click.", "white") + colored(" |", "red"), "red"))
+ print(colored("| " + colored("Product: ", "white") + colored("Husko's Steam Workshop Downloader", "green") + colored(" |", "red"), "red"))
+ print(colored("| " + colored("Version: ", "white") + colored(version, "green") + colored(" |", "red"), "red"))
+ print(colored("| " + colored("Description: ", "white") + colored("Download and Install SteamWorkshop mods with a few simple clicks.", "green") + colored(" |", "red"), "red"))
print(colored("| |", "red"))
print(colored("======================================================================================================================", "red"))
@@ -109,6 +115,7 @@ def game_selection(cfg):
print("Please Enter a App ID")
global game
+ global not_supported
game = int(input(">> "))
except ValueError:
@@ -116,113 +123,145 @@ def game_selection(cfg):
if game in supported_games:
+ not_supported = False
- print(colored("Game is not Supported Sorry. Please open a request for me to add support to this game.", "yellow"))
- sleep(5)
- game_selection(cfg)
+ print(colored("This game has not yet received a special installation instruction in this Tool. I will be downloaded but it won't be installed automatically!", "yellow"))
+ sleep(7)
+ not_supported = True
+ config(cfg)
def config(cfg):
print(colored("======================================================================================================================", "red"))
print(colored("| |", "red"))
print(colored("| " + colored("Product: Husko's Steam Workshop Downloader", "white") + colored(" |", "red"), "red"))
- print(colored("| " + colored("Version: ", "white") + version + colored(" |", "red"), "red"))
- print(colored("| " + colored("Description: Download and Install SteamWorkshop mods with a few simple click.", "white") + colored(" |", "red"), "red"))
+ print(colored("| " + colored("Version: ", "white") + version + colored(" |", "red"), "red"))
+ print(colored("| " + colored("Description: Download and Install SteamWorkshop mods with a few simple clicks.", "white") + colored(" |", "red"), "red"))
print(colored("| |", "red"))
print(colored("======================================================================================================================", "red"))
- configFilePath = "configs/" + config_names.get(game) + "_config.ini"
- cfg.read(configFilePath)
global mods
- mods = cfg.get('Default', 'ModsPath')
global proxies
- proxies = cfg.get('Default', 'Proxies')
global rua
- rua = cfg.get('Default', 'RandomUserAgent')
global timeout
- timeout = cfg.getint('Default', 'TimeOut')
- print("-----------<[ Using the Following Config: " + config_names.get(game) + "_config.ini ]>-----------")
- print("Game: " + colored(game_names.get(game), "green"))
- print("App ID: " + colored(game, "green"))
- print("Mods Path: " + colored(mods, "green"))
+ if not_supported == False:
+ print("-----------<[ Using the Following Config: " + config_names.get(game) + "_config.ini ]>-----------")
+ configFilePath = "configs/" + config_names.get(game) + "_config.ini"
+ cfg.read(configFilePath)
+ mods = cfg.get('Default', 'ModsPath')
+ proxies = cfg.get('Default', 'Proxies')
+ rua = cfg.get('Default', 'RandomUserAgent')
+ timeout = cfg.getint('Default', 'TimeOut')
+ print("Game: " + colored(game_names.get(game), "green"))
+ print("App ID: " + colored(game, "green"))
+ print("Mods Path: " + colored(mods, "green"))
+ else:
+ print("-----------<[ Using the Following Config: default_config.ini ]>-----------")
+ print("Game: " + colored("Unknown", "green"))
+ print("App ID: " + colored(game, "green"))
+ print("Mods Path: " + colored("Manual Installation", "green"))
+ timeout = 10
+ proxies = "yes"
+ rua = "yes"
print("Gather & Use Proxies: " + colored(proxies, "green"))
print("Randomize User-Agents: " + colored(rua, "green"))
print("Connection TimeOut: " + colored(str(timeout) + " Seconds", "green"))
print("Proxies Loaded: " + colored(str(len(proxy_list)), "green"))
print("Please Enter the Workshop Link")
- RPC.update(state="Looking for a mod to Download",buttons=[{"label": "GitHub", "url": "https://github.com/Official-Husko/Husko-s-SteamWorkshop-Downloader"},],small_text=game_names.get(game),small_image=config_names.get(game),large_image="bridge")
+ if discord_active == 1:
+ RPC.update(state="Looking for a mod to Download",buttons=[{"label": "GitHub", "url": "https://github.com/Official-Husko/Husko-s-SteamWorkshop-Downloader"},],small_text=game_names.get(game),small_image=config_names.get(game),large_image="bridge")
def config2(cfg):
- RPC.update(state="Looking for a mod to Download",buttons=[{"label": "GitHub", "url": "https://github.com/Official-Husko/Husko-s-SteamWorkshop-Downloader"},],small_text=game_names.get(game),small_image=config_names.get(game),large_image="bridge")
+ if discord_active == 1:
+ RPC.update(state="Looking for a mod to Download",buttons=[{"label": "GitHub", "url": "https://github.com/Official-Husko/Husko-s-SteamWorkshop-Downloader"},],small_text=game_names.get(game),small_image=config_names.get(game),large_image="bridge")
global id
global xid
- xid = input(colored(">> ", ))
- xxid = re.match(r"(.*\d+)", xid).group()
- id = xxid.strip("https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=")
- if id.isnumeric() == False:
+ xid = input(">> ")
+ if "https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=" in xid:
+ xxid = xid.strip("https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=")
+ elif "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=" in xid:
+ xxid = xid.strip("https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=")
+ else:
print(colored("Something Went Wrong! Either wrong workshop URL or another error.", "red"))
+ id = re.match(r"(.*\d+)", xxid).group()
+ if id.isnumeric() == False:
+ print(colored("Something Went Wrong! Either wrong workshop URL or another error.", "red"))
+ sleep(3)
+ config2(cfg)
+ collection.append(id)
def downloader(cfg):
- backend = ["node01","node02","node03","node04","node05"]
- bd = random.choice(backend)
- header = "User-Agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/74.0.3729.108 Safari/537.36"
- url = "https://" + bd + ".steamworkshopdownloader.io/prod/api/details/file"
- mod_id = "[" + id + "]"
- if rua == "yes":
- header = random.choice(user_agents)
- if proxies == "yes":
- proxy = random.choice(proxy_list)
- proxyy = {"http":proxy}
- page = requests.post(url,headers={"User-Agent":header},proxies=proxyy,timeout=timeout,data=mod_id).text
- else:
- page = requests.post(url,headers={"User-Agent":header},timeout=timeout,data=mod_id).text
- if page == "[]":
- print(colored("Mod Not Found. If this seems to be a mistake please open an issue report.", "red"))
- sleep(3)
- config2(cfg)
- data = json.loads(page)
- for i in data:
- pubid = str(i.get('publishedfileid'))
- safe_name = str(i.get('title_disk_safe'))
- name = str(i.get('title'))
- app_id = str(i.get('creator_appid'))
- if int(app_id) != int(game):
- print(colored("You Tried to download a mod for a different game then you selected!", "red"))
- sleep(3)
- game_selection(cfg)
- print("Downloading: " + colored(name, "green"))
- RPC.update(details="Downloading " + name,buttons=[{"label": "GitHub", "url": "https://github.com/Official-Husko/Husko-s-SteamWorkshop-Downloader"},{"label": "Mod Page", "url": "" + xid +""}],small_text="Stormworks: Build and Rescue",small_image="stormworks",large_image="bridge")
- url2 = "https://" + bd + ".steamworkshopdownloader.io/prod/api/download/request"
- req_data = '{"publishedFileId":' + pubid + ',"collectionId":null,"hidden":false,"downloadFormat":"raw","autodownload":false}'
- if proxies == "yes":
- proxy = random.choice(proxy_list)
- proxyy = {"http":proxy}
- page2 = requests.post(url2,headers={"User-Agent":header},proxies=proxyy,timeout=timeout,data=req_data).text
- else:
- page2 = requests.post(url2,headers={"User-Agent":header},timeout=timeout,data=req_data).text
- data2 = json.loads(page2)
- uuid = data2.get('uuid')
- url3 = "https://" + bd + ".steamworkshopdownloader.io/prod/api/download/status"
- check = '{"uuids":["' + uuid + '"]}'
- if proxies == "yes":
- proxy = random.choice(proxy_list)
- proxyy = {"http":proxy}
- page3 = requests.post(url3,headers={"User-Agent":header},proxies=proxyy,timeout=timeout,data=check).text
- else:
- page3 = requests.post(url3,headers={"User-Agent":header},timeout=timeout,data=check).text
- data3 = json.loads(page3)
- status = data3[uuid]['status']
- while status != "prepared":
- sleep(2)
+ for id in collection:
+ backend = ["node01","node02","node03","node04","node05"]
+ bd = random.choice(backend)
+ header = "User-Agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/74.0.3729.108 Safari/537.36"
+ url = "https://" + bd + ".steamworkshopdownloader.io/prod/api/details/file"
+ mod_id = "[" + id + "]"
+ if rua == "yes":
+ header = random.choice(user_agents)
+ if proxies == "yes":
+ proxy = random.choice(proxy_list)
+ proxyy = {"http":proxy}
+ page = requests.post(url,headers={"User-Agent":header},proxies=proxyy,timeout=timeout,data=mod_id).text
+ else:
+ page = requests.post(url,headers={"User-Agent":header},timeout=timeout,data=mod_id).text
+ if page == "[]":
+ print(colored("Mod Not Found. If this seems to be a mistake please open an issue report.", "red"))
+ sleep(3)
+ config2(cfg)
+ data = json.loads(page)
+ for i in data:
+ pubid = str(i.get('publishedfileid'))
+ safe_name = str(i.get('title_disk_safe'))
+ fil_name = str(i.get('filename'))
+ name = str(i.get('title'))
+ app_id = str(i.get('consumer_appid'))
+ dformat = str(i.get('download_format'))
+ coll = str(i.get('children'))
+ if coll != "None" and fil_name != "None" and int(len(collection)) <= 1:
+ """if int(len(collection)) <= 1 and ".png" or ".jpg" or ".jpeg" in fil_name:
+ collection.clear()""" # Stripped the id out after it "detected" it as a collection but is disabled due to not working as intended
+ fcoll = coll.replace("'",'"')
+ cdata = json.loads(fcoll)
+ for g in cdata:
+ tidd = str(g.get('publishedfileid'))
+ collection.append(tidd)
+ amount = str(len(collection))
+ if ".png" or ".jpg" or ".jpeg" in fil_name:
+ print("Downloading Collection: " + colored(name, "green") + " with " + colored(str(len(collection)), "green") + " Mods")
+ print("")
+ downloader(cfg)
+ amount = str(len(collection))
+ if int(amount) <= 1:
+ collection.clear()
+ if int(app_id) != int(game):
+ print(colored("You Tried to download a mod for a different game then you selected!", "red"))
+ sleep(3)
+ game_selection(cfg)
+ print("Downloading: " + colored(name, "green"))
+ if discord_active == 1:
+ RPC.update(details="Downloading " + name,buttons=[{"label": "GitHub", "url": "https://github.com/Official-Husko/Husko-s-SteamWorkshop-Downloader"},{"label": "Mod Page", "url": "" + xid +""}],small_text="Stormworks: Build and Rescue",small_image="stormworks",large_image="bridge")
+ url2 = "https://" + bd + ".steamworkshopdownloader.io/prod/api/download/request"
+ req_data = '{"publishedFileId":' + pubid + ',"collectionId":null,"hidden":false,"downloadFormat":"' + dformat + '","autodownload":false}'
+ if proxies == "yes":
+ proxy = random.choice(proxy_list)
+ proxyy = {"http":proxy}
+ page2 = requests.post(url2,headers={"User-Agent":header},proxies=proxyy,timeout=timeout,data=req_data).text
+ else:
+ page2 = requests.post(url2,headers={"User-Agent":header},timeout=timeout,data=req_data).text
+ data2 = json.loads(page2)
+ uuid = data2.get('uuid')
+ url3 = "https://" + bd + ".steamworkshopdownloader.io/prod/api/download/status"
+ check = '{"uuids":["' + uuid + '"]}'
if proxies == "yes":
proxy = random.choice(proxy_list)
proxyy = {"http":proxy}
@@ -231,32 +270,38 @@ def downloader(cfg):
page3 = requests.post(url3,headers={"User-Agent":header},timeout=timeout,data=check).text
data3 = json.loads(page3)
status = data3[uuid]['status']
- data4 = json.loads(page3)
- node = data4[uuid]['storageNode']
- spath = data4[uuid]['storagePath']
- url4 = "https://" + node + "/prod//storage/" + spath + "?uuid=" + uuid
- if os.path.exists("temp/" + safe_name + ".zip"):
- os.remove("temp/" + safe_name + ".zip")
- if proxies == "yes":
- r = requests.get(url4,headers={"User-Agent":header},proxies=proxyy,timeout=timeout,stream=True)
- else:
- r = requests.get(url4,headers={"User-Agent":header},timeout=timeout,stream=True)
- file_path = os.path.join("temp/", safe_name + ".zip")
- file = open(file_path, 'wb')
- with alive_bar(int(int(r.headers.get('content-length')) / 1024 + 1)) as bar:
- for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=1024):
- if chunk:
- file.write(chunk)
- file.flush()
- bar()
- file.close()
- if int(game) == 573090:
- if os.path.exists("temp/" + safe_name + ".xml"):
- os.remove("temp/" + safe_name + ".xml")
- if os.path.exists("temp/" + safe_name + ".png"):
- os.remove("temp/" + safe_name + ".png")
+ while status != "prepared":
+ sleep(2)
+ if proxies == "yes":
+ proxy = random.choice(proxy_list)
+ proxyy = {"http":proxy}
+ page3 = requests.post(url3,headers={"User-Agent":header},proxies=proxyy,timeout=timeout,data=check).text
+ else:
+ page3 = requests.post(url3,headers={"User-Agent":header},timeout=timeout,data=check).text
+ data3 = json.loads(page3)
+ status = data3[uuid]['status']
+ data4 = json.loads(page3)
+ node = data4[uuid]['storageNode']
+ spath = data4[uuid]['storagePath']
+ url4 = "https://" + node + "/prod//storage/" + spath + "?uuid=" + uuid
+ if os.path.exists("temp/" + safe_name + ".zip"):
+ os.remove("temp/" + safe_name + ".zip")
+ if proxies == "yes":
+ r = requests.get(url4,headers={"User-Agent":header},proxies=proxyy,timeout=timeout,stream=True)
+ else:
+ r = requests.get(url4,headers={"User-Agent":header},timeout=timeout,stream=True)
+ file_path = os.path.join("temp/", safe_name + ".zip")
+ file = open(file_path, 'wb')
+ with alive_bar(int(int(r.headers.get('content-length')) / 1024 + 1)) as bar:
+ for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=1024):
+ if chunk:
+ file.write(chunk)
+ file.flush()
+ bar()
+ file.close()
zip = "temp/" + safe_name + '.zip'
- destination = 'temp/'
+ destination = 'temp/' + safe_name
+ badzip = False
with zipfile.ZipFile(zip) as zf:
@@ -264,59 +309,94 @@ def downloader(cfg):
print(colored("Received Corrupt Zip File. Try to download the mod again. If the issue persists try to open it manually and if it works report this issue to the mod author else the server sent a corrupt file.", "red"))
badzip = True
os.remove("temp/" + safe_name + ".zip")
- if os.path.exists("temp/vehicle.xml") & os.path.exists("temp/workshop_preview.png"):
- mod_path = mods + "/vehicles/"
- if not os.path.exists(mod_path):
- os.makedirs(mod_path)
- os.rename("temp/vehicle.xml", "temp/" + safe_name + ".xml")
- os.rename("temp/workshop_preview.png", "temp/" + safe_name + ".png")
+ if not_supported == True:
+ print("You can now proceed to manually install the mod " + colored(name, "green") + " located in the temp folder.")
+ print("")
+ collection.clear()
+ config2(cfg)
+ # Stormworks: Build and Rescue
+ if int(game) == 573090:
+ # Installing Vehicles
+ if os.path.exists(destination + "/vehicle.xml") & os.path.exists(destination + "/workshop_preview.png"):
+ mod_path = mods + "/vehicles/"
+ if not os.path.exists(mod_path):
+ os.makedirs(mod_path)
+ os.rename(destination + "/vehicle.xml", destination + "/" + safe_name + ".xml")
+ os.rename(destination + "/workshop_preview.png", destination + "/" + safe_name + ".png")
+ file_names = os.listdir(destination)
+ if os.path.exists(mod_path + safe_name + ".xml"):
+ os.remove(mod_path + safe_name + ".xml")
+ if os.path.exists(mod_path + safe_name + ".png"):
+ os.remove(mod_path + safe_name + ".png")
+ for file_name in file_names:
+ shutil.move(os.path.join(destination, file_name), mod_path)
+ # Installing Addons
+ elif os.path.exists(destination + "/playlist") & os.path.exists(destination + "/workshop_preview.png"):
+ mod_path = mods + "/missions/"
+ if not os.path.exists(mod_path):
+ os.makedirs(mod_path)
+ os.rename(destination + "/playlist", destination + "/" + safe_name)
+ os.rename(destination + "/workshop_preview.png", destination + "/" + safe_name + ".png")
+ file_names = os.listdir(destination)
+ if os.path.exists(mod_path + safe_name):
+ shutil.rmtree(mod_path + safe_name, ignore_errors=True)
+ if os.path.exists(mod_path + safe_name + ".png"):
+ os.remove(mod_path + safe_name + ".png")
+ for file_name in file_names:
+ shutil.move(os.path.join(destination, file_name), mod_path)
+ # Project Zomboid
+ elif int(game) == 108600:
+ mod_path = mods + "/mods/"
+ file_names = os.listdir(destination + '/mods')
+ for file_name in file_names:
+ shutil.rmtree(mod_path + file_name, ignore_errors=True)
+ shutil.move(os.path.join(destination + '/mods', file_name), mod_path)
+ # Hunt and Snare
+ elif int(game) == 944330:
+ mod_path = mods + safe_name
+ if os.path.exists(mod_path):
+ shutil.rmtree(mod_path, ignore_errors=True)
source_dir = 'temp/'
file_names = os.listdir(source_dir)
- if os.path.exists(mod_path + safe_name + ".xml"):
- os.remove(mod_path + safe_name + ".xml")
- if os.path.exists(mod_path + safe_name + ".png"):
- os.remove(mod_path + safe_name + ".png")
for file_name in file_names:
shutil.move(os.path.join("temp/", file_name), mod_path)
- elif os.path.exists("temp/playlist") & os.path.exists("temp/workshop_preview.png"):
- mod_path = mods + "/missions/"
+ # Rimworld
+ elif int(game) == 294100:
+ mod_path = mods
if not os.path.exists(mod_path):
- os.rename("temp/playlist", "temp/" + safe_name)
- os.rename("temp/workshop_preview.png", "temp/" + safe_name + ".png")
source_dir = 'temp/'
file_names = os.listdir(source_dir)
- if os.path.exists(mod_path + safe_name):
- shutil.rmtree(mod_path + safe_name, ignore_errors=True)
- if os.path.exists(mod_path + safe_name + ".png"):
- os.remove(mod_path + safe_name + ".png")
+ shutil.rmtree(mod_path + "/" + safe_name, ignore_errors=True)
+ for file_name in file_names:
+ shutil.move(os.path.join("temp/", file_name), mod_path)
+ # Call to Arms - Gates of Hell: Ostfront
+ elif int(game) == 400750:
+ mod_path = mods + safe_name
+ if os.path.exists(mod_path):
+ shutil.rmtree(mod_path, ignore_errors=True)
+ source_dir = 'temp/'
+ file_names = os.listdir(source_dir)
for file_name in file_names:
shutil.move(os.path.join("temp/", file_name), mod_path)
- if badzip == True:
- fuck = "yes"
- else:
- print(colored("An Error occured while installing the mod! Please check your Mods Folder Path. If the issue persists please report this issue to the author", "red"))
- elif int(game) == 108600:
- mod_path = mods + "/mods/"
- zip = "temp/" + safe_name + '.zip'
- destination = 'temp/'
- with zipfile.ZipFile(zip) as zf:
- try:
- zf.extractall(destination)
- except zipfile.BadZipFile:
- print(colored("Received Corrupt Zip File. Try to download the mod again. If the issue persists try to open it manually and if it works report this issue to the mod author else the server sent a corrupt file.", "red"))
- badzip = True
- os.remove("temp/" + safe_name + ".zip")
- source_dir = 'temp/mods'
- file_names = os.listdir(source_dir)
- for file_name in file_names:
- shutil.rmtree(mod_path + file_name, ignore_errors=True)
- shutil.move(os.path.join("temp/mods", file_name), mod_path)
- else:
- print("Couldn't Determine mod while installing. Please report this issue to the dev")
- print("Mod " + colored(name, "green") + " Successfully Installed!")
- print("")
+ print("Couldn't Determine mod while installing. Please report this issue to the dev")
+ if badzip == True:
+ print("Mod " + colored(name, "red") + " Failed to Install!")
+ else:
+ print("Mod " + colored(name, "green") + " Successfully Installed!")
+ print("")
+ shutil.rmtree('temp', ignore_errors=True)
+ os.makedirs('temp')
+ collection.clear()
user_agents = [
@@ -374,21 +454,28 @@ def downloader(cfg):
supported_games = [
- 108600
+ 108600,
+ 944330,
+ 294100,
+ 400750
config_names = {
573090: "stormworks",
- 108600: "pz"
+ 108600: "pz",
+ 944330: "hunt_snare",
+ 294100: "rimworld",
+ 400750: "cta_goh"
game_names = {
573090: "Stormworks: Build and Rescue",
- 108600: "Project Zomboid"
+ 108600: "Project Zomboid",
+ 944330: "Hunt and Snare",
+ 294100: "Rimworld",
+ 400750: "Call to Arms - Gates of Hell: Ostfront"
# Check if the stormworks_config.ini exists else create it
def check_config(cfg):
if not os.path.exists("configs/" + config_names.get(game) + "_config.ini"):
@@ -427,5 +514,5 @@ def proxy_scraper(cfg):
# Credits
-# h110m - Adding a fancy download bar
+# h110m - Helping and explaining on how to add a fancy download bar
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/icon.ico b/icon.ico
index 79dfcfd..864f897 100644
Binary files a/icon.ico and b/icon.ico differ
diff --git a/icon.png b/icon.png
index ec0e2b8..c07ca77 100644
Binary files a/icon.png and b/icon.png differ