diff --git a/js/languages/cs.json b/js/languages/cs.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ff68e3557
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/languages/cs.json
@@ -0,0 +1,746 @@
+ "IHaveAWalletNow": "I have a Wallet now",
+ "Next": "Další",
+ "IAgree": "Souhlasím",
+ "Back": "Zpět",
+ "EnterMessage": "Vložit zprávu...",
+ "Recommended": "Doporučené",
+ "Reload": "Obnovit",
+ "LoadIndex": "Load Index",
+ "You": "Vy",
+ "Skip": "Přeskočit",
+ "Done": "Hotovo",
+ "Status": "Stav",
+ "Navigation": "Navigace",
+ "Cancel": "Zrušit",
+ "TryAgain": "Zkusit znovu ",
+ "ClosingOpenBazaar": "Close (Your page will go offline)",
+ "Minimize": "Minimalizovat",
+ "Maximize": "Maximalizovat",
+ "Restore": "Obnovit",
+ "Close": "Zavřít",
+ "Yes": "Ano",
+ "No": "Ne",
+ "of": "z",
+ "Sell": "Prodat",
+ "New": "Nový",
+ "Retry": "Opakovat",
+ "HighlightToStyle": "Highlight text to style",
+ "Excellent": "Vynikající",
+ "Good": "Dobrý",
+ "Poor": "Průměrný",
+ "StillValidating": "Your handle is still validating. Click to save any changes on this page, and recheck your handle.",
+ "RefreshHandleStatus": "Recheck Your Handle Status",
+ "GoToOneName": "Jít na Onename.com",
+ "GoToOneNameTooltip": "Vytvořte si ID na Onename.com a v sekci Účty aplikací vložte openbazaar jako jméno aplikace a poté váš GUID jako identifikátor účtu (Váš GUID najdete v sekci O stránce). Ověření může trvat i několik dnů. ",
+ "ChangeCurrency": "Změnit měnu",
+ "SKU": "SKU",
+ "Refurbished": "Renovovaný",
+ "Physical": "Fyzický",
+ "Digital": "Digitální",
+ "Service": "Služba",
+ "Visit": "Pohled",
+ "Item": "Položka",
+ "Items": "Položky",
+ "Stores": "Obchody",
+ "Follow": "Sledovat",
+ "Feed": "Zdroj",
+ "Order": "Obědnávka",
+ "FeedPlaceholder": "A feed of updates from all of the pages you follow",
+ "ViewListing": "Zobrazit výpis",
+ "Unfollow": "Přestat sledovat",
+ "ConfirmUnfollow": "Potvrď ukončení sledování",
+ "AddModerator": "Přidat jako Moderátor",
+ "RemoveModerator": "Odebrat jako Moderátor",
+ "About": "Informace",
+ "Version": "Verze %{version}",
+ "NoDescriptionAdded": "Nebyl přidán žádný popis",
+ "NoListings": "Žádné položky",
+ "CoverPhoto": "Úvodní fotka",
+ "AboutEmpty": "About is blank...",
+ "Followers": "Sledující",
+ "Following": "Sledovaní",
+ "FollowsYou": "Follows You",
+ "Message": "Zpráva",
+ "Messages": "Zprávy",
+ "Store": "Obchod",
+ "Edit": "Editovat",
+ "Clone": "Klonovat",
+ "Used": "Použito",
+ "Delete": "Smazat",
+ "DontDelete": "Nemazat",
+ "ConfirmDelete": "Potvrdit smazání",
+ "Website": "Webová stránka",
+ "Guid": "OpenBazaar ID",
+ "Welcome": "Vítejte",
+ "CreateStore": "Převést na obchod",
+ "GoToMyPage": "Moje Stránka",
+ "Random": "Náhodný",
+ "ShowOnlyFollowerListings": "Personalized",
+ "DoesNotShip": "Does not ship to you",
+ "TryRandom": "Try random mode to discover more",
+ "ShowOnlyFollowerListingsTooltip": "Vypsat položky sledovaných obchodů",
+ "ShowAllListingsTooltip": "View random listings on the network",
+ "ViewUnfilteredListings": "View Random Listings",
+ "AllListingsWarning": "By deactivating personalized listings your Discover feed will be populated with random listings on the network. \n \n Please keep in mind that these listings may contain adult or illicit content and/or photos that may be offensive. \n \n If at any point you want to go back to viewing personalized listings, you can simply toggle the setting and your Discover feed will go back to normal.",
+ "ShowUnlfilteredListings": "Show Random Listings",
+ "SearchForItemsPlaceholder": "Zadejte #hry, #ponožky, nebo jinou #značku...",
+ "SearchForPagesPlaceholder": "Vyhledat podle jména nebo klíčového slova",
+ "SearchFeedPlaceholder": "Zadejte klíčové slovo...",
+ "SearchForFollowersPlaceholder": "Search for a name in your currently loaded followers (scroll to load more).",
+ "SearchForUsersPlaceholder": "Zadejte jméno...",
+ "SearchOnUserStorePlaceholder": "Zadejte popisek...",
+ "EstDeliveryDomesticPlaceholder": "3-5 pracovních dnů",
+ "EstDeliveryInternationalPlaceholder": "7-15 pracovních dnů",
+ "OrderProcessingTimePlaceholder": "Uveďte dobu potřebnou pro vyřízení objednávky",
+ "TermsAndConditionsPlaceholder": "Uveďte obchodní podmínky",
+ "TitlePlaceholder": "Zadejte popisek",
+ "DescriptionPlaceholder": "Zadejte popis...",
+ "ReturnPolicyPlaceholder": "Zadejte podmínky vrácení...",
+ "CategoryPlaceholder": "Vyberte kategorii",
+ "CategoryHelperText": "Categories are used to group and organize listing within your store.",
+ "KeywordsPlaceholder": "Vlož jednu, nebo více značek",
+ "KeywordsHelperText": "Adding tags helps your listing to be discovered in the market. You can only have one of each tag, and a maximum of 10 tags, separated by commas or the enter key.",
+ "ExpirationDateHelperText": "Set a date for the listing to automatically be pulled from your store.",
+ "ClearExpirationDate": "Vymazat datum expirace",
+ "ReturnPolicy": "Podmínky vrácení zboží",
+ "TermsAndConditions": "Terms and Conditions",
+ "Photos": "Fotky",
+ "Added": "Přidáno",
+ "Categorization": "Kategorizace",
+ "Expiration": "Expiration",
+ "Search": "Hledat",
+ "Email": "Email",
+ "Facebook": "Facebook",
+ "Instagram": "Instagram",
+ "Twitter": "Twitter",
+ "PGPKey": "PGP klíč",
+ "Signature": "PGP podpis",
+ "SignaturePlaceholder": "PGP podpis je vyžadován v případě použití PGP klíče",
+ "Snapchat": "Snapchat",
+ "BUYNOW": "Kup teď",
+ "Description": "Popis",
+ "Reviews": "Recenze",
+ "Shipping": "Doprava",
+ "Shipping2": "Doprava:",
+ "ShippingReturns": "Shipping & Returns",
+ "CountryOfOrigin": "Země původu:",
+ "CanBeShippedTo": "Can Ship to You In:",
+ "NoShippableAddress": "None of your saved addresses are in a country this listing can be shipped to.",
+ "Addresses": "Adresy",
+ "Files": "Soubory",
+ "NewAddress": "Nová adresa",
+ "CurrentAddress": "Současná adresa",
+ "Returns": "Returns",
+ "ReturnsPolicy": "Returns Policy",
+ "Ampersand": "&",
+ "Tags": "Značky",
+ "Keywords": "Klíčová slova",
+ "ShipsFrom": "Ships From",
+ "ShipsFrom2": "Ships From %{country}",
+ "ShipsTo": "Ships To",
+ "AddShipToRegion": "Shipping Region",
+ "AddShipToRegionNote": "Adds All Nations in a Region",
+ "SelectRegion": "Add an Optional Region",
+ "AllRegions": "Všechny země",
+ "EuropeanUnion": "Evropská unie",
+ "EuropeanEconomicArea": "European Economic Area",
+ "Optional": "Volitelné",
+ "Customize": "Přizpůsobit",
+ "Save": "Uložit",
+ "Change": "Změna",
+ "Changes": "Změny",
+ "SaveChanges": "Uložit změny",
+ "YourName": "Vaše jméno",
+ "UseTestnet": "Používat Testnet",
+ "UseTestnetHelp": "If set to true, your client will use Testnet bitcoin addresses. Only set to true if your server was started with the -t testnet flag.",
+ "TestnetAddress": "Testnet Adresa",
+ "TestnetAddressHelp": "Your client is set to use the Testnet, and will only allow Testnet addresses. To use the mainnet, and real Bitcoin, turn off the Testnet in Settings/Advanced, and make sure your server was not started with the -t testnet flag.",
+ "MustTestnetAddress": "Musí být Testnet adresa",
+ "BitcoinAddress": "Current Refund Address",
+ "BitcoinReturnAddress": "Vlož svou Bitcoin Adresu",
+ "BitcoinReturnAddressPlaceholder": "Zadej Bitcoin Adresu...",
+ "BitcoinReturnAddressInfo": "If a refund is issued, the funds will need to be sent to a Bitcoin address. Please provide an address to your Wallet below. You must be able to access this address later to receive a refund.",
+ "LocalCurrency": "Místní měna",
+ "TimeZone": "Časová zóna",
+ "ShipToName": "Jméno příjemce",
+ "ShipToStreet": "Ulice",
+ "ShipToCity": "Město",
+ "ShipToState": "State/Province/Region",
+ "ShipToPostalCode": "PSČ",
+ "PostalCode": "PSČ",
+ "ShipToCountry": "Country",
+ "EnableNotifications": "Zapnout upozornění",
+ "EnableSSL": "Zapnout SSL",
+ "SSLOn": "SSL zapnuto",
+ "SSLOff": "SSL vypnuto",
+ "SSLIsOn": "SSL je zapnuto",
+ "SSLIsOff": "SSL je vypnuto",
+ "LibbitcoinServerAddress": "Libbitcoin Server Address",
+ "SMTPNotificationsWarning": "Turn email notifications on/off",
+ "SMTPNotifications": "SMTP Notifications",
+ "SMTPPassword": "SMTP Password",
+ "SMTPUsername": "SMTP Username",
+ "SMTPServer": "SMTP Server Address",
+ "SMTPServerExample": "hostname:port",
+ "SMTPRecipientExample": "recipient@gmail.com",
+ "SMTPRecipient": "Recipient Email Address",
+ "SMTPSenderExample": "sender@gmail.com",
+ "SMTPSender": "Sender Email Address",
+ "ServerIPPort": "Server IP:Port",
+ "All": "Vše",
+ "Name": "Jméno",
+ "Price": "Cena",
+ "Available": "Available",
+ "Type": "Typ",
+ "Condition": "Condition",
+ "NSFW": "18+ (obsah pro dospělé)",
+ "Select": "Select",
+ "Social": "Social",
+ "Theme": "Motiv",
+ "Listing": "Listing",
+ "Listings": "Listings",
+ "ViewPage": "View page",
+ "ClearConvo": "Vymazat konverzaci",
+ "Pages": "Stránky",
+ "Page": "Stránka",
+ "Language": "Jazyk",
+ "Reset": "Vymazat",
+ "Local": "Local",
+ "Domestic": "Domestic:",
+ "Location": "Location",
+ "International": "Mezinárodní",
+ "Time": "Čas",
+ "Free": "Free",
+ "Category": "Kategorie",
+ "ProcessingTime": "Processing Time",
+ "SelectPhotos": "Vyber fotky",
+ "DragOrUploadPhotos": "Přetáhni nebo nahraj fotky",
+ "ExpirationDate": "Vyprší dne",
+ "UploadCoverPhoto": "Upload a cover photo",
+ "ShortDescription": "Krátký popis",
+ "UpTo140Characters": "Do 140 znaků",
+ "PrimaryColor": "Hlavní barva",
+ "SecondaryColor": "Vedlejší barva",
+ "TextColor": "Barva textu",
+ "CoverPhotoButton": "Select Cover Photo",
+ "AboutPlaceholder": "Plný popis",
+ "BackgroundColor": "Barva pozadí",
+ "NotificationPaymentSent": "Platba poslána uživateli %{name}.",
+ "NotificationPaymentReceived": "Platba přijata od uživatele %{name}.",
+ "NotificationRatingRecieved": "Objednávka dokončena a hodnocení přijato od uživatele %{name}.",
+ "NotificationOrderFor": "Uživatel %{name} vytvořil objednávku pro %{title}.",
+ "NotificationOrderConfirmed": "Vaše objednávka byla potvrzena/odeslána.",
+ "NotificationFollow": "Uživatel %{name} Vás nyní sleduje.",
+ "NotificationDispute": "Uživatel %{name} zahájil spor.",
+ "NotificationDisputeClosed": "Tento spor byl uzavřen.",
+ "NotificationRefund": "%{name} has refunded your order.",
+ "NoticationOrderStatus": "Stav objednávky se změnil, kupující byl informován.",
+ "NotificationNewOrder": "Uživatel %{name} provedl nákup.",
+ "NotificationTitle": "Title: %{title}",
+ "NotificationFrom": "From: %{name}",
+ "NotificationType": "Type: %{type}",
+ "NotificationTime": "Čas: %{time}",
+ "NoNotifications": "Žádná upozornění",
+ "WelcomeToYourPage": "Vítejte na své stránce!",
+ "SearchForCategory": "Vyhledat podle kategorie",
+ "Moderators": "Moderátoři",
+ "CurrentModerators": "Současní Moderátoři",
+ "AddModerators": "Přidej Moderátory",
+ "ManualAddModerator": "Přidej Moderátory podle GUID",
+ "ManualAddModeratorHelp": "Enter the GUIDs of one or more moderators, separated by commas, here. The GUID is on the right side of their About tab on their page. Adding the GUID of a user that is not a moderator will have no effect, that GUID will be ignored.",
+ "DeselectToRemoveModerator": "Deselect the moderators you want to remove",
+ "SelectToAddModerator": "Označte moderátory, které chcete přidat",
+ "Categories": "Kategorie",
+ "UpTo3": "Up to 3",
+ "AboutYourStore": "Popis Vašeho obchodu",
+ "PaymentType": "Druh platby",
+ "ShipTo": "Ship To",
+ "FreeShipping": "Doprava zdarma",
+ "OrderDetails": "Detail objednávky",
+ "OrderSummary": "Shrnutí objednávky",
+ "AllListings": "All Listings",
+ "ComingSoon": "Již brzy",
+ "PaymentPending": "Payment Pending",
+ "FinalizePurchase": "Dokončit nákup",
+ "LoadingImage": "Nahrávám obrázek...",
+ "UploadAvatar": "Vybrat Avatar",
+ "SaveAvatar": "Uložit Avatar",
+ "NewAvatar": "Zvolit nový Avatar",
+ "NewCoverImage": "Select New Cover Image",
+ "Loading": "Nahrávám...",
+ "CheckExchanges": "Contacting seller's node and updating exchange rates if applicable...",
+ "Transactions": "Transakce",
+ "Purchases": "Nákupy",
+ "Sales": "Prodeje",
+ "Cases": "Případy",
+ "Enter": "Vložit",
+ "Discover": "Prozkoumat",
+ "Block": "Blokovat",
+ "Unblock": "Odblokovat",
+ "Blocked": "Blokováno",
+ "NoBlockedList": "Právě nemáte nikoho v blokaci",
+ "Advanced": "Rozšířené",
+ "General": "Obecné",
+ "AllItems": "Všechny položky",
+ "DomesticShippingPrice": "Domestic Shipping Price",
+ "InternationalShippingPrice": "Mezinárodní dopravné",
+ "MinimumIs": "Minimum is",
+ "Title": "Popisek",
+ "DigitalItem": "Digitální položka",
+ "PhysicalItem": "Fyzická položka",
+ "MinimumPrice": "A minimum is necessary to ensure Bitcoin transaction costs are covered",
+ "DomesticShippingTime": "Domestic Shipping Time",
+ "InternationalShippingTime": "International Shipping Time",
+ "DisplayNSFWcontent": "Zobrazit NSFW obsah?",
+ "Basic": "Základní",
+ "Content": "Obsah",
+ "StandardThemes": "Standartní motivy",
+ "NoPhotosAdded": "Nebyly přidány žádné fotografie",
+ "Summary": "Souhrn",
+ "Funds": "Funds",
+ "Discussion": "Diskuze",
+ "Quantity": "Množství:",
+ "ShippingTo": "Shipping To",
+ "ModeratedBy": "Moderoval",
+ "Submit": "Submit",
+ "maxLength20": "maximálně 20 znaků",
+ "maxLength80": "maximálně 80 znaků",
+ "maxLength200": "maximálně 200 znaků",
+ "StoreModeratorsOptional": "Moderátoři obchodu (Volitelné)",
+ "Searchformoderators": "Hledat moderátory",
+ "Contributors": "Přispěvatelé",
+ "Support": "Podpora",
+ "Licensing": "Licencování",
+ "On": "Zapnuto",
+ "Off": "Vypnuto",
+ "ClickToChange": "Click to change",
+ "NotProvided": "není uvedeno",
+ "NotFollowingAnyone": "No nodes being followed were loaded",
+ "NoFollowers": "No followers were loaded",
+ "NoReviews": "No reviews were loaded",
+ "NoDetailsSpecified": "Detaily neuvedeny",
+ "Moderator": "Moderátor",
+ "Moderator2": "Moderátor:",
+ "ActiveStore": "Obchod aktivní",
+ "ActiveStoreDetails": "Inactive stores and listings are not visible to other people",
+ "Firewall": "Brána firewall",
+ "ServerSettings": "Nastavení serveru",
+ "ReadOnly": "(Pole je pouze pro čtení)",
+ "HandleResolver": "Handle Resolver",
+ "ShutDownServer": "Vypnout Server",
+ "NoFancyStyles": "Vypnout vizuální efekty",
+ "NoFancyStylesWarning": "Vypne animace a průhlednost. Může zlepšit výkon na pomalých systémech.",
+ "LoadingBitcoinPrices": "Loading Bitcoin Prices...",
+ "ThisUserIsBlocked": "Tento uživatel je skrytý, protože ho blokujete.",
+ "ThisUserIsNSFW": "This user is hidden because their page is listed as NSFW",
+ "ShowBlockedUser": "Show this user's page except for NSFW listings",
+ "ShowNSFWContent": "Show this user's page, and all NSFW listings",
+ "NoShipping": "Digital or Remote (No Shipping)",
+ "WorldwideShipping": "Worldwide",
+ "ServerChangeWarningHeadline": "Caution: Record Your Settings",
+ "ServerChangeWarning": "We recommend you make a copy of your previous settings, shown below. Your previous username and password will no longer be available beyond this point.",
+ "ModeratorFee": "Poplatek:",
+ "PriceForOne": "Price per single item, file, or service. Based on the listing's base price and the current exchange rate of BTC. This may not match the order total, which is based on the exchange rate of BTC at the time you purchased this listing.",
+ "Avatar": "Avatar",
+ "AdditionalPaymentData": "Dodatečné údaje o platbě",
+ "AdditionalPaymentDataInfo": "Include name of purchase and order number in payment QR code?",
+ "ShippableHelp": "This product can be shipped to one of your currently saved addresses. Add more addresses in the Settings/Addresses section to be able to purchase more listings.",
+ "firewall": {
+ "Open": "Open",
+ "Restricted": "Restricted",
+ "SeverelyRestricted": "Severely Restricted"
+ },
+ "moderatorSettings": {
+ "DisputeResolution": "Dispute Resolution",
+ "ServiceFee": "Service fee",
+ "ServiceFeeNote": "Min: 0%, Max: 25%"
+ },
+ "BecomeModerator": "Stát se Moderátorem",
+ "EditModerator": "Nastavení Moderátora",
+ "overallRatingKeys": {
+ "fiveStar": "Excellent all around",
+ "fourStar": "Dobré",
+ "threeStar": "Průměrné",
+ "twoStar": "Špatné",
+ "oneStar": "Otřesné"
+ },
+ "qualityRatingKeys": {
+ "fiveStar": "Vynikající kvalita",
+ "fourStar": "Dobrá kvalita",
+ "threeStar": "Průměrná kvalita",
+ "twoStar": "Špatná kvalita",
+ "oneStar": "Příšerná kvalita"
+ },
+ "descriptionRatingKeys": {
+ "fiveStar": "Přesně odpovídá popisu",
+ "fourStar": "Z většiny odpovídá popisu",
+ "threeStar": "V něčem neodpovídá popisu",
+ "twoStar": "Spíše neodpovídá popisu",
+ "oneStar": "Zcela neodpovídá popisu"
+ },
+ "deliveryRatingKeys": {
+ "fiveStar": "Extrémně rychle",
+ "fourStar": "Relativně rychle",
+ "threeStar": "Average",
+ "twoStar": "Slow",
+ "oneStar": "Terribly slow"
+ },
+ "customerServiceRatingKeys": {
+ "fiveStar": "Vynikající",
+ "fourStar": "Good",
+ "threeStar": "Average",
+ "twoStar": "Poor",
+ "oneStar": "Terrible"
+ },
+ "transactions": {
+ "Order": "Objednávka",
+ "OrderDetails": "Detail objednávky",
+ "ViewOnBlockchain": "Zobrazit Detaily",
+ "BuyerPayout": "Buyer Payout:",
+ "SellerPayout": "Seller Payout:",
+ "BuyerAmount": "Buyer Amount:",
+ "SellerAmount": "Seller Amount:",
+ "YouEarn": "You Earn:",
+ "YourBitcoinPaymentAddress": "Your Bitcoin Payment Address:",
+ "searchByOrder": "Search by order id or item name",
+ "sortByStatusAll": "Vše",
+ "sortByStatus0": "Purchasing (Payment pending)",
+ "sortByStatus1": "Ready to process (Paid in full)",
+ "sortByStatus2": "Potvrzeno/Odesláno",
+ "sortByStatus3": "Potvrzeno (Platba uvolněna)",
+ "sortByStatus4": "Zpochybněno",
+ "sortByStatus5": "Spor Uzavřen",
+ "sortByStatus6": "Spor Vyřešen",
+ "sortByStatus7": "Refunded",
+ "OrderID": "ID Objednávky",
+ "OrderDate": "Datum Objednávky",
+ "OrderStatus": "Stav Objednávky",
+ "OrderStatus0": "Purchasing (Payment pending)",
+ "OrderStatus1": "Ready to process (Paid in full)",
+ "OrderStatus2": "Potvrzeno/Odesláno",
+ "OrderStatus3": "Potvrzeno (Platba uvolněna)",
+ "OrderStatus4": "Zpochybněno",
+ "OrderStatusopen": "Zpochybněno",
+ "OrderStatus5": "Spor Uzavřen",
+ "OrderStatusclosed": "Spor Uzavřen",
+ "OrderStatus6": "Spor Vyřešen",
+ "OrderStatus7": "Refunded",
+ "AcceptDisputeResolution": "Accept Dispute Payout",
+ "InEscrow": "- In Escrow",
+ "OrderTotal": "Order Total",
+ "OrderTotalInBTC": "BTC Celkem",
+ "NoMessages": "Žádné zprávy",
+ "PaymentProtection": "Payment Protection",
+ "ShipTo": "Ship To",
+ "ViewRating": "View Rating",
+ "ContractDetails": "Detaily Konktraktu",
+ "HideDetails": "Skrýt Detaily",
+ "ConfirmOrder": "Potvrdit Objednávku",
+ "ConfirmOrderResend": "Resend Order Confirmation",
+ "ConfirmOrderResendTooltip": "If the buyer has not received the order confirmation, this button will resend it. This may take several seconds to complete.",
+ "RefundOrder": "Refund Order",
+ "ConfirmRefundOrder": "Confirm Refund Order",
+ "RefundOrderTooltip": "Cancel order and release the funds back to the buyer",
+ "RefundReason": "Reason for refund",
+ "RefundReasonPlaceholder": "Explain why you are sending a refund",
+ "RefundOrderResend": "Resend Order Refund",
+ "RefundOrderResendTooltip": "If the buyer has not received the refund, this button will resend it. This may take several seconds to complete.",
+ "ReceivingAddress": "Receiving Address",
+ "RecievingAddressPlaceholder": "Bitcoin address to receive funds at",
+ "Comments": "Komentáře",
+ "CommentsPlaceHolder": "Comments on this order",
+ "Shipper": "Item Shipped By:",
+ "ShippedBy": "Shipped By:",
+ "ShipperPlaceholder": "Name of the company shipping the item",
+ "TrackingNumber": "Tracking Number:",
+ "TrackingNumberPlaceholder": "Sledovací číslo položky",
+ "EstimatedDelivery": "Předpokládaná doba doručení",
+ "EstimatedDeliveryPlaceholder": "Estimated date item will be delivered",
+ "URL": "File URL",
+ "URLPlaceholder": "Link to download, schedule, or more information",
+ "Password": "Heslo:",
+ "PasswordPlaceholder": "Password required for link (optional)",
+ "DirectTransaction": "Přímá transakce:",
+ "ModeratedTransaction": "Moderovaná transakce:",
+ "Seller": "Prodejce",
+ "Vendor": "Prodejce",
+ "Vendor2": "Prodejce:",
+ "Buyer": "Kupující",
+ "Buyer2": "Kupující:",
+ "transferReceipt": "Transfer Receipt",
+ "copyTxid": "zkopírovat ID transakce",
+ "Close": "Uzavřít",
+ "FundOrder": "Fund Order",
+ "sortByDateNewest": "Podle Data, od nejnovějšího",
+ "sortByDateOldest": "Podle Data, od nejstaršího",
+ "PayPurchase": "Pay for this Purchase",
+ "CompleteOrder": "Complete Order",
+ "CompleteOrderResend": "Resend Order Completion",
+ "CompleteOrderResendTooltip": "If the seller has not yet received the order completion, this button will resend it. This may take several seconds to complete.",
+ "LeaveReview": "Leave Review",
+ "MarkAsShipped": "Označit jako odeslané",
+ "RateThisTransaction": "Ohodnotit transakci",
+ "TransactionReview": "Transaction Review",
+ "OverallRating": "Podle Data, od nejnovějšího",
+ "Quality": "Quality:",
+ "MatchedDescription": "Matched Description:",
+ "DeliverySpeed": "Delivery Speed:",
+ "CustomerService": "Customer Service:",
+ "Review": "Recenze",
+ "ReviewPlaceHolder": "Your review of this transaction",
+ "NoFileProvided": "No file provided",
+ "None": "None",
+ "NoneSent": "None sent",
+ "ModerationFee": "Moderation Fee:",
+ "DisputeTransaction": "Start a Dispute",
+ "DisputeTransactionResend": "Resend Start of Dispute",
+ "DisputeTransactionResendTooltip": "If the other party did not receive your dispute, click this button to send it to them again.",
+ "sendMessagePlaceholder": "Enter message...",
+ "DisputeInstructions": "To file a dispute for this transaction, type the reason for the dispute below, and check the Start a Dispute box. This will include the moderator in your conversation until the dispute is resolved. The moderator will make the final decision as to whether any funds are returned to you, and how much. The moderator's fee will be paid out of the funds you have already sent.",
+ "SendMessage": "Send",
+ "CloseDispute": "Close Dispute",
+ "CloseDisputeResend": "Resend Close Dispute",
+ "CloseDisputeResendTooltip": "If one or more of the parties involved in this dispute did not receive the dispute close message, click this button to resend the dispute resolution.",
+ "TotalInTransaction": "Transaction:",
+ "StartDisputeFlag": "Dispute Started",
+ "CloseDisputeFlag": "Dispute Ended",
+ "PayoutOnlyBuyer": "Closing this dispute will return all of the funds to the buyer, minus the Moderator fee, because the seller has not yet given their bitcoin payout address.",
+ "UpdatingOrder": "Updating your transaction",
+ "UpdateComplete": "Your transaction update is complete",
+ "UpdateFailed": "Your transaction update did not complete. Open the transaction and try again",
+ "UpdateInvalid": "Your transaction update returned invalid data. Open the transaction and try again",
+ "ExportCSV": "Export to CSV"
+ },
+ "errorMessages": {
+ "saveError": "Data nemohla být uložena.",
+ "getError": "Data could not be retrieved.",
+ "missingError": "Některé kolonky chybí, nebo jsou špatné.",
+ "serverError": "Ze serveru byla odeslána nesprávná odpověď.",
+ "userError": "Information for this ID could not be found",
+ "userNotFoundError": "This person's information is not available. They may have gone offline.",
+ "notFoundError": "Data could not be loaded for:",
+ "socketError": "URL pro WebSocket je chybný. Připojuji k socketu s výchozí adresou ws://localhost:18466.",
+ "contractError": "This Item Cannot be Purchased.",
+ "sellerError": "The vendor's server has rejected the purchase request. This may be due to a connection issue.",
+ "checkPurchaseData": "Check your purchase data, such as quantity and Bitcoin refund address, to make sure it is valid. If it is valid, try again in a few seconds.",
+ "pageUnavailable": "This page is currently unavailable.",
+ "badHandle": "The handle you entered does not have a valid OpenBazaar ID.",
+ "serverDown": "The server has been shut down",
+ "tooManyPhotosTitle": "Too many photos",
+ "tooManyPhotosBody": "Some or all of your photos were prevented from being uploaded because you would exceeded the maximum allowable amount.",
+ "badJSON": "The JSON data returned from the server was malformed",
+ "refundAlreadySent": "The refund has already been successfully sent for this order",
+ "serverTimeout": "No response was received from the server. It may be unreachable or taking a very long time to respond.",
+ "noData": "No data is available for the options you have selected."
+ },
+ "pageConnectingMessages": {
+ "listingConnect": "Connecting to listing ${listing}",
+ "listingFail": "Výpis, který se snažíte zobrazit, je momentálně offline.",
+ "handleConnect": "Connecting to ${handle}",
+ "handleFail": "Stránka, kterou se snažíte zobrazit je momentálně offline.",
+ "userConnect": "Connecting to ${guid}",
+ "userFail": "The page you're trying to view is currently offline"
+ },
+ "aboutSection": {
+ "about": "
OpenBazaar is a network of users who buy and sell goods and services directly with each other, using Bitcoin. This network is decentralized and isn't controlled by any organization.
The software is open source and MIT licensed. You can view the code on GitHub.
OpenBazaar is a community project, and we welcome participation in our Slack channel or on our subreddit.
If you need help, read the OpenBazaar version 1.0 tutorial.
If you still have questions, open an issue at our support desk.
+ "contributors": "OpenBazaar is made possible by an international community of developers and volunteers contributing their time to help make trade free. This is a partial list of people who have contributed to the project, either through code or other assistance.
- Giannis Adamopoulos
- Ariadni-Karolina Alexiou
- Tikhon Bernstam
- Brad Burnham
- George Chatzisofroniou
- Patrick Connolly
- Chris Dixon
- Simon de la Rouviere
- Braden Glasgow
- Brian Hoffman
- Ben Holden-Crowther
- Joshua Jeffryes
- Nikolas Korasidis
- Regan Lawton
- Sami Lehtinen
- Angel Leon
- Joye Lin
- Joel Monegro
- William Mougayar
- Jonas David Nick
- Onename
- Chris Pacia
- Sam Patterson
- Chara Podimata
- Samuel Reed
- Washington Sanchez
- Aeron Paul Sioson
- Adrian Smith
- Adam Snodgrass
- Thomas Stilwell
- Amir Taaki
- Mike Wolf
- Dionysis Zindros
- secret-bitcoin-login
- Rav3nPL
- El--Presidente
- Tinytin
- ULRichard
+ "support": "You can help OpenBazaar in several ways on our mission to make trade free.
Buying and selling goods and services on the network helps grow our community and make the platform more attractive to new users. Politely asking Bitcoin-accepting businesses to sell on the platform helps spread the word and shows demand for peer to peer trade.
If you're a developer, check out our GitHub and see where you can help us. Beyond helping with the core code, we hope the permissionless and open source nature of the project means you will build new services on top of the existing network.
You can also donate Bitcoin to the project, which will be used to defray costs for visiting conferences, offering bounties for development, and promoting OpenBazaar.
Please join our Slack if you have new ideas for OpenBazaar, or have questions for the core devs.
+ "licensing": "OpenBazaar is open source software under the MIT license. This license is permissive and designed to allow people to freely reuse the code for other open source projects or for proprietary software. The full license text is below.
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright © 2016 OpenBazaar Developers
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
The following libraries are used in OpenBazaar:
- protobuf
- Twisted
- txrudp
- pyelliptic
- pystun
- bitcoin
- gnupg
- pynacl
- txrestapi
- txws
- python-libbitcoin client
- requests
- backbone
- underscore
- moment.js
- jquery
- electron.js
- backbone.linear
- list.js
- polyglot.js
- taggle.js
- safestart
- python-bitcoinlib
+ },
+ "saveMessages": {
+ "Saved": "Uloženo",
+ "SaveSuccess": "Vaše změny byly uloženy."
+ },
+ "discover": {
+ "searchDefaultText": "Scanning your network",
+ "searchingText": "Scanning your network for",
+ "noResults": "No listings found in your network",
+ "noTaggedResults": "No listings found in your network tagged with"
+ },
+ "filters": {
+ "pagesAllTypes": "All types",
+ "pagesStores": "Stores",
+ "pagesMods": "Moderator services",
+ "pagesBasic": "Basic users",
+ "listingsCurated": "Stores I follow",
+ "listingsAll": "All stores",
+ "categoryAll": "All"
+ },
+ "nav": {
+ "searchPlaceholder": "Zadej @handle, OpenBazaar ID nebo #značku...",
+ "myPage": "Moje Stránka",
+ "testMode": "Test Mode",
+ "customizePage": "Customize Page",
+ "sellItem": "New",
+ "createListing": "Create Listing",
+ "purchases": "Nákupy",
+ "sales": "Sales",
+ "cases": "Cases",
+ "notifications": "Notifications",
+ "settings": "Settings",
+ "refresh": "Refresh Page",
+ "restart": "Restart Application",
+ "about": "About OpenBazaar",
+ "support": "Support OpenBazaar",
+ "Forward": "Forward",
+ "Back": "Back",
+ "newServer": "New Server",
+ "manageServers": "Manage Servers"
+ },
+ "onboarding": {
+ "intro": "Konfigurace OpenBazaar",
+ "Introduction": "Úvod",
+ "IntroductionBody": "OpenBazaar is a peer-to-peer social market. It's like combining eBay™, Twitter™ and BitTorrent into one. Only, there are no fees or restrictions and OpenBazaar is open-source. \n\n Please note that it may look and feel a bit different than what you're used to, so please be patient as you adjust.",
+ "theme": "Select a Theme for your Page",
+ "chooseLanguage": "Select Your Language",
+ "contributors": "%{smart_count} Contributor |||| %{smart_count} Contributors",
+ "configure": "Configure your experience",
+ "disclaimer_title": "Disclaimer",
+ "disclaimer_body": "OpenBazaar is a network for trading goods and services directly between people - using Bitcoin - without any central organization controlling the platform. This means you are responsible for your own activity on the network.\n\nOpenBazaar users are not anonymous by default. Most communications between parties are encrypted, but IP addresses are public and can be associated with activity on the network. Malicious parties could use this information against you; protecting your privacy is your own responsibility.\n\nOpenBazaar users must adhere to the laws in their own legal jurisdiction as well as their conscience. The OpenBazaar developers do not condone - and are not responsible for - any use of the platform for illegal activity.\n\nThe OpenBazaar community of developers has worked hard to deliver a free platform for trade to the world. But as with any software, bugs will be found. The developers are not responsible for any monetary loss associated with problems in the software.\n\nBy using OpenBazaar you're responsible for your own actions on the OpenBazaar network.",
+ "yourCountry": "Select Your Country",
+ "localCurrency": "Select Your Currency",
+ "LanguagePlaceholder": "Search for language",
+ "CountryPlaceholder": "Search for country",
+ "CurrencyPlaceholder": "Search for currency",
+ "TimezonePlaceholder": "Search for time Zone",
+ "ShortDescriptionPlaceholder": "Say something interesting... (160 char max)",
+ "timeZone": "Select Your Time Zone",
+ "yourDetails": "Set Your Information",
+ "yourDescription": "Description",
+ "handle": "Handle",
+ "chooseHandle": "Choose a handle",
+ "knownAs": "You're currently known as:",
+ "wouldYou": "Would you like to register an easy to remember handle?",
+ "registerNew": "Register New",
+ "recommended": "Recommended Pages to Follow",
+ "avatar": "Set an Avatar",
+ "chooseAvatar": "Select Avatar",
+ "discoverCallOut": "Explore Listings and Pages on OpenBazaar",
+ "Finished": "Dokončeno"
+ },
+ "guidStillCreating": {
+ "HangTight": "Hang tight for a few...",
+ "YourPersonal": "Your personal keys and OpenBazaar ID are generating and should only take about 30 seconds to finish.\n\nYou'll be automatically connected to the network once the process is finished, so please hang tight.",
+ "LookingFor": "Looking for something to do in the meantime? Read the OpenBazaar blog."
+ },
+ "walletProviders": {
+ "ExchangeAndWallet": "Exchange and Wallet",
+ "WalletOnly": "Wallet Only",
+ "CoinbaseTagline": "The world's most popular way to buy, sell, and use bitcoin.",
+ "SamouraiTagline": "Secure mobile wallet. Emphasis on privacy.",
+ "AirbitzTagline": "Privacy. Security. Autonomy. Decentralized.",
+ "BreadwalletTagline": "Connects directly to the bitcoin network, no servers. Beautiful simplicity, maximum security.",
+ "RushWalletTagline": "Get a Bitcoin address quickly and easily in your browser.",
+ "MyceliumTagline": "One of the longest in market, most secure and reliable Bitcoin wallets.",
+ "CoinkiteTagline": "The Most Powerful Bitcoin Wallet",
+ "BlockchaininfoTagline": "The world's most popular bitcoin wallet. Safer, Friendlier, Easier.",
+ "DuoMoneyTagline": "Euro wallet for dead-easy Bitcoin payments. OpenBazaar for Grandma.",
+ "BitGoTagline": "The world's most secure bitcoin wallet. Trusted by leading Bitcoin businesses."
+ },
+ "softwareUpdate": {
+ "updateAvailable": "OpenBazaar Update Available",
+ "installUpdate": "Install Update",
+ "dismiss": "Dismiss"
+ },
+ "buyFlow": {
+ "PayForOrder": "Pay for Order",
+ "BuyOwnProductMsg": "You can't buy your own listing",
+ "NeedTempAddress": "I need a temporary Bitcoin address",
+ "NeedTempAddressHelper": "Please bookmark the url to your temporary bitcoin address",
+ "CantFindAddress": "I can't find my bitcoin address",
+ "BitcoinWallet": "Bitcoin Wallet",
+ "ModeratedPaymentDescription": "Your payment is held in a secure wallet until the vendor completes their end of the agreement. If issues arise, a Moderator will help.",
+ "ModeratorFeeHelper": "The moderator may charge a fee, but only if a dispute arises.",
+ "ModeratedPayment": "Moderated Payment",
+ "DisputeFee": "Dispute fee",
+ "DisputeFee2": "Dispute fee:",
+ "HaveWallet": "Do you have a Bitcoin Wallet?",
+ "QuickSetup": "It only takes a few minutes to set one up",
+ "CreateWallet": "Create a Wallet",
+ "DirectPaymentDescription": "Funds are sent directly to the vendor. Only use on small purchases or when purchasing from a trusted vendor.",
+ "DirectPayment": "Direct Payment",
+ "SendDirectlyTo": "Send direct payment to %{handle}",
+ "MustAddAddress": "You must add an address to ship to",
+ "VendorShipsTo": "Ships to:",
+ "DoesNotShipHere": "Does not ship here",
+ "Send": "Send",
+ "BTCto": "BTC to",
+ "SendBTCtoAddress": "Send %{amount} BTC to",
+ "OpenAddress": "Open in Local Wallet",
+ "CopyAddress": "Zkopírovat do schránky",
+ "RefreshPayment": "Refresh Payment Status",
+ "summaryMsg1": "Your payment has been sent to %{recipient}",
+ "summaryMsg2": "The expected processing time for this order is",
+ "summaryMsg3": "You can check the status of your order on your",
+ "purchasesPage": "purchases page",
+ "returnAddress": "Return Address",
+ "moderatorPaymentDisclaimer": "Paid from the total if the transaction ends in a dispute.",
+ "directPaymentDisclaimer": "Use direct payment with caution, funds are irreversible",
+ "paymentSent": "Payment Sent!",
+ "total": "Celkem:",
+ "paymentNote": "Dokončení platby může trvat obvykle pár minut ale i více. Můžete opustit tuto obrazovku, později lze ověřit, že platba byla dokončena v sekci Nákupy."
+ },
+ "chat": {
+ "noSearchResultsFound": "Žádné výsledky nenalezeny"
+ },
+ "serverConnectModal": {
+ "connect": "Connect",
+ "connected": "Connected",
+ "connecting": "Connecting",
+ "serverConfiguration": "Server Configuration",
+ "intro": "OpenBazaar is designed to allow you to host your server separate from the client. By default, your server will run locally, but you can override it below.",
+ "serverIP": "Server IP",
+ "restApiPort": "Rest API port",
+ "websocketApiPort": "Websocket API port",
+ "heartbeatSocketApiPort": "Heartbeat socket port",
+ "username": "Username",
+ "password": "Password",
+ "saveChanges": "Save Changes",
+ "defaultServerName": "default",
+ "portedConnectionName": "ported connection",
+ "connectionFailed": "Connection failed to %{serverName}",
+ "connectingTo": "Connecting to %{serverName}",
+ "connectingToDefault": "Connecting to the default server",
+ "authFailed": "authentication failed",
+ "authFailedTooManyAttempts": "too many failed authentication attempts",
+ "serverConfigsHeaderMsg": "Your Server Configurations",
+ "newConfigHeaderMsg": "Enter Server Details",
+ "editConfigHeaderMsg": "Configuration Settings",
+ "serverConfigsTitle": "Server Configurations",
+ "newConfigTitle": "New Configuration"
+ },
+ "timezones": {
+ "-12": "(GMT -12:00) Eniwetok, Kwajalein",
+ "-11": "(GMT -11:00) Midway Island, Samoa",
+ "-10": "(GMT -10:00) Havaj",
+ "-9": "(GMT -9:00) Aljaška",
+ "-8": "(GMT -8:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)",
+ "-7": "(GMT -7:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)",
+ "-6": "(GMT -6:00) Central Time (US & Canada), Mexico City",
+ "-5": "(GMT -5:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada), Bogota, Lima",
+ "-4": "(GMT -4:00) Atlantic Time (Canada), Caracas, La Paz",
+ "-3.5": "(GMT -3:30) Newfoundland ",
+ "-3": "(GMT -3:00) Brazílie, Buenos Aires, Georgetown",
+ "-2": "(GMT -2:00) Mid-Atlantic",
+ "-1": "(GMT -1:00) Azores, Cape Verde Islands",
+ "0": "(GMT) Západoevropský čas, Londýn, Lisabon, Kasablanka",
+ "1": "(GMT +1:00) Brusel, Kodaň, Madrid, Paříž",
+ "2": "(GMT +2:00) Kaliningrad, South Africa",
+ "3": "(GMT +3:00) Baghdad, Riyadh, Moscow, St. Petersburg",
+ "3.5": "(GMT +3:30) Teherán",
+ "4": "(GMT +4:00) Abu Dhabi, Muscat, Baku, Tbilisi",
+ "4.5": "(GMT +4:30) Kábul",
+ "5": "(GMT +5:00) Ekaterinburg, Islamabad, Karachi, Tashkent",
+ "5.5": "(GMT +5:30) Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, New Delhi",
+ "5.75": "(GMT +5:45) Kathmandu",
+ "6": "(GMT +6:00) Almaty, Dhaka, Colombo",
+ "7": "(GMT +7:00) Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta",
+ "8": "(GMT +8:00) Beijing, Perth, Singapore, Hong Kong",
+ "9": "(GMT +9:00) Tokyo, Seoul, Osaka, Sapporo, Yakutsk",
+ "9.5": "(GMT +9:30) Adelaide, Darwin",
+ "10": "(GMT +10:00) Eastern Australia, Guam, Vladivostok",
+ "11": "(GMT +11:00) Magadan, Solomon Islands, New Caledonia",
+ "12": "(GMT +12:00) Auckland, Wellington, Fiji, Kamchatka"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/js/languages/da.json b/js/languages/da.json
index e80267d88..ce3925344 100644
--- a/js/languages/da.json
+++ b/js/languages/da.json
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
"EnterMessage": "Indtast besked…",
"Recommended": "Anbefalet",
"Reload": "Genindlæs",
+ "LoadIndex": "Indlæs indeks",
"You": "Dig",
"Skip": "Spring over",
"Done": "Færdig",
@@ -23,6 +24,7 @@
"of": "af",
"Sell": "Sælg",
"New": "Ny",
+ "Retry": "Retry",
"HighlightToStyle": "Markér tekst for at formattere",
"Excellent": "Fremragende",
"Good": "God",
@@ -48,6 +50,8 @@
"ViewListing": "Vis listning",
"Unfollow": "Følg ikke",
"ConfirmUnfollow": "Følg ikke – bekræft",
+ "AddModerator": "Tilføj som moderator",
+ "RemoveModerator": "Fjern som moderator",
"About": "Om",
"Version": "Version %{version}",
"NoDescriptionAdded": "Ingen beskrivelse tilføjet",
@@ -73,6 +77,7 @@
"GoToMyPage": "Min side",
"Random": "Tilfældig",
"ShowOnlyFollowerListings": "Brugerdefineret",
+ "DoesNotShip": "Does not ship to you",
"TryRandom": "Prøv tilfældighedstilstand for at opdage mere",
"ShowOnlyFollowerListingsTooltip": "Vis listninger fra butikker, jeg følger",
"ShowAllListingsTooltip": "Vis tilfældige listninger fra hele netværket",
@@ -82,7 +87,7 @@
"SearchForItemsPlaceholder": "Skriv #games, #shoes eller et andet #tag…",
"SearchForPagesPlaceholder": "Søg efter navn eller nøgleord",
"SearchFeedPlaceholder": "Indtast et nøgleord…",
- "SearchForFollowersPlaceholder": "Indtast et navn…",
+ "SearchForFollowersPlaceholder": "Search for a name in your currently loaded followers (scroll to load more).",
"SearchForUsersPlaceholder": "Indtast et navn…",
"SearchOnUserStorePlaceholder": "Indtast en titel…",
"EstDeliveryDomesticPlaceholder": "3-5 hverdage",
@@ -94,7 +99,8 @@
"ReturnPolicyPlaceholder": "Indtast returpolitik…",
"CategoryPlaceholder": "Indtast kategori",
"CategoryHelperText": "Kategorier bruges til at gruppere og organisere varer i din butik.",
- "KeywordsHelperText": "Tilføjelse af tags hjælper med at gøre din listning synlig i markedet. Du kan kun have ét af hvert tag og maksimalt 10 tags",
+ "KeywordsPlaceholder": "Indtast et eller flere tags",
+ "KeywordsHelperText": "Tilføjelse af tags hjælper med at gøre din listning synlig i markedet. Du kan kun have ét af hvert tag og maksimalt 10 tags, separeret af kommaer eller Enter-tasten.",
"ExpirationDateHelperText": "Sæt en dato, hvor din vare automatisk bliver fjernet fra din butik.",
"ClearExpirationDate": "Ryd udløbsdato",
"ReturnPolicy": "Returret",
@@ -131,6 +137,7 @@
"Tags": "Tags",
"Keywords": "Nøgleord",
"ShipsFrom": "Afsendes fra",
+ "ShipsFrom2": "Afsendes fra %{country}",
"ShipsTo": "Sendes til",
"AddShipToRegion": "Region for forsendelse",
"AddShipToRegionNote": "Tilføjer alle nationer i en region",
@@ -170,6 +177,16 @@
"SSLIsOn": "SSL er aktiveret",
"SSLIsOff": "SSL er deaktiveret",
"LibbitcoinServerAddress": "Libbitcoin serveradresse",
+ "SMTPNotificationsWarning": "Turn email notifications on/off",
+ "SMTPNotifications": "SMTP Notifications",
+ "SMTPPassword": "SMTP Password",
+ "SMTPUsername": "SMTP Username",
+ "SMTPServer": "SMTP Server Address",
+ "SMTPServerExample": "hostname:port",
+ "SMTPRecipientExample": "recipient@gmail.com",
+ "SMTPRecipient": "Recipient Email Address",
+ "SMTPSenderExample": "sender@gmail.com",
+ "SMTPSender": "Sender Email Address",
"ServerIPPort": "Server IP:Port",
"All": "Alle",
"Name": "Navn",
@@ -229,7 +246,9 @@
"SearchForCategory": "Søg efter kategori",
"Moderators": "Moderatorer",
"CurrentModerators": "Aktuelle moderatorer",
- "AddModerators": "Tilføj nye moderatorer",
+ "AddModerators": "Tilføj moderatorer",
+ "ManualAddModerator": "Tilføj moderatorer efter GUID",
+ "ManualAddModeratorHelp": "Indtast her en eller flere moderatorers GUID, separeret af kommaer. Dette GUID findes i højre side af vedkommendes Om-faneblad. Hvis du tilføjer et GUID for en bruger, som ikke er moderator, vil det ikke have nogen effekt; det vil blive ignoreret.",
"DeselectToRemoveModerator": "Afmarkér de moderatorer, du vil fjerne",
"SelectToAddModerator": "Markér de moderatorer, du vil tilføje",
"Categories": "Kategorier",
@@ -297,9 +316,9 @@
"Off": "Deaktiveret",
"ClickToChange": "Klik for at ændre",
"NotProvided": "ikke angivet",
- "NotFollowingAnyone": "Følger ingen",
- "NoFollowers": "Ingen følgere",
- "NoReviews": "Ingen bedømmelser",
+ "NotFollowingAnyone": "No nodes being followed were loaded",
+ "NoFollowers": "No followers were loaded",
+ "NoReviews": "No reviews were loaded",
"NoDetailsSpecified": "Ingen detaljer angivet",
"Moderator": "Moderator",
"Moderator2": "Moderator:",
@@ -322,10 +341,11 @@
"ServerChangeWarningHeadline": "Advarsel: Gem dine indstillinger",
"ServerChangeWarning": "Vi anbefaler, at du laver en kopi af dine tidligere indstillinger, der vises herunder. Dit tidligere brugernavn og adgangskode vil ikke længere være tilgængelig herefter.",
"ModeratorFee": "Gebyr:",
- "PriceForOne": "Pris pr. enkelt vare, fil eller tjenesteydelse.",
+ "PriceForOne": "Pris pr. enkelt enhed, fil eller tjeneste. Baseret på listningens basepris og den aktuelle vekselkurs for BTC. Dette svarer muligvis ikke til ordrens totalbeløb, som er baseret på vekselkursen for BTC på købstidspunktet.",
"Avatar": "Avatar",
"AdditionalPaymentData": "Yderligere betalingsdata",
- "AdditionalPaymentDataInfo": "Include name of purchase and order number in payment QR code?",
+ "AdditionalPaymentDataInfo": "Inkludér købets navn og ordrenummer i betalingens QR-kode?",
+ "ShippableHelp": "Dette produkt kan sendes til en af dine aktuelt gemne adresser. Tilføj flere adresser i Indstillinger/Adresser-sektionen for at kunne købe flere listninger.",
"firewall": {
"Open": "Åben",
"Restricted": "Begrænset",
@@ -489,7 +509,8 @@
"UpdatingOrder": "Opdaterer din transaktion",
"UpdateComplete": "Din transaktionsopdatering er fuldført",
"UpdateFailed": "Din transaktionsopdatering blev ikke fuldført. Åbn transaktionen og prøv igen",
- "UpdateInvalid": "Din transaktionsopdatering returnerede ugyldig data. Åbn transaktionen og prøv igen"
+ "UpdateInvalid": "Din transaktionsopdatering returnerede ugyldig data. Åbn transaktionen og prøv igen",
+ "ExportCSV": "Eksportér til CSV"
"errorMessages": {
"saveError": "Data kunne ikke gemmes.",
@@ -510,7 +531,8 @@
"tooManyPhotosBody": "Nogle eller alle dine billeder blev forhindret i at blive uploadet, da du ellers ville overskride det maksimalt tilladte antal.",
"badJSON": "Den JSON-data, der blev sendt tilbage fra serveren, var ikke formatteret korrekt",
"refundAlreadySent": "Refunderingen er allerede blevet sendt for denne ordre",
- "serverTimeout": "Intet svar blev modtaget fra serveren. Den kan være utilgængelig eller tage meget lang tid om at svare."
+ "serverTimeout": "Intet svar blev modtaget fra serveren. Den kan være utilgængelig eller tage meget lang tid om at svare.",
+ "noData": "Ingen data er tilgængelig for de indstillinger, du har valgt."
"pageConnectingMessages": {
"listingConnect": "Forbinder til listning ${listing}",
@@ -557,11 +579,14 @@
"cases": "Sager",
"notifications": "Notifikationer",
"settings": "Indstillinger",
+ "refresh": "Genindlæs side",
"restart": "Genstart applikation",
"about": "Om OpenBazaar",
"support": "Støt OpenBazaar",
"Forward": "Frem",
- "Back": "Tilbage"
+ "Back": "Tilbage",
+ "newServer": "New Server",
+ "manageServers": "Manage Servers"
"onboarding": {
"intro": "OpenBazaar-opsætning",
@@ -620,6 +645,7 @@
"buyFlow": {
"PayForOrder": "Betal for ordre",
+ "BuyOwnProductMsg": "You can't buy your own listing",
"NeedTempAddress": "Jeg har brug for en midlertidig Bitcoin-adresse",
"NeedTempAddressHelper": "Lav venligst et bogmærke til URL-adressen på din midlertidige Bitcoin-adresse",
"CantFindAddress": "Jeg kan ikke finde min Bitcoin-adresse",
@@ -659,13 +685,10 @@
"noSearchResultsFound": "Ingen resultater fundet"
"serverConnectModal": {
- "statusTryingToConnect": "Prøver at forbinde til din server…",
- "statusConnected": "Forbundet.",
- "statusFailedConnection": "Forbindelse til din server mislykkedes",
- "statusFailedAuthentication": "Autentificering mislykkedes",
- "statusTooManyAttempts": "For mange mislykkedes loginforsøg",
+ "connect": "Connect",
+ "connected": "Connected",
+ "connecting": "Connecting",
"serverConfiguration": "Serveropsætning",
- "connecting": "Forbinder…",
"intro": "OpenBazaar er designet til at lade dig køre din server adskilt fra klienten. Som udgangspunkt vil din server køre lokalt, men dette kan du tilsidesætte herunder.",
"serverIP": "Server-IP",
"restApiPort": "Rest API-port",
@@ -673,9 +696,19 @@
"heartbeatSocketApiPort": "Heartbeat sokkelport",
"username": "Brugernavn",
"password": "Adgangskode",
- "restoreDefaults": "Gendan standardværdier",
"saveChanges": "Gæm ændringer",
- "retry": "Prøv forbindelse igen"
+ "defaultServerName": "default",
+ "portedConnectionName": "ported connection",
+ "connectionFailed": "Connection failed to %{serverName}",
+ "connectingTo": "Connecting to %{serverName}",
+ "connectingToDefault": "Connecting to the default server",
+ "authFailed": "authentication failed",
+ "authFailedTooManyAttempts": "too many failed authentication attempts",
+ "serverConfigsHeaderMsg": "Your Server Configurations",
+ "newConfigHeaderMsg": "Enter Server Details",
+ "editConfigHeaderMsg": "Configuration Settings",
+ "serverConfigsTitle": "Server Configurations",
+ "newConfigTitle": "New Configuration"
"timezones": {
"-12": "(GMT -12:00) Eniwetok, Kwajalein",
diff --git a/js/languages/de-DE.json b/js/languages/de-DE.json
index 1a684b77b..425b06c14 100644
--- a/js/languages/de-DE.json
+++ b/js/languages/de-DE.json
@@ -2,12 +2,13 @@
"IHaveAWalletNow": "Ich habe jetzt eine Wallet",
"Next": "Weiter",
"IAgree": "Akzeptieren",
- "Back": "Zurück",
+ "Back": "Zurück",
"EnterMessage": "Nachricht eingeben...",
"Recommended": "Empfohlen",
"Reload": "Neu laden",
+ "LoadIndex": "Index laden",
"You": "Du",
- "Skip": "Überspringen",
+ "Skip": "Überspringen",
"Done": "Fertig",
"Status": "Status",
"Navigation": "Navigation",
@@ -23,6 +24,7 @@
"of": "von",
"Sell": "Verkaufen",
"New": "Neu",
+ "Retry": "Retry",
"HighlightToStyle": "Text markieren, um Stil zu ändern",
"Excellent": "Hervorragend",
"Good": "Gut",
@@ -31,7 +33,7 @@
"RefreshHandleStatus": "Überprüfen Sie Ihren Handle Status",
"GoToOneName": "Gehe zu Onename.com",
"GoToOneNameTooltip": "Erstellen Sie eine ID auf Onename.com und geben Sie unter App Accounts openbazaar als App-Namen ein und Ihre GUID als Kontokennung (Ihre GUID ist auf Ihrer Seite, im Über tab). Die Verifizierung kann bis zu mehrere Tage dauern.",
- "ChangeCurrency": "Währung wechseln",
+ "ChangeCurrency": "Währung wechseln",
"SKU": "SKU",
"Refurbished": "Überholt",
"Physical": "Physisch",
@@ -40,61 +42,65 @@
"Visit": "Seite anzeigen",
"Item": "Artikel",
"Items": "Artikel",
- "Stores": "Shops",
+ "Stores": "Läden",
"Follow": "Folgen",
"Feed": "Feed",
- "Order": "Order",
+ "Order": "Bestellung",
"FeedPlaceholder": "Neuigkeiten aller Seiten denen Sie folgen",
"ViewListing": "Angebot ansehen",
"Unfollow": "Entfolgen",
- "ConfirmUnfollow": "Unfollow bestätigen",
- "About": "Über",
+ "ConfirmUnfollow": "Entfolgen bestätigen",
+ "AddModerator": "Als Moderator hinzufügen",
+ "RemoveModerator": "Als Moderator entfernen",
+ "About": "Über",
"Version": "Version %{version}",
- "NoDescriptionAdded": "Keine Beschreibung hinzugefügt",
+ "NoDescriptionAdded": "Keine Beschreibung hinzugefügt",
"NoListings": "Keine Angebote",
"CoverPhoto": "Titelbild",
- "AboutEmpty": "'Über' ist leer...",
+ "AboutEmpty": "'Über' ist leer...",
"Followers": "Follower",
"Following": "Folgt",
"FollowsYou": "Folgt dir",
"Message": "Nachricht",
"Messages": "Nachrichten",
- "Store": "Shop",
+ "Store": "Laden",
"Edit": "Bearbeiten",
"Clone": "Klonen",
"Used": "Gebraucht",
- "Delete": "Löschen",
- "DontDelete": "Nicht löschen",
- "ConfirmDelete": "Löschen bestätigen",
+ "Delete": "Löschen",
+ "DontDelete": "Nicht löschen",
+ "ConfirmDelete": "Löschen bestätigen",
"Website": "Webseite",
"Guid": "OpenBazaar-ID",
"Welcome": "Willkommen",
- "CreateStore": "Werde ein Verkäufer",
+ "CreateStore": "Verkäufer werden",
"GoToMyPage": "Zur eigenen Seite",
"Random": "Zufällig",
"ShowOnlyFollowerListings": "Personalisiert",
+ "DoesNotShip": "Does not ship to you",
"TryRandom": "Versuchen Sie den Zufalls-Modus, um mehr zu entdecken",
- "ShowOnlyFollowerListingsTooltip": "Angebote von Shops, denen ich folge ansehen",
- "ShowAllListingsTooltip": "Zufällige Angebote von Shops im Netzwerk ansehen",
+ "ShowOnlyFollowerListingsTooltip": "Angebote von Läden, denen ich folge ansehen",
+ "ShowAllListingsTooltip": "Zufällige Angebote von Läden im Netzwerk ansehen",
"ViewUnfilteredListings": "Zufällige Angebote ansehen",
"AllListingsWarning": "Durch die Deaktivierung personalisierter Angebote wird Ihr Discover-Feed mit zufälligen Angeboten im Netzwerk gefüllt werden.\n\nBitte beachten Sie, dass diese Angebote Inhalte für Erwachsene oder Inhalte und/oder Fotos enthalten können, die anstössig sein können.\n\n Wenn Sie zu irgendeinem Zeitpunkt wieder personalisierte Angebote ansehen wollen, können Sie einfach die Einstellung wechseln und Ihr Discover-Feed wird wieder im normalen Modus dargestellt werden.",
"ShowUnlfilteredListings": "Zufällige Angebote anzeigen",
- "SearchForItemsPlaceholder": "Gib zum Beispiel #Spiele, #Schuhe oder ein anderes #Tag ein...",
+ "SearchForItemsPlaceholder": "Geben Sie zum Beispiel #Spiele, #Schuhe oder ein anderes #Tag ein...",
"SearchForPagesPlaceholder": "Nach Name oder Schlagwort suchen",
- "SearchFeedPlaceholder": "Nach OpenBazaar-ID oder Benutzername suchen",
- "SearchForFollowersPlaceholder": "Nach OpenBazaar-ID oder Benutzername suchen",
- "SearchForUsersPlaceholder": "Nach OpenBazaar-ID oder Benutzername suchen",
- "SearchOnUserStorePlaceholder": "Gib einen Titel ein...",
+ "SearchFeedPlaceholder": "Geben Sie ein Schlagwort ein...",
+ "SearchForFollowersPlaceholder": "Search for a name in your currently loaded followers (scroll to load more).",
+ "SearchForUsersPlaceholder": "Geben Sie einen Namen ein...",
+ "SearchOnUserStorePlaceholder": "Geben Sie einen Titel ein...",
"EstDeliveryDomesticPlaceholder": "3-5 Werktage",
"EstDeliveryInternationalPlaceholder": "7-15 Werktage",
"OrderProcessingTimePlaceholder": "1-2 Werktage",
- "TermsAndConditionsPlaceholder": "Geschäftsbedingungen eingeben...",
+ "TermsAndConditionsPlaceholder": "Geschäftsbedingungen eingeben...",
"TitlePlaceholder": "Titel eingeben",
"DescriptionPlaceholder": "Beschreibung eingeben...",
- "ReturnPolicyPlaceholder": "Rücknahmebedingungen eingeben...",
+ "ReturnPolicyPlaceholder": "Rücknahmebedingungen eingeben...",
"CategoryPlaceholder": "Kategorie eingeben",
- "CategoryHelperText": "Kategorien werden verwendet um Artikel in deinem Shop zu gruppieren und organisieren",
- "KeywordsHelperText": "Hinzufügen von Tags ist hilfreich, damit Ihr Angebot auf dem Markt entdeckt werden kann. Sie können jedes Tag nur einmal und maximal 10 Tags verwenden",
+ "CategoryHelperText": "Kategorien werden verwendet um die Artikel in Ihrem Laden zu gruppieren und organisieren.",
+ "KeywordsPlaceholder": "Ein oder mehrere Tags eingeben",
+ "KeywordsHelperText": "Tags für deine Artikel helfen, dass sie im Markt gefunden werden. Du kannst pro Artikel jeden Tag nur einmal verwenden und es gibt ein maximales Limit von 10 Tags, die durch Komma oder Drücken der Eingabetaste getrennt werden.",
"ExpirationDateHelperText": "Definiere ein Datum, an dem dein Artikel automatisch gelöscht werden soll.",
"ClearExpirationDate": "Lösche das Ablaufdatum",
"ReturnPolicy": "Rücknahmebedingungen",
@@ -122,7 +128,7 @@
"CanBeShippedTo": "Kann in dein Lieferland schicken:",
"NoShippableAddress": "Keine Ihrer gespeicherten Adressen sind in einem Land, in das dieser Artikel versendet werden kann.",
"Addresses": "Adressen",
- "Files": "Dateien",
+ "Files": "Files",
"NewAddress": "Neue Adresse",
"CurrentAddress": "Aktuelle Adressen",
"Returns": "Rücknahmen",
@@ -131,6 +137,7 @@
"Tags": "Tags",
"Keywords": "Suchworte",
"ShipsFrom": "Versand von",
+ "ShipsFrom2": "Versand aus %{country}",
"ShipsTo": "Versand nach",
"AddShipToRegion": "Versand Region",
"AddShipToRegionNote": "Fügt alle Nationen in einer Region hinzu",
@@ -147,11 +154,11 @@
"YourName": "Dein Name",
"UseTestnet": "Verwende Testnet",
"UseTestnetHelp": "Wenn auf true gesetzt, wird Ihr Client Testnet Bitcoin-Adressen verwenden. Nur auf true gesetzt, wenn Ihr Server mit dem -t testnet Flag gestartet wurde.",
- "TestnetAddress": "Testnet Addresse",
+ "TestnetAddress": "Testnet Adresse",
"TestnetAddressHelp": "Ihr Client wurde eingestellt, um das Testnet zu verwenden und wird nur Testnet Adressen zulassen. Um das Mainnet und echte Bitcoin zu verwenden, schalten Sie das Testnet in Einstellungen/Erweitert aus, und stellen Sie sicher, dass Ihr Server nicht mit der -t testnet Flag gestartet wurde.",
- "MustTestnetAddress": "Muss eine Testnet Addresse sein",
+ "MustTestnetAddress": "Muss eine Testnet Adresse sein",
"BitcoinAddress": "Aktuelle Rückzalungsadresse",
- "BitcoinReturnAddress": "Geben Sie Ihre Bitcoin Adresse ein",
+ "BitcoinReturnAddress": "Gib deine Bitcoin Adresse ein",
"BitcoinReturnAddressPlaceholder": "Bitcoin Adresse für Rückzahlungen",
"BitcoinReturnAddressInfo": "Wenn eine Rückerstattung erfolgt, müssen die Beträge an eine Bitcoin-Adresse gesendet werden. Bitte geben Sie eine Adresse aus Ihrer Wallet weiter unten ein. Sie müssen später auf diese Adresse zugreifen können, um eine Rückerstattung zu erhalten.",
"LocalCurrency": "Lokale Währung",
@@ -169,7 +176,17 @@
"SSLOff": "SSL aus",
"SSLIsOn": "SSL ist an",
"SSLIsOff": "SSL ist aus",
- "LibbitcoinServerAddress": "Libbitcoin Server Addresse",
+ "LibbitcoinServerAddress": "Libbitcoin Server Adresse",
+ "SMTPNotificationsWarning": "Turn email notifications on/off",
+ "SMTPNotifications": "SMTP Notifications",
+ "SMTPPassword": "SMTP Password",
+ "SMTPUsername": "SMTP Username",
+ "SMTPServer": "SMTP Server Adresse\n",
+ "SMTPServerExample": "hostname:port",
+ "SMTPRecipientExample": "recipient@gmail.com",
+ "SMTPRecipient": "Recipient Email Address",
+ "SMTPSenderExample": "sender@gmail.com",
+ "SMTPSender": "Sender Email Address",
"ServerIPPort": "Server IP:Port",
"All": "Alle",
"Name": "Name",
@@ -229,7 +246,9 @@
"SearchForCategory": "Nach Kategorie suchen",
"Moderators": "Moderator",
"CurrentModerators": "Aktuelle Moderatoren",
- "AddModerators": "Neuen Moderator hinzufügen",
+ "AddModerators": "Moderatoren hinzufügen",
+ "ManualAddModerator": "Moderatoren durch GUID hinzufügen",
+ "ManualAddModeratorHelp": "Geben Sie die GUID eines Moderators oder mehreren Moderatoren durch Komma getrennt hier ein. Die GUID finden Sie rechts im \"Über\" Tab, der jeweiligen Seite. Wenn Sie eine GUID eines Benutzers, der kein Moderator ist eingeben, wird diese ignoriert.",
"DeselectToRemoveModerator": "Moderatoren abwählen, welche Sie entfernen wollen.",
"SelectToAddModerator": "Moderatoren auswählen, welche Sie hinzufügen wollen.",
"Categories": "Kategorien",
@@ -248,7 +267,7 @@
"UploadAvatar": "Avatar hochladen",
"SaveAvatar": "Avatar speichern",
"NewAvatar": "Wählen Sie einen neuen Avatar",
- "NewCoverImage": "Wählen Sie ein neues Titelbild",
+ "NewCoverImage": "Wählen Sie New Cover Image",
"Loading": "Lädt...",
"CheckExchanges": "Kontaktiere Node des Verkäufers und aktualisiere ggf. Wechselkurse...",
"Transactions": "Transaktionen",
@@ -292,19 +311,19 @@
"Searchformoderators": "Nach Moderatoren suchen",
"Contributors": "Mitwirkende",
"Support": "Support",
- "Licensing": "Zulassung",
- "On": "An",
- "Off": "Aus",
+ "Licensing": "Licensing",
+ "On": "On",
+ "Off": "Off",
"ClickToChange": "Zum ändern hier klicken",
"NotProvided": "Nicht angegeben",
- "NotFollowingAnyone": "Folgt niemandem",
- "NoFollowers": "Keine Follower",
- "NoReviews": "Keine Bewertungen",
+ "NotFollowingAnyone": "No nodes being followed were loaded",
+ "NoFollowers": "No followers were loaded",
+ "NoReviews": "No reviews were loaded",
"NoDetailsSpecified": "Keine Details verügbar",
"Moderator": "Moderator",
"Moderator2": "Moderator:",
"ActiveStore": "Store ist aktiv",
- "ActiveStoreDetails": "Nicht aktive Shops und Angebote sind für andere nicht sichtbar",
+ "ActiveStoreDetails": "Nicht aktive Läden und Angebote sind für andere nicht sichtbar",
"Firewall": "Firewall",
"ServerSettings": "Server Einstellungen",
"ReadOnly": "(Dieses Feld kann nicht geändert werden)",
@@ -313,19 +332,20 @@
"NoFancyStyles": "Optische Effekte abschalten",
"NoFancyStylesWarning": "Dies wird Animationen und Durchsichtige Flächen abschalten und dadurch möglicherweise die Performance verbessern",
"LoadingBitcoinPrices": "Bitcoin Preise werden geladen...",
- "ThisUserIsBlocked": "Der Benutzer wird nicht angezeigt, da er von dir blockiert wurde.",
- "ThisUserIsNSFW": "Dieser Benutzer wird nicht angezeigt, da sein Shop Inhalte für Erwachsene enthält.",
+ "ThisUserIsBlocked": "Der Benutzer wird nicht angezeigt, da er von Ihnen blockiert wurde.",
+ "ThisUserIsNSFW": "Dieser Benutzer wird nicht angezeigt, da sein Laden Inhalte für Erwachsene enthält.",
"ShowBlockedUser": "Die Seite des Benutzers anzeigen, mit Ausnahme der Angebote die als für Erwachsene gekennzeichnet sind.",
- "ShowNSFWContent": "Die Seite des Benutzers mit allen Angeboten für Erwachsene anzeigen.",
+ "ShowNSFWContent": "Die Seite des Benutzers mit allen Angeboten für Erwachsene anzeigen",
"NoShipping": "Digital (Kein Versand)",
"WorldwideShipping": "Weltweit",
"ServerChangeWarningHeadline": "Achtung: Nehmen Sie Ihre Einstellungen vor",
"ServerChangeWarning": "Wir empfehlen eine Kopie von Ihren vorherigen Einstellungen zu machen (siehe unten). Ihr vorheriger Benutzername und Passwort wird nach diesem Schritt nicht mehr verfügbar sein.",
"ModeratorFee": "Gebühr:",
- "PriceForOne": "Preis für ein einzelnes Produkt, eine Datei oder eine Dienstleistung.",
+ "PriceForOne": "Preis pro einzelner Artikel, Datei oder einzelne Dienstleistung. Basiert auf dem Basispreis des aufgeführten Artikels sowie dem aktuellen Umrechnungskurs für BTC. Dies könnte nicht unbedingt mit dem Gesamtpreis übereinstimmen, da dieser auf dem Umrechnungskurs für BTC basiert, zu dem Zeitpunkt deiner Kaufbestätigung des Artikels.",
"Avatar": "Avatar",
- "AdditionalPaymentData": "Additional payment data",
- "AdditionalPaymentDataInfo": "Include name of purchase and order number in payment QR code?",
+ "AdditionalPaymentData": "Zusätzliche Bezahlungsdaten",
+ "AdditionalPaymentDataInfo": "Name des Einkaufs und Bestellnummer im QR-Code einschliessen?",
+ "ShippableHelp": "Dieses Produkt kann an eine von Ihnen gespeicherte Adresse versendet werden. Fügen Sie mehr Adressen unter Einstellungen/Adressen hinzu, damit mehr Artikel zum Kauf verfügbar werden.",
"firewall": {
"Open": "Offen",
"Restricted": "Eingeschränkt",
@@ -336,7 +356,7 @@
"ServiceFee": "Dienstleistungsgebühr",
"ServiceFeeNote": "Min: 0%, Max: 25%"
- "BecomeModerator": "Werden Sie Moderator",
+ "BecomeModerator": "Moderator werden",
"EditModerator": "Moderator Einstellungen",
"overallRatingKeys": {
"fiveStar": "Sehr Gut",
@@ -390,9 +410,9 @@
"sortByStatus2": "Bestätigt/Versendet",
"sortByStatus3": "Bearbeitet (Zahlung freigegeben)",
"sortByStatus4": "Konfliktfall eröffnet",
- "sortByStatus5": "Konfliktfall beigelegt",
- "sortByStatus6": "Konfliktfall gelöst",
- "sortByStatus7": "Zurückerstattet",
+ "sortByStatus5": "Konfliktfall geschlossen",
+ "sortByStatus6": "Konfliktfall erledigt",
+ "sortByStatus7": "Refunded",
"OrderID": "Bestellnummer",
"OrderDate": "Bestelldatum",
"OrderStatus": "Bestellstatus",
@@ -434,12 +454,12 @@
"ShippedBy": "Versendet von:",
"ShipperPlaceholder": "Name des Transportdienstleisters",
"TrackingNumber": "Tracking-Nummer:",
- "TrackingNumberPlaceholder": "Tracking-Nummer für diesen Artikel",
+ "TrackingNumberPlaceholder": "Trackingnummer für diesen Artikel",
"EstimatedDelivery": "Vorraussichtliches Lieferdatum:",
- "EstimatedDeliveryPlaceholder": "Datum an dem der Artikel vorraussichtlich geliefert wird",
+ "EstimatedDeliveryPlaceholder": "Datum an dem der Artikel Vorraussichtlich geliefert wird",
"URL": "URL der Datei",
"URLPlaceholder": "Link zu einem Download oder sonstigen Informationen",
- "Password": "Passwort:",
+ "Password": "Password:",
"PasswordPlaceholder": "Passwort für den Link (optional)",
"DirectTransaction": "Direkte Transaktion:",
"ModeratedTransaction": "Moderierte Transaktion:",
@@ -480,7 +500,7 @@
"DisputeInstructions": "Um einen Konfliktfall für diese Transaktion zu eröffnen, geben Sie bitte den Grund für den Konfliktfall unten ein und setzen Sie ein Häkchen in der Checkbox. Der Moderator wird dadurch in Ihre Konversation einbezogen, solange bis der Konfliktfall gelöst wurde. Der Moderator wird letztendlich entscheiden, ob und wieviel des Kaufbetrags an Sie zurückerstattet wird. Die Moderationsgebühr wird aus der Bestellsumme bezahlt, die Sie bereits hinterlegt haben.",
"SendMessage": "Verschicken",
"CloseDispute": "Konfliktfall schließen",
- "CloseDisputeResend": "Konfliktfall geschlossen erneut versenden",
+ "CloseDisputeResend": "Geschlossenen Konfliktfall erneut senden",
"CloseDisputeResendTooltip": "Wenn eine oder mehrere der in diesem Konflikt beteiligten Parteien nicht die Nachricht erhalten haben, dass der Konflikt gelöst wurde, klicken Sie auf diese Schaltfläche, um die Nachricht über die Beilegung der Streitigkeiten erneut zu senden.",
"TotalInTransaction": "Transaktion:",
@@ -489,17 +509,18 @@
"UpdatingOrder": "Ihre Transaktion wird aktualisiert",
"UpdateComplete": "Die Aktualisierung Ihrer Transaktion wurde abgeschlossen",
"UpdateFailed": "Die Aktualisierung Ihrer Transaktion konnte nicht abgeschlossen werden. Bitte öffnen Sie die Transaktion und versuchen Sie es nochmals",
- "UpdateInvalid": "Die Aktualisierung Ihrer Transaktion hat ungültige Daten zurückgegeben. Bitte öffnen Sie die Transaktion und versuchen Sie es nochmals."
+ "UpdateInvalid": "Die Aktualisierung Ihrer Transaktion hat ungültige Daten zurückgegeben. Bitte öffnen Sie die Transaktion und versuchen Sie es nochmals.",
+ "ExportCSV": "Als CSV exportieren"
"errorMessages": {
"saveError": "Daten konnten nicht gespeichert werden.",
"getError": "Daten konnten nicht empfangen werden.",
"missingError": "Einige Felder fehlen oder sind fehlerhaft.",
"serverError": "Eine falsche Rückmeldung wurde von dem Server empfangen.",
- "userError": "Informationen für diese ID konnten nicht gefunden werden.",
+ "userError": "Informationen für diese ID konnten nicht gefunden werden",
"userNotFoundError": "Die Informationen dieser Person sind nicht verfügbar. Möglicherweise ist sie offline.",
"notFoundError": "Daten konnten nicht geladen werden für:",
- "socketError": "URL für den Websocket ist fehlgeschlagen. Die Verbindung mit der Standard-Addresse ws://localhost:18466 wird aufgebaut.",
+ "socketError": "URL für den Websocket ist fehlgeschlagen. Die Verbindung mit der Standard-Adresse ws://localhost:18466 wird aufgebaut.",
"contractError": "Dieser Artikel kann nicht gekauft werden.",
"sellerError": "Die Kaufanfrage wurde vom Server des Verkäufers abgelehnt. Die Ursache könnte ein Verbindungsproblem sein.",
"checkPurchaseData": "Überprüfen Sie den Bitcoinbetrag und die Rückzahlungsadresse dieses Kaufs um sicherzustellen, dass die Daten gültig sind.",
@@ -510,7 +531,8 @@
"tooManyPhotosBody": "Einige oder alle Fotos konnten nicht hochgeladen werden, weil sie die maximal zulässige Anzahl an Fotos überschreiten.",
"badJSON": "Die JSON Daten, die vom Server empfangen wurden, waren ungültig.",
"refundAlreadySent": "Die Rückerstattung wurde für diese Bestellung bereits erfolgreich gesendet.",
- "serverTimeout": "Keine Antwort vom Server. Er ist möglicherweise nicht erreichbar oder braucht eine sehr lange Zeit um zu antworten."
+ "serverTimeout": "Keine Antwort vom Server. Er ist möglicherweise nicht erreichbar oder braucht eine sehr lange Zeit um zu antworten.",
+ "noData": "Für die von Ihnen ausgewählten Optionen sind keine Daten verfügbar."
"pageConnectingMessages": {
"listingConnect": "Verbindung zu Angebot ${listing} wird aufgebaut",
@@ -546,7 +568,7 @@
"categoryAll": "All"
"nav": {
- "searchPlaceholder": "Geben Sie @Benutzername, OpenBazaar-ID oder #tag ein...",
+ "searchPlaceholder": "Geben Sie @Benutzername, OpenBazaar-ID oder #Tag ein...",
"myPage": "Meine Seite",
"testMode": "Test Modus",
"customizePage": "Seite anpassen",
@@ -557,11 +579,14 @@
"cases": "Fälle",
"notifications": "Benachrichtigungen",
"settings": "Einstellungen",
+ "refresh": "Seite neu laden",
"restart": "Programm neustarten",
"about": "Über OpenBazaar",
"support": "OpenBazaar unterstützen",
"Forward": "Vor",
- "Back": "Zurück"
+ "Back": "Zurück",
+ "newServer": "New Server",
+ "manageServers": "Manage Servers"
"onboarding": {
"intro": "OpenBazaar Konfiguration",
@@ -608,7 +633,7 @@
"BreadwalletTagline": "Direkter Anschluss an das Bitcoin-Netzwerk ohne Server. Herrlich unkompliziert, bei maximaler Sicherheit.",
"RushWalletTagline": "Holen Sie sich eine Bitcoin-Adresse schnell und einfach in Ihrem Browser.",
"MyceliumTagline": "Eine der Bitcoin Wallets, die am längsten im Markt und eine der sichersten und zuverlässigsten ist.",
- "CoinkiteTagline": "Die stärkste Bitcoin Wallet",
+ "CoinkiteTagline": "Die beste Bitcoin Wallet",
"BlockchaininfoTagline": "Die weltweit beliebteste Bitcoin Wallet. Sicherer, freundlicher, einfacher.",
"DuoMoneyTagline": "Euro Brieftasche für supereinfache Bitcoin Zahlungen. OpenBazaar auch für Großmutter.",
"BitGoTagline": "Die weltweit sicherste Bitcoin Wallet Software der führende Bitcoin Unternehmen vertrauen."
@@ -620,6 +645,7 @@
"buyFlow": {
"PayForOrder": "Bestellung bezahlen",
+ "BuyOwnProductMsg": "You can't buy your own listing",
"NeedTempAddress": "Ich brauche eine temporäre Bitcoin Adresse",
"NeedTempAddressHelper": "Bitte setzen Sie ein Lesezeichen zu der URL Ihrer temporären Bitcoin Adresse",
"CantFindAddress": "Ich kann meine Bitcoin Adresse nicht finden",
@@ -659,13 +685,10 @@
"noSearchResultsFound": "Keine Ergebnisse"
"serverConnectModal": {
- "statusTryingToConnect": "Es wird versucht eine Verbindung zu Ihrem Server herzustellen...",
- "statusConnected": "Verbunden",
- "statusFailedConnection": "Die Verbindung zu Ihrem Server konnte nicht hergestellt werden",
- "statusFailedAuthentication": "Die Authentifizierung ist fehlgschlagen",
- "statusTooManyAttempts": "Es gab zu viele fehlgeschlagene Authentifizierungsversuche",
+ "connect": "Connect",
+ "connected": "Connected",
+ "connecting": "Connecting",
"serverConfiguration": "Server Konfiguration",
- "connecting": "Verbindung wird aufgebaut...",
"intro": "OpenBazaar erlaubt es den eigenen Server getrennt vom Client-Programm zu betreiben. Standardmäßig wird dein Server lokal laufen, aber du kannst diese Einstellung unten ändern.",
"serverIP": "Server IP",
"restApiPort": "Rest API Port",
@@ -673,9 +696,19 @@
"heartbeatSocketApiPort": "Heartbeat Socket Port",
"username": "Benutzername",
"password": "Passwort",
- "restoreDefaults": "Standardeinstellungen wiederherstellen",
"saveChanges": "Änderungen speichern",
- "retry": "Verbindungsaufbau erneut versuchen"
+ "defaultServerName": "Standard",
+ "portedConnectionName": "ported connection",
+ "connectionFailed": "Verbindung zu %{serverName} wird aufgebaut",
+ "connectingTo": "Verbindung zu %{serverName} wird aufgebaut",
+ "connectingToDefault": "Verbindung zum Standardserver wird aufgebaut",
+ "authFailed": "Die Authentifizierung ist fehlgeschlagen",
+ "authFailedTooManyAttempts": "es gab zu viele fehlgeschlagene Authentifizierungsversuche",
+ "serverConfigsHeaderMsg": "Ihre Server Konfigurationen",
+ "newConfigHeaderMsg": "Serverdetails eingeben",
+ "editConfigHeaderMsg": "Konfigurations-Einstellungen",
+ "serverConfigsTitle": "Server Konfigurationen",
+ "newConfigTitle": "Neue Konfiguration"
"timezones": {
"-12": "(GMT -12:00) Eniwetok, Mentschikowinseln",
@@ -710,4 +743,4 @@
"11": "(GMT +11:00) Magadan, Salomonen, Neukaledonien",
"12": "(GMT +12:00) Auckland, Wellington, Fidschi, Kamtschatka"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/js/languages/de.json b/js/languages/de.json
index 567293909..7a80f9d50 100644
--- a/js/languages/de.json
+++ b/js/languages/de.json
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
"EnterMessage": "Nachricht eingeben...",
"Recommended": "Empfohlen",
"Reload": "Neu laden",
+ "LoadIndex": "Load Index",
"You": "Du",
"Skip": "Überspringen",
"Done": "Fertig",
@@ -16,13 +17,14 @@
"ClosingOpenBazaar": "Schließen (Deine Seite wird dann offline sein.)",
"Minimize": "Minimieren",
"Maximize": "Maximieren",
- "Restore": "Restore",
+ "Restore": "Wiederherstellen",
"Close": "Schließen",
"Yes": "Ja",
"No": "Nein",
"of": "von",
"Sell": "Verkaufen",
"New": "Neu",
+ "Retry": "Retry",
"HighlightToStyle": "Highlight text to style",
"Excellent": "Hervorragend",
"Good": "Gut",
@@ -48,6 +50,8 @@
"ViewListing": "Angebot ansehen",
"Unfollow": "Nicht mehr folgen",
"ConfirmUnfollow": "Unfollow bestätigen",
+ "AddModerator": "Als Moderator hinzufügen",
+ "RemoveModerator": "Als Moderator entfernen",
"About": "Über",
"Version": "Version %{version}",
"NoDescriptionAdded": "Keine Beschreibung hinzugefügt",
@@ -71,8 +75,9 @@
"Welcome": "Willkommen",
"CreateStore": "Werde ein Verkäufer",
"GoToMyPage": "Zur eigenen Seite",
- "Random": "Random",
- "ShowOnlyFollowerListings": "Personalized",
+ "Random": "Zufällig",
+ "ShowOnlyFollowerListings": "Personalisiert",
+ "DoesNotShip": "Does not ship to you",
"TryRandom": "Try random mode to discover more",
"ShowOnlyFollowerListingsTooltip": "View listings from stores I follow",
"ShowAllListingsTooltip": "View random listings on the network",
@@ -82,7 +87,7 @@
"SearchForItemsPlaceholder": "Gib zum Beispiel #Spiele, #Schuhe oder ein anderes #Tag ein...",
"SearchForPagesPlaceholder": "Nach Name oder Schlagwort suchen",
"SearchFeedPlaceholder": "Nach OpenBazaar-ID oder Benutzername suchen",
- "SearchForFollowersPlaceholder": "Nach OpenBazaar-ID oder Benutzername suchen",
+ "SearchForFollowersPlaceholder": "Search for a name in your currently loaded followers (scroll to load more).",
"SearchForUsersPlaceholder": "Nach OpenBazaar-ID oder Benutzername suchen",
"SearchOnUserStorePlaceholder": "Gib einen Titel ein...",
"EstDeliveryDomesticPlaceholder": "3-5 Werktage",
@@ -94,7 +99,8 @@
"ReturnPolicyPlaceholder": "Rücknahmebedingungen eingeben...",
"CategoryPlaceholder": "Kategorie eingeben",
"CategoryHelperText": "Kategorien werden verwendet um Artikel in deinem Shop zu gruppieren und organisieren",
- "KeywordsHelperText": "Adding tags helps your listing to be discovered in the market. You can only have one of each tag, and a maximum of 10 tags",
+ "KeywordsPlaceholder": "Enter One or More Tags",
+ "KeywordsHelperText": "Adding tags helps your listing to be discovered in the market. You can only have one of each tag, and a maximum of 10 tags, separated by commas or the enter key.",
"ExpirationDateHelperText": "Setze ein Datum, an dem dein Artikel automatisch gelöscht werden soll.",
"ClearExpirationDate": "Lösche das Ablaufdatum",
"ReturnPolicy": "Rücknahmebedingungen",
@@ -116,7 +122,7 @@
"Description": "Beschreibung",
"Reviews": "Rezensionen",
"Shipping": "Versand",
- "Shipping2": "Shipping:",
+ "Shipping2": "Versand:",
"ShippingReturns": "Versand und Rücknahmen",
"CountryOfOrigin": "Wird verschickt aus:",
"CanBeShippedTo": "Kann in dein Lieferland schicken:",
@@ -131,13 +137,14 @@
"Tags": "Tags",
"Keywords": "Suchworte",
"ShipsFrom": "Versand von",
+ "ShipsFrom2": "Ships From %{country}",
"ShipsTo": "Versand nach",
- "AddShipToRegion": "Shipping Region",
+ "AddShipToRegion": "Versandregion",
"AddShipToRegionNote": "Adds All Nations in a Region",
"SelectRegion": "Add an Optional Region",
- "AllRegions": "All countries",
- "EuropeanUnion": "European Union",
- "EuropeanEconomicArea": "European Economic Area",
+ "AllRegions": "Alle Länder",
+ "EuropeanUnion": "Europäische Union",
+ "EuropeanEconomicArea": "Europäische Wirtschaftsraum",
"Optional": "Optional",
"Customize": "Anpassen",
"Save": "Speichern",
@@ -170,6 +177,16 @@
"SSLIsOn": "SSL ist an",
"SSLIsOff": "SSL ist aus",
"LibbitcoinServerAddress": "Libbitcoin Server Addresse",
+ "SMTPNotificationsWarning": "Turn email notifications on/off",
+ "SMTPNotifications": "SMTP Notifications",
+ "SMTPPassword": "SMTP Password",
+ "SMTPUsername": "SMTP Username",
+ "SMTPServer": "SMTP Server Address",
+ "SMTPServerExample": "hostname:port",
+ "SMTPRecipientExample": "recipient@gmail.com",
+ "SMTPRecipient": "Recipient Email Address",
+ "SMTPSenderExample": "sender@gmail.com",
+ "SMTPSender": "Sender Email Address",
"ServerIPPort": "Server IP:Port",
"All": "Alle",
"Name": "Name",
@@ -220,16 +237,18 @@
"NotificationRefund": "%{name} has refunded your order.",
"NoticationOrderStatus": "Order status updated, buyer notified.",
"NotificationNewOrder": "%{name} has made a purchase.",
- "NotificationTitle": "Title: %{title}",
- "NotificationFrom": "From: %{name}",
- "NotificationType": "Type: %{type}",
- "NotificationTime": "Time: %{time}",
+ "NotificationTitle": "Titel: %{title}",
+ "NotificationFrom": "Von: %{name}",
+ "NotificationType": "Typ: %{type}",
+ "NotificationTime": "Zeit: %{time}",
"NoNotifications": "Keine Benachrichtigungen",
"WelcomeToYourPage": "Willkommen auf deiner Seite!",
"SearchForCategory": "Nach Kategorie suchen",
"Moderators": "Moderator",
"CurrentModerators": "Aktuelle Moderatoren",
- "AddModerators": "Neuen Moderator hinzufügen",
+ "AddModerators": "Moderatoren hinzufügen",
+ "ManualAddModerator": "Moderatoren nach GUID hinzufügen",
+ "ManualAddModeratorHelp": "Enter the GUIDs of one or more moderators, separated by commas, here. The GUID is on the right side of their About tab on their page. Adding the GUID of a user that is not a moderator will have no effect, that GUID will be ignored.",
"DeselectToRemoveModerator": "Moderatoren abwählen, welche Sie entfernen wollen.",
"SelectToAddModerator": "Moderatoren auswählen, welche Sie hinzufügen wollen.",
"Categories": "Kategorien",
@@ -297,9 +316,9 @@
"Off": "Off",
"ClickToChange": "Zum ändern hier klicken",
"NotProvided": "nicht angegeben",
- "NotFollowingAnyone": "Folgt niemandem",
- "NoFollowers": "Keine Follower",
- "NoReviews": "Keine Bewertungen",
+ "NotFollowingAnyone": "No nodes being followed were loaded",
+ "NoFollowers": "No followers were loaded",
+ "NoReviews": "No reviews were loaded",
"NoDetailsSpecified": "No details specified",
"Moderator": "Moderator",
"Moderator2": "Moderator:",
@@ -322,13 +341,14 @@
"ServerChangeWarningHeadline": "Achtung: Nimm deine Einstellungen vor",
"ServerChangeWarning": "Wir empfehlen eine Kopie von deinen vorherigen Einstellungen zu machen (siehe unten). Dein vorheriger Benutzername und Passwort wird nach diesem Schritt nicht mehr verfügbar sein.",
"ModeratorFee": "Fee:",
- "PriceForOne": "Price per single item, file, or service.",
+ "PriceForOne": "Price per single item, file, or service. Based on the listing's base price and the current exchange rate of BTC. This may not match the order total, which is based on the exchange rate of BTC at the time you purchased this listing.",
"Avatar": "Avatar",
- "AdditionalPaymentData": "Additional payment data",
+ "AdditionalPaymentData": "Zusätzliche Zahlungsdaten",
"AdditionalPaymentDataInfo": "Include name of purchase and order number in payment QR code?",
+ "ShippableHelp": "This product can be shipped to one of your currently saved addresses. Add more addresses in the Settings/Addresses section to be able to purchase more listings.",
"firewall": {
- "Open": "Open",
- "Restricted": "Restricted",
+ "Open": "Offen",
+ "Restricted": "Begrenzt",
"SeverelyRestricted": "Severely Restricted"
"moderatorSettings": {
@@ -439,7 +459,7 @@
"EstimatedDeliveryPlaceholder": "Datum an dem der Artikel Vorraussichtlich geliefert wird",
"URL": "URL der Datei",
"URLPlaceholder": "Link zu einem Download oder sonstigen Informationen",
- "Password": "Password:",
+ "Password": "Passwort:",
"PasswordPlaceholder": "Passwort für den Link (optional)",
"DirectTransaction": "Direct transaction:",
"ModeratedTransaction": "Moderated transaction:",
@@ -489,7 +509,8 @@
"UpdatingOrder": "Deine Transaktion wird aktualisiert",
"UpdateComplete": "Das Update deiner Transaktion wurde abgeschlossen",
"UpdateFailed": "Das Update deiner Transaktion konnte nicht abgeschlossen werden. Bitte öffne die Transaktion und versuche es nochmals",
- "UpdateInvalid": "Das Update deiner Transaktion hat ungültige Daten zurückgegeben. Bitte öffne die Transaktion und versuche es nochmals"
+ "UpdateInvalid": "Das Update deiner Transaktion hat ungültige Daten zurückgegeben. Bitte öffne die Transaktion und versuche es nochmals",
+ "ExportCSV": "Export to CSV"
"errorMessages": {
"saveError": "Daten konnten nicht gespeichert werden.",
@@ -510,7 +531,8 @@
"tooManyPhotosBody": "Einige oder alle Fotos konnten nicht hochgeladen werden, weil sie die maximal zulässige Anzahl an Fotos überschreiten.",
"badJSON": "Die JSON Daten, die vom Server empfangen wurden, waren ungültig",
"refundAlreadySent": "The refund has already been successfully sent for this order",
- "serverTimeout": "No response was received from the server. It may be unreachable or taking a very long time to respond."
+ "serverTimeout": "No response was received from the server. It may be unreachable or taking a very long time to respond.",
+ "noData": "No data is available for the options you have selected."
"pageConnectingMessages": {
"listingConnect": "Verbindung zu Angebot ${listing} wird aufgebaut",
@@ -557,11 +579,14 @@
"cases": "Fälle",
"notifications": "Benachrichtigungen",
"settings": "Einstellungen",
- "restart": "Restart Application",
+ "refresh": "Refresh Page",
+ "restart": "Anwendung neu starten",
"about": "Über OpenBazaar",
"support": "OpenBazaar unterstützen",
"Forward": "Vor",
- "Back": "Zurück"
+ "Back": "Zurück",
+ "newServer": "Neuer Server",
+ "manageServers": "Server verwalten"
"onboarding": {
"intro": "OpenBazaar Konfiguration",
@@ -620,6 +645,7 @@
"buyFlow": {
"PayForOrder": "Bestellung bezahlen",
+ "BuyOwnProductMsg": "You can't buy your own listing",
"NeedTempAddress": "Ich brauche eine temporäre Bitcoin Adresse",
"NeedTempAddressHelper": "Bitte setze ein Lesezeichen zu der URL deiner temporären Bitcoin Adresse",
"CantFindAddress": "Ich kann meine Bitcoin Adresse nicht finden",
@@ -659,13 +685,10 @@
"noSearchResultsFound": "Keine Ergebnisse"
"serverConnectModal": {
- "statusTryingToConnect": "Trying to connect to your server...",
- "statusConnected": "Connected.",
- "statusFailedConnection": "Die Verbindung zu deinem Server konnte nicht hergestellt werden",
- "statusFailedAuthentication": "Die Authentifizierung ist fehlgschlagen",
- "statusTooManyAttempts": "Es gab zu viele fehlgschlagene Authentifizierungsversuche",
+ "connect": "Verbinden",
+ "connected": "Verbunden",
+ "connecting": "Verbindungsaufbau",
"serverConfiguration": "Server Konfiguration",
- "connecting": "Connecting...",
"intro": "OpenBazaar erlaubt es den eigenen Server getrennt vom Client-Programm zu betreiben. Standardmäßig wird dein Server lokal laufen, aber du kannst diese Einstellung unten ändern.",
"serverIP": "Server IP",
"restApiPort": "Rest API Port",
@@ -673,9 +696,19 @@
"heartbeatSocketApiPort": "Heartbeat Socket Port",
"username": "Benutzername",
"password": "Passwort",
- "restoreDefaults": "Standardeinstellungen wiederherstellen",
"saveChanges": "Änderungen speichern",
- "retry": "Verbindungsaufbau erneut versuchen"
+ "defaultServerName": "Standard",
+ "portedConnectionName": "ported connection",
+ "connectionFailed": "Connection failed to %{serverName}",
+ "connectingTo": "Connecting to %{serverName}",
+ "connectingToDefault": "Connecting to the default server",
+ "authFailed": "authentication failed",
+ "authFailedTooManyAttempts": "too many failed authentication attempts",
+ "serverConfigsHeaderMsg": "Your Server Configurations",
+ "newConfigHeaderMsg": "Enter Server Details",
+ "editConfigHeaderMsg": "Configuration Settings",
+ "serverConfigsTitle": "Server Configurations",
+ "newConfigTitle": "New Configuration"
"timezones": {
"-12": "(GMT -12:00) Eniwetok, Kwajalein",
@@ -685,17 +718,17 @@
"-8": "(GMT -8:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)",
"-7": "(GMT -7:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)",
"-6": "(GMT -6:00) Central Time (US & Canada), Mexico City",
- "-5": "(GMT -5:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada), Bogota, Lima",
+ "-5": "(GMT -5:00) Östliche Zeit (US & Kanada), Bogota, Lima",
"-4": "(GMT -4:00) Atlantic Time (Canada), Caracas, La Paz",
- "-3.5": "(GMT -3:30) Newfoundland",
- "-3": "(GMT -3:00) Brazil, Buenos Aires, Georgetown",
- "-2": "(GMT -2:00) Mid-Atlantic",
+ "-3.5": "(GMT -3:30) Neufundland",
+ "-3": "(GMT -3:00) Brasilien, Buenos Aires, Georgetown",
+ "-2": "(GMT -2:00) Mittelatlantik",
"-1": "(GMT -1:00) Azores, Cape Verde Islands",
"0": "(GMT) Western Europe Time, London, Lisbon, Casablanca",
- "1": "(GMT +1:00) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris",
- "2": "(GMT +2:00) Kaliningrad, South Africa",
- "3": "(GMT +3:00) Baghdad, Riyadh, Moscow, St. Petersburg",
- "3.5": "(GMT +3:30) Tehran",
+ "1": "(GMT +1:00) Brüssel, Kopenhagen, Madrid, Paris",
+ "2": "(GMT +2:00) Kaliningrad, Südafrika",
+ "3": "(GMT +3:00) Bagdad, Riad, Moskau, St. Petersburg",
+ "3.5": "(GMT +3:30) Teheran",
"4": "(GMT +4:00) Abu Dhabi, Muscat, Baku, Tbilisi",
"4.5": "(GMT +4:30) Kabul",
"5": "(GMT +5:00) Ekaterinburg, Islamabad, Karachi, Tashkent",
@@ -703,7 +736,7 @@
"5.75": "(GMT +5:45) Kathmandu",
"6": "(GMT +6:00) Almaty, Dhaka, Colombo",
"7": "(GMT +7:00) Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta",
- "8": "(GMT +8:00) Beijing, Perth, Singapore, Hong Kong",
+ "8": "(GMT +8:00) Peking, Perth, Singapur, Hongkong",
"9": "(GMT +9:00) Tokyo, Seoul, Osaka, Sapporo, Yakutsk",
"9.5": "(GMT +9:30) Adelaide, Darwin",
"10": "(GMT +10:00) Eastern Australia, Guam, Vladivostok",
diff --git a/js/languages/el.json b/js/languages/el.json
index 0bb52c75b..0369bd5e3 100644
--- a/js/languages/el.json
+++ b/js/languages/el.json
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
"EnterMessage": "Εισάγετε μήνυμα",
"Recommended": "Προτεινόμενο",
"Reload": "Επαναφορά ",
+ "LoadIndex": "Φόρτωση Περιεχομένων",
"You": "Εσύ",
"Skip": "Παράλειψη",
"Done": "Έτοιμο",
@@ -16,14 +17,15 @@
"ClosingOpenBazaar": "Κλείσιμο (Η σελίδα σας θα πάει offline)",
"Minimize": "Ελαχιστοποίηση",
"Maximize": "Μεγιστοποίηση",
- "Restore": "Restore",
+ "Restore": "Επαναφορά",
"Close": "Κλείσιμο",
"Yes": "Ναι",
"No": "Όχι",
- "of": "of",
+ "of": "του",
"Sell": "Πώληση",
"New": "Νέο",
- "HighlightToStyle": "Highlight text to style",
+ "Retry": "Ξαναπροσπαθήστε",
+ "HighlightToStyle": "Επιλέξτε το κείμενο προς διαμόρφωση",
"Excellent": "Εξαιρετικό ",
"Good": "Καλό",
"Poor": "Κακό",
@@ -32,9 +34,9 @@
"GoToOneName": "Επισκεφθείτε το Onename.com",
"GoToOneNameTooltip": "Δημιουργήστε ένα αναγνωριστικό στο Onename.com, και κάτω από το Λογαριασμοί Εφαρμογών καταχωρήστε το openbazaar ως όνομα εφαρμογής και το guid ως προσδιοριστικό λογαριασμού (το guid σας βρίσκεται στη σελίδα σας, στην καρτέλα Σχετικά). Η επιβεβαίωση μπορεί να διαρκέσει πολλές ημέρες.",
"ChangeCurrency": "Αλλαγή νομίσματος",
- "SKU": "SKU",
+ "SKU": "Κωδικός",
"Refurbished": "Ανακατασκευασμένο",
- "Physical": "Φυσικά",
+ "Physical": "Υλικό προιόν",
"Digital": "Ψηφιακά",
"Service": "Υπηρεσία",
"Visit": "Επίσκεψη",
@@ -48,6 +50,8 @@
"ViewListing": "Προβολή καταχώρησης",
"Unfollow": "Άρση ακολούθησης",
"ConfirmUnfollow": "Επιβεβαίωση Unfollow",
+ "AddModerator": "Προσθήκη ως Μεσολαβητής",
+ "RemoveModerator": "Κατάργηση Μεσολαβητή",
"About": "Σχετικά",
"Version": "Έκδοση %{version}",
"NoDescriptionAdded": "Χωρίς περιγραφή",
@@ -55,7 +59,7 @@
"CoverPhoto": "Φωτογραφία καταστήματος",
"AboutEmpty": "Εισάγετε περιγραφή...",
"Followers": "Ακόλουθοι",
- "Following": "Ακολουθείς",
+ "Following": "Ακολουθεί",
"FollowsYou": "Σε ακολουθεί",
"Message": "Μήνυμα ",
"Messages": "Μηνύματα",
@@ -73,16 +77,17 @@
"GoToMyPage": "Η σελίδα μου",
"Random": "Τυχαίο",
"ShowOnlyFollowerListings": "Προσωποποιημένο",
- "TryRandom": "Try random mode to discover more",
- "ShowOnlyFollowerListingsTooltip": "View listings from stores I follow",
- "ShowAllListingsTooltip": "View random listings on the network",
- "ViewUnfilteredListings": "View Random Listings",
- "AllListingsWarning": "By deactivating personalized listings your Discover feed will be populated with random listings on the network. \n \n Please keep in mind that these listings may contain adult or illicit content and/or photos that may be offensive. \n \n If at any point you want to go back to viewing personalized listings, you can simply toggle the setting and your Discover feed will go back to normal.",
- "ShowUnlfilteredListings": "Show Random Listings",
+ "DoesNotShip": "Does not ship to you",
+ "TryRandom": "Δοκιμάστε τις τυχαίες αναζητήσεις για ανακαλύψετε περισσότερα",
+ "ShowOnlyFollowerListingsTooltip": "Δείτε μόνο τις καταχωρήσεις από τα καταστήματα που ακολουθείτε",
+ "ShowAllListingsTooltip": "Δείτε τυχαίες καταχωρήσεις από όλο το δίκτυο",
+ "ViewUnfilteredListings": "Δείτε τυχαίες καταχωρήσει",
+ "AllListingsWarning": "Απενεργοποιόντας την επιλογή για φιλτράρισμα των προς αναζήτηση καταχωρήσεων σας ενεργοποιεί την τυχαία προβολή καταχωρίσεων από όλο το δίκτυο\n\nΝα έχετε υπόψη σας ότι αυτές οι τυχαίες καταχωρήσεις μπορεί να περιέχουν ενήλικο περιεχόμενο η ακόμα και παράνομο στην χώρα σας η φωτογραφίες με ακατάλληλο περιεχόμενο\n\nΣε οποιοδήποτε σημείο μπορείτε εύκολα να επαναφέρετε τις αρχικές ρυθμίσεις και οι αναζητήσεις θα εμφανίζονται όπως πριν",
+ "ShowUnlfilteredListings": "Δείτε τυχαίες καταχωρήσεις",
"SearchForItemsPlaceholder": "Γράψτε #games, #shoes ή οποιοδήποτε άλλο #tag...",
"SearchForPagesPlaceholder": "Αναζήτηση με βάση το όνομα ή την λέξη-κλειδί",
"SearchFeedPlaceholder": "Γράψτε μια λέξη-κλειδί...",
- "SearchForFollowersPlaceholder": "Γράψτε ένα όνομα...",
+ "SearchForFollowersPlaceholder": "Search for a name in your currently loaded followers (scroll to load more).",
"SearchForUsersPlaceholder": "Γράψτε ένα όνομα...",
"SearchOnUserStorePlaceholder": "Πληκτρολογήστε έναν τίτλο...",
"EstDeliveryDomesticPlaceholder": "3-5 εργάσιμες ημέρες",
@@ -94,7 +99,8 @@
"ReturnPolicyPlaceholder": "Εισάγετε την πολιτική επιστροφής προϊόντων...",
"CategoryPlaceholder": "Εισάγετε κατηγορία ",
"CategoryHelperText": "Οι κατηγορίες χρησιμοποιούνται για να οργανώσουν και να ομαδοποιήσουν τις καταχωρήσεις στο κατάστημά σας",
- "KeywordsHelperText": "Η προσθήκη ετικετών βοηθάει στην σωστή προβολή των καταχωρήσεών σας. Μπορείτε να έχετε μόνο μία καταχώρηση σε κάθε ετικέτα, και με ανώτατο όριο τις 10 ετικέτες.",
+ "KeywordsPlaceholder": "Εισάγετε Μία ή Περισσότερες Ετικέτες",
+ "KeywordsHelperText": "Η προσθήκη ετικετών βοηθά τις καταχωρήσεις σας να γίνουν γνωστές στην αγορά. Μπορείτε να έχετε μόνο μία από κάθε ετικέτα, και ένα μέγιστο αριθμό 10 ετικετών, διαχωριζόμενες με κόμμα ή με το πλήκτρο εισαγωγή.",
"ExpirationDateHelperText": "Εισάγετε μια ημερομηνία για αυτόματη αφαίρεση της καταχώρησης από το κατάστημά σας",
"ClearExpirationDate": "Αναιρέστε την Ημερομηνία Λήξης ",
"ReturnPolicy": "Πολιτική επιστροφής προϊόντων ",
@@ -112,7 +118,7 @@
"Signature": "Υπογραφή PGP",
"SignaturePlaceholder": "Απαιτείται μια υπογραφή PGP αν εισάγετε ένα κλειδί PGP",
"Snapchat": "Snapchat",
- "BUYNOW": "Αγορά",
+ "BUYNOW": "Αγορα",
"Description": "Περιγραφή",
"Reviews": "Κριτικές",
"Shipping": "Αποστολή",
@@ -131,10 +137,11 @@
"Tags": "Ετικέτες",
"Keywords": "Λέξεις-κλειδιά",
"ShipsFrom": "Αποστολές από",
+ "ShipsFrom2": "Αποστολές από %{country}",
"ShipsTo": "Αποστολές σε",
"AddShipToRegion": "Περιοχή Αποστολής",
- "AddShipToRegionNote": "Adds All Nations in a Region",
- "SelectRegion": "Add an Optional Region",
+ "AddShipToRegionNote": "Προσθέτει όλα τα κράτη σε μια Region",
+ "SelectRegion": "Προσθέστε ένα προαιρετικό Region",
"AllRegions": "Όλες οι χώρες",
"EuropeanUnion": "Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση",
"EuropeanEconomicArea": "Ευρωπαϊκός Οικονομικός Χώρος",
@@ -146,14 +153,14 @@
"SaveChanges": "Αποθηκεύστε τις αλλαγές",
"YourName": "Το όνομά σας",
"UseTestnet": "Χρήση Δοκιμαστικού δικτύου",
- "UseTestnetHelp": "If set to true, your client will use Testnet bitcoin addresses. Only set to true if your server was started with the -t testnet flag.",
+ "UseTestnetHelp": "Αν ορισθεί ως αληθές, το πρόγραμμα πελάτης σας θα χρησιμοποιεί διευθύνσεις bitcoin του Δοκιμαστικού δικτύου. Ορίστε το ως αληθές μόνο αν ο διακομιστής σας εκκινήθηκε με την επιλογή -t του δοκιμαστικού δικτύου.",
"TestnetAddress": "Διεύθυνση Testnet",
- "TestnetAddressHelp": "Your client is set to use the Testnet, and will only allow Testnet addresses. To use the mainnet, and real Bitcoin, turn off the Testnet in Settings/Advanced, and make sure your server was not started with the -t testnet flag.",
+ "TestnetAddressHelp": "Το πρόγραμμα πελάτης σας είναι ρυθμισμένο να χρησιμοποιεί το Δοκιμαστικό δίκτυο, και θα επιτρέπει μόνο διευθύνσεις του Δοκιμαστικού δικτύου. Για να χρησιμοποιήσετε το κυρίως δίκτυο και πραγματικά Bitcoin, απενεργοποιήστε το Δοκιμαστικό δίκτυο στις Ρυθμίσεις/Για προχωρημένους, και επιβεβαιώστε ότι ο διακομιστής σας δεν εκκινήθηκε με την παράμετρο -t του δοκιμαστικού δικτύου.",
"MustTestnetAddress": "Πρέπει να είναι Testnet Address",
- "BitcoinAddress": "Current Refund Address",
+ "BitcoinAddress": "Τρέχουσα Διεύθυνση Επιστροφής",
"BitcoinReturnAddress": "Εισάγετε την Bitcoin διεύθυνσή σας",
"BitcoinReturnAddressPlaceholder": "Εισάγετε Bitcoin διεύθυνση...",
- "BitcoinReturnAddressInfo": "If a refund is issued, the funds will need to be sent to a Bitcoin address. Please provide an address to your Wallet below. You must be able to access this address later to receive a refund.",
+ "BitcoinReturnAddressInfo": "Σε περίπτωση ακύρωσης παραγγελίας τα χρήματα θα πρέπει να επιστραφούν σε μια Bitcoin διεύθυνση. Παρακαλώ εισάγετε διεύθυνση από το Bitcoin πορτοφόλι σας",
"LocalCurrency": "Τοπικό νόμισμα",
"TimeZone": "Ζώνη ώρας",
"ShipToName": "Όνομα Παραλήπτη",
@@ -170,6 +177,16 @@
"SSLIsOn": "SSL is on",
"SSLIsOff": "SSL is off",
"LibbitcoinServerAddress": "Libbitcoin Server Address",
+ "SMTPNotificationsWarning": "Ενεργοποίηση/Απενεργοποίηση ειδοποιήσεων ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου",
+ "SMTPNotifications": "Ειδοποιήσεις SMTP",
+ "SMTPPassword": "Κωδικός Πρόσβασης SMTP",
+ "SMTPUsername": "Όνομα Χρήστη SMTP",
+ "SMTPServer": "Διεύθυνση Διακομιστή SMTP",
+ "SMTPServerExample": "hostname:port",
+ "SMTPRecipientExample": "recipient@gmail.com",
+ "SMTPRecipient": "Διεύθυνση Ηλεκτρονικού Ταχυδρομείου Λήπτη",
+ "SMTPSenderExample": "sender@gmail.com",
+ "SMTPSender": "Διεύθυνση Ηλεκτρονικού Ταχυδρομείου Αποστολέα",
"ServerIPPort": "Server IP:Port",
"All": "All",
"Name": "Όνομα",
@@ -210,26 +227,28 @@
"AboutPlaceholder": "Πλήρης περιγραφή",
"BackgroundColor": "Χρώμα φόντου",
"NotificationPaymentSent": "Η πληρωμή στάλθηκε στον %{name}.",
- "NotificationPaymentReceived": "Payment was received from %{name}.",
- "NotificationRatingRecieved": "Order completed and rating received from %{name}.",
- "NotificationOrderFor": "%{name} placed an order for %{title}.",
+ "NotificationPaymentReceived": "Η πληρωμή ελήφθη από %{name}.",
+ "NotificationRatingRecieved": "Η παραγγελία ολοκληρώθηκε και η αξιολόγηση ελήφθη από %{name}.",
+ "NotificationOrderFor": "%{name} έκανε μια παραγγελία για %{title}.",
"NotificationOrderConfirmed": "Η παραγγελία έχει επιβεβαιωθεί/αποσταλεί.",
- "NotificationFollow": "%{name} is now following you.",
- "NotificationDispute": "%{name} has opened a dispute.",
+ "NotificationFollow": "%{name} σας ακολουθεί.",
+ "NotificationDispute": "%{name} έχει δημιουργήσει μια διένεξη.",
"NotificationDisputeClosed": "Αυτή η διένεξη έχει κλείσει.",
- "NotificationRefund": "%{name} has refunded your order.",
+ "NotificationRefund": "%{name} έχει επιστρέψει τα χρήματα της παραγγελίας σας.",
"NoticationOrderStatus": "Η κατάσταση της παραγγελίας ενημερώθηκε, ο αγοραστής ειδοποιήθηκε.",
- "NotificationNewOrder": "%{name} has made a purchase.",
- "NotificationTitle": "Title: %{title}",
- "NotificationFrom": "From: %{name}",
- "NotificationType": "Type: %{type}",
- "NotificationTime": "Time: %{time}",
+ "NotificationNewOrder": "%{name} έχει κάνει μια αγορά.",
+ "NotificationTitle": "Τίτλος: %{title}",
+ "NotificationFrom": "Από: %{name}",
+ "NotificationType": "Τύπος: %{type}",
+ "NotificationTime": "Ώρα: %{time}",
"NoNotifications": "Καμία ειδοποίηση",
"WelcomeToYourPage": "Καλώς Ήλθατε στην σελίδα σας!",
"SearchForCategory": "Αναζήτηση κατηγορίας",
"Moderators": "Μεσολαβητής",
"CurrentModerators": "Τρέχοντες Μεσολαβητές",
- "AddModerators": "Προσθέστε νέο Μεσολαβητή",
+ "AddModerators": "Προσθήκη Μεσολαβητών",
+ "ManualAddModerator": "Προσθήκη Μεσολαβητών μέσω Γραφικού Περιβάλλοντος",
+ "ManualAddModeratorHelp": "Enter the GUIDs of one or more moderators, separated by commas, here. The GUID is on the right side of their About tab on their page. Adding the GUID of a user that is not a moderator will have no effect, that GUID will be ignored.",
"DeselectToRemoveModerator": "Απεπιλέξτε τους μεσολαβητές που θέλετε να αφαιρέσετε",
"SelectToAddModerator": "Επιλέξτε τους μεσολαβητές που θέλετε να προσθέσετε",
"Categories": "Κατηγορίες",
@@ -297,9 +316,9 @@
"Off": "Off",
"ClickToChange": "Κάντε κλικ για να αλλάξετε",
"NotProvided": "δεν παρέχεται",
- "NotFollowingAnyone": "Δεν ακολουθεί κανέναν",
- "NoFollowers": "Κανένας Ακόλουθος",
- "NoReviews": "Δεν υπάρχουν κριτικές",
+ "NotFollowingAnyone": "No nodes being followed were loaded",
+ "NoFollowers": "No followers were loaded",
+ "NoReviews": "No reviews were loaded",
"NoDetailsSpecified": "Δεν έχουν καθοριστεί λεπτομέρειες",
"Moderator": "Μεσολαβητής",
"Moderator2": "Μεσολαβητής:",
@@ -322,10 +341,11 @@
"ServerChangeWarningHeadline": "Προσοχή: Καταγράψτε τις ρυθμίσεις σας",
"ServerChangeWarning": "Σας προτείνουμε να κάνετε ένα αντίγραφο των προηγούμενων ρυθμίσεων όπως φαίνεται παρακάτω. Το παλιό όνομα χρήστη καθώς και ο κωδικός πρόσβασης του δεν θα είναι πλέον διαθέσιμα πέρα από αυτό το σημείο.",
"ModeratorFee": "Τέλη:",
- "PriceForOne": "Τιμή για ένα αντικείμενο, αρχείο ή υπηρεσία.",
+ "PriceForOne": "Price per single item, file, or service. Based on the listing's base price and the current exchange rate of BTC. This may not match the order total, which is based on the exchange rate of BTC at the time you purchased this listing.",
"Avatar": "Avatar",
- "AdditionalPaymentData": "Additional payment data",
+ "AdditionalPaymentData": "Πρόσθετα στοιχεία πληρωμής",
"AdditionalPaymentDataInfo": "Include name of purchase and order number in payment QR code?",
+ "ShippableHelp": "This product can be shipped to one of your currently saved addresses. Add more addresses in the Settings/Addresses section to be able to purchase more listings.",
"firewall": {
"Open": "Ανοιχτό",
"Restricted": "Περιορισμένος",
@@ -339,7 +359,7 @@
"BecomeModerator": "Γίνε Μεσολαβητής",
"EditModerator": "Ρυθμίσεις Μεσολαβητή",
"overallRatingKeys": {
- "fiveStar": "Excellent all around",
+ "fiveStar": "Εξαιρετικό",
"fourStar": "Καλό",
"threeStar": "Μέσος",
"twoStar": "Κακό",
@@ -377,9 +397,9 @@
"Order": "Παραγγελία",
"OrderDetails": "Λεπτομέρειες Παραγγελίας",
"ViewOnBlockchain": "Δείτε λεπτομέρειες",
- "BuyerPayout": "Buyer Payout:",
+ "BuyerPayout": "Πληρωμή Πελάτη:",
"SellerPayout": "Πωλητής Πληρωμή:",
- "BuyerAmount": "Buyer Amount:",
+ "BuyerAmount": "Ποσό Αγοραστή:",
"SellerAmount": "Ποσό Πωλητή:",
"YouEarn": "Κερδίζεις:",
"YourBitcoinPaymentAddress": "H Bitcoin σας Διεύθυνση Πληρωμής:",
@@ -391,105 +411,106 @@
"sortByStatus3": "Ολοκληρώθηκε (Απελευθέρωση Πληρωμής)",
"sortByStatus4": "Αμφισβήτηση",
"sortByStatus5": "Η διένεξη έχει κλείσει",
- "sortByStatus6": "Dispute Resolved",
+ "sortByStatus6": "Η διένεξη έχει επιλυθεί",
"sortByStatus7": "Επιστράφηκαν τα χρήματα",
"OrderID": "Αναγνωριστικό Παραγγελίας",
"OrderDate": "Ημερομηνία Παραγγελίας",
"OrderStatus": "Κατάσταση Παραγγελίας",
- "OrderStatus0": "Purchasing (Payment pending)",
- "OrderStatus1": "Ready to process (Paid in full)",
- "OrderStatus2": "Confirmed/Shipped",
- "OrderStatus3": "Completed (Payment released)",
+ "OrderStatus0": "Προς Αγορά (Πληρωμή σε εκκρεμότητα)",
+ "OrderStatus1": "Έτοιμη να ολοκληρωθεί (Εξ'ολοκλήρου πληρωμένο)",
+ "OrderStatus2": "Επιβεβαιώθηκε/Αποστάλθηκε",
+ "OrderStatus3": "Ολοκληρώθηκε (Απελευθέρωση Πληρωμής)",
"OrderStatus4": "Υπό αμφισβήτηση",
"OrderStatusopen": "Υπό αμφισβήτηση",
"OrderStatus5": "Η διένεξη έχει επιλυθεί",
- "OrderStatusclosed": "Dispute Closed",
+ "OrderStatusclosed": "Η διένεξη έχει κλείσει",
"OrderStatus6": "Η διένεξη έχει επιλυθεί",
"OrderStatus7": "Επιστράφηκε η πληρωμή",
- "AcceptDisputeResolution": "Accept Dispute Payout",
+ "AcceptDisputeResolution": "Αποδοχή Πληρωμής Διένεξης",
"InEscrow": "- Υπό Εγγύηση",
"OrderTotal": "Σύνολο Παραγγελίας",
"OrderTotalInBTC": "Σύνολο BTC",
"NoMessages": "Κανένα μήνυμα",
"PaymentProtection": "Προστασία Πληρωμής",
"ShipTo": "Αποστολή προς",
- "ViewRating": "View Rating",
+ "ViewRating": "Προβολή Αξιολόγησης",
"ContractDetails": "Λεπτομέρειες Συμφωνίας",
"HideDetails": "Απόκρυψη Λεπτομερειών",
"ConfirmOrder": "Επιβνεβαίωση Παραγγελίας",
"ConfirmOrderResend": "Επαναποστολή Επιβεβαίωσης Παραγγελίας",
- "ConfirmOrderResendTooltip": "If the buyer has not received the order confirmation, this button will resend it. This may take several seconds to complete.",
- "RefundOrder": "Refund Order",
+ "ConfirmOrderResendTooltip": "Εάν ο αγοραστής δεν έχει λάβει την επιβεβαίωση της παραγγελίας, αυτό το κουμπί θα την ξαναστείλει. Αυτό μπορεί να διαρκέσει αρκετά δευτερόλεπτα μέχρι να ολοκληρωθεί.",
+ "RefundOrder": "Επιστροφή χρημάτων Παραγγελίας",
"ConfirmRefundOrder": "Επιβεβαίωση Επιστροφής Χρημάτων Παραγγελίας",
- "RefundOrderTooltip": "Cancel order and release the funds back to the buyer",
+ "RefundOrderTooltip": "Ακυρώσετε την παραγγελία και επιστρέψτε τα χρήματα πίσω στον αγοραστή",
"RefundReason": "Αιτιολογία επιστροφής χρημάτων",
"RefundReasonPlaceholder": "Εξηγείστε γιατί επιστρέφετε τα χρήματα",
"RefundOrderResend": "Επαναποστολή Επιστροφής Χρημάτων Παραγγελίας",
- "RefundOrderResendTooltip": "If the buyer has not received the refund, this button will resend it. This may take several seconds to complete.",
+ "RefundOrderResendTooltip": "Εάν ο αγοραστής δεν έχει λάβει την επιβεβαίωση της παραγγελίας, αυτό το κουμπί θα την ξαναστείλει. Αυτό μπορεί να διαρκέσει αρκετά δευτερόλεπτα μέχρι να ολοκληρωθεί.",
"ReceivingAddress": "Διεύθυνση Λήψης",
"RecievingAddressPlaceholder": "Διεύθυνση Bitcoin για τη λήψη του ποσού",
"Comments": "Σχόλια",
"CommentsPlaceHolder": "Σχόλια για αυτή την παραγγελία",
- "Shipper": "Item Shipped By:",
- "ShippedBy": "Shipped By:",
- "ShipperPlaceholder": "Name of the company shipping the item",
+ "Shipper": "Αποστολή προϊόντος από:",
+ "ShippedBy": "Αποστέλλονται Από:",
+ "ShipperPlaceholder": "Δηλώστε την εταιρεία αποστολής του προιόντος",
"TrackingNumber": "Αριθμός Παρακολούθησης:",
"TrackingNumberPlaceholder": "Αριθμός παρακολούθησης αντικειμένου",
"EstimatedDelivery": "Εκτιμώμενος χρόνος Παράδοσης:",
"EstimatedDeliveryPlaceholder": "Εκτιμώμενη ημερομηνία παράδοσης του αντικειμένου",
- "URL": "File URL",
+ "URL": "Διεύθυνση Αρχείου",
"URLPlaceholder": "Link to download, schedule, or more information",
"Password": "Κωδικός πρόσβασης:",
- "PasswordPlaceholder": "Password required for link (optional)",
+ "PasswordPlaceholder": "Απαίτηση κωδικού για το σύνδεσμο (προαιρετικά)",
"DirectTransaction": "Άμεση συναλλαγή:",
"ModeratedTransaction": "Εποπτευόμενη συναλλαγή:",
- "Seller": "Vendor",
- "Vendor": "Vendor",
- "Vendor2": "Vendor:",
+ "Seller": "Πωλητής",
+ "Vendor": "Πωλητής",
+ "Vendor2": "Πωλητής:",
"Buyer": "Αγοραστής",
- "Buyer2": "Buyer:",
- "transferReceipt": "Transfer Receipt",
- "copyTxid": "copy tx ID",
+ "Buyer2": "Αγοραστής:",
+ "transferReceipt": "Απόδειξη μεταφοράς",
+ "copyTxid": "αντιγραφή αναγνωριστικού συναλλαγής",
"Close": "Κλείσιμο",
"FundOrder": "Fund Order",
- "sortByDateNewest": "By Date, Newest",
- "sortByDateOldest": "By Date, Oldest",
- "PayPurchase": "Pay for this Purchase",
- "CompleteOrder": "Complete Order",
- "CompleteOrderResend": "Resend Order Completion",
- "CompleteOrderResendTooltip": "If the seller has not yet received the order completion, this button will resend it. This may take several seconds to complete.",
- "LeaveReview": "Leave Review",
- "MarkAsShipped": "Mark as Shipped",
- "RateThisTransaction": "Rate this Transaction",
- "TransactionReview": "Transaction Review",
- "OverallRating": "Overall Rating",
+ "sortByDateNewest": "Κατά ημερομηνία, οι νεώτερες",
+ "sortByDateOldest": "Κατά ημερομηνία, οι παλαιότερες",
+ "PayPurchase": "Πληρώστε για αυτή την Αγορά",
+ "CompleteOrder": "Ολοκλήρωση Παραγγελίας",
+ "CompleteOrderResend": "Επανάληψη Ολοκλήρωση Παραγγελίας",
+ "CompleteOrderResendTooltip": "Εάν ο πωλητής δεν έχει λάβει την επιβεβαίωση της παραγγελίας, αυτό το κουμπί θα την ξαναστείλει. Αυτό μπορεί να διαρκέσει αρκετά δευτερόλεπτα μέχρι να ολοκληρωθεί.",
+ "LeaveReview": "Αφήστε Αξιολόγηση",
+ "MarkAsShipped": "Σήμανση ως Απεσταλμένο",
+ "RateThisTransaction": "Βαθμολογήστε αυτή την Συναλλαγή",
+ "TransactionReview": "Αξιολόγηση Συναλλαγής",
+ "OverallRating": "Συνολική βαθμολογία",
"Quality": "Ποιότητα:",
"MatchedDescription": "Matched Description:",
- "DeliverySpeed": "Delivery Speed:",
- "CustomerService": "Customer Service:",
- "Review": "Review",
- "ReviewPlaceHolder": "Your review of this transaction",
- "NoFileProvided": "No file provided",
- "None": "None",
+ "DeliverySpeed": "Ταχύτητα παράδοσης:",
+ "CustomerService": "Εξυπηρέτηση Πελάτη:",
+ "Review": "Κριτική",
+ "ReviewPlaceHolder": "H αξιολόγηση σας γι αυτή την συναλλαγή",
+ "NoFileProvided": "Δεν παρέχεται αρχείο",
+ "None": "Καμία",
"NoneSent": "None sent",
- "ModerationFee": "Moderation Fee:",
- "DisputeTransaction": "Start a Dispute",
+ "ModerationFee": "Τέλος Μεσολάβησης:",
+ "DisputeTransaction": "Έναρξη μιας Αμφισβήτησης",
"DisputeTransactionResend": "Resend Start of Dispute",
"DisputeTransactionResendTooltip": "If the other party did not receive your dispute, click this button to send it to them again.",
"sendMessagePlaceholder": "Εισάγετε μήνυμα",
"DisputeInstructions": "To file a dispute for this transaction, type the reason for the dispute below, and check the Start a Dispute box. This will include the moderator in your conversation until the dispute is resolved. The moderator will make the final decision as to whether any funds are returned to you, and how much. The moderator's fee will be paid out of the funds you have already sent.",
"SendMessage": "Αποστολή",
- "CloseDispute": "Close Dispute",
+ "CloseDispute": "Κλείσιμο Διένεξης",
"CloseDisputeResend": "Resend Close Dispute",
"CloseDisputeResendTooltip": "If one or more of the parties involved in this dispute did not receive the dispute close message, click this button to resend the dispute resolution.",
- "TotalInTransaction": "Transaction:",
- "StartDisputeFlag": "Dispute Started",
- "CloseDisputeFlag": "Dispute Ended",
+ "TotalInTransaction": "Συναλλαγή:",
+ "StartDisputeFlag": "Έναρξη Αμφισβήτησης",
+ "CloseDisputeFlag": "Η Διένεξη Έληξε",
"PayoutOnlyBuyer": "Closing this dispute will return all of the funds to the buyer, minus the Moderator fee, because the seller has not yet given their bitcoin payout address.",
- "UpdatingOrder": "Updating your transaction",
- "UpdateComplete": "Your transaction update is complete",
- "UpdateFailed": "Your transaction update did not complete. Open the transaction and try again",
- "UpdateInvalid": "Your transaction update returned invalid data. Open the transaction and try again"
+ "UpdatingOrder": "Η συναλλαγή σας ενημερώνεται",
+ "UpdateComplete": "Η ενημέρωση της συναλλαγής ολοκληρώθηκε",
+ "UpdateFailed": "Η ενημέρωση της παραγγελίας σας δεν ολοκληρώθηκε. Αποκτήστε πρόσβαση στη συναλλαγή και προσπαθήστε πάλι",
+ "UpdateInvalid": "Η ενημέρωση της παραγγελίας σας επέστρεψε άκυρα δεδομένα. Αποκτήστε πρόσβαση στη συναλλαγή και προσπαθήστε πάλι",
+ "ExportCSV": "Export to CSV"
"errorMessages": {
"saveError": "Τα δεδομένα δεν θα μπορούσαν να σωθούν.",
@@ -508,9 +529,10 @@
"serverDown": "Ο διακομιστής έχει κλείσει",
"tooManyPhotosTitle": "Πάρα πολλές φωτογραφίες",
"tooManyPhotosBody": "Ορισμένες ή όλες οι φωτογραφίες σας εμποδίστηκαν να ανέβουν γιατί υπερβαίνουν το μέγιστο επιτρεπόμενο όριο.",
- "badJSON": "The JSON data returned from the server was malformed",
- "refundAlreadySent": "The refund has already been successfully sent for this order",
- "serverTimeout": "No response was received from the server. It may be unreachable or taking a very long time to respond."
+ "badJSON": "Τα δεδομένα JSON που επιστράφηκαν από το διακομιστή είχαν λανθασμένη διαμόρφωση",
+ "refundAlreadySent": "Η επιστροφή χρημάτων για αυτή την παραγγελία έχει ήδη αποσταλεί επιτυχώς",
+ "serverTimeout": "Καμία ανταπόκριση από τον server. Μπορεί να μην είναι προσβάσιμος η να έχει χρειαστεί μεγάλο χρονικό διάστημα για την σύνδεση.",
+ "noData": "No data is available for the options you have selected."
"pageConnectingMessages": {
"listingConnect": "Σύνδεση σε λίστα ${listing}",
@@ -521,7 +543,7 @@
"userFail": "Η σελίδα που προσπαθείτε να δείτε είναι εκτός σύνδεσης"
"aboutSection": {
- "about": "OpenBazaar is a network of users who buy and sell goods and services directly with each other, using Bitcoin. This network is decentralized and isn't controlled by any organization.
The software is open source and MIT licensed. You can view the code on GitHub.
OpenBazaar is a community project, and we welcome participation in our Slack channel or on our subreddit.
If you need help, read the OpenBazaar version 1.0 tutorial.
If you still have questions, open an issue at our support desk.
+ "about": "Το OpenBazaar είναι ένα δίκτυο από χρήστες που πουλάνε και αγοράζουν προϊόντα απευθείας μεταξύ τους χρησιμοποιώντας το BItcoin. To δίκτυο αυτό είναι αποκεντρωμένο και δεν ελέγχεται από κανέναν μεγάλο οργανισμό.
Το λογισμικό είναι ανοιχτού κώδικα και κάτω από την MIT άδεια χρήσης. Μπορείτε να δείτε τον κώδικα του στο GitHub.
;Το OpenBazaar είναι μια κοινοτική προσπάθεια και ο καθένας μπορεί να συμμετέχει ελεύθερα στα Slack channel η στο subreddit.
Αν θέλετε βοήθεια διαβάστε την OpenBazaar version 1.0 Οδηγός.
Αν χρειάζεστε περισσότερη βοήθεια ανοίξτε μια συζήτηση υποστήριξης στο support desk.
"contributors": "To OpenBazaar δημιουργήθηκε λόγο της προσωπικής εργασίας από μια διεθνή κοινότητα προγραμματιστών και εθελοντών ώστε να προσφέρουν αδέσμευτες εμπορικές συναλλαγές. Αυτή είναι η λίστα των ανθρώπων που συνέβαλαν στο έργο, είτε μέσω κώδικα ή μέσω άλλης βοήθειας.
- Giannis Adamopoulos
- Ariadni-Karolina Alexiou
- Tikhon Bernstam
- Brad Burnham
- George Chatzisofroniou
- Patrick Connolly
- Chris Dixon
- Simon de la Rouviere
- Braden Glasgow
- Brian Hoffman
- Ben Holden-Crowther
- Joshua Jeffryes
- Nikolas Korasidis
- Regan Lawton
- Sami Lehtinen
- Angel Leon
- Joye Lin
- Joel Monegro
- William Mougayar
- Jonas David Nick
- Onename
- Chris Pacia
- Sam Patterson
- Chara Podimata
- Samuel Reed
- Washington Sanchez
- Aeron Paul Sioson
- Adrian Smith
- Adam Snodgrass
- Thomas Stilwell
- Amir Taaki
- Mike Wolf
- Dionysis Zindros
- secret-bitcoin-login
- Rav3nPL
- El--Presidente
- Tinytin
- ULRichard
"support": "Μπορείτε να βοηθήσετε το OpenBazaar και την αποστολή του για ελεύθερες εμπορικές συναλλαγές με αρκετούς τρόπους.
Η αγορά και πώληση αγαθών και υπηρεσιών στο δίκτυο βοηθά να αυξηθεί η κοινότητά μας και να καταστεί η πλατφόρμα πιο ελκυστική για τους νέους χρήστες.Η ευγενική ερώτηση στις επιχειρήσεις που πουλούν με Bitcoin να πωλούν στην πλατφόρμα βοηθά να εξαπλωθεί η λέξη OpenBazaar και η ζήτηση για το peer to peer εμπόριο
Εάν είστε προγραμματιστής δείτεστο GitHub που μπορείτε να βοηθήσετε. Εκτός από την βοήθεια με τον κώδικα του πυρήνα, ο ανοιχτός κώδικας του έργου σημαίνει ότι μπορείτε να κατασκευάσετε νέες υπηρεσίες πάνω από το υπάρχον δίκτυο.
Επίσης μπορείτε να δωρίσετε Bitcoin στο project, τα οποία θα χρησιμοποιηθούν ώστε να καλυφθούν τα έξοδα για επισκέψεις σε συνέδρια, για χρηματοδότηση του προγραμματισμού, καθώς και για προώθηση του OpenBazaar.
Παρακαλώ συμμετέχετε στο Slack αν έχετε νέες ιδέες για το OpenBazaar, η αν έχετε ερωτήσεις προς τους core devs.
"licensing": "OpenBazaar is open source software under the MIT license. This license is permissive and designed to allow people to freely reuse the code for other open source projects or for proprietary software. The full license text is below.
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright © 2016 OpenBazaar Developers
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
The following libraries are used in OpenBazaar:
- protobuf
- Twisted
- txrudp
- pyelliptic
- pystun
- bitcoin
- gnupg
- pynacl
- txrestapi
- txws
- python-libbitcoin client
- requests
- backbone
- underscore
- moment.js
- jquery
- electron.js
- backbone.linear
- list.js
- polyglot.js
- taggle.js
- safestart
- python-bitcoinlib
@@ -557,11 +579,14 @@
"cases": "Υποθέσεις",
"notifications": "Ειδοποιήσεις",
"settings": "Ρυθμίσεις",
- "restart": "Restart Application",
+ "refresh": "Refresh Page",
+ "restart": "Επανεκκίνηση Εφαρμογής",
"about": "Σχετικά με το OpenBazaar",
"support": "Υποστήριξη του OpenBazaar",
"Forward": "Προώθηση",
- "Back": "Προηγούμενο"
+ "Back": "Προηγούμενο",
+ "newServer": "New Server",
+ "manageServers": "Manage Servers"
"onboarding": {
"intro": "Διαμόρφωση OpenBazaar ",
@@ -572,30 +597,30 @@
"contributors": "%{smart_count} Contributor |||| %{smart_count} Contributors",
"configure": "Διαμορφώστε την εμπειρία σας",
"disclaimer_title": "Αποποίηση ευθυνών",
- "disclaimer_body": "OpenBazaar is a network for trading goods and services directly between people - using Bitcoin - without any central organization controlling the platform. This means you are responsible for your own activity on the network.\n\nOpenBazaar users are not anonymous by default. Most communications between parties are encrypted, but IP addresses are public and can be associated with activity on the network. Malicious parties could use this information against you; protecting your privacy is your own responsibility.\n\nOpenBazaar users must adhere to the laws in their own legal jurisdiction as well as their conscience. The OpenBazaar developers do not condone - and are not responsible for - any use of the platform for illegal activity.\n\nThe OpenBazaar community of developers has worked hard to deliver a free platform for trade to the world. But as with any software, bugs will be found. The developers are not responsible for any monetary loss associated with problems in the software.\n\nBy using OpenBazaar you're responsible for your own actions on the OpenBazaar network.",
+ "disclaimer_body": "Το OpenBazaar είναι ένα δίκτυο εμπορίου αγαθών και υπηρεσιών με άμεσο τρόπο μεταξύ ανθρώπων - χρησιμοποιώντας Bitcoin - χωρίς τον έλεγχο της πλατφόρμας από ένα κεντρικό οργανισμό. Αυτό σημαίνει ότι είσαι υπεύθυνος για τις ενέργειές σου στο δίκτυο.\n\nΕξ ορισμού, οι χρήστες του OpenBazaar δεν είναι ανώνυμοι. Το μεγαλύτερο μέρος της επικοινωνίας μεταξύ των μερών είναι κρυπτογραφημένο, αλλά οι διευθύνσεις IP είναι δημόσιες και μπορούν να συσχετισθούν με τη δραστηριότητα εντός του δικτύου. Κακόβουλοι συμβαλλόμενοι θα μπορούσαν να χρησιμοποιήσουν αυτές τις πληροφορίες εναντίον σου˙ η προστασία της ιδιωτικότητάς σου είναι δική σου ευθύνη.\n\nΟι χρήστες του OpenBazaar οφείλουν να τηρούν τους νόμους του δικού τους νομικού συστήματος και επίσης να ενεργούν σύμφωνα με τη συνείδησή τους. Οι δημιουργοί του OpenBazaar δεν εγκρίνουν - και δεν είναι υπεύθυνοι για - οποιαδήποτε χρήση της πλατφόρμας για παράνομη δραστηριότητα.\n\nΗ κοινότητα των δημιουργών του OpenBazaar έχει εργασθεί σκληρά για να προσφέρει στον κόσμο μια δωρεάν πλατφόρμα εμπορίου. Όμως όπως συμβαίνει με κάθε λογισμικό, θα ανακαλυφθούν σφάλματα. Οι δημιουργοί δεν είναι υπεύθυνοι για οποιαδήποτε χρηματική απώλεια που σχετίζεται με προβλήματα στο λογισμικό.\n\nΧρησιμοποιώντας το OpenBazaar είσαι υπεύθυνος για τις πράξεις σου στο δίκτυο του OpenBazaar.",
"yourCountry": "Επιλέξτε τη Χώρα σας",
"localCurrency": "Επιλέξτε το Νόμισμα σας",
"LanguagePlaceholder": "Αναζήτηση γλώσσας",
"CountryPlaceholder": "Αναζήτηση χώρας",
"CurrencyPlaceholder": "Αναζήτηση νομίσματος",
- "TimezonePlaceholder": "Search for time Zone",
- "ShortDescriptionPlaceholder": "Say something interesting... (160 char max)",
+ "TimezonePlaceholder": "Αναζητήστε την Ζώνη Ώρας",
+ "ShortDescriptionPlaceholder": "Γράψτε κάτι ενδιαφέρον...(160 χαρακτήρες max)",
"timeZone": "Επιλέξτε την Ζώνη Ώρας σας",
- "yourDetails": "Set Your Information",
+ "yourDetails": "Προσθέστε τα στοιχεία σας",
"yourDescription": "Περιγραφή",
- "handle": "Handle",
- "chooseHandle": "Choose a handle",
- "knownAs": "You're currently known as:",
- "wouldYou": "Would you like to register an easy to remember handle?",
- "registerNew": "Register New",
- "recommended": "Recommended Pages to Follow",
+ "handle": "Ψευδώνυμο",
+ "chooseHandle": "Επιλέξτε ένα ψευδώνυμο",
+ "knownAs": "Επί του παρόντος είστε γνωστός ως:",
+ "wouldYou": "Θα θέλατε να καταχωρίσετε ένα εύκολο στην απομνημόνευση ψευδώνυμο;",
+ "registerNew": "Νέα Εγγραφή",
+ "recommended": "Καταστήματα που συστήνουμε για εσάς",
"avatar": "Καθορίστε ένα Είδωλο",
"chooseAvatar": "Επιλέξτε Avatar",
- "discoverCallOut": "Explore Listings and Pages on OpenBazaar",
- "Finished": "Finished"
+ "discoverCallOut": "Εξερευνήστε Προιόντα και Καταστήματα στο OpenBazaar",
+ "Finished": "Ολοκληρώθηκε"
"guidStillCreating": {
- "HangTight": "Hang tight for a few...",
+ "HangTight": "Περιμένετε για λίγο...",
"YourPersonal": "Τα ατομικά σας κλειδιά και η OpenBazaar ID σας δημιουργείτε και θα πάρει μόνο περίπου 30 δευτερόλεπτα για να ολοκληρωθεί\n\nΘα συνδεθείτε αυτόματα στο δίκτυο όταν η διαδικασία ολοκληρωθεί, γι 'αυτό παρακαλώ κάντε υπομονή.",
"LookingFor": "Ψάχνετε κάτι να κάνετε στο ενδιάμεσο? Διαβάστε το OpenBazaar blog."
@@ -607,11 +632,11 @@
"AirbitzTagline": "Ιδιωτικότητα. Ασφάλεια. Αυτονομία. Αποκέντρωση.",
"BreadwalletTagline": "Συνδέεται άμεσα με το Bitcoin δίκτυο, χωρίς διακομιστές. Όμορφη απλότητα, μέγιστη ασφάλεια.",
"RushWalletTagline": "Αποκτήστε μια διεύθυνση Bitcoin γρήγορα και εύκολα στον πλοηγό σας.",
- "MyceliumTagline": "One of the longest in market, most secure and reliable Bitcoin wallets.",
- "CoinkiteTagline": "The Most Powerful Bitcoin Wallet",
- "BlockchaininfoTagline": "The world's most popular bitcoin wallet. Safer, Friendlier, Easier.",
+ "MyceliumTagline": "Ένα από τα παλαιότερα, ποιο ασφαλή και αξιόπιστα Bitcoin πορτοφόλια στην αγορά.",
+ "CoinkiteTagline": "Το πιο ισχυρό Bitcoin πορτοφόλι",
+ "BlockchaininfoTagline": "Το πιο δημοφιλές Bitcoin πορτοφόλι στον κόσμο. Ασφαλές, Φιλικό, Απλό.",
"DuoMoneyTagline": "Euro wallet for dead-easy Bitcoin payments. OpenBazaar for Grandma.",
- "BitGoTagline": "The world's most secure bitcoin wallet. Trusted by leading Bitcoin businesses."
+ "BitGoTagline": "Το ποιο ασφαλές Bitcoin πορτοφόλι στον κόσμο. Το εμπιστεύονται κορυφαίες Bitcoin επιχειρήσεις."
"softwareUpdate": {
"updateAvailable": "Διαθέσιμη ενημέρωση για το OpenBazaar",
@@ -620,62 +645,70 @@
"buyFlow": {
"PayForOrder": "Πληρώστε για Παραγγελία",
+ "BuyOwnProductMsg": "You can't buy your own listing",
"NeedTempAddress": "Χρειάζομαι μια προσωρινή Bitcoin διεύθυνση",
"NeedTempAddressHelper": "Παρακαλώ αποθηκεύστε στον σελιδοδείκτη το url για την προσωρινή bitcoin διεύθυνση σας",
"CantFindAddress": "Δεν μπορώ να βρω την Bitcoin διεύθυνση μου",
"BitcoinWallet": "Πορτοφόλι Bitcoin",
- "ModeratedPaymentDescription": "Your payment is held in a secure wallet until the vendor completes their end of the agreement. If issues arise, a Moderator will help.",
- "ModeratorFeeHelper": "The moderator may charge a fee, but only if a dispute arises.",
+ "ModeratedPaymentDescription": "Η πληρωμή σας έχει παρακρατηθεί σε ένα ασφαλές πορτοφόλι μέχρι ο πωλητής να ολοκληρώσεις την αγορά. Εάν προκύψουν προβλήματα, ένας Μεσολαβητής θα σας βοηθήσει.",
+ "ModeratorFeeHelper": "Ο Μεσολαβητής μπορεί να χρεώσει μια αμοιβή, αλλά μόνο αν προκύψει διαφωνία.",
"ModeratedPayment": "Εποπτευόμενη Πληρωμή",
"DisputeFee": "Τέλος διένεξης",
- "DisputeFee2": "Dispute fee:",
- "HaveWallet": "Do you have a Bitcoin Wallet?",
- "QuickSetup": "It only takes a few minutes to set one up",
+ "DisputeFee2": "Τέλος διένεξης:",
+ "HaveWallet": "Έχετε Bitcoin πορτοφόλι?",
+ "QuickSetup": "Χρειάζονται μόνο λίγα λεπτά για να δημιουργήσετε ένα",
"CreateWallet": "Δημιουργήστε ένα Πορτοφόλι",
- "DirectPaymentDescription": "Funds are sent directly to the vendor. Only use on small purchases or when purchasing from a trusted vendor.",
- "DirectPayment": "Direct Payment",
- "SendDirectlyTo": "Send direct payment to %{handle}",
- "MustAddAddress": "You must add an address to ship to",
- "VendorShipsTo": "Ships to:",
- "DoesNotShipHere": "Does not ship here",
+ "DirectPaymentDescription": "Τα χρήματα θα αποσταλούν απευθείας στον πωλητή. Να χρησιμοποιείτε αυτού τους είδους τις πληρωμές για μικρές αγορές η όταν αγοράζεται από αξιόπιστα καταστήματα.",
+ "DirectPayment": "Άμεση πληρωμή:",
+ "SendDirectlyTo": "Αποστολή άμεσης πληρωμής σε %{handle}",
+ "MustAddAddress": "Θα πρέπει να προσθέσετε την διεύθυνση σας για αποστολή",
+ "VendorShipsTo": "Αποστολή προς:",
+ "DoesNotShipHere": "Δεν γίνετε αποστολή εδώ",
"Send": "Αποστολή",
- "BTCto": "BTC to",
- "SendBTCtoAddress": "Send %{amount} BTC to",
- "OpenAddress": "Open in Local Wallet",
+ "BTCto": "BTC σε",
+ "SendBTCtoAddress": "Αποστολή %{amount} BTC σε",
+ "OpenAddress": "Άνοιγμα σε Τοπικό Πορτοφόλι",
"CopyAddress": "Αντιγραφή στο Πρόχειρο",
"RefreshPayment": "Ανανέωση Κατάστασης Πληρωμής",
- "summaryMsg1": "Your payment has been sent to %{recipient}",
- "summaryMsg2": "The expected processing time for this order is",
- "summaryMsg3": "You can check the status of your order on your",
- "purchasesPage": "purchases page",
+ "summaryMsg1": "Η πληρωμή σας στάλθηκε στο %{recipient}",
+ "summaryMsg2": "Ο αναμενόμενος χρόνος επεξεργασίας για αυτή την παραγγελία είναι",
+ "summaryMsg3": "Μπορείτε να ελέγξετε την κατάσταση της παραγγελίας σας στην",
+ "purchasesPage": "σελίδα αγορών",
"returnAddress": "Διεύθυνση Επιστροφής",
- "moderatorPaymentDisclaimer": "Paid from the total if the transaction ends in a dispute.",
- "directPaymentDisclaimer": "Use direct payment with caution, funds are irreversible",
+ "moderatorPaymentDisclaimer": "Συνολική πληρωμή αν υπάρξει διένεξη στην συναλλαγή.",
+ "directPaymentDisclaimer": "Χρησιμοποιήστε την άμεση πληρωμή με μεγάλη προσοχή, η αποστολή χρημάτων είναι μη αναστρέψιμη",
"paymentSent": "Πληρωμή Απεστάλη!",
"total": "Σύνολο:",
- "paymentNote": "Payment can take several minutes or more to complete. You can leave this screen, and go to the Purchases section to see if your payment has completed later."
+ "paymentNote": "Η πληρωμή μπορεί να διαρκέσει αρκετά λεπτά ή περισσότερο για να ολοκληρωθεί. Μπορείτε να φύγετε από αυτή την οθόνη, και αργότερα να μεταβείτε στην ενότητα Αγορές για να δείτε εάν η πληρωμή σας έχει ολοκληρωθεί."
"chat": {
"noSearchResultsFound": "Δεν βρέθηκαν αποτελέσματα"
"serverConnectModal": {
- "statusTryingToConnect": "Προσπάθεια σύνδεσης στο διακομιστή σας ...",
- "statusConnected": "Συνδεδεμένος.",
- "statusFailedConnection": "Αδυναμία σύνδεσης στο διακομιστή σας",
- "statusFailedAuthentication": "Η πιστοποίηση απέτυχε",
- "statusTooManyAttempts": "Too many failed login attempts",
+ "connect": "Σύνδεση",
+ "connected": "Συνδεδεμένος",
+ "connecting": "Σύνδεση",
"serverConfiguration": "Διαμόρφωση Διακομιστή",
- "connecting": "Connecting...",
- "intro": "OpenBazaar is designed to allow you to host your server separate from the client. By default, your server will run locally, but you can override it below.",
+ "intro": "Το OpenBazaar έχει σχεδιαστεί ώστε να σας επιτρέπει να τρέχετε τον server σας ξεχωριστά από τον client. Από προεπιλογή, ο server σας θα τρέξει σε τοπικό επίπεδο, αλλά μπορείτε να το παρακάμψετε παρακάτω.",
"serverIP": "IP Διακομιστή",
"restApiPort": "Rest API port",
"websocketApiPort": "Websocket API port",
- "heartbeatSocketApiPort": "Heartbeat socket port",
+ "heartbeatSocketApiPort": "Υποδοχή θύρας ελέγχου λειτουργίας",
"username": "Όνομα χρήστη",
"password": "Κωδικός",
- "restoreDefaults": "Επαναφορά αρχικών ρθμίσεων",
"saveChanges": "Αποθήκευστε τις αλλαγές",
- "retry": "Επαναπροσπάθεια σύνδεσης"
+ "defaultServerName": "default",
+ "portedConnectionName": "ported connection",
+ "connectionFailed": "Connection failed to %{serverName}",
+ "connectingTo": "Connecting to %{serverName}",
+ "connectingToDefault": "Connecting to the default server",
+ "authFailed": "authentication failed",
+ "authFailedTooManyAttempts": "too many failed authentication attempts",
+ "serverConfigsHeaderMsg": "Your Server Configurations",
+ "newConfigHeaderMsg": "Enter Server Details",
+ "editConfigHeaderMsg": "Configuration Settings",
+ "serverConfigsTitle": "Server Configurations",
+ "newConfigTitle": "New Configuration"
"timezones": {
"-12": "(GMT -12:00) Eniwetok, Kwajalein",
diff --git a/js/languages/es.json b/js/languages/es.json
index 666c7c286..0423fd881 100644
--- a/js/languages/es.json
+++ b/js/languages/es.json
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
"EnterMessage": "Ingrese su mensaje...",
"Recommended": "Recomendado",
"Reload": "Refrescar",
+ "LoadIndex": "Load Index",
"You": "Ud.",
"Skip": "Omitir",
"Done": "Hecho",
@@ -16,21 +17,22 @@
"ClosingOpenBazaar": "Cerrar (Su página estará fuera de línea)",
"Minimize": "Minimizar",
"Maximize": "Maximizar",
- "Restore": "Restore",
+ "Restore": "Restaurar",
"Close": "Cerrar",
"Yes": "Si",
"No": "No",
"of": "de",
"Sell": "Vender",
"New": "Nuevo",
- "HighlightToStyle": "Highlight text to style",
+ "Retry": "Retry",
+ "HighlightToStyle": "Seleccionar texto para darle estilo",
"Excellent": "Excelente",
"Good": "Bueno",
"Poor": "Deteriorado",
- "StillValidating": "Tu apodo se está validando",
+ "StillValidating": "Tu apodo se está validando. Clique para guardar cambios en esta página, y volver a comprobar tu apodo.",
"RefreshHandleStatus": "Verificar status de encargo",
"GoToOneName": "Ir a Onename.com",
- "GoToOneNameTooltip": "Crea una cuenta en Onename.com, y en App Accounts introduce openbazaar como el nombre de aplicación y tu identificador de cuenta guid (tu guid está en tu página, in la pestaña \"Acerca de\").\nLa verificación puede llevar varios días.",
+ "GoToOneNameTooltip": "Crea una cuenta en Onename.com, y en App Accounts introduce openbazaar como el nombre de aplicación y tu identificador de cuenta guid (Tu guid está en tu página, in la pestaña \"Acerca de\").\nLa verificación puede llevar varios días.",
"ChangeCurrency": "Cambiar moneda",
"SKU": "SKU",
"Refurbished": "Restaurado",
@@ -48,6 +50,8 @@
"ViewListing": "Ver Listado",
"Unfollow": "Dejar de seguir",
"ConfirmUnfollow": "Confirmar dejar de seguir",
+ "AddModerator": "Add as Moderator",
+ "RemoveModerator": "Remove as Moderator",
"About": "Acerca de",
"Version": "Versión %{version}",
"NoDescriptionAdded": "No ha añadido descripción",
@@ -71,18 +75,19 @@
"Welcome": "Bienvenido",
"CreateStore": "Crear Tienda",
"GoToMyPage": "Ir a mi página",
- "Random": "Random",
- "ShowOnlyFollowerListings": "Personalized",
- "TryRandom": "Try random mode to discover more",
- "ShowOnlyFollowerListingsTooltip": "View listings from stores I follow",
- "ShowAllListingsTooltip": "View random listings on the network",
- "ViewUnfilteredListings": "View Random Listings",
- "AllListingsWarning": "By deactivating personalized listings your Discover feed will be populated with random listings on the network. \n \n Please keep in mind that these listings may contain adult or illicit content and/or photos that may be offensive. \n \n If at any point you want to go back to viewing personalized listings, you can simply toggle the setting and your Discover feed will go back to normal.",
- "ShowUnlfilteredListings": "Show Random Listings",
+ "Random": "Aleatorio",
+ "ShowOnlyFollowerListings": "Personalizado",
+ "DoesNotShip": "Does not ship to you",
+ "TryRandom": "Pruebe el modo aleatorio para descubrir más.",
+ "ShowOnlyFollowerListingsTooltip": "Ver listados de tiendas que sigo",
+ "ShowAllListingsTooltip": "Mostrar listados aleatorios de la red",
+ "ViewUnfilteredListings": "Ver listados aleatorios",
+ "AllListingsWarning": "Desactivando este filtro se mostrarán listados aleatorios de la red.\n\nPor favor tenga en cuenta que dichos listados pueden tener contenido para adultos o ilícitos y/o fotos que pueden resultar ofensivas. \n\nSi desea volver atrás, puede simplemente volver a marcar este filtro y ver solamente los lsitados de las tiendas que sigue.",
+ "ShowUnlfilteredListings": "Mostrar listados aleatorios",
"SearchForItemsPlaceholder": "Escriba #juegos, #zapatos o cualquier #etiqueta...",
"SearchForPagesPlaceholder": "Búsqueda por palabra clave",
"SearchFeedPlaceholder": "Búsqueda por nombre o apodo",
- "SearchForFollowersPlaceholder": "Búsqueda por nombre o apodo",
+ "SearchForFollowersPlaceholder": "Search for a name in your currently loaded followers (scroll to load more).",
"SearchForUsersPlaceholder": "Búsqueda por nombre o apodo",
"SearchOnUserStorePlaceholder": "Escriba un título...",
"EstDeliveryDomesticPlaceholder": "3-5 días hábiles",
@@ -94,7 +99,8 @@
"ReturnPolicyPlaceholder": "Introduzca polóticas de devoluciones",
"CategoryPlaceholder": "Introduzca categoría",
"CategoryHelperText": "Las categorías se utilizan para agrupar y organizar artículos dentro de su tienda.",
- "KeywordsHelperText": "Adding tags helps your listing to be discovered in the market. You can only have one of each tag, and a maximum of 10 tags",
+ "KeywordsPlaceholder": "Enter One or More Tags",
+ "KeywordsHelperText": "Adding tags helps your listing to be discovered in the market. You can only have one of each tag, and a maximum of 10 tags, separated by commas or the enter key.",
"ExpirationDateHelperText": "Establecer una fecha para que el artículo sea automáticamente retirado de su tienda.",
"ClearExpirationDate": "Limpiar Fecha de Vencimiento",
"ReturnPolicy": "Política de devoluciones",
@@ -131,6 +137,7 @@
"Tags": "Etiquetas",
"Keywords": "Palabras claves",
"ShipsFrom": "Realiza envíos desde",
+ "ShipsFrom2": "Envía desde %{country}",
"ShipsTo": "Realiza envíos a",
"AddShipToRegion": "Agregue región para envíos",
"AddShipToRegionNote": "Opcional",
@@ -145,8 +152,8 @@
"Changes": "Cambios",
"SaveChanges": "Guardar Cambios",
"YourName": "Su nombre",
- "UseTestnet": "Use Testnet",
- "UseTestnetHelp": "If set to true, your client will use Testnet bitcoin addresses. Only set to true if your server was started with the -t testnet flag.",
+ "UseTestnet": "Utilizar Red de Pruebas",
+ "UseTestnetHelp": "Si se marca como verdadero, su cliente usará la Red de Pruebas de Bitcoin.",
"TestnetAddress": "Dirección testnet",
"TestnetAddressHelp": "Your client is set to use the Testnet, and will only allow Testnet addresses. To use the mainnet, and real Bitcoin, turn off the Testnet in Settings/Advanced, and make sure your server was not started with the -t testnet flag.",
"MustTestnetAddress": "Tiene que ser una dirección testnet.",
@@ -170,6 +177,16 @@
"SSLIsOn": "SSL está encendido",
"SSLIsOff": "SSL está apagado",
"LibbitcoinServerAddress": "Dirección del servidor Libbitcoin",
+ "SMTPNotificationsWarning": "Turn email notifications on/off",
+ "SMTPNotifications": "SMTP Notifications",
+ "SMTPPassword": "SMTP Password",
+ "SMTPUsername": "SMTP Username",
+ "SMTPServer": "SMTP Server Address",
+ "SMTPServerExample": "hostname:port",
+ "SMTPRecipientExample": "recipient@gmail.com",
+ "SMTPRecipient": "Recipient Email Address",
+ "SMTPSenderExample": "sender@gmail.com",
+ "SMTPSender": "Sender Email Address",
"ServerIPPort": "IP del Servidor : Puerto",
"All": "Todo",
"Name": "Nombre",
@@ -229,7 +246,9 @@
"SearchForCategory": "Búsqueda de categoría",
"Moderators": "Moderadores",
"CurrentModerators": "Moderadores Actuales",
- "AddModerators": "Agregar Moderadores",
+ "AddModerators": "Add Moderators",
+ "ManualAddModerator": "Add Moderators by GUID",
+ "ManualAddModeratorHelp": "Enter the GUIDs of one or more moderators, separated by commas, here. The GUID is on the right side of their About tab on their page. Adding the GUID of a user that is not a moderator will have no effect, that GUID will be ignored.",
"DeselectToRemoveModerator": "Desactive los moderadores que desea eliminar",
"SelectToAddModerator": "Seleccione los moderadores que desee agregar",
"Categories": "Categorías",
@@ -297,14 +316,14 @@
"Off": "Apagado",
"ClickToChange": "Click para cambiar",
"NotProvided": "no provisto",
- "NotFollowingAnyone": "No sigue a nadie",
- "NoFollowers": "Sin seguidores",
- "NoReviews": "No tiene críticas",
+ "NotFollowingAnyone": "No nodes being followed were loaded",
+ "NoFollowers": "No followers were loaded",
+ "NoReviews": "No reviews were loaded",
"NoDetailsSpecified": "No details specified",
"Moderator": "Moderador",
"Moderator2": "Moderator:",
"ActiveStore": "Tienda Activa",
- "ActiveStoreDetails": "Las tiendas y listas inactivas no serán visibles públicamente",
+ "ActiveStoreDetails": "Las tiendas y listados inactivos no serán visibles públicamente",
"Firewall": "Cortafuegos",
"ServerSettings": "Configuración del servidor",
"ReadOnly": "(Campo de solo lectura)",
@@ -322,10 +341,11 @@
"ServerChangeWarningHeadline": "Alerta: Salve su Configuración",
"ServerChangeWarning": "Le recomendamos hacer una copia de su Configuración previa, que se le muestra abajo. Su nombre de usuario y contraseña anterior dejarán de tener validez a partir de este punto.",
"ModeratorFee": "Fee:",
- "PriceForOne": "Price per single item, file, or service.",
+ "PriceForOne": "Price per single item, file, or service. Based on the listing's base price and the current exchange rate of BTC. This may not match the order total, which is based on the exchange rate of BTC at the time you purchased this listing.",
"Avatar": "Avatar",
- "AdditionalPaymentData": "Additional payment data",
- "AdditionalPaymentDataInfo": "Include name of purchase and order number in payment QR code?",
+ "AdditionalPaymentData": "Datos de pago adicionales",
+ "AdditionalPaymentDataInfo": "¿Incluír el nombre de compra y número de pedido en el código de pago QR?",
+ "ShippableHelp": "This product can be shipped to one of your currently saved addresses. Add more addresses in the Settings/Addresses section to be able to purchase more listings.",
"firewall": {
"Open": "Open",
"Restricted": "Restricted",
@@ -489,7 +509,8 @@
"UpdatingOrder": "Actualizando la transacción",
"UpdateComplete": "La transacción se ha completado",
"UpdateFailed": "La actualización de transacción no se ha completado. Abre la transacción y prueba de nuevo.",
- "UpdateInvalid": "La actualización de transacción devolvió datos inválidos. Abre la transacción y prueba de nuevo."
+ "UpdateInvalid": "La actualización de transacción devolvió datos inválidos. Abre la transacción y prueba de nuevo.",
+ "ExportCSV": "Export to CSV"
"errorMessages": {
"saveError": "Los datos no se pudieron guardar.",
@@ -510,7 +531,8 @@
"tooManyPhotosBody": "No se ha podido subir algunas o todas sus fotos ya que exceden la cantidad permitida.",
"badJSON": "Los datos del archivo JSON están corrompidos",
"refundAlreadySent": "The refund has already been successfully sent for this order",
- "serverTimeout": "No response was received from the server. It may be unreachable or taking a very long time to respond."
+ "serverTimeout": "No response was received from the server. It may be unreachable or taking a very long time to respond.",
+ "noData": "No data is available for the options you have selected."
"pageConnectingMessages": {
"listingConnect": "Conectando a ${listing}",
@@ -557,11 +579,14 @@
"cases": "Casos",
"notifications": "Notificaciones",
"settings": "Ajustes",
- "restart": "Restart Application",
+ "refresh": "Refresh Page",
+ "restart": "Reiniciar aplicación",
"about": "Acerca de OpenBazaar",
"support": "Soporte OpenBazaar",
"Forward": "Adelante",
- "Back": "Atrás"
+ "Back": "Atrás",
+ "newServer": "New Server",
+ "manageServers": "Manage Servers"
"onboarding": {
"intro": "Personalice Su OpenBazaar",
@@ -620,6 +645,7 @@
"buyFlow": {
"PayForOrder": "Pagar por la Orden",
+ "BuyOwnProductMsg": "You can't buy your own listing",
"NeedTempAddress": "Necesito una dirección de Bitcoin temporal",
"NeedTempAddressHelper": "Asegúrese de marcar el URL de su dirección temporal de Bitcoin",
"CantFindAddress": "No consigo mi dirección de bitcoin",
@@ -659,13 +685,10 @@
"noSearchResultsFound": "No se encuentran resultados"
"serverConnectModal": {
- "statusTryingToConnect": "Trying to connect to your server...",
- "statusConnected": "Connected.",
- "statusFailedConnection": "No se ha logrado conectar a su servidor",
- "statusFailedAuthentication": "La autentificación fallo",
- "statusTooManyAttempts": "Demasiados intentos de ingreso fallidos",
+ "connect": "Connect",
+ "connected": "Connected",
+ "connecting": "Connecting",
"serverConfiguration": "Configuración del servidor",
- "connecting": "Connecting...",
"intro": "OpenBazaar ha sido diseñado para permitirle hospedar su servidor separado del cliente. Su servidor ha sido pre-configurado para correr localmente, pero puede cambiar esas configuraciones abajo.",
"serverIP": "IP del servidor",
"restApiPort": "Puerto del Rest API",
@@ -673,9 +696,19 @@
"heartbeatSocketApiPort": "Puerto del Heartbeat socket",
"username": "Usuario",
"password": "Contraseña",
- "restoreDefaults": "Restablecer Configuración Original",
"saveChanges": "Guardar Cambios",
- "retry": "Reintentar conexión"
+ "defaultServerName": "default",
+ "portedConnectionName": "ported connection",
+ "connectionFailed": "Connection failed to %{serverName}",
+ "connectingTo": "Connecting to %{serverName}",
+ "connectingToDefault": "Connecting to the default server",
+ "authFailed": "authentication failed",
+ "authFailedTooManyAttempts": "too many failed authentication attempts",
+ "serverConfigsHeaderMsg": "Your Server Configurations",
+ "newConfigHeaderMsg": "Enter Server Details",
+ "editConfigHeaderMsg": "Configuration Settings",
+ "serverConfigsTitle": "Server Configurations",
+ "newConfigTitle": "New Configuration"
"timezones": {
"-12": "(GMT -12:00) Eniwetok, Kwajalein",
diff --git a/js/languages/fr-CA.json b/js/languages/fr-CA.json
index 08c7852f2..b8155d850 100644
--- a/js/languages/fr-CA.json
+++ b/js/languages/fr-CA.json
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
"EnterMessage": "Écrivez un message...",
"Recommended": "Recommandé",
"Reload": "Actualiser",
+ "LoadIndex": "Charger l'index",
"You": "Vous",
"Skip": "Passer",
"Done": "Terminé",
@@ -23,6 +24,7 @@
"of": "sur",
"Sell": "Vendre",
"New": "Neuf",
+ "Retry": "Réessayer",
"HighlightToStyle": "Sélectionnez votre texte pour lui appliquer un style",
"Excellent": "Excellent",
"Good": "Bon",
@@ -30,7 +32,7 @@
"StillValidating": "Votre identifiant est toujours en cours de validation. Cliquez pour enregistrer les modifications sur cette page, et revérifiez votre identifiant.",
"RefreshHandleStatus": "Revérifier l'état de votre identifiant",
"GoToOneName": "Aller sur Onename.com",
- "GoToOneNameTooltip": "Créez un identifiant sur Onename.com et, en dessous de App Accounts, entrez openbazaar comme nom d'application et votre GUID comme identifiant de compte (votre GUID est sur votre page, dans la section À propos). La vérification peut prendre plusieurs jours.",
+ "GoToOneNameTooltip": "Créez un identifiant sur Onename.com et, en dessous de App Accounts, entrez openbazaar comme nom d'application et votre GUID comme identifiant de compte (votre GUID est sur votre page, dans la section « À propos »). La vérification peut prendre plusieurs jours.",
"ChangeCurrency": "Changer la devise",
"SKU": "SKU",
"Refurbished": "Remis à neuf",
@@ -48,6 +50,8 @@
"ViewListing": "Voir l'annonce",
"Unfollow": "Ne plus suivre",
"ConfirmUnfollow": "Confirmer le désabonnement",
+ "AddModerator": "Ajouter comme modérateur",
+ "RemoveModerator": "Supprimer comme modérateur",
"About": "À propos",
"Version": "Version %{version}",
"NoDescriptionAdded": "Aucune description ajoutée",
@@ -73,6 +77,7 @@
"GoToMyPage": "Ma page",
"Random": "Aléatoire",
"ShowOnlyFollowerListings": "Personnalisé",
+ "DoesNotShip": "N'expédie pas à votre adresse",
"TryRandom": "Essayez le mode aléatoire pour découvrir davantage d'annonces",
"ShowOnlyFollowerListingsTooltip": "Voir les annonces des boutiques que je suis",
"ShowAllListingsTooltip": "Voir les annonces aléatoires du réseau",
@@ -82,7 +87,7 @@
"SearchForItemsPlaceholder": "Écrivez #jeux, #chaussures ou un autre #mot_clé...",
"SearchForPagesPlaceholder": "Rechercher par nom ou par mot-clé",
"SearchFeedPlaceholder": "Écrivez un mot-clé...",
- "SearchForFollowersPlaceholder": "Écrivez un nom...",
+ "SearchForFollowersPlaceholder": "Rechercher un nom dans vos abonnés connectés (faites défiler pour charger plus).",
"SearchForUsersPlaceholder": "Écrivez un nom...",
"SearchOnUserStorePlaceholder": "Écrivez un titre...",
"EstDeliveryDomesticPlaceholder": "3-5 jours ouvrés",
@@ -94,7 +99,8 @@
"ReturnPolicyPlaceholder": "Écrivez une condition de retour...",
"CategoryPlaceholder": "Choisissez une catégorie",
"CategoryHelperText": "Les catégories sont utilisées pour regrouper et organiser les articles au sein de votre boutique.",
- "KeywordsHelperText": "Ajouter des mots-clés permet à votre annonce d'être découverte sur le marché. Vous pouvez ajouter jusqu'à 10 mots-clés différents.",
+ "KeywordsPlaceholder": "Entrez un ou plusieurs mots-clés",
+ "KeywordsHelperText": "Ajouter des mots-clés permet à votre annonce d'être découverte sur le marché. Vous pouvez ajouter jusqu'à 10 mots-clés différents, séparés par des virgules ou par la touche Entrée.",
"ExpirationDateHelperText": "Définissez une date pour que l'article soit automatiquement retiré de votre boutique.",
"ClearExpirationDate": "Effacer la date d'expiration",
"ReturnPolicy": "Condition de retour",
@@ -120,7 +126,7 @@
"ShippingReturns": "Expédition & Retours",
"CountryOfOrigin": "Pays d'origine:",
"CanBeShippedTo": "Peut vous être expédié dans:",
- "NoShippableAddress": "Aucune de vos adresse enregistrée n'est située dans un pays où cette annonce peut être expédiée.",
+ "NoShippableAddress": "Aucune de vos adresse enregistrées n'est située dans un pays où cette annonce peut être expédiée.",
"Addresses": "Adresses",
"Files": "Fichiers",
"NewAddress": "Nouvelle adresse",
@@ -131,6 +137,7 @@
"Tags": "Mots-clés",
"Keywords": "Mots-clés",
"ShipsFrom": "Expédie de",
+ "ShipsFrom2": "Expédie de %{country}",
"ShipsTo": "Expédie vers",
"AddShipToRegion": "Région d'expédition",
"AddShipToRegionNote": "Ajoute toutes les nations d'une région",
@@ -170,6 +177,16 @@
"SSLIsOn": "SSL est activé",
"SSLIsOff": "SSL est désactivé",
"LibbitcoinServerAddress": "Adresse de serveur Libbitcoin",
+ "SMTPNotificationsWarning": "Activer/Désactiver les notifications e-mail",
+ "SMTPNotifications": "Notifications SMTP",
+ "SMTPPassword": "Mot de passe SMTP",
+ "SMTPUsername": "Nom d'utilisateur SMTP",
+ "SMTPServer": "Adresse de serveur SMTP",
+ "SMTPServerExample": "hostname:port",
+ "SMTPRecipientExample": "recipient@gmail.com",
+ "SMTPRecipient": "Adresse e-mail du destinataire",
+ "SMTPSenderExample": "sender@gmail.com",
+ "SMTPSender": "Adresse e-mail de l'expéditeur",
"ServerIPPort": "Serveur IP:Port",
"All": "Tout",
"Name": "Nom",
@@ -229,7 +246,9 @@
"SearchForCategory": "Rechercher par catégorie",
"Moderators": "Modérateurs",
"CurrentModerators": "Modérateurs actuels",
- "AddModerators": "Ajouter de nouveaux modérateurs",
+ "AddModerators": "Ajouter des modérateurs",
+ "ManualAddModerator": "Ajouter des modérateurs par GUID",
+ "ManualAddModeratorHelp": "Saisissez le GUID d'un ou plusieurs modérateurs, séparé par des virgules. Le GUID est sur le coté droit de la section « À propos » sur leur page. Ajouter le GUID d'un utilisateur qui n'est pas modérateur n'aura pas d'effet et le GUID sera ignoré.",
"DeselectToRemoveModerator": "Désélectionnez les modérateurs que vous voulez supprimer",
"SelectToAddModerator": "Sélectionnez les modérateurs que vous voulez ajouter",
"Categories": "Categories",
@@ -297,9 +316,9 @@
"Off": "Désactivé",
"ClickToChange": "Cliquez pour changer",
"NotProvided": "Non renseigné",
- "NotFollowingAnyone": "Aucun abonnement",
- "NoFollowers": "Aucun abonné",
- "NoReviews": "Aucun avis",
+ "NotFollowingAnyone": "Aucun nœud suivi n'a été chargé",
+ "NoFollowers": "Aucun abonné n'a été chargé",
+ "NoReviews": "Aucun avis n'a été chargé",
"NoDetailsSpecified": "Aucun détail spécifié",
"Moderator": "Modérateur",
"Moderator2": "Modérateur:",
@@ -311,7 +330,7 @@
"HandleResolver": "Résolveur d'identifiant",
"ShutDownServer": "Arrêter le serveur",
"NoFancyStyles": "Désactiver les effets visuels",
- "NoFancyStylesWarning": "Cela va désactiver les animations et les transparences. Peut améliorer les performances sur les systèmes lents.",
+ "NoFancyStylesWarning": "Ceci va désactiver les animations et les transparences. Peut améliorer les performances sur les systèmes lents.",
"LoadingBitcoinPrices": "Chargement des prix Bitcoin...",
"ThisUserIsBlocked": "Cet utilisateur est masqué parce que vous l'avez bloqué",
"ThisUserIsNSFW": "Cet utilisateur est masqué parce que sa page est listée comme NSFW",
@@ -322,10 +341,11 @@
"ServerChangeWarningHeadline": "Attention: Enregistrez vos paramètres",
"ServerChangeWarning": "Nous vous recommandons de faire une copie de vos paramètres précédents, indiqués ci-dessous. Votre nom d'utilisateur et mot de passe précédents ne seront plus disponibles au-delà de ce point.",
"ModeratorFee": "Frais:",
- "PriceForOne": "Prix par article, fichier, ou service.",
+ "PriceForOne": "Prix par article, fichier ou service. Basé sur le prix de base de l'annonce et du taux de change Bitcoin actuel. Ceci peut ne pas correspondre au total de la commande, qui est basé sur le taux de change Bitcoin au moment de l'achat de cette annonce.",
"Avatar": "Avatar",
"AdditionalPaymentData": "Données de paiement additionnelles",
"AdditionalPaymentDataInfo": "Inclure le nom de l'achat et le numéro de commande dans le code QR de paiement ?",
+ "ShippableHelp": "Le produit peut être expédié à une de vos adresses enregistrées. Ajoutez plus d’adresses dans la section Paramètres/Adresses pour pouvoir acheter plus d'annonces.",
"firewall": {
"Open": "Ouvert",
"Restricted": "Limité",
@@ -489,7 +509,8 @@
"UpdatingOrder": "Mise à jour de votre transaction",
"UpdateComplete": "La mise à jour de votre transaction est terminée",
"UpdateFailed": "La mise à jour de votre transaction a échoué. Ouvrez la transaction et réessayez.",
- "UpdateInvalid": "La mise à jour de votre transaction a renvoyé des données invalides. Ouvrez la transaction et réessayez"
+ "UpdateInvalid": "La mise à jour de votre transaction a renvoyé des données invalides. Ouvrez la transaction et réessayez",
+ "ExportCSV": "Exporter en CSV"
"errorMessages": {
"saveError": "Impossible de sauvegarder les données.",
@@ -510,7 +531,8 @@
"tooManyPhotosBody": "Toutes ou une partie de vos photos n'ont pas pu être mises en ligne parce que vous avez probablement dépassé la quantité maximale autorisée.",
"badJSON": "The JSON data returned from the server was malformed",
"refundAlreadySent": "Le remboursement a déjà été envoyé avec succès pour cette commande",
- "serverTimeout": "Aucune réponse n'a été reçue du serveur. Peut-être que le serveur n'est pas joignable ou qu'il met trop de temps à répondre."
+ "serverTimeout": "Aucune réponse n'a été reçue du serveur. Peut-être que le serveur n'est pas joignable ou qu'il met trop de temps à répondre.",
+ "noData": "Aucune donnée disponible pour l'option que vous avez sélectionné."
"pageConnectingMessages": {
"listingConnect": "Connexion à l'annonce ${listing}",
@@ -549,7 +571,7 @@
"searchPlaceholder": "Écrivez un @identifiant, OpenBazaar ID ou un #mot_clé...",
"myPage": "Ma page",
"testMode": "Mode de test",
- "customizePage": "Personnaliser ma page",
+ "customizePage": "Modifier ma page",
"sellItem": "Nouveau",
"createListing": "Nouvelle annonce",
"purchases": "Achats",
@@ -557,11 +579,14 @@
"cases": "Affaires",
"notifications": "Notifications",
"settings": "Paramètres",
- "restart": "Redémarrer l'application",
+ "refresh": "Actualiser la page",
+ "restart": "Redémarrer l'appli",
"about": "À propos d'OpenBazaar",
"support": "Soutenir OpenBazaar",
"Forward": "Avancer",
- "Back": "Reculer"
+ "Back": "Reculer",
+ "newServer": "Nouveau serveur",
+ "manageServers": "Gérer les serveurs"
"onboarding": {
"intro": "Configuration d'OpenBazaar",
@@ -620,6 +645,7 @@
"buyFlow": {
"PayForOrder": "Payer pour commander",
+ "BuyOwnProductMsg": "Vous ne pouvez pas acheter votre propre annonce",
"NeedTempAddress": "J'ai besoin d'une adresse Bitcoin temporaire",
"NeedTempAddressHelper": "Veuillez mettre en favoris l'url de votre adresse Bitcoin temporaire",
"CantFindAddress": "Je ne trouve pas mon adresse Bitcoin",
@@ -659,13 +685,10 @@
"noSearchResultsFound": "Aucun résultat trouvé"
"serverConnectModal": {
- "statusTryingToConnect": "Tentative de connexion à votre serveur...",
- "statusConnected": "Connecté.",
- "statusFailedConnection": "Impossible de se connecter à votre serveur",
- "statusFailedAuthentication": "L'authentification a échoué",
- "statusTooManyAttempts": "Trop de tentatives de connexion infructueuses",
+ "connect": "Se connecter",
+ "connected": "Connecté",
+ "connecting": "Connexion",
"serverConfiguration": "Configuration du serveur",
- "connecting": "Connexion...",
"intro": "OpenBazaar est conçu de sorte à vous permettre d'héberger séparément votre serveur du client. Par défaut, le serveur sera exécuté localement, mais vous pouvez modifier cela avec les paramètres ci-dessous.",
"serverIP": "IP du serveur",
"restApiPort": "Port API REST",
@@ -673,9 +696,19 @@
"heartbeatSocketApiPort": "Port socket Heartbeat",
"username": "Nom d'utilisateur",
"password": "Mot de passe",
- "restoreDefaults": "Paramètres par défaut",
"saveChanges": "Enregistrer les modifications",
- "retry": "Réessayer"
+ "defaultServerName": "défaut",
+ "portedConnectionName": "connexion portée",
+ "connectionFailed": "La connexion à %{serverName} a échoué",
+ "connectingTo": "Connexion à %{serverName}",
+ "connectingToDefault": "Connexion au serveur par défaut",
+ "authFailed": "l'authentification a échoué",
+ "authFailedTooManyAttempts": "trop de tentatives d'authentification infructueuses",
+ "serverConfigsHeaderMsg": "Vos configurations du serveur",
+ "newConfigHeaderMsg": "Entrer les détails du serveur",
+ "editConfigHeaderMsg": "Paramètres de configuration",
+ "serverConfigsTitle": "Configurations du serveur",
+ "newConfigTitle": "Nouvelle configuration "
"timezones": {
"-12": "(GMT -12:00) Eniwetok, Kwajalein",
diff --git a/js/languages/fr.json b/js/languages/fr.json
index ded4ccd7b..45ec0e7a5 100644
--- a/js/languages/fr.json
+++ b/js/languages/fr.json
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
"EnterMessage": "Écrivez un message...",
"Recommended": "Recommandé",
"Reload": "Actualiser",
+ "LoadIndex": "Charger l'index",
"You": "Vous",
"Skip": "Passer",
"Done": "Terminé",
@@ -23,6 +24,7 @@
"of": "sur",
"Sell": "Vendre",
"New": "Neuf",
+ "Retry": "Réessayer",
"HighlightToStyle": "Sélectionnez votre texte pour lui appliquer un style",
"Excellent": "Excellent",
"Good": "Bon",
@@ -30,7 +32,7 @@
"StillValidating": "Votre identifiant est toujours en cours de validation. Cliquez pour enregistrer les modifications sur cette page, et revérifiez votre identifiant.",
"RefreshHandleStatus": "Revérifier l'état de votre identifiant",
"GoToOneName": "Aller sur Onename.com",
- "GoToOneNameTooltip": "Créez un identifiant sur Onename.com et, en dessous de App Accounts, entrez openbazaar comme nom d'application et votre GUID comme identifiant de compte (votre GUID est sur votre page, dans la section À propos). La vérification peut prendre plusieurs jours.",
+ "GoToOneNameTooltip": "Créez un identifiant sur Onename.com et, en dessous de App Accounts, entrez openbazaar comme nom d'application et votre GUID comme identifiant de compte (votre GUID est sur votre page, dans la section « À propos »). La vérification peut prendre plusieurs jours.",
"ChangeCurrency": "Changer la devise",
"SKU": "SKU",
"Refurbished": "Remis à neuf",
@@ -48,6 +50,8 @@
"ViewListing": "Voir l'annonce",
"Unfollow": "Ne plus suivre",
"ConfirmUnfollow": "Confirmer le désabonnement",
+ "AddModerator": "Ajouter comme modérateur",
+ "RemoveModerator": "Supprimer comme modérateur",
"About": "À propos",
"Version": "Version %{version}",
"NoDescriptionAdded": "Aucune description ajoutée",
@@ -73,6 +77,7 @@
"GoToMyPage": "Ma page",
"Random": "Aléatoire",
"ShowOnlyFollowerListings": "Personnalisé",
+ "DoesNotShip": "N'expédie pas à votre adresse",
"TryRandom": "Essayez le mode aléatoire pour découvrir davantage d'annonces",
"ShowOnlyFollowerListingsTooltip": "Voir les annonces des boutiques que je suis",
"ShowAllListingsTooltip": "Voir les annonces aléatoires du réseau",
@@ -82,7 +87,7 @@
"SearchForItemsPlaceholder": "Écrivez #jeux, #chaussures ou un autre #mot_clé...",
"SearchForPagesPlaceholder": "Rechercher par nom ou par mot-clé",
"SearchFeedPlaceholder": "Écrivez un mot-clé...",
- "SearchForFollowersPlaceholder": "Écrivez un nom...",
+ "SearchForFollowersPlaceholder": "Rechercher un nom dans vos abonnés connectés (faites défiler pour charger plus).",
"SearchForUsersPlaceholder": "Écrivez un nom...",
"SearchOnUserStorePlaceholder": "Écrivez un titre...",
"EstDeliveryDomesticPlaceholder": "3-5 jours ouvrés",
@@ -94,7 +99,8 @@
"ReturnPolicyPlaceholder": "Écrivez une condition de retour...",
"CategoryPlaceholder": "Choisissez une catégorie",
"CategoryHelperText": "Les catégories sont utilisées pour regrouper et organiser les articles au sein de votre boutique.",
- "KeywordsHelperText": "Ajouter des mots-clés permet à votre annonce d'être découverte sur le marché. Vous pouvez ajouter jusqu'à 10 mots-clés différents.",
+ "KeywordsPlaceholder": "Entrez un ou plusieurs mots-clés",
+ "KeywordsHelperText": "Ajouter des mots-clés permet à votre annonce d'être découverte sur le marché. Vous pouvez ajouter jusqu'à 10 mots-clés différents, séparés par des virgules ou par la touche Entrée.",
"ExpirationDateHelperText": "Définissez une date pour que l'article soit automatiquement retiré de votre boutique.",
"ClearExpirationDate": "Effacer la date d'expiration",
"ReturnPolicy": "Condition de retour",
@@ -120,7 +126,7 @@
"ShippingReturns": "Expédition & Retours",
"CountryOfOrigin": "Pays d'origine :",
"CanBeShippedTo": "Peut vous être expédié dans :",
- "NoShippableAddress": "Aucune de vos adresse enregistrée n'est située dans un pays où cette annonce peut être expédiée.",
+ "NoShippableAddress": "Aucune de vos adresse enregistrées n'est située dans un pays où cette annonce peut être expédiée.",
"Addresses": "Adresses",
"Files": "Fichiers",
"NewAddress": "Nouvelle adresse",
@@ -131,6 +137,7 @@
"Tags": "Mots-clés",
"Keywords": "Mots-clés",
"ShipsFrom": "Expédie de",
+ "ShipsFrom2": "Expédie de %{country}",
"ShipsTo": "Expédie vers",
"AddShipToRegion": "Région d'expédition",
"AddShipToRegionNote": "Ajoute toutes les nations d'une région",
@@ -170,6 +177,16 @@
"SSLIsOn": "SSL est activé",
"SSLIsOff": "SSL est désactivé",
"LibbitcoinServerAddress": "Adresse de serveur Libbitcoin",
+ "SMTPNotificationsWarning": "Activer/Désactiver les notifications e-mail",
+ "SMTPNotifications": "Notifications SMTP",
+ "SMTPPassword": "Mot de passe SMTP",
+ "SMTPUsername": "Nom d'utilisateur SMTP",
+ "SMTPServer": "Adresse de serveur SMTP ",
+ "SMTPServerExample": "hostname:port",
+ "SMTPRecipientExample": "recipient@gmail.com",
+ "SMTPRecipient": "Adresse e-mail du destinataire",
+ "SMTPSenderExample": "sender@gmail.com",
+ "SMTPSender": "Adresse e-mail de l’expéditeur",
"ServerIPPort": "Serveur IP:Port",
"All": "Tout",
"Name": "Nom",
@@ -229,7 +246,9 @@
"SearchForCategory": "Rechercher par catégorie",
"Moderators": "Modérateurs",
"CurrentModerators": "Modérateurs actuels",
- "AddModerators": "Ajouter de nouveaux modérateurs",
+ "AddModerators": "Ajouter des modérateurs",
+ "ManualAddModerator": "Ajouter des modérateurs par GUID",
+ "ManualAddModeratorHelp": "Saisissez le GUID d'un ou plusieurs modérateurs, séparé par des virgules. Le GUID est sur le coté droit de la section « À propos » sur leur page. Ajouter le GUID d'un utilisateur qui n'est pas modérateur n'aura pas d'effet et le GUID sera ignoré.",
"DeselectToRemoveModerator": "Désélectionnez les modérateurs que vous voulez supprimer",
"SelectToAddModerator": "Sélectionnez les modérateurs que vous voulez ajouter",
"Categories": "Categories",
@@ -297,9 +316,9 @@
"Off": "Désactivé",
"ClickToChange": "Cliquez pour changer",
"NotProvided": "Non renseigné",
- "NotFollowingAnyone": "Aucun abonnement",
- "NoFollowers": "Aucun abonné",
- "NoReviews": "Aucun avis",
+ "NotFollowingAnyone": "Aucun nœud suivi n'a été chargé",
+ "NoFollowers": "Aucun abonné n'a été chargé",
+ "NoReviews": "Aucun avis n'a été chargé",
"NoDetailsSpecified": "Aucun détail spécifié",
"Moderator": "Modérateur",
"Moderator2": "Modérateur :",
@@ -311,7 +330,7 @@
"HandleResolver": "Résolveur d'identifiant",
"ShutDownServer": "Arrêter le serveur",
"NoFancyStyles": "Désactiver les effets visuels",
- "NoFancyStylesWarning": "Cela va désactiver les animations et les transparences. Peut améliorer les performances sur les systèmes lents.",
+ "NoFancyStylesWarning": "Ceci va désactiver les animations et les transparences. Peut améliorer les performances sur les systèmes lents.",
"LoadingBitcoinPrices": "Chargement des prix Bitcoin...",
"ThisUserIsBlocked": "Cet utilisateur est masqué parce que vous l'avez bloqué",
"ThisUserIsNSFW": "Cet utilisateur est masqué parce que sa page est listée comme NSFW",
@@ -322,10 +341,11 @@
"ServerChangeWarningHeadline": "Attention : Enregistrez vos paramètres",
"ServerChangeWarning": "Nous vous recommandons de faire une copie de vos paramètres précédents, indiqués ci-dessous. Votre nom d'utilisateur et mot de passe précédents ne seront plus disponibles au-delà de ce point.",
"ModeratorFee": "Frais :",
- "PriceForOne": "Prix par article, fichier, ou service.",
+ "PriceForOne": "Prix par article, fichier ou service. Basé sur le prix de base de l'annonce et du taux de change Bitcoin actuel. Ceci peut ne pas correspondre au total de la commande, qui est basé sur le taux de change Bitcoin au moment de l'achat de cette annonce.",
"Avatar": "Avatar",
"AdditionalPaymentData": "Données de paiement additionnelles",
"AdditionalPaymentDataInfo": "Inclure le nom de l'achat et le numéro de commande dans le code QR de paiement ?",
+ "ShippableHelp": "Le produit peut être expédié à une de vos adresses enregistrées. Ajoutez plus d’adresses dans la section Paramètres/Adresses pour pouvoir acheter plus d'annonces.",
"firewall": {
"Open": "Ouvert",
"Restricted": "Limité",
@@ -489,7 +509,8 @@
"UpdatingOrder": "Mise à jour de votre transaction",
"UpdateComplete": "La mise à jour de votre transaction est terminée",
"UpdateFailed": "La mise à jour de votre transaction a échoué. Ouvrez la transaction et réessayez.",
- "UpdateInvalid": "La mise à jour de votre transaction a renvoyé des données invalides. Ouvrez la transaction et réessayez"
+ "UpdateInvalid": "La mise à jour de votre transaction a renvoyé des données invalides. Ouvrez la transaction et réessayez",
+ "ExportCSV": "Exporter en CSV"
"errorMessages": {
"saveError": "Impossible de sauvegarder les données.",
@@ -510,7 +531,8 @@
"tooManyPhotosBody": "Toutes ou une partie de vos photos n'ont pas pu être mises en ligne parce que vous avez probablement dépassé la quantité maximale autorisée.",
"badJSON": "The JSON data returned from the server was malformed",
"refundAlreadySent": "Le remboursement a déjà été envoyé avec succès pour cette commande",
- "serverTimeout": "Aucune réponse n'a été reçue du serveur. Peut-être que le serveur n'est pas joignable ou qu'il met trop de temps à répondre."
+ "serverTimeout": "Aucune réponse n'a été reçue du serveur. Peut-être que le serveur n'est pas joignable ou qu'il met trop de temps à répondre.",
+ "noData": "Aucune donnée disponible pour l'option que vous avez sélectionné."
"pageConnectingMessages": {
"listingConnect": "Connexion à l'annonce ${listing}",
@@ -549,7 +571,7 @@
"searchPlaceholder": "Écrivez un @identifiant, OpenBazaar ID ou un #mot_clé...",
"myPage": "Ma page",
"testMode": "Mode de test",
- "customizePage": "Personnaliser ma page",
+ "customizePage": "Modifier ma page",
"sellItem": "Nouveau",
"createListing": "Nouvelle annonce",
"purchases": "Achats",
@@ -557,11 +579,14 @@
"cases": "Affaires",
"notifications": "Notifications",
"settings": "Paramètres",
- "restart": "Redémarrer l'application",
+ "refresh": "Actualiser la page",
+ "restart": "Redémarrer l'appli",
"about": "À propos d'OpenBazaar",
"support": "Soutenir OpenBazaar",
"Forward": "Avancer",
- "Back": "Reculer"
+ "Back": "Reculer",
+ "newServer": "Nouveau serveur",
+ "manageServers": "Gérer les serveurs"
"onboarding": {
"intro": "Configuration d'OpenBazaar",
@@ -620,6 +645,7 @@
"buyFlow": {
"PayForOrder": "Payer pour commander",
+ "BuyOwnProductMsg": "Vous ne pouvez pas acheter votre propre annonce",
"NeedTempAddress": "J'ai besoin d'une adresse Bitcoin temporaire",
"NeedTempAddressHelper": "Veuillez mettre en favoris l'url de votre adresse Bitcoin temporaire",
"CantFindAddress": "Je ne trouve pas mon adresse Bitcoin",
@@ -659,13 +685,10 @@
"noSearchResultsFound": "Aucun résultat trouvé"
"serverConnectModal": {
- "statusTryingToConnect": "Tentative de connexion à votre serveur...",
- "statusConnected": "Connecté.",
- "statusFailedConnection": "Impossible de se connecter à votre serveur",
- "statusFailedAuthentication": "L'authentification a échoué",
- "statusTooManyAttempts": "Trop de tentatives de connexion infructueuses",
+ "connect": "Se connecter",
+ "connected": "Connecté",
+ "connecting": "Connexion",
"serverConfiguration": "Configuration du serveur",
- "connecting": "Connexion...",
"intro": "OpenBazaar est conçu de sorte à vous permettre d'héberger séparément votre serveur du client. Par défaut, le serveur sera exécuté localement, mais vous pouvez modifier cela avec les paramètres ci-dessous.",
"serverIP": "IP du serveur",
"restApiPort": "Port API REST",
@@ -673,9 +696,19 @@
"heartbeatSocketApiPort": "Port socket Heartbeat",
"username": "Nom d'utilisateur",
"password": "Mot de passe",
- "restoreDefaults": "Paramètres par défaut",
"saveChanges": "Enregistrer les modifications",
- "retry": "Réessayer"
+ "defaultServerName": "défaut",
+ "portedConnectionName": "connexion portée",
+ "connectionFailed": "La connexion à %{serverName} a échoué",
+ "connectingTo": "Connexion à %{serverName}",
+ "connectingToDefault": "Connexion au serveur par défaut",
+ "authFailed": "l'authentification a échoué",
+ "authFailedTooManyAttempts": "trop de tentatives d'authentification infructueuses",
+ "serverConfigsHeaderMsg": "Vos configurations du serveur",
+ "newConfigHeaderMsg": "Entrer les détails du serveur",
+ "editConfigHeaderMsg": "Paramètres de configuration",
+ "serverConfigsTitle": "Configurations du serveur",
+ "newConfigTitle": "Nouvelle configuration"
"timezones": {
"-12": "(GMT -12:00) Eniwetok, Kwajalein",
diff --git a/js/languages/hr-HR.json b/js/languages/hr-HR.json
index 4ff7073f7..e41b07c04 100644
--- a/js/languages/hr-HR.json
+++ b/js/languages/hr-HR.json
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
"EnterMessage": "Upiši poruku...",
"Recommended": "Preporučeno",
"Reload": "Ponovo učitaj",
+ "LoadIndex": "Učitaj naslovnicu",
"You": "Vi",
"Skip": "Preskoči",
"Done": "Gotovo",
@@ -23,14 +24,15 @@
"of": "od",
"Sell": "Prodaj",
"New": "Novo",
+ "Retry": "Retry",
"HighlightToStyle": "Označite tekst za uređivanje",
"Excellent": "Odlično",
"Good": "Dobro",
"Poor": "Slabo",
- "StillValidating": "Vaša skraćena adresa još se provjerava. Kliknite kako biste spremili izmjene na ovoj stranici, i ponovo provjerite Vašu skraćenu adresu.",
- "RefreshHandleStatus": "Ponovo provjerite stanje Vaše skraćene adrese.",
+ "StillValidating": "Vaš nadimak se još provjerava. Kliknite kako biste spremili izmjene na ovoj stranici, i ponovo provjerite Vaš nadimak.",
+ "RefreshHandleStatus": "Ponovo provjerite stanje Vašeg nadimka.",
"GoToOneName": "Posjetite Onename.com",
- "GoToOneNameTooltip": "Napravite Vaš ID na Onename.com, te pod postavkama \"App Accounts\" upišite ime aplikacije (poput OpenBazaar), te Vaš GUID, kako bi aplikacija prepoznala Vaš identitet (Vaš GUID nalazi se na vašoj stranici, pod karticom \"O meni\"). Provjera može potrajati do nekoliko dana.",
+ "GoToOneNameTooltip": "Napravite Vaš ID na Onename.com, te pod postavkama \"App Accounts\" upišite ime aplikacije (poput OpenBazaar), te Vaš GUID, kako bi aplikacija prepoznala Vaš identitet (Vaš GUID nalazi se na Vašoj stranici, pod karticom \"O meni\"). Provjera može potrajati do nekoliko dana.",
"ChangeCurrency": "Promijenite valutu",
"SKU": "Šifra artikla",
"Refurbished": "Opravljeno",
@@ -41,22 +43,24 @@
"Item": "Stavka",
"Items": "Stavke",
"Stores": "Trgovine",
- "Follow": "Prati",
- "Feed": "Feed",
+ "Follow": "Slijedi",
+ "Feed": "Priljev",
"Order": "Redoslijed",
- "FeedPlaceholder": "A feed of updates from all of the pages you follow",
+ "FeedPlaceholder": "Priljev nadopuna svih stranica koje slijedite",
"ViewListing": "Pregled ponude",
- "Unfollow": "Prekit praćenja",
- "ConfirmUnfollow": "Potvrdite prestanak praćenja",
- "About": "O meni",
- "Version": "Inačica %{inačica}",
+ "Unfollow": "Ne slijedi",
+ "ConfirmUnfollow": "Potvrdite prekid slijeđenja",
+ "AddModerator": "Dodajte kao posrednika",
+ "RemoveModerator": "Uklonite posrednika",
+ "About": "O trgovini",
+ "Version": "Inačica %{version}",
"NoDescriptionAdded": "Opis nije upisan",
"NoListings": "Nema ponude",
- "CoverPhoto": "Naslovna fotografija",
- "AboutEmpty": "O meni je prazno...",
- "Followers": "Pratitelji",
- "Following": "Vi pratite",
- "FollowsYou": "Prati Vas",
+ "CoverPhoto": "Naslovna slika",
+ "AboutEmpty": "\"O trgovini\" je prazno...",
+ "Followers": "Sljedbenici",
+ "Following": "Slijedi",
+ "FollowsYou": "Vas slijedi",
"Message": "Poruka",
"Messages": "Poruke",
"Store": "Trgovina",
@@ -73,16 +77,17 @@
"GoToMyPage": "Moja stranica",
"Random": "Nasumično",
"ShowOnlyFollowerListings": "Prilagođeno",
+ "DoesNotShip": "Does not ship to you",
"TryRandom": "Pokušajte koristiti nasumični način pregleda kako bi prikazali više",
- "ShowOnlyFollowerListingsTooltip": "Pregledaj ponudu trgovina koje pratim",
- "ShowAllListingsTooltip": "Pregledaj nasumičnu listu ponuda doszupnu na mreži",
+ "ShowOnlyFollowerListingsTooltip": "Pregled ponude trgovina koje slijedim",
+ "ShowAllListingsTooltip": "Pregledaj nasumičnu listu ponuda dostupnu na mreži",
"ViewUnfilteredListings": "Pregledaj nasumičnu ponudu",
- "AllListingsWarning": "Nakon isključivanja pregleda prilagođene ponude, Vaš će dotijek biti ispunjen nasumičnom ponudom dostupnom na mreži.\n\nImajte na umu da takve ponude mogu sadržavati sadržaj za odrasle ili sadržaj sumnjivog karaktera, i/ili fotografije koje neki korisnici mogu smatrati uvredljivima.\n\nU slučaju da se u bilo kojem trenutku želite vratiti na Vama prilagođeni pregled ponude, jednostavno isključite ovu postavku, nakon čega će se pregled Vašeg Otkrivanja ponuda vratiti na početne postavke.",
- "ShowUnlfilteredListings": "Prikaži Nasumičnu ponudu",
- "SearchForItemsPlaceholder": "Upišite #igre, #cipele ili bilo koju #oznaku",
+ "AllListingsWarning": "Nakon isključivanja pregleda prilagođene ponude, Vaš će pregled pretrage biti ispunjen nasumičnom ponudom dostupnom na mreži.\n\nImajte na umu da takve ponude mogu sadržavati sadržaj za odrasle ili sadržaj sumnjivog karaktera, i/ili fotografije koje neki korisnici mogu smatrati uvredljivima.\n\nU slučaju da se u bilo kojem trenutku želite vratiti na Vama prilagođeni pregled ponuda, jednostavno isključite ovu postavku, nakon čega će Vaš pregled ponuda biti vraćen na početne postavke.",
+ "ShowUnlfilteredListings": "Prikaži nasumičnu ponudu",
+ "SearchForItemsPlaceholder": "Upišite ključne riječi za pretragu poput #igre, #cipele ili bilo koju #riječ",
"SearchForPagesPlaceholder": "Pretraga po imenu ili ključnoj riječi",
"SearchFeedPlaceholder": "Upišite ključnu riječ",
- "SearchForFollowersPlaceholder": "Upišite naziv",
+ "SearchForFollowersPlaceholder": "Search for a name in your currently loaded followers (scroll to load more).",
"SearchForUsersPlaceholder": "Upišite naziv",
"SearchOnUserStorePlaceholder": "Upišite naslov",
"EstDeliveryDomesticPlaceholder": "3-5 Radnih dana",
@@ -94,7 +99,8 @@
"ReturnPolicyPlaceholder": "Unesite načine povratka...",
"CategoryPlaceholder": "Unesite kategoriju",
"CategoryHelperText": "Kategorije se koriste kako bi ponuda Vaše trgovine bila organizirana u grupe sličnih proizvoda",
- "KeywordsHelperText": "Dodavanje oznaka pomaže kako bi Vaša ponuda bila lakše prikazana kupcima. Možete koristiti pojedinačnu oznaku proizvoda ili najviše do 10 oznaka",
+ "KeywordsPlaceholder": "Unesite jednu ili više ključnih riječi",
+ "KeywordsHelperText": "Dodavanje ključnih riječi uveliko pomaže vašoj prisutnosti na tržištu. Možete imati samo jednu istovjetnu ključnu riječ, a najviše 10 ključnih riječi, odvojenih zarezom, ili tipkom \"Enter\".",
"ExpirationDateHelperText": "Postavite datum kada će ova ponuda automatski biti uklonjena iz ponude Vaše trgovine",
"ClearExpirationDate": "Obriši datim istjeka",
"ReturnPolicy": "Način povrata robe",
@@ -114,7 +120,7 @@
"Snapchat": "Snapchat",
"BUYNOW": "Kupi odmah",
"Description": "Opis",
- "Reviews": "Ocijene",
+ "Reviews": "Ocjene",
"Shipping": "Dostava",
"Shipping2": "Dostava:",
"ShippingReturns": "Dostava i Povrat:",
@@ -124,13 +130,14 @@
"Addresses": "Adrese",
"Files": "Datoteke",
"NewAddress": "Nove adrese",
- "CurrentAddress": "Trenutna adrese",
+ "CurrentAddress": "Trenutne adrese",
"Returns": "Povrat",
"ReturnsPolicy": "Odredbe o povratu",
"Ampersand": "i",
"Tags": "Oznake",
"Keywords": "Ključne riječi",
"ShipsFrom": "Dostavlja iz",
+ "ShipsFrom2": "Isporuka iz %{country}",
"ShipsTo": "Dostavlja u",
"AddShipToRegion": "Oblast dostave",
"AddShipToRegionNote": "Dodaj sve države u oblast",
@@ -146,7 +153,7 @@
"SaveChanges": "Spremi izmjene",
"YourName": "Vaše ime",
"UseTestnet": "Koristi Testnet",
- "UseTestnetHelp": "Ukoliko je ova postavka uključena, vaš će program koristiti Testnet Bitcoin adrese. Uključite ovu postavku isključivo ako je vaš poslužitelj pokrenut uz -t testnet oznaku",
+ "UseTestnetHelp": "Ukoliko je ova postavka uključena, Vaš će program koristiti Testnet Bitcoin adrese. Uključite ovu postavku isključivo ako je vaš poslužitelj pokrenut uz -t testnet oznaku",
"TestnetAddress": "Testnet adresa",
"TestnetAddressHelp": "Vaš program koristi Testnet postavke, i dozvoljava korištenje jedino Testnet adresa. Želite li koristiti glavnu mrežu, i stvarni Bitcoin, isključite Testnet pod Postavke/Napredno, te provjerite kako Vaš poslužitelj nije pokrenut uz -t oznaku",
"MustTestnetAddress": "Mora biti Testnet adresa",
@@ -170,6 +177,16 @@
"SSLIsOn": "SSL je uključen",
"SSLIsOff": "SSL je isključen",
"LibbitcoinServerAddress": "Adresa Libbitcoin poslužitelja",
+ "SMTPNotificationsWarning": "Turn email notifications on/off",
+ "SMTPNotifications": "SMTP Notifications",
+ "SMTPPassword": "SMTP Password",
+ "SMTPUsername": "SMTP Username",
+ "SMTPServer": "SMTP Server Address",
+ "SMTPServerExample": "hostname:port",
+ "SMTPRecipientExample": "recipient@gmail.com",
+ "SMTPRecipient": "Recipient Email Address",
+ "SMTPSenderExample": "sender@gmail.com",
+ "SMTPSender": "Sender Email Address",
"ServerIPPort": "IP:Port poslužitelja",
"All": "Sve",
"Name": "Naziv",
@@ -216,7 +233,7 @@
"NotificationOrderConfirmed": "Vaša je narudžba zaprimljena/isporučena.",
"NotificationFollow": "%{name} prati vašu trgovinu.",
"NotificationDispute": "%{name} je pokrenuo reklamaciju.",
- "NotificationDisputeClosed": "Reklamacije je zatvorena.",
+ "NotificationDisputeClosed": "Reklamacija je zatvorena.",
"NotificationRefund": "%{name} je vratio uplatu vaše narudžbe.",
"NoticationOrderStatus": "Stanje narudžbe je obnovljeno.",
"NotificationNewOrder": "%{name} je kupio.",
@@ -229,7 +246,9 @@
"SearchForCategory": "Tražite kategoriju",
"Moderators": "Posrednici",
"CurrentModerators": "Trenutni posrednici",
- "AddModerators": "Dodaj novog posrednika",
+ "AddModerators": "Dodaj Posrednike",
+ "ManualAddModerator": "Dodaj posrednike koristeći GUID",
+ "ManualAddModeratorHelp": "U ovom polju unesite GUID jednog ili više posrednika, odjeljeno zarezom. GUID možete pronaći sa desne strane njihove stranice \"O trgovini\". Dodavanje GUID-a korisnika koji nije prijavljen kao posrednik, neće imati nikakvog učinka, a takav GUID će biti zanemaren.",
"DeselectToRemoveModerator": "Odznačite posrednike koje ne želite koristiti",
"SelectToAddModerator": "Označite posrednike koje želite koristiti",
"Categories": "Kategorije",
@@ -244,7 +263,7 @@
"ComingSoon": "Dolazi uskoro",
"PaymentPending": "Uplata u obradi",
"FinalizePurchase": "Završi kupovinu",
- "LoadingImage": "Učutavanje slike",
+ "LoadingImage": "Učitavanje slike",
"UploadAvatar": "Odaberi Avatar",
"SaveAvatar": "Spremi Avatar",
"NewAvatar": "Odaberi novi Avatar",
@@ -258,9 +277,9 @@
"Enter": "Uđite",
"Discover": "Otkrijte",
"Block": "Blokiraj",
- "Unblock": "Deblokiraj",
+ "Unblock": "Ukloni blokadu",
"Blocked": "Blokiran",
- "NoBlockedList": "Trenutno nikoga ne blokirate.",
+ "NoBlockedList": "Trenutno nikog ne blokirate.",
"Advanced": "Napredno",
"General": "Općenito",
"AllItems": "Sve stavke",
@@ -290,26 +309,26 @@
"maxLength200": "najduže 200 znakova",
"StoreModeratorsOptional": "Posrednici trgovine (neobvezatno)",
"Searchformoderators": "Potraži posrednike",
- "Contributors": "Pridonositelji",
+ "Contributors": "Učesnici",
"Support": "Podrška",
"Licensing": "Odobrenje",
"On": "Uključeno",
"Off": "Isključeno",
"ClickToChange": "Kliknite za izmjenu",
"NotProvided": "nije navedeno",
- "NotFollowingAnyone": "Ne pratite nikog",
- "NoFollowers": "Nema pratitelja",
- "NoReviews": "Nema ocjena",
+ "NotFollowingAnyone": "No nodes being followed were loaded",
+ "NoFollowers": "No followers were loaded",
+ "NoReviews": "No reviews were loaded",
"NoDetailsSpecified": "Pojedinosti nisu navedene",
"Moderator": "Posrednik",
"Moderator2": "Posrednik:",
"ActiveStore": "Trgovina radi",
"ActiveStoreDetails": "Zatvorene trgovine i ponude nisu vidljive ostalim korisnicima",
"Firewall": "Vatrozid",
- "ServerSettings": "Postavke Poslužitelja",
+ "ServerSettings": "Postavke poslužitelja",
"ReadOnly": "(ovo polje dostupno je samo za čitanje)",
- "HandleResolver": "Handle Resolver",
- "ShutDownServer": "Isključiti Poslužitelj",
+ "HandleResolver": "Registar skraćenih naziva",
+ "ShutDownServer": "Isključite poslužitelja",
"NoFancyStyles": "Isključiti vizualne efekte",
"NoFancyStylesWarning": "Ovom ćete postavkom isključiti animacije i prozirnost. To bi moglo pospješiti izvođenje na sporijim sustavima.",
"LoadingBitcoinPrices": "Učitavanje Bitcoin cijena...",
@@ -322,22 +341,23 @@
"ServerChangeWarningHeadline": "Oprez: spremite Vaše postavke",
"ServerChangeWarning": "Predlažemo napraviti kopiju prethodnih, niže navedenih postavki. Vaše prethodno korisničko ime i zaporka nakon ovog koraka biti će nedostupni.",
"ModeratorFee": "Naknada:",
- "PriceForOne": "Cijena pojedine stavke, datoteke ili usluge:",
+ "PriceForOne": "Price per single item, file, or service. Based on the listing's base price and the current exchange rate of BTC. This may not match the order total, which is based on the exchange rate of BTC at the time you purchased this listing.",
"Avatar": "Avatar",
- "AdditionalPaymentData": "Additional payment data",
- "AdditionalPaymentDataInfo": "Include name of purchase and order number in payment QR code?",
+ "AdditionalPaymentData": "Dodatni podaci o plaćanju",
+ "AdditionalPaymentDataInfo": "Želite li uvrstiti naziv kupovine i broj narudžbe u prikazani QR kôd uplate?",
+ "ShippableHelp": "This product can be shipped to one of your currently saved addresses. Add more addresses in the Settings/Addresses section to be able to purchase more listings.",
"firewall": {
"Open": "Otvoren",
"Restricted": "Ograničeno",
"SeverelyRestricted": "Snažno ograničeno"
"moderatorSettings": {
- "DisputeResolution": "Razrješavanje sukoba",
+ "DisputeResolution": "Rješenje reklamacije",
"ServiceFee": "Naknada za uslugu",
"ServiceFeeNote": "Min: 0%, Max: 25%"
- "BecomeModerator": "Postani Posrednik",
- "EditModerator": "Postavke Posrednika",
+ "BecomeModerator": "Postanite posrednik",
+ "EditModerator": "Postavke posredništva",
"overallRatingKeys": {
"fiveStar": "Savršeno",
"fourStar": "Dobro",
@@ -353,10 +373,10 @@
"oneStar": "Užasno nekvalitetno"
"descriptionRatingKeys": {
- "fiveStar": "Točno kako je i opisano",
+ "fiveStar": "Točno kako je opisano",
"fourStar": "Većinom odgovara opisu",
"threeStar": "Otprilike odgovara opisu",
- "twoStar": "Većinom ne odgovara opisu",
+ "twoStar": "U načelu ne odgovara opisu",
"oneStar": "Ne odgovara opisu"
"deliveryRatingKeys": {
@@ -391,105 +411,106 @@
"sortByStatus3": "Completed (Payment released)",
"sortByStatus4": "Disputed",
"sortByStatus5": "Dispute Closed",
- "sortByStatus6": "Dispute Resolved",
- "sortByStatus7": "Refunded",
- "OrderID": "Order ID",
- "OrderDate": "Order Date",
- "OrderStatus": "Order Status",
- "OrderStatus0": "Purchasing (Payment pending)",
- "OrderStatus1": "Ready to process (Paid in full)",
- "OrderStatus2": "Confirmed/Shipped",
- "OrderStatus3": "Completed (Payment released)",
- "OrderStatus4": "Disputed",
- "OrderStatusopen": "Disputed",
- "OrderStatus5": "Dispute Closed",
- "OrderStatusclosed": "Dispute Closed",
- "OrderStatus6": "Dispute Resolved",
- "OrderStatus7": "Refunded",
- "AcceptDisputeResolution": "Accept Dispute Payout",
+ "sortByStatus6": "Riješena reklamacija ",
+ "sortByStatus7": "Vraćena sredstva",
+ "OrderID": "Narudžba ID",
+ "OrderDate": "Datum narudžbe",
+ "OrderStatus": "Status narudžbe",
+ "OrderStatus0": "Kupnja (Uplata u tijeku)",
+ "OrderStatus1": "Spremno ua obradu (Uplata primljena u cijelosti)",
+ "OrderStatus2": "Potvrđeno/Isporučeno",
+ "OrderStatus3": "Završeno (Uplata primljena)",
+ "OrderStatus4": "Reklamirano",
+ "OrderStatusopen": "Reklamirano",
+ "OrderStatus5": "Riješena reklamacija",
+ "OrderStatusclosed": "Reklamacija riješena",
+ "OrderStatus6": "Reklamacija riješena",
+ "OrderStatus7": "Vraćena uplata",
+ "AcceptDisputeResolution": "Prihvaćanje isplate reklamacije",
"InEscrow": "- In Escrow",
- "OrderTotal": "Order Total",
- "OrderTotalInBTC": "BTC Total",
- "NoMessages": "No messages",
- "PaymentProtection": "Payment Protection",
- "ShipTo": "Ship To",
- "ViewRating": "View Rating",
- "ContractDetails": "Contract Details",
- "HideDetails": "Hide Details",
- "ConfirmOrder": "Confirm Order",
- "ConfirmOrderResend": "Resend Order Confirmation",
+ "OrderTotal": "Ukupni iznos narudžbe",
+ "OrderTotalInBTC": "BTC Ukupno",
+ "NoMessages": "Nema poruka",
+ "PaymentProtection": "Zaštita plaćanja",
+ "ShipTo": "Isporuči",
+ "ViewRating": "Pregled ocjena",
+ "ContractDetails": "Pojedinosti ugovora",
+ "HideDetails": "Sakrij pojedinosti",
+ "ConfirmOrder": "Potvrdi narudžbu",
+ "ConfirmOrderResend": "Ponovo pošalji potvrdu narudžbe",
"ConfirmOrderResendTooltip": "If the buyer has not received the order confirmation, this button will resend it. This may take several seconds to complete.",
- "RefundOrder": "Refund Order",
- "ConfirmRefundOrder": "Confirm Refund Order",
+ "RefundOrder": "Vrati uplatu narudžbe",
+ "ConfirmRefundOrder": "Potvrdi povrat uplate narudžbe",
"RefundOrderTooltip": "Cancel order and release the funds back to the buyer",
- "RefundReason": "Reason for refund",
- "RefundReasonPlaceholder": "Explain why you are sending a refund",
- "RefundOrderResend": "Resend Order Refund",
+ "RefundReason": "Razlog povrata sredstava",
+ "RefundReasonPlaceholder": "Objasnite zašto vraćate sredstva",
+ "RefundOrderResend": "Ponovo pošaljite povrat sredstava",
"RefundOrderResendTooltip": "If the buyer has not received the refund, this button will resend it. This may take several seconds to complete.",
- "ReceivingAddress": "Receiving Address",
- "RecievingAddressPlaceholder": "Bitcoin address to receive funds at",
- "Comments": "Comments",
- "CommentsPlaceHolder": "Comments on this order",
- "Shipper": "Item Shipped By:",
- "ShippedBy": "Shipped By:",
- "ShipperPlaceholder": "Name of the company shipping the item",
- "TrackingNumber": "Tracking Number:",
- "TrackingNumberPlaceholder": "Tracking number of item",
- "EstimatedDelivery": "Estimated Delivery:",
- "EstimatedDeliveryPlaceholder": "Estimated date item will be delivered",
- "URL": "File URL",
- "URLPlaceholder": "Link to download, schedule, or more information",
- "Password": "Password:",
- "PasswordPlaceholder": "Password required for link (optional)",
- "DirectTransaction": "Direct transaction:",
- "ModeratedTransaction": "Moderated transaction:",
- "Seller": "Vendor",
- "Vendor": "Vendor",
- "Vendor2": "Vendor:",
- "Buyer": "Buyer",
- "Buyer2": "Buyer:",
- "transferReceipt": "Transfer Receipt",
- "copyTxid": "copy tx ID",
- "Close": "Close",
- "FundOrder": "Fund Order",
- "sortByDateNewest": "By Date, Newest",
- "sortByDateOldest": "By Date, Oldest",
- "PayPurchase": "Pay for this Purchase",
- "CompleteOrder": "Complete Order",
- "CompleteOrderResend": "Resend Order Completion",
+ "ReceivingAddress": "Adresa zaprimanja",
+ "RecievingAddressPlaceholder": "Adresa za prijam Bitcoin-a",
+ "Comments": "Komentari",
+ "CommentsPlaceHolder": "Komentari uz narudžbu",
+ "Shipper": "Stavka isporučena putem:",
+ "ShippedBy": "Isporuka putem:",
+ "ShipperPlaceholder": "Naziv tvrtke isporučitelja",
+ "TrackingNumber": "Broj za praćenje pošiljke:",
+ "TrackingNumberPlaceholder": "Broj za praćenje pošiljke stavke",
+ "EstimatedDelivery": "Procijena roka dostave:",
+ "EstimatedDeliveryPlaceholder": "Procijenjeno vrijeme potrebno za dostavu",
+ "URL": "URL datoteke",
+ "URLPlaceholder": "Poveznica za adresu datoteke, raspored, ili dodatne informacije",
+ "Password": "Zaporka:",
+ "PasswordPlaceholder": "Zaporka potrebna za poveznicu (proizvovljno)",
+ "DirectTransaction": "Izravni prijenos:",
+ "ModeratedTransaction": "Posrednički prijenos:",
+ "Seller": "Prodavatelj",
+ "Vendor": "Prodavatelj",
+ "Vendor2": "Prodavatelj",
+ "Buyer": "Kupac",
+ "Buyer2": "Kupac:",
+ "transferReceipt": "Potvrda prijenosa sredstava",
+ "copyTxid": "Kopiraj ID transakcije",
+ "Close": "Zatvori",
+ "FundOrder": "Uplata sredstava za narudžbu",
+ "sortByDateNewest": "Po datumu, Novije",
+ "sortByDateOldest": "Po datumu, Starije",
+ "PayPurchase": "Platite ovu kupovinu",
+ "CompleteOrder": "Završite narudžbu",
+ "CompleteOrderResend": "Ponovo pošalji završetak narudžbe",
"CompleteOrderResendTooltip": "If the seller has not yet received the order completion, this button will resend it. This may take several seconds to complete.",
- "LeaveReview": "Leave Review",
- "MarkAsShipped": "Mark as Shipped",
- "RateThisTransaction": "Rate this Transaction",
- "TransactionReview": "Transaction Review",
- "OverallRating": "Overall Rating",
- "Quality": "Quality:",
- "MatchedDescription": "Matched Description:",
- "DeliverySpeed": "Delivery Speed:",
- "CustomerService": "Customer Service:",
- "Review": "Review",
- "ReviewPlaceHolder": "Your review of this transaction",
- "NoFileProvided": "No file provided",
- "None": "None",
- "NoneSent": "None sent",
- "ModerationFee": "Moderation Fee:",
- "DisputeTransaction": "Start a Dispute",
- "DisputeTransactionResend": "Resend Start of Dispute",
+ "LeaveReview": "Napišite ocjenu",
+ "MarkAsShipped": "Označite kao isporučeno",
+ "RateThisTransaction": "Ocjenite ovaj prijenos",
+ "TransactionReview": "Pregled ocjena prijenosa",
+ "OverallRating": "Sveukupna ocjena",
+ "Quality": "Kvaliteta:",
+ "MatchedDescription": "Odgovara opisu:",
+ "DeliverySpeed": "Brzina dostave:",
+ "CustomerService": "Usluga pružena kupcu:",
+ "Review": "Ocjena",
+ "ReviewPlaceHolder": "Vaša ocjena prijenosa",
+ "NoFileProvided": "Datoteka nije odabrana ",
+ "None": "Ne postoji",
+ "NoneSent": "Nije poslana",
+ "ModerationFee": "Posrednička naknada:",
+ "DisputeTransaction": "Započni reklamaciju",
+ "DisputeTransactionResend": "Ponovo pošalji početak reklamacije",
"DisputeTransactionResendTooltip": "If the other party did not receive your dispute, click this button to send it to them again.",
- "sendMessagePlaceholder": "Enter message...",
+ "sendMessagePlaceholder": "Upišite poruku...",
"DisputeInstructions": "To file a dispute for this transaction, type the reason for the dispute below, and check the Start a Dispute box. This will include the moderator in your conversation until the dispute is resolved. The moderator will make the final decision as to whether any funds are returned to you, and how much. The moderator's fee will be paid out of the funds you have already sent.",
- "SendMessage": "Send",
- "CloseDispute": "Close Dispute",
- "CloseDisputeResend": "Resend Close Dispute",
+ "SendMessage": "Pošalji",
+ "CloseDispute": "Završi reklamaciju",
+ "CloseDisputeResend": "Ponovo pošalji završetak reklamacije",
"CloseDisputeResendTooltip": "If one or more of the parties involved in this dispute did not receive the dispute close message, click this button to resend the dispute resolution.",
- "TotalInTransaction": "Transaction:",
- "StartDisputeFlag": "Dispute Started",
- "CloseDisputeFlag": "Dispute Ended",
+ "TotalInTransaction": "Prijenos:",
+ "StartDisputeFlag": "Započeta reklamacija",
+ "CloseDisputeFlag": "Završena reklamacija",
"PayoutOnlyBuyer": "Closing this dispute will return all of the funds to the buyer, minus the Moderator fee, because the seller has not yet given their bitcoin payout address.",
- "UpdatingOrder": "Updating your transaction",
- "UpdateComplete": "Your transaction update is complete",
+ "UpdatingOrder": "Osvježavanje Vašeg prijenosa",
+ "UpdateComplete": "Završeno je osvježavanje vašeg prijenosa",
"UpdateFailed": "Your transaction update did not complete. Open the transaction and try again",
- "UpdateInvalid": "Your transaction update returned invalid data. Open the transaction and try again"
+ "UpdateInvalid": "Your transaction update returned invalid data. Open the transaction and try again",
+ "ExportCSV": "Export to CSV"
"errorMessages": {
"saveError": "Nije bilo moguće spremiti podatke.",
@@ -497,7 +518,7 @@
"missingError": "Neka polja nedostaju ili su neispravna.",
"serverError": "Primljen je neispravan odgovor od poslužitelja.",
"userError": "Nije moguće pronaći podatke za ovaj ID",
- "userNotFoundError": "Nisu dostupni podaci o ovoj osobi. Moguće je da trenutno nije spojena.",
+ "userNotFoundError": "Nisu dostupni podaci o ovoj osobi. Moguće je da trenutno nije spojena na mrežu.",
"notFoundError": "Nije bilo moguće učitati podatke za:",
"socketError": "URL adresa za WebSocket nije uspješno obrađena. U tijeku je spajanje sa zadanom adresom ws://localhost:18466.",
"contractError": "Nije moguće kupiti ovu stavku.",
@@ -509,11 +530,12 @@
"tooManyPhotosTitle": "Too many photos",
"tooManyPhotosBody": "Some or all of your photos were prevented from being uploaded because you would exceeded the maximum allowable amount.",
"badJSON": "The JSON data returned from the server was malformed",
- "refundAlreadySent": "The refund has already been successfully sent for this order",
- "serverTimeout": "No response was received from the server. It may be unreachable or taking a very long time to respond."
+ "refundAlreadySent": "Sredstva ove narudžbe već su prije uspješno vraćena",
+ "serverTimeout": "No response was received from the server. It may be unreachable or taking a very long time to respond.",
+ "noData": "No data is available for the options you have selected."
"pageConnectingMessages": {
- "listingConnect": "Spajanje na ponudu ${listing}",
+ "listingConnect": "Dohvat ponude ${listing}",
"listingFail": "Ponuda koju pokušavate vidjeti je trenutno nedostupna.",
"handleConnect": "Spajanje na ${handle}",
"handleFail": "Stranica koju pokušavate pregledati, trenutno nije dostupna.",
@@ -521,14 +543,14 @@
"userFail": "Stranica koju pokušavate pregledati, trenutno nije dostupna"
"aboutSection": {
- "about": "OpenBazaar tvori mrežu korisnika koji izravno, međusobno kupuju i prodaju robu i usluge, koristeći Bitcoin. Ova mreža nije centralizirana te kao takva nije podložna kontroli bilo koje organizacije.
Aplikacija je otvorenog koda, sukladna MIT dozvoli. Možete provjeriti kôd koristeći slijedeću poveznicu GitHub.
OpenBazaar je projekt zajednice. Dobrodošli ste pridružiti se na naš Slack kanal, ili na subreddit.
Trebate li pomoć, pročitajte upute za OpenBazaar verziju 1.0.
Imate li dodatnih pitanja, pošaljite upit našoj korisničkoj podršci.
+ "about": "OpenBazaar tvori mrežu korisnika koji izravno, međusobno kupuju i prodaju robu i usluge, koristeći Bitcoin. Ova mreža nije centralizirana te kao takva nije podložna kontroli bilo koje organizacije.
Aplikacija je otvorenog kôda, sukladna MIT dozvoli. Možete provjeriti kôd koristeći slijedeću poveznicu GitHub.
OpenBazaar je projekt zajednice. Dobrodošli ste pridružiti se na naš Slack kanal, ili na subreddit.
Trebate li pomoć, pročitajte upute za OpenBazaar verziju 1.0.
Imate li dodatnih pitanja, pošaljite upit našoj korisničkoj podršci.
"contributors": "Nastanak OpenBazaar-a omogućila je suradnja međunarodne zajednice programera i volontera koji su doprinjeli svoje vrijeme potrebno kako bi se razvila platforma za slobodnu trgovinu. Ovo je djelomični popis učesnika koji su doprinjeli razvoju projekta programiranjem aplikacije ili na drugi način pomogli pri njenom stvaranju.
- Giannis Adamopoulos
- Ariadni-Karolina Alexiou
- Tikhon Bernstam
- Brad Burnham
- George Chatzisofroniou
- Patrick Connolly
- Chris Dixon
- Simon de la Rouviere
- Braden Glasgow
- Brian Hoffman
- Ben Holden-Crowther
- Joshua Jeffryes
- Nikolas Korasidis
- Regan Lawton
- Sami Lehtinen
- Angel Leon
- Joye Lin
- Joel Monegro
- William Mougayar
- Jonas David Nick
- Onename
- Chris Pacia
- Sam Patterson
- Chara Podimata
- Samuel Reed
- Washington Sanchez
- Aeron Paul Sioson
- Adrian Smith
- Adam Snodgrass
- Thomas Stilwell
- Amir Taaki
- Mike Wolf
- Dionysis Zindros
- secret-bitcoin-login
- Rav3nPL
- El--Presidente
- Tinytin
- ULRichard
"support": "You can help OpenBazaar in several ways on our mission to make trade free.
Buying and selling goods and services on the network helps grow our community and make the platform more attractive to new users. Politely asking Bitcoin-accepting businesses to sell on the platform helps spread the word and shows demand for peer to peer trade.
If you're a developer, check out our GitHub and see where you can help us. Beyond helping with the core code, we hope the permissionless and open source nature of the project means you will build new services on top of the existing network.
You can also donate Bitcoin to the project, which will be used to defray costs for visiting conferences, offering bounties for development, and promoting OpenBazaar.
Please join our Slack if you have new ideas for OpenBazaar, or have questions for the core devs.
"licensing": "OpenBazaar is open source software under the MIT license. This license is permissive and designed to allow people to freely reuse the code for other open source projects or for proprietary software. The full license text is below.
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright © 2016 OpenBazaar Developers
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
The following libraries are used in OpenBazaar:
- protobuf
- Twisted
- txrudp
- pyelliptic
- pystun
- bitcoin
- gnupg
- pynacl
- txrestapi
- txws
- python-libbitcoin client
- requests
- backbone
- underscore
- moment.js
- jquery
- electron.js
- backbone.linear
- list.js
- polyglot.js
- taggle.js
- safestart
- python-bitcoinlib
"saveMessages": {
"Saved": "Spremljeno",
- "SaveSuccess": "Vaše izmjene su spremljene."
+ "SaveSuccess": "Vaše su izmjene spremljene."
"discover": {
"searchDefaultText": "U tijeku je pretraga Vaše mreže.",
@@ -541,7 +563,7 @@
"pagesStores": "Trgovine",
"pagesMods": "Posredničke usluge",
"pagesBasic": "Osnovni korisnici",
- "listingsCurated": "Trgovine koje pratim",
+ "listingsCurated": "Trgovine koje slijedim",
"listingsAll": "Sve ponude",
"categoryAll": "Sve"
@@ -552,50 +574,53 @@
"customizePage": "Prilagodi Stranicu",
"sellItem": "Novo",
"createListing": "Stvorite novu ponudu",
- "purchases": "Kopovina",
- "sales": "Sales",
+ "purchases": "Kupovina",
+ "sales": "Prodaja",
"cases": "Cases",
"notifications": "Notifications",
- "settings": "Settings",
- "restart": "Restart Application",
- "about": "About OpenBazaar",
+ "settings": "Postavke",
+ "refresh": "Refresh Page",
+ "restart": "Ponovo pokreni",
+ "about": "Više o OpenBazaar-u",
"support": "Support OpenBazaar",
- "Forward": "Forward",
- "Back": "Back"
+ "Forward": "Slijedeće",
+ "Back": "Prethodno",
+ "newServer": "New Server",
+ "manageServers": "Manage Servers"
"onboarding": {
- "intro": "OpenBazaar Postavke",
+ "intro": "OpenBazaar postavke",
"Introduction": "Uvod",
"IntroductionBody": "OpenBazaar is a peer-to-peer social market. It's like combining eBay™, Twitter™ and BitTorrent into one. Only, there are no fees or restrictions and OpenBazaar is open-source. \n\n Please note that it may look and feel a bit different than what you're used to, so please be patient as you adjust.",
"theme": "Odaberite predložak vaše stranice",
- "chooseLanguage": "Odabreite jezik sučelja",
+ "chooseLanguage": "Odaberite jezik sučelja",
"contributors": "%{smart_count} Contributor |||| %{smart_count} Contributors",
"configure": "Configure your experience",
"disclaimer_title": "Disclaimer",
"disclaimer_body": "OpenBazaar is a network for trading goods and services directly between people - using Bitcoin - without any central organization controlling the platform. This means you are responsible for your own activity on the network.\n\nOpenBazaar users are not anonymous by default. Most communications between parties are encrypted, but IP addresses are public and can be associated with activity on the network. Malicious parties could use this information against you; protecting your privacy is your own responsibility.\n\nOpenBazaar users must adhere to the laws in their own legal jurisdiction as well as their conscience. The OpenBazaar developers do not condone - and are not responsible for - any use of the platform for illegal activity.\n\nThe OpenBazaar community of developers has worked hard to deliver a free platform for trade to the world. But as with any software, bugs will be found. The developers are not responsible for any monetary loss associated with problems in the software.\n\nBy using OpenBazaar you're responsible for your own actions on the OpenBazaar network.",
- "yourCountry": "Select Your Country",
- "localCurrency": "Select Your Currency",
- "LanguagePlaceholder": "Search for language",
- "CountryPlaceholder": "Search for country",
- "CurrencyPlaceholder": "Search for currency",
- "TimezonePlaceholder": "Search for time Zone",
- "ShortDescriptionPlaceholder": "Say something interesting... (160 char max)",
- "timeZone": "Select Your Time Zone",
+ "yourCountry": "Izbor Vaše države",
+ "localCurrency": "Izbor željene valute",
+ "LanguagePlaceholder": "Pretraga jezika",
+ "CountryPlaceholder": "Pretraga države",
+ "CurrencyPlaceholder": "Pretraga valuta",
+ "TimezonePlaceholder": "Pretraga vremenske zone",
+ "ShortDescriptionPlaceholder": "Uišite nešto zanimljivo...(Max. 160 znakova)",
+ "timeZone": "Odaberite Vašu vremensku zonu",
"yourDetails": "Set Your Information",
- "yourDescription": "Description",
- "handle": "Handle",
- "chooseHandle": "Choose a handle",
- "knownAs": "You're currently known as:",
+ "yourDescription": "Opis",
+ "handle": "Skraćeni naziv",
+ "chooseHandle": "Odaberite skraćeni naziv",
+ "knownAs": "Trenutno ste prepoznati kao:",
"wouldYou": "Would you like to register an easy to remember handle?",
"registerNew": "Register New",
"recommended": "Recommended Pages to Follow",
- "avatar": "Set an Avatar",
- "chooseAvatar": "Select Avatar",
+ "avatar": "Odabir Avatara",
+ "chooseAvatar": "Odaberi Avatara",
"discoverCallOut": "Explore Listings and Pages on OpenBazaar",
- "Finished": "Finished"
+ "Finished": "Završeno"
"guidStillCreating": {
- "HangTight": "Pričekajte nekoliko...",
+ "HangTight": "Pričekajte nekoliko trenutaka...",
"YourPersonal": "U tijeku je stvaranje Vaših osobnih ključeva i OpenBazaar ID-a. Stvaranje bi trebalo završiti za 30tak sekundi.\n\nNakon što je proces upješno dovršen, biti ćete automatski spojeni na mrežu.",
"LookingFor": "U međuvremenu dok čekate, pročitajte OpenBazaar blog."
@@ -615,73 +640,81 @@
"softwareUpdate": {
"updateAvailable": "Dostupna je nadogradnja za OpenBazaar",
- "installUpdate": "Instaliraj nadogradnju",
+ "installUpdate": "Nadogradi",
"dismiss": "Dismiss"
"buyFlow": {
"PayForOrder": "Plati narudžbu",
+ "BuyOwnProductMsg": "You can't buy your own listing",
"NeedTempAddress": "I need a temporary Bitcoin address",
"NeedTempAddressHelper": "Please bookmark the url to your temporary bitcoin address",
"CantFindAddress": "I can't find my bitcoin address",
"BitcoinWallet": "Bitcoin Wallet",
"ModeratedPaymentDescription": "Your payment is held in a secure wallet until the vendor completes their end of the agreement. If issues arise, a Moderator will help.",
"ModeratorFeeHelper": "The moderator may charge a fee, but only if a dispute arises.",
- "ModeratedPayment": "Moderated Payment",
- "DisputeFee": "Dispute fee",
- "DisputeFee2": "Dispute fee:",
- "HaveWallet": "Do you have a Bitcoin Wallet?",
+ "ModeratedPayment": "Plaćanje uz posrednika",
+ "DisputeFee": "Posrednička naknada",
+ "DisputeFee2": "Posrednička naknada:",
+ "HaveWallet": "Imate li Bitcoin novčanik?",
"QuickSetup": "It only takes a few minutes to set one up",
- "CreateWallet": "Create a Wallet",
+ "CreateWallet": "Stvorite novčanik",
"DirectPaymentDescription": "Funds are sent directly to the vendor. Only use on small purchases or when purchasing from a trusted vendor.",
- "DirectPayment": "Direct Payment",
- "SendDirectlyTo": "Send direct payment to %{handle}",
- "MustAddAddress": "You must add an address to ship to",
- "VendorShipsTo": "Ships to:",
- "DoesNotShipHere": "Does not ship here",
- "Send": "Send",
- "BTCto": "BTC to",
- "SendBTCtoAddress": "Send %{amount} BTC to",
+ "DirectPayment": "Izravna uplata",
+ "SendDirectlyTo": "Pošaljite izravnu uplatu %{handle}",
+ "MustAddAddress": "Morate unijeti adresu isporuke",
+ "VendorShipsTo": "Isporuka:",
+ "DoesNotShipHere": "Ne isporučuje ovdje",
+ "Send": "Pošalji",
+ "BTCto": "BTC za",
+ "SendBTCtoAddress": "Pošalji %{amount} BTC na",
"OpenAddress": "Open in Local Wallet",
"CopyAddress": "Copy to Clipboard",
- "RefreshPayment": "Refresh Payment Status",
- "summaryMsg1": "Your payment has been sent to %{recipient}",
- "summaryMsg2": "The expected processing time for this order is",
- "summaryMsg3": "You can check the status of your order on your",
- "purchasesPage": "purchases page",
- "returnAddress": "Return Address",
- "moderatorPaymentDisclaimer": "Paid from the total if the transaction ends in a dispute.",
- "directPaymentDisclaimer": "Use direct payment with caution, funds are irreversible",
- "paymentSent": "Payment Sent!",
- "total": "Total:",
+ "RefreshPayment": "Osvježi status uplate",
+ "summaryMsg1": "Vaša je uplata poslana korisniku %{recipient}",
+ "summaryMsg2": "Očekivano vrijeme obrade ove narudžbe je",
+ "summaryMsg3": "Možete provjeriti stanje vaše narudžbe na Vašim",
+ "purchasesPage": "stranicama kupovine",
+ "returnAddress": "Adresa za povrat",
+ "moderatorPaymentDisclaimer": "Isplati iz ukupnog iznosa uplate ukoliko prijenos završi reklamacijom.",
+ "directPaymentDisclaimer": "Koristite izravan prijenos uz dozu opreza, sredstva su nepovratna",
+ "paymentSent": "Uplata poslana!",
+ "total": "Ukupno:",
"paymentNote": "Payment can take several minutes or more to complete. You can leave this screen, and go to the Purchases section to see if your payment has completed later."
"chat": {
"noSearchResultsFound": "No results found"
"serverConnectModal": {
- "statusTryingToConnect": "Trying to connect to your server...",
- "statusConnected": "Connected.",
- "statusFailedConnection": "Unable to connect to your server",
- "statusFailedAuthentication": "Authentication failed",
- "statusTooManyAttempts": "Too many failed login attempts",
- "serverConfiguration": "Server Configuration",
- "connecting": "Connecting...",
+ "connect": "Connect",
+ "connected": "Connected",
+ "connecting": "Connecting",
+ "serverConfiguration": "Postavke poslužitelja",
"intro": "OpenBazaar is designed to allow you to host your server separate from the client. By default, your server will run locally, but you can override it below.",
- "serverIP": "Server IP",
+ "serverIP": "IP adresa poslužitelja",
"restApiPort": "Rest API port",
"websocketApiPort": "Websocket API port",
"heartbeatSocketApiPort": "Heartbeat socket port",
- "username": "Username",
- "password": "Password",
- "restoreDefaults": "Restore defaults",
- "saveChanges": "Save Changes",
- "retry": "Retry connection"
+ "username": "Korisničko ime",
+ "password": "Zaporka",
+ "saveChanges": "Spremi izmjene",
+ "defaultServerName": "default",
+ "portedConnectionName": "ported connection",
+ "connectionFailed": "Connection failed to %{serverName}",
+ "connectingTo": "Connecting to %{serverName}",
+ "connectingToDefault": "Connecting to the default server",
+ "authFailed": "authentication failed",
+ "authFailedTooManyAttempts": "too many failed authentication attempts",
+ "serverConfigsHeaderMsg": "Your Server Configurations",
+ "newConfigHeaderMsg": "Enter Server Details",
+ "editConfigHeaderMsg": "Configuration Settings",
+ "serverConfigsTitle": "Server Configurations",
+ "newConfigTitle": "New Configuration"
"timezones": {
"-12": "(GMT -12:00) Eniwetok, Kwajalein",
"-11": "(GMT -11:00) Midway Island, Samoa",
- "-10": "(GMT -10:00) Hawaii",
- "-9": "(GMT -9:00) Alaska",
+ "-10": "(GMT -10:00) Havaji",
+ "-9": "(GMT -9:00) Aljaska",
"-8": "(GMT -8:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)",
"-7": "(GMT -7:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)",
"-6": "(GMT -6:00) Central Time (US & Canada), Mexico City",
@@ -691,12 +724,12 @@
"-3": "(GMT -3:00) Brazil, Buenos Aires, Georgetown",
"-2": "(GMT -2:00) Mid-Atlantic",
"-1": "(GMT -1:00) Azores, Cape Verde Islands",
- "0": "(GMT) Western Europe Time, London, Lisbon, Casablanca",
- "1": "(GMT +1:00) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris",
- "2": "(GMT +2:00) Kaliningrad, South Africa",
- "3": "(GMT +3:00) Baghdad, Riyadh, Moscow, St. Petersburg",
- "3.5": "(GMT +3:30) Tehran",
- "4": "(GMT +4:00) Abu Dhabi, Muscat, Baku, Tbilisi",
+ "0": "(GMT) Zapadno-europsko vrijeme, London, Lisabon, Casablanca",
+ "1": "(GMT +1:00) Bruxelles, Copenhagen, Madrid, Pariz",
+ "2": "(GMT +2:00) Kaliningrad, Južna Afrika",
+ "3": "(GMT +3:00) Bagdad, Rijad, Moskva, St. Petersburg",
+ "3.5": "(GMT +3:30) Teheran",
+ "4": "(GMT +4:00) Abu Dabi, Muscat, Baku, Tbilisi",
"4.5": "(GMT +4:30) Kabul",
"5": "(GMT +5:00) Ekaterinburg, Islamabad, Karachi, Tashkent",
"5.5": "(GMT +5:30) Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, New Delhi",
diff --git a/js/languages/it.json b/js/languages/it.json
index 0230cfd0b..223c4475d 100644
--- a/js/languages/it.json
+++ b/js/languages/it.json
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
"EnterMessage": "Inserire messaggio...",
"Recommended": "Raccomandato",
"Reload": "Ricaricare",
+ "LoadIndex": "Carica Indice",
"You": "Tu",
"Skip": "Salta",
"Done": "Finito",
@@ -18,11 +19,12 @@
"Maximize": "Massimizza",
"Restore": "Ripristina",
"Close": "Chiudi",
- "Yes": "Si",
+ "Yes": "Sì",
"No": "No",
"of": "di",
"Sell": "Vendere",
"New": "Nuovo",
+ "Retry": "Ritenta",
"HighlightToStyle": "Evidenziare il testo a stile",
"Excellent": "Eccellente",
"Good": "Buono",
@@ -46,8 +48,10 @@
"Order": "Ordine",
"FeedPlaceholder": "Un feed di aggiornamenti da tutte le pagine che segui",
"ViewListing": "Visualizza il listino",
- "Unfollow": "Non seguire più",
+ "Unfollow": "Smetti",
"ConfirmUnfollow": "Conferma non seguire più",
+ "AddModerator": "Aggiungi come moderatore",
+ "RemoveModerator": "Rimuovi come Moderatore",
"About": "About",
"Version": "Versione %{version}",
"NoDescriptionAdded": "Nessuna descrizione aggiunta",
@@ -73,6 +77,7 @@
"GoToMyPage": "Vai alla mia pagina",
"Random": "Casuale",
"ShowOnlyFollowerListings": "Personalizzato",
+ "DoesNotShip": "Does not ship to you",
"TryRandom": "Prova modalità casuale per scoprire di più",
"ShowOnlyFollowerListingsTooltip": "Vedi annunci dai negozi che seguo",
"ShowAllListingsTooltip": "Vedi annunci casuali dal network",
@@ -82,7 +87,7 @@
"SearchForItemsPlaceholder": "Scrivi #giochi, #scarpe o un qualsiasi #tag...",
"SearchForPagesPlaceholder": "Cerca per nome o parola chiave",
"SearchFeedPlaceholder": "Cerca per nickname o OpenBazaar ID",
- "SearchForFollowersPlaceholder": "Cerca per nickname o OpenBazaar ID",
+ "SearchForFollowersPlaceholder": "Cerca un nome nei tuoi attuali follower caricati (scorri per caricarne altri)",
"SearchForUsersPlaceholder": "Cerca per nickname o OpenBazaar ID",
"SearchOnUserStorePlaceholder": "Scrivi un titolo...",
"EstDeliveryDomesticPlaceholder": "3-5 giorni lavorativi",
@@ -94,7 +99,8 @@
"ReturnPolicyPlaceholder": "Inserire politiche di restituizione...",
"CategoryPlaceholder": "Inserire categoria",
"CategoryHelperText": "Le categorie sono usate per raggruppare e organizzare gli oggetti nel tuo negozio.",
- "KeywordsHelperText": "Aggiungere tags aiuta il tuo listino ad essere trovato sul mercato. Puoi avere da 1 fino a 10 tags.",
+ "KeywordsPlaceholder": "Inserire una o più tag",
+ "KeywordsHelperText": "Aggiungere tag aiuta il tuo listino ad essere trovato sul mercato. Puoi avere solo uno di ogni tag, ed un massimo di 10 tag, separati da virgole o tasto invio.",
"ExpirationDateHelperText": "Imposta una data per l'oggetto per far si che venga tolto automaticamente dal tuo negozio.",
"ClearExpirationDate": "Cancella data di scadenza",
"ReturnPolicy": "Politica di restituzione",
@@ -131,6 +137,7 @@
"Tags": "Tags",
"Keywords": "Parole chiave",
"ShipsFrom": "Inviato da",
+ "ShipsFrom2": "Spedisce da %{country}",
"ShipsTo": "Inviato verso",
"AddShipToRegion": "Area di spedizione",
"AddShipToRegionNote": "Aggiunge tutte le nazioni in un'area.",
@@ -170,6 +177,16 @@
"SSLIsOn": "SSL è attivo",
"SSLIsOff": "SSL è inattivo",
"LibbitcoinServerAddress": "Indirizzo del server Libbitcoin",
+ "SMTPNotificationsWarning": "Attivazione notifiche email on/off",
+ "SMTPNotifications": "Notifiche SMTP",
+ "SMTPPassword": "Password SMTP",
+ "SMTPUsername": "Nome utente SMTP",
+ "SMTPServer": "Indirizzo Server SMTP",
+ "SMTPServerExample": "hostname:port",
+ "SMTPRecipientExample": "destinatario@gmail.com",
+ "SMTPRecipient": "Indirizzo Email Destinatario",
+ "SMTPSenderExample": "mittente@gmail.com",
+ "SMTPSender": "Indirizzo Email Mittente",
"ServerIPPort": "Server IP:Porta",
"All": "Tutti",
"Name": "Nome",
@@ -229,7 +246,9 @@
"SearchForCategory": "Cerca per categoria",
"Moderators": "Moderatori",
"CurrentModerators": "Moderatori Correnti",
- "AddModerators": "Aggiungere Nuovi Moderatori",
+ "AddModerators": "Aggiungi moderatori",
+ "ManualAddModerator": "Aggiungi moderatori via GUID",
+ "ManualAddModeratorHelp": "Inserisci qui i GUID di uno o più moderatori, separati da virgole. Il GUID è nella parte destra della scheda About nella loro pagina. L'aggiunta del GUID di un utente che non è un moderatore non avrà alcun effetto, tale GUID sarà ignorato.",
"DeselectToRemoveModerator": "Deselezionare i moderatori che si desidera rimuovere",
"SelectToAddModerator": "Selezionare i moderatori che si desidera aggiungere",
"Categories": "Categorie",
@@ -297,9 +316,9 @@
"Off": "Off",
"ClickToChange": "Clicca per cambiare",
"NotProvided": "non fornito",
- "NotFollowingAnyone": "Non segui nessuno",
- "NoFollowers": "Nessun follower",
- "NoReviews": "Nessuna recensione",
+ "NotFollowingAnyone": "Nessun nodo seguito è stato caricato",
+ "NoFollowers": "Nessun follower è stato caricato",
+ "NoReviews": "Nessuna recensione è stata caricata",
"NoDetailsSpecified": "Nessun dettaglio specificato",
"Moderator": "Moderatore",
"Moderator2": "Moderatore:",
@@ -322,10 +341,11 @@
"ServerChangeWarningHeadline": "Attenzione: registra le tue impostazioni",
"ServerChangeWarning": "Ti raccomandiamo di fare una copia dei delle tue precedenti impostazioni, mostrate sotto. I tuoi precedenti nomeutente e password non saranno più disponibili dopo questo punto.",
"ModeratorFee": "Commissione:",
- "PriceForOne": "Prezzo per singolo articolo, un file o un servizio.",
+ "PriceForOne": "Prezzo per ogni singolo oggetto, file o servizio. Basato sul prezzo base del listino e l'attuale tasso di cambio di BTC. Questo potrebbe non corrispondere al totale dell'ordine, che \t\né basato sul tasso di cambio di BTC al momento in cui hai comprato questo listino.",
"Avatar": "Avatar",
- "AdditionalPaymentData": "Additional payment data",
- "AdditionalPaymentDataInfo": "Include name of purchase and order number in payment QR code?",
+ "AdditionalPaymentData": "Dati aggiuntivi per il pagamento",
+ "AdditionalPaymentDataInfo": "Includere il nome dell'acquisto e il numero d'ordine nel codice QR del pagamento?",
+ "ShippableHelp": "Questo prodotto può essere inviato ad uno dei tuoi attuali indirizzi salvati. Aggiungi più indirizzi nella sezione Impostazioni/Indirizzi per poter comprare più annunci.",
"firewall": {
"Open": "Aperto",
"Restricted": "Limitato",
@@ -489,7 +509,8 @@
"UpdatingOrder": "Aggiornamento della tua transazione",
"UpdateComplete": "Aggiornamento della tua transazione completato",
"UpdateFailed": "L'aggiornamento della tua transazione non è stato completato. Apri la transazione e riprova",
- "UpdateInvalid": "L'aggiornamento della tua transazione ha riportato dati non validi. Apri la transazione e riprova"
+ "UpdateInvalid": "L'aggiornamento della tua transazione ha riportato dati non validi. Apri la transazione e riprova",
+ "ExportCSV": "Esportare su CSV"
"errorMessages": {
"saveError": "I dati non sono stati salvati.",
@@ -510,7 +531,8 @@
"tooManyPhotosBody": "Ad alcune o a tutte le foto è stato impedito di essere caricate perché avresti superato la massima quantità consentita.",
"badJSON": "I dati JSON restituiti dal server erano malformati",
"refundAlreadySent": "Il rimborso per questo ordine è stato già inviato con successo.",
- "serverTimeout": "Nessuna risposta ricevuta dal server. Potrebbe non essere raggiungibile o impiegando troppo tempo a rispondere."
+ "serverTimeout": "Nessuna risposta ricevuta dal server. Potrebbe non essere raggiungibile o impiegando troppo tempo a rispondere.",
+ "noData": "Nessun dato disponibile per le opzioni che hai selezionato."
"pageConnectingMessages": {
"listingConnect": "Connessione al listino ${listing}",
@@ -557,11 +579,14 @@
"cases": "Cause",
"notifications": "Notifiche",
"settings": "Impostazioni",
+ "refresh": "Aggiorna pagina",
"restart": "Riavvia l'applicazione",
"about": "About OpenBazaar",
"support": "Supporto OpenBazaar",
"Forward": "Inoltra",
- "Back": "Indietro"
+ "Back": "Indietro",
+ "newServer": "Nuovo Server",
+ "manageServers": "Gestione dei server"
"onboarding": {
"intro": "Configurazione OpenBazaar",
@@ -620,6 +645,7 @@
"buyFlow": {
"PayForOrder": "Paga per ordinare",
+ "BuyOwnProductMsg": "You can't buy your own listing",
"NeedTempAddress": "Ho bisogno di un indirizzo Bitcoin temporaneo",
"NeedTempAddressHelper": "Si prega di contrassegnare l'url al suo indirizzo bitcoin temporaneo",
"CantFindAddress": "Non riesco a trovare il mio indirizzo bitcoin",
@@ -659,13 +685,10 @@
"noSearchResultsFound": "Nessun risultato trovato"
"serverConnectModal": {
- "statusTryingToConnect": "Tentativo di connessione al tuo server...",
- "statusConnected": "Connesso.",
- "statusFailedConnection": "Impossibile connettere al tuo server",
- "statusFailedAuthentication": "Autenticazione fallita",
- "statusTooManyAttempts": "Troppi tentativi di accesso falliti",
+ "connect": "Connetti",
+ "connected": "Connesso",
+ "connecting": "Connessione",
"serverConfiguration": "Configurazione server",
- "connecting": "Connessione...",
"intro": "OpenBazaar è progettato per consentire di ospitare il vostro server in modo separato dal client. Per impostazione predefinita, il server verrà eseguito in locale, ma è possibile escluderlo di sotto.",
"serverIP": "Server IP",
"restApiPort": "Porta Rest API",
@@ -673,41 +696,51 @@
"heartbeatSocketApiPort": "Porta Heartbeat socket port",
"username": "Nome utente",
"password": "Password",
- "restoreDefaults": "Ripristina i valori predefiniti",
"saveChanges": "Salva cambiamenti",
- "retry": "Riprova connessione"
+ "defaultServerName": "default",
+ "portedConnectionName": "connessione importata",
+ "connectionFailed": "Connessione a %{serverName} fallita",
+ "connectingTo": "Connessione a %{serverName}",
+ "connectingToDefault": "Connessione al server di default",
+ "authFailed": "autenticazione fallita",
+ "authFailedTooManyAttempts": "troppi tentativi di autenticazione falliti",
+ "serverConfigsHeaderMsg": "La tua configurazione server",
+ "newConfigHeaderMsg": "Inserire dettagli server",
+ "editConfigHeaderMsg": "Impostazione Configurazioni",
+ "serverConfigsTitle": "Configurazioni Server",
+ "newConfigTitle": "Nuova Configurazione"
"timezones": {
- "-12": "(GMT -12:00) Eniwetok, Kwajalein",
- "-11": "(GMT -11:00) Midway Island, Samoa",
+ "-12": "(GMT -12:00) Enewetak, Kwajalein",
+ "-11": "(GMT -11:00) Isola di Midway, Samoa",
"-10": "(GMT -10:00) Hawaii",
"-9": "(GMT -9:00) Alaska",
- "-8": "(GMT -8:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)",
- "-7": "(GMT -7:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)",
- "-6": "(GMT -6:00) Central Time (US & Canada), Mexico City",
- "-5": "(GMT -5:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada), Bogota, Lima",
- "-4": "(GMT -4:00) Atlantic Time (Canada), Caracas, La Paz",
+ "-8": "(GMT -8:00) Fuso orario del Pacifico (USA e Canada)",
+ "-7": "(GMT -7:00) Fuso orario di montagna (USA e Canada)",
+ "-6": "(GMT -6:00) Fuso orario centrale (USA e Canada), Città del Messico",
+ "-5": "(GMT -5:00) Fuso orario orientale (USA e Canada), Bogotà, Lima",
+ "-4": "(GMT -4:00) Fuso orario atlantico (Canada), Caracas, La Paz",
"-3.5": "(GMT -3:30) Terranova",
- "-3": "(GMT -3:00) Brazil, Buenos Aires, Georgetown",
- "-2": "(GMT -2:00) Mid-Atlantic",
- "-1": "(GMT -1:00) Azores, Cape Verde Islands",
- "0": "(GMT) Western Europe Time, London, Lisbon, Casablanca",
- "1": "(GMT +1:00) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris",
- "2": "(GMT +2:00) Kaliningrad, South Africa",
- "3": "(GMT +3:00) Baghdad, Riyadh, Moscow, St. Petersburg",
- "3.5": "(GMT +3:30) Tehran",
- "4": "(GMT +4:00) Abu Dhabi, Muscat, Baku, Tbilisi",
+ "-3": "(GMT -3:00) Brasile, Buenos Aires, Georgetown",
+ "-2": "(GMT -2:00) Atlantico centrale",
+ "-1": "(GMT -1:00) Azzorre, Arcipelago di Capo Verde",
+ "0": "(GMT) Fuso orario dell'Europa occidentale, Londra, Lisbona, Casablanca",
+ "1": "(GMT +1:00) Bruxelles, Copenaghen, Madrid, Parigi",
+ "2": "(GMT +2:00) Kaliningrad, Sudafrica",
+ "3": "(GMT +3:00) Baghdad, Riyad, Mosca, San Pietroburgo",
+ "3.5": "(GMT +3:30) Teheran",
+ "4": "(GMT +4:00) Abu Dhabi, Mascate, Baku, Tbilisi",
"4.5": "(GMT +4:30) Kabul",
"5": "(GMT +5:00) Ekaterinburg, Islamabad, Karachi, Tashkent",
- "5.5": "(GMT +5:30) Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, New Delhi",
+ "5.5": "(GMT +5:30) Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, Nuova Delhi",
"5.75": "(GMT +5:45) Katmandu",
- "6": "(GMT +6:00) Almaty, Dhaka, Colombo",
- "7": "(GMT +7:00) Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta",
- "8": "(GMT +8:00) Beijing, Perth, Singapore, Hong Kong",
- "9": "(GMT +9:00) Tokyo, Seoul, Osaka, Sapporo, Yakutsk",
+ "6": "(GMT +6:00) Almaty, Dacca, Colombo",
+ "7": "(GMT +7:00) Bangkok, Hanoi, Giacarta",
+ "8": "(GMT +8:00) Pechino, Perth, Singapore, Hong Kong",
+ "9": "(GMT +9:00) Tokyo, Seul, Osaka, Sapporo, Jakutsk",
"9.5": "(GMT +9:30) Adelaide, Darwin",
- "10": "(GMT +10:00) Eastern Australia, Guam, Vladivostok",
- "11": "(GMT +11:00) Magadan, Solomon Islands, New Caledonia",
- "12": "(GMT +12:00) Auckland, Wellington, Fiji, Kamchatka"
+ "10": "(GMT +10:00) Australia orientale, Guam, Vladivostok",
+ "11": "(GMT +11:00) Magadan, Isole Salomone, Nuova Caledonia",
+ "12": "(GMT +12:00) Auckland, Wellington, Figi, Kamčatka"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/js/languages/ja-JP.json b/js/languages/ja-JP.json
index 5f4d0c1a1..3518986d5 100644
--- a/js/languages/ja-JP.json
+++ b/js/languages/ja-JP.json
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
"EnterMessage": "本文",
"Recommended": "Recommended",
"Reload": "リロード",
+ "LoadIndex": "Load Index",
"You": "アカウント",
"Skip": "スキップ",
"Done": "完了",
@@ -23,6 +24,7 @@
"of": "/",
"Sell": "売る",
"New": "新品",
+ "Retry": "Retry",
"HighlightToStyle": "Highlight text to style",
"Excellent": "極良質",
"Good": "良質",
@@ -48,6 +50,8 @@
"ViewListing": "View Listing",
"Unfollow": "フォローをやめる",
"ConfirmUnfollow": "Confirm Unfollow",
+ "AddModerator": "Add as Moderator",
+ "RemoveModerator": "Remove as Moderator",
"About": "プロフェール",
"Version": "Version %{version}",
"NoDescriptionAdded": "説明はありません",
@@ -73,6 +77,7 @@
"GoToMyPage": "マイページ",
"Random": "Random",
"ShowOnlyFollowerListings": "Personalized",
+ "DoesNotShip": "Does not ship to you",
"TryRandom": "Try random mode to discover more",
"ShowOnlyFollowerListingsTooltip": "View listings from stores I follow",
"ShowAllListingsTooltip": "View random listings on the network",
@@ -82,7 +87,7 @@
"SearchForItemsPlaceholder": "Type #games, #shoes or any #tag...",
"SearchForPagesPlaceholder": "商品名・キーワードで探す",
"SearchFeedPlaceholder": "OpenBazaar ID・ユーザ名で探す",
- "SearchForFollowersPlaceholder": "OpenBazaar ID・ユーザ名で探す",
+ "SearchForFollowersPlaceholder": "Search for a name in your currently loaded followers (scroll to load more).",
"SearchForUsersPlaceholder": "OpenBazaar ID・ユーザ名で探す",
"SearchOnUserStorePlaceholder": "Type a title...",
"EstDeliveryDomesticPlaceholder": "3〜5営業日以内",
@@ -94,7 +99,8 @@
"ReturnPolicyPlaceholder": "返品ポリシーを入力",
"CategoryPlaceholder": "カテゴリーを入力",
"CategoryHelperText": "Categories are used to group and organize items within your store.",
- "KeywordsHelperText": "Adding tags helps your listing to be discovered in the market. You can only have one of each tag, and a maximum of 10 tags",
+ "KeywordsPlaceholder": "Enter One or More Tags",
+ "KeywordsHelperText": "Adding tags helps your listing to be discovered in the market. You can only have one of each tag, and a maximum of 10 tags, separated by commas or the enter key.",
"ExpirationDateHelperText": "Set a date for the item to automatically be pulled from your store.",
"ClearExpirationDate": "終了日時を消す",
"ReturnPolicy": "返品ポリシー",
@@ -131,6 +137,7 @@
"Tags": "Tags",
"Keywords": "キーワード",
"ShipsFrom": "発送元",
+ "ShipsFrom2": "Ships From %{country}",
"ShipsTo": "配送可能エリア",
"AddShipToRegion": "Shipping Region",
"AddShipToRegionNote": "Adds All Nations in a Region",
@@ -170,6 +177,16 @@
"SSLIsOn": "SSL is on",
"SSLIsOff": "SSL is off",
"LibbitcoinServerAddress": "Libbitcoinサーバーアドレス",
+ "SMTPNotificationsWarning": "Turn email notifications on/off",
+ "SMTPNotifications": "SMTP Notifications",
+ "SMTPPassword": "SMTP Password",
+ "SMTPUsername": "SMTP Username",
+ "SMTPServer": "SMTP Server Address",
+ "SMTPServerExample": "hostname:port",
+ "SMTPRecipientExample": "recipient@gmail.com",
+ "SMTPRecipient": "Recipient Email Address",
+ "SMTPSenderExample": "sender@gmail.com",
+ "SMTPSender": "Sender Email Address",
"ServerIPPort": "サーバーIP:ポート",
"All": "すべて",
"Name": "氏名",
@@ -229,7 +246,9 @@
"SearchForCategory": "カテゴリーで検索する",
"Moderators": "仲介者",
"CurrentModerators": "現仲介者",
- "AddModerators": "仲介者を追加",
+ "AddModerators": "Add Moderators",
+ "ManualAddModerator": "Add Moderators by GUID",
+ "ManualAddModeratorHelp": "Enter the GUIDs of one or more moderators, separated by commas, here. The GUID is on the right side of their About tab on their page. Adding the GUID of a user that is not a moderator will have no effect, that GUID will be ignored.",
"DeselectToRemoveModerator": "仲介者を削除したい場合、チェックを外してください。",
"SelectToAddModerator": "追加したい仲介者を選択",
"Categories": "カテゴリー",
@@ -297,9 +316,9 @@
"Off": "Off",
"ClickToChange": "Click to change",
"NotProvided": "not provided",
- "NotFollowingAnyone": "Not following anyone",
- "NoFollowers": "No followers",
- "NoReviews": "No reviews",
+ "NotFollowingAnyone": "No nodes being followed were loaded",
+ "NoFollowers": "No followers were loaded",
+ "NoReviews": "No reviews were loaded",
"NoDetailsSpecified": "No details specified",
"Moderator": "Moderator",
"Moderator2": "Moderator:",
@@ -322,10 +341,11 @@
"ServerChangeWarningHeadline": "Caution: Record Your Settings",
"ServerChangeWarning": "We recommend you make a copy of your previous settings, shown below. Your previous username and password will no longer be available beyond this point.",
"ModeratorFee": "Fee:",
- "PriceForOne": "Price per single item, file, or service.",
+ "PriceForOne": "Price per single item, file, or service. Based on the listing's base price and the current exchange rate of BTC. This may not match the order total, which is based on the exchange rate of BTC at the time you purchased this listing.",
"Avatar": "Avatar",
"AdditionalPaymentData": "Additional payment data",
"AdditionalPaymentDataInfo": "Include name of purchase and order number in payment QR code?",
+ "ShippableHelp": "This product can be shipped to one of your currently saved addresses. Add more addresses in the Settings/Addresses section to be able to purchase more listings.",
"firewall": {
"Open": "Open",
"Restricted": "Restricted",
@@ -489,7 +509,8 @@
"UpdatingOrder": "Updating your transaction",
"UpdateComplete": "Your transaction update is complete",
"UpdateFailed": "Your transaction update did not complete. Open the transaction and try again",
- "UpdateInvalid": "Your transaction update returned invalid data. Open the transaction and try again"
+ "UpdateInvalid": "Your transaction update returned invalid data. Open the transaction and try again",
+ "ExportCSV": "Export to CSV"
"errorMessages": {
"saveError": "データの保存はできませんでした。",
@@ -510,7 +531,8 @@
"tooManyPhotosBody": "Some or all of your photos were prevented from being uploaded because you would exceeded the maximum allowable amount.",
"badJSON": "The JSON data returned from the server was malformed",
"refundAlreadySent": "The refund has already been successfully sent for this order",
- "serverTimeout": "No response was received from the server. It may be unreachable or taking a very long time to respond."
+ "serverTimeout": "No response was received from the server. It may be unreachable or taking a very long time to respond.",
+ "noData": "No data is available for the options you have selected."
"pageConnectingMessages": {
"listingConnect": "Connecting to listing ${listing}",
@@ -557,11 +579,14 @@
"cases": "事例",
"notifications": "通知",
"settings": "設定",
+ "refresh": "Refresh Page",
"restart": "Restart Application",
"about": "OpenBazaarについて",
"support": "OpenBazaarをサポートする",
"Forward": "Forward",
- "Back": "戻る"
+ "Back": "戻る",
+ "newServer": "New Server",
+ "manageServers": "Manage Servers"
"onboarding": {
"intro": "OpenBazaarの設定",
@@ -620,6 +645,7 @@
"buyFlow": {
"PayForOrder": "Pay for Order",
+ "BuyOwnProductMsg": "You can't buy your own listing",
"NeedTempAddress": "I need a temporary Bitcoin address",
"NeedTempAddressHelper": "Please bookmark the url to your temporary bitcoin address",
"CantFindAddress": "I can't find my bitcoin address",
@@ -659,13 +685,10 @@
"noSearchResultsFound": "No results found"
"serverConnectModal": {
- "statusTryingToConnect": "Trying to connect to your server...",
- "statusConnected": "Connected.",
- "statusFailedConnection": "Unable to connect to your server",
- "statusFailedAuthentication": "Authentication failed",
- "statusTooManyAttempts": "Too many failed login attempts",
+ "connect": "Connect",
+ "connected": "Connected",
+ "connecting": "Connecting",
"serverConfiguration": "Server Configuration",
- "connecting": "Connecting...",
"intro": "OpenBazaar is designed to allow you to host your server separate from the client. By default, your server will run locally, but you can override it below.",
"serverIP": "Server IP",
"restApiPort": "Rest API port",
@@ -673,9 +696,19 @@
"heartbeatSocketApiPort": "Heartbeat socket port",
"username": "Username",
"password": "Password",
- "restoreDefaults": "Restore defaults",
"saveChanges": "Save Changes",
- "retry": "Retry connection"
+ "defaultServerName": "default",
+ "portedConnectionName": "ported connection",
+ "connectionFailed": "Connection failed to %{serverName}",
+ "connectingTo": "Connecting to %{serverName}",
+ "connectingToDefault": "Connecting to the default server",
+ "authFailed": "authentication failed",
+ "authFailedTooManyAttempts": "too many failed authentication attempts",
+ "serverConfigsHeaderMsg": "Your Server Configurations",
+ "newConfigHeaderMsg": "Enter Server Details",
+ "editConfigHeaderMsg": "Configuration Settings",
+ "serverConfigsTitle": "Server Configurations",
+ "newConfigTitle": "New Configuration"
"timezones": {
"-12": "(GMT -12:00) Eniwetok, Kwajalein",
diff --git a/js/languages/ko.json b/js/languages/ko.json
index a1e453095..9fdefd422 100644
--- a/js/languages/ko.json
+++ b/js/languages/ko.json
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
"of": "/",
"Sell": "판매",
"New": "새 항목",
+ "Retry": "Retry",
"HighlightToStyle": "스타일을 지정할 텍스트를 강조 표시",
"Excellent": "매우 좋음",
"Good": "좋음",
@@ -76,6 +77,7 @@
"GoToMyPage": "내 페이지",
"Random": "임의",
"ShowOnlyFollowerListings": "개인",
+ "DoesNotShip": "Does not ship to you",
"TryRandom": "더 많은 발견을 위한 임의 모드 사용",
"ShowOnlyFollowerListingsTooltip": "팔로우하는 스토어의 목록 보기",
"ShowAllListingsTooltip": "네트워크 상의 임의 목록 보기",
@@ -85,7 +87,7 @@
"SearchForItemsPlaceholder": "#태그 (#games, #shoes...) 입력",
"SearchForPagesPlaceholder": "이름이나 키워드로 검색",
"SearchFeedPlaceholder": "키워드 입력",
- "SearchForFollowersPlaceholder": "이름 입력",
+ "SearchForFollowersPlaceholder": "Search for a name in your currently loaded followers (scroll to load more).",
"SearchForUsersPlaceholder": "이름 입력",
"SearchOnUserStorePlaceholder": "제목 입력",
"EstDeliveryDomesticPlaceholder": "3-5 영업일",
@@ -175,6 +177,16 @@
"SSLIsOn": "SSL is on",
"SSLIsOff": "SSL is off",
"LibbitcoinServerAddress": "Libbitcoin 서버 주소",
+ "SMTPNotificationsWarning": "Turn email notifications on/off",
+ "SMTPNotifications": "SMTP Notifications",
+ "SMTPPassword": "SMTP Password",
+ "SMTPUsername": "SMTP Username",
+ "SMTPServer": "SMTP Server Address",
+ "SMTPServerExample": "hostname:port",
+ "SMTPRecipientExample": "recipient@gmail.com",
+ "SMTPRecipient": "Recipient Email Address",
+ "SMTPSenderExample": "sender@gmail.com",
+ "SMTPSender": "Sender Email Address",
"ServerIPPort": "서버 IP:포트",
"All": "모두",
"Name": "이름",
@@ -304,9 +316,9 @@
"Off": "Off",
"ClickToChange": "Click to change",
"NotProvided": "not provided",
- "NotFollowingAnyone": "Not following anyone",
- "NoFollowers": "팔로워 없는",
- "NoReviews": "리뷰 없는",
+ "NotFollowingAnyone": "No nodes being followed were loaded",
+ "NoFollowers": "No followers were loaded",
+ "NoReviews": "No reviews were loaded",
"NoDetailsSpecified": "No details specified",
"Moderator": "Moderator",
"Moderator2": "Moderator:",
@@ -396,7 +408,7 @@
"sortByStatus0": "구매 진행 중 (지불 대기)",
"sortByStatus1": "처리 준비 완료 (지불 완료)",
"sortByStatus2": "Confirmed/Shipped",
- "sortByStatus3": "Completed (Funds Released)",
+ "sortByStatus3": "Completed (Payment released)",
"sortByStatus4": "Disputed",
"sortByStatus5": "Dispute Closed",
"sortByStatus6": "Dispute Resolved",
@@ -404,10 +416,10 @@
"OrderID": "Order ID",
"OrderDate": "Order Date",
"OrderStatus": "Order Status",
- "OrderStatus0": "Purchased (Not Funded)",
+ "OrderStatus0": "Purchasing (Payment pending)",
"OrderStatus1": "Ready to process (Paid in full)",
"OrderStatus2": "Confirmed/Shipped",
- "OrderStatus3": "Completed (Funds Released)",
+ "OrderStatus3": "Completed (Payment released)",
"OrderStatus4": "Disputed",
"OrderStatusopen": "Disputed",
"OrderStatus5": "분쟁 마침",
@@ -511,9 +523,9 @@
"socketError": "웹 소켓의 URL에 실패했습니다.ws://localhost:18466 의 기본 주소와 소켓에 연결.",
"contractError": "이 아이템은 구매할 수 없습니다.",
"sellerError": "판매자의 서버가 구매 요청을 거부했습니다. 연결 문제일 가능성이 있습니다.",
- "checkPurchaseData": "Check your purchase data, such as quantity and Bitcoin refund address, to make sure it is valid",
+ "checkPurchaseData": "Check your purchase data, such as quantity and Bitcoin refund address, to make sure it is valid. If it is valid, try again in a few seconds.",
"pageUnavailable": "이 페이지는 현재 사용할 수 없습니다.",
- "badHandle": "The handle you entered does not have a valid OpenBazaar ID",
+ "badHandle": "The handle you entered does not have a valid OpenBazaar ID.",
"serverDown": "The server has been shut down",
"tooManyPhotosTitle": "Too many photos",
"tooManyPhotosBody": "Some or all of your photos were prevented from being uploaded because you would exceeded the maximum allowable amount.",
@@ -534,7 +546,7 @@
"about": "OpenBazaar is a network of users who buy and sell goods and services directly with each other, using Bitcoin. This network is decentralized and isn't controlled by any organization.
The software is open source and MIT licensed. You can view the code on GitHub.
OpenBazaar is a community project, and we welcome participation in our Slack channel or on our subreddit.
If you need help, read the OpenBazaar version 1.0 tutorial.
If you still have questions, open an issue at our support desk.
"contributors": "- Giannis Adamopoulos
- Ariadni-Karolina Alexiou
- Tikhon Bernstam
- Brad Burnham
- George Chatzisofroniou
- Patrick Connolly
- Chris Dixon
- Simon de la Rouviere
- Braden Glasgow
- Brian Hoffman
- Ben Holden-Crowther
- Joshua Jeffryes
- Nikolas Korasidis
- Regan Lawton
- Sami Lehtinen
- Angel Leon
- Joye Lin
- Joel Monegro
- William Mougayar
- Jonas David Nick
- Onename
- Chris Pacia
- Sam Patterson
- Chara Podimata
- Samuel Reed
- Washington Sanchez
- Aeron Paul Sioson
- Adrian Smith
- Adam Snodgrass
- Thomas Stilwell
- Amir Taaki
- Mike Wolf
- Dionysis Zindros
- secret-bitcoin-login
- Rav3nPL
- El--Presidente
- Tinytin
- ULRichard
"support": "You can help OpenBazaar in several ways on our mission to make trade free.
Buying and selling goods and services on the network helps grow our community and make the platform more attractive to new users. Politely asking Bitcoin-accepting businesses to sell on the platform helps spread the word and shows demand for peer to peer trade.
If you're a developer, check out our GitHub and see where you can help us. Beyond helping with the core code, we hope the permissionless and open source nature of the project means you will build new services on top of the existing network.
You can also donate Bitcoin to the project, which will be used to defray costs for visiting conferences, offering bounties for development, and promoting OpenBazaar.
Please join our Slack if you have new ideas for OpenBazaar, or have questions for the core devs.
- "licensing": "- protobuf
- Twisted
- txrudp
- pyelliptic
- pystun
- bitcoin
- gnupg
- pynacl
- txrestapi
- txws
- python-libbitcoin client
- requests
- backbone
- underscore
- moment.js
- jquery
- electron.js
- backbone.linear
- list.js
- polyglot.js
- taggle.js
- safestart
- python-bitcoinlib
+ "licensing": "OpenBazaar is open source software under the MIT license. This license is permissive and designed to allow people to freely reuse the code for other open source projects or for proprietary software. The full license text is below.
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright © 2016 OpenBazaar Developers
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
The following libraries are used in OpenBazaar:
- protobuf
- Twisted
- txrudp
- pyelliptic
- pystun
- bitcoin
- gnupg
- pynacl
- txrestapi
- txws
- python-libbitcoin client
- requests
- backbone
- underscore
- moment.js
- jquery
- electron.js
- backbone.linear
- list.js
- polyglot.js
- taggle.js
- safestart
- python-bitcoinlib
"saveMessages": {
"Saved": "저장됨",
@@ -572,7 +584,9 @@
"about": "오픈바자 정보",
"support": "오픈바자 지원",
"Forward": "압",
- "Back": "뒤로"
+ "Back": "뒤로",
+ "newServer": "New Server",
+ "manageServers": "Manage Servers"
"onboarding": {
"intro": "오픈바자 구서",
@@ -631,11 +645,12 @@
"buyFlow": {
"PayForOrder": "Pay for Order",
+ "BuyOwnProductMsg": "You can't buy your own listing",
"NeedTempAddress": "I need a temporary Bitcoin address",
"NeedTempAddressHelper": "Please bookmark the url to your temporary bitcoin address",
"CantFindAddress": "I can't find my bitcoin address",
"BitcoinWallet": "Bitcoin Wallet",
- "ModeratedPaymentDescription": "Your payment is held in a secure wallet until the seller completes their end of the agreement. If issues arise, a Moderator will help.",
+ "ModeratedPaymentDescription": "Your payment is held in a secure wallet until the vendor completes their end of the agreement. If issues arise, a Moderator will help.",
"ModeratorFeeHelper": "The moderator may charge a fee, but only if a dispute arises.",
"ModeratedPayment": "Moderated Payment",
"DisputeFee": "Dispute fee",
@@ -643,7 +658,7 @@
"HaveWallet": "당신은 지갑 있어?",
"QuickSetup": "It only takes a few minutes to set one up",
"CreateWallet": "지갑 만들기",
- "DirectPaymentDescription": "Funds are sent directly to the seller. Only use on small purchases or when purchasing from a trusted seller.",
+ "DirectPaymentDescription": "Funds are sent directly to the vendor. Only use on small purchases or when purchasing from a trusted vendor.",
"DirectPayment": "직접 지불",
"SendDirectlyTo": "Send direct payment to %{handle}",
"MustAddAddress": "배송지 주소 추가해야 함",
@@ -670,13 +685,10 @@
"noSearchResultsFound": "채트에서 제품을 찾을 수 없음"
"serverConnectModal": {
- "statusTryingToConnect": "Trying to connect to your server...",
- "statusConnected": "연결!",
- "statusFailedConnection": "Unable to connect to your server",
- "statusFailedAuthentication": "입증 실패",
- "statusTooManyAttempts": "Too many failed login attempts",
+ "connect": "Connect",
+ "connected": "Connected",
+ "connecting": "Connecting",
"serverConfiguration": "Server Configuration",
- "connecting": "연결 증...",
"intro": "OpenBazaar is designed to allow you to host your server separate from the client. By default, your server will run locally, but you can override it below.",
"serverIP": "서버 IP",
"restApiPort": "Rest API 포트",
@@ -684,9 +696,19 @@
"heartbeatSocketApiPort": "Heartbeat socket 포트",
"username": "사용자 이름",
"password": "암호",
- "restoreDefaults": "기본값 되돌리기",
"saveChanges": "변경 사항 저장",
- "retry": "연결 재시도"
+ "defaultServerName": "default",
+ "portedConnectionName": "ported connection",
+ "connectionFailed": "Connection failed to %{serverName}",
+ "connectingTo": "Connecting to %{serverName}",
+ "connectingToDefault": "Connecting to the default server",
+ "authFailed": "authentication failed",
+ "authFailedTooManyAttempts": "too many failed authentication attempts",
+ "serverConfigsHeaderMsg": "Your Server Configurations",
+ "newConfigHeaderMsg": "Enter Server Details",
+ "editConfigHeaderMsg": "Configuration Settings",
+ "serverConfigsTitle": "Server Configurations",
+ "newConfigTitle": "New Configuration"
"timezones": {
"-12": "(GMT -12:00) Eniwetok, Kwajalein",
diff --git a/js/languages/nl-NL.json b/js/languages/nl-NL.json
index 154579b3e..b229bd0fe 100644
--- a/js/languages/nl-NL.json
+++ b/js/languages/nl-NL.json
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
"EnterMessage": "Vul bericht in...",
"Recommended": "Aangeraden",
"Reload": "Herlaad",
+ "LoadIndex": "Load Index",
"You": "U",
"Skip": "Sla over",
"Done": "Voltooid",
@@ -23,6 +24,7 @@
"of": "van",
"Sell": "Verkopen",
"New": "Nieuw",
+ "Retry": "Retry",
"HighlightToStyle": "Selecteer tekst voor opmaak",
"Excellent": "Geweldig",
"Good": "Goed",
@@ -48,6 +50,8 @@
"ViewListing": "Bekijk Aanbieding",
"Unfollow": "Stop met volgen",
"ConfirmUnfollow": "Bevestig het ontvolgen",
+ "AddModerator": "Voeg toe als Moderator",
+ "RemoveModerator": "Verwijder toe als Moderator",
"About": "Over",
"Version": "Versie %{version}",
"NoDescriptionAdded": "Geen beschrijving toegevoegd",
@@ -73,6 +77,7 @@
"GoToMyPage": "Mijn Pagina",
"Random": "Willekeurig",
"ShowOnlyFollowerListings": "Gepersonaliseerd",
+ "DoesNotShip": "Does not ship to you",
"TryRandom": "Probeer \"willekeurige mode\" om meer te ontdekken",
"ShowOnlyFollowerListingsTooltip": "Bekijk aanbiedingen van winkels die ik volg",
"ShowAllListingsTooltip": "Bekijk willekeurige aanbiedingen op het netwerk",
@@ -82,7 +87,7 @@
"SearchForItemsPlaceholder": "Vul #games, #shoes of een andere #tag in...",
"SearchForPagesPlaceholder": "Zoek via naam of keyword",
"SearchFeedPlaceholder": "Vul een keyword in...",
- "SearchForFollowersPlaceholder": "Vul een naam in...",
+ "SearchForFollowersPlaceholder": "Search for a name in your currently loaded followers (scroll to load more).",
"SearchForUsersPlaceholder": "Vul een naam in...",
"SearchOnUserStorePlaceholder": "Vul een titel in...",
"EstDeliveryDomesticPlaceholder": "3-5 Werkdagen",
@@ -94,7 +99,8 @@
"ReturnPolicyPlaceholder": "Vul Terugstuurbeleid in...",
"CategoryPlaceholder": "Vul categorie in",
"CategoryHelperText": "Categorieen worden gebruikt om aanbiedingen in je winkel te groeperen en organiseren.",
- "KeywordsHelperText": "Door tags toe te voegen wordt uw aanbieding zichtbaarder op de markt. Er is een maximum van 10 tags.",
+ "KeywordsPlaceholder": "Enter One or More Tags",
+ "KeywordsHelperText": "Adding tags helps your listing to be discovered in the market. You can only have one of each tag, and a maximum of 10 tags, separated by commas or the enter key.",
"ExpirationDateHelperText": "Stel een datum vast om automatisch je aanbieding te verwijderen.",
"ClearExpirationDate": "Verwijder Vervaldatum",
"ReturnPolicy": "Terugstuurbeleid",
@@ -131,6 +137,7 @@
"Tags": "Tags",
"Keywords": "Trefwoorden",
"ShipsFrom": "Verstuurd Van",
+ "ShipsFrom2": "Ships From %{country}",
"ShipsTo": "Verstuurd Naar",
"AddShipToRegion": "Verzend-regio",
"AddShipToRegionNote": "Voegt alle naties in een regio toe",
@@ -170,6 +177,16 @@
"SSLIsOn": "SSL staat aan",
"SSLIsOff": "SSL staat uit",
"LibbitcoinServerAddress": "Libbitcoin server adres",
+ "SMTPNotificationsWarning": "Turn email notifications on/off",
+ "SMTPNotifications": "SMTP Notifications",
+ "SMTPPassword": "SMTP Password",
+ "SMTPUsername": "SMTP Username",
+ "SMTPServer": "SMTP Server Address",
+ "SMTPServerExample": "hostname:port",
+ "SMTPRecipientExample": "recipient@gmail.com",
+ "SMTPRecipient": "Recipient Email Address",
+ "SMTPSenderExample": "sender@gmail.com",
+ "SMTPSender": "Sender Email Address",
"ServerIPPort": "Server IP:Port",
"All": "Allen",
"Name": "Naam",
@@ -229,7 +246,9 @@
"SearchForCategory": "Zoek op categorie",
"Moderators": "Moderators",
"CurrentModerators": "Huidige Moderators",
- "AddModerators": "Voeg nieuwe Moderators Toe",
+ "AddModerators": "Voeg Moderators Toe",
+ "ManualAddModerator": "Voeg Moderators Toe via GUID",
+ "ManualAddModeratorHelp": "Enter the GUIDs of one or more moderators, separated by commas, here. The GUID is on the right side of their About tab on their page. Adding the GUID of a user that is not a moderator will have no effect, that GUID will be ignored.",
"DeselectToRemoveModerator": "Deselecteer de moderators die u wilt verwijderen",
"SelectToAddModerator": "Selecteer de moderators die u wilt toevoegen",
"Categories": "Categorieen",
@@ -297,9 +316,9 @@
"Off": "Uit",
"ClickToChange": "Klik om te veranderen",
"NotProvided": "niet voorzien",
- "NotFollowingAnyone": "Volgt niemand",
- "NoFollowers": "Geen volgers",
- "NoReviews": "Geen reviews",
+ "NotFollowingAnyone": "No nodes being followed were loaded",
+ "NoFollowers": "No followers were loaded",
+ "NoReviews": "No reviews were loaded",
"NoDetailsSpecified": "No details specified",
"Moderator": "Moderator",
"Moderator2": "Moderator:",
@@ -322,10 +341,11 @@
"ServerChangeWarningHeadline": "Waarschuwing: Sla Uw Instellingen Op",
"ServerChangeWarning": "Wij raden aan uw instellingen op te slaan, zoals hieronder getoond. Uw vorige gebruikersnaam en wachtwoord zullen hierna niet meer beschikbaar zijn.",
"ModeratorFee": "Fooi:",
- "PriceForOne": "Price per single item, file, or service.",
+ "PriceForOne": "Price per single item, file, or service. Based on the listing's base price and the current exchange rate of BTC. This may not match the order total, which is based on the exchange rate of BTC at the time you purchased this listing.",
"Avatar": "Avatar",
"AdditionalPaymentData": "Additional payment data",
"AdditionalPaymentDataInfo": "Include name of purchase and order number in payment QR code?",
+ "ShippableHelp": "This product can be shipped to one of your currently saved addresses. Add more addresses in the Settings/Addresses section to be able to purchase more listings.",
"firewall": {
"Open": "Open",
"Restricted": "Beperkt",
@@ -489,7 +509,8 @@
"UpdatingOrder": "Updating your transaction",
"UpdateComplete": "Your transaction update is complete",
"UpdateFailed": "Your transaction update did not complete. Open the transaction and try again",
- "UpdateInvalid": "Your transaction update returned invalid data. Open the transaction and try again"
+ "UpdateInvalid": "Your transaction update returned invalid data. Open the transaction and try again",
+ "ExportCSV": "Export to CSV"
"errorMessages": {
"saveError": "Data kon niet worden opgeslagen.",
@@ -510,7 +531,8 @@
"tooManyPhotosBody": "Sommige of all uw foto's konden niet ge-upload worden omdat u hiermee de maximumhoeveelheid zou overschrijden.",
"badJSON": "De JSON data die ontvangen was van de server was misvormd",
"refundAlreadySent": "The refund has already been successfully sent for this order",
- "serverTimeout": "Geen antwoord ontvangen van de server. Deze kan onbereikbaar zijn of een lange tijd nodig hebben om te reageren."
+ "serverTimeout": "Geen antwoord ontvangen van de server. Deze kan onbereikbaar zijn of een lange tijd nodig hebben om te reageren.",
+ "noData": "No data is available for the options you have selected."
"pageConnectingMessages": {
"listingConnect": "Connecting to listing ${listing}",
@@ -557,11 +579,14 @@
"cases": "Voorvallen",
"notifications": "Notificaties",
"settings": "Instellingen",
- "restart": "Restart Application",
+ "refresh": "Vernieuw Pagina",
+ "restart": "Herstart Programma",
"about": "Over OpenBazaar",
"support": "Steun OpenBazaar",
"Forward": "Verder",
- "Back": "Terug"
+ "Back": "Terug",
+ "newServer": "New Server",
+ "manageServers": "Manage Servers"
"onboarding": {
"intro": "OpenBazaar Configuratie",
@@ -620,6 +645,7 @@
"buyFlow": {
"PayForOrder": "Betaal voor Bestelling",
+ "BuyOwnProductMsg": "You can't buy your own listing",
"NeedTempAddress": "Ik heb een tijdelijk Bitcoin-adres nodig",
"NeedTempAddressHelper": "Maak alstublieft een bladwijzer naar uw tijdelijke Bitcoin-adres",
"CantFindAddress": "Ik kan mijn Bitcoin-adres niet vinden",
@@ -659,13 +685,10 @@
"noSearchResultsFound": "Geen resultaten gevonden"
"serverConnectModal": {
- "statusTryingToConnect": "Probeert te verbinden met uw server...",
- "statusConnected": "Verbonden.",
- "statusFailedConnection": "Niet in staat te verbinden met uw server",
- "statusFailedAuthentication": "Authenticatie mislukt",
- "statusTooManyAttempts": "Teveel mislukte loginpogingen",
+ "connect": "Connect",
+ "connected": "Connected",
+ "connecting": "Connecting",
"serverConfiguration": "Server Configuratie",
- "connecting": "Verbinden...",
"intro": "OpenBazaar is ontworpen om u een server onafhankelijk van de client te laten hosten. Standaard zal uw server lokaal werken, maar u kunt hieronder een alternatief instellen.",
"serverIP": "Server IP",
"restApiPort": "Rest API port",
@@ -673,29 +696,39 @@
"heartbeatSocketApiPort": "Heartbeat socket port",
"username": "Gebruikersnaam",
"password": "Wachtwoord",
- "restoreDefaults": "Herstel standaarden",
"saveChanges": "Bewaar Veranderingen",
- "retry": "Probeer opnieuw te verbinden"
+ "defaultServerName": "default",
+ "portedConnectionName": "ported connection",
+ "connectionFailed": "Connection failed to %{serverName}",
+ "connectingTo": "Connecting to %{serverName}",
+ "connectingToDefault": "Connecting to the default server",
+ "authFailed": "authentication failed",
+ "authFailedTooManyAttempts": "too many failed authentication attempts",
+ "serverConfigsHeaderMsg": "Your Server Configurations",
+ "newConfigHeaderMsg": "Enter Server Details",
+ "editConfigHeaderMsg": "Configuration Settings",
+ "serverConfigsTitle": "Server Configurations",
+ "newConfigTitle": "New Configuration"
"timezones": {
"-12": "(GMT -12:00) Eniwetok, Kwajalein",
"-11": "(GMT -11:00) Midway Island, Samoa",
"-10": "(GMT -10:00) Hawaii",
"-9": "(GMT -9:00) Alaska",
- "-8": "(GMT -8:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)",
+ "-8": "(GMT -8:00) Pacifische Tijd (VS & Canada)",
"-7": "(GMT -7:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)",
"-6": "(GMT -6:00) Central Time (US & Canada), Mexico City",
"-5": "(GMT -5:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada), Bogota, Lima",
"-4": "(GMT -4:00) Atlantic Time (Canada), Caracas, La Paz",
"-3.5": "(GMT -3:30) Newfoundland",
"-3": "(GMT -3:00) Brazil, Buenos Aires, Georgetown",
- "-2": "(GMT -2:00) Mid-Atlantic",
+ "-2": "(GMT -2:00) Midden-Atlantische Oceaan",
"-1": "(GMT -1:00) Azores, Cape Verde Islands",
- "0": "(GMT) Western Europe Time, London, Lisbon, Casablanca",
- "1": "(GMT +1:00) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris",
+ "0": "(GMT) West-Europese Tijd, Londen, Lissabon, Casablanca",
+ "1": "(GMT +1:00) Brussel, Kopenhagen, Madrid, Parijs",
"2": "(GMT +2:00) Kaliningrad, South Africa",
"3": "(GMT +3:00) Baghdad, Riyadh, Moscow, St. Petersburg",
- "3.5": "(GMT +3:30) Tehran",
+ "3.5": "(GMT +3:30) Teheran",
"4": "(GMT +4:00) Abu Dhabi, Muscat, Baku, Tbilisi",
"4.5": "(GMT +4:30) Kabul",
"5": "(GMT +5:00) Ekaterinburg, Islamabad, Karachi, Tashkent",
diff --git a/js/languages/pl.json b/js/languages/pl.json
index 2a4d3030f..140da5a19 100644
--- a/js/languages/pl.json
+++ b/js/languages/pl.json
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
"of": "z",
"Sell": "Sprzedaj",
"New": "Nowy",
+ "Retry": "Retry",
"HighlightToStyle": "Zaznacz tekst do stylowania",
"Excellent": "Doskonały",
"Good": "W dobrym stanie",
@@ -76,6 +77,7 @@
"GoToMyPage": "Mój profil",
"Random": "Losowe",
"ShowOnlyFollowerListings": "Spersonalizowane",
+ "DoesNotShip": "Does not ship to you",
"TryRandom": "Wypróbuj tryb losowy, aby odkryć więcej",
"ShowOnlyFollowerListingsTooltip": "Przeglądaj oferty z obserwowanych sklepów",
"ShowAllListingsTooltip": "Przeglądaj losowe oferty z sieci",
@@ -85,7 +87,7 @@
"SearchForItemsPlaceholder": "Wprowadź słowo kluczowe...",
"SearchForPagesPlaceholder": "Szukaj po nazwie lub słowie kluczowym",
"SearchFeedPlaceholder": "Wprowadź słowo kluczowe...",
- "SearchForFollowersPlaceholder": "Wprowadź imię...",
+ "SearchForFollowersPlaceholder": "Search for a name in your currently loaded followers (scroll to load more).",
"SearchForUsersPlaceholder": "Wprowadź imię...",
"SearchOnUserStorePlaceholder": "Wpisz tytuł lub #tag",
"EstDeliveryDomesticPlaceholder": "3-5 dni roboczych",
@@ -175,6 +177,16 @@
"SSLIsOn": "SSL jest aktywne",
"SSLIsOff": "SSL jest nieaktywne",
"LibbitcoinServerAddress": "Adres serwera Libbitcoin",
+ "SMTPNotificationsWarning": "Turn email notifications on/off",
+ "SMTPNotifications": "SMTP Notifications",
+ "SMTPPassword": "SMTP Password",
+ "SMTPUsername": "SMTP Username",
+ "SMTPServer": "SMTP Server Address",
+ "SMTPServerExample": "hostname:port",
+ "SMTPRecipientExample": "recipient@gmail.com",
+ "SMTPRecipient": "Recipient Email Address",
+ "SMTPSenderExample": "sender@gmail.com",
+ "SMTPSender": "Sender Email Address",
"ServerIPPort": "IP:port serwera",
"All": "Wszystko",
"Name": "Nazwa",
@@ -304,9 +316,9 @@
"Off": "Wyłączone",
"ClickToChange": "Kliknij, by zmienić",
"NotProvided": "brak",
- "NotFollowingAnyone": "Brak obserwowanych",
- "NoFollowers": "Brak obserwujących",
- "NoReviews": "Brak ocen",
+ "NotFollowingAnyone": "No nodes being followed were loaded",
+ "NoFollowers": "No followers were loaded",
+ "NoReviews": "No reviews were loaded",
"NoDetailsSpecified": "Nie podano szczegółów",
"Moderator": "Arbiter",
"Moderator2": "Arbiter:",
@@ -572,7 +584,9 @@
"about": "O projekcie",
"support": "Wspomóż projekt",
"Forward": "Dalej",
- "Back": "Wróć"
+ "Back": "Wróć",
+ "newServer": "New Server",
+ "manageServers": "Manage Servers"
"onboarding": {
"intro": "Konfiguracja OpenBazaar",
@@ -631,6 +645,7 @@
"buyFlow": {
"PayForOrder": "Opłać zamówienie",
+ "BuyOwnProductMsg": "You can't buy your own listing",
"NeedTempAddress": "Potrzebuję tymczasowego adresu Bitcoin",
"NeedTempAddressHelper": "Dodaj tymczasowy adres Bitcoin do zakładek",
"CantFindAddress": "Nie mogę znaleźć swojego adresu Bitcoin",
@@ -670,13 +685,10 @@
"noSearchResultsFound": "Brak wyników"
"serverConnectModal": {
- "statusTryingToConnect": "Łączę się z Twoim serwerem ...",
- "statusConnected": "Połączono.",
- "statusFailedConnection": "Nie można połączyć się z Twoim serwerem.",
- "statusFailedAuthentication": "Błąd uwierzytelniania.",
- "statusTooManyAttempts": "Przekroczona liczba błędnych logowań.",
+ "connect": "Connect",
+ "connected": "Connected",
+ "connecting": "Connecting",
"serverConfiguration": "Konfiguracja serwera",
- "connecting": "Łączę ...",
"intro": "OpenBazaar pozwala na działanie serwera niezależnie od klienta. Domyślnie serwer działa lokalnie, ale możesz zastąpić go poniżej.",
"serverIP": "IP serwera",
"restApiPort": "Port API REST",
@@ -684,9 +696,19 @@
"heartbeatSocketApiPort": "Port Hearbeat",
"username": "Pseudonim",
"password": "Hasło",
- "restoreDefaults": "Przywróć domyślne ustawienia.",
"saveChanges": "Zapisz wprowadzone zmiany",
- "retry": "Ponów połączenie"
+ "defaultServerName": "default",
+ "portedConnectionName": "ported connection",
+ "connectionFailed": "Connection failed to %{serverName}",
+ "connectingTo": "Connecting to %{serverName}",
+ "connectingToDefault": "Connecting to the default server",
+ "authFailed": "authentication failed",
+ "authFailedTooManyAttempts": "too many failed authentication attempts",
+ "serverConfigsHeaderMsg": "Your Server Configurations",
+ "newConfigHeaderMsg": "Enter Server Details",
+ "editConfigHeaderMsg": "Configuration Settings",
+ "serverConfigsTitle": "Server Configurations",
+ "newConfigTitle": "New Configuration"
"timezones": {
"-12": "(GMT -12:00) Eniwetok, Kwajalein",
diff --git a/js/languages/pt-BR.json b/js/languages/pt-BR.json
index 0ff0c46a3..2e454abf2 100644
--- a/js/languages/pt-BR.json
+++ b/js/languages/pt-BR.json
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
"EnterMessage": "Inserir mensagem...",
"Recommended": "Recomendado",
"Reload": "Recarregar",
+ "LoadIndex": "Carregar Índice",
"You": "Você",
"Skip": "Pular",
"Done": "Finalizar",
@@ -23,6 +24,7 @@
"of": "de",
"Sell": "Vender",
"New": "Novo",
+ "Retry": "Tentar novamente",
"HighlightToStyle": "Selecione o texto para formatá-lo",
"Excellent": "Excelente Estado",
"Good": "Bom Estado",
@@ -48,6 +50,8 @@
"ViewListing": "Ver Anúncio",
"Unfollow": "Deixar de seguir",
"ConfirmUnfollow": "Confirmar",
+ "AddModerator": "Adicionar como Moderador",
+ "RemoveModerator": "Remover Moderador",
"About": "Sobre",
"Version": "Versão %{version}",
"NoDescriptionAdded": "Sem descrição",
@@ -73,6 +77,7 @@
"GoToMyPage": "Minha Página",
"Random": "Aleatório",
"ShowOnlyFollowerListings": "Personalizado",
+ "DoesNotShip": "Does not ship to you",
"TryRandom": "Experimente o modo aleatório para descobrir mais lojas",
"ShowOnlyFollowerListingsTooltip": "Ver anúncios das lojas que eu sigo",
"ShowAllListingsTooltip": "Ver anúncios aleatórios da rede",
@@ -82,7 +87,7 @@
"SearchForItemsPlaceholder": "Procure por #jogos, #sapatos ou qualquer outra #tag...",
"SearchForPagesPlaceholder": "Procure pelo nome ou palavra-chave",
"SearchFeedPlaceholder": "Digite uma palavra-chave...",
- "SearchForFollowersPlaceholder": "Digite um nome...",
+ "SearchForFollowersPlaceholder": "Procure por um nome na lista de seguidores (role para baixo para carregar mais nomes)",
"SearchForUsersPlaceholder": "Digite um nome...",
"SearchOnUserStorePlaceholder": "Digite um título...",
"EstDeliveryDomesticPlaceholder": "3-5 Dias Úteis",
@@ -94,7 +99,8 @@
"ReturnPolicyPlaceholder": "Insira a política de devolução...",
"CategoryPlaceholder": "Insira a categoria",
"CategoryHelperText": "As categorias são usadas para agrupar e organizar os anúncios da sua loja.",
- "KeywordsHelperText": "Adicionar tags facilita a divulgação de seu anúncio no mercado. Você só pode usar um máximo de 10 tags e elas não podem ser repetidas.",
+ "KeywordsPlaceholder": "Insira Uma ou Mais Tags",
+ "KeywordsHelperText": "Acrescentar tags facilita a descoberta do seu anúncio no mercado. Você só pode usar cada tag uma única vez, e um máximo de 10 tags, separadas por vírgula ou usando a tecla Enter.",
"ExpirationDateHelperText": "Defina uma data para que o anúncio seja automaticamente removido de sua loja.",
"ClearExpirationDate": "Apagar Data de Expiração",
"ReturnPolicy": "Política de Devolução",
@@ -131,6 +137,7 @@
"Tags": "Tags",
"Keywords": "Palavras-chave",
"ShipsFrom": "Origem",
+ "ShipsFrom2": "País de Origem: %{country}",
"ShipsTo": "Entrega para",
"AddShipToRegion": "Região de Entrega",
"AddShipToRegionNote": "Adiciona todos os Países em uma Região",
@@ -170,6 +177,16 @@
"SSLIsOn": "SSL está ativado",
"SSLIsOff": "SSL está desativado",
"LibbitcoinServerAddress": "Endereço do servidor Libbitcoin",
+ "SMTPNotificationsWarning": "Turn email notifications on/off",
+ "SMTPNotifications": "SMTP Notifications",
+ "SMTPPassword": "SMTP Password",
+ "SMTPUsername": "SMTP Username",
+ "SMTPServer": "SMTP Server Address",
+ "SMTPServerExample": "hostname:port",
+ "SMTPRecipientExample": "recipient@gmail.com",
+ "SMTPRecipient": "Recipient Email Address",
+ "SMTPSenderExample": "sender@gmail.com",
+ "SMTPSender": "Sender Email Address",
"ServerIPPort": "IP do Servidor:Porta",
"All": "Todos",
"Name": "Nome",
@@ -229,7 +246,9 @@
"SearchForCategory": "Buscar por uma categoria",
"Moderators": "Moderadores",
"CurrentModerators": "Moderadores Atuais",
- "AddModerators": "Adicionar Novos Moderadores",
+ "AddModerators": "Adicionar Moderadores",
+ "ManualAddModerator": "Adicionar Moderadores pela GUID",
+ "ManualAddModeratorHelp": "Insira aqui as GUIDs de um ou mais moderadores, separadas por vírgulas. A GUID do moderador pode ser visualizada em sua página na aba Sobre. GUIDs de usuários que não são moderadores são ignoradas.",
"DeselectToRemoveModerator": "Desmarque os moderadores que você deseja remover",
"SelectToAddModerator": "Selecione os moderadores que você deseja adicionar",
"Categories": "Categorias",
@@ -297,9 +316,9 @@
"Off": "Desligado",
"ClickToChange": "Clique para modificar",
"NotProvided": "não fornecido",
- "NotFollowingAnyone": "Ninguém está sendo seguido",
- "NoFollowers": "Sem seguidores",
- "NoReviews": "Sem qualificações",
+ "NotFollowingAnyone": "Nenhum usuário sendo seguido foi carregado",
+ "NoFollowers": "Nenhum seguidor foi carregado",
+ "NoReviews": "Nenhuma qualificação foi carregada",
"NoDetailsSpecified": "Sem detalhes fornecidos",
"Moderator": "Moderação",
"Moderator2": "Moderador:",
@@ -322,10 +341,11 @@
"ServerChangeWarningHeadline": "Aviso: Salve suas Configurações",
"ServerChangeWarning": "Nós recomendamos que você faça uma cópia das suas configurações anteriores, que estão sendo mostradas abaixo. Após esse ponto, o seu usuário e senha antigos não estarão mais disponíveis.",
"ModeratorFee": "Taxa:",
- "PriceForOne": "Preço unitário por item, arquivo ou serviço.",
+ "PriceForOne": "Preço unitário por item, arquivo ou serviço. O preço é baseado no preço base do anúncio e no atual preço de compra do BTC. O preço exibido pode não corresponder ao valor do pedido total, que é baseado no preço de compra do BTC no momento em que você comprou esse item.",
"Avatar": "Imagem de Perfil",
"AdditionalPaymentData": "Dados de pagamento adicionais",
"AdditionalPaymentDataInfo": "Incluir o item e o número do pedido no código QR de pagamento?",
+ "ShippableHelp": "Esse produto pode ser enviado para um de seus endereços atualmente salvos. Acrescente mais endereços na seção Configurações/Endereços para poder comprar mais anúncios.",
"firewall": {
"Open": "Aberto",
"Restricted": "Restrito",
@@ -489,7 +509,8 @@
"UpdatingOrder": "Atualizando sua transação",
"UpdateComplete": "A atualização da sua transação foi concluída",
"UpdateFailed": "A atualização da sua transação não foi concluída. Abra a transação e tente novamente",
- "UpdateInvalid": "A atualização da sua transação retornou dados inválidos. Abra a transação e tente novamente"
+ "UpdateInvalid": "A atualização da sua transação retornou dados inválidos. Abra a transação e tente novamente",
+ "ExportCSV": "Exportar para CSV"
"errorMessages": {
"saveError": "Não foi possível salvar os dados.",
@@ -510,7 +531,8 @@
"tooManyPhotosBody": "Algumas ou todas as suas fotos não puderam ser enviadas porque você excedeu a quantia máxima permitida.",
"badJSON": "Os dados JSON que retornaram do servidor tinham formato incorreto",
"refundAlreadySent": "O reembolso desse pedido já foi enviado com sucesso",
- "serverTimeout": "Nenhuma resposta foi recebida do servidor. Ele pode estar inacessível ou levando um tempo muito longo para responder."
+ "serverTimeout": "Nenhuma resposta foi recebida do servidor. Ele pode estar inacessível ou levando um tempo muito longo para responder.",
+ "noData": "Nenhum dado está disponível para as opções que você selecionou."
"pageConnectingMessages": {
"listingConnect": "Conectando-se ao anúncio ${listing}",
@@ -557,11 +579,14 @@
"cases": "Casos",
"notifications": "Notificações",
"settings": "Configurações",
+ "refresh": "Atualizar Página",
"restart": "Reiniciar Aplicativo",
"about": "Sobre o OpenBazaar",
"support": "Apoiar o OpenBazaar",
"Forward": "Avançar",
- "Back": "Voltar"
+ "Back": "Voltar",
+ "newServer": "Novo Servidor",
+ "manageServers": "Configurar Servidores"
"onboarding": {
"intro": "Configuração do OpenBazaar",
@@ -620,6 +645,7 @@
"buyFlow": {
"PayForOrder": "Pagar o Pedido",
+ "BuyOwnProductMsg": "You can't buy your own listing",
"NeedTempAddress": "Eu preciso de um endereço Bitcoin temporário",
"NeedTempAddressHelper": "Por favor adicione aos seus favoritos essa URL do seu endereço Bitcoin temporário",
"CantFindAddress": "Não consigo encontrar meu endereço bitcoin",
@@ -659,13 +685,10 @@
"noSearchResultsFound": "Nenhum resultado foi encontrado"
"serverConnectModal": {
- "statusTryingToConnect": "Tentando conectar-se ao seu servidor...",
- "statusConnected": "Conectado.",
- "statusFailedConnection": "Não foi possível conectar ao seu servidor",
- "statusFailedAuthentication": "Falha na autenticação",
- "statusTooManyAttempts": "Muitas tentativas de login sem sucesso",
+ "connect": "Conectar",
+ "connected": "Conectado",
+ "connecting": "Conectando",
"serverConfiguration": "Configuração do Servidor",
- "connecting": "Conectando...",
"intro": "O OpenBazaar é projetado para permitir que você hospede o seu servidor separadamente do cliente. Por padrão, o seu servidor será executado localmente, mas você pode modificar essas configurações abaixo.",
"serverIP": "IP do Servidor",
"restApiPort": "Porta do Rest API",
@@ -673,9 +696,19 @@
"heartbeatSocketApiPort": "Porta do Heartbeat socket",
"username": "Usuário",
"password": "Senha",
- "restoreDefaults": "Restaurar padrões",
"saveChanges": "Salvar Modificações",
- "retry": "Tentar novamente"
+ "defaultServerName": "padrão",
+ "portedConnectionName": "conexão com porta",
+ "connectionFailed": "Falha ao conectar-se a %{serverName}",
+ "connectingTo": "Conectando-se a %{serverName}",
+ "connectingToDefault": "Conectando-se ao servidor padrão",
+ "authFailed": "falha na autenticação",
+ "authFailedTooManyAttempts": "muitas tentativas de autenticação sem sucesso",
+ "serverConfigsHeaderMsg": "Suas Configurações de Servidor",
+ "newConfigHeaderMsg": "Insira os Detalhes do Servidor",
+ "editConfigHeaderMsg": "Definições de Configuração",
+ "serverConfigsTitle": "Configurações do Servidor",
+ "newConfigTitle": "Nova Configuração"
"timezones": {
"-12": "(GMT -12:00) Enewetak, Kwajalein",
diff --git a/js/languages/ro.json b/js/languages/ro.json
index 3447d72a2..43bab2794 100644
--- a/js/languages/ro.json
+++ b/js/languages/ro.json
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
"EnterMessage": "Introduceți mesajul...",
"Recommended": "Recomandat",
"Reload": "Reîncărcare",
+ "LoadIndex": "Load Index",
"You": "Dvs.",
"Skip": "Sari peste",
"Done": "Efectuat",
@@ -23,6 +24,7 @@
"of": "din",
"Sell": "Vînzare",
"New": "Nou",
+ "Retry": "Retry",
"HighlightToStyle": "Highlight text to style",
"Excellent": "Excelent",
"Good": "Bun",
@@ -48,6 +50,8 @@
"ViewListing": "Vizualizare Listă",
"Unfollow": "Oprire Urmărire",
"ConfirmUnfollow": "Confirm Unfollow",
+ "AddModerator": "Add as Moderator",
+ "RemoveModerator": "Remove as Moderator",
"About": "Despre",
"Version": "Version %{version}",
"NoDescriptionAdded": "Nu a fost adăgată descrirea",
@@ -73,6 +77,7 @@
"GoToMyPage": "Pagina Mea",
"Random": "Random",
"ShowOnlyFollowerListings": "Personalized",
+ "DoesNotShip": "Does not ship to you",
"TryRandom": "Try random mode to discover more",
"ShowOnlyFollowerListingsTooltip": "View listings from stores I follow",
"ShowAllListingsTooltip": "View random listings on the network",
@@ -82,7 +87,7 @@
"SearchForItemsPlaceholder": "Scrieți #games, #shoes sau orice #tag...",
"SearchForPagesPlaceholder": "Căutare după nume sau cuvânt cheie",
"SearchFeedPlaceholder": "Căutare după nume sau OpenBazaar ID",
- "SearchForFollowersPlaceholder": "Căutare după nume sau OpenBazaar ID",
+ "SearchForFollowersPlaceholder": "Search for a name in your currently loaded followers (scroll to load more).",
"SearchForUsersPlaceholder": "Căutare după nume sau OpenBazaar ID",
"SearchOnUserStorePlaceholder": "Scrieți un titlu...",
"EstDeliveryDomesticPlaceholder": "3-5 Zile Lucrătoare",
@@ -94,7 +99,8 @@
"ReturnPolicyPlaceholder": "Introduceți politica de returnare...",
"CategoryPlaceholder": "Introduceți categoria",
"CategoryHelperText": "Categoriile sunt folosite pentru gruparea și organizarea produselor în magazinul dvs.",
- "KeywordsHelperText": "Adding tags helps your listing to be discovered in the market. You can only have one of each tag, and a maximum of 10 tags",
+ "KeywordsPlaceholder": "Enter One or More Tags",
+ "KeywordsHelperText": "Adding tags helps your listing to be discovered in the market. You can only have one of each tag, and a maximum of 10 tags, separated by commas or the enter key.",
"ExpirationDateHelperText": "Setați o dată pentru produsul dvs. să fie scos automat din magazin",
"ClearExpirationDate": "Ștergeți Data Expirării",
"ReturnPolicy": "Politica de Returnare",
@@ -131,6 +137,7 @@
"Tags": "Taguri",
"Keywords": "Cuvinte cheie",
"ShipsFrom": "Se Livrează Din",
+ "ShipsFrom2": "Ships From %{country}",
"ShipsTo": "Se Livrează Spre",
"AddShipToRegion": "Regiunea Livrării",
"AddShipToRegionNote": "Adaugă Toate Națiunile într-o Regiune",
@@ -170,6 +177,16 @@
"SSLIsOn": "SSL is on",
"SSLIsOff": "SSL is off",
"LibbitcoinServerAddress": "Adresa Libbitcoin a serverului",
+ "SMTPNotificationsWarning": "Turn email notifications on/off",
+ "SMTPNotifications": "SMTP Notifications",
+ "SMTPPassword": "SMTP Password",
+ "SMTPUsername": "SMTP Username",
+ "SMTPServer": "SMTP Server Address",
+ "SMTPServerExample": "hostname:port",
+ "SMTPRecipientExample": "recipient@gmail.com",
+ "SMTPRecipient": "Recipient Email Address",
+ "SMTPSenderExample": "sender@gmail.com",
+ "SMTPSender": "Sender Email Address",
"ServerIPPort": "Server IP:Port",
"All": "Toate",
"Name": "Nume",
@@ -229,7 +246,9 @@
"SearchForCategory": "Căutare categorie",
"Moderators": "Moderatori",
"CurrentModerators": "Moderatorii Curenți",
- "AddModerators": "Adăugare Moderator Nou",
+ "AddModerators": "Add Moderators",
+ "ManualAddModerator": "Add Moderators by GUID",
+ "ManualAddModeratorHelp": "Enter the GUIDs of one or more moderators, separated by commas, here. The GUID is on the right side of their About tab on their page. Adding the GUID of a user that is not a moderator will have no effect, that GUID will be ignored.",
"DeselectToRemoveModerator": "Deselectați moderatorii pe care doriți să îi ștergeți",
"SelectToAddModerator": "Selectați moderatorii pe care doriți să îi adăugați",
"Categories": "Categorii",
@@ -297,9 +316,9 @@
"Off": "Inactiv",
"ClickToChange": "Click pentru a schimba",
"NotProvided": "nu este furnizat",
- "NotFollowingAnyone": "Nu urmărește pe nimeni",
- "NoFollowers": "Nici un urmăritor",
- "NoReviews": "Nu sunt recenzii",
+ "NotFollowingAnyone": "No nodes being followed were loaded",
+ "NoFollowers": "No followers were loaded",
+ "NoReviews": "No reviews were loaded",
"NoDetailsSpecified": "No details specified",
"Moderator": "Moderator",
"Moderator2": "Moderator:",
@@ -322,10 +341,11 @@
"ServerChangeWarningHeadline": "Prudență: Înregistrați-vă Setările",
"ServerChangeWarning": "Vă recomandăm să faceți o copie a setărilor precedente, afișate mai jos. Numele de utilizator și parola precedentă nu vor mai fi disponibile dincolo de acest punct.",
"ModeratorFee": "Fee:",
- "PriceForOne": "Price per single item, file, or service.",
+ "PriceForOne": "Price per single item, file, or service. Based on the listing's base price and the current exchange rate of BTC. This may not match the order total, which is based on the exchange rate of BTC at the time you purchased this listing.",
"Avatar": "Avatar",
"AdditionalPaymentData": "Additional payment data",
"AdditionalPaymentDataInfo": "Include name of purchase and order number in payment QR code?",
+ "ShippableHelp": "This product can be shipped to one of your currently saved addresses. Add more addresses in the Settings/Addresses section to be able to purchase more listings.",
"firewall": {
"Open": "Open",
"Restricted": "Restricted",
@@ -489,7 +509,8 @@
"UpdatingOrder": "Tranzacția dvs. se actualizează",
"UpdateComplete": "Tranzacția dvs. a fost actualizată",
"UpdateFailed": "Tranzacția dvs. nu a putut fi actualizată. Deschideți tranzacția și încercați din nou",
- "UpdateInvalid": "Actualizarea tranzacției a întors date invalide. Deschideți tranzacția și încercați din nou"
+ "UpdateInvalid": "Actualizarea tranzacției a întors date invalide. Deschideți tranzacția și încercați din nou",
+ "ExportCSV": "Export to CSV"
"errorMessages": {
"saveError": "Datele nu au putut fi salvate.",
@@ -510,7 +531,8 @@
"tooManyPhotosBody": "Încărcarea cîtorva sau tuturor fotografiilor dvs. au fost prevenită pentru că ar fi depășit numărul maxim permis.",
"badJSON": "Datele JSON returnate de la server sunt malformate",
"refundAlreadySent": "The refund has already been successfully sent for this order",
- "serverTimeout": "No response was received from the server. It may be unreachable or taking a very long time to respond."
+ "serverTimeout": "No response was received from the server. It may be unreachable or taking a very long time to respond.",
+ "noData": "No data is available for the options you have selected."
"pageConnectingMessages": {
"listingConnect": "Conectare la listarea ${listing}",
@@ -557,11 +579,14 @@
"cases": "Cazuri",
"notifications": "Notificări",
"settings": "Setări",
+ "refresh": "Refresh Page",
"restart": "Restart Application",
"about": "Despre OpenBazaar",
"support": "Susținere OpenBazaar",
"Forward": "Înainte",
- "Back": "Înapoi"
+ "Back": "Înapoi",
+ "newServer": "New Server",
+ "manageServers": "Manage Servers"
"onboarding": {
"intro": "Configurare OpenBazaar",
@@ -620,6 +645,7 @@
"buyFlow": {
"PayForOrder": "Achitare Cumpărătură",
+ "BuyOwnProductMsg": "You can't buy your own listing",
"NeedTempAddress": "Am nevoie de o adresă Bitcoin temporară",
"NeedTempAddressHelper": "Vă rugă adăgați la marcaje url la adresa dvs. bitcoin temporară",
"CantFindAddress": "Nu pot găsi adresa mea bitcoin",
@@ -659,13 +685,10 @@
"noSearchResultsFound": "Nu au fost găsite rezultate"
"serverConnectModal": {
- "statusTryingToConnect": "Trying to connect to your server...",
- "statusConnected": "Connected.",
- "statusFailedConnection": "Conectarea la serverul dvs. nu este posibilă.",
- "statusFailedAuthentication": "Autentificarea a eșuat",
- "statusTooManyAttempts": "Prea multe încercări de logare eșuate",
+ "connect": "Connect",
+ "connected": "Connected",
+ "connecting": "Connecting",
"serverConfiguration": "Configurare Server",
- "connecting": "Connecting...",
"intro": "OpenBazaar este conceput pentru a vă permite să vă găzduiți serverul separat de client. În mod implicit, serverul dvs. va rula local, dar puteți suprascrie aceasta mai jos.",
"serverIP": "Server IP",
"restApiPort": "Rest API port",
@@ -673,9 +696,19 @@
"heartbeatSocketApiPort": "Heartbeat socket port",
"username": "Nume de utilizator",
"password": "Parola",
- "restoreDefaults": "Restabilire valori implicite",
"saveChanges": "Salvare Modificări",
- "retry": "Încercare conectare"
+ "defaultServerName": "default",
+ "portedConnectionName": "ported connection",
+ "connectionFailed": "Connection failed to %{serverName}",
+ "connectingTo": "Connecting to %{serverName}",
+ "connectingToDefault": "Connecting to the default server",
+ "authFailed": "authentication failed",
+ "authFailedTooManyAttempts": "too many failed authentication attempts",
+ "serverConfigsHeaderMsg": "Your Server Configurations",
+ "newConfigHeaderMsg": "Enter Server Details",
+ "editConfigHeaderMsg": "Configuration Settings",
+ "serverConfigsTitle": "Server Configurations",
+ "newConfigTitle": "New Configuration"
"timezones": {
"-12": "(GMT -12:00) Eniwetok, Kwajalein",
diff --git a/js/languages/ru.json b/js/languages/ru.json
index 2adee72e4..deae58085 100644
--- a/js/languages/ru.json
+++ b/js/languages/ru.json
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
"EnterMessage": "Введите Ваше сообщение..",
"Recommended": "Рекомендуемые",
"Reload": "Обновить",
- "LoadIndex": "Load Index",
+ "LoadIndex": "Загрузка индекса",
"You": "Вы",
"Skip": "Пропустить",
"Done": "Готово",
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
"of": "из",
"Sell": "Продать",
"New": "Новый",
+ "Retry": "Обновить",
"HighlightToStyle": "Подсвечивать текст по стилю",
"Excellent": "Идеальное",
"Good": "Хорошее",
@@ -33,12 +34,12 @@
"GoToOneName": "Посетить Onename.com",
"GoToOneNameTooltip": "Создайте ID на Onename.com, и над аккаунтами приложений выберите openbazaar в качестве используемого приложения и введите ваш guid в качестве идентификатора аккаунта (ваш guid находится на вашей странице, во вкладке About). Верификация может занять несколько дней.",
"ChangeCurrency": "Изменить валюту",
- "SKU": "SKU",
+ "SKU": "Артикул",
"Refurbished": "Восстановленный",
"Physical": "Физический",
"Digital": "Цифровой",
"Service": "Услуга",
- "Visit": "Посмотреть",
+ "Visit": "Просмотр",
"Item": "Штук",
"Items": "Штук",
"Stores": "Магазинов",
@@ -49,8 +50,8 @@
"ViewListing": "Просмотр товара",
"Unfollow": "Отписаться",
"ConfirmUnfollow": "Повторите отмену подписки",
- "AddModerator": "Add as Moderator",
- "RemoveModerator": "Remove as Moderator",
+ "AddModerator": "Добавить в качестве модератора",
+ "RemoveModerator": "Удалить модератора",
"About": "О нас",
"Version": "Версия %{version}",
"NoDescriptionAdded": "Описание отсутствует",
@@ -60,12 +61,12 @@
"Followers": "Читатели",
"Following": "Читаемые",
"FollowsYou": "Подписан на вас",
- "Message": "Сообщение",
- "Messages": "Сообщения",
+ "Message": "Переписка",
+ "Messages": "Переписка",
"Store": "Магазин",
- "Edit": "Редактировать",
+ "Edit": "Изменить",
"Clone": "Кланировать",
- "Used": "В употреблении",
+ "Used": "б/у",
"Delete": "Удалить",
"DontDelete": "Не удалять",
"ConfirmDelete": "Да, удалить",
@@ -76,6 +77,7 @@
"GoToMyPage": "Моя страница",
"Random": "Случайные",
"ShowOnlyFollowerListings": "Подборка",
+ "DoesNotShip": "Does not ship to you",
"TryRandom": "Попробуйте случайный режим чтобы увидеть больше товаров",
"ShowOnlyFollowerListingsTooltip": "Просмотреть товары магазинов, на которые у меня оформлена подписка",
"ShowAllListingsTooltip": "Просмотреть случайные товары в сети",
@@ -85,7 +87,7 @@
"SearchForItemsPlaceholder": "Введите #игры, #обувь или любой #тег...",
"SearchForPagesPlaceholder": "Поиск по имени или ключевому слову",
"SearchFeedPlaceholder": "Поиск по имени или OpenBazaar ID",
- "SearchForFollowersPlaceholder": "Поиск по имени или OpenBazaar ID",
+ "SearchForFollowersPlaceholder": "Поиск по имени (выделите чтобы загрузить больше).",
"SearchForUsersPlaceholder": "Поиск по имени или OpenBazaar ID",
"SearchOnUserStorePlaceholder": "Введите название...",
"EstDeliveryDomesticPlaceholder": "3-5 рабочих дней",
@@ -97,6 +99,7 @@
"ReturnPolicyPlaceholder": "Введите Ваши условия возврата...",
"CategoryPlaceholder": "Выберите категорию",
"CategoryHelperText": "Категории используются для сортировки выкладки товаров в вашем магазине.",
+ "KeywordsPlaceholder": "Введите один или больше тегов",
"KeywordsHelperText": "Добавление тегов поможет людям находить ваш товар на рынке. Вы можете иметь минимум один тег, и максимум десять тегов",
"ExpirationDateHelperText": "Выберите дату для автоматического снятия с продажи.",
"ClearExpirationDate": "Точная дата для снятия с продажи",
@@ -123,10 +126,10 @@
"ShippingReturns": "Доставка и возврат",
"CountryOfOrigin": "Страна происхождения:",
"CanBeShippedTo": "Возможна отправка в:",
- "NoShippableAddress": "None of your saved addresses are in a country this listing can be shipped to.",
+ "NoShippableAddress": "Ни один из ваших сохранённых адресов не совпадает со странами, на которые продавец готов отправить заказ",
"Addresses": "Адреса",
"Files": "Файлы",
- "NewAddress": "Новый адрес",
+ "NewAddress": "Новый адрес доставки",
"CurrentAddress": "Текущие адреса",
"Returns": "Возвраты",
"ReturnsPolicy": "Политика возвратов",
@@ -134,7 +137,7 @@
"Tags": "Теги",
"Keywords": "Ключевые слова",
"ShipsFrom": "Доставка из",
- "ShipsFrom2": "Ships From %{country}",
+ "ShipsFrom2": "Отправка из %{country}",
"ShipsTo": "Страны доставки",
"AddShipToRegion": "Регионы доставки",
"AddShipToRegionNote": "Добавить весь мир в качестве региона",
@@ -149,10 +152,10 @@
"Changes": "Изменения",
"SaveChanges": "Применить",
"YourName": "Ваше имя",
- "UseTestnet": "Use Testnet",
- "UseTestnetHelp": "If set to true, your client will use Testnet bitcoin addresses. Only set to true if your server was started with the -t testnet flag.",
+ "UseTestnet": "Включить Testnet",
+ "UseTestnetHelp": "Если назначено в качестве правильного варианта, ваш клиент будет использовать биткойн адреса Testnet. Опция работает только если ваш сервер OB запущен с testnet флагом -t ",
"TestnetAddress": "Тестовый адрес",
- "TestnetAddressHelp": "Your client is set to use the Testnet, and will only allow Testnet addresses. To use the mainnet, and real Bitcoin, turn off the Testnet in Settings/Advanced, and make sure your server was not started with the -t testnet flag.",
+ "TestnetAddressHelp": "Ваш клиент может использовать Testnet и позволять только Testnet адреса. Для использования mainnet или реального Биткойна, выключите Tesnet в Настройках/Сервер, и убедитесь что ваш сервер не запущен с testnet флагом -t ",
"MustTestnetAddress": "Должен быть тестовый адрес",
"BitcoinAddress": "Current Refund Address",
"BitcoinReturnAddress": "Введите ваш Биткойн адрес",
@@ -174,6 +177,16 @@
"SSLIsOn": "SSL включен",
"SSLIsOff": "SSL выключен",
"LibbitcoinServerAddress": "Адрес сервера Libbitcoin",
+ "SMTPNotificationsWarning": "Turn email notifications on/off",
+ "SMTPNotifications": "SMTP Notifications",
+ "SMTPPassword": "SMTP Password",
+ "SMTPUsername": "SMTP Username",
+ "SMTPServer": "SMTP Server Address",
+ "SMTPServerExample": "hostname:port",
+ "SMTPRecipientExample": "recipient@gmail.com",
+ "SMTPRecipient": "Recipient Email Address",
+ "SMTPSenderExample": "sender@gmail.com",
+ "SMTPSender": "Sender Email Address",
"ServerIPPort": "Сервер IP:Port",
"All": "Все",
"Name": "Имя",
@@ -187,8 +200,8 @@
"Theme": "Тема",
"Listing": "Объявление",
"Listings": "Объявления",
- "ViewPage": "Просмотр страницы",
- "ClearConvo": "Очистить разговор",
+ "ViewPage": "Магазин",
+ "ClearConvo": "Очистка",
"Pages": "Страницы",
"Page": "Страница",
"Language": "Язык",
@@ -198,7 +211,7 @@
"Location": "Местонахождение",
"International": "Международный",
"Time": "Время",
- "Free": "Свободный",
+ "Free": "Бесплатно",
"Category": "Категория",
"ProcessingTime": "Дней на упаковку",
"SelectPhotos": "Выбрать фотки",
@@ -234,8 +247,8 @@
"Moderators": "Модераторы",
"CurrentModerators": "Текущие модераторы",
"AddModerators": "Добавить модераторов",
- "ManualAddModerator": "Add Moderators by GUID",
- "ManualAddModeratorHelp": "Enter the GUIDs of one or more moderators, separated by commas, here. The GUID is on the right side of their About tab on their page. Adding the GUID of a user that is not a moderator will have no effect, that GUID will be ignored.",
+ "ManualAddModerator": "Добавить модераторов по GUID",
+ "ManualAddModeratorHelp": "Введите здесь GUID одного или большего количества модераторов, разделённых запятыми. GUID находится справа от вкладки на странице по информации о них. Добавление GUID пользователя который не является модератором будет игнорироваться.",
"DeselectToRemoveModerator": "Выберите модераторов для удаления",
"SelectToAddModerator": "Выберите модераторов для добавления",
"Categories": "Категории",
@@ -256,18 +269,18 @@
"NewAvatar": "Выбрать новый аватар",
"NewCoverImage": "Выбрать новую обложку",
"Loading": "Загрузка...",
- "CheckExchanges": "Contacting seller's node and updating exchange rates if applicable...",
+ "CheckExchanges": "Попытка соединения с нодой продавца и обновление курсов если возможно...",
"Transactions": "Операции",
"Purchases": "Покупки",
"Sales": "Продажи",
"Cases": "Сделки",
"Enter": "Войти",
"Discover": "Сёрфинг",
- "Block": "Блокировать",
- "Unblock": "Разблокировать",
+ "Block": "Блокировка",
+ "Unblock": "Разблокировка",
"Blocked": "Чёрный список",
"NoBlockedList": "На текущий момент вы ни кого не заблокировали.",
- "Advanced": "Дополнительно",
+ "Advanced": "Сервер",
"General": "Общий",
"AllItems": "Все инструменты",
"DomesticShippingPrice": "Бесплатная доставка внутри страны",
@@ -296,16 +309,16 @@
"maxLength200": "макс. длина 200 знаков",
"StoreModeratorsOptional": "Модераторы магазинов (необязательно)",
"Searchformoderators": "Поиск модераторов",
- "Contributors": "Участники",
+ "Contributors": "Команда",
"Support": "Поддержка",
- "Licensing": "Лицензирование",
+ "Licensing": "Компоненты",
"On": "Вкл.",
"Off": "Выкл.",
"ClickToChange": "Щёлкнуть для изменения",
"NotProvided": "не предоставлено",
- "NotFollowingAnyone": "Не подписан ни на кого",
+ "NotFollowingAnyone": "Ни на кого не подписан",
"NoFollowers": "Нет подписчиков",
- "NoReviews": "Нет обзоров",
+ "NoReviews": "Нет отзывов",
"NoDetailsSpecified": "Без детального описания",
"Moderator": "Модератор",
"Moderator2": "Модератор:",
@@ -324,15 +337,15 @@
"ShowBlockedUser": "Отобразить страницу пользователя исключая товары с содержимым 18+",
"ShowNSFWContent": "Показать страницу пользователя не ограничивая содержимое 18+",
"NoShipping": "Цифровой или дистанционный (без доставки)",
- "WorldwideShipping": "Мировой",
+ "WorldwideShipping": "Весь мир",
"ServerChangeWarningHeadline": "Внимание: сделайте резервную копию настроек",
"ServerChangeWarning": "Мы рекомендуем вам сделать копии ваших предыдущих настроек, показанных ниже. Ваше имя пользователя и пароль к серверу программы больше не будут доступны с этого момента.",
"ModeratorFee": "Комиссия:",
- "PriceForOne": "Цена одной товарной единицы, файла или услуги.",
+ "PriceForOne": "Цена одной единицы, файла или услуги. Основанный на базовой цене товара показатель текущего курса обмена BTC. Это может не соответствовать общей сумме отражённой в колонке всего, которая высчитывается на основе курса BTC в момент продажи товара.",
"Avatar": "Аватар",
- "AdditionalPaymentData": "Additional payment data",
- "AdditionalPaymentDataInfo": "Include name of purchase and order number in payment QR code?",
- "ShippableHelp": "This product can be shipped to one of your currently saved addresses. Add more addresses in the Settings/Addresses section to be able to purchase more listings.",
+ "AdditionalPaymentData": "Дополнительная информация по оплате",
+ "AdditionalPaymentDataInfo": "Включить имя покупки и номер заказа в платёжный QR код?",
+ "ShippableHelp": "Этот продукт может быть отправлен только по одному из указанных адресов. Добавьте больше адресов в секцию Настройки/Адреса чтобы иметь возможность приобрести больше товаров.",
"firewall": {
"Open": "Открыть",
"Restricted": "Ограничен",
@@ -383,7 +396,7 @@
"transactions": {
"Order": "Заказ",
"OrderDetails": "Детали заказа",
- "ViewOnBlockchain": "Баланс",
+ "ViewOnBlockchain": "Браузер блокчейн",
"BuyerPayout": "Выплата покупателю:",
"SellerPayout": "Выплата продавцу:",
"BuyerAmount": "Выплаты покупателю:",
@@ -392,19 +405,19 @@
"YourBitcoinPaymentAddress": "Ваш платёжный адрес Биткойн:",
"searchByOrder": "Искать по номеру заказа",
"sortByStatusAll": "Все",
- "sortByStatus0": "Неоплаченные",
- "sortByStatus1": "Оплачено (в гарант-сейфе)",
- "sortByStatus2": "Подтверждено / доставлено",
+ "sortByStatus0": "Купленные",
+ "sortByStatus1": "Оплачено (ожидание средств)",
+ "sortByStatus2": "Подтверждено / Доставлено",
"sortByStatus3": "Завершено (средства освобождены)",
"sortByStatus4": "Оспорено",
"sortByStatus5": "Спор закрыт",
- "sortByStatus6": "Решённый спор",
+ "sortByStatus6": "Решенный спор",
"sortByStatus7": "Возвращено",
"OrderID": "Заказ ID",
"OrderDate": "Дата заказа",
"OrderStatus": "Статус заказа",
- "OrderStatus0": "Заказано (но не оплачено)",
- "OrderStatus1": "Оплачено (в гарант-сейфе)",
+ "OrderStatus0": "Куплено (не оплачен)",
+ "OrderStatus1": "Оплачено (ожидание средств)",
"OrderStatus2": "Подтверждено/выслано",
"OrderStatus3": "Завершено (средства освобождены)",
"OrderStatus4": "Оспорено",
@@ -415,7 +428,7 @@
"OrderStatus7": "Возмещено",
"AcceptDisputeResolution": "Принять компенсацию по спору",
"InEscrow": "- в Эскроу",
- "OrderTotal": "Заказано на сумму",
+ "OrderTotal": "Всего заказов",
"OrderTotalInBTC": "Всего BTC",
"NoMessages": "Нет сообщений",
"PaymentProtection": "Протекция платежа",
@@ -423,7 +436,7 @@
"ViewRating": "Посмотреть рейтинг",
"ContractDetails": "Детали контракта",
"HideDetails": "Скрыть детали",
- "ConfirmOrder": "Упаковано/выслано",
+ "ConfirmOrder": "Подтвердить заказ",
"ConfirmOrderResend": "Повторить отправку подтверждения заказа",
"ConfirmOrderResendTooltip": "Если покупатель заявляет о том что уведомление о заказе не получено, эта кнопка поможет отправить уведомление снова. Уведомление осуществляется за считанные секунды.",
"RefundOrder": "Возврат заказа",
@@ -435,8 +448,8 @@
"RefundOrderResendTooltip": "Если покупатель не получил уведомление о возврате товара, эта кнопка поможет отправить уведомление снова. Уведомление осуществляется за считанные секунды.",
"ReceivingAddress": "Принимающий адрес",
"RecievingAddressPlaceholder": "Биткойн адрес для принятия средств",
- "Comments": "Детали",
- "CommentsPlaceHolder": "Указания о том как получить заказ",
+ "Comments": "Комменты",
+ "CommentsPlaceHolder": "Комменты к этому заказу",
"Shipper": "Товар выслан через:",
"ShippedBy": "Отправлен:",
"ShipperPlaceholder": "Имя компании отправляющей товар",
@@ -445,7 +458,7 @@
"EstimatedDelivery": "Планируемые сроки доставки:",
"EstimatedDeliveryPlaceholder": "Планируемая дата доставки товара",
"URL": "Ссылка файла",
- "URLPlaceholder": "Ссылка на страницу с информацией",
+ "URLPlaceholder": "Ссылка на загрузку, организационная информация, или другие сведения",
"Password": "Пароль:",
"PasswordPlaceholder": "Указать пароль для ссылки (необязательно)",
"DirectTransaction": "Прямая сделка:",
@@ -454,7 +467,7 @@
"Vendor": "Вендор",
"Vendor2": "Вендор:",
"Buyer": "Покупатель",
- "Buyer2": "Buyer:",
+ "Buyer2": "Покупатель:",
"transferReceipt": "Чек оплаты",
"copyTxid": "копировать tx ID",
"Close": "Закрыть",
@@ -497,7 +510,7 @@
"UpdateComplete": "Обновление ваших операций по сделке завершено",
"UpdateFailed": "Обновление ваших операций по сделке не удалось завершить. Откройте сделку и повторите попытку.",
"UpdateInvalid": "Обновление ваших операций по сделке вызвали ошибку. Откройте сделку и повторите попытку.",
- "ExportCSV": "Export to CSV"
+ "ExportCSV": "Экспорт в CSV"
"errorMessages": {
"saveError": "Данные невозможно сохранить.",
@@ -518,8 +531,8 @@
"tooManyPhotosBody": "Некоторые из ваших фотографий не могут быть загружены, потому что превышают допустимый размер файла.",
"badJSON": "Данные JSON возвращены с сервера",
"refundAlreadySent": "Возврат этого заказа успешно отправлен",
- "serverTimeout": "No response was received from the server. It may be unreachable or taking a very long time to respond.",
- "noData": "No data is available for the options you have selected."
+ "serverTimeout": "Не получено ответа от сервера. Возможно он не в сети или слишком медленно отвечает на запросы.",
+ "noData": "Информация по заданным параметрам не доступна."
"pageConnectingMessages": {
"listingConnect": "Подключение к товару ${listing}",
@@ -543,7 +556,7 @@
"searchDefaultText": "Сканирование сети",
"searchingText": "Сканирование сети для",
"noResults": "Ничего не найдено",
- "noTaggedResults": "По тэгам ничего не найдено"
+ "noTaggedResults": "По тегам ничего не найдено"
"filters": {
"pagesAllTypes": "Все типы",
@@ -560,23 +573,25 @@
"testMode": "Тестовый режим",
"customizePage": "Настроить страницу",
"sellItem": "Разместить товар",
- "createListing": "Подать объявление",
+ "createListing": "Создать товар",
"purchases": "Покупки",
"sales": "Продажи",
"cases": "История",
"notifications": "Уведомления",
"settings": "Настройки",
- "refresh": "Refresh Page",
+ "refresh": "Обновить",
"restart": "Restart Application",
"about": "Об OpenBazaar",
"support": "Поддержка OpenBazaar",
"Forward": "Вперед",
- "Back": "Назад"
+ "Back": "Назад",
+ "newServer": "Новый сервер",
+ "manageServers": "Сетевые настройки"
"onboarding": {
"intro": "Конфигурация OpenBazaar",
"Introduction": "Ознакомление",
- "IntroductionBody": "OpenBazaar is a peer-to-peer social market. It's like combining eBay™, Twitter™ and BitTorrent into one. Only, there are no fees or restrictions and OpenBazaar is open-source. \n\n Please note that it may look and feel a bit different than what you're used to, so please be patient as you adjust.",
+ "IntroductionBody": "OpenBazaar это рынок peer-to-peer. Это почти то же самое, как представить eBay, Twitter и Bittorrent в одном продукте. Но только без комиссий и каких-либо ограничений и с открытым исходным кодом.\n\n Просим вас заметить, что возможно Вам потребуется время, для того, чтобы привыкнуть к лучшему, поэтому дайте себе немного времени и у вас всё получится.",
"theme": "Выберите тему для своей страницы",
"chooseLanguage": "Выберите ваш язык",
"contributors": "%{smart_count} вкладчик |||| %{smart_count} вкладчиков",
@@ -630,17 +645,18 @@
"buyFlow": {
"PayForOrder": "Оплатить заказ",
+ "BuyOwnProductMsg": "You can't buy your own listing",
"NeedTempAddress": "Мне нужен временный Биткойн адрес",
"NeedTempAddressHelper": "Пожалуйста добавьте в избранное ссылку, на ваш временный Биткойн адрес",
"CantFindAddress": "Я не могу найти мой Биткойн адрес",
"BitcoinWallet": "Биткойн кошелёк",
"ModeratedPaymentDescription": "Ваш платёж хранится в безопасном кошельке до тех пор, пока продавец не выставит статус своей готовности. При возникновении противоречий, модератор сможет помочь разобраться.",
- "ModeratorFeeHelper": "Модераторы могут взымать небольшую комиссию, но только при возникновении спора.",
+ "ModeratorFeeHelper": "Модераторы взымают небольшую комиссию, но только в случае обращения в арбитраж.",
"ModeratedPayment": "Модерируемый платёж",
- "DisputeFee": "Комиссия спора",
- "DisputeFee2": "Dispute fee:",
- "HaveWallet": "У вас имеется Биткойн кошелёк?",
- "QuickSetup": "Чтобы завести кошелёк потребуется всего несколько минут",
+ "DisputeFee": "Стоимость арбитража",
+ "DisputeFee2": "Стоимость арбитража:",
+ "HaveWallet": "У вас уже есть свой Биткойн кошелёк?",
+ "QuickSetup": "Для создания кошелёка потребуется всего пару минут",
"CreateWallet": "Создать кошелёк",
"DirectPaymentDescription": "Средства отправятся напрямую продавцу. Используйте эту функцию только для небольших покупок или при покупке только у надёжных продавцов.",
"DirectPayment": "Оплатить напрямую",
@@ -648,11 +664,11 @@
"MustAddAddress": "Вы должны указать адрес для доставки",
"VendorShipsTo": "Этот производитель отправляет в следующие страны:",
"DoesNotShipHere": "Выбранный производитель не производит доставку в указанный регион",
- "Send": "Оплатите",
+ "Send": "Отправить",
"BTCto": "в BTC",
- "SendBTCtoAddress": "Оплатите %{amount} BTC",
- "OpenAddress": "Кошелёк по-умолчанию",
- "CopyAddress": "Копировать",
+ "SendBTCtoAddress": "Отправить %{amount} BTC",
+ "OpenAddress": "Открыть адрес в кошельке по-умолчанию",
+ "CopyAddress": "Скопировать адрес оплаты",
"RefreshPayment": "Обновить статус платежа",
"summaryMsg1": "Ваш платёж был отправлен на %{recipient}",
"summaryMsg2": "Ожидаемое время обработки вашего заказа составляет",
@@ -669,13 +685,10 @@
"noSearchResultsFound": "Результатов не найдено"
"serverConnectModal": {
- "statusTryingToConnect": "Попытка подключения к серверу ...",
- "statusConnected": "Подключение.",
- "statusFailedConnection": "Связь с нодой потеряна",
- "statusFailedAuthentication": "Сбой аутентификации",
- "statusTooManyAttempts": "Слишком много попыток входа",
+ "connect": "Подключение",
+ "connected": "Подключено",
+ "connecting": "Подключение",
"serverConfiguration": "Конфигурация сервера",
- "connecting": "Connecting...",
"intro": "OpenBazaar спроектирован, чтобы помочь вам держать сервер и клиент на разных компьютерах. По-умолчанию сервер запускается с клиентом на одном и том же компьютере, но вы также можете изменить это здесь.",
"serverIP": "Сервер IP",
"restApiPort": "Порт Rest API",
@@ -683,9 +696,19 @@
"heartbeatSocketApiPort": "Порт сокета Heartbeat",
"username": "Имя пользователя сервера",
"password": "Пароль сервера",
- "restoreDefaults": "Сбросить настройки",
"saveChanges": "Сохранить изменения",
- "retry": "Повторная попытка"
+ "defaultServerName": "по-умолчанию",
+ "portedConnectionName": "соединение",
+ "connectionFailed": "Ошибка подключения к %{serverName}",
+ "connectingTo": "Подключение к %{serverName}",
+ "connectingToDefault": "Подключение к серверу по-умолчанию",
+ "authFailed": "ошибка аутентификации",
+ "authFailedTooManyAttempts": "слишком много ошибочных попыток аутентификации",
+ "serverConfigsHeaderMsg": "Ваши настройки сервера",
+ "newConfigHeaderMsg": "Введите настройки сервера",
+ "editConfigHeaderMsg": "Настройки конфигурации",
+ "serverConfigsTitle": "Настройки сервера",
+ "newConfigTitle": "Новые конфигурации"
"timezones": {
"-12": "(GMT -12:00) Eniwetok, Kwajalein",
diff --git a/js/languages/sk.json b/js/languages/sk.json
index c4329f384..6d1b4bf03 100644
--- a/js/languages/sk.json
+++ b/js/languages/sk.json
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
"EnterMessage": "Vložte správu...",
"Recommended": "Odporúčané",
"Reload": "Znovu načítať",
+ "LoadIndex": "Načítať Index",
"You": "Vy",
"Skip": "Preskočiť",
"Done": "Hotovo",
@@ -23,6 +24,7 @@
"of": "z",
"Sell": "Predať",
"New": "Nové",
+ "Retry": "Skúsiť znovu",
"HighlightToStyle": "Označte text pre naštýlovanie",
"Excellent": "Výborné",
"Good": "Dobré",
@@ -48,6 +50,8 @@
"ViewListing": "Zobraziť Katalóg",
"Unfollow": "Zrušiť sledovanie",
"ConfirmUnfollow": "Potvrdiť zrušenie",
+ "AddModerator": "Pridať ako Moderátor",
+ "RemoveModerator": "Zmazať ako Moderátor",
"About": "Informácie",
"Version": "Verzia %{version}",
"NoDescriptionAdded": "Bez popisu",
@@ -73,6 +77,7 @@
"GoToMyPage": "Moja stránka",
"Random": "Náhodné",
"ShowOnlyFollowerListings": "Personalizované",
+ "DoesNotShip": "Does not ship to you",
"TryRandom": "Skúste náhodný režím ak chcete objaviť viac ponúk",
"ShowOnlyFollowerListingsTooltip": "Zobraziť len ponuky z obchodov, ktoré sledujete",
"ShowAllListingsTooltip": "Zobraziť náhodne ponuky z celej siete",
@@ -82,7 +87,7 @@
"SearchForItemsPlaceholder": "Zadajte #hry, #topanky alebo iný #tag...",
"SearchForPagesPlaceholder": "Vyhľadať podľa mena alebo kľúčového slova",
"SearchFeedPlaceholder": "Vyhľadať podľa prezývky alebo OpenBazaar ID",
- "SearchForFollowersPlaceholder": "Vyhľadať podľa prezývky alebo OpenBazaar ID",
+ "SearchForFollowersPlaceholder": "Vyhľadávať podľa mena v zozname Vašich aktuálne načítaných followerov (skrolovaním načítajte viac)",
"SearchForUsersPlaceholder": "Vyhľadať podľa prezývky alebo OpenBazaar ID",
"SearchOnUserStorePlaceholder": "Zadajťe názov...",
"EstDeliveryDomesticPlaceholder": "3-5 pracovných dní",
@@ -94,7 +99,8 @@
"ReturnPolicyPlaceholder": "Vložte pravidlá vrátenia tovaru...",
"CategoryPlaceholder": "Zadajte kategóriu",
"CategoryHelperText": "Kategórie slúžia na zoskupovanie a organizáciu položiek vo Vašom obchode.",
- "KeywordsHelperText": "Pridaním tagu zvyšujete viditeľnosť Vašej ponuky na trhu. Tagy sa nesmú opakovať a maximálny počet tagov je 10.",
+ "KeywordsPlaceholder": "Vložiť Jeden, alebo Viac Štítkov",
+ "KeywordsHelperText": "Pridaním tagu zvyšujete viditeľnosť Vašej ponuky na trhu. Tagy sa nesmú opakovať, maximálny počet tagov je 10 a sú oddelené čiarkou, alebo enterom.",
"ExpirationDateHelperText": "Zadajte dátum, kedy má byť tovar stiahnutý z Vášho obchodu.",
"ClearExpirationDate": "Zrušiť dátum stiahnutia tovaru.",
"ReturnPolicy": "Pravidlá Vrátenia Tovaru",
@@ -131,6 +137,7 @@
"Tags": "Tagy",
"Keywords": "Kľúčové slová",
"ShipsFrom": "Odosielané z",
+ "ShipsFrom2": "Odosielané z %{country}",
"ShipsTo": "Odosielané do",
"AddShipToRegion": "Oblasť Dopravy",
"AddShipToRegionNote": "Pridať Všetky Krajiny z danej Oblasti",
@@ -170,6 +177,16 @@
"SSLIsOn": "SSL je zapnuté",
"SSLIsOff": "SSL je vypnuté",
"LibbitcoinServerAddress": "Libbitcoin adresa servera",
+ "SMTPNotificationsWarning": "Turn email notifications on/off",
+ "SMTPNotifications": "SMTP Notifications",
+ "SMTPPassword": "SMTP Password",
+ "SMTPUsername": "SMTP Username",
+ "SMTPServer": "SMTP Server Address",
+ "SMTPServerExample": "hostname:port",
+ "SMTPRecipientExample": "recipient@gmail.com",
+ "SMTPRecipient": "Recipient Email Address",
+ "SMTPSenderExample": "sender@gmail.com",
+ "SMTPSender": "Sender Email Address",
"ServerIPPort": "Server IP:Port",
"All": "Všetko",
"Name": "Meno",
@@ -229,7 +246,9 @@
"SearchForCategory": "Hľadať kategóriu",
"Moderators": "Moderátori",
"CurrentModerators": "Aktuálni moderátori",
- "AddModerators": "Pridať moderátorov",
+ "AddModerators": "Pridať Moderátorov",
+ "ManualAddModerator": "Pridať Moderátorov podľa GUID",
+ "ManualAddModeratorHelp": "Zadajte GUID jedného alebo viacerých moderátorov, oddelených čiarkou. GUID sa nachádza na pravej strane ich stránky. Pridanie GUID používateľa, ktorý nie je moderátor nebude mať žiaden efekt, toto GUID ignorované.",
"DeselectToRemoveModerator": "Od-značte moderátorov, ktorých chcete odstrániť",
"SelectToAddModerator": "Označte moderátorov, ktorých chcete pridať",
"Categories": "Kategórie",
@@ -297,9 +316,9 @@
"Off": "Vypnúť",
"ClickToChange": "Zmeniť kliknutím",
"NotProvided": "neposkytnuté",
- "NotFollowingAnyone": "Nesleduje nikoho",
- "NoFollowers": "Žiadny followeri",
- "NoReviews": "Žiadne recenzie",
+ "NotFollowingAnyone": "Neboli načítané žiadne zo sledovaných uzlov",
+ "NoFollowers": "Neboli načítaní žiadni followeri",
+ "NoReviews": "Neboli načítané žiadne recenzie",
"NoDetailsSpecified": "Neboli uvedené žiadne údaje",
"Moderator": "Moderátor",
"Moderator2": "Moderátor:",
@@ -322,10 +341,11 @@
"ServerChangeWarningHeadline": "Pozor: Nahrajte si Vaše nastavenia",
"ServerChangeWarning": "Odporúčame Vám aby ste si urobili kópiu Vašich predchádzajúcih nastavení, tak ako je ukázané nižšie. Vaše predchádzajúce prihlasovacie meno a heslo už viac nebudú fungovať.",
"ModeratorFee": "Poplatok:",
- "PriceForOne": "Jednotková cena za položku, súbor, alebo službu.",
+ "PriceForOne": "Jednotková cena za položku, súbor, alebo službu. Odvodené od jednotkovej ceny ponuky a aktuálneho výmenného kurzu BTC. Nemusí sa zhodovať s konečnou cenou objednávky, ktorá je odvodená od výmenného kurzu BTC v čase nákupu.",
"Avatar": "Avatar",
"AdditionalPaymentData": "Dodatočné platobné údaje",
- "AdditionalPaymentDataInfo": "Include name of purchase and order number in payment QR code?",
+ "AdditionalPaymentDataInfo": "Vložiť názov a číslo objednávky do platobného QR kódu?",
+ "ShippableHelp": "Tento produkt môže byť doručený na niektorú z Vami uložených adries. Ak chcete mať možnosť nakupovať viacero produktov, môžete si pridať ďalšiu adresu v Nastaveniach/Adresy.",
"firewall": {
"Open": "Otvorený",
"Restricted": "Obmedzený",
@@ -489,7 +509,8 @@
"UpdatingOrder": "Aktualizácia Vašej transakcie",
"UpdateComplete": "Vaša transakcia je zaktualizovaná",
"UpdateFailed": "Nepodarilo sa aktualizovať Vašu transakciu. Skúste znovu prosím.",
- "UpdateInvalid": "Aktualizácia Vašej transakcie vrátila chybné dáta. Skúste znovu prosím."
+ "UpdateInvalid": "Aktualizácia Vašej transakcie vrátila chybné dáta. Skúste znovu prosím.",
+ "ExportCSV": "Exportovať do CSV"
"errorMessages": {
"saveError": "Nepodarilo sa uložiť údaje.",
@@ -510,7 +531,8 @@
"tooManyPhotosBody": "Niektoré, alebo žiadna z Vašich fotiek neboli nahrané na server, pretože ste prekročili povolený limit na počet obrázkov.",
"badJSON": "JSON dáta vrátené zo serveru sú chybné",
"refundAlreadySent": "Prostriedky za túto objednávku už boli úspešne vrátené.",
- "serverTimeout": "Nedostali sme zo serveru žiadnu odpoveď. Server môže byť nedostupný, alebo mu trvá veľmi dlho odpovedať."
+ "serverTimeout": "Nedostali sme zo serveru žiadnu odpoveď. Server môže byť nedostupný, alebo mu trvá veľmi dlho odpovedať.",
+ "noData": "K dispozícii nie sú žiadne údaje k možnostiam, ktoré ste si vybrali."
"pageConnectingMessages": {
"listingConnect": "Pripájam sa k položke ${listing}",
@@ -557,11 +579,14 @@
"cases": "Udalosti",
"notifications": "Notifikácie",
"settings": "Nastavenia",
+ "refresh": "Aktualizovať Stránku",
"restart": "Reštartovať Aplikáciu",
"about": "O OpenBazaari",
"support": "Podporte OpenBazaar",
"Forward": "Dopredu",
- "Back": "Späť"
+ "Back": "Späť",
+ "newServer": "Nový Server",
+ "manageServers": "Spravovať Servery"
"onboarding": {
"intro": "Konfigurácia OpenBazaaru",
@@ -620,6 +645,7 @@
"buyFlow": {
"PayForOrder": "Zaplatiť za Objednávku",
+ "BuyOwnProductMsg": "You can't buy your own listing",
"NeedTempAddress": "Potrebujem dočasnú Bitcoinovú adresu",
"NeedTempAddressHelper": "Prosím uložte si odkaz k Vašej dočasnej bitcoinovej adrese",
"CantFindAddress": "Nemôžem nájsť moju bitcoinovú adresu",
@@ -659,13 +685,10 @@
"noSearchResultsFound": "Neboji nájdené žiadne výsledky"
"serverConnectModal": {
- "statusTryingToConnect": "Snažím sa pripojiť na Váš server...",
- "statusConnected": "Pripojené:",
- "statusFailedConnection": "Nie je možné pripojiť sa na Váš server",
- "statusFailedAuthentication": "Autentifikácia zlyhala",
- "statusTooManyAttempts": "Príliš mnoho chybných pokusov o prihlásenie",
+ "connect": "Pripojiť",
+ "connected": "Pripojené",
+ "connecting": "Pripájam sa",
"serverConfiguration": "Konfigurácia Servera",
- "connecting": "Pripája sa...",
"intro": "OpenBazaar je navrhnutý tak, že Vám umožňuje bežať server oddelene od klientskej aplikácie. Váš server bude štandardne bežať lokálne, ale toto nastavenie je možné zmeniť nižšie.",
"serverIP": "IP adresa servera",
"restApiPort": "Rest API port",
@@ -673,9 +696,19 @@
"heartbeatSocketApiPort": "Heartbeat socket port",
"username": "Meno",
"password": "Heslo",
- "restoreDefaults": "Obnoviť predvolené",
"saveChanges": "Uložiť Zmeny",
- "retry": "Opakovať pripojenie"
+ "defaultServerName": "predvolené",
+ "portedConnectionName": "portované pripojenie",
+ "connectionFailed": "Pripojenie k ${serverName} zlyhalo",
+ "connectingTo": "Pripájam sa k ${serverName}",
+ "connectingToDefault": "Pripájam sa k predvolenému serveru",
+ "authFailed": "prihlásenie zlyhalo",
+ "authFailedTooManyAttempts": "príliš mnoho chybných pokusov o prihlásenie",
+ "serverConfigsHeaderMsg": "Vaše Nastavenia Serveru",
+ "newConfigHeaderMsg": "Vložte Detaily Serveru",
+ "editConfigHeaderMsg": "Nastavenia Konfigurácie",
+ "serverConfigsTitle": "Konfigurácia Serveru",
+ "newConfigTitle": "Nová Konfigurácia"
"timezones": {
"-12": "(GMT -12:00) Eniwetok, Kwajalein",
diff --git a/js/languages/tlh.json b/js/languages/tlh.json
index 14323b270..2a41fb6f8 100644
--- a/js/languages/tlh.json
+++ b/js/languages/tlh.json
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
"EnterMessage": "QIn 'el...",
"Recommended": "Recommended",
"Reload": "Reload",
+ "LoadIndex": "Load Index",
"You": "You",
"Skip": "BuSHa'",
"Done": "PItlh",
@@ -23,6 +24,7 @@
"of": ",",
"Sell": "Ngev",
"New": "Chu'",
+ "Retry": "Retry",
"HighlightToStyle": "Highlight text to style",
"Excellent": "Chon",
"Good": "Maj",
@@ -48,6 +50,8 @@
"ViewListing": "View Listing",
"Unfollow": "Mej",
"ConfirmUnfollow": "Confirm Unfollow",
+ "AddModerator": "Add as Moderator",
+ "RemoveModerator": "Remove as Moderator",
"About": "Umqu' ghot",
"Version": "Version %{version}",
"NoDescriptionAdded": "Pagh bang nob",
@@ -73,6 +77,7 @@
"GoToMyPage": "JuHwIj",
"Random": "Random",
"ShowOnlyFollowerListings": "Personalized",
+ "DoesNotShip": "Does not ship to you",
"TryRandom": "Try random mode to discover more",
"ShowOnlyFollowerListingsTooltip": "View listings from stores I follow",
"ShowAllListingsTooltip": "View random listings on the network",
@@ -82,7 +87,7 @@
"SearchForItemsPlaceholder": "Type #games, #shoes or any #tag...",
"SearchForPagesPlaceholder": "Pong mu' joq nej",
"SearchFeedPlaceholder": "Ngaj pong nej ghap OpenBazaar ID",
- "SearchForFollowersPlaceholder": "Ngaj pong nej ghap OpenBazaar ID",
+ "SearchForFollowersPlaceholder": "Search for a name in your currently loaded followers (scroll to load more).",
"SearchForUsersPlaceholder": "Ngaj pong nej ghap OpenBazaar ID",
"SearchOnUserStorePlaceholder": "Type a title...",
"EstDeliveryDomesticPlaceholder": "Wej pagh vagh jaj malja'",
@@ -94,7 +99,8 @@
"ReturnPolicyPlaceholder": "Ngoch 'el chegh...",
"CategoryPlaceholder": "MIwqoqvam'e' Doch 'el",
"CategoryHelperText": "Lo' bIquv Doch ghom tlham 'ej pa' ngevwI'.",
- "KeywordsHelperText": "Adding tags helps your listing to be discovered in the market. You can only have one of each tag, and a maximum of 10 tags",
+ "KeywordsPlaceholder": "Enter One or More Tags",
+ "KeywordsHelperText": "Adding tags helps your listing to be discovered in the market. You can only have one of each tag, and a maximum of 10 tags, separated by commas or the enter key.",
"ExpirationDateHelperText": "PoH Doch DaqaSmoH vo' ngevwI' HIjmeH.",
"ClearExpirationDate": "Hegh poH Huv",
"ReturnPolicy": "Ngoch chegh",
@@ -131,6 +137,7 @@
"Tags": "Tags",
"Keywords": "Mu'mey",
"ShipsFrom": "Duj vo'",
+ "ShipsFrom2": "Ships From %{country}",
"ShipsTo": "Duj",
"AddShipToRegion": "Shipping Region",
"AddShipToRegionNote": "Adds All Nations in a Region",
@@ -170,6 +177,16 @@
"SSLIsOn": "SSL is on",
"SSLIsOff": "SSL is off",
"LibbitcoinServerAddress": "Libbitcoin tIn De'wI' SoQ",
+ "SMTPNotificationsWarning": "Turn email notifications on/off",
+ "SMTPNotifications": "SMTP Notifications",
+ "SMTPPassword": "SMTP Password",
+ "SMTPUsername": "SMTP Username",
+ "SMTPServer": "SMTP Server Address",
+ "SMTPServerExample": "hostname:port",
+ "SMTPRecipientExample": "recipient@gmail.com",
+ "SMTPRecipient": "Recipient Email Address",
+ "SMTPSenderExample": "sender@gmail.com",
+ "SMTPSender": "Sender Email Address",
"ServerIPPort": "TIn De'wI' IP:Port",
"All": "Hoch",
"Name": "Pong",
@@ -229,7 +246,9 @@
"SearchForCategory": "Nej Segh",
"Moderators": "NoH",
"CurrentModerators": "Qu'mey potlh yIlo'",
- "AddModerators": "NoH chu' chel",
+ "AddModerators": "Add Moderators",
+ "ManualAddModerator": "Add Moderators by GUID",
+ "ManualAddModeratorHelp": "Enter the GUIDs of one or more moderators, separated by commas, here. The GUID is on the right side of their About tab on their page. Adding the GUID of a user that is not a moderator will have no effect, that GUID will be ignored.",
"DeselectToRemoveModerator": "NoH teq",
"SelectToAddModerator": "NoH wIv",
"Categories": "Segh",
@@ -297,9 +316,9 @@
"Off": "Off",
"ClickToChange": "Click to change",
"NotProvided": "not provided",
- "NotFollowingAnyone": "Not following anyone",
- "NoFollowers": "No followers",
- "NoReviews": "No reviews",
+ "NotFollowingAnyone": "No nodes being followed were loaded",
+ "NoFollowers": "No followers were loaded",
+ "NoReviews": "No reviews were loaded",
"NoDetailsSpecified": "No details specified",
"Moderator": "Moderator",
"Moderator2": "Moderator:",
@@ -322,10 +341,11 @@
"ServerChangeWarningHeadline": "Caution: Record Your Settings",
"ServerChangeWarning": "We recommend you make a copy of your previous settings, shown below. Your previous username and password will no longer be available beyond this point.",
"ModeratorFee": "Fee:",
- "PriceForOne": "Price per single item, file, or service.",
+ "PriceForOne": "Price per single item, file, or service. Based on the listing's base price and the current exchange rate of BTC. This may not match the order total, which is based on the exchange rate of BTC at the time you purchased this listing.",
"Avatar": "Avatar",
"AdditionalPaymentData": "Additional payment data",
"AdditionalPaymentDataInfo": "Include name of purchase and order number in payment QR code?",
+ "ShippableHelp": "This product can be shipped to one of your currently saved addresses. Add more addresses in the Settings/Addresses section to be able to purchase more listings.",
"firewall": {
"Open": "Open",
"Restricted": "Restricted",
@@ -489,7 +509,8 @@
"UpdatingOrder": "Updating your transaction",
"UpdateComplete": "Your transaction update is complete",
"UpdateFailed": "Your transaction update did not complete. Open the transaction and try again",
- "UpdateInvalid": "Your transaction update returned invalid data. Open the transaction and try again"
+ "UpdateInvalid": "Your transaction update returned invalid data. Open the transaction and try again",
+ "ExportCSV": "Export to CSV"
"errorMessages": {
"saveError": "Wej toDlu' De'.",
@@ -510,7 +531,8 @@
"tooManyPhotosBody": "Some or all of your photos were prevented from being uploaded because you would exceeded the maximum allowable amount.",
"badJSON": "The JSON data returned from the server was malformed",
"refundAlreadySent": "The refund has already been successfully sent for this order",
- "serverTimeout": "No response was received from the server. It may be unreachable or taking a very long time to respond."
+ "serverTimeout": "No response was received from the server. It may be unreachable or taking a very long time to respond.",
+ "noData": "No data is available for the options you have selected."
"pageConnectingMessages": {
"listingConnect": "Connecting to listing ${listing}",
@@ -557,11 +579,14 @@
"cases": "Bo'DIj qaS",
"notifications": "GhuH",
"settings": "Bang",
+ "refresh": "Refresh Page",
"restart": "Restart Application",
"about": "Umqu' ghot OpenBazaar",
"support": "Qutlh OpenBazaar",
"Forward": "Forward",
- "Back": "Chap"
+ "Back": "Chap",
+ "newServer": "New Server",
+ "manageServers": "Manage Servers"
"onboarding": {
"intro": "OpenBazaar bang",
@@ -620,6 +645,7 @@
"buyFlow": {
"PayForOrder": "Pay for Order",
+ "BuyOwnProductMsg": "You can't buy your own listing",
"NeedTempAddress": "I need a temporary Bitcoin address",
"NeedTempAddressHelper": "Please bookmark the url to your temporary bitcoin address",
"CantFindAddress": "I can't find my bitcoin address",
@@ -659,13 +685,10 @@
"noSearchResultsFound": "No results found"
"serverConnectModal": {
- "statusTryingToConnect": "Trying to connect to your server...",
- "statusConnected": "Connected.",
- "statusFailedConnection": "Unable to connect to your server",
- "statusFailedAuthentication": "Authentication failed",
- "statusTooManyAttempts": "Too many failed login attempts",
+ "connect": "Connect",
+ "connected": "Connected",
+ "connecting": "Connecting",
"serverConfiguration": "Server Configuration",
- "connecting": "Connecting...",
"intro": "OpenBazaar is designed to allow you to host your server separate from the client. By default, your server will run locally, but you can override it below.",
"serverIP": "Server IP",
"restApiPort": "Rest API port",
@@ -673,9 +696,19 @@
"heartbeatSocketApiPort": "Heartbeat socket port",
"username": "Username",
"password": "Password",
- "restoreDefaults": "Restore defaults",
"saveChanges": "Save Changes",
- "retry": "Retry connection"
+ "defaultServerName": "default",
+ "portedConnectionName": "ported connection",
+ "connectionFailed": "Connection failed to %{serverName}",
+ "connectingTo": "Connecting to %{serverName}",
+ "connectingToDefault": "Connecting to the default server",
+ "authFailed": "authentication failed",
+ "authFailedTooManyAttempts": "too many failed authentication attempts",
+ "serverConfigsHeaderMsg": "Your Server Configurations",
+ "newConfigHeaderMsg": "Enter Server Details",
+ "editConfigHeaderMsg": "Configuration Settings",
+ "serverConfigsTitle": "Server Configurations",
+ "newConfigTitle": "New Configuration"
"timezones": {
"-12": "(GMT -12:00) Eniwetok, Kwajalein",
diff --git a/js/languages/tr.json b/js/languages/tr.json
index 44f5a1eae..9bc2937a0 100644
--- a/js/languages/tr.json
+++ b/js/languages/tr.json
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
"EnterMessage": "İletinizi yazın...",
"Recommended": "Recommended",
"Reload": "Reload",
+ "LoadIndex": "Load Index",
"You": "You",
"Skip": "Atla",
"Done": "Tamam",
@@ -23,6 +24,7 @@
"of": "de",
"Sell": "Sat",
"New": "Yeni",
+ "Retry": "Retry",
"HighlightToStyle": "Highlight text to style",
"Excellent": "Çok iyi",
"Good": "İyi",
@@ -48,6 +50,8 @@
"ViewListing": "View Listing",
"Unfollow": "Takibi bırak",
"ConfirmUnfollow": "Confirm Unfollow",
+ "AddModerator": "Add as Moderator",
+ "RemoveModerator": "Remove as Moderator",
"About": "Hakkında",
"Version": "Version %{version}",
"NoDescriptionAdded": "Tanım eklenmemiş",
@@ -73,6 +77,7 @@
"GoToMyPage": "Sayfam",
"Random": "Random",
"ShowOnlyFollowerListings": "Personalized",
+ "DoesNotShip": "Does not ship to you",
"TryRandom": "Try random mode to discover more",
"ShowOnlyFollowerListingsTooltip": "View listings from stores I follow",
"ShowAllListingsTooltip": "View random listings on the network",
@@ -82,7 +87,7 @@
"SearchForItemsPlaceholder": "Type #games, #shoes or any #tag...",
"SearchForPagesPlaceholder": "Bir ad ya da anahtar sözcük Ara",
"SearchFeedPlaceholder": "Takma ad ya da OpenBazaar ID Ara",
- "SearchForFollowersPlaceholder": "Takma ad ya da OpenBazaar ID Ara",
+ "SearchForFollowersPlaceholder": "Search for a name in your currently loaded followers (scroll to load more).",
"SearchForUsersPlaceholder": "Takma ad ya da OpenBazaar ID Ara",
"SearchOnUserStorePlaceholder": "Type a title...",
"EstDeliveryDomesticPlaceholder": "3-5 İş Günü",
@@ -94,7 +99,8 @@
"ReturnPolicyPlaceholder": "İade politkasını girin...",
"CategoryPlaceholder": "Kategori girin",
"CategoryHelperText": "Kategoriler mağazanızdaki öğeleri gruplandırıp sınıflandırmak için kullanılır.",
- "KeywordsHelperText": "Adding tags helps your listing to be discovered in the market. You can only have one of each tag, and a maximum of 10 tags",
+ "KeywordsPlaceholder": "Enter One or More Tags",
+ "KeywordsHelperText": "Adding tags helps your listing to be discovered in the market. You can only have one of each tag, and a maximum of 10 tags, separated by commas or the enter key.",
"ExpirationDateHelperText": "Öğenin mağazanızdan otomatik olarak kaldırılacağı bir tarih belirleyin.",
"ClearExpirationDate": "Sonlanma Tarihini Sil",
"ReturnPolicy": "İade Politikası",
@@ -131,6 +137,7 @@
"Tags": "Tags",
"Keywords": "Anahtar Sözcükler",
"ShipsFrom": "Gönderi Çıkış Yeri:",
+ "ShipsFrom2": "Ships From %{country}",
"ShipsTo": "Gönderilebilecek Yerler",
"AddShipToRegion": "Shipping Region",
"AddShipToRegionNote": "Adds All Nations in a Region",
@@ -170,6 +177,16 @@
"SSLIsOn": "SSL is on",
"SSLIsOff": "SSL is off",
"LibbitcoinServerAddress": "Libbitcoin sunucu adresi",
+ "SMTPNotificationsWarning": "Turn email notifications on/off",
+ "SMTPNotifications": "SMTP Notifications",
+ "SMTPPassword": "SMTP Password",
+ "SMTPUsername": "SMTP Username",
+ "SMTPServer": "SMTP Server Address",
+ "SMTPServerExample": "hostname:port",
+ "SMTPRecipientExample": "recipient@gmail.com",
+ "SMTPRecipient": "Recipient Email Address",
+ "SMTPSenderExample": "sender@gmail.com",
+ "SMTPSender": "Sender Email Address",
"ServerIPPort": "Sunucu IP:Port",
"All": "Tümü",
"Name": "Ad",
@@ -229,7 +246,9 @@
"SearchForCategory": "Kategori Ara",
"Moderators": "Aracılar",
"CurrentModerators": "Mevcut Aracılar",
- "AddModerators": "Yeni Aracı Ekle",
+ "AddModerators": "Add Moderators",
+ "ManualAddModerator": "Add Moderators by GUID",
+ "ManualAddModeratorHelp": "Enter the GUIDs of one or more moderators, separated by commas, here. The GUID is on the right side of their About tab on their page. Adding the GUID of a user that is not a moderator will have no effect, that GUID will be ignored.",
"DeselectToRemoveModerator": "Kaldırmak istediğiniz aracıların seçimini iptal edin",
"SelectToAddModerator": "Eklemek istediğiniz aracıları seçin",
"Categories": "Kategoriler",
@@ -297,9 +316,9 @@
"Off": "Off",
"ClickToChange": "Click to change",
"NotProvided": "not provided",
- "NotFollowingAnyone": "Not following anyone",
- "NoFollowers": "No followers",
- "NoReviews": "No reviews",
+ "NotFollowingAnyone": "No nodes being followed were loaded",
+ "NoFollowers": "No followers were loaded",
+ "NoReviews": "No reviews were loaded",
"NoDetailsSpecified": "No details specified",
"Moderator": "Moderator",
"Moderator2": "Moderator:",
@@ -322,10 +341,11 @@
"ServerChangeWarningHeadline": "Caution: Record Your Settings",
"ServerChangeWarning": "We recommend you make a copy of your previous settings, shown below. Your previous username and password will no longer be available beyond this point.",
"ModeratorFee": "Fee:",
- "PriceForOne": "Price per single item, file, or service.",
+ "PriceForOne": "Price per single item, file, or service. Based on the listing's base price and the current exchange rate of BTC. This may not match the order total, which is based on the exchange rate of BTC at the time you purchased this listing.",
"Avatar": "Avatar",
"AdditionalPaymentData": "Additional payment data",
"AdditionalPaymentDataInfo": "Include name of purchase and order number in payment QR code?",
+ "ShippableHelp": "This product can be shipped to one of your currently saved addresses. Add more addresses in the Settings/Addresses section to be able to purchase more listings.",
"firewall": {
"Open": "Open",
"Restricted": "Restricted",
@@ -489,7 +509,8 @@
"UpdatingOrder": "Updating your transaction",
"UpdateComplete": "Your transaction update is complete",
"UpdateFailed": "Your transaction update did not complete. Open the transaction and try again",
- "UpdateInvalid": "Your transaction update returned invalid data. Open the transaction and try again"
+ "UpdateInvalid": "Your transaction update returned invalid data. Open the transaction and try again",
+ "ExportCSV": "Export to CSV"
"errorMessages": {
"saveError": "Veri kaydedilemedi.",
@@ -510,7 +531,8 @@
"tooManyPhotosBody": "Some or all of your photos were prevented from being uploaded because you would exceeded the maximum allowable amount.",
"badJSON": "The JSON data returned from the server was malformed",
"refundAlreadySent": "The refund has already been successfully sent for this order",
- "serverTimeout": "No response was received from the server. It may be unreachable or taking a very long time to respond."
+ "serverTimeout": "No response was received from the server. It may be unreachable or taking a very long time to respond.",
+ "noData": "No data is available for the options you have selected."
"pageConnectingMessages": {
"listingConnect": "Connecting to listing ${listing}",
@@ -557,11 +579,14 @@
"cases": "Olaylar",
"notifications": "Bildirimler",
"settings": "Ayarlar",
+ "refresh": "Refresh Page",
"restart": "Restart Application",
"about": "OpenBazaar Hakkında",
"support": "OpenBazaar'ı Destekle",
"Forward": "Forward",
- "Back": "Geri"
+ "Back": "Geri",
+ "newServer": "New Server",
+ "manageServers": "Manage Servers"
"onboarding": {
"intro": "OpenBazaar Yaplandırma",
@@ -620,6 +645,7 @@
"buyFlow": {
"PayForOrder": "Pay for Order",
+ "BuyOwnProductMsg": "You can't buy your own listing",
"NeedTempAddress": "I need a temporary Bitcoin address",
"NeedTempAddressHelper": "Please bookmark the url to your temporary bitcoin address",
"CantFindAddress": "I can't find my bitcoin address",
@@ -659,13 +685,10 @@
"noSearchResultsFound": "No results found"
"serverConnectModal": {
- "statusTryingToConnect": "Trying to connect to your server...",
- "statusConnected": "Connected.",
- "statusFailedConnection": "Unable to connect to your server",
- "statusFailedAuthentication": "Authentication failed",
- "statusTooManyAttempts": "Too many failed login attempts",
+ "connect": "Connect",
+ "connected": "Connected",
+ "connecting": "Connecting",
"serverConfiguration": "Server Configuration",
- "connecting": "Connecting...",
"intro": "OpenBazaar is designed to allow you to host your server separate from the client. By default, your server will run locally, but you can override it below.",
"serverIP": "Server IP",
"restApiPort": "Rest API port",
@@ -673,9 +696,19 @@
"heartbeatSocketApiPort": "Heartbeat socket port",
"username": "Username",
"password": "Password",
- "restoreDefaults": "Restore defaults",
"saveChanges": "Save Changes",
- "retry": "Retry connection"
+ "defaultServerName": "default",
+ "portedConnectionName": "ported connection",
+ "connectionFailed": "Connection failed to %{serverName}",
+ "connectingTo": "Connecting to %{serverName}",
+ "connectingToDefault": "Connecting to the default server",
+ "authFailed": "authentication failed",
+ "authFailedTooManyAttempts": "too many failed authentication attempts",
+ "serverConfigsHeaderMsg": "Your Server Configurations",
+ "newConfigHeaderMsg": "Enter Server Details",
+ "editConfigHeaderMsg": "Configuration Settings",
+ "serverConfigsTitle": "Server Configurations",
+ "newConfigTitle": "New Configuration"
"timezones": {
"-12": "(GMT -12:00) Eniwetok, Kwajalein",
diff --git a/js/languages/uk.json b/js/languages/uk.json
index 6332f4108..eb2a1ee78 100644
--- a/js/languages/uk.json
+++ b/js/languages/uk.json
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
"EnterMessage": "Введіть повідомлення...",
"Recommended": "Recommended",
"Reload": "Перезавантажити",
+ "LoadIndex": "Load Index",
"You": "Ви",
"Skip": "Пропустити",
"Done": "Готово",
@@ -23,6 +24,7 @@
"of": "із",
"Sell": "Продати",
"New": "Новий",
+ "Retry": "Retry",
"HighlightToStyle": "Highlight text to style",
"Excellent": "Відмінно",
"Good": "Добре",
@@ -48,6 +50,8 @@
"ViewListing": "Відобразити перелік",
"Unfollow": "Не слідкувати",
"ConfirmUnfollow": "Confirm Unfollow",
+ "AddModerator": "Add as Moderator",
+ "RemoveModerator": "Remove as Moderator",
"About": "Про нас",
"Version": "Version %{version}",
"NoDescriptionAdded": "Опис не знайдено ...",
@@ -73,6 +77,7 @@
"GoToMyPage": "Моя сторінка",
"Random": "Random",
"ShowOnlyFollowerListings": "Personalized",
+ "DoesNotShip": "Does not ship to you",
"TryRandom": "Try random mode to discover more",
"ShowOnlyFollowerListingsTooltip": "View listings from stores I follow",
"ShowAllListingsTooltip": "View random listings on the network",
@@ -82,7 +87,7 @@
"SearchForItemsPlaceholder": "Введіть #games, #shoes або будь який тег #tag...",
"SearchForPagesPlaceholder": "Пошук за назвою або словом...",
"SearchFeedPlaceholder": "Пошук за словом ...",
- "SearchForFollowersPlaceholder": "Пошук за ім'ям ...",
+ "SearchForFollowersPlaceholder": "Search for a name in your currently loaded followers (scroll to load more).",
"SearchForUsersPlaceholder": "Пошук за ім'ям або OpenBazaar ID",
"SearchOnUserStorePlaceholder": "Введіть назву...",
"EstDeliveryDomesticPlaceholder": "3-5 Робочих Днів",
@@ -94,7 +99,8 @@
"ReturnPolicyPlaceholder": "Умови повернення товару...",
"CategoryPlaceholder": "Оберіть категорію",
"CategoryHelperText": "Категорії що використовуються для сортування товарів вашого магазину.",
- "KeywordsHelperText": "Adding tags helps your listing to be discovered in the market. You can only have one of each tag, and a maximum of 10 tags",
+ "KeywordsPlaceholder": "Enter One or More Tags",
+ "KeywordsHelperText": "Adding tags helps your listing to be discovered in the market. You can only have one of each tag, and a maximum of 10 tags, separated by commas or the enter key.",
"ExpirationDateHelperText": "Оберіть дату для автоматичного зняття з продажу.",
"ClearExpirationDate": "Дата зняття з продажу",
"ReturnPolicy": "Умови повернення товару",
@@ -131,6 +137,7 @@
"Tags": "Tags, Теги",
"Keywords": "Пошукові слова",
"ShipsFrom": "Доставка з",
+ "ShipsFrom2": "Ships From %{country}",
"ShipsTo": "Країни доставки",
"AddShipToRegion": "Shipping Region",
"AddShipToRegionNote": "Adds All Nations in a Region",
@@ -170,6 +177,16 @@
"SSLIsOn": "SSL is on",
"SSLIsOff": "SSL is off",
"LibbitcoinServerAddress": "Адреса сервера Libbitcoin",
+ "SMTPNotificationsWarning": "Turn email notifications on/off",
+ "SMTPNotifications": "SMTP Notifications",
+ "SMTPPassword": "SMTP Password",
+ "SMTPUsername": "SMTP Username",
+ "SMTPServer": "SMTP Server Address",
+ "SMTPServerExample": "hostname:port",
+ "SMTPRecipientExample": "recipient@gmail.com",
+ "SMTPRecipient": "Recipient Email Address",
+ "SMTPSenderExample": "sender@gmail.com",
+ "SMTPSender": "Sender Email Address",
"ServerIPPort": "Сервер IP:Port",
"All": "Всі",
"Name": "Ім'я",
@@ -229,7 +246,9 @@
"SearchForCategory": "Пошук Категорії",
"Moderators": "Модератори",
"CurrentModerators": "Дійсні модертори",
- "AddModerators": "Додати модератора",
+ "AddModerators": "Add Moderators",
+ "ManualAddModerator": "Add Moderators by GUID",
+ "ManualAddModeratorHelp": "Enter the GUIDs of one or more moderators, separated by commas, here. The GUID is on the right side of their About tab on their page. Adding the GUID of a user that is not a moderator will have no effect, that GUID will be ignored.",
"DeselectToRemoveModerator": "Оберіть модератора для того щоб видалити.",
"SelectToAddModerator": "Оберіть модеретора для то щоб додати його.",
"Categories": "Категорії",
@@ -297,9 +316,9 @@
"Off": "Off",
"ClickToChange": "Натисніть для змін",
"NotProvided": "Не вказано",
- "NotFollowingAnyone": "Ні за ким не слідкуете",
- "NoFollowers": "За вми ніхто не слідкує",
- "NoReviews": "No reviews",
+ "NotFollowingAnyone": "No nodes being followed were loaded",
+ "NoFollowers": "No followers were loaded",
+ "NoReviews": "No reviews were loaded",
"NoDetailsSpecified": "No details specified",
"Moderator": "Модератор",
"Moderator2": "Moderator:",
@@ -322,10 +341,11 @@
"ServerChangeWarningHeadline": "Caution: Record Your Settings",
"ServerChangeWarning": "We recommend you make a copy of your previous settings, shown below. Your previous username and password will no longer be available beyond this point.",
"ModeratorFee": "Fee:",
- "PriceForOne": "Price per single item, file, or service.",
+ "PriceForOne": "Price per single item, file, or service. Based on the listing's base price and the current exchange rate of BTC. This may not match the order total, which is based on the exchange rate of BTC at the time you purchased this listing.",
"Avatar": "Avatar",
"AdditionalPaymentData": "Additional payment data",
"AdditionalPaymentDataInfo": "Include name of purchase and order number in payment QR code?",
+ "ShippableHelp": "This product can be shipped to one of your currently saved addresses. Add more addresses in the Settings/Addresses section to be able to purchase more listings.",
"firewall": {
"Open": "Open",
"Restricted": "Restricted",
@@ -489,7 +509,8 @@
"UpdatingOrder": "Updating your transaction",
"UpdateComplete": "Your transaction update is complete",
"UpdateFailed": "Your transaction update did not complete. Open the transaction and try again",
- "UpdateInvalid": "Your transaction update returned invalid data. Open the transaction and try again"
+ "UpdateInvalid": "Your transaction update returned invalid data. Open the transaction and try again",
+ "ExportCSV": "Export to CSV"
"errorMessages": {
"saveError": "Не можливо зберігти інформацію.",
@@ -510,7 +531,8 @@
"tooManyPhotosBody": "Some or all of your photos were prevented from being uploaded because you would exceeded the maximum allowable amount.",
"badJSON": "The JSON data returned from the server was malformed",
"refundAlreadySent": "The refund has already been successfully sent for this order",
- "serverTimeout": "No response was received from the server. It may be unreachable or taking a very long time to respond."
+ "serverTimeout": "No response was received from the server. It may be unreachable or taking a very long time to respond.",
+ "noData": "No data is available for the options you have selected."
"pageConnectingMessages": {
"listingConnect": "Connecting to listing ${listing}",
@@ -557,11 +579,14 @@
"cases": "Історія",
"notifications": "Повідомлення",
"settings": "Налаштування",
+ "refresh": "Refresh Page",
"restart": "Restart Application",
"about": "Про OpenBazaar",
"support": "Підтримай OpenBazaar",
"Forward": "Forward",
- "Back": "Назад"
+ "Back": "Назад",
+ "newServer": "New Server",
+ "manageServers": "Manage Servers"
"onboarding": {
"intro": "Конфігурація OpenBazaar",
@@ -620,6 +645,7 @@
"buyFlow": {
"PayForOrder": "Pay for Order",
+ "BuyOwnProductMsg": "You can't buy your own listing",
"NeedTempAddress": "I need a temporary Bitcoin address",
"NeedTempAddressHelper": "Please bookmark the url to your temporary bitcoin address",
"CantFindAddress": "I can't find my bitcoin address",
@@ -659,13 +685,10 @@
"noSearchResultsFound": "Нічого не знайдено"
"serverConnectModal": {
- "statusTryingToConnect": "Trying to connect to your server...",
- "statusConnected": "Connected.",
- "statusFailedConnection": "Unable to connect to your server",
- "statusFailedAuthentication": "Authentication failed",
- "statusTooManyAttempts": "Too many failed login attempts",
+ "connect": "Connect",
+ "connected": "Connected",
+ "connecting": "Connecting",
"serverConfiguration": "Server Configuration",
- "connecting": "Connecting...",
"intro": "OpenBazaar is designed to allow you to host your server separate from the client. By default, your server will run locally, but you can override it below.",
"serverIP": "Server IP",
"restApiPort": "Rest API port",
@@ -673,9 +696,19 @@
"heartbeatSocketApiPort": "Heartbeat socket port",
"username": "Username",
"password": "Пароль",
- "restoreDefaults": "Restore defaults",
"saveChanges": "Зберігти зміни",
- "retry": "Retry connection"
+ "defaultServerName": "default",
+ "portedConnectionName": "ported connection",
+ "connectionFailed": "Connection failed to %{serverName}",
+ "connectingTo": "Connecting to %{serverName}",
+ "connectingToDefault": "Connecting to the default server",
+ "authFailed": "authentication failed",
+ "authFailedTooManyAttempts": "too many failed authentication attempts",
+ "serverConfigsHeaderMsg": "Your Server Configurations",
+ "newConfigHeaderMsg": "Enter Server Details",
+ "editConfigHeaderMsg": "Configuration Settings",
+ "serverConfigsTitle": "Server Configurations",
+ "newConfigTitle": "New Configuration"
"timezones": {
"-12": "(GMT -12:00) Eniwetok, Kwajalein",
diff --git a/js/languages/uz.json b/js/languages/uz.json
index f139a36cb..7bd0098a5 100644
--- a/js/languages/uz.json
+++ b/js/languages/uz.json
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
"EnterMessage": "Xatingozni yuborin..",
"Recommended": "Maslaxat beramiz",
"Reload": "Обновить",
+ "LoadIndex": "Load Index",
"You": "Вы",
"Skip": "Пропустить",
"Done": "Готово",
@@ -23,6 +24,7 @@
"of": "из",
"Sell": "Продать",
"New": "Новый",
+ "Retry": "Retry",
"HighlightToStyle": "Подсвечивание текста по стилю",
"Excellent": "Идеальное",
"Good": "Хорошее",
@@ -48,6 +50,8 @@
"ViewListing": "Просмотр товара",
"Unfollow": "Отписаться",
"ConfirmUnfollow": "Да, отписаться",
+ "AddModerator": "Add as Moderator",
+ "RemoveModerator": "Remove as Moderator",
"About": "О нас",
"Version": "Версия %{version}",
"NoDescriptionAdded": "Описание отсутствует",
@@ -73,6 +77,7 @@
"GoToMyPage": "Моя страница",
"Random": "Random",
"ShowOnlyFollowerListings": "Белый список",
+ "DoesNotShip": "Does not ship to you",
"TryRandom": "Try random mode to discover more",
"ShowOnlyFollowerListingsTooltip": "Отразить товары с подписок",
"ShowAllListingsTooltip": "Найти случайные товары в сети",
@@ -82,7 +87,7 @@
"SearchForItemsPlaceholder": "Введите #игры, #обувь или любой #тег...",
"SearchForPagesPlaceholder": "Поиск по имени или ключевому слову",
"SearchFeedPlaceholder": "Поиск по имени или OpenBazaar ID",
- "SearchForFollowersPlaceholder": "Поиск по имени или OpenBazaar ID",
+ "SearchForFollowersPlaceholder": "Search for a name in your currently loaded followers (scroll to load more).",
"SearchForUsersPlaceholder": "Поиск по имени или OpenBazaar ID",
"SearchOnUserStorePlaceholder": "Введите название...",
"EstDeliveryDomesticPlaceholder": "3-5 рабочих дней",
@@ -94,7 +99,8 @@
"ReturnPolicyPlaceholder": "Введите Ваши условия возврата...",
"CategoryPlaceholder": "Выберите категорию",
"CategoryHelperText": "Категории используются для сортировки выкладки товаров в вашем магазине.",
- "KeywordsHelperText": "Добавление тегов помогает вашему листингу быть найденым на рынке.",
+ "KeywordsPlaceholder": "Enter One or More Tags",
+ "KeywordsHelperText": "Adding tags helps your listing to be discovered in the market. You can only have one of each tag, and a maximum of 10 tags, separated by commas or the enter key.",
"ExpirationDateHelperText": "Выберите дату для автоматического снятия с продажи.",
"ClearExpirationDate": "Точная дата для снятия с продажи",
"ReturnPolicy": "Политика возвратов",
@@ -131,6 +137,7 @@
"Tags": "Теги",
"Keywords": "Ключевые слова",
"ShipsFrom": "Доставка из",
+ "ShipsFrom2": "Ships From %{country}",
"ShipsTo": "Страны доставки",
"AddShipToRegion": "Добавить регион доставки",
"AddShipToRegionNote": "Adds All Nations in a Region",
@@ -170,6 +177,16 @@
"SSLIsOn": "SSL включен",
"SSLIsOff": "SSL выключен",
"LibbitcoinServerAddress": "Адрес сервера Libbitcoin",
+ "SMTPNotificationsWarning": "Turn email notifications on/off",
+ "SMTPNotifications": "SMTP Notifications",
+ "SMTPPassword": "SMTP Password",
+ "SMTPUsername": "SMTP Username",
+ "SMTPServer": "SMTP Server Address",
+ "SMTPServerExample": "hostname:port",
+ "SMTPRecipientExample": "recipient@gmail.com",
+ "SMTPRecipient": "Recipient Email Address",
+ "SMTPSenderExample": "sender@gmail.com",
+ "SMTPSender": "Sender Email Address",
"ServerIPPort": "Сервер IP:Port",
"All": "Все",
"Name": "Имя",
@@ -229,7 +246,9 @@
"SearchForCategory": "Поиск категории",
"Moderators": "Модераторы",
"CurrentModerators": "Текущие модераторы",
- "AddModerators": "Добавить модераторов",
+ "AddModerators": "Add Moderators",
+ "ManualAddModerator": "Add Moderators by GUID",
+ "ManualAddModeratorHelp": "Enter the GUIDs of one or more moderators, separated by commas, here. The GUID is on the right side of their About tab on their page. Adding the GUID of a user that is not a moderator will have no effect, that GUID will be ignored.",
"DeselectToRemoveModerator": "Выберите модераторов для удаления",
"SelectToAddModerator": "Выберите модераторов для добавления",
"Categories": "Категории",
@@ -297,9 +316,9 @@
"Off": "Выкл",
"ClickToChange": "Щёлкнуть для изменения",
"NotProvided": "не предоставлено",
- "NotFollowingAnyone": "Не подписан ни на кого",
- "NoFollowers": "Нет подписчиков",
- "NoReviews": "Нет обзоров",
+ "NotFollowingAnyone": "No nodes being followed were loaded",
+ "NoFollowers": "No followers were loaded",
+ "NoReviews": "No reviews were loaded",
"NoDetailsSpecified": "No details specified",
"Moderator": "Модератор",
"Moderator2": "Moderator:",
@@ -322,10 +341,11 @@
"ServerChangeWarningHeadline": "Внимание: сделайте резервную копию настроек",
"ServerChangeWarning": "Мы рекомендуем вам сделать копии ваших предыдущих настроек, показанных ниже. Ваше имя пользователя и пароль к серверу программы больше не будут доступны с этого момента.",
"ModeratorFee": "Fee",
- "PriceForOne": "Price per single item, file, or service.",
+ "PriceForOne": "Price per single item, file, or service. Based on the listing's base price and the current exchange rate of BTC. This may not match the order total, which is based on the exchange rate of BTC at the time you purchased this listing.",
"Avatar": "Avatar",
"AdditionalPaymentData": "Additional payment data",
"AdditionalPaymentDataInfo": "Include name of purchase and order number in payment QR code?",
+ "ShippableHelp": "This product can be shipped to one of your currently saved addresses. Add more addresses in the Settings/Addresses section to be able to purchase more listings.",
"firewall": {
"Open": "Open",
"Restricted": "Restricted",
@@ -489,7 +509,8 @@
"UpdatingOrder": "Обновление вашей транзакции",
"UpdateComplete": "Ваша транзакция завершена",
"UpdateFailed": "Ваша транзакция не обновлена. Проверьте платёж и попробуйте снова",
- "UpdateInvalid": "Обновление вашей транзакции завершилось с ошибкой. Проверьте платёж и попробуйте снова"
+ "UpdateInvalid": "Обновление вашей транзакции завершилось с ошибкой. Проверьте платёж и попробуйте снова",
+ "ExportCSV": "Export to CSV"
"errorMessages": {
"saveError": "Данные невозможно сохранить.",
@@ -510,7 +531,8 @@
"tooManyPhotosBody": "Некоторые из ваших фотографий не могут быть загружены, потому что превышают допустимый размер файла.",
"badJSON": "Данные JSON возвращены с сервера",
"refundAlreadySent": "The refund has already been successfully sent for this order",
- "serverTimeout": "No response was received from the server. It may be unreachable or taking a very long time to respond."
+ "serverTimeout": "No response was received from the server. It may be unreachable or taking a very long time to respond.",
+ "noData": "No data is available for the options you have selected."
"pageConnectingMessages": {
"listingConnect": "Подключение к товару ${listing}",
@@ -557,11 +579,14 @@
"cases": "История",
"notifications": "Уведомления",
"settings": "Настройки",
+ "refresh": "Refresh Page",
"restart": "Restart Application",
"about": "Об OpenBazaar",
"support": "Поддержка OpenBazaar",
"Forward": "Forward",
- "Back": "Назад"
+ "Back": "Назад",
+ "newServer": "New Server",
+ "manageServers": "Manage Servers"
"onboarding": {
"intro": "Конфигурация OpenBazaar",
@@ -620,6 +645,7 @@
"buyFlow": {
"PayForOrder": "Оплатить заказ",
+ "BuyOwnProductMsg": "You can't buy your own listing",
"NeedTempAddress": "Мне нужен временный Bitcoin адрес",
"NeedTempAddressHelper": "Пожалуйста добавьте в избранное ссылку на ваш временный bitcoin адрес",
"CantFindAddress": "Я не могу найти мой bitcoin адрес",
@@ -659,13 +685,10 @@
"noSearchResultsFound": "Результатов не найдено"
"serverConnectModal": {
- "statusTryingToConnect": "Попытка подключиться к вашему серверу",
- "statusConnected": "Подключено",
- "statusFailedConnection": "Невозможно подключиться к вашему серверу",
- "statusFailedAuthentication": "Сбой аутентификации",
- "statusTooManyAttempts": "Слишком много попыток входа",
+ "connect": "Connect",
+ "connected": "Connected",
+ "connecting": "Connecting",
"serverConfiguration": "Конфигурация сервера",
- "connecting": "Подключение",
"intro": "OpenBazaar спроектирован, чтобы помочь вам держать сервер и клиент на разных компьютерах. По-умолчанию сервер запускается с клиентом на одном и том же компьютере, но вы также можете изменить это здесь.",
"serverIP": "Сервер IP",
"restApiPort": "Порт Rest API",
@@ -673,9 +696,19 @@
"heartbeatSocketApiPort": "Порт сокета Heartbeat",
"username": "Имя пользователя сервера",
"password": "Пароль сервера",
- "restoreDefaults": "Удалить настройки",
"saveChanges": "Сохранить изменения",
- "retry": "Попробовать ещё раз"
+ "defaultServerName": "default",
+ "portedConnectionName": "ported connection",
+ "connectionFailed": "Connection failed to %{serverName}",
+ "connectingTo": "Connecting to %{serverName}",
+ "connectingToDefault": "Connecting to the default server",
+ "authFailed": "authentication failed",
+ "authFailedTooManyAttempts": "too many failed authentication attempts",
+ "serverConfigsHeaderMsg": "Your Server Configurations",
+ "newConfigHeaderMsg": "Enter Server Details",
+ "editConfigHeaderMsg": "Configuration Settings",
+ "serverConfigsTitle": "Server Configurations",
+ "newConfigTitle": "New Configuration"
"timezones": {
"-12": "(GMT -12:00) Eniwetok, Kwajalein",
diff --git a/js/languages/zh-CN.json b/js/languages/zh-CN.json
index f0d2bf307..a84a059e3 100644
--- a/js/languages/zh-CN.json
+++ b/js/languages/zh-CN.json
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
"EnterMessage": "留言",
"Recommended": "建议",
"Reload": "刷新",
+ "LoadIndex": "Load Index",
"You": "你",
"Skip": "跳过",
"Done": "完成",
@@ -23,6 +24,7 @@
"of": "有关",
"Sell": "卖l",
"New": "新",
+ "Retry": "Retry",
"HighlightToStyle": "Highlight text to style",
"Excellent": "出色",
"Good": "完好",
@@ -48,6 +50,8 @@
"ViewListing": "View Listing",
"Unfollow": "不再关注",
"ConfirmUnfollow": "Confirm Unfollow",
+ "AddModerator": "Add as Moderator",
+ "RemoveModerator": "Remove as Moderator",
"About": "关于",
"Version": "Version %{version}",
"NoDescriptionAdded": "未加描述",
@@ -73,6 +77,7 @@
"GoToMyPage": "我的主页",
"Random": "Random",
"ShowOnlyFollowerListings": "Personalized",
+ "DoesNotShip": "Does not ship to you",
"TryRandom": "Try random mode to discover more",
"ShowOnlyFollowerListingsTooltip": "View listings from stores I follow",
"ShowAllListingsTooltip": "View random listings on the network",
@@ -82,7 +87,7 @@
"SearchForItemsPlaceholder": "输入 #games, #shoes 或任何 #标签...",
"SearchForPagesPlaceholder": "用名字或关键字查找",
"SearchFeedPlaceholder": "用简称或 OpenBazaar ID 查找",
- "SearchForFollowersPlaceholder": "用简称或 OpenBazaar ID 查找",
+ "SearchForFollowersPlaceholder": "Search for a name in your currently loaded followers (scroll to load more).",
"SearchForUsersPlaceholder": "用简称或 OpenBazaar ID 查找",
"SearchOnUserStorePlaceholder": "输入标题...",
"EstDeliveryDomesticPlaceholder": "3-5 个工作日",
@@ -94,7 +99,8 @@
"ReturnPolicyPlaceholder": "输入退货方式",
"CategoryPlaceholder": "输入分类",
"CategoryHelperText": "分类 为您店铺里的商品作出归类和管理",
- "KeywordsHelperText": "Adding tags helps your listing to be discovered in the market. You can only have one of each tag, and a maximum of 10 tags",
+ "KeywordsPlaceholder": "Enter One or More Tags",
+ "KeywordsHelperText": "Adding tags helps your listing to be discovered in the market. You can only have one of each tag, and a maximum of 10 tags, separated by commas or the enter key.",
"ExpirationDateHelperText": "输入货品自动上柜日期",
"ClearExpirationDate": "清空过期日期",
"ReturnPolicy": "退货条款",
@@ -131,6 +137,7 @@
"Tags": "标签",
"Keywords": "关键字",
"ShipsFrom": "发货地",
+ "ShipsFrom2": "Ships From %{country}",
"ShipsTo": "发往",
"AddShipToRegion": "Shipping Region",
"AddShipToRegionNote": "Adds All Nations in a Region",
@@ -170,6 +177,16 @@
"SSLIsOn": "SSL is on",
"SSLIsOff": "SSL is off",
"LibbitcoinServerAddress": "Libbitcoin 服务器地址",
+ "SMTPNotificationsWarning": "Turn email notifications on/off",
+ "SMTPNotifications": "SMTP Notifications",
+ "SMTPPassword": "SMTP Password",
+ "SMTPUsername": "SMTP Username",
+ "SMTPServer": "SMTP Server Address",
+ "SMTPServerExample": "hostname:port",
+ "SMTPRecipientExample": "recipient@gmail.com",
+ "SMTPRecipient": "Recipient Email Address",
+ "SMTPSenderExample": "sender@gmail.com",
+ "SMTPSender": "Sender Email Address",
"ServerIPPort": "服务器 IP:Port",
"All": "所有",
"Name": "名称",
@@ -229,7 +246,9 @@
"SearchForCategory": "查找分类项目",
"Moderators": "仲裁员",
"CurrentModerators": "当前仲裁员",
- "AddModerators": "添加新的仲裁员",
+ "AddModerators": "Add Moderators",
+ "ManualAddModerator": "Add Moderators by GUID",
+ "ManualAddModeratorHelp": "Enter the GUIDs of one or more moderators, separated by commas, here. The GUID is on the right side of their About tab on their page. Adding the GUID of a user that is not a moderator will have no effect, that GUID will be ignored.",
"DeselectToRemoveModerator": "反选您想要去掉的仲裁员",
"SelectToAddModerator": "选择您想要添加的仲裁员",
"Categories": "分类",
@@ -297,9 +316,9 @@
"Off": "关闭",
"ClickToChange": "点击以改变",
"NotProvided": "未提供",
- "NotFollowingAnyone": "未关注任何人",
- "NoFollowers": "没有人关注你",
- "NoReviews": "没有客户评价",
+ "NotFollowingAnyone": "No nodes being followed were loaded",
+ "NoFollowers": "No followers were loaded",
+ "NoReviews": "No reviews were loaded",
"NoDetailsSpecified": "No details specified",
"Moderator": "仲裁员",
"Moderator2": "Moderator:",
@@ -322,10 +341,11 @@
"ServerChangeWarningHeadline": "Caution: Record Your Settings",
"ServerChangeWarning": "We recommend you make a copy of your previous settings, shown below. Your previous username and password will no longer be available beyond this point.",
"ModeratorFee": "Fee:",
- "PriceForOne": "Price per single item, file, or service.",
+ "PriceForOne": "Price per single item, file, or service. Based on the listing's base price and the current exchange rate of BTC. This may not match the order total, which is based on the exchange rate of BTC at the time you purchased this listing.",
"Avatar": "Avatar",
"AdditionalPaymentData": "Additional payment data",
"AdditionalPaymentDataInfo": "Include name of purchase and order number in payment QR code?",
+ "ShippableHelp": "This product can be shipped to one of your currently saved addresses. Add more addresses in the Settings/Addresses section to be able to purchase more listings.",
"firewall": {
"Open": "Open",
"Restricted": "Restricted",
@@ -489,7 +509,8 @@
"UpdatingOrder": "Updating your transaction",
"UpdateComplete": "Your transaction update is complete",
"UpdateFailed": "Your transaction update did not complete. Open the transaction and try again",
- "UpdateInvalid": "Your transaction update returned invalid data. Open the transaction and try again"
+ "UpdateInvalid": "Your transaction update returned invalid data. Open the transaction and try again",
+ "ExportCSV": "Export to CSV"
"errorMessages": {
"saveError": "数据没有被储存",
@@ -510,7 +531,8 @@
"tooManyPhotosBody": "Some or all of your photos were prevented from being uploaded because you would exceeded the maximum allowable amount.",
"badJSON": "The JSON data returned from the server was malformed",
"refundAlreadySent": "The refund has already been successfully sent for this order",
- "serverTimeout": "No response was received from the server. It may be unreachable or taking a very long time to respond."
+ "serverTimeout": "No response was received from the server. It may be unreachable or taking a very long time to respond.",
+ "noData": "No data is available for the options you have selected."
"pageConnectingMessages": {
"listingConnect": "Connecting to listing ${listing}",
@@ -557,11 +579,14 @@
"cases": "事件记录",
"notifications": "通知",
"settings": "设置",
+ "refresh": "Refresh Page",
"restart": "Restart Application",
"about": "关于 OpenBazaar",
"support": "支持 OpenBazaar",
"Forward": "前进",
- "Back": "后退"
+ "Back": "后退",
+ "newServer": "New Server",
+ "manageServers": "Manage Servers"
"onboarding": {
"intro": "OpenBazaar 布局",
@@ -620,6 +645,7 @@
"buyFlow": {
"PayForOrder": "支付订单",
+ "BuyOwnProductMsg": "You can't buy your own listing",
"NeedTempAddress": "我需要一个临时的比特币地址",
"NeedTempAddressHelper": "Please bookmark the url to your temporary bitcoin address",
"CantFindAddress": "我找不到自己的比特币地址",
@@ -659,13 +685,10 @@
"noSearchResultsFound": "没有符合要求的结果"
"serverConnectModal": {
- "statusTryingToConnect": "Trying to connect to your server...",
- "statusConnected": "Connected.",
- "statusFailedConnection": "无法连接服务器",
- "statusFailedAuthentication": "身份认证失败",
- "statusTooManyAttempts": "登录失败次数过多",
+ "connect": "Connect",
+ "connected": "Connected",
+ "connecting": "Connecting",
"serverConfiguration": "服务器配置",
- "connecting": "Connecting...",
"intro": "OpenBazaar被设计为服务器与客户端是可分离的。默认情况下,服务器在本地运行,但你可以在这里修改配置。",
"serverIP": "服务器IP地址",
"restApiPort": "Rest API端口号",
@@ -673,9 +696,19 @@
"heartbeatSocketApiPort": "心跳socket端口号",
"username": "用户名",
"password": "口令",
- "restoreDefaults": "恢复默认值",
"saveChanges": "保存修改",
- "retry": "重新连接服务器"
+ "defaultServerName": "default",
+ "portedConnectionName": "ported connection",
+ "connectionFailed": "Connection failed to %{serverName}",
+ "connectingTo": "Connecting to %{serverName}",
+ "connectingToDefault": "Connecting to the default server",
+ "authFailed": "authentication failed",
+ "authFailedTooManyAttempts": "too many failed authentication attempts",
+ "serverConfigsHeaderMsg": "Your Server Configurations",
+ "newConfigHeaderMsg": "Enter Server Details",
+ "editConfigHeaderMsg": "Configuration Settings",
+ "serverConfigsTitle": "Server Configurations",
+ "newConfigTitle": "New Configuration"
"timezones": {
"-12": "(GMT -12:00) Eniwetok, Kwajalein",
diff --git a/js/models/languagesMd.js b/js/models/languagesMd.js
index de02f7edb..ab95e569f 100644
--- a/js/models/languagesMd.js
+++ b/js/models/languagesMd.js
@@ -14,6 +14,10 @@ module.exports = Backbone.Model.extend({
langName: "中文 (Chinese, S)",
langCode: "zh-CN"
+ {
+ langName: "Czech (Czech)",
+ langCode: "cs"
+ },
langName: "Croatian (Croatian, Croatia)",
langCode: "hr-HR"