$ cd pmdk/performance_reproduce
$ ./figure_8.sh <CHECKER> <INPUTSIZE> <WORKLOAD>
CHECKER: Debugger tool name (pmdebugger, pmemcheck, Nulgrind).
INPUTSIZE: The number of data insertions.
WORKLOAD: The workload to be tested.
For example, we want to get the result of PMDebugger with 1K insertion in Figure 8(a). So we can run the following command:
$ ./figure_8.sh pmdebugger 1000 btree
$ cd memslap/performance_reproduce
$ ./figure_8.sh <CHECKER> <INPUTSIZE>
CHECKER: Debugger tool name (pmdebugger, pmemcheck, Nulgrind).
INPUTSIZE: The number of data insertions.
For example, we want to get the result of PMDebugger with 10K get and set operations in Figure 8(g). So we can run the following command:
$ ./figure_8.sh pmdebugger 10000
$ cd redis/performance_reproduce
$ ./figure_8.sh <CHECKER> <INPUTSIZE>
CHECKER: Debugger tool name (pmdebugger, pmemcheck, Nulgrind).
INPUTSIZE: The number of data insertions.
For example, we want to get the result of PMDebugger with 100K keys in Figure 8(h). So we can run the following command:
$ ./figure_8.sh pmdebugger 100000
$ cd pmdk/performance_reproduce
WORKLOAD: The workload to be tested.
<WITH/WITHOUT INSTRUMENTATION>: Including instrumentation time or not (with_instr or without_instr).
For example, we want to get the result of btree with instrumentation time in Table 5. So we can run the following command:
$ ./table_5.sh btree with_instr
$ cd memslap/performance_reproduce
<WITH/WITHOUT INSTRUMENTATION>: Including instrumentation time or not (with_instr or without_instr).
For example, we want to get the result of memcached with instrumentation time in Table 5. So we can run the following command:
$ ./table_5.sh with_instr
$ cd redis/performance_reproduce
<WITH/WITHOUT INSTRUMENTATION>: Including instrumentation time or not (with_instr or without_instr).
For example, we want to get the result of redis with instrumentation time in Table 5. So we can run the following command:
$ ./table_5.sh with_instr