A simple rust library for dealing with that pesky twitch api, specifically event subs.
Create a .secrets.env or .example.env file in working directory with the following filled out:
TWITCH_CLIENT_ID = "CLIENT_ID from twitch console app"
TWITCH_CLIENT_SECRET = "CLIENT_SECRET from twitch console app"
TWITCH_BROADCASTER_ID = "Your broadcaster ID as numbers"
use std::time::Duration;
use twitch_eventsub::*;
fn main() {
let keys = TwitchKeys::from_secrets_env().unwrap();
let twitch = TwitchEventSubApi::builder(keys)
// sockets are used to read data from the request so a port
// must be specified
.auto_save_load_created_tokens(".user_token.env", ".refresh_token.env")
// Check for results or just unwrap if you are spicy!
let mut api = {
match twitch.build() {
Ok(api) => api,
Err(EventSubError::TokenMissingScope) => {
panic!("Reauthorisation of token is required for the token to have all the requested subscriptions.");
Err(EventSubError::NoSubscriptionsRequested) => {
panic!("No subscriptions passed into builder!");
Err(e) => {
// some other error
panic!("{:?}", e);
// users program main loop simulation
loop {
// Set duration to ZERO for non blocking for loop of messages
// Recommended for most setups
// If you are not running this inside a game and just byitself
// Such as a chat bot, setting this to 1 millis seems to be good
let responses = api.receive_all_messages(Some(Duration::from_millis(1)));
for response in responses {
match response {
ResponseType::Event(event) => {
match event {
Event::ChatMessage(message_data) => {
let message = message_data.message.text;
let username = message_data.chatter.name;
println!("{} said: {}", username, message);
let _ = api
.send_chat_message(format!("Thank you for chatting {}!", username))
Event::PointsCustomRewardRedeem(reward) => {
"{} redeemed {} with {} Channel Points: {}",
_ => {
// Events that you don't care about or are not subscribed to, can be ignored.
ResponseType::Close => println!("Twitch requested socket close."),
_ => {}
- Grab the compiled binaries and .gdextension file from release or compile your own
- Paste them into the root directory of your project and click reload project
- Add a single TwitchEvent Object to your scene
- Select it, and on the right side of the editor, next to the inspector tab click the node tab
- In this tab you will see all avaiable twitch event signals
- Double click on the one you want and add it to a script!
The result should look similar to the following:
extends Sprite2D
# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready():
pass # Replace with function body.
# Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame.
func _process(delta):
func _on_twitch_event_chat_message(message_data: GMessageData):
print("user: {} Message: {}", message_data.chatter.name, message_data.message);
# Do stuff when message comes in or if message contains specific text
func _on_twitch_event_custom_point_reward_redeem(reward: GReward):
print("A channel point redeem was just redeem: {}", reward.title);
# Do stuff when a reward is redeemed!
cargo build --release
- Error redirect url does not match!
Parameter+redirect_uri+does+not+match+registered+URI error
If you are recieving this error, you havve most likely forgotten to include the http:// prefix of your app redirect_url, as it has to match EXACTLY with what you have put as the OAuth Redirect URLs in the Twitch Console of your App.
The TwitchEventSub-rs
crate is licensed under the MIT license, see LICENSE
for more