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QtWebEngine Wishlist

Michał edited this page Jan 20, 2015 · 7 revisions

List of useful features missing from QtWebEngine as of Qt 5.4 from point of view of web browser

Roughly ordered from must have to would be nice to have.

Most of this stuff was already available in QtWebKit in one way or another.

Some items are partially overlapping, like full control over network requests and API to set User Agent.

  1. QNetworkCookieJar support per QWebEnginePage (to replace need for full QNetworkAccessManager integration);
  2. ability to intercept and modify network requests (set and unset headers, modify target) per QWebEnginePage, required by content blocking, detailed page loading statistics, as substitute for ability to set User Agent etc.;
  3. dedicated API to set User Agent per QWebEnginePage;
  4. QAbstractNetworkCache support per QWebEnginePage (to replace need for full QNetworkAccessManager integration) or equivalent (simply setting storage paths might be not enough);
  5. more privileged QWebEnginePage::runJavaScript(), allowing to modify history without restrictions (to allow to restore session) or sane equivalent of >> operator of QWebHistory plus QWebHistoryItem::setUserData(), also it would be nice to get signal emitted when current index is changed / history is modified;
  6. ability to set proxy per QWebEnginePage;
  7. user style sheets per QWebEnginePage;
  8. sane API for spell checking;
  9. web inspector support;
  10. QWebEngineSettings::WebAttribute attribute for enabling private mode;
  11. equivalent of QWebPage::acceptNavigationRequest() (it would be nice to have pointer to POST data or something like that, to avoid need for ugly workarounds);
  12. QWebEnginePage::WebAction to copy image or ability to execute canvas.toDataURL() without errors;
  13. equivalent of QWebPage::StopScheduledPageRefresh, maybe with proper API to get and set value;
  14. sane way to handle mouse events;
  15. support for fullscreen requests;
  16. custom error pages;
  17. equivalent of QWebSettings::setMaximumPagesInCache() per QWebEnginePage;
  18. API to get scrollbar geometry;
  19. equivalent of QWebPage::swallowContextMenuEvent() (QPoint as parameter should be enough);
  20. equivalent of QWebPage::undoStack();
  21. equivalent of Qt WebKit bridge.
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