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File metadata and controls

291 lines (222 loc) · 17.6 KB


Components Diagram

Cowbird Components


Each handler is associated to a service and is used to process different events and to keep the different services of the platform synchronized. Handlers are useful for example to process user or permission changes, or to manage file modification events.


The FileSystem handler is used to manage some aspects of the directory/file structure associated with the platform. It is specifically used to handle user workspaces and the user access to different other directories. The handler is responsible for creating/deleting a workspace if a user is created/deleted.

Here are some typical directories found in the user_workspaces:

/user_workspaces/<user_name>/notebooks -> /jupyterhub_user_data/<user_name>
/user_workspaces/<user_name>/shapefile_datastore  # Managed by the `GeoServer` handler
/user_workspaces/public/wps_outputs  # Managed by the `FileSystem` handler

JupyterHub user data

A symlink is created in the user workspace to give access to the notebook directory of the user. The notebook directory is the directory that was originally mounted in `bird-house`_ as the writable-workspace. When adding the Cowbird component to `bird-house`_ (see here), the mounted writable-workspace becomes the user workspace managed by Cowbird (e.g.: /user_workspaces/<user_name>) which requires a symlink to access the notebook directory originally used by `bird-house`_ and JupyterHub.

WPS outputs data

The WPS outputs data, generated by the different WPS birds and `Weaver`_, is stored in a distinct data directory and must be made accessible to the users via their workspace.

There are 2 types of data :

  • Public data: This data must be accessible to every user.
  • User specific data: This data must only be accessible to the related user.

The public WPS outputs data is made accessible by generating hardlinks from the WPS outputs data directory to the user workspaces location (e.g.:/user_workspaces/public/wps_outputs). When a JupyterLab instance is started via `bird-house`_, the directory containing the hardlinks will be mounted as a volume, such that the users obtain access to its content via their JupyterLab instance. The volume will be made read-only to prevent a user from modifying the public data.

The user WPS outputs data is made accessible by generating hardlinks from a WPS outputs data directory containing user data to a subdirectory found in the related user's workspace. For example, with a source path /wps_outputs/<bird-name>/users/<user-id>/<job-id>/<output-file>, a hardlink is generated at the path /user_workspaces/<user-name>/wps_outputs/<bird-name>/<job-id>/<output-file>. The hardlink path uses a similar structure as found in the source path, but removes the redundant users and <user-id> path segments. The hardlink files will be automatically available to the user on a JupyterLab instance since the workspace is mounted as a volume. Any file that is found under a directory /wps_outputs/<bird-name>/users/<user-id>/ is considered to be user data and any outside file is considered public.

The permissions found on the user data are synchronized with the permissions found on `Magpie`_. If `Magpie`_ uses a secure-data-proxy service, this service handles the permissions of those files (see here). If a file does not have a corresponding route on the secure-data-proxy service, it will use the closest parent permissions.


If the access to a WPS outputs file is allowed, the file access will be read-only and any write permissions from the secure-data-proxy service will be ignored. This is because WPS outputs are produced by external processes and the resulting data should remain constant.


The files/directories permissions are only applied to others (see :ref:`Components - Usage of 'others' permissions <components_others_permissions>` section for details).


The route resources found under the secure-data-proxy service must match exactly a path on the filesystem, starting with the directory name wps_outputs, and following with the desired children directories/file names.

If the file does not have any read or write permissions, the hardlink will not be available in the user's workspace.


Permissions should not be modified via the file system, but should only be managed via the secure-data-proxy service on Magpie. Permission modifications on the file system will be ignored.

Refer to DAC-571 for more details on the design choices for the management of permissions.

If no secure-data-proxy service is found, all user files are assumed to be available with read permissions for the user.

Note that different design choices were made to respect the constraints of the file system and to prevent the user from accessing forbidden data:

  • To avoid having to copy every file from the WPS outputs data directory to the corresponding user workpaces, the usage of links was chosen.
  • The usage of hardlinks was chosen instead of symlinks. The reason is that using symlinks would require mounting the WPS outputs data directory on the user JupyterLab instance. This is because symlinks require access to their source files, contrary to hardlinks which can be mounted individually without access to source files. Mounting the whole WPS outputs data directory would give the user access to all the data. Even if the data is not made available on the JupyterLab browser via the UI, the data would still be accessible via the terminal found on JupyterLab. Using hardlinks lets us mount only the public directory instead of the whole WPS outputs directory, which contains a mix of public and user data.
  • Changing permissions of the linked workspace files to control user access was not an option since symlinks and hardlinks always use the same permissions as their original source file. Symlinks/hardlinks cannot have custom file permissions independent from their source file. Therefore, it is not possible for example to give access to a user and prevent the access to another user for a specific file using the file permissions, even if users have their own hardlinks or symlinks in their personal workspace.
  • Another considered option was to add anonymous volumes to hide some parts of the WPS outputs data directory. This could have been useful to mount the whole WPS outputs directory on the user JupyterLab instance and to hide the user data subdirectories found in the WPS outputs by using anonymous volumes for each user subdirectory. This would automatically mount the public data while hiding the user related data. It was still considered easier and safer to go with the hardlinks option to prevent potential errors which could accidentally give access to other users' data. For example, if a bird directory was created while a user JupyterLab instance was running, it would require both the instance and JupyterHub to be restarted in order to generate the new required anonymous volume to hide the user data from that new bird. Without a restart of the instance, the user could potentially have access to some of the new user data found in the new bird directory.

In conclusion, the best option was to use hardlinks, which do not require access to the original source file, to create separate user and public data access points, and volume mounting to control which locations are made available to the user.

.. seealso::
    Refer to `DAC-149 <>`_ for details on the design choices for managing
    the access to WPS outputs data.


The GeoServer handler is used to keep the internal representation on the GeoServer server along with the user workspace in sync with the rest of the platform.

If a new user is created on `Magpie`_, a GeoServer workspace is automatically created for the user, along with a datastore directory in the user workspace to contain the different shapefiles of the user. Similarly, if the user is deleted on `Magpie`_, the GeoServer workspace of the user is automatically deleted to keep the services synchronized.

The workspace and file permissions are also synchronized between `Magpie`_ and GeoServer. For example, if a permission is added or removed in `Magpie`_, the file found in the user's datastore must have corresponding permissions in order to reflect the actual user access permissions.

Since the `Magpie`_ permissions on a resource from a service of type GeoServer are not the same as traditional Unix permissions (e.g.: rwx) on the workspace/shapefiles, some design choices were done in order to have a coherent synchronization :

Permission/Category definition

All permissions on `Magpie`_ on a resource from a service of type GeoServer are classified as either readable or writable in order to associate them to the actual path permissions. If the path receives a read permission, all `Magpie`_ permissions fitting the readable category will be enabled.

If a `Magpie`_ permission from the readable category is added, the path will be updated to have read permissions. This update on the file system will trigger a synchronization with `Magpie`_, to add all other readable permissions on `Magpie`_. For example, if the GetFeature permission is added to a Layer resource on `Magpie`_, the associated shapefile will receive read permissions because GetFeature is a permission from the readable category. Since the file permissions are modified, it will trigger another event to synchronize permissions with `Magpie`_, enabling, on the Layer resource, all other readable permissions : DescribeFeatureType, DescribeStoredQueries, GetCapabilities, etc. The same process would apply if we use permissions from the writable category in this last example.

Permission creation conditions

Note that permissions are only added to `Magpie`_ if necessary. For example, if a file needs to allow a readable permission on `Magpie`_, but that permission already resolves to allow because of a recursive permission on a parent resource, no permission will be added. The permission is already resolving to the required permission and avoiding to add unnecessary permissions will simplify permission solving.

Also, in the case where a user has all the readable permissions enabled on `Magpie`_, for example, and a single one of them is deleted, Cowbird will not change the file permissions since other permissions from the readable category will still be found on `Magpie`_. This means that a synchronization will not be triggered and `Magpie`_ permissions will stay the same, meaning all the readable permissions activated except for the one removed. If eventually a change is applied to the file (e.g.: changing the permissions from r-- to rw-), it would trigger a synchronization, and the one `Magpie`_ permission that was removed earlier would be re-enabled, because of the read permission found on the file. Consequently, it is not recommended to have a partial usage of readable permissions on `Magpie`_ since there is a risk that the disabled readable permissions will be eventually automatically enabled if an update on the file is done. If we want to disable the read permissions via `Magpie`_, it is better to disable the permissions from the readable category all at once, which will trigger a change to remove the read permission on the associated path and which will prevent having eventual undesired re-enabled `Magpie`_ permissions. The same would apply if we use write permissions in this last example.

The files/directories permissions are only applied to others (see :ref:`Components - Usage of 'others' permissions <components_others_permissions>` section for details). If a permission is applied to a group in `Magpie`_, the GeoServer handler will detect the permission change but will not do anything since `Magpie`_ groups are different than the groups found on the file system. Also, it would not make sense to update the path associated to a resource for all the users of a group, since the path is supposed to be associated to a single user anyway.

Note that even if group permission changes on `Magpie`_ are not handled by Cowbird, a group permission could still have an impact on permission resolution. For example, if a shapefile needs to allow a readable permission on `Magpie`_, but that permission already resolves to allow because of a group permission, no permission will be added.

File/Layer permissions

File events will only be processed in the case of the .shp file, since it is considered to be the main component of a shapefile. The other extensions associated with a shapefile will not be processed if they trigger an event, and will only be updated in the case of a change on the .shp file.

Shapefiles will only be assigned read or write permissions on the file system. execute permissions are not needed for shapefiles.

Directory/Workspace permissions

Workspaces will always keep their execute permissions even if they don't have any permissions enabled on `Magpie`_. This enables accessing the children files, in case the children resource has permissions enabled on `Magpie`_. Since a children resource has priority on `Magpie`_ if its permissions are enabled, it makes sense to allow the access to the file on the file system too. Note that if the directory only has execute permissions, the file will only be accessible via a direct path or url, and it will not be accessible via a file browser, or on the JupyterLab file browser. This should allow the user to still share his file using a path or url. To allow browsing the directory's content, the read permission is also required on the directory, which can be obtained by enabling permissions of the readable category on the corresponding workspace on `Magpie`_.

Operations to avoid

Note that some operations should be avoided, as they are undesirable and not supported for now.

  • Using subdirectories in the shapefile datastore :
    Using subdirectories in the shapefile datastore directory is not supported for now. Only the shapefiles found directly under the datastore directory will be processed by the GeoServer handler and subdirectories will be ignored. This also corresponds to the design in `Magpie`_ where a Workspace resource can only have children resources of the type Layer, and cannot have a Workspace type resource as a children.
  • Renaming a directory :
    The directories associated with the GeoServer workspace are the user workspace (named by the user's name) and the datastore directory (which uses a default value). Both of these values should never change and renaming them manually might break the monitoring, preventing Cowbird from receiving future file events.
  • Renaming a shapefile (.shp only) :
    This operation is actually supported, but it should be avoided if possible. It will trigger multiple events on the file system (an update on the parent directory, and a delete followed by a create event on the file), which should keep up to data info in GeoServer and `Magpie`_ by simply generating new resources. A risk with this is that the delete event will delete the other shapefile files, and the user could lose some data. It is better to have a copy of the shapefile before applying this operation. Note that renaming one of the other extension (not the .shp file) will not trigger any event since only the main file triggers events.
  • Deleting a directory :
    This operation will only display a warning in Cowbird's logs. It should never be done manually, since it will create inconsistencies with the GeoServer workspace and the `Magpie`_ resources. The user workspace and the datastore directory should only be deleted when a user is deleted via `Magpie`_.

Usage of others permissions

With the GeoServer and the FileSystem handlers, the permissions applied on the files/directories are only applied to others, and the permissions on the user and on the group are not modified. The user and group associated with the paths will be the admin user/group (root by default), while the user who will interact with the paths, for example in JupyterHub, is a distinct user, hence why the permissions are applied to others. This will also prevent the user from changing the permissions if he decides to interact with the terminal accessible via JupyterLab.

Note that, consequently, the concept of a `Magpie`_ group is not used on the file system for now, since the group on the file system does not correspond to the groups found on `Magpie`_.