diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/student-organisation-event-proposal.md b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/student-organisation-event-proposal.md
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--- a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/student-organisation-event-proposal.md
+++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/student-organisation-event-proposal.md
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name: Student Organisation Event Proposal
about: 'Propose an event to be conducted by a Student Organisation '
title: "[Insert title of your event]"
@@ -42,4 +42,4 @@ Share with us the background of your facilitators to provide some context for yo
**Logistical details / Budget Needed**
Help us with the overall resourcing of our events. This will give us a cue as to how to budget for the event and if there are further constraints we must consider.
-Please provide us with your club e-mail address so we can notify you once your event has been scheduled. Copy this [template](https://forms.office.com/Pages/ShareFormPage.aspx?id=drd2NJDpck-5UGJImDFiPWH2rk0WPLpNoz88PwBGAxpUQ0c5TktQNlJKUTVMUFFQTVRHTkJOV1o1VS4u&sharetoken=zv60rxgRFw6Sp0GdVpWP) to ensure consistent branding throughout DiscoverSUTD.
+Please provide us with your club e-mail address so we can notify you once your event has been scheduled. Copy this [template](https://forms.office.com/Pages/ShareFormPage.aspx?id=drd2NJDpck-5UGJImDFiPWH2rk0WPLpNoz88PwBGAxpUQ0c5TktQNlJKUTVMUFFQTVRHTkJOV1o1VS4u&sharetoken=zv60rxgRFw6Sp0GdVpWP) to ensure consistent branding throughout DiscoverSUTD.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 877008a..644039d 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -26,6 +26,376 @@ In general the workflow is:
## Timeline
This is to cater to Fifth row leaders when they are planning. The detailed ccontributing instructions is [here](https://opensutd.org/DiscoverSUTD-2021-microsite/contributing/). Do refer to our [Proposal Details](https://opensutd.org/DiscoverSUTD-2021-microsite/proposal_details/) for our tentative proposed Event Timeline.
+# DiscoverSUTD Debrief
+Feedback form: https://forms.office.com/Pages/AnalysisPage.aspx?id=drd2NJDpck-5UGJImDFiPSPGuwVqkZ9EkYGLjfibzbNUOEVTVVI5RTJBMjNFRjBTUkEzVjMzNlhNVC4u&AnalyzerToken=P9nYp41Tg813IMBnSBIAvszkYfTeXLrl
+## **Human Library ** \
+ \
+* Switched to GatherTown instead of Discord to promote interactivity for virtual platform
+* Marketing of the event was quite late. Not many signups especially on the day before the event starts (e.g 3 sign ups) \
+* Subcommittee sourcing was difficult as the timetable was released late. \
+* Some alumni/senior speakers wanted to come to school physically as they preferred physical interactions but they were not allowed to due to safety regulations
+* A handful of professor speakers wanted to switch from physical to virtual a day before the event. So, it is best to ask what is their preferred platform a few days before the event to avoid any last minute changes
+* → make use of [Microsoft Power Automate](https://flow.microsoft.com/) to send out confirmation emails \
+## During Event \
+## **General \
+* 1st time that Human Library is doing both physical and virtual so the group allocation of participants were just based on their pillar/cluster/programme choice, date and time \
+* Certain days got certain pillar/cluster speakers so some freshies were allocated to a speaker that is not to their interest or first choice (e.g_ there are no ESD speakers on 15 Sep)_
+**14 September (Tuesday)**
+* 1 to 1 groups feedback that it was boring and wished that there were more people joining especially for virtual \
+* Slide questions are too “monotonous” or yes very groggy \
+* A speaker wanted to use Zoom instead of GatherTown as he was unfamiliar with using the GatherTown so there was last minute changes in the confirmation email \
+* There were a few freshies who backed up last minute so our team and I had to be “reinforcements” for the speakers to prevent any “empty rooms” in GatherTown
+**15 September (Wednesday)**
+* The event was generally good as most of the professor and alumni speakers enjoyed the human library session due to more sign ups and professors were grouped together. (_ASD and SMT speakers were grouped) \
+* The turnout rate for participants was high for both physical and virtual.
+**Possible improvements in the future**
+1. Publicity to explain more about the Human Library and market it early! \
+2. Avoid any 1-1 groupings! \
+3. Form format and questions could be improved especially in the slides. **Look at existing templates that you can use already. Don’t need to start from scratch. Proofread also.** \
+4. Lesser seniors or professors (10 to 20 speakers). **When you ask for 20 speakers you will need 100 people to take part. Aim for 20-30% of people of your population to participate instead.** \
+5. Reconsidering of inviting HASS & SMT professors as they were the least chosen by the participants for pillar/programme/cluster choice \
+6. There must be at least one speaker in every pillar/programme on both event days \
+(All pillars/programme speakers are available to freshies, best to have both virtual and physical platforms where international students can participate)
+ E.g \
+_14 Sep (ASD physical speaker) \
+15 Sep (ASD virtual speaker)_
+ _Can be highlighted in the website calendar so participants know what date to sign up_
+ **Can we figure out a way to do this asynchronously? Perhaps put people into Pillar and Program focused human library rooms and have discussions happen organically then do a physical human library as the culmination of discussions.**
+## **Website**
+Overall comments about website:
+1. People love google calendar. Everything syncs plus the popup.
+2. People like the HL portion especially plus the FR portion.
+3. People feedback the UX experience for the dropdown on mobile wasn't too scrolly. That means click then go to some section.
+4. Small changes from FRs and HL shifting of Profs to the correct Pillar/Clusters/Programme.
+5. Fifth-rows page: Remember to add that the list is non-exhaustive !
+6. Event Calendar: Remember to add that event being held is subjective
+1. As you would expect to 1. key in a lot of information, 2. Orientation people/ Stakeholders/ OSA would like to take a look at the website for typos etcs 3. Publicise DSUTD events up for people to join (especially for events taking place in the first week like Humanlibrary) encouraged to have the website complete by the 1st Sept.
+2. Work and further improve on the existing website template, do not recommend to rebuild the entire website unless it is really crucial. **Reiterate on this. Do not rebuild unless necessary.**
+## **Fifth Row**
+Potential Improvements
+1. GitHub issues may not have been the best platform for event planning
+ 1. Many Fifth Rows were unfamiliar with using GitHub
+ 2. We had to follow up with Fifth Rows that did not submit complete information
+ 3. Modifications made in Github issues are not evident, and were done after the deadline.
+ 4. It was an extremely manual process to recompile everything in Google Sheets to share with OSA.
+ 5. In the future, a well formatted Microsoft Forms with specified fields for what we needed would solve a lot of these problems
+ 1. Create a Teams to keep all logs of FRs submission, and Questions. Invite FRs to the Teams. This allows FRs to have an open reference to other FRs submissions. → make use of [Microsoft Power Automate](https://flow.microsoft.com/)
+**We used Github issues for transparency and access control. It might be possible to just have a form and give comment access. So MS Forms > Review > Respond/E-mail**
+2. Fifthrows did not read a lot of the information we sent to them
+ 6. choosing timing that clashes with mandatory events (I believe FRs do not refer to the timeline we placed on our microsite)
+ 7. Microsite was not used by FRs to refer timeline.
+ 8. Branding problems not communicated clearly.
+ 9. Fifthrows forms did not use DSUTD template/ did not update information
+ 10. People say too much to read. When highlighted, bold, and underline what’s needed.
+**Ensure that FRs know what is required to get the budget,eg. clashes. As communicated when OSA:
= - FRs submit; ensure it is convey to FRs that their submission must be complete and proper.
- Once deadline ends no more submission and modifications can be made
- DSUTD team will filter obvious incomplete submission
- DSUTD complied and send to OSA
- No more alteration, if OSA rejects, no re-proposal is allowed
+3. Nobody was clear on planning / budget requirements and constraints
+ 11. FRs that are requesting too much ($1k+)
+ 12. Admin: JX was unable to tell us exactly which venues she is able to help for booking
+ 13. Admin: FRs are unclear of SMM
+**Only total budget is ever clear. Individual budget was kept flexible but I think now that we’ve run a few years we can provide guidance. SMM nobody knows.**
+**→ I see, no suggested solution for OSA to help this then.**
+**Additional qns: Next year DSUTD will handle all FRs admin work too? If so how can we work tgt --> Hard to foresee next year's SMM, have to play by ear**
+Communications with FRs
+1. All FRs were nice.
+2. Most FRs would rather reach out to you if they have any questions via Private message on Telegram (which can be messy because you’ll have to update the info between teammates, update the info on github that it was communicated through telegram)
+ 1. Recommend to not accept any personal message enquiries from FRs.
+ 2. Inform FRs which medium will be used as Follow ups from us
+ 3. If adjustments are needed from FRs and they have not been replying to us, do not reach out to them via personal message too.
+ 1. Could be disrespectful to them too
+ 2. It is very hard to keep track
+ 3. Other DSUTD members wont be aware of this.
+**Team members grow linearly (1,2,3,4) but communication grows exponentially (1,2,3,6, …) if you talk to 5 fifth rows you’ll have to update a lot of people all the time and you’ll get overwhelmed. So not being accommodating makes more sense.**
+3. Late submission from FRs. It was immediately rejected as the excel list is required to submit to OSA; other FRs who submitted on time might feel that DSUTD had biased treatment of other FRs.
+**Good to make it extremely clear. Probably a simple diagram will make it clear.**
+Communication with OSA regarding FRs:
+1. Does OSA actually need the list of Student Organisation details? Was it even needed for OSA approval?
+## DiscoverPillar
+Went Well
+Overall pretty smooth and did not require much involvement on our end. Every pillar had their own Zoom account and were prompt in sending the Zoom registration form and that we uploaded to our website. Furthermore, we had a surprise guest of HASS reaching out to us to use our platform as a means to share more about the HASS Minor.
+Potential Improvements
+1. Know the Freshmore timetable from an earlier date so that we can propose timeslots to the pillars for dates/time that would not clash with classes.
+2. Consider renaming DiscoverPillar to DiscoverMajor or DiscoverProgramme. This comes from an issue where DAI did not want to be misconstrued as a pillar. Our solution for this was simply to keep DAI’s programme talk in the event calendar, but to remove them from the DiscoverPillar event page.
+**It is still our stance to keep pillars. There could be a separate one just for different programs if you sense there is demand for it.**
+## Supper w Seniors
+Overall it went ok. Due to a sudden covid case in SUTD community, all physical supper events moved to virtual. Little discord moderation was needed. Covid regulations prevented seniors who are not living in hostels from coming physically.
+1. Admin:
+ 1. Food got pretty bad throughout the 2nd week??
+ 2. OSA couldn't secure MPH as a Fifthrow booked the area
+ 3. DS 345 clashes with a Fifthrow, D1,2 does not have Tables
+2. Covid hits, no physical Supper was taken place which affects freshmore counts
+ 4. Too many seniors, too few freshies, seniors felt that they are unable to form conversations with freshies
+**Seniors profiles would have helped with this**
+ 5. Freshmores would take the food and not attend on discord either.
+3. Seniors that were not staying in hostel/ granted access to campus were not allowed to join supper physically
+ 6. Supper seniors were mainly from ISTD Pillar, Freshmores voiced for a different pillar
+ 7. Supper seniors were repetitive,
+ 8. Expect for some Supper seniors to cancel / change their plans !
+4. Recommendations:
+ 9. Have a good variety of seniors limiting them to 1-2 supper dates
+ **Were there issues finding seniors? --> Yes/No we were depending on DSUTD seniors to invite their friends**
+ 10. Inform seniors to manage expectations. If the turn out rate is low, they are free to not attend/ combine with another senior. However, note that too many seniors are not to freshmore ratio aren't good either. Facilitators should separate them accordingly.
+ 11. Must be a physical event in the future. If it still ends up as a virtual event, I doubt it will go well again.Providing snack boxes to people houses is not an option as OSA is concerned with Food safety issues.
+ 12. Alternatively, source out for food voucher from the food places around sutd and have both seniors and freshmore meet up to eat together. Note that if SMM still states for 2 pax for dinning, it might not go as well as
+ 13. → make use of [Microsoft Power Automate](https://flow.microsoft.com/) to send out confirmation emails
+1. Was a painful process, especially working with a small room size
+2. Needed to take consideration with the minimum food order hence unable to cut down on Supper dates/ Need to try to squeeze as much people as possible while note SMM on room cap.
+**Was the return worth it for the amount of time? Last time supper was simple. One person just bring the food vendor to the location and clear up after.**
+## **Lab Sessions**
+Overall all went alright, Labs are the organisers of the event. Covid hits but sessions still continued physically. DmanD postpone session to 4th oct
+1. Many labs did not respond to emails. The main reason is that they are busy, could be that they are unfamiliar with DSUTD
+**Labs gave feedback that instructions were not clear. Suggest future communications be streamlined.**
+## **Housing**
+Overall, it went well. Housing are organisers of the event and have worked with DSUTD before. Not much needed to do on DSUTD side, Housing handled their logistics themselves as compared to 2020’s one.
+1. Welcome message reflected Housing date inaccurately
+2. HG recruitment Info session was informed to DSUTD via email really late, we had decided to find a date and time which doesn't clash with any FRs intro sessions
+3. Was then informed that HG recruitment info sess was not a Mandatory event, so oh well.
+## **AMA + Discourse**
+Pretty good! AMA telegram group has a good engagement. However, only a few eventually use Discourse which did not accomplish our goal for inviting ILP / early matt students to our AMA telegram grp earlier. Not much moderation is needed.
+1. Not easy to encourage people to start using Discourse + not much for freshies to continuously engage in Discourse if Discourse mainly is an archive?
+2. Was told that Discourse is good !
+**Who mentioned it and how?**
+3. Protection on Telegram Group is placed with bots! So far, freshmores have also kindly not spread the links to outsiders/ non freshies
+What are the future plans for Discourse anyways?
+Have a dedicated role for Publicity / monthly content poster on Discourse
+**Its okay, if it doesn’t grow organically best not to force. We’ll have something for it soon.**
+**→ As in, funding wise**
+## **External events**
+1. No template was given for these external events, it is also not appropriate(?) if external speakers have to write a template via Github to us.
+2. External event organiser wondered if we would be publicising via email for them even when explicitly stated that DSUTD’s part would just to be publishing their event on our calendar.
+3. Event such as ROOT “additional things as part of FIC” was confusing if it was a Fifthrow event or not (if it was a fifthrow event, it should have went through github)
+4. No clear deadlines were given for these external events, this means they might drop you an email last min about it, which would be very rush. Especially so if they require a venue for booking.
+1. Be prepared for handling external events via email with email templates
+2. In addition from providing a clear statement of DSUTD’s part of the project, we should have a FAQ part at the bottom of the email to state clearly for each questions we predict they would ask.
+3. Play by ear, If an external event reached out to you lastmin, does not require a venue, good for the incoming freshmore, sure add it to the calendar if you have the privilege of time.
+**This was why a ‘project’ website was important. Previously I’d send out a single e-mail to the whole Uni and they’d reference that for any forms of engagement they want.**
+## **Others**
+### Communication with OSA
+1. How the team communicates with OSA
+—> As OSA uses Teams to message/call to inform Emily deets. How about requesting OSA to communicate with us in future using Teams instead of emails?
+This means that no more back and forth emails with OSA and that it is even more direct help ans respective leads qns.
+**Possible but how do you track**
+**--> OSA prefers to use emails, as Teams is spammy for her. OSA will only use Teams if needed**
+2. How OSA can work with us with the software we uses
+OSA wasnt keen in scanning through github to look through FRs neither was she keen on using Google sheets for any last min updates (if you noticed, she downloads sheets and open on MS excel)
+—> OSA prefers to have one whole collated version to scan through all at once which is rather hard given that some fifthrows are unresponsive which results in us dragging the response time. OSA prefers to work the easier route, eg immediately cut incomplete/ unclear FRs and not further seek for clarification.
+—> OSA prefers calling / quick simple messaging on the questions she have
+**Then we should streamline our work so it suits her. If Github is no longer working its okay to change. During our time there wasn’t MS.**
+**--> OSA prefers to use emails, as Teams is spammy for her. OSA will only use Teams if needed**
+3. How can OSA be more involved in our teams?
+I have noticed OSA would direct external talks to DSUTD (eg external events and the time where OSA wanted to incorporate PhD students to DSUTD)
+I wonder if we have missed out on tapping the resources OSA could have offered to us as she isnt keep up to date to what our team is doing.
+—> I suggest that the entire group fully use Teams in the future with OSA inside, so that she could somewhat be involve in what we are doing(?) Not only that, OSA can directly point us to us if she noticed we missed out on any info she requires.
+**OSA is probably overwhelmed with SMM stuff already. Best way is to keep her informed on a need-to basis.**
+**--> OSA prefers to use emails, as Teams is spammy for her. OSA will only use Teams if needed**
+Lets all move to Teams, use less private messaging, and understand OSA workflow.
+if we all just stick to private messaging 1. it may lose opportunity for a better solution if another member had been involved , 2. it is difficult to pass down a message from OSA to the group
+## **Communication with stakeholders**
+A common standing ground for all would be great to start off from, especially since we have encountered unpleasant and inappropriate feedback.
+1. DSUTD target audience are incoming freshman's.( & Phd students if there is the plan to include them)
+2. DSUTD works together with stakeholders that we believe will be impactful to the incoming freshmores.
+3. DSUTD strives to further improve incoming freshmores experience in SUTD
+4. DSUTD is happy to take in feedback from stakeholders to better work together with them.
+## **Microsite**
+Overall alright. Seems like it was not used by many stakeholders. However, it provides a concrete first introduction/ first impression of what DSUTD is.
+**700 users for the site. It’s pretty good.**
## Who's Who:
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+layout: page
+title: "Contributing"
+**Overall Contribution Workflow**
+1. Submit a proposal through Github Issues on our master repository
+2. We will reply to your issue and review it.
+3. Once it is reviewed and cleared, we will notify you.
+Please do note that the planning team is small and we ask for your patience. It will take time to clear sesssions with the staff but rest assured we receive all proposals.
+**❌CLOSED❌I would like to hold a session**
+If you're a Fifth Row leader, a Senior or alumni and would like to hold a workshop for Freshmores.
+1. Go to our [issue](https://github.com/OpenSUTD/DiscoverSUTD-2021-microsite/issues/new/choose) templates
+2. Click on "Get started" under Session Proposal
+3. Please provide us the details of your session. We would like to emphasise that we would like you to *italicise* the specific skills/takeaways from your session.
+For examples of other workshops that are pretty good, take a look at [Deep Learning Workshop](https://github.com/OpenSUTD/deeplearning-workshop-2019).
+Also take a look at what other Fifth Rows are [planning](https://github.com/OpenSUTD/DiscoverSUTD-2021-microsite/issues).
+Note: Please do not email OSL an EPF for your session.
+If you are also unsure of how and where you can submit your proposals or your promotional videos, you can do so [here](https://github.com/OpenSUTD/DiscoverSUTD-2021-microsite/issues/new/choose).
+For generic questions, refer and post your questions [here](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gflrExX4MlgpJZ9i0m9g_wWSICCN35OrlV1ByEX7WXM/edit). Our team will try to be as prompt as possible in getting back to you.
+We would also kindly request that you reply as fast as possible so that our team can respond promptly.
+Kindly refer to this [gentle guide](https://sutdapac-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/melody_leong_mymail_sutd_edu_sg/EXJd2-UC-F5Kp2KXkKsmlQ0B4P-4RPDf6g7SUbgpDk77rA?e=O5R0gs) to posting your github issues if you are unsure of how to get started.
+Our team looks forward to working closely with you in this event as far as possible.
+**I would like to be a part of the team**
+For visual branding:
+We've requested for a budget! Since we're a design school, our efforts need to not just be conceptually sound but aesthetically pleasing. To alleviate the work, possibly looking at seeking freelancers to prepare material.
+1. assist session organisers to maintain a consistent visual brand throughout the event
+2. produce graphics for curated tracks and programs
+**I would like to make a suggestion**
+1. Go to our [issue](https://github.com/OpenSUTD/DiscoverSUTD-2021-microsite/issues/new/choose) templates
+2. Click on "Get started" under Feedback for OrgComm
+3. Let us know how we can do better!