Azure Container Apps enables you to run microservices and containerized applications on a serverless platform. For an indepth overview, be sure to check it out at Azure Container Apps documentation
Follow the steps below for detailed instructions on how to run this in your environment. The Build & Deployment Pipeline version below is intended for a quick setup and requires some familiarity with Azure and pipelines, you know ... the EASY BUTTON.
- Login to the Azure Portal.
- Create a resource group (pick a region which allows Containers. At the time of this edit the allowed regions were:
- northcentralusstage
- eastus
- eastus2
- northeurope
- canadacentral
- Copy the the Resource Group name and Region to notepad for use later.
Todo! insert a PS command or web url to display the regions in real-time)
Open the Cloud Shell and run this PowerShell command:
az ad sp create-for-rbac --name "REPLACE WITH RG NAME_SP_FullAccess" --role owner --scopes /subscriptions/REPLACE WITH YOUR SUBSCRIPTION ID/resourceGroups/REPLACE WITH YOUR RESOURCE GROUP NAME
Copy the JSON output to notepad for use later.
- From the Azure Portal home page, search for Azure Active Directory.
- Click App registrations.
- Click New registration and give it a name. (i.e. AzureWebAppForContainers)
- Click Register
- Copy the Client ID because you will need it in later steps.
- Copy the Tenant ID because you will need it in later steps.
- Copy the Object ID because you will need it in later steps.
Todo! Setup RBAC to resource group for service principal.
Todo! Verify these steps are correct.
- Open /IaC/main-1.bicep
- Edit these two lines with the object id and application id
- // Object Id of Service Principal (i.e. AzureWebAppForContainers)
- param ADOServiceprincipalObjectId string = 'Object ID'
- Note: use az ad sp list --display-name "REPLACE WITH RG NAME_SP_FullAccess" to find id. ()
- param ADOServiceprincipalObjectId string = 'Object ID'
- // Application Id of Service Principal for your email alias. (i.e. "RPagels").
- param AzObjectIdEmailAlias string = 'Application ID'
- Note: use az ad user show --id yourname@alias to find id.
- param AzObjectIdEmailAlias string = 'Application ID'
- // Object Id of Service Principal (i.e. AzureWebAppForContainers)
- Copy the following to notepad.
"clientId": "GUID",
"clientSecret": "GUID",
"subscriptionId": "GUID",
"tenantId": "GUID"
- Replace the placeholders with your information from above step Step 2 - Create a Service Principal.
- clientId
- clientSecret
- subscriptionId
- tenantId
- Copy the JSON output to notepad for use later.
- Create the secret
- Login to GitHub.
- Navigate to Repo AzureWebAppforContainers
- Click on Code | Code - GitHub CLI
- i.e. gh repo clone RPagels/AzureWebAppforContainers
- Navigate to cloned repo.
- Click Settings | Secrets | Actions.
- Click on New resository secret.
- In the name box, enter AZURE_CREDENTIALS.
- For Secret, enter the JSON output from notepad.
"clientId": "**YOURGUID**",
"clientSecret": "**YOURGUID**",
"subscriptionId": "**YOURGUID**",
"tenantId": "**YOURGUID**"
- Click Add secret
Todo! Verify these steps are correct.
This is a JSON object with the role assignment credentials that provide access to your Azure Resource Group used by GitHub pipelines.
This example uses Biep for Infrastructure as Code to deploy pipeline, Managed Identity is used for Azure Services and will have a unique name based on resource group name.
- Edit /.github/workflows/Build and Deploy Container.yml.
- Change Azure_Resource_GroupName to Azure Resource Group created in above step Step 1 - Setup Resource Group.
- Change Azure_Resource_GroupLocation to Azure Region creted in above step Step 1 - Setup Resource Group.
- Commit Changes.
This will automaticly start the pipeline.