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AppMarket Installation and Configuration


AppMarket requires:

  • MongoDB
  • ruby and rubygems installed.

Install AppMarket

AppMarket packages can be download from the OpenNebula Downloads page in two formats:

  • rpm package
  • deb package

The rpm and deb packages can be installed with ''dpkg'' and ''rpm'' respectively:

# Debian/Ubuntu
sudo dpkg -i appmarket_*.deb

# CentOS/openSUSE
sudo yum localinstall appmarket_*.rpm

If installing from source code you can run the following command:

./ -h

The following commands are necessary in any of the previous cases to install the required gems

  • bundler. To install it you can issue as root:

      gem install bundler
  • Required gems. To install the gems needed by AppMarket do this as root:

      cd /usr/lib/one/ruby/oneapps/market
      bundle install
      gem 'json'
      gem 'haml'
      gem 'sinatra'
      gem 'mongo'
      gem 'bson_ext'
      gem 'rspec'
      gem 'rack-test'
      gem 'redcarpet'
      gem 'mail'
      gem 'bcrypt-ruby'
      gem 'opennebula-cli'

If you find problems installing nokogiri in your distribution, check the following guide

Upgrade AppMarket

This section is a quick go-to reference for upgrading the AppMarket version. Note that it includes commands relative to AppMarket Worker upgrade. Do not run the AppMarket Worker commands if you aren't upgrading the Worker node.

Download the packages (details in previous section)

Stop the Services

$ appmarket-server stop

Verify that the services stopped coorectly:

$ ps -ef | grep appmarket-server

Backup /etc directory

$ tar cvzf etc-one.tar.gz /etc/one
$ cp /etc/one/sunstone-appmarket.conf  sunstone-appmarket.conf.pre-upgrade

Backup Mongo Database

$ mongodump -d market

Install Packages

$ sudo dpkg -i appmarket_*.rpm

Install Gems

$ cd /usr/lib/one/ruby/oneapps/market; bundle install

Review and upgrade configuration files

$ diff -u sunstone-appmarket.conf.pre-upgrade /etc/one/sunstone-appmarket.conf
$ sudo vi /etc/one/sunstone-appmarket.conf
$ diff -u appmarket-server.conf.pre-upgrade /etc/one/appmarket-server.conf
$ sudo vi /etc/one/appmarket-server.conf

Database Upgrade

$ appmarket-db

Start the Services

# /etc/init.d/opennebula-appmarket start

Configure AppMarket

The AppMarket configuration file can be found at /etc/one/appmarket-server.conf. It uses YAML syntax and the following parameters can be configured in this file

MongoDB endpoint

AppMarket requires a MongoDB database to store the appliances and users metadata. For more information on how to install and configure MongoDB please use the official webpage.

The host and port where the MongoDB is running can be defined as follows:

# MongoDB endpoint
db_host: localhost
db_port: 27017

AppMarket server endpoint

The host and port where the AppMarket server will run is defined as follows. By default the server runs locally in port 6242.

# Host and port where AppMarket server will run
:port: 6242


The first time the AppMarket server is started, the DB will be initialized and an admin user will be created using the information provided in the appmarket-server.conf.

# Admin credentials. This will be the user that will be used in the
#   bootstrap process the first time the server is started
    organization:   default
    first_name:     default
    last_name:      default
    username:       default
    password:       default
    website:        default
    email:          default

Start AppMarket

To start and stop the server, use the ''opennebula-appmarket-server'' command:

# /etc/init.d/opennebula-appmarket start

By default, the server will only listen to requests coming from localhost. Change the host attribute in /etc/one/appmarket-server.conf to your server public IP, or so appmarket will listen on any interface.

Inside /var/log/one/ you will find new log files for the server.


Enabling the Sunstone Tabs

The AppMarket tabs are not included in sunstone by default. To enable them, edit /usr/lib/one/sunstone/public/app/main.js and include the AppMarket tabs as dependencies of the app module

  • /usr/lib/one/sunstone/public/app/main.js

      shim: {
        /* Tabs */
        'app': {
          deps: [

After adding the dependencies to the main.js file, new minfied files including the appmarket tabs can be generated by running the grunt requirejs command. For more details on how to compile and include new tabs to Sunstone, check the official development guide.

Also include the appmarket in the routes section of /etc/one/sunstone-server.conf

  • /etc/one/sunstone-server.conf

          - appmarket

Also edit /etc/one/sunstone-views/admin.yaml and /etc/one/sunstone-views/user.yaml and add the Appmarket tabs inside enabled_tabs:

  • /etc/one/sunstone-views/admin.yaml and /etc/one/sunstone-views/user.yaml

          - dashboard-tab
          - appmarket-dashboard-tab
          - appmarket-apps-tab

And the corresponding sections for the tabs at the end of the file. These tabs are configurable and can be adapted depending on the kind of user that is interacting with the AppMarket. These are the two options that we propose as an example, one for the admin of the marketplace and another one for regular users.

Admin View /etc/one/sunstone-views/admin.yaml

The admin will be able to:

  • List all the appliances even those that are not in ready state
  • Create appliances
  • Delete appliances
  • Import appliances into OpenNebula from Sunstone


Yaml /etc/one/sunstone-views/admin.yaml:

        appmarket_info_tab: true
        - 0         # Checkbox
        #- 1         # ID
        - 2         # Name
        - 3         # Publisher
        - 4         # Hypervisor
        - 5         # Arch
        - 6         # Format
        #- 7         # Tags
        - 8         # Created
        AppMarket.create: true
        AppMarket.refresh: true
        AppMarket.import: true
        AppMarket.delete: true
        AppMarket.create_dialog: true

User View /etc/one/sunstone-views/user.yaml

The user will be able to:

  • List the appliances in ready state
  • Import appliances into OpenNebula from Sunstone

Yaml /etc/one/sunstone-views/user.yaml:

            appmarket_info_tab: true
            - 0         # Checkbox
            #- 1         # ID
            - 2         # Name
            - 3         # Publisher
            - 4         # Hypervisor
            - 5         # Arch
            - 6         # Format
            #- 7         # Tags
            - 8         # Created
            AppMarket.create: false
            AppMarket.refresh: true
            AppMarket.import: true
            AppMarket.delete: false
            AppMarket.create_dialog: false

For more information on how to customize the views based on the user/group interacting with Sunstone check the sunstone views guide


The user that interacts with the AppMarket does not correspond with the OpenNebula user, so you have to use an AppMarket account if you want to gain admin privileges or access custom appliance catalogs associated with a given user. This user account can be defined for all the users of Sunstone in the /etc/one/sunstone-appmarket.conf

# AppMarket username and password
# If no credentials are provided, an anonymous client will be used


Or you can define a different account for each user adding the APPMARKET_USER and APPMARKET_PASSWORD in the template of the user. This can be achieved from the settings dialog of Sunstone or using the oneuser command from the CLI.

If no account is provided in any of the two options, an annonymous account will be used and only the appliances in the community catalog (this is the catalog where the appliances are created by default) will be accessible.

It is recommended to use a special account for the oneadmin user with admin privileges in the AppMarket and another one for the rest of the users with restricted privileges, for example the annonymous account.


In the /etc/one/sunstone-appmarket.conf you can define the url of AppMarket

# AppMarket endpoint
:appmarket_url: http://localhost:6242

Note that the url is defined in sunstone-appmarket.conf and not in sunstone-server.conf. Be sure to restart Sunstone for the changes to take effect.