diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 8a271bf6..15252097 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -30,8 +30,9 @@ Parabeac-Core is an open-source repository that converts design files into Flutt If you have any trouble with getting Parabeac-Core running, check out this video! [![Parabeac-Core Getting Started](https://img.youtube.com/vi/e4CJgPMNCyo/0.jpg)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4CJgPMNCyo&feature=youtu.be) +Development on Windows is possible, too. However, [this requires some setup](WINDOWS_SETUP.md). -Parabeac currently supports conversions from [Sketch](https://www.sketch.com) but is designed to support more platforms in the future. +Parabeac-Core now supports both [Figma](https://www.figma.com/) and [Sketch](https://www.sketch.com)! We have plans to expand in the future as Parabeac-Core is built to support more platforms by design. ### Dependencies @@ -40,7 +41,9 @@ Parabeac currently supports conversions from [Sketch](https://www.sketch.com) bu - [node.js](https://nodejs.org/en/download/) - MacOS + Xcode or Android Studio -To test out a Sketch file feel free to download [this Sketch file](https://drive.google.com/file/d/10ZdTTUCFLrGJ-1oVmapWoH5HCe87Sz4e/view?usp=sharing)! +Need a file to test with? Feel free to download one of our sample design files below (Make sure to duplicate the Design to your account if you're using Figma): +* [Sketch](https://drive.google.com/file/d/10ZdTTUCFLrGJ-1oVmapWoH5HCe87Sz4e/view?usp=sharing) +* [Figma](https://www.figma.com/file/zXXWPWb5wJXd0ImGUjEU1X/parabeac_demo_alt?node-id=0%3A156) ## Cloning the Repo Because parabeac-core contains the Sketch-Asset-Converter submodule, it is easier to clone the repo using the following command: @@ -63,6 +66,9 @@ For more information about git submodules, click [here](https://git-scm.com/book ## Running the conversion +We currently support both Sketch and Figma. See below for running the conversion for both Sketch and Figma. + +### Sketch Follow these steps in order to run Parabeac Core on your local environment: 1. Clone PBCore repo in order to get the code on your machine 2. If you have any plugins make sure to put the plugins in the plugin folder @@ -72,6 +78,28 @@ Follow these steps in order to run Parabeac Core on your local environment: $ pub install $ dart parabeac.dart -p -n ``` +### Figma +1. Clone PBCore repo in order to get the code on your machine +2. If you have any plugins make sure to put the plugins in the plugin folder +3. In your terminal change directory to the root PBCore directory and run: + +``` bash + $ pub install + $ dart parabeac.dart -f -k -o +``` +If you're wondering about where to find your Figma File ID or Figma API Key Please Read Below: +#### Figma File ID and API Key +Since Figma operates from a cloud native approach we use the Figma File ID and a Figma User API Key in order to pull down your figma designs and run the conversion. Your Figma File ID is a unique ID used to identify your specific Figma File amoungst all other Figma Design Files. Your Figma API Key is a custom key assigned to your figma account that you generate in order to give Parabeac Core the ability to pull down your Figma File. +**In order to find your Figma File ID do the following:** +1. Go to your Figma Homepage at www.Figma.com +2. Select your Design File +3. Within your design File's URL is your Figma File ID. Simply take the value after Figma.com/file/. So in the URL ```https://www.figma.com/file/zXXWPWb5wJXd0ImGUjEU1X/parabeac_demo_alt?node-id=0%3A156``` the Figma File ID is ```zXXWPWb5wJXd0ImGUjEU1X``` + +**In order to create a Figma API Token do the following:** +1. Go to your Figma Homepage at www.Figma.com +2. Navigate to your user Profile +3. Scroll Down to the "Create a new Personal Access Token" +4. Create a new Personal Access Token with the name Parabeac, you should then be prompted with your new API Key. Make sure to copy this as you wont be able to access it again after you click confirm. (It should look something like this: ```64522-a0e5509a-d5ce-47a8-880b-c295f9cb27ed``` ## Metrics Parabeac-core keeps track of how many times it is run. Although we do not collect any personal information, you can turn off metrics at any time by creating the environment variable `PB_METRICS = "false"`. diff --git a/WINDOWS_SETUP.md b/WINDOWS_SETUP.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..94afdeeb --- /dev/null +++ b/WINDOWS_SETUP.md @@ -0,0 +1,181 @@ +# Parabeac-Core setup for Windows +To get starting with using or developing the source code on Windows some configuration is required. This document is meant to help users with that. + +## Setup using WSL 2 +One of the ways we can get starting with Parabeac-Core on Windows is by utilizing the Windows Subset for Linux version 2. This allows Windows 10 users to utilize the most of linux and to combine this with the Windows workflow. This prevents overhead that comes with solutions like a VM or dualboot. To learn more about WSL 2 you can visit [this page](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/about). + +## Index +- [Requirements](#Requirements) +- [Installing WSL 2](#Installing-WSL-2) +- [Ubunutu setup](#Ubunutu-setup) +- [Flutter install](#Flutter-install) +- [Cloning Parabeac-core](#Cloning-Parabeac-core) +- [(Optional) Fix NPM](#(Optional)-Fix-NPM) +- [(Optional) Install VS-Code and WSL 2 extension](#(Optional)-Install-VS-Code-and-WSL-2-extension) +- [(Optional) Android emulation](#(Optional)-Android-emulation) + +### Requirements +Although WSL is supported on most Windows installations, there are still some requirements that need to be met before we can continue: +- For x64: + - At least Windows version 1903 with at least build 18362 + +Although WSL 2 is supported on ARM64 we'll only focus on x64. + +### Installing WSL 2 +To summarize the first step, we first need to activate WSL 1 and then update it to version 2. Follow these steps: +1. First we need to enable WSL. Open up an elevated PowerShell instance and execute the following command: `dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux /all /norestart` + +2. Next we need to enable the virtual machine platform. Execute this PowerShell command: `dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:VirtualMachinePlatform /all /norestart` + +3. **Now, restart your device!** This is required to finish the installation of WSL. + +4. After restarting, download and install the [WSL2 linux kernel update](https://wslstorestorage.blob.core.windows.net/wslblob/wsl_update_x64.msi). + +5. Execute this PowerShell command: `wsl --set-default-version 2` This makes WSL 2 the default version for further usage. This may take some minutes. + +6. WSL 2 is now enabled. Next we need a linux distro. You could choose some of your choice from the Windows Store, but for this guide we'll use the Ubuntu, [download this distro](https://www.microsoft.com/nl-nl/p/ubuntu/9nblggh4msv6). + + +### Ubunutu setup +Next, ubunutu requires some setup. +1. Boot up Ubuntu. It will install some things, let it finish +2. Next choose an username, password and reconfirm your password. +3. Lastly let's update our distro. Execute the following commands: `sudo apt-get upgrade` and `sudo apt-get update` + +### Flutter install +Parabeac-core is built in Dart and generates Flutter apps, which make use of Dart and the Android SDK. The Android SDK itself requires the Java JDK. Let's install all of this. +1. First let's make a download folder: `mkdir downloads` and move into it: `cd downloads`. + +2. Then download the OpenJDK 8. Recommended is visiting [AdoptOpenJDK.net](https://adoptopenjdk.net/releases.html?variant=openjdk8&jvmVariant=hotspot) and copying the download url by right clicking the **JDK** `.tar.gz` download button and then copy. Then type `sudo wget [url]`. You can past the url you copied by right clicking in the console and execute it. + +3. Extract the JDK: `sudo tar -xvzf [downloadedJdk.tar.gz]` By typing `O` and then pressing tab you can autocomplete the name of the downloaded file. + +4. Next, lets move the JDK to a more permanent place: `sudo mv [extractionName] /opt/openJDK`. extractionName is the folder name to where the downloaded file is extracted. You can find this with the `ls` command. + +5. Next up: the Android SDK. Google provides a command line tool to download android development software, so we'll make use of that. The download url can be found on the [Android Developers site](https://developer.android.com/studio). Scroll to the bottom to "Command line tools only", click the link of Linux, read and accept the terms and copy the url by right clicking the download button and copy. Then back in Ubuntu execute the following: `sudo wget [downloadUrl]`. + +6. We got another zip, but this time a `.zip` file. For this, we need a new package: `sudo apt-get install unzip`. + +7. Then extract the download: `sudo unzip [downloadedFile.zip]` + +8. And move it to a permanent place: `sudo mkdir --parents ~/Android/Sdk/cmdline-tools; sudo mv tools ~/Android/Sdk/cmdline-tools/tools` + +9. To make the JDK and android command line tools available throughout the distro we'll need to make it findable. We can do this by adding a few lines to the `.bashrc` file. Open the file: `sudo nano ~/.bashrc` + +10. Add the following lines to the file: +```bashrc +export DART=/home/roel/snap/flutter/common/flutter/bin +export ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=/home/[your selected ubuntu username]/Android/Sdk +export JAVA_HOME=/opt/openJDK +export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_SDK_ROOT/build-tools +export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_SDK_ROOT/platform-tools +export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_SDK_ROOT/emulators +export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_SDK_ROOT/cmdline-tools/tools/bin +export PATH=$PATH:$DART +``` + +Exit out of nano with `CTRL-x & CTRL-y`. + +11. At this point we'd be required to restart our Ubuntu machine. But since we're use WSL 2 we can just restart our distro instance. Close the app, and re-open it. + +If everything went correctly we now can use the command line tools. +Next, we need the build tools. The choice we make here will determine the Android version the Parabeac-core Flutter app will target. If you choose to debug using the emulator we'll install later on, you can follow the following instructions. But if you want to do this on your own device you'll need to select an API level that supports your device. You can do that on [this page](https://developer.android.com/studio/releases/platforms). You'll need to replace the API version numbers we'll use in the following commands with the one your device supports. You can look up the versions with `sdkmanager --list` + +13. For our commands to succeed we need to give write access to the folder, execute `sudo chmod -R a+w ~/Android/Sdk` + +14. Now install the SDK and build-tools: `sdkmanager "platforms;android-30" "build-tools;30.0.2"` Optionally replace the version number with your API level. + +15. And for debugging later on, we need the platform tools: `sdkmanager "platform-tools"` + +Now, time for Flutter. Flutter uses the snap package manager, sadly this doesn't work in WSL 2 out of the box because of an issue with systemd at time of writing. So, let's fix it first! + +16. Move back to your home: `cd ~/` and make a repos folder `mkdir repos` + +17. Clone our fix: `git clone https://github.com/DamionGans/ubuntu-wsl2-systemd-script.git` and move into it `cd ubuntu-wsl2-systemd-script/` + +18. Run the script: `sudo bash ubuntu-wsl2-systemd-script.sh` + +19. Lastly, run these scripts `cmd.exe /C setx WSLENV BASH_ENV/u` and `cmd.exe /C setx BASH_ENV /etc/bash.bashrc` + +20. Now we need to restart Ubuntu by closing and re-opening the app. + +21. Finally, test if snap works: `snap --version` This should return the version numbers of the snap components. If it hangs it means snap isn't yet working correctly. + +22. Now, install Flutter: `sudo snap install flutter --classic` This could take some time! + +23. Now initialize Flutter: `flutter doctor` This, again, could take some time! + +24. If this went correctly Flutter should state that you need to accept the Android licenses, so, do that: `flutter doctor --android-licenses` Read the terms and accept each of them by entering `y` + +### Cloning Parabeac-core +With all of this done, we can now get started with Parabeac-core. +Let's get started: + +1. Move back into your repo folder: `cd ~/repos` + +2. Clone Parabeac-core: `git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/Parabeac/Parabeac-Core.git` + +3. Move into Parabeac-core: `cd Parabeac-core` and restore packages `flutter pub get` + +4. Parabeac makes use of Node.js to restore NPM packages during a project build. So let's install Node: `curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_12.x | sudo -E bash -` and then `sudo apt-get install -y nodejs` + +And there we have it! Congratulations, we've installed: +- Ubuntu +- WSL 2 +- Java OpenJDK 8 +- Android command line tools +- Android build tools +- Android platform SDK +- Android platform tools +- Flutter +- Dart +- Node.js + +And now have a Parabeac-core repo ready for usage/development! + +### (Optional) Fix NPM +When you run parabeac to generate a project it tries to restore NPM packages. However, an error could occur. This probably because you have Node installed both on Windows and WSL 2. A solution: remove the ocation of the Windows installation from your Windows path. + +1. Open Windows search and open "Edit the system environment variables" + +2. Click on "Environment variables". + +3. Select the "Path" variable under user variables. + +4. Check if there's a reference to node or npm. Try temporarily removing this. + +5. Repeat from step 3, but then under system variables. + +6. Restart the Ubuntu distro + + +### (Optional) Install VS-Code and WSL 2 extension +A recommended code editor is Visual Studio Code. This program provides an extension to link the Windows VSCode installation with code from WSL 2. + +1. [Download and install VSCode.](https://code.visualstudio.com/) + +2. Next, download and install the [Remote - WSL](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-vscode-remote.remote-wsl) extension. + +3. After this is done, go back to Ubuntu. Move into your repo `cd ~/repos/Parabeac-core` and open VSCode by executing: `code .` This opens VSCode in Windows, with a link to WSL 2. You can now program in Windows, and commit in WSL. + +### (Optional) Android emulation +Parabeac generates a Flutter project for Android. Now, we could build this project to an APK and push it to a device. Or we could emulate it. +By installing Android Studio with the emulator component and some ADB tricks we can emulate our generated project which resides in WSL 2 in an Android Studio emulator which runs on Windows! + +1. Let's first download and install [Android Studio](https://developer.android.com/studio) for Windows. Make sure you select the emulator component during installation! + +2. Start Android studio, but stop at the project selection screen. Here we go into `Configure -> AVD Manager`. + +3. There should be a default emulator already present, named `Pixel_3a_API_30_x86`. This could differ slightly in device name and API level. Start this emulator. + +4. Move with a Windows command line into the Android platform-tools folder which was installed by Android Studio: `cd %LocalAppData%/Android/Sdk/platform-tools` + +5. Next, kill any running adb instances: `adb kill-server` and then start it again `adb -a nodaemon server start` It will ask to define the firewall rule. Make sure to select **Public** here, since the network adapter to WSL 2 belongs in the public profile! + +6. Go back to the Ubuntu terminal, we need to set some env variables: `export WSL_HOST=$(tail -1 /etc/resolv.conf | cut -d' ' -f2)` and `export ADB_SERVER_SOCKET=tcp:$WSL_HOST:5037` + +7. Install socat: `sudo apt-get install socat` and then use socat to relay WSL2 adb requests to Windows: `socat -d -d TCP-LISTEN:5037,reuseaddr,fork TCP:$(cat /etc/resolv.conf | tail -n1 | cut -d " " -f 2):5037` + +8. Open up a new instance of the Ubuntu terminal. Now, if you search for adb devices, the emulator should pop up there `adb devices`. + +With this, you can now push the Flutter project to your emulator. This should be confirmed by the doctor tool: `flutter doctor` diff --git a/lib/APICaller/api_call_service.dart b/lib/APICaller/api_call_service.dart new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6248856b --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/APICaller/api_call_service.dart @@ -0,0 +1,92 @@ +import 'dart:convert'; +import 'dart:async'; +import 'dart:io'; +import 'package:http2/http2.dart'; +import 'package:quick_log/quick_log.dart'; + +import 'api_exceptions.dart'; + +class APICallService { + APICallService(); + static var log = Logger('API Call Service'); + + /// Makes a GET call to figma using `url` and `token` + static Future makeAPICall(String url, String token) async { + var response; + var uri = Uri.parse(url); + + /// The following request must be done using http2. The reason is + /// that the Figma API enforces http2, so using regular http will + /// not work. + try { + var transport = ClientTransportConnection.viaSocket( + await SecureSocket.connect( + uri.host, + uri.port, + supportedProtocols: ['h2'], + ), + ); + + var stream = transport.makeRequest( + [ + Header.ascii(':method', 'GET'), + Header.ascii( + ':path', uri.path + (uri.query.isEmpty ? '' : '?${uri.query}')), + Header.ascii(':scheme', uri.scheme), + Header.ascii(':authority', uri.host), + Header.ascii('x-figma-token', token), + ], + endStream: true, + ); + + final buffer = StringBuffer(); + await for (var message in stream.incomingMessages) { + if (message is HeadersStreamMessage) { + for (var header in message.headers) { + var name = utf8.decode(header.name); + var value = utf8.decode(header.value); + // print('Header: $name: $value'); + if (name == ':status') { + _returnResponse(int.parse(value)); + break; + } + } + } else if (message is DataStreamMessage) { + // Use [message.bytes] (but respect 'content-encoding' header) + buffer.write(utf8.decode(message.bytes)); + } + } + await transport.finish(); + var map = buffer.toString(); + response = json.decode(map); + return response; + } catch (e) { + print(e); + } + } + + static dynamic _returnResponse(int status) { + switch (status) { + case 200: + // TODO: Only print when verbose flag is active + // log.debug('API call went successfully : ${status}'); + break; + case 400: + log.error('BadRequestException : ${status}'); + throw BadRequestException(); + break; + case 401: + case 403: + log.error('UnauthorizedException : ${status}'); + throw UnauthorisedException(); + break; + case 500: + default: + log.error( + 'Error occured while Communication with Server with StatusCode : ${status}'); + throw FetchDataException( + 'Error occured while Communication with Server with StatusCode : ${status}'); + break; + } + } +} diff --git a/lib/APICaller/api_exceptions.dart b/lib/APICaller/api_exceptions.dart new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1f00fc15 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/APICaller/api_exceptions.dart @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +class APIException implements Exception { + final _message; + final _prefix; + APIException([this._message, this._prefix]); + String toString() { + return "$_prefix$_message"; + } +} + +class FetchDataException extends APIException { + FetchDataException([String message]) + : super(message, "Error During Communication: "); +} + +class BadRequestException extends APIException { + BadRequestException([message]) : super(message, "Invalid Request: "); +} + +class UnauthorisedException extends APIException { + UnauthorisedException([message]) : super(message, "Unauthorised: "); +} + +class InvalidInputException extends APIException { + InvalidInputException([String message]) : super(message, "Invalid Input: "); +} diff --git a/lib/controllers/controller.dart b/lib/controllers/controller.dart new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0ef36e28 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/controllers/controller.dart @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +import 'package:quick_log/quick_log.dart'; +import 'dart:convert'; +import 'dart:io'; +import 'main_info.dart'; + +abstract class Controller { + ///SERVICE + var log = Logger('Controller'); + + Controller(); + + void convertFile( + var fileAbsPath, var projectPath, var configurationPath, var configType); + + void configure(var configurationPath, var configType) async { + Map configurations; + try { + if (configurationPath == null || configurationPath.isEmpty) { + configurations = MainInfo().defaultConfigs; + } else { + configurations = + json.decode(File(configurationPath).readAsStringSync()); + } + } catch (e, stackTrace) { + // await MainInfo().sentry.captureException( + // exception: e, + // stackTrace: stackTrace, + // ); + log.error(e.toString()); + } + + ///SET CONFIGURATION + // Setting configurations globally + MainInfo().configurations = configurations; + MainInfo().configurationType = configType; + } +} diff --git a/lib/controllers/figma_controller.dart b/lib/controllers/figma_controller.dart new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6dad7249 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/controllers/figma_controller.dart @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +import 'package:parabeac_core/controllers/controller.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/generation/flutter_project_builder/flutter_project_builder.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/layers/frame.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/helper/figma_node_tree.dart'; +import 'package:quick_log/quick_log.dart'; + +import 'interpret.dart'; + +class FigmaController extends Controller { + ///SERVICE + @override + var log = Logger('FigmaController'); + + FigmaController(); + + @override + void convertFile(var jsonFigma, var outputPath, var configurationPath, + var configType) async { + configure(configurationPath, configType); + + var figmaNodeTree = await generateFigmaTree(jsonFigma, outputPath); + + figmaNodeTree = declareScaffolds(figmaNodeTree); + + Interpret().init(outputPath); + + var mainTree = await Interpret().interpretAndOptimize(figmaNodeTree); + + var fpb = + FlutterProjectBuilder(projectName: outputPath, mainTree: mainTree); + + fpb.convertToFlutterProject(); + } + + FigmaNodeTree generateFigmaTree(var jsonFigma, var projectname) { + try { + return FigmaNodeTree(projectname, jsonFigma); + } catch (e, stackTrace) { + print(e); + return null; + } + } + + /// This method was required for Figma, so we could + /// detect which `FigmaFrame` were Scaffolds or Containers + FigmaNodeTree declareScaffolds(FigmaNodeTree tree) { + for (var page in tree.pages) { + for (var item in page.getPageItems()) { + if (item.root is FigmaFrame) { + (item.root as FigmaFrame).isScaffold = true; + } + } + } + return tree; + } +} diff --git a/lib/controllers/interpret.dart b/lib/controllers/interpret.dart index 76eeeeab..7d01a335 100644 --- a/lib/controllers/interpret.dart +++ b/lib/controllers/interpret.dart @@ -2,10 +2,11 @@ import 'package:parabeac_core/controllers/main_info.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/design_node.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/generation/generators/pb_widget_manager.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/generation/prototyping/pb_prototype_linker_service.dart'; -import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/helper/sketch_node_tree.dart'; -import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/helper/sketch_page.dart'; -import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/helper/sketch_page_item.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/helper/node_tree.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/helper/page.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/helper/page_item.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_scaffold.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/entities/layouts/temp_group_layout_node.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/entities/pb_shared_master_node.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/entities/subclasses/pb_intermediate_node.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/helpers/pb_context.dart'; @@ -47,7 +48,7 @@ class Interpret { _interpret._pbPrototypeLinkerService = PBPrototypeLinkerService(); } - Future interpretAndOptimize(SketchNodeTree tree) async { + Future interpretAndOptimize(NodeTree tree) async { _pb_intermediate_tree = PBIntermediateTree(projectName); ///3rd Party Symbols @@ -58,7 +59,7 @@ class Interpret { } } - /// Main Sketch Pages + /// Main Pages if (tree.pages != null) { for (var i = 0; i < tree.pages?.length; i++) { _pb_intermediate_tree.groups.add((await _generateGroup(tree.pages[i]))); @@ -68,7 +69,7 @@ class Interpret { return _pb_intermediate_tree; } - Future _generateGroup(SketchPage group) async { + Future _generateGroup(Page group) async { var intermediateGroup = PBIntermediateGroup(group.name.toLowerCase()); var pageItems = group.getPageItems(); for (var i = 0; i < pageItems.length; i++) { @@ -81,10 +82,11 @@ class Interpret { } else { itemType = 'MISC'; } - log.fine( - 'Processed \'${item.name}\' in group \'${group.name}\' with item type: \'${itemType}\''); if (item != null) { + log.fine( + 'Processed \'${item.name}\' in group \'${group.name}\' with item type: \'${itemType}\''); + var newItem = PBIntermediateItem(item, itemType); ///Searching for the root item. @@ -97,22 +99,55 @@ class Interpret { return intermediateGroup; } - Future _generateScreen(SketchPageItem item) async { + Future _generateScreen(PageItem item) async { var currentContext = PBContext( jsonConfigurations: MainInfo().configurations ?? MainInfo().defaultConfigs); var parentComponent = item.root; - PBIntermediateNode parentVisualIntermediateNode; var stopwatch = Stopwatch()..start(); + /// VisualGenerationService + var parentVisualIntermediateNode = await _visualGenerationService( + parentComponent, currentContext, stopwatch); + + /// + /// pre-layout generation service for plugin nodes. + /// NOTE Disabled Plugin Control Service for right now + /// + var stopwatch1 = Stopwatch()..start(); + var parentPreLayoutIntermediateNode = await _pluginService( + parentVisualIntermediateNode, currentContext, stopwatch1); + + var stopwatch2 = Stopwatch()..start(); + + /// LayoutGenerationService + + var parentLayoutIntermediateNode = await _layoutGenerationService( + parentPreLayoutIntermediateNode, currentContext, stopwatch2); + + var stopwatch3 = Stopwatch()..start(); + + /// AlignGenerationService + var parentAlignIntermediateNode = await _alignGenerationService( + parentLayoutIntermediateNode, currentContext, stopwatch3); + + return parentAlignIntermediateNode; + } + + Future generateNonRootItem(DesignNode root) async { + var currentContext = PBContext( + jsonConfigurations: + MainInfo().configurations ?? MainInfo().defaultConfigs); + + PBIntermediateNode parentVisualIntermediateNode; + /// VisualGenerationService try { - parentVisualIntermediateNode = await PBVisualGenerationService( - parentComponent, - currentContext: currentContext) - .getIntermediateTree(); + parentVisualIntermediateNode = + await PBVisualGenerationService(root, currentContext: currentContext) + .getIntermediateTree(); } catch (e, stackTrace) { // await MainInfo().sentry.captureException( // exception: e, @@ -120,17 +155,9 @@ class Interpret { // ); log.error(e.toString()); } - // print( - // 'Visual Generation Service executed in ${stopwatch.elapsedMilliseconds} milliseconds.'); - stopwatch.stop(); - var stopwatch1 = Stopwatch()..start(); - - parentVisualIntermediateNode = - await _pbSymbolLinkerService.linkSymbols(parentVisualIntermediateNode); /// /// pre-layout generation service for plugin nodes. - /// NOTE Disabled Plugin Control Service for right now /// PBIntermediateNode parentPreLayoutIntermediateNode; try { @@ -144,12 +171,9 @@ class Interpret { // stackTrace: stackTrace, // ); log.error(e.toString()); - parentPreLayoutIntermediateNode = parentVisualIntermediateNode; + parentPreLayoutIntermediateNode = + parentVisualIntermediateNode; //parentVisualIntermediateNode; } - // print( - // 'Pre-Layout Service executed in ${stopwatch.elapsedMilliseconds} milliseconds.'); - stopwatch1.stop(); - var stopwatch2 = Stopwatch()..start(); PBIntermediateNode parentLayoutIntermediateNode; @@ -166,14 +190,7 @@ class Interpret { log.error(e.toString()); parentLayoutIntermediateNode = parentPreLayoutIntermediateNode; } - - parentLayoutIntermediateNode = await _pbPrototypeLinkerService - .linkPrototypeNodes(parentLayoutIntermediateNode); var parentAlignIntermediateNode; - // print( - // 'Layout Generation Service executed in ${stopwatch.elapsedMilliseconds} milliseconds.'); - stopwatch2.stop(); - var stopwatch3 = Stopwatch()..start(); /// AlignGenerationService try { @@ -189,25 +206,17 @@ class Interpret { log.error(e.toString()); parentAlignIntermediateNode = parentLayoutIntermediateNode; } - // print( - // 'Align Generation Service executed in ${stopwatch.elapsedMilliseconds} milliseconds.'); - stopwatch3.stop(); return parentAlignIntermediateNode; } - Future generateNonRootItem(DesignNode root) async { - var currentContext = PBContext( - jsonConfigurations: - MainInfo().configurations ?? MainInfo().defaultConfigs); - - PBIntermediateNode parentVisualIntermediateNode; - + Future _visualGenerationService( + var component, var context, var stopwatch) async { /// VisualGenerationService + PBIntermediateNode node; try { - parentVisualIntermediateNode = - await PBVisualGenerationService(root, currentContext: currentContext) - .getIntermediateTree(); + node = await PBVisualGenerationService(component, currentContext: context) + .getIntermediateTree(); } catch (e, stackTrace) { // await MainInfo().sentry.captureException( // exception: e, @@ -215,15 +224,18 @@ class Interpret { // ); log.error(e.toString()); } + // print( + // 'Visual Generation Service executed in ${stopwatch.elapsedMilliseconds} milliseconds.'); + stopwatch.stop(); + node = await _pbSymbolLinkerService.linkSymbols(node); + return node; + } - /// - /// pre-layout generation service for plugin nodes. - /// - PBIntermediateNode parentPreLayoutIntermediateNode; + Future _pluginService( + PBIntermediateNode parentnode, var context, var stopwatch1) async { + PBIntermediateNode node; try { - parentPreLayoutIntermediateNode = PBPluginControlService( - parentVisualIntermediateNode, - currentContext: currentContext) + node = PBPluginControlService(parentnode, currentContext: context) .convertAndModifyPluginNodeTree(); } catch (e, stackTrace) { // await MainInfo().sentry.captureException( @@ -231,32 +243,47 @@ class Interpret { // stackTrace: stackTrace, // ); log.error(e.toString()); - parentPreLayoutIntermediateNode = - parentVisualIntermediateNode; //parentVisualIntermediateNode; + node = parentnode; } + // print( + // 'Pre-Layout Service executed in ${stopwatch.elapsedMilliseconds} milliseconds.'); + stopwatch1.stop(); + return node; + } - PBIntermediateNode parentLayoutIntermediateNode; - - /// LayoutGenerationService + Future _layoutGenerationService( + PBIntermediateNode parentNode, var context, var stopwatch2) async { + PBIntermediateNode node; try { - parentLayoutIntermediateNode = - PBLayoutGenerationService(currentContext: currentContext) - .injectNodes(parentPreLayoutIntermediateNode); + node = PBLayoutGenerationService(currentContext: context) + .injectNodes(parentNode); } catch (e, stackTrace) { // await MainInfo().sentry.captureException( // exception: e, // stackTrace: stackTrace, // ); log.error(e.toString()); - parentLayoutIntermediateNode = parentPreLayoutIntermediateNode; + node = parentNode; + } + + node = await _pbPrototypeLinkerService.linkPrototypeNodes(node); + // print( + // 'Layout Generation Service executed in ${stopwatch.elapsedMilliseconds} milliseconds.'); + stopwatch2.stop(); + return node; + } + + Future _alignGenerationService( + PBIntermediateNode parentnode, var context, var stopwatch3) async { + PBIntermediateNode node; + + /// This covers a case where the designer created an empty group. This would cause an issue as there is nothing to align. + if (parentnode is TempGroupLayoutNode) { + return null; } - var parentAlignIntermediateNode; - /// AlignGenerationService try { - parentAlignIntermediateNode = PBAlignGenerationService( - parentLayoutIntermediateNode, - currentContext: currentContext) + node = PBAlignGenerationService(parentnode, currentContext: context) .addAlignmentToLayouts(); } catch (e, stackTrace) { // await MainInfo().sentry.captureException( @@ -264,9 +291,11 @@ class Interpret { // stackTrace: stackTrace, // ); log.error(e.toString()); - parentAlignIntermediateNode = parentLayoutIntermediateNode; + node = parentnode; } - - return parentAlignIntermediateNode; + // print( + // 'Align Generation Service executed in ${stopwatch.elapsedMilliseconds} milliseconds.'); + stopwatch3.stop(); + return node; } } diff --git a/lib/controllers/main_info.dart b/lib/controllers/main_info.dart index e71baa6d..0059f3c1 100644 --- a/lib/controllers/main_info.dart +++ b/lib/controllers/main_info.dart @@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ class MainInfo { /// Path to the user's sketch file String sketchPath; + String platform; + /// Current working directory; contains the path from where the script was called Directory cwd; Map configurations; @@ -25,6 +27,12 @@ class MainInfo { /// Name of the project String projectName; + /// API needed to do API callls + String figmaKey; + + /// Project ID on Figma + String figmaProjectID; + Map defaultConfigs = { 'default': { 'widgetStyle': 'Material', diff --git a/lib/controllers/sketch_controller.dart b/lib/controllers/sketch_controller.dart index 175e8573..dbfea3ac 100644 --- a/lib/controllers/sketch_controller.dart +++ b/lib/controllers/sketch_controller.dart @@ -1,24 +1,24 @@ +import 'dart:convert'; +import 'dart:io'; import 'package:archive/archive_io.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/controllers/controller.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/controllers/interpret.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/generation/flutter_project_builder/flutter_project_builder.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/helper/sketch_node_tree.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/services/input_design.dart'; import 'package:quick_log/quick_log.dart'; -import 'dart:convert'; -import 'dart:io'; import 'main_info.dart'; -class SketchController { +class SketchController extends Controller { ///SERVICE + @override var log = Logger('SketchController'); - void initialize() { - ///Initialize services HERE - } ///Converting the [fileAbsPath] sketch file to flutter - void convertSketchFile( - var fileAbsPath, var projectPath, var configurationPath, var configType) async { + @override + void convertFile(var fileAbsPath, var projectPath, var configurationPath, + var configType) async { configure(configurationPath, configType); ///INTAKE @@ -38,30 +38,6 @@ class SketchController { fpb.convertToFlutterProject(); } - void configure(var configurationPath, var configType) async { - Map configurations; - try { - if (configurationPath == null || configurationPath.isEmpty) { - configurations = MainInfo().defaultConfigs; - - } else { - configurations = - json.decode(File(configurationPath).readAsStringSync()); - } - } catch (e, stackTrace) { - // await MainInfo().sentry.captureException( - // exception: e, - // stackTrace: stackTrace, - // ); - log.error(e.toString()); - } - - ///SET CONFIGURATION - // Setting configurations globally - MainInfo().configurations = configurations; - MainInfo().configurationType = configType; - } - SketchNodeTree generateSketchNodeTree( Archive archive, Map pagesAndArtboards, projectName) { try { diff --git a/lib/design_logic/artboard.dart b/lib/design_logic/artboard.dart index 9cf23336..b0b08e5e 100644 --- a/lib/design_logic/artboard.dart +++ b/lib/design_logic/artboard.dart @@ -1,9 +1,10 @@ +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/color.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/design_node.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/group_node.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/rect.dart'; abstract class PBArtboard extends DesignNode implements GroupNode { - var backgroundColor; + PBColor backgroundColor; PBArtboard(this.backgroundColor, UUID, String name, bool isVisible, Rect boundaryRectangle, String type, style, prototypeNode) : super(UUID, name, isVisible, boundaryRectangle, type, style, diff --git a/lib/design_logic/color.dart b/lib/design_logic/color.dart index 06a3bddc..85eb9521 100644 --- a/lib/design_logic/color.dart +++ b/lib/design_logic/color.dart @@ -1,5 +1,7 @@ -abstract class Color { - Color( +import 'package:hex/hex.dart'; + +abstract class PBColor { + PBColor( this.alpha, this.red, this.green, @@ -10,4 +12,21 @@ abstract class Color { double red; double green; double blue; + + toJson(); +} + +mixin PBColorMixin { + String toHex(PBColor color) { + if (color != null) { + int a, r, g, b; + a = ((color.alpha ?? 0) * 255).round(); + r = ((color.red ?? 0) * 255).round(); + g = ((color.green ?? 0) * 255).round(); + b = ((color.blue ?? 0) * 255).round(); + return '0x' + HEX.encode([a, r, g, b]); + } else { + return '0x' + HEX.encode([0, 0, 0, 0]); + } + } } diff --git a/lib/design_logic/design_node.dart b/lib/design_logic/design_node.dart index 52f7caf8..7f1f45bb 100644 --- a/lib/design_logic/design_node.dart +++ b/lib/design_logic/design_node.dart @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/pb_style.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/entities/subclasses/pb_intermediate_node.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/helpers/pb_context.dart'; @@ -17,8 +18,10 @@ abstract class DesignNode { bool isVisible; var boundaryRectangle; String type; - var style; + PBStyle style; String prototypeNodeUUID; + toJson(); + Future interpretNode(PBContext currentContext); } diff --git a/lib/design_logic/design_shape.dart b/lib/design_logic/design_shape.dart index 84b05fc0..d19b344e 100644 --- a/lib/design_logic/design_shape.dart +++ b/lib/design_logic/design_shape.dart @@ -1,7 +1,5 @@ -import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/design_element.dart'; -@JsonSerializable() abstract class DesignShape extends DesignElement { DesignShape() : super(); } diff --git a/lib/design_logic/group_node.dart b/lib/design_logic/group_node.dart index 21b435ea..642f5026 100644 --- a/lib/design_logic/group_node.dart +++ b/lib/design_logic/group_node.dart @@ -1,6 +1,3 @@ -import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart'; - -@JsonSerializable(nullable: true) abstract class GroupNode { GroupNode( this.children, diff --git a/lib/design_logic/pb_border.dart b/lib/design_logic/pb_border.dart new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6d701e06 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/design_logic/pb_border.dart @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +import 'color.dart'; + +abstract class PBBorder { + final bool isEnabled; + final double fillType; + final PBColor color; + final double thickness; + + PBBorder({ + this.isEnabled = true, + this.fillType, + this.color, + this.thickness, + }); + + toJson(); +} diff --git a/lib/design_logic/pb_border_options.dart b/lib/design_logic/pb_border_options.dart new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e3f383fa --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/design_logic/pb_border_options.dart @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +abstract class PBBorderOptions { + bool isEnabled; + List dashPattern; + int lineCapStyle, lineJoinStyle; + + PBBorderOptions({ + this.isEnabled, + this.dashPattern, + this.lineCapStyle, + this.lineJoinStyle, + }); + + toJson(); +} diff --git a/lib/design_logic/pb_fill.dart b/lib/design_logic/pb_fill.dart new file mode 100644 index 00000000..33861d56 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/design_logic/pb_fill.dart @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/color.dart'; + +abstract class PBFill { + PBColor color; + bool isEnabled; + PBFill(this.color, [this.isEnabled = true]); + + toJson(); +} diff --git a/lib/design_logic/pb_font_descriptor.dart b/lib/design_logic/pb_font_descriptor.dart new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a0d5bb55 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/design_logic/pb_font_descriptor.dart @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +abstract class PBFontDescriptor { + Map rawAttributes; + String fontName; + num fontSize; +} diff --git a/lib/design_logic/pb_paragraph_style.dart b/lib/design_logic/pb_paragraph_style.dart new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e57b6243 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/design_logic/pb_paragraph_style.dart @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +abstract class PBParagraphStyle { + int alignment; +} + +enum ALIGNMENT { + LEFT, + RIGHT, + CENTER, + JUSTIFY, +} diff --git a/lib/design_logic/pb_shared_instance_node.dart b/lib/design_logic/pb_shared_instance_design_node.dart similarity index 67% rename from lib/design_logic/pb_shared_instance_node.dart rename to lib/design_logic/pb_shared_instance_design_node.dart index d79bc7f8..df8f4cc4 100644 --- a/lib/design_logic/pb_shared_instance_node.dart +++ b/lib/design_logic/pb_shared_instance_design_node.dart @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/design_node.dart'; -abstract class PBSharedInstanceNodeDesign extends DesignNode { +abstract class PBSharedInstanceDesignNode extends DesignNode { String symbolID; List parameters; - PBSharedInstanceNodeDesign(String UUID, String name, bool isVisible, + PBSharedInstanceDesignNode(String UUID, String name, bool isVisible, boundaryRectangle, String type, style, prototypeNode) : super(UUID, name, isVisible, boundaryRectangle, type, style, prototypeNode); diff --git a/lib/design_logic/pb_shared_master_node.dart b/lib/design_logic/pb_shared_master_node.dart index 1feea798..a146011f 100644 --- a/lib/design_logic/pb_shared_master_node.dart +++ b/lib/design_logic/pb_shared_master_node.dart @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/design_node.dart'; -abstract class PBSharedMasterNodeDesign extends DesignNode { +abstract class PBSharedMasterDesignNode extends DesignNode { String symbolID; List overriadableProperties; - PBSharedMasterNodeDesign(String UUID, String name, bool isVisible, + PBSharedMasterDesignNode(String UUID, String name, bool isVisible, boundaryRectangle, String type, style, prototypeNode) : super(UUID, name, isVisible, boundaryRectangle, type, style, prototypeNode); diff --git a/lib/design_logic/pb_style.dart b/lib/design_logic/pb_style.dart new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3a488691 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/design_logic/pb_style.dart @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/color.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/pb_fill.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/pb_text_style.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/pb_border.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/pb_border_options.dart'; + +abstract class PBStyle { + PBColor backgroundColor; + List fills; + List borders; + PBBorderOptions borderOptions; + PBTextStyle textStyle; + + PBStyle({this.fills, this.backgroundColor}); + Map toJson(); +} diff --git a/lib/design_logic/pb_text_style.dart b/lib/design_logic/pb_text_style.dart new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ca30daba --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/design_logic/pb_text_style.dart @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/color.dart'; +import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/pb_font_descriptor.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/pb_paragraph_style.dart'; + +abstract class PBTextStyle { + PBColor fontColor; + String weight; + PBFontDescriptor fontDescriptor; + PBParagraphStyle paragraphStyle; + + PBTextStyle({ + this.fontColor, + this.weight, + this.paragraphStyle, + }); + + toJson(); +} diff --git a/lib/eggs/injected_app_bar.dart b/lib/eggs/injected_app_bar.dart index 71678c1d..a252665d 100644 --- a/lib/eggs/injected_app_bar.dart +++ b/lib/eggs/injected_app_bar.dart @@ -21,9 +21,10 @@ class InjectedNavbar extends PBEgg implements PBInjectedIntermediate { - InjectedNavbar(Point topLeftCorner, Point bottomRightCorner, this.UUID, + InjectedNavbar( + Point topLeftCorner, Point bottomRightCorner, this.UUID, String name, {this.currentContext}) - : super(topLeftCorner, bottomRightCorner, currentContext) { + : super(topLeftCorner, bottomRightCorner, currentContext, name) { generator = PBAppBarGenerator(); } @@ -66,7 +67,8 @@ class InjectedNavbar extends PBEgg implements PBInjectedIntermediate { @override PBEgg generatePluginNode( Point topLeftCorner, Point bottomRightCorner, originalRef) { - return InjectedNavbar(topLeftCorner, bottomRightCorner, UUID, + return InjectedNavbar( + topLeftCorner, bottomRightCorner, UUID, originalRef.name, currentContext: currentContext); } diff --git a/lib/eggs/injected_tab.dart b/lib/eggs/injected_tab.dart index 5ffcb14f..b8adadac 100644 --- a/lib/eggs/injected_tab.dart +++ b/lib/eggs/injected_tab.dart @@ -20,11 +20,13 @@ class Tab extends PBEgg implements PBInjectedIntermediate { Tab( Point topLeftCorner, - Point bottomRightCorner, { + Point bottomRightCorner, + String name, { UUID, this.currentContext, this.prototypeNode, - }) : super(topLeftCorner, bottomRightCorner, currentContext, UUID: UUID) { + }) : super(topLeftCorner, bottomRightCorner, currentContext, name, + UUID: UUID) { generator = PBTabGenerator(); } @@ -42,15 +44,20 @@ class Tab extends PBEgg implements PBInjectedIntermediate { var tab = Tab( topLeftCorner, bottomRightCorner, + originalRef.name, currentContext: currentContext, - UUID: Uuid().v4(), + UUID: originalRef != null && + originalRef.UUID != null && + originalRef.UUID.isNotEmpty + ? originalRef.UUID + : Uuid().v4(), prototypeNode: PrototypeNode(originalRef?.prototypeNodeUUID), ); if (originalRef is! AbstractGroupLayer) { - var sketchNode = _convertWrapper(originalRef); + var designNode = _convertWrapper(originalRef); ///Clean the node so that it doesn't get interpreted as a plugin again. - sketchNode.interpretNode(currentContext).then(tab.addChild); + designNode.interpretNode(currentContext).then(tab.addChild); } return tab; diff --git a/lib/eggs/injected_tab_bar.dart b/lib/eggs/injected_tab_bar.dart index 18653ca6..27dd2c5c 100644 --- a/lib/eggs/injected_tab_bar.dart +++ b/lib/eggs/injected_tab_bar.dart @@ -20,9 +20,10 @@ class InjectedTabBar extends PBEgg implements PBInjectedIntermediate { InjectedTabBar( Point topLeftCorner, Point bottomRightCorner, + String name, this.UUID, { this.currentContext, - }) : super(topLeftCorner, bottomRightCorner, currentContext) { + }) : super(topLeftCorner, bottomRightCorner, currentContext, name) { generator = PBTabBarGenerator(); } @@ -52,7 +53,8 @@ class InjectedTabBar extends PBEgg implements PBInjectedIntermediate { @override PBEgg generatePluginNode( Point topLeftCorner, Point bottomRightCorner, DesignNode originalRef) { - return InjectedTabBar(topLeftCorner, bottomRightCorner, UUID, + return InjectedTabBar( + topLeftCorner, bottomRightCorner, UUID, originalRef.name, currentContext: currentContext); } diff --git a/lib/generation/flutter_project_builder/flutter_project_builder.dart b/lib/generation/flutter_project_builder/flutter_project_builder.dart index ae074829..4739773f 100644 --- a/lib/generation/flutter_project_builder/flutter_project_builder.dart +++ b/lib/generation/flutter_project_builder/flutter_project_builder.dart @@ -15,8 +15,10 @@ import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/entities/pb_shared_master_n import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/entities/subclasses/pb_intermediate_node.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/entities/subclasses/pb_layout_intermediate_node.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/helpers/pb_gen_cache.dart'; -import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/helpers/pb_intermediate_node_tree.dart'; import 'package:quick_log/quick_log.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/helpers/pb_intermediate_node_tree.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/helper/image_helper.dart' + as image_helper; String pathToFlutterProject = '${MainInfo().outputPath}/temp/'; @@ -44,9 +46,13 @@ class FlutterProjectBuilder { void convertToFlutterProject({List rawImages}) async { try { - log.info(Process.runSync('flutter', ['create', '$projectName'], - workingDirectory: MainInfo().outputPath) - .stdout); + var createResult = Process.runSync('flutter', ['create', '$projectName'], + workingDirectory: MainInfo().outputPath); + if (createResult.stderr != null && createResult.stderr.isNotEmpty) { + log.error(createResult.stderr); + } else { + log.info(createResult.stdout); + } } catch (error, stackTrace) { await MainInfo().sentry.captureException( exception: error, @@ -74,6 +80,12 @@ class FlutterProjectBuilder { log.error(e.toString()); }); + if (MainInfo().figmaProjectID != null && + MainInfo().figmaProjectID.isNotEmpty) { + log.info('Processing remaining images...'); + await image_helper.processImageQueue(); + } + Process.runSync( '${MainInfo().cwd.path}/lib/generation/helperScripts/shell-proxy.sh', [ @@ -242,7 +254,7 @@ class FlutterProjectBuilder { (intermediateItem.node as InheritedScaffold).isHomeScreen) { var relPath = PBGenCache().getRelativePath( '${projectName}/lib/main.dart', intermediateItem.node.UUID); - pageWriter.writeMainScreenWithHome(intermediateItem.node.name, + await pageWriter.writeMainScreenWithHome(intermediateItem.node.name, '${projectName}/lib/main.dart', relPath); } diff --git a/lib/generation/generators/attribute-helper/pb_color_gen_helper.dart b/lib/generation/generators/attribute-helper/pb_color_gen_helper.dart index 0a3e1b04..8a135154 100644 --- a/lib/generation/generators/attribute-helper/pb_color_gen_helper.dart +++ b/lib/generation/generators/attribute-helper/pb_color_gen_helper.dart @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ import 'package:parabeac_core/generation/generators/attribute-helper/pb_attribute_gen_helper.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_container.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_scaffold.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/entities/subclasses/pb_intermediate_node.dart'; @@ -24,9 +25,17 @@ class PBColorGenHelper extends PBAttributesHelper { if (source.color == null) { statement = ''; } else { - statement = findDefaultColor(source.color) != null - ? 'color: ${findDefaultColor(source.color)},' - : 'color: Color(${source.color}),\n'; + if (source is! InheritedContainer) { + statement = findDefaultColor(source.color) != null + ? 'color: ${findDefaultColor(source.color)},' + : 'color: Color(${source.color}),\n'; + } else if ((source as InheritedContainer).isBackgroundVisible) { + statement = findDefaultColor(source.color) != null + ? 'color: ${findDefaultColor(source.color)},' + : 'color: Color(${source.color}),\n'; + } else { + statement = ''; + } } return statement; } diff --git a/lib/generation/generators/attribute-helper/pb_size_helper.dart b/lib/generation/generators/attribute-helper/pb_size_helper.dart index aa1722d0..cf5034c8 100644 --- a/lib/generation/generators/attribute-helper/pb_size_helper.dart +++ b/lib/generation/generators/attribute-helper/pb_size_helper.dart @@ -33,16 +33,17 @@ class PBSizeHelper extends PBAttributesHelper { .abs(); } - height = (height != null && screenHeight != null && screenHeight != 0.0) + height = (height != null && screenHeight != null && screenHeight > 0.0) ? height / screenHeight : height; - width = (width != null && screenHeight != null && screenWidth != 0.0) + width = (width != null && screenWidth != null && screenWidth > 0.0) ? width / screenWidth : width; if (width != null) { if (source.topLeftCorner.x != null && - source.bottomRightCorner.x != null) { + source.bottomRightCorner.x != null && + screenWidth != null) { buffer.write( 'width : MediaQuery.of(context).size.width * ${width.toStringAsFixed(3)},'); } else { @@ -51,7 +52,8 @@ class PBSizeHelper extends PBAttributesHelper { } if (height != null) { if (source.topLeftCorner.y != null && - source.bottomRightCorner.y != null) { + source.bottomRightCorner.y != null && + screenHeight != null) { buffer.write( ' height : MediaQuery.of(context).size.height * ${height.toStringAsFixed(3)},'); } else { diff --git a/lib/generation/generators/pb_flutter_writer.dart b/lib/generation/generators/pb_flutter_writer.dart index 9898aee3..5825f5b2 100644 --- a/lib/generation/generators/pb_flutter_writer.dart +++ b/lib/generation/generators/pb_flutter_writer.dart @@ -19,34 +19,34 @@ class PBFlutterWriter implements PBPageWriter { /// Creates a new `main.dart` file that starts the Flutter application at /// `homeName` and adds the import from `main.dart` to `relativeImportPath`. - void writeMainScreenWithHome( - String homeName, String pathToMain, String relativeImportPath) { + Future writeMainScreenWithHome( + String homeName, String pathToMain, String relativeImportPath) async { var mainFile = File(pathToMain).openWrite(mode: FileMode.writeOnly); mainFile.write(''' - import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; - import '$relativeImportPath'; +import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; +import '$relativeImportPath'; - void main() { - runApp(MyApp()); - } +void main() { + runApp(MyApp()); +} - class MyApp extends StatelessWidget { - // This widget is the root of your application. - @override - Widget build(BuildContext context) { - return MaterialApp( - title: '${MainInfo().projectName ?? 'Parabeac-Core Generated Project'}', - theme: ThemeData( - primarySwatch: Colors.blue, - visualDensity: VisualDensity.adaptivePlatformDensity, - ), - home: ${homeName}(), - ); - } - } +class MyApp extends StatelessWidget { + // This widget is the root of your application. + @override + Widget build(BuildContext context) { + return MaterialApp( + title: '${MainInfo().projectName ?? 'Parabeac-Core Generated Project'}', + theme: ThemeData( + primarySwatch: Colors.blue, + visualDensity: VisualDensity.adaptivePlatformDensity, + ), + home: ${homeName}(), + ); + } +}'''); - '''); - mainFile.close(); + await mainFile.flush(); + await mainFile.close(); } void submitDependencies(String yamlAbsPath) async { diff --git a/lib/generation/generators/pb_generator.dart b/lib/generation/generators/pb_generator.dart index d59478e9..8b0baf3e 100644 --- a/lib/generation/generators/pb_generator.dart +++ b/lib/generation/generators/pb_generator.dart @@ -4,9 +4,10 @@ import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/entities/subclasses/pb_inte abstract class PBGenerator { @Deprecated('Widget Indentifier is not being used anymore') final String WIDGET_TYPE_IDENTIFIER = 'widgetType'; - final String OBJECTID = 'do_objectID'; + final String OBJECTID = 'UUID'; PBGenerationManager _manager; - set manager (PBGenerationManager generationManager) => _manager = generationManager; + set manager(PBGenerationManager generationManager) => + _manager = generationManager; PBGenerationManager get manager => _manager; PBGenerator(); diff --git a/lib/generation/generators/plugins/pb_injected_node.dart b/lib/generation/generators/plugins/pb_injected_node.dart index 09897f7c..18cf1e19 100644 --- a/lib/generation/generators/plugins/pb_injected_node.dart +++ b/lib/generation/generators/plugins/pb_injected_node.dart @@ -6,11 +6,7 @@ class PBInjectedNode extends PBIntermediateNode { Point topLeftCorner, Point bottomRightCorner, String UUID, - ) : super( - topLeftCorner, - bottomRightCorner, - UUID, - ); + ) : super(topLeftCorner, bottomRightCorner, UUID, ''); @override void addChild(PBIntermediateNode node) { // TODO: implement addChild diff --git a/lib/generation/generators/plugins/pb_plugin_node.dart b/lib/generation/generators/plugins/pb_plugin_node.dart index a857920b..a49a3614 100644 --- a/lib/generation/generators/plugins/pb_plugin_node.dart +++ b/lib/generation/generators/plugins/pb_plugin_node.dart @@ -11,8 +11,9 @@ abstract class PBEgg extends PBVisualIntermediateNode { final String UUID; PBEgg(Point topLeftCorner, Point bottomRightCorner, PBContext currentContext, - {this.UUID}) - : super(topLeftCorner, bottomRightCorner, currentContext, UUID: UUID); + String name, {this.UUID}) + : super(topLeftCorner, bottomRightCorner, currentContext, name, + UUID: UUID); /// Override this function if you want to make tree modification prior to the layout service. /// Be sure to return something or you will remove the node from the tree. diff --git a/lib/generation/generators/visual-widgets/pb_flexible_gen.dart b/lib/generation/generators/visual-widgets/pb_flexible_gen.dart index 16abfaea..2672bf1a 100644 --- a/lib/generation/generators/visual-widgets/pb_flexible_gen.dart +++ b/lib/generation/generators/visual-widgets/pb_flexible_gen.dart @@ -20,10 +20,6 @@ class PBFlexibleGenerator extends PBGenerator { buffer.write( 'child: ${manager.generate(source.child, type: source.builder_type ?? BUILDER_TYPE.BODY)},'); } catch (e, stackTrace) { - MainInfo().sentry.captureException( - exception: e, - stackTrace: stackTrace, - ); log.error(e.toString()); } buffer.write(')'); diff --git a/lib/generation/prototyping/pb_dest_holder.dart b/lib/generation/prototyping/pb_dest_holder.dart index d569bc8f..2b753f9f 100644 --- a/lib/generation/prototyping/pb_dest_holder.dart +++ b/lib/generation/prototyping/pb_dest_holder.dart @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ class PBDestHolder extends PBIntermediateNode { PBDestHolder( Point topLeftCorner, Point bottomRightCorner, String UUID, this.pNode) - : super(topLeftCorner, bottomRightCorner, UUID) { + : super(topLeftCorner, bottomRightCorner, UUID, '') { generator = PBPrototypeGenerator(pNode); } diff --git a/lib/input/figma/entities/abstract_figma_node_factory.dart b/lib/input/figma/entities/abstract_figma_node_factory.dart new file mode 100644 index 00000000..24f23a5e --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/input/figma/entities/abstract_figma_node_factory.dart @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/layers/boolean_operation.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/layers/canvas.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/layers/component.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/layers/ellipse.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/layers/frame.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/layers/group.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/layers/instance.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/layers/line.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/layers/rectangle.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/layers/slice.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/layers/star.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/layers/text.dart'; + +import 'layers/figma_node.dart'; +import 'layers/vector.dart'; + +class AbstractFigmaNodeFactory { + static final String FIGMA_CLASS_KEY = 'type'; + + static final List _figmaNodes = [ + BooleanOperation(), + Canvas(), + Component(), + FigmaEllipse(), + FigmaFrame(), + Group(), + Instance(), + FigmaLine(), + FigmaRectangle(), + FigmaSlice(), + FigmaStar(), + FigmaText(), + FigmaVector(), + ]; + + AbstractFigmaNodeFactory(); + + static FigmaNode getFigmaNode(Map json) { + var className = json[FIGMA_CLASS_KEY]; + if (className != null) { + for (var figmaNode in _figmaNodes) { + if (figmaNode.type == className) { + return figmaNode.createFigmaNode(json); + } + } + } + return null; + } +} + +abstract class FigmaNodeFactory { + String type; + FigmaNode createFigmaNode(Map json); +} diff --git a/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/boolean_operation.dart b/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/boolean_operation.dart new file mode 100644 index 00000000..98398320 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/boolean_operation.dart @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/group_node.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/image.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/abstract_figma_node_factory.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/layers/vector.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/style/figma_style.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/objects/frame.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_bitmap.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/entities/subclasses/pb_intermediate_node.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/helpers/pb_context.dart'; +import 'package:quick_log/quick_log.dart'; +import 'figma_node.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/helper/image_helper.dart' + as image_helper; + +part 'boolean_operation.g.dart'; + +@JsonSerializable(nullable: true) +class BooleanOperation extends FigmaVector + with image_helper.PBImageHelperMixin + implements FigmaNodeFactory, GroupNode, Image { + @JsonKey(ignore: true) + Logger log; + @override + List children; + String booleanOperation; + + @override + String type = 'BOOLEAN_OPERATION'; + + @override + var boundaryRectangle; + + BooleanOperation({ + List this.children, + booleanOperation, + type, + FigmaStyle style, + Frame this.boundaryRectangle, + String UUID, + }) : super( + style: style, + UUID: UUID, + ) { + log = Logger(runtimeType.toString()); + } + + @override + FigmaNode createFigmaNode(Map json) => + BooleanOperation.fromJson(json); + factory BooleanOperation.fromJson(Map json) => + _$BooleanOperationFromJson(json); + @override + Map toJson() => _$BooleanOperationToJson(this); + + @override + Future interpretNode(PBContext currentContext) async { + imageReference = addToImageQueue(UUID); + + return Future.value( + InheritedBitmap(this, name, currentContext: currentContext)); + } + + @override + String imageReference; +} diff --git a/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/boolean_operation.g.dart b/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/boolean_operation.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3d264ee5 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/boolean_operation.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +// GENERATED CODE - DO NOT MODIFY BY HAND + +part of 'boolean_operation.dart'; + +// ************************************************************************** +// JsonSerializableGenerator +// ************************************************************************** + +BooleanOperation _$BooleanOperationFromJson(Map json) { + return BooleanOperation( + children: (json['children'] as List) + ?.map((e) => + e == null ? null : FigmaNode.fromJson(e as Map)) + ?.toList(), + booleanOperation: json['booleanOperation'], + type: json['type'], + style: json['style'] == null + ? null + : FigmaStyle.fromJson(json['style'] as Map), + boundaryRectangle: json['absoluteBoundingBox'] == null + ? null + : Frame.fromJson(json['absoluteBoundingBox'] as Map), + UUID: json['id'] as String, + ) + ..name = json['name'] as String + ..pluginData = json['pluginData'] + ..sharedPluginData = json['sharedPluginData'] + ..isVisible = json['visible'] as bool ?? true + ..layoutAlign = json['layoutAlign'] as String + ..constraints = json['constraints'] + ..prototypeNodeUUID = json['transitionNodeID'] as String + ..size = json['size'] + ..strokes = json['strokes'] + ..strokeWeight = (json['strokeWeight'] as num)?.toDouble() + ..strokeAlign = json['strokeAlign'] as String + ..styles = json['styles'] + ..fillsList = json['fills'] as List + ..imageReference = json['imageReference'] as String; +} + +Map _$BooleanOperationToJson(BooleanOperation instance) => + { + 'id': instance.UUID, + 'name': instance.name, + 'pluginData': instance.pluginData, + 'sharedPluginData': instance.sharedPluginData, + 'visible': instance.isVisible, + 'style': instance.style, + 'layoutAlign': instance.layoutAlign, + 'constraints': instance.constraints, + 'transitionNodeID': instance.prototypeNodeUUID, + 'size': instance.size, + 'strokes': instance.strokes, + 'strokeWeight': instance.strokeWeight, + 'strokeAlign': instance.strokeAlign, + 'styles': instance.styles, + 'fills': instance.fillsList, + 'children': instance.children, + 'booleanOperation': instance.booleanOperation, + 'type': instance.type, + 'absoluteBoundingBox': instance.boundaryRectangle, + 'imageReference': instance.imageReference, + }; diff --git a/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/canvas.dart b/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/canvas.dart new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1de30300 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/canvas.dart @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/group_node.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/layers/figma_node.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/helpers/pb_context.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/entities/subclasses/pb_intermediate_node.dart'; + +import '../abstract_figma_node_factory.dart'; + +part 'canvas.g.dart'; + +@JsonSerializable(nullable: true) +class Canvas extends FigmaNode implements FigmaNodeFactory, GroupNode { + @override + String type = 'CANVAS'; + Canvas({ + this.name, + this.type, + List this.children, + this.backgroundColor, + this.prototypeStartNodeID, + this.prototypeDevice, + this.exportSettings, + }) : super(name, true, type, null, null); + // Last two nulls are used for Figma plugins + + @override + String name; + + @override + List children; + + dynamic backgroundColor; + + dynamic prototypeStartNodeID; + + dynamic prototypeDevice; + + dynamic exportSettings; + + Canvas createSketchNode(Map json) => Canvas.fromJson(json); + factory Canvas.fromJson(Map json) => _$CanvasFromJson(json); + + Map toJson() => _$CanvasToJson(this); + + @override + FigmaNode createFigmaNode(Map json) => Canvas.fromJson(json); + + @override + var boundaryRectangle; + + @override + String prototypeNodeUUID; + + @override + @JsonKey(ignore: true) + var style; + + @override + Future interpretNode(PBContext currentContext) { + assert(false, 'We don\'t product pages as Intermediate Nodes.'); + return null; + } +} diff --git a/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/canvas.g.dart b/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/canvas.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 00000000..363307d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/canvas.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +// GENERATED CODE - DO NOT MODIFY BY HAND + +part of 'canvas.dart'; + +// ************************************************************************** +// JsonSerializableGenerator +// ************************************************************************** + +Canvas _$CanvasFromJson(Map json) { + return Canvas( + name: json['name'] as String, + type: json['type'] as String, + children: (json['children'] as List) + ?.map((e) => + e == null ? null : FigmaNode.fromJson(e as Map)) + ?.toList(), + backgroundColor: json['backgroundColor'], + prototypeStartNodeID: json['prototypeStartNodeID'], + prototypeDevice: json['prototypeDevice'], + exportSettings: json['exportSettings'], + ) + ..UUID = json['id'] as String + ..pluginData = json['pluginData'] + ..sharedPluginData = json['sharedPluginData'] + ..isVisible = json['visible'] as bool ?? true + ..boundaryRectangle = json['boundaryRectangle'] + ..prototypeNodeUUID = json['prototypeNodeUUID'] as String; +} + +Map _$CanvasToJson(Canvas instance) => { + 'id': instance.UUID, + 'pluginData': instance.pluginData, + 'sharedPluginData': instance.sharedPluginData, + 'visible': instance.isVisible, + 'type': instance.type, + 'name': instance.name, + 'children': instance.children, + 'backgroundColor': instance.backgroundColor, + 'prototypeStartNodeID': instance.prototypeStartNodeID, + 'prototypeDevice': instance.prototypeDevice, + 'exportSettings': instance.exportSettings, + 'boundaryRectangle': instance.boundaryRectangle, + 'prototypeNodeUUID': instance.prototypeNodeUUID, + }; diff --git a/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/component.dart b/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/component.dart new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a874bfe6 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/component.dart @@ -0,0 +1,110 @@ +import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/pb_shared_master_node.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/abstract_figma_node_factory.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/layers/figma_node.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/layers/frame.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/style/figma_color.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/layers/flow.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/objects/frame.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/objects/override_property.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/helper/symbol_node_mixin.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/entities/pb_shared_master_node.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/entities/subclasses/pb_intermediate_node.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/helpers/pb_context.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/value_objects/point.dart'; + +part 'component.g.dart'; + +@JsonSerializable(nullable: true) +class Component extends FigmaFrame + with SymbolNodeMixin + implements AbstractFigmaNodeFactory, PBSharedMasterDesignNode { + @override + String type = 'COMPONENT'; + Component({ + name, + isVisible, + type, + pluginData, + sharedPluginData, + Frame boundaryRectangle, + style, + fills, + strokes, + strokeWeight, + strokeAlign, + cornerRadius, + constraints, + layoutAlign, + size, + horizontalPadding, + verticalPadding, + itemSpacing, + Flow flow, + this.overrideProperties, + List children, + FigmaColor backgroundColor, + this.symbolID, + this.overriadableProperties, + }) : super( + name: name, + isVisible: isVisible, + type: type, + pluginData: pluginData, + sharedPluginData: sharedPluginData, + boundaryRectangle: boundaryRectangle, + style: style, + fills: fills, + strokes: strokes, + strokeWeight: strokeWeight, + strokeAlign: strokeAlign, + cornerRadius: cornerRadius, + constraints: constraints, + layoutAlign: layoutAlign, + size: size, + horizontalPadding: horizontalPadding, + verticalPadding: verticalPadding, + itemSpacing: itemSpacing, + flow: flow, + children: children, + backgroundColor: backgroundColor, + ); + + final List overrideProperties; + + @override + FigmaNode createFigmaNode(Map json) => + Component.fromJson(json); + factory Component.fromJson(Map json) => + _$ComponentFromJson(json); + @override + Map toJson() => _$ComponentToJson(this); + + List _extractParameters() => + overrideProperties?.map((prop) { + var properties = extractParameter(prop.overrideName); + return PBSharedParameterProp( + properties[0], null, prop.canOverride, name, properties[1]); + })?.toList(); + + @override + Future interpretNode(PBContext currentContext) { + var sym_master = PBSharedMasterNode( + this, + UUID, + name, + Point(boundaryRectangle.x, boundaryRectangle.y), + Point(boundaryRectangle.x + boundaryRectangle.width, + boundaryRectangle.y + boundaryRectangle.height), + overridableProperties: _extractParameters() ?? [], + currentContext: currentContext, + ); + return Future.value(sym_master); + } + + @override + List overriadableProperties; + + @override + String symbolID; +} diff --git a/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/component.g.dart b/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/component.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 00000000..709e2885 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/component.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ +// GENERATED CODE - DO NOT MODIFY BY HAND + +part of 'component.dart'; + +// ************************************************************************** +// JsonSerializableGenerator +// ************************************************************************** + +Component _$ComponentFromJson(Map json) { + return Component( + name: json['name'], + isVisible: json['visible'] ?? true, + type: json['type'], + pluginData: json['pluginData'], + sharedPluginData: json['sharedPluginData'], + boundaryRectangle: json['absoluteBoundingBox'] == null + ? null + : Frame.fromJson(json['absoluteBoundingBox'] as Map), + strokes: json['strokes'], + strokeWeight: json['strokeWeight'], + strokeAlign: json['strokeAlign'], + cornerRadius: json['cornerRadius'], + constraints: json['constraints'], + layoutAlign: json['layoutAlign'], + size: json['size'], + horizontalPadding: json['horizontalPadding'], + verticalPadding: json['verticalPadding'], + itemSpacing: json['itemSpacing'], + overrideProperties: (json['overrideProperties'] as List) + ?.map((e) => e == null + ? null + : OverridableProperty.fromJson(e as Map)) + ?.toList(), + children: (json['children'] as List) + ?.map((e) => + e == null ? null : FigmaNode.fromJson(e as Map)) + ?.toList(), + backgroundColor: json['backgroundColor'] == null + ? null + : FigmaColor.fromJson(json['backgroundColor'] as Map), + symbolID: json['symbolID'] as String, + overriadableProperties: json['overriadableProperties'] as List, + ) + ..UUID = json['id'] as String + ..prototypeNodeUUID = json['transitionNodeID'] as String + ..fillsList = json['fills'] as List + ..imageReference = json['imageReference'] as String; +} + +Map _$ComponentToJson(Component instance) => { + 'id': instance.UUID, + 'name': instance.name, + 'pluginData': instance.pluginData, + 'sharedPluginData': instance.sharedPluginData, + 'visible': instance.isVisible, + 'absoluteBoundingBox': instance.boundaryRectangle, + 'transitionNodeID': instance.prototypeNodeUUID, + 'children': instance.children, + 'strokes': instance.strokes, + 'strokeWeight': instance.strokeWeight, + 'strokeAlign': instance.strokeAlign, + 'cornerRadius': instance.cornerRadius, + 'constraints': instance.constraints, + 'layoutAlign': instance.layoutAlign, + 'size': instance.size, + 'horizontalPadding': instance.horizontalPadding, + 'verticalPadding': instance.verticalPadding, + 'itemSpacing': instance.itemSpacing, + 'backgroundColor': instance.backgroundColor, + 'fills': instance.fillsList, + 'imageReference': instance.imageReference, + 'type': instance.type, + 'overrideProperties': instance.overrideProperties, + 'overriadableProperties': instance.overriadableProperties, + 'symbolID': instance.symbolID, + }; diff --git a/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/ellipse.dart b/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/ellipse.dart new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ea04393a --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/ellipse.dart @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/image.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/abstract_figma_node_factory.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/layers/vector.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/objects/frame.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_bitmap.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/entities/subclasses/pb_intermediate_node.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/helpers/pb_context.dart'; +import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart'; +import 'package:quick_log/quick_log.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/helper/image_helper.dart' + as image_helper; +import 'figma_node.dart'; + +part 'ellipse.g.dart'; + +@JsonSerializable(nullable: true) +class FigmaEllipse extends FigmaVector + with image_helper.PBImageHelperMixin + implements AbstractFigmaNodeFactory, Image { + @override + String imageReference; + @JsonKey(ignore: true) + Logger log; + + @JsonKey(ignore: true) + var fills; + + @override + String type = 'ELLIPSE'; + FigmaEllipse({ + String name, + bool visible, + String type, + pluginData, + sharedPluginData, + style, + layoutAlign, + constraints, + Frame boundaryRectangle, + size, + this.fills, + strokes, + strokeWeight, + strokeAlign, + styles, + }) : super( + name: name, + visible: visible, + type: type, + pluginData: pluginData, + sharedPluginData: sharedPluginData, + style: style, + layoutAlign: layoutAlign, + constraints: constraints, + boundaryRectangle: boundaryRectangle, + size: size, + strokes: strokes, + strokeWeight: strokeWeight, + strokeAlign: strokeAlign, + styles: styles, + ) { + log = Logger(runtimeType.toString()); + } + + @override + FigmaNode createFigmaNode(Map json) => + FigmaEllipse.fromJson(json); + factory FigmaEllipse.fromJson(Map json) => + _$FigmaEllipseFromJson(json); + @override + Map toJson() => _$FigmaEllipseToJson(this); + + @override + Future interpretNode(PBContext currentContext) async { + imageReference = addToImageQueue(UUID); + return Future.value( + InheritedBitmap(this, name, currentContext: currentContext)); + } +} diff --git a/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/ellipse.g.dart b/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/ellipse.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4d830496 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/ellipse.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +// GENERATED CODE - DO NOT MODIFY BY HAND + +part of 'ellipse.dart'; + +// ************************************************************************** +// JsonSerializableGenerator +// ************************************************************************** + +FigmaEllipse _$FigmaEllipseFromJson(Map json) { + return FigmaEllipse( + name: json['name'] as String, + type: json['type'] as String, + pluginData: json['pluginData'], + sharedPluginData: json['sharedPluginData'], + style: json['style'], + layoutAlign: json['layoutAlign'], + constraints: json['constraints'], + boundaryRectangle: json['absoluteBoundingBox'] == null + ? null + : Frame.fromJson(json['absoluteBoundingBox'] as Map), + size: json['size'], + strokes: json['strokes'], + strokeWeight: json['strokeWeight'], + strokeAlign: json['strokeAlign'], + styles: json['styles'], + ) + ..UUID = json['id'] as String + ..isVisible = json['visible'] as bool ?? true + ..prototypeNodeUUID = json['transitionNodeID'] as String + ..fillsList = json['fills'] as List + ..imageReference = json['imageReference'] as String; +} + +Map _$FigmaEllipseToJson(FigmaEllipse instance) => + { + 'id': instance.UUID, + 'name': instance.name, + 'pluginData': instance.pluginData, + 'sharedPluginData': instance.sharedPluginData, + 'visible': instance.isVisible, + 'style': instance.style, + 'layoutAlign': instance.layoutAlign, + 'constraints': instance.constraints, + 'transitionNodeID': instance.prototypeNodeUUID, + 'absoluteBoundingBox': instance.boundaryRectangle, + 'size': instance.size, + 'strokes': instance.strokes, + 'strokeWeight': instance.strokeWeight, + 'strokeAlign': instance.strokeAlign, + 'styles': instance.styles, + 'fills': instance.fillsList, + 'imageReference': instance.imageReference, + 'type': instance.type, + }; diff --git a/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/figma_font_descriptor.dart b/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/figma_font_descriptor.dart new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1638b10c --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/figma_font_descriptor.dart @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/pb_font_descriptor.dart'; + +class FigmaFontDescriptor implements PBFontDescriptor { + @override + String fontName; + + @override + num fontSize; + + String fontWeight; + + String fontStyle; + + num letterSpacing; + + @override + Map rawAttributes; + + FigmaFontDescriptor( + this.fontName, + this.fontSize, + this.rawAttributes, + this.fontWeight, + this.fontStyle, + this.letterSpacing, + ); +} diff --git a/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/figma_node.dart b/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/figma_node.dart new file mode 100644 index 00000000..74cb00b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/figma_node.dart @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/design_node.dart'; +import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/entities/subclasses/pb_intermediate_node.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/helpers/pb_context.dart'; + +import '../abstract_figma_node_factory.dart'; + +@JsonSerializable(nullable: true) +abstract class FigmaNode implements DesignNode { + @JsonKey(name: 'id') + @override + String UUID; + + @override + String name; + + @override + String type; + + var pluginData; + + var sharedPluginData; + + @override + @JsonKey(name: 'visible', defaultValue: true) + bool isVisible; + + FigmaNode( + this.name, + this.isVisible, + this.type, + this.pluginData, + this.sharedPluginData, { + this.UUID, + }); + @override + Map toJson(); + factory FigmaNode.fromJson(Map json) => + AbstractFigmaNodeFactory.getFigmaNode(json); + @override + Future interpretNode(PBContext currentContext); +} diff --git a/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/figma_paragraph_style.dart b/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/figma_paragraph_style.dart new file mode 100644 index 00000000..70189b7e --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/figma_paragraph_style.dart @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/pb_paragraph_style.dart'; + +class FigmaParagraphStyle implements PBParagraphStyle { + int alignment = ALIGNMENT.LEFT.index; + + FigmaParagraphStyle({this.alignment}); +} diff --git a/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/frame.dart b/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/frame.dart new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b1da284c --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/frame.dart @@ -0,0 +1,164 @@ +import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/artboard.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/color.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/group_node.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/image.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/abstract_figma_node_factory.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/layers/figma_node.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/layers/group.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/style/figma_color.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/helper/style_extractor.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/layers/flow.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_scaffold.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/helpers/pb_context.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/entities/subclasses/pb_intermediate_node.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/objects/frame.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/value_objects/point.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/helper/image_helper.dart' + as image_helper; + +part 'frame.g.dart'; + +@JsonSerializable(nullable: true) +class FigmaFrame extends FigmaNode + with PBColorMixin + implements FigmaNodeFactory, GroupNode, PBArtboard, Image { + @override + @JsonKey(name: 'absoluteBoundingBox') + var boundaryRectangle; + + @override + @JsonKey(name: 'transitionNodeID') + String prototypeNodeUUID; + + @override + @JsonKey(ignore: true) + var style; + + @override + List children; + + @JsonKey(ignore: true) + var fills; + + var strokes; + + double strokeWeight; + + String strokeAlign; + + double cornerRadius; + + var constraints; + + String layoutAlign; + + var size; + + double horizontalPadding; + + double verticalPadding; + + double itemSpacing; + + @override + PBColor backgroundColor; + + @override + String type = 'FRAME'; + + @JsonKey(ignore: true) + bool isScaffold = false; + + FigmaFrame({ + name, + isVisible, + type, + pluginData, + sharedPluginData, + Frame this.boundaryRectangle, + this.style, + this.fills, + this.strokes, + this.strokeWeight, + this.strokeAlign, + this.cornerRadius, + this.constraints, + this.layoutAlign, + this.size, + this.horizontalPadding, + this.verticalPadding, + this.itemSpacing, + List this.children, + Flow flow, + String UUID, + FigmaColor this.backgroundColor, + }) : super( + name, + isVisible, + type, + pluginData, + sharedPluginData, + UUID: UUID, + ); + @JsonKey(ignore: true) + List points; + + @JsonKey(name: 'fills') + List fillsList; + + @override + FigmaNode createFigmaNode(Map json) { + var node = FigmaFrame.fromJson(json); + node.style = StyleExtractor().getStyle(json); + return node; + } + + factory FigmaFrame.fromJson(Map json) => + _$FigmaFrameFromJson(json); + @override + Map toJson() => _$FigmaFrameToJson(this); + + @override + Future interpretNode(PBContext currentContext) { + /// TODO: change `isHomeScreen` to its actual value + if (isScaffold) { + return Future.value(InheritedScaffold( + this, + currentContext: currentContext, + name: name, + isHomeScreen: false, + )); + } else { + var tempGroup = Group( + name: name, + isVisible: isVisible, + type: type, + pluginData: pluginData, + sharedPluginData: sharedPluginData, + boundaryRectangle: boundaryRectangle, + style: style, + fills: fills, + strokes: strokes, + strokeWeight: strokeWeight, + strokeAlign: strokeAlign, + cornerRadius: cornerRadius, + constraints: constraints, + layoutAlign: layoutAlign, + size: size, + horizontalPadding: horizontalPadding, + verticalPadding: verticalPadding, + itemSpacing: itemSpacing, + flow: null, + children: children, + UUID: UUID, + backgroundColor: backgroundColor, + ); + + return Future.value(tempGroup.interpretNode(currentContext)); + } + } + + @override + String imageReference; +} diff --git a/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/frame.g.dart b/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/frame.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 00000000..db0f11c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/frame.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +// GENERATED CODE - DO NOT MODIFY BY HAND + +part of 'frame.dart'; + +// ************************************************************************** +// JsonSerializableGenerator +// ************************************************************************** + +FigmaFrame _$FigmaFrameFromJson(Map json) { + return FigmaFrame( + name: json['name'], + isVisible: json['visible'] ?? true, + type: json['type'], + pluginData: json['pluginData'], + sharedPluginData: json['sharedPluginData'], + boundaryRectangle: json['absoluteBoundingBox'] == null + ? null + : Frame.fromJson(json['absoluteBoundingBox'] as Map), + strokes: json['strokes'], + strokeWeight: (json['strokeWeight'] as num)?.toDouble(), + strokeAlign: json['strokeAlign'] as String, + cornerRadius: (json['cornerRadius'] as num)?.toDouble(), + constraints: json['constraints'], + layoutAlign: json['layoutAlign'] as String, + size: json['size'], + horizontalPadding: (json['horizontalPadding'] as num)?.toDouble(), + verticalPadding: (json['verticalPadding'] as num)?.toDouble(), + itemSpacing: (json['itemSpacing'] as num)?.toDouble(), + children: (json['children'] as List) + ?.map((e) => + e == null ? null : FigmaNode.fromJson(e as Map)) + ?.toList(), + UUID: json['id'] as String, + backgroundColor: json['backgroundColor'] == null + ? null + : FigmaColor.fromJson(json['backgroundColor'] as Map), + ) + ..prototypeNodeUUID = json['transitionNodeID'] as String + ..fillsList = json['fills'] as List + ..imageReference = json['imageReference'] as String; +} + +Map _$FigmaFrameToJson(FigmaFrame instance) => + { + 'id': instance.UUID, + 'name': instance.name, + 'pluginData': instance.pluginData, + 'sharedPluginData': instance.sharedPluginData, + 'visible': instance.isVisible, + 'absoluteBoundingBox': instance.boundaryRectangle, + 'transitionNodeID': instance.prototypeNodeUUID, + 'children': instance.children, + 'strokes': instance.strokes, + 'strokeWeight': instance.strokeWeight, + 'strokeAlign': instance.strokeAlign, + 'cornerRadius': instance.cornerRadius, + 'constraints': instance.constraints, + 'layoutAlign': instance.layoutAlign, + 'size': instance.size, + 'horizontalPadding': instance.horizontalPadding, + 'verticalPadding': instance.verticalPadding, + 'itemSpacing': instance.itemSpacing, + 'backgroundColor': instance.backgroundColor, + 'type': instance.type, + 'fills': instance.fillsList, + 'imageReference': instance.imageReference, + }; diff --git a/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/group.dart b/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/group.dart new file mode 100644 index 00000000..62516fd2 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/group.dart @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/image.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/abstract_figma_node_factory.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/layers/figma_node.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/layers/frame.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/layers/text.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/layers/vector.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/style/figma_color.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/helper/image_helper.dart' + as image_helper; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/layers/flow.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/objects/frame.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_bitmap.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/entities/layouts/temp_group_layout_node.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/entities/subclasses/pb_intermediate_node.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/helpers/pb_context.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/value_objects/point.dart'; +import 'package:quick_log/quick_log.dart'; + +part 'group.g.dart'; + +@JsonSerializable(nullable: true) + +/// Class that represents a Figma Group. +/// The reason this class implements Image is because Groups can hold multiple vectors +/// which we need to convert into images. +class Group extends FigmaFrame + with image_helper.PBImageHelperMixin + implements AbstractFigmaNodeFactory, Image { + @JsonKey(ignore: true) + Logger log; + @override + String type = 'GROUP'; + + @override + String imageReference; + + Group({ + name, + isVisible, + type, + pluginData, + sharedPluginData, + Frame boundaryRectangle, + style, + fills, + strokes, + strokeWeight, + strokeAlign, + cornerRadius, + constraints, + layoutAlign, + size, + horizontalPadding, + verticalPadding, + itemSpacing, + Flow flow, + List children, + String UUID, + FigmaColor backgroundColor, + }) : super( + name: name, + isVisible: isVisible, + type: type, + pluginData: pluginData, + sharedPluginData: sharedPluginData, + boundaryRectangle: boundaryRectangle, + style: style, + fills: fills, + strokes: strokes, + strokeWeight: strokeWeight, + strokeAlign: strokeAlign, + cornerRadius: cornerRadius, + constraints: constraints, + layoutAlign: layoutAlign, + size: size, + horizontalPadding: horizontalPadding, + verticalPadding: verticalPadding, + itemSpacing: itemSpacing, + flow: flow, + children: children, + UUID: UUID, + backgroundColor: backgroundColor, + ) { + log = Logger(runtimeType.toString()); + } + + @override + FigmaNode createFigmaNode(Map json) => Group.fromJson(json); + factory Group.fromJson(Map json) => _$GroupFromJson(json); + @override + Map toJson() => _$GroupToJson(this); + + @override + Future interpretNode(PBContext currentContext) async { + if (areAllVectors()) { + imageReference = addToImageQueue(UUID); + + children.clear(); + + return Future.value( + InheritedBitmap(this, name, currentContext: currentContext)); + } + return Future.value(TempGroupLayoutNode(this, currentContext, name, + topLeftCorner: Point(boundaryRectangle.x, boundaryRectangle.y), + bottomRightCorner: Point(boundaryRectangle.x + boundaryRectangle.width, + boundaryRectangle.y + boundaryRectangle.height))); + } + + bool areAllVectors() { + for (var child in children) { + if (child is! FigmaVector) { + return false; + } + if (child is FigmaText) { + return false; + } + } + return true; + } +} diff --git a/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/group.g.dart b/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/group.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a28f1b64 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/group.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +// GENERATED CODE - DO NOT MODIFY BY HAND + +part of 'group.dart'; + +// ************************************************************************** +// JsonSerializableGenerator +// ************************************************************************** + +Group _$GroupFromJson(Map json) { + return Group( + name: json['name'], + isVisible: json['visible'] ?? true, + type: json['type'], + pluginData: json['pluginData'], + sharedPluginData: json['sharedPluginData'], + boundaryRectangle: json['absoluteBoundingBox'] == null + ? null + : Frame.fromJson(json['absoluteBoundingBox'] as Map), + strokes: json['strokes'], + strokeWeight: json['strokeWeight'], + strokeAlign: json['strokeAlign'], + cornerRadius: json['cornerRadius'], + constraints: json['constraints'], + layoutAlign: json['layoutAlign'], + size: json['size'], + horizontalPadding: json['horizontalPadding'], + verticalPadding: json['verticalPadding'], + itemSpacing: json['itemSpacing'], + children: (json['children'] as List) + ?.map((e) => + e == null ? null : FigmaNode.fromJson(e as Map)) + ?.toList(), + UUID: json['id'] as String, + backgroundColor: json['backgroundColor'] == null + ? null + : FigmaColor.fromJson(json['backgroundColor'] as Map), + ) + ..prototypeNodeUUID = json['transitionNodeID'] as String + ..fillsList = json['fills'] as List + ..imageReference = json['imageReference'] as String; +} + +Map _$GroupToJson(Group instance) => { + 'id': instance.UUID, + 'name': instance.name, + 'pluginData': instance.pluginData, + 'sharedPluginData': instance.sharedPluginData, + 'visible': instance.isVisible, + 'absoluteBoundingBox': instance.boundaryRectangle, + 'transitionNodeID': instance.prototypeNodeUUID, + 'children': instance.children, + 'strokes': instance.strokes, + 'strokeWeight': instance.strokeWeight, + 'strokeAlign': instance.strokeAlign, + 'cornerRadius': instance.cornerRadius, + 'constraints': instance.constraints, + 'layoutAlign': instance.layoutAlign, + 'size': instance.size, + 'horizontalPadding': instance.horizontalPadding, + 'verticalPadding': instance.verticalPadding, + 'itemSpacing': instance.itemSpacing, + 'backgroundColor': instance.backgroundColor, + 'fills': instance.fillsList, + 'type': instance.type, + 'imageReference': instance.imageReference, + }; diff --git a/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/instance.dart b/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/instance.dart new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e443917d --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/instance.dart @@ -0,0 +1,99 @@ +import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/pb_shared_instance_design_node.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/abstract_figma_node_factory.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/layers/figma_node.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/layers/frame.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/style/figma_color.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/layers/flow.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/objects/frame.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/entities/pb_shared_instance.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/entities/subclasses/pb_intermediate_node.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/helpers/pb_context.dart'; + +part 'instance.g.dart'; + +@JsonSerializable(nullable: true) +class Instance extends FigmaFrame + implements AbstractFigmaNodeFactory, PBSharedInstanceDesignNode { + @override + String type = 'INSTANCE'; + + @override + List parameters; + + @override + String symbolID; + + @override + List children; + Instance({ + name, + isVisible, + type, + pluginData, + sharedPluginData, + Frame boundaryRectangle, + style, + fills, + strokes, + strokeWeight, + strokeAlign, + cornerRadius, + constraints, + layoutAlign, + size, + horizontalPadding, + verticalPadding, + itemSpacing, + Flow flow, + this.componentId, + List this.children, + this.parameters, + this.symbolID, + FigmaColor backgroundColor, + }) : super( + name: name, + isVisible: isVisible, + type: type, + pluginData: pluginData, + sharedPluginData: sharedPluginData, + boundaryRectangle: boundaryRectangle, + style: style, + fills: fills, + strokes: strokes, + strokeWeight: strokeWeight, + strokeAlign: strokeAlign, + cornerRadius: cornerRadius, + constraints: constraints, + layoutAlign: layoutAlign, + size: size, + horizontalPadding: horizontalPadding, + verticalPadding: verticalPadding, + itemSpacing: itemSpacing, + flow: flow, + children: children, + backgroundColor: backgroundColor, + ); + + String componentId; + + @override + FigmaNode createFigmaNode(Map json) => + Instance.fromJson(json); + factory Instance.fromJson(Map json) => + _$InstanceFromJson(json); + @override + Map toJson() => _$InstanceToJson(this); + + @override + Future interpretNode(PBContext currentContext) { + /// TODO: Check if `sharedParamValues` exits and pass to it, default to emptu for now + var sym = PBSharedInstanceIntermediateNode( + this, + componentId, + sharedParamValues: [], + currentContext: currentContext, + ); + return Future.value(sym); + } +} diff --git a/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/instance.g.dart b/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/instance.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cb9555dd --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/instance.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +// GENERATED CODE - DO NOT MODIFY BY HAND + +part of 'instance.dart'; + +// ************************************************************************** +// JsonSerializableGenerator +// ************************************************************************** + +Instance _$InstanceFromJson(Map json) { + return Instance( + name: json['name'], + isVisible: json['visible'] ?? true, + type: json['type'], + pluginData: json['pluginData'], + sharedPluginData: json['sharedPluginData'], + boundaryRectangle: json['absoluteBoundingBox'] == null + ? null + : Frame.fromJson(json['absoluteBoundingBox'] as Map), + strokes: json['strokes'], + strokeWeight: json['strokeWeight'], + strokeAlign: json['strokeAlign'], + cornerRadius: json['cornerRadius'], + constraints: json['constraints'], + layoutAlign: json['layoutAlign'], + size: json['size'], + horizontalPadding: json['horizontalPadding'], + verticalPadding: json['verticalPadding'], + itemSpacing: json['itemSpacing'], + componentId: json['componentId'] as String, + children: (json['children'] as List) + ?.map((e) => + e == null ? null : FigmaNode.fromJson(e as Map)) + ?.toList(), + parameters: json['parameters'] as List, + symbolID: json['symbolID'] as String, + backgroundColor: json['backgroundColor'] == null + ? null + : FigmaColor.fromJson(json['backgroundColor'] as Map), + ) + ..UUID = json['id'] as String + ..prototypeNodeUUID = json['transitionNodeID'] as String + ..fillsList = json['fills'] as List + ..imageReference = json['imageReference'] as String; +} + +Map _$InstanceToJson(Instance instance) => { + 'id': instance.UUID, + 'name': instance.name, + 'pluginData': instance.pluginData, + 'sharedPluginData': instance.sharedPluginData, + 'visible': instance.isVisible, + 'absoluteBoundingBox': instance.boundaryRectangle, + 'transitionNodeID': instance.prototypeNodeUUID, + 'strokes': instance.strokes, + 'strokeWeight': instance.strokeWeight, + 'strokeAlign': instance.strokeAlign, + 'cornerRadius': instance.cornerRadius, + 'constraints': instance.constraints, + 'layoutAlign': instance.layoutAlign, + 'size': instance.size, + 'horizontalPadding': instance.horizontalPadding, + 'verticalPadding': instance.verticalPadding, + 'itemSpacing': instance.itemSpacing, + 'backgroundColor': instance.backgroundColor, + 'fills': instance.fillsList, + 'imageReference': instance.imageReference, + 'type': instance.type, + 'parameters': instance.parameters, + 'symbolID': instance.symbolID, + 'children': instance.children, + 'componentId': instance.componentId, + }; diff --git a/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/line.dart b/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/line.dart new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1edcb3eb --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/line.dart @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/abstract_figma_node_factory.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/layers/vector.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/objects/frame.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/entities/subclasses/pb_intermediate_node.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/helpers/pb_context.dart'; +import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart'; + +import 'figma_node.dart'; + +part 'line.g.dart'; + +@JsonSerializable(nullable: true) +class FigmaLine extends FigmaVector implements AbstractFigmaNodeFactory { + @override + String type = 'LINE'; + FigmaLine({ + String name, + bool visible, + String type, + pluginData, + sharedPluginData, + style, + layoutAlign, + constraints, + Frame boundaryRectangle, + size, + fills, + strokes, + strokeWeight, + strokeAlign, + styles, + }) : super( + name: name, + visible: visible, + type: type, + pluginData: pluginData, + sharedPluginData: sharedPluginData, + style: style, + layoutAlign: layoutAlign, + constraints: constraints, + boundaryRectangle: boundaryRectangle, + size: size, + strokes: strokes, + strokeWeight: strokeWeight, + strokeAlign: strokeAlign, + styles: styles, + ); + + @override + FigmaNode createFigmaNode(Map json) => + FigmaLine.fromJson(json); + factory FigmaLine.fromJson(Map json) => + _$FigmaLineFromJson(json); + @override + Map toJson() => _$FigmaLineToJson(this); + + @override + Future interpretNode(PBContext currentContext) { + // TODO: implement interpretNode + throw UnimplementedError(); + } +} diff --git a/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/line.g.dart b/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/line.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 00000000..69f0f304 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/line.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +// GENERATED CODE - DO NOT MODIFY BY HAND + +part of 'line.dart'; + +// ************************************************************************** +// JsonSerializableGenerator +// ************************************************************************** + +FigmaLine _$FigmaLineFromJson(Map json) { + return FigmaLine( + name: json['name'] as String, + type: json['type'] as String, + pluginData: json['pluginData'], + sharedPluginData: json['sharedPluginData'], + style: json['style'], + layoutAlign: json['layoutAlign'], + constraints: json['constraints'], + boundaryRectangle: json['absoluteBoundingBox'] == null + ? null + : Frame.fromJson(json['absoluteBoundingBox'] as Map), + size: json['size'], + strokes: json['strokes'], + strokeWeight: json['strokeWeight'], + strokeAlign: json['strokeAlign'], + styles: json['styles'], + ) + ..UUID = json['id'] as String + ..isVisible = json['visible'] as bool ?? true + ..prototypeNodeUUID = json['transitionNodeID'] as String + ..fillsList = json['fills'] as List + ..imageReference = json['imageReference'] as String; +} + +Map _$FigmaLineToJson(FigmaLine instance) => { + 'id': instance.UUID, + 'name': instance.name, + 'pluginData': instance.pluginData, + 'sharedPluginData': instance.sharedPluginData, + 'visible': instance.isVisible, + 'style': instance.style, + 'layoutAlign': instance.layoutAlign, + 'constraints': instance.constraints, + 'transitionNodeID': instance.prototypeNodeUUID, + 'absoluteBoundingBox': instance.boundaryRectangle, + 'size': instance.size, + 'strokes': instance.strokes, + 'strokeWeight': instance.strokeWeight, + 'strokeAlign': instance.strokeAlign, + 'styles': instance.styles, + 'fills': instance.fillsList, + 'imageReference': instance.imageReference, + 'type': instance.type, + }; diff --git a/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/rectangle.dart b/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/rectangle.dart new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ade34b29 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/rectangle.dart @@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/color.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/pb_border.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/abstract_figma_node_factory.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/layers/vector.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/helper/style_extractor.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/objects/frame.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_bitmap.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_container.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/entities/subclasses/pb_intermediate_node.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/helpers/pb_context.dart'; +import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/value_objects/point.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/helper/image_helper.dart' + as image_helper; + +import 'figma_node.dart'; + +part 'rectangle.g.dart'; + +@JsonSerializable(nullable: true) +class FigmaRectangle extends FigmaVector + with PBColorMixin, image_helper.PBImageHelperMixin + implements AbstractFigmaNodeFactory { + @override + String type = 'RECTANGLE'; + FigmaRectangle({ + String name, + bool isVisible, + type, + pluginData, + sharedPluginData, + style, + layoutAlign, + constraints, + Frame boundaryRectangle, + size, + strokes, + strokeWeight, + strokeAlign, + styles, + this.cornerRadius, + this.rectangleCornerRadii, + this.points, + List fillsList, + }) : super( + name: name, + visible: isVisible, + type: type, + pluginData: pluginData, + sharedPluginData: sharedPluginData, + style: style, + layoutAlign: layoutAlign, + constraints: constraints, + boundaryRectangle: boundaryRectangle, + size: size, + strokes: strokes, + strokeWeight: strokeWeight, + strokeAlign: strokeAlign, + styles: styles, + fillsList: fillsList, + ); + + List points; + double cornerRadius; + + List rectangleCornerRadii; + + @override + FigmaNode createFigmaNode(Map json) { + var node = FigmaRectangle.fromJson(json); + node.style = StyleExtractor().getStyle(json); + return node; + } + + factory FigmaRectangle.fromJson(Map json) => + _$FigmaRectangleFromJson(json); + @override + Map toJson() => _$FigmaRectangleToJson(this); + + @override + Future interpretNode(PBContext currentContext) { + var fillsMap = + (fillsList == null || fillsList.isEmpty) ? {} : fillsList.first; + if (fillsMap != null && fillsMap['type'] == 'IMAGE') { + imageReference = addToImageQueue(UUID); + + return Future.value( + InheritedBitmap(this, name, currentContext: currentContext)); + } + PBBorder border; + for (var b in style?.borders?.reversed ?? []) { + if (b.isEnabled) { + border = b; + } + } + return Future.value(InheritedContainer( + this, + Point(boundaryRectangle.x, boundaryRectangle.y), + Point(boundaryRectangle.x + boundaryRectangle.width, + boundaryRectangle.y + boundaryRectangle.height), + name, + currentContext: currentContext, + isBackgroundVisible: + !fillsMap.containsKey('visible') || fillsMap['visible'], + borderInfo: { + 'borderRadius': (style != null && style.borderOptions != null) + ? cornerRadius + : null, + 'borderColorHex': style.borders != null && style.borders.isNotEmpty + ? toHex(style.borders[0].color) + : null + }, + )); + } +} diff --git a/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/rectangle.g.dart b/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/rectangle.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 00000000..42223b70 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/rectangle.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +// GENERATED CODE - DO NOT MODIFY BY HAND + +part of 'rectangle.dart'; + +// ************************************************************************** +// JsonSerializableGenerator +// ************************************************************************** + +FigmaRectangle _$FigmaRectangleFromJson(Map json) { + return FigmaRectangle( + name: json['name'] as String, + isVisible: json['visible'] as bool ?? true, + type: json['type'], + pluginData: json['pluginData'], + sharedPluginData: json['sharedPluginData'], + style: json['style'], + layoutAlign: json['layoutAlign'], + constraints: json['constraints'], + boundaryRectangle: json['absoluteBoundingBox'] == null + ? null + : Frame.fromJson(json['absoluteBoundingBox'] as Map), + size: json['size'], + strokes: json['strokes'], + strokeWeight: json['strokeWeight'], + strokeAlign: json['strokeAlign'], + styles: json['styles'], + cornerRadius: (json['cornerRadius'] as num)?.toDouble(), + rectangleCornerRadii: (json['rectangleCornerRadii'] as List) + ?.map((e) => (e as num)?.toDouble()) + ?.toList(), + points: json['points'] as List, + fillsList: json['fills'] as List, + ) + ..UUID = json['id'] as String + ..prototypeNodeUUID = json['transitionNodeID'] as String + ..imageReference = json['imageReference'] as String; +} + +Map _$FigmaRectangleToJson(FigmaRectangle instance) => + { + 'id': instance.UUID, + 'name': instance.name, + 'pluginData': instance.pluginData, + 'sharedPluginData': instance.sharedPluginData, + 'visible': instance.isVisible, + 'style': instance.style, + 'layoutAlign': instance.layoutAlign, + 'constraints': instance.constraints, + 'transitionNodeID': instance.prototypeNodeUUID, + 'absoluteBoundingBox': instance.boundaryRectangle, + 'size': instance.size, + 'strokes': instance.strokes, + 'strokeWeight': instance.strokeWeight, + 'strokeAlign': instance.strokeAlign, + 'styles': instance.styles, + 'fills': instance.fillsList, + 'imageReference': instance.imageReference, + 'type': instance.type, + 'points': instance.points, + 'cornerRadius': instance.cornerRadius, + 'rectangleCornerRadii': instance.rectangleCornerRadii, + }; diff --git a/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/regular_polygon.dart b/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/regular_polygon.dart new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c1b404de --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/regular_polygon.dart @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/abstract_figma_node_factory.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/layers/vector.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/objects/frame.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/entities/subclasses/pb_intermediate_node.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/helpers/pb_context.dart'; +import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart'; + +import 'figma_node.dart'; + +part 'regular_polygon.g.dart'; + +@JsonSerializable(nullable: true) +class FigmaRegularPolygon extends FigmaVector + implements AbstractFigmaNodeFactory { + @override + String type = 'REGULAR_POLYGON'; + FigmaRegularPolygon({ + String name, + bool visible, + String type, + pluginData, + sharedPluginData, + style, + layoutAlign, + constraints, + Frame boundaryRectangle, + size, + fills, + strokes, + strokeWeight, + strokeAlign, + styles, + }) : super( + name: name, + visible: visible, + type: type, + pluginData: pluginData, + sharedPluginData: sharedPluginData, + style: style, + layoutAlign: layoutAlign, + constraints: constraints, + boundaryRectangle: boundaryRectangle, + size: size, + strokes: strokes, + strokeWeight: strokeWeight, + strokeAlign: strokeAlign, + styles: styles, + ); + + @override + FigmaNode createFigmaNode(Map json) => + FigmaRegularPolygon.fromJson(json); + factory FigmaRegularPolygon.fromJson(Map json) => + _$FigmaRegularPolygonFromJson(json); + @override + Map toJson() => _$FigmaRegularPolygonToJson(this); + + @override + Future interpretNode(PBContext currentContext) { + // TODO: implement interpretNode + throw UnimplementedError(); + } +} diff --git a/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/regular_polygon.g.dart b/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/regular_polygon.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cb30639f --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/regular_polygon.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +// GENERATED CODE - DO NOT MODIFY BY HAND + +part of 'regular_polygon.dart'; + +// ************************************************************************** +// JsonSerializableGenerator +// ************************************************************************** + +FigmaRegularPolygon _$FigmaRegularPolygonFromJson(Map json) { + return FigmaRegularPolygon( + name: json['name'] as String, + type: json['type'] as String, + pluginData: json['pluginData'], + sharedPluginData: json['sharedPluginData'], + style: json['style'], + layoutAlign: json['layoutAlign'], + constraints: json['constraints'], + boundaryRectangle: json['absoluteBoundingBox'] == null + ? null + : Frame.fromJson(json['absoluteBoundingBox'] as Map), + size: json['size'], + strokes: json['strokes'], + strokeWeight: json['strokeWeight'], + strokeAlign: json['strokeAlign'], + styles: json['styles'], + ) + ..UUID = json['id'] as String + ..isVisible = json['visible'] as bool ?? true + ..prototypeNodeUUID = json['transitionNodeID'] as String + ..fillsList = json['fills'] as List + ..imageReference = json['imageReference'] as String; +} + +Map _$FigmaRegularPolygonToJson( + FigmaRegularPolygon instance) => + { + 'id': instance.UUID, + 'name': instance.name, + 'pluginData': instance.pluginData, + 'sharedPluginData': instance.sharedPluginData, + 'visible': instance.isVisible, + 'style': instance.style, + 'layoutAlign': instance.layoutAlign, + 'constraints': instance.constraints, + 'transitionNodeID': instance.prototypeNodeUUID, + 'absoluteBoundingBox': instance.boundaryRectangle, + 'size': instance.size, + 'strokes': instance.strokes, + 'strokeWeight': instance.strokeWeight, + 'strokeAlign': instance.strokeAlign, + 'styles': instance.styles, + 'fills': instance.fillsList, + 'imageReference': instance.imageReference, + 'type': instance.type, + }; diff --git a/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/slice.dart b/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/slice.dart new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ce997e72 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/slice.dart @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/abstract_figma_node_factory.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/layers/figma_node.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/objects/frame.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/helpers/pb_context.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/entities/subclasses/pb_intermediate_node.dart'; +import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart'; + +part 'slice.g.dart'; + +@JsonSerializable(nullable: true) +class FigmaSlice extends FigmaNode implements FigmaNodeFactory { + @override + String type = 'SLICE'; + + String layoutAlign; + + var constraints; + + @override + @JsonKey(name: 'transitionNodeID') + String prototypeNodeUUID; + + @override + @JsonKey(name: 'absoluteBoundingBox') + var boundaryRectangle; + + var size; + + FigmaSlice({ + String name, + bool visible, + String type, + pluginData, + sharedPluginData, + this.layoutAlign, + this.constraints, + Frame this.boundaryRectangle, + this.size, + }) : super( + name, + visible, + type, + pluginData, + sharedPluginData, + ); + + @override + FigmaNode createFigmaNode(Map json) => + FigmaSlice.fromJson(json); + factory FigmaSlice.fromJson(Map json) => + _$FigmaSliceFromJson(json); + @override + Map toJson() => _$FigmaSliceToJson(this); + + @override + Future interpretNode(PBContext currentContext) { + // TODO: implement interpretNode + throw UnimplementedError(); + } + + @override + bool isVisible; + + @override + @JsonKey(ignore: true) + var style; +} diff --git a/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/slice.g.dart b/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/slice.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c4a72bdf --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/slice.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +// GENERATED CODE - DO NOT MODIFY BY HAND + +part of 'slice.dart'; + +// ************************************************************************** +// JsonSerializableGenerator +// ************************************************************************** + +FigmaSlice _$FigmaSliceFromJson(Map json) { + return FigmaSlice( + name: json['name'] as String, + type: json['type'] as String, + pluginData: json['pluginData'], + sharedPluginData: json['sharedPluginData'], + layoutAlign: json['layoutAlign'] as String, + constraints: json['constraints'], + boundaryRectangle: json['absoluteBoundingBox'] == null + ? null + : Frame.fromJson(json['absoluteBoundingBox'] as Map), + size: json['size'], + ) + ..UUID = json['id'] as String + ..prototypeNodeUUID = json['transitionNodeID'] as String + ..isVisible = json['visible'] as bool ?? true; +} + +Map _$FigmaSliceToJson(FigmaSlice instance) => + { + 'id': instance.UUID, + 'name': instance.name, + 'pluginData': instance.pluginData, + 'sharedPluginData': instance.sharedPluginData, + 'type': instance.type, + 'layoutAlign': instance.layoutAlign, + 'constraints': instance.constraints, + 'transitionNodeID': instance.prototypeNodeUUID, + 'absoluteBoundingBox': instance.boundaryRectangle, + 'size': instance.size, + 'visible': instance.isVisible, + }; diff --git a/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/star.dart b/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/star.dart new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f24d55f7 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/star.dart @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/abstract_figma_node_factory.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/layers/vector.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/objects/frame.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/entities/subclasses/pb_intermediate_node.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/helpers/pb_context.dart'; +import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart'; + +import 'figma_node.dart'; + +part 'star.g.dart'; + +@JsonSerializable(nullable: true) +class FigmaStar extends FigmaVector implements AbstractFigmaNodeFactory { + @override + String type = 'STAR'; + FigmaStar({ + String name, + bool visible, + String type, + pluginData, + sharedPluginData, + style, + layoutAlign, + constraints, + Frame boundaryRectangle, + size, + fills, + strokes, + strokeWeight, + strokeAlign, + styles, + }) : super( + name: name, + visible: visible, + type: type, + pluginData: pluginData, + sharedPluginData: sharedPluginData, + style: style, + layoutAlign: layoutAlign, + constraints: constraints, + boundaryRectangle: boundaryRectangle, + size: size, + strokes: strokes, + strokeWeight: strokeWeight, + strokeAlign: strokeAlign, + styles: styles, + ); + + @override + FigmaNode createFigmaNode(Map json) => + FigmaStar.fromJson(json); + factory FigmaStar.fromJson(Map json) => + _$FigmaStarFromJson(json); + @override + Map toJson() => _$FigmaStarToJson(this); + + @override + Future interpretNode(PBContext currentContext) { + // TODO: implement interpretNode + throw UnimplementedError(); + } +} diff --git a/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/star.g.dart b/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/star.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c47b932e --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/star.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +// GENERATED CODE - DO NOT MODIFY BY HAND + +part of 'star.dart'; + +// ************************************************************************** +// JsonSerializableGenerator +// ************************************************************************** + +FigmaStar _$FigmaStarFromJson(Map json) { + return FigmaStar( + name: json['name'] as String, + type: json['type'] as String, + pluginData: json['pluginData'], + sharedPluginData: json['sharedPluginData'], + style: json['style'], + layoutAlign: json['layoutAlign'], + constraints: json['constraints'], + boundaryRectangle: json['absoluteBoundingBox'] == null + ? null + : Frame.fromJson(json['absoluteBoundingBox'] as Map), + size: json['size'], + strokes: json['strokes'], + strokeWeight: json['strokeWeight'], + strokeAlign: json['strokeAlign'], + styles: json['styles'], + ) + ..UUID = json['id'] as String + ..isVisible = json['visible'] as bool ?? true + ..prototypeNodeUUID = json['transitionNodeID'] as String + ..fillsList = json['fills'] as List + ..imageReference = json['imageReference'] as String; +} + +Map _$FigmaStarToJson(FigmaStar instance) => { + 'id': instance.UUID, + 'name': instance.name, + 'pluginData': instance.pluginData, + 'sharedPluginData': instance.sharedPluginData, + 'visible': instance.isVisible, + 'style': instance.style, + 'layoutAlign': instance.layoutAlign, + 'constraints': instance.constraints, + 'transitionNodeID': instance.prototypeNodeUUID, + 'absoluteBoundingBox': instance.boundaryRectangle, + 'size': instance.size, + 'strokes': instance.strokes, + 'strokeWeight': instance.strokeWeight, + 'strokeAlign': instance.strokeAlign, + 'styles': instance.styles, + 'fills': instance.fillsList, + 'imageReference': instance.imageReference, + 'type': instance.type, + }; diff --git a/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/text.dart b/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/text.dart new file mode 100644 index 00000000..83e4938f --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/text.dart @@ -0,0 +1,96 @@ +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/pb_style.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/text.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/abstract_figma_node_factory.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/layers/vector.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/style/figma_style.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/helper/style_extractor.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/objects/frame.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_container.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_text.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/entities/subclasses/pb_intermediate_node.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/helpers/pb_context.dart'; +import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/value_objects/point.dart'; + +import 'figma_node.dart'; + +part 'text.g.dart'; + +@JsonSerializable(nullable: true) +class FigmaText extends FigmaVector implements AbstractFigmaNodeFactory, Text { + @override + String type = 'TEXT'; + FigmaText({ + String name, + bool visible, + String type, + pluginData, + sharedPluginData, + FigmaStyle this.style, + layoutAlign, + constraints, + Frame boundaryRectangle, + size, + fills, + strokes, + strokeWeight, + strokeAlign, + styles, + this.content, + this.characterStyleOverrides, + this.styleOverrideTable, + }) : super( + name: name, + visible: visible, + type: type, + pluginData: pluginData, + sharedPluginData: sharedPluginData, + style: style, + layoutAlign: layoutAlign, + constraints: constraints, + boundaryRectangle: boundaryRectangle, + size: size, + strokes: strokes, + strokeWeight: strokeWeight, + strokeAlign: strokeAlign, + styles: styles, + ); + + @override + @JsonKey(name: 'characters') + String content; + + @override + PBStyle style; + + List characterStyleOverrides; + + Map styleOverrideTable; + + @override + FigmaNode createFigmaNode(Map json) { + var node = FigmaText.fromJson(json); + node.style = StyleExtractor().getStyle(json); + return node; + } + + factory FigmaText.fromJson(Map json) => + _$FigmaTextFromJson(json); + @override + Map toJson() => _$FigmaTextToJson(this); + + @override + Future interpretNode(PBContext currentContext) { + return Future.value(InheritedContainer( + this, + Point(boundaryRectangle.x, boundaryRectangle.y), + Point(boundaryRectangle.x + boundaryRectangle.width, + boundaryRectangle.y + boundaryRectangle.height), + name, + currentContext: currentContext, + isBackgroundVisible: style.backgroundColor != null, + )..addChild( + InheritedText(this, name, currentContext: currentContext), + )); + } +} diff --git a/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/text.g.dart b/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/text.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 00000000..01986fd2 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/text.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +// GENERATED CODE - DO NOT MODIFY BY HAND + +part of 'text.dart'; + +// ************************************************************************** +// JsonSerializableGenerator +// ************************************************************************** + +FigmaText _$FigmaTextFromJson(Map json) { + return FigmaText( + name: json['name'] as String, + type: json['type'] as String, + pluginData: json['pluginData'], + sharedPluginData: json['sharedPluginData'], + style: json['style'] == null + ? null + : FigmaStyle.fromJson(json['style'] as Map), + layoutAlign: json['layoutAlign'], + constraints: json['constraints'], + boundaryRectangle: json['absoluteBoundingBox'] == null + ? null + : Frame.fromJson(json['absoluteBoundingBox'] as Map), + size: json['size'], + strokes: json['strokes'], + strokeWeight: json['strokeWeight'], + strokeAlign: json['strokeAlign'], + styles: json['styles'], + content: json['characters'] as String, + characterStyleOverrides: (json['characterStyleOverrides'] as List) + ?.map((e) => (e as num)?.toDouble()) + ?.toList(), + styleOverrideTable: json['styleOverrideTable'] as Map, + ) + ..UUID = json['id'] as String + ..isVisible = json['visible'] as bool ?? true + ..prototypeNodeUUID = json['transitionNodeID'] as String + ..fillsList = json['fills'] as List + ..imageReference = json['imageReference'] as String; +} + +Map _$FigmaTextToJson(FigmaText instance) => { + 'id': instance.UUID, + 'name': instance.name, + 'pluginData': instance.pluginData, + 'sharedPluginData': instance.sharedPluginData, + 'visible': instance.isVisible, + 'layoutAlign': instance.layoutAlign, + 'constraints': instance.constraints, + 'transitionNodeID': instance.prototypeNodeUUID, + 'absoluteBoundingBox': instance.boundaryRectangle, + 'size': instance.size, + 'strokes': instance.strokes, + 'strokeWeight': instance.strokeWeight, + 'strokeAlign': instance.strokeAlign, + 'styles': instance.styles, + 'fills': instance.fillsList, + 'imageReference': instance.imageReference, + 'type': instance.type, + 'characters': instance.content, + 'style': instance.style, + 'characterStyleOverrides': instance.characterStyleOverrides, + 'styleOverrideTable': instance.styleOverrideTable, + }; diff --git a/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/vector.dart b/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/vector.dart new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4337d287 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/vector.dart @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/image.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/pb_style.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/abstract_figma_node_factory.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/layers/figma_node.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/style/figma_style.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/objects/frame.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_bitmap.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/helpers/pb_context.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/entities/subclasses/pb_intermediate_node.dart'; +import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/helper/image_helper.dart' + as image_helper; +import 'package:quick_log/quick_log.dart'; + +part 'vector.g.dart'; + +@JsonSerializable(nullable: true) +class FigmaVector extends FigmaNode + with image_helper.PBImageHelperMixin + implements FigmaNodeFactory, Image { + @JsonKey(ignore: true) + Logger log; + @override + PBStyle style; + + String layoutAlign; + + var constraints; + + @override + @JsonKey(name: 'transitionNodeID') + String prototypeNodeUUID; + + @override + @JsonKey(name: 'absoluteBoundingBox') + var boundaryRectangle; + + var size; + + var strokes; + + double strokeWeight; + + String strokeAlign; + + var styles; + @override + String type = 'VECTOR'; + + @JsonKey(name: 'fills') + List fillsList; + + FigmaVector({ + String name, + bool visible, + String type, + pluginData, + sharedPluginData, + FigmaStyle this.style, + this.layoutAlign, + this.constraints, + Frame this.boundaryRectangle, + this.size, + this.strokes, + this.strokeWeight, + this.strokeAlign, + this.styles, + this.fillsList, + String UUID, + }) : super( + name, + visible, + type, + pluginData, + sharedPluginData, + UUID: UUID, + ) { + log = Logger(runtimeType.toString()); + } + + @override + FigmaNode createFigmaNode(Map json) => + FigmaVector.fromJson(json); + factory FigmaVector.fromJson(Map json) => + _$FigmaVectorFromJson(json); + @override + Map toJson() => _$FigmaVectorToJson(this); + + @override + Future interpretNode(PBContext currentContext) async { + imageReference = addToImageQueue(UUID); + + return Future.value(InheritedBitmap(this, name, currentContext: currentContext)); + } + + @override + String imageReference; +} diff --git a/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/vector.g.dart b/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/vector.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f3469c91 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/input/figma/entities/layers/vector.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +// GENERATED CODE - DO NOT MODIFY BY HAND + +part of 'vector.dart'; + +// ************************************************************************** +// JsonSerializableGenerator +// ************************************************************************** + +FigmaVector _$FigmaVectorFromJson(Map json) { + return FigmaVector( + name: json['name'] as String, + type: json['type'] as String, + pluginData: json['pluginData'], + sharedPluginData: json['sharedPluginData'], + style: json['style'] == null + ? null + : FigmaStyle.fromJson(json['style'] as Map), + layoutAlign: json['layoutAlign'] as String, + constraints: json['constraints'], + boundaryRectangle: json['absoluteBoundingBox'] == null + ? null + : Frame.fromJson(json['absoluteBoundingBox'] as Map), + size: json['size'], + strokes: json['strokes'], + strokeWeight: (json['strokeWeight'] as num)?.toDouble(), + strokeAlign: json['strokeAlign'] as String, + styles: json['styles'], + fillsList: json['fills'] as List, + UUID: json['id'] as String, + ) + ..isVisible = json['visible'] as bool ?? true + ..prototypeNodeUUID = json['transitionNodeID'] as String + ..imageReference = json['imageReference'] as String; +} + +Map _$FigmaVectorToJson(FigmaVector instance) => + { + 'id': instance.UUID, + 'name': instance.name, + 'pluginData': instance.pluginData, + 'sharedPluginData': instance.sharedPluginData, + 'visible': instance.isVisible, + 'style': instance.style, + 'layoutAlign': instance.layoutAlign, + 'constraints': instance.constraints, + 'transitionNodeID': instance.prototypeNodeUUID, + 'absoluteBoundingBox': instance.boundaryRectangle, + 'size': instance.size, + 'strokes': instance.strokes, + 'strokeWeight': instance.strokeWeight, + 'strokeAlign': instance.strokeAlign, + 'styles': instance.styles, + 'type': instance.type, + 'fills': instance.fillsList, + 'imageReference': instance.imageReference, + }; diff --git a/lib/input/figma/entities/style/figma_border.dart b/lib/input/figma/entities/style/figma_border.dart new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9f748971 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/input/figma/entities/style/figma_border.dart @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/pb_border.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/style/figma_color.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/style/color.dart'; +import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart'; + +part 'figma_border.g.dart'; + +@JsonSerializable() +class FigmaBorder implements PBBorder { + @override + final bool isEnabled; + @override + final double fillType; + @override + final FigmaColor color; + @override + final double thickness; + + FigmaBorder({ + this.isEnabled, + this.fillType, + this.color, + this.thickness, + }); + + Map toJson() => _$FigmaBorderToJson(this); + factory FigmaBorder.fromJson(Map json) => + _$FigmaBorderFromJson(json); +} diff --git a/lib/input/figma/entities/style/figma_border.g.dart b/lib/input/figma/entities/style/figma_border.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3abb91dc --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/input/figma/entities/style/figma_border.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +// GENERATED CODE - DO NOT MODIFY BY HAND + +part of 'figma_border.dart'; + +// ************************************************************************** +// JsonSerializableGenerator +// ************************************************************************** + +FigmaBorder _$FigmaBorderFromJson(Map json) { + return FigmaBorder( + isEnabled: json['isEnabled'] as bool, + fillType: (json['fillType'] as num)?.toDouble(), + color: json['color'] == null + ? null + : FigmaColor.fromJson(json['color'] as Map), + thickness: (json['thickness'] as num)?.toDouble(), + ); +} + +Map _$FigmaBorderToJson(FigmaBorder instance) => + { + 'isEnabled': instance.isEnabled, + 'fillType': instance.fillType, + 'color': instance.color, + 'thickness': instance.thickness, + }; diff --git a/lib/input/figma/entities/style/figma_border_options.dart b/lib/input/figma/entities/style/figma_border_options.dart new file mode 100644 index 00000000..34776b1c --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/input/figma/entities/style/figma_border_options.dart @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/pb_border_options.dart'; + +import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/style/figma_border.dart'; + +part 'figma_border_options.g.dart'; + +@JsonSerializable() +class FigmaBorderOptions implements PBBorderOptions { + @override + List dashPattern; + + @override + bool isEnabled; + + @override + int lineCapStyle; + + @override + int lineJoinStyle; + + FigmaBorderOptions( + this.dashPattern, + this.isEnabled, + this.lineCapStyle, + this.lineJoinStyle, + ); + + Map toJson() => _$FigmaBorderOptionsToJson(this); + + factory FigmaBorderOptions.fromJson(Map json) => + _$FigmaBorderOptionsFromJson(json); +} diff --git a/lib/input/figma/entities/style/figma_border_options.g.dart b/lib/input/figma/entities/style/figma_border_options.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2e23ca16 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/input/figma/entities/style/figma_border_options.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +// GENERATED CODE - DO NOT MODIFY BY HAND + +part of 'figma_border_options.dart'; + +// ************************************************************************** +// JsonSerializableGenerator +// ************************************************************************** + +FigmaBorderOptions _$FigmaBorderOptionsFromJson(Map json) { + return FigmaBorderOptions( + json['dashPattern'] as List, + json['isEnabled'] as bool, + json['lineCapStyle'] as int, + json['lineJoinStyle'] as int, + ); +} + +Map _$FigmaBorderOptionsToJson(FigmaBorderOptions instance) => + { + 'dashPattern': instance.dashPattern, + 'isEnabled': instance.isEnabled, + 'lineCapStyle': instance.lineCapStyle, + 'lineJoinStyle': instance.lineJoinStyle, + }; diff --git a/lib/input/figma/entities/style/figma_color.dart b/lib/input/figma/entities/style/figma_color.dart new file mode 100644 index 00000000..483a2b54 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/input/figma/entities/style/figma_color.dart @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/color.dart'; + +import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart'; +part 'figma_color.g.dart'; + +@JsonSerializable() +class FigmaColor implements PBColor { + @override + double alpha; + + @override + double blue; + + @override + double green; + + @override + double red; + + FigmaColor({this.alpha, this.red, this.green, this.blue}); + + @override + Map toJson() => _$FigmaColorToJson(this); + + factory FigmaColor.fromJson(Map json) => + _$FigmaColorFromJson(json); +} diff --git a/lib/input/figma/entities/style/figma_color.g.dart b/lib/input/figma/entities/style/figma_color.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3149fe2b --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/input/figma/entities/style/figma_color.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +// GENERATED CODE - DO NOT MODIFY BY HAND + +part of 'figma_color.dart'; + +// ************************************************************************** +// JsonSerializableGenerator +// ************************************************************************** + +FigmaColor _$FigmaColorFromJson(Map json) { + return FigmaColor( + alpha: (json['alpha'] as num)?.toDouble(), + red: (json['red'] as num)?.toDouble(), + green: (json['green'] as num)?.toDouble(), + blue: (json['blue'] as num)?.toDouble(), + ); +} + +Map _$FigmaColorToJson(FigmaColor instance) => + { + 'alpha': instance.alpha, + 'blue': instance.blue, + 'green': instance.green, + 'red': instance.red, + }; diff --git a/lib/input/figma/entities/style/figma_fill.dart b/lib/input/figma/entities/style/figma_fill.dart new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1ef4bd81 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/input/figma/entities/style/figma_fill.dart @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/pb_fill.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/color.dart'; +import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/style/figma_color.dart'; +part 'figma_fill.g.dart'; + +@JsonSerializable() +class FigmaFill implements PBFill { + @override + PBColor color; + + FigmaFill(FigmaColor this.color, [this.isEnabled = true]); + + @override + bool isEnabled; + + Map toJson() => _$FigmaFillToJson(this); + factory FigmaFill.fromJson(Map json) => + _$FigmaFillFromJson(json); +} diff --git a/lib/input/figma/entities/style/figma_fill.g.dart b/lib/input/figma/entities/style/figma_fill.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 00000000..43f47068 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/input/figma/entities/style/figma_fill.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +// GENERATED CODE - DO NOT MODIFY BY HAND + +part of 'figma_fill.dart'; + +// ************************************************************************** +// JsonSerializableGenerator +// ************************************************************************** + +FigmaFill _$FigmaFillFromJson(Map json) { + return FigmaFill( + json['color'] == null + ? null + : FigmaColor.fromJson(json['color'] as Map), + json['isEnabled'] as bool, + ); +} + +Map _$FigmaFillToJson(FigmaFill instance) => { + 'color': instance.color, + 'isEnabled': instance.isEnabled, + }; diff --git a/lib/input/figma/entities/style/figma_style.dart b/lib/input/figma/entities/style/figma_style.dart new file mode 100644 index 00000000..44768e99 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/input/figma/entities/style/figma_style.dart @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/color.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/pb_border_options.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/pb_fill.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/pb_style.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/pb_border.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/pb_text_style.dart'; +import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/style/figma_border.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/style/figma_border_options.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/style/figma_color.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/style/figma_fill.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/style/figma_text_style.dart'; + +part 'figma_style.g.dart'; + +@JsonSerializable() +class FigmaStyle implements PBStyle { + @override + PBColor backgroundColor; + @override + List fills = []; + @override + List borders; + @override + PBTextStyle textStyle; + + FigmaStyle({ + FigmaColor this.backgroundColor, + List this.borders, + List this.fills, + FigmaTextStyle this.textStyle, + FigmaBorderOptions this.borderOptions, + }) { + if (this.fills == null) { + this.fills = []; + } + } + + @override + PBBorderOptions borderOptions; + + Map toJson() => _$FigmaStyleToJson(this); + factory FigmaStyle.fromJson(Map json) => + _$FigmaStyleFromJson(json); +} diff --git a/lib/input/figma/entities/style/figma_style.g.dart b/lib/input/figma/entities/style/figma_style.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bac904ff --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/input/figma/entities/style/figma_style.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +// GENERATED CODE - DO NOT MODIFY BY HAND + +part of 'figma_style.dart'; + +// ************************************************************************** +// JsonSerializableGenerator +// ************************************************************************** + +FigmaStyle _$FigmaStyleFromJson(Map json) { + return FigmaStyle( + backgroundColor: json['backgroundColor'] == null + ? null + : FigmaColor.fromJson(json['backgroundColor'] as Map), + borders: (json['borders'] as List) + ?.map((e) => + e == null ? null : FigmaBorder.fromJson(e as Map)) + ?.toList(), + fills: (json['fills'] as List) + ?.map((e) => + e == null ? null : FigmaFill.fromJson(e as Map)) + ?.toList(), + textStyle: json['textStyle'] == null + ? null + : FigmaTextStyle.fromJson(json['textStyle'] as Map), + borderOptions: json['borderOptions'] == null + ? null + : FigmaBorderOptions.fromJson( + json['borderOptions'] as Map), + ); +} + +Map _$FigmaStyleToJson(FigmaStyle instance) => + { + 'backgroundColor': instance.backgroundColor, + 'fills': instance.fills, + 'borders': instance.borders, + 'textStyle': instance.textStyle, + 'borderOptions': instance.borderOptions, + }; diff --git a/lib/input/figma/entities/style/figma_text_style.dart b/lib/input/figma/entities/style/figma_text_style.dart new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cc3c4760 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/input/figma/entities/style/figma_text_style.dart @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/color.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/pb_font_descriptor.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/pb_paragraph_style.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/pb_text_style.dart'; +import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/layers/figma_paragraph_style.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/style/figma_color.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/style/color.dart'; + +part 'figma_text_style.g.dart'; + +@JsonSerializable() +class FigmaTextStyle implements PBTextStyle { + @override + PBColor fontColor; + + @override + String weight; + + @JsonKey(ignore: true) + @override + PBFontDescriptor fontDescriptor; + + @override + @JsonKey(ignore: true) + PBParagraphStyle paragraphStyle; + + FigmaTextStyle({ + FigmaColor this.fontColor, + this.fontDescriptor, + this.weight, + this.paragraphStyle, + }); + + Map toJson() => _$FigmaTextStyleToJson(this); + factory FigmaTextStyle.fromJson(Map json) => + _$FigmaTextStyleFromJson(json); +} diff --git a/lib/input/figma/entities/style/figma_text_style.g.dart b/lib/input/figma/entities/style/figma_text_style.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d5097964 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/input/figma/entities/style/figma_text_style.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +// GENERATED CODE - DO NOT MODIFY BY HAND + +part of 'figma_text_style.dart'; + +// ************************************************************************** +// JsonSerializableGenerator +// ************************************************************************** + +FigmaTextStyle _$FigmaTextStyleFromJson(Map json) { + return FigmaTextStyle( + fontColor: json['fontColor'] == null + ? null + : FigmaColor.fromJson(json['fontColor'] as Map), + weight: json['weight'] as String, + ); +} + +Map _$FigmaTextStyleToJson(FigmaTextStyle instance) => + { + 'fontColor': instance.fontColor, + 'weight': instance.weight, + }; diff --git a/lib/input/figma/helper/figma_node_tree.dart b/lib/input/figma/helper/figma_node_tree.dart new file mode 100644 index 00000000..49f7edf7 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/input/figma/helper/figma_node_tree.dart @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/layers/canvas.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/helper/figma_page.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/helper/node_tree.dart'; +import 'package:quick_log/src/logger.dart'; + +import 'figma_page_item.dart'; + +class FigmaNodeTree extends NodeTree { + @override + bool debug; + + @override + Logger log = Logger('FigmaNodeTree'); + + @override + String projectName; + + var figmaJson; + + FigmaPage rootScreen; + + FigmaNodeTree(this.projectName, this.figmaJson) { + pages.addAll(_setConventionalPages(figmaJson['document']['children'])); + } + + List _setConventionalPages(var canvasAndArtboards) { + var figmaPages = []; + for (var canvas in canvasAndArtboards) { + var pg = FigmaPage(canvas['name']); + + var node = Canvas.fromJson(canvas); + + for (var layer in node.children) { + pg.addPageItem(FigmaPageItem(layer, pg)); + } + figmaPages.add(pg); + } + return figmaPages; + } +} diff --git a/lib/input/figma/helper/figma_page.dart b/lib/input/figma/helper/figma_page.dart new file mode 100644 index 00000000..345d06b0 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/input/figma/helper/figma_page.dart @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/helper/page.dart'; +import 'package:quick_log/quick_log.dart'; + +class FigmaPage extends Page { + @override + var log = Logger('Figma'); + FigmaPage(String name) : super(name); +} diff --git a/lib/input/figma/helper/figma_page_item.dart b/lib/input/figma/helper/figma_page_item.dart new file mode 100644 index 00000000..eba9a29a --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/input/figma/helper/figma_page_item.dart @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/design_node.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/helper/page.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/helper/page_item.dart'; + +class FigmaPageItem extends PageItem { + FigmaPageItem(DesignNode root, Page parentPage) : super(root, parentPage); +} diff --git a/lib/input/figma/helper/image_helper.dart b/lib/input/figma/helper/image_helper.dart new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f5f6f2a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/input/figma/helper/image_helper.dart @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +import 'dart:io'; + +import 'package:http/http.dart' as http; +import 'package:parabeac_core/APICaller/api_call_service.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/controllers/main_info.dart'; +import 'package:quick_log/quick_log.dart'; + +List uuidQueue = []; + +Logger log = Logger('Figma Image helper'); + +/// Downloads the image with the given `UUID` +/// and writes it to the `pngs` folder in the `outputPath`. +/// Returns true if the operation was successful. Returns false +/// otherwise. +Future _processImages(List uuids) async { + // Call Figma API to get Image link + return Future(() async { + var response = await APICallService.makeAPICall( + 'https://api.figma.com/v1/images/${MainInfo().figmaProjectID}?ids=${uuids.join(',')}', + MainInfo().figmaKey); + + if (response != null && + response.containsKey('images') && + response['images'] != null && + response['images'].values.isNotEmpty) { + Map images = response['images']; + // Download the images + for (var entry in images.entries) { + if (entry?.value != null && entry?.value.isNotEmpty) { + response = await http.get(entry.value).then((imageRes) { + // Check if the request was successful + if (imageRes == null || imageRes.statusCode != 200) { + log.error('Image ${entry.key} was not processed correctly'); + } + + var file = File('${MainInfo().outputPath}pngs/${entry.key}.png' + .replaceAll(':', '_')); + file.writeAsBytesSync(imageRes.bodyBytes); + // TODO: Only print out when verbose flag is active + // log.debug('File written to following path ${file.path}'); + }).catchError(log.error); + } + } + return response; + } + }); + // TODO: Investigate API call for when values.first == null +} + +Future processImageQueue() async { + // Split uuids into 6 lists to create separate API requests to figma + List> uuidLists = List.generate(8, (_) => []); + for (var i = 0; i < uuidQueue.length; i++) { + uuidLists[i % 8].add(uuidQueue[i]); + } + + // Process images in separate queues + List futures = []; + for (var uuidList in uuidLists) { + futures.add(_processImages(uuidList)); + } + + // Wait for the images to complete writing process + await Future.wait(futures, eagerError: true); +} + +mixin PBImageHelperMixin { + /// Adds [uuid] to queue to be processed as an image. + /// Returns the formatted name of the image reference. + String addToImageQueue(String uuid) { + uuidQueue.add(uuid); + return ('images/' + uuid + '.png').replaceAll(':', '_'); + } +} diff --git a/lib/input/figma/helper/style_extractor.dart b/lib/input/figma/helper/style_extractor.dart new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2eded750 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/input/figma/helper/style_extractor.dart @@ -0,0 +1,140 @@ +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/pb_paragraph_style.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/pb_style.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/layers/figma_font_descriptor.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/layers/figma_paragraph_style.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/style/figma_border.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/style/figma_border_options.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/style/figma_color.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/style/figma_fill.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/style/figma_style.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/figma/entities/style/figma_text_style.dart'; + +/// Helper class used to get and sort the styling of FigmaNodes +class StyleExtractor { + StyleExtractor(); + + PBStyle getStyle(Map json) { + if (json != null) { + var bgColor; + // Check if color exists in fills + if (json['fills'] != null && json['fills'].isNotEmpty) { + // Check if color should be visible + if (!json['fills'][0].containsKey('visible') || + !json['fills'][0]['visible']) { + bgColor = _getColor(null); + } else { + bgColor = _getColor(json['background'][0]['color']); + } + } else { + bgColor = _getColor(null); + } + + var textStyle; + if (json['style'] != null) { + textStyle = _getTextStyle(json); + } + + List borders = []; + + var strokes = json['strokes']; + + var borderOptions; + + var visible = strokes.isNotEmpty ? strokes[0]['visible'] : false; + + var figmaBorder = FigmaBorder( + isEnabled: visible ?? false, + fillType: strokes.isNotEmpty ? strokes[0]['opacity'] : 1.0, + color: strokes.isNotEmpty + ? _getColor(strokes[0]['color']) + : _getColor(null), + thickness: json['strokeWeight'], + ); + + var tempVisible = strokes.isNotEmpty ? strokes[0]['visible'] : false; + + borderOptions = FigmaBorderOptions( + json['strokeDashes'], + tempVisible ?? false, + json['strokeCap'], + json['strokeJoin'], + ); + + borders.add(figmaBorder); + + List fills = []; + + var fill = FigmaFill( + _getColor(json['fills'].isNotEmpty ? json['fills'][0]['color'] : null), + ); + + fills.add(fill); + + return FigmaStyle( + backgroundColor: bgColor, + borders: borders, + textStyle: textStyle, + borderOptions: borderOptions, + fills: fills, + ); + } else { + return null; + } + } + + FigmaTextStyle _getTextStyle(Map json) { + var fontColor = json['fills'] != null + ? _getColor(json['fills'][0]['color']) + : _getColor(null); + var fontDescriptor = _getFontDescriptor(json['style']); + var alignment = _getAlignment(json['style']['textAlignHorizontal']); + + return FigmaTextStyle( + fontColor: fontColor, + fontDescriptor: fontDescriptor, + weight: '${json['style']['fontWeight']}', + paragraphStyle: FigmaParagraphStyle(alignment: alignment.index), + ); + } + + ALIGNMENT _getAlignment(String align) { + switch (align) { + case 'RIGHT': + return ALIGNMENT.RIGHT; + break; + case 'JUSTIFIED': + return ALIGNMENT.JUSTIFY; + break; + case 'CENTER': + return ALIGNMENT.CENTER; + break; + case 'LEFT': + default: + return ALIGNMENT.LEFT; + } + } + + FigmaFontDescriptor _getFontDescriptor(Map json) { + return FigmaFontDescriptor( + json['fontFamily'], + json['fontSize'], + json, + 'w' + (json['fontWeight'].toString() ?? '100'), + json.containsKey('italic') && json['italic'] ? 'italic' : 'normal', + json['letterSpacing'], + ); + } + + FigmaColor _getColor(Map json) { + if (json != null && json.isNotEmpty) { + return FigmaColor( + alpha: json['a'], + blue: json['b'], + green: json['g'], + red: json['r'], + ); + } else { + return null; + } + } +} diff --git a/lib/input/helper/node_tree.dart b/lib/input/helper/node_tree.dart new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2de786d3 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/input/helper/node_tree.dart @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/helper/page.dart'; +import 'package:quick_log/quick_log.dart'; + +abstract class NodeTree { + var log = Logger('NodeTree'); + String projectName; + bool debug = false; + + List pages = []; + List miscPages = []; + + Map toJson() { + var result = {}; + result['projectName'] = projectName; + for (var page in pages) { + result.addAll(page.toJson()); + } + for (var page in miscPages) { + result.addAll(page.toJson()); + } + return result; + } +} diff --git a/lib/input/helper/page.dart b/lib/input/helper/page.dart new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6f499eba --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/input/helper/page.dart @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/helper/page_item.dart'; +import 'package:quick_log/quick_log.dart'; + +class Page { + var log = Logger('Sketch'); + + String name; + List _pageItems = []; + + Page( + this.name, + ) { + _pageItems = []; + } + + void addPageItem(PageItem item) { + _pageItems.add(item); + } + + List getPageItems() { + log.info('We encountered a page that has 0 page items.'); + return _pageItems; + } + + Map toJson() { + Map result = {}; + result['name'] = name; + for (var item in _pageItems) { + result.addAll(item.root.toJson()); + } + return result; + } +} diff --git a/lib/input/helper/page_item.dart b/lib/input/helper/page_item.dart new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ffa68a00 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/input/helper/page_item.dart @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/design_node.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/helper/page.dart'; + +class PageItem { + DesignNode root; + Page parentPage; + PageItem(this.root, this.parentPage); + + Map toJson() => root.toJson(); +} diff --git a/lib/input/sketch/entities/documents/abstract_document.dart b/lib/input/sketch/entities/documents/abstract_document.dart index b09a589d..f5785a32 100644 --- a/lib/input/sketch/entities/documents/abstract_document.dart +++ b/lib/input/sketch/entities/documents/abstract_document.dart @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/objects/foreign_symbol.dart' abstract class AbstractDocument { final String CLASS_NAME = 'document'; - final dynamic do_objectID; + final dynamic UUID; final dynamic assets; final dynamic colorSpace; final dynamic currentPageIndex; @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ abstract class AbstractDocument { final bool agreedToFontEmbedding; AbstractDocument( - this.do_objectID, + this.UUID, this.assets, this.colorSpace, this.currentPageIndex, diff --git a/lib/input/sketch/entities/documents/document.dart b/lib/input/sketch/entities/documents/document.dart index e23afaab..cd37ae9e 100644 --- a/lib/input/sketch/entities/documents/document.dart +++ b/lib/input/sketch/entities/documents/document.dart @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ class Document extends AbstractDocument { Document( this.pages, - do_objectID, + UUID, assets, colorSpace, currentPageIndex, @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ class Document extends AbstractDocument { bool autoEmbedFonts, bool agreedToFontEmbedding) : super( - do_objectID, + UUID, assets, colorSpace, currentPageIndex, diff --git a/lib/input/sketch/entities/documents/document.g.dart b/lib/input/sketch/entities/documents/document.g.dart index 5e65f758..d6cb30f2 100644 --- a/lib/input/sketch/entities/documents/document.g.dart +++ b/lib/input/sketch/entities/documents/document.g.dart @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ part of 'document.dart'; Document _$DocumentFromJson(Map json) { return Document( json['pages'] as List, - json['do_objectID'], + json['UUID'], json['assets'], json['colorSpace'], json['currentPageIndex'], @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Document _$DocumentFromJson(Map json) { } Map _$DocumentToJson(Document instance) => { - 'do_objectID': instance.do_objectID, + 'UUID': instance.UUID, 'assets': instance.assets, 'colorSpace': instance.colorSpace, 'currentPageIndex': instance.currentPageIndex, diff --git a/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/abstract_group_layer.dart b/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/abstract_group_layer.dart index 8c094bd7..2d7ac429 100644 --- a/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/abstract_group_layer.dart +++ b/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/abstract_group_layer.dart @@ -1,18 +1,20 @@ +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/group_node.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/layers/abstract_layer.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/layers/flow.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/objects/frame.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/style/style.dart'; -abstract class AbstractGroupLayer extends SketchNode { +abstract class AbstractGroupLayer extends SketchNode implements GroupNode { final bool hasClickThrough; final dynamic groupLayout; - final List layers; + @override + final List children; AbstractGroupLayer( this.hasClickThrough, this.groupLayout, - this.layers, - do_objectID, + this.children, + UUID, booleanOperation, exportOptions, Frame boundaryRectangle, @@ -36,7 +38,7 @@ abstract class AbstractGroupLayer extends SketchNode { Style style, maintainScrollPosition) : super( - do_objectID, + UUID, booleanOperation, exportOptions, boundaryRectangle, diff --git a/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/abstract_layer.dart b/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/abstract_layer.dart index cc76149f..68b1d720 100644 --- a/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/abstract_layer.dart +++ b/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/abstract_layer.dart @@ -12,7 +12,9 @@ import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/helpers/pb_context.dart'; // description: Abstract base schema for all layers // type: object abstract class SketchNode implements DesignNode { - final String do_objectID; + @override + @JsonKey(name: 'do_objectID') + final String UUID; final dynamic booleanOperation; final dynamic exportOptions; @@ -46,7 +48,7 @@ abstract class SketchNode implements DesignNode { String get prototypeNodeUUID => flow?.destinationArtboardID; SketchNode( - this.do_objectID, + this.UUID, this.booleanOperation, this.exportOptions, Frame this.boundaryRectangle, @@ -70,6 +72,7 @@ abstract class SketchNode implements DesignNode { this.style, this.maintainScrollPosition); + @override Map toJson(); factory SketchNode.fromJson(Map json) => AbstractSketchNodeFactory.getSketchNode(json); diff --git a/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/abstract_shape_layer.dart b/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/abstract_shape_layer.dart index 30b33a24..4ebb3301 100644 --- a/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/abstract_shape_layer.dart +++ b/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/abstract_shape_layer.dart @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ abstract class AbstractShapeLayer extends SketchNode implements DesignShape { this.isClosed, this.pointRadiusBehaviour, this.points, - do_objectID, + UUID, booleanOperation, exportOptions, Frame boundaryRectangle, @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ abstract class AbstractShapeLayer extends SketchNode implements DesignShape { Style style, maintainScrollPosition) : super( - do_objectID, + UUID, booleanOperation, exportOptions, boundaryRectangle, diff --git a/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/artboard.dart b/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/artboard.dart index 1b0d1e5d..bda323f1 100644 --- a/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/artboard.dart +++ b/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/artboard.dart @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ class Artboard extends AbstractGroupLayer this.presetDictionary, hasClickThrough, groupLayout, - List children, + List this.children, this.UUID, booleanOperation, exportOptions, diff --git a/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/bitmap.dart b/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/bitmap.dart index 14a17964..73edd455 100644 --- a/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/bitmap.dart +++ b/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/bitmap.dart @@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/abstract_sketch_node_factory import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/layers/abstract_layer.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/layers/flow.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/objects/frame.dart'; -import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/objects/image_ref.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/style/style.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_bitmap.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/entities/subclasses/pb_intermediate_node.dart'; @@ -21,7 +20,6 @@ part 'bitmap.g.dart'; class Bitmap extends SketchNode implements SketchNodeFactory, Image { @override String CLASS_NAME = 'bitmap'; - final ImageRef image; final bool fillReplacesImage; final int intendedDPI; final dynamic clippingMask; @@ -34,35 +32,36 @@ class Bitmap extends SketchNode implements SketchNodeFactory, Image { @JsonKey(name: 'do_objectID') String UUID; - Bitmap( - {this.image, - this.fillReplacesImage, - this.intendedDPI, - this.clippingMask, - this.UUID, - booleanOperation, - exportOptions, - Frame this.boundaryRectangle, - Flow flow, - isFixedToViewport, - isFlippedHorizontal, - isFlippedVertical, - isLocked, - isVisible, - layerListExpandedType, - name, - nameIsFixed, - resizingConstraint, - resizingType, - rotation, - sharedStyleID, - shouldBreakMaskChain, - hasClippingMask, - clippingMaskMode, - userInfo, - Style style, - maintainScrollPosition}) - : _isVisible = isVisible, + Bitmap({ + this.imageReference, + this.fillReplacesImage, + this.intendedDPI, + this.clippingMask, + this.UUID, + booleanOperation, + exportOptions, + Frame this.boundaryRectangle, + Flow flow, + isFixedToViewport, + isFlippedHorizontal, + isFlippedVertical, + isLocked, + isVisible, + layerListExpandedType, + name, + nameIsFixed, + resizingConstraint, + resizingType, + rotation, + sharedStyleID, + shouldBreakMaskChain, + hasClippingMask, + clippingMaskMode, + userInfo, + Style style, + maintainScrollPosition, + this.imageReferenceMap = const {}, + }) : _isVisible = isVisible, _style = style, super( UUID, @@ -87,7 +86,9 @@ class Bitmap extends SketchNode implements SketchNodeFactory, Image { clippingMaskMode, userInfo, style, - maintainScrollPosition); + maintainScrollPosition) { + imageReference ??= imageReferenceMap['_ref']; + } @override SketchNode createSketchNode(Map json) => @@ -108,11 +109,15 @@ class Bitmap extends SketchNode implements SketchNodeFactory, Image { if (intermediateNode != null) { return intermediateNode; } - return Future.value(InheritedBitmap(this, currentContext: currentContext)); + return Future.value( + InheritedBitmap(this, name, currentContext: currentContext)); } + @JsonKey(name: 'image') + Map imageReferenceMap; + @override - @JsonKey(name: '_ref') + @JsonKey(ignore: true) String imageReference; @override diff --git a/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/bitmap.g.dart b/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/bitmap.g.dart index aa8f33c0..2040c543 100644 --- a/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/bitmap.g.dart +++ b/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/bitmap.g.dart @@ -8,9 +8,6 @@ part of 'bitmap.dart'; Bitmap _$BitmapFromJson(Map json) { return Bitmap( - image: json['image'] == null - ? null - : ImageRef.fromJson(json['image'] as Map), fillReplacesImage: json['fillReplacesImage'] as bool, intendedDPI: json['intendedDPI'] as int, clippingMask: json['clippingMask'], @@ -43,10 +40,10 @@ Bitmap _$BitmapFromJson(Map json) { ? null : Style.fromJson(json['style'] as Map), maintainScrollPosition: json['maintainScrollPosition'], + imageReferenceMap: json['image'] as Map, ) ..prototypeNodeUUID = json['prototypeNodeUUID'] as String ..CLASS_NAME = json['CLASS_NAME'] as String - ..imageReference = json['_ref'] as String ..type = json['_class'] as String; } @@ -72,13 +69,12 @@ Map _$BitmapToJson(Bitmap instance) => { 'maintainScrollPosition': instance.maintainScrollPosition, 'prototypeNodeUUID': instance.prototypeNodeUUID, 'CLASS_NAME': instance.CLASS_NAME, - 'image': instance.image, 'fillReplacesImage': instance.fillReplacesImage, 'intendedDPI': instance.intendedDPI, 'clippingMask': instance.clippingMask, 'frame': instance.boundaryRectangle, 'do_objectID': instance.UUID, - '_ref': instance.imageReference, + 'image': instance.imageReferenceMap, '_class': instance.type, 'isVisible': instance.isVisible, 'style': instance.style, diff --git a/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/group.dart b/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/group.dart index 64830aa9..f8684e79 100644 --- a/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/group.dart +++ b/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/group.dart @@ -47,10 +47,14 @@ class Group extends AbstractGroupLayer implements SketchNodeFactory { @override Style get style => _style; + @override + @JsonKey(name: 'layers') + List children; + Group( {bool hasClickThrough, groupLayout, - List layers, + List this.children, this.UUID, booleanOperation, exportOptions, @@ -79,7 +83,7 @@ class Group extends AbstractGroupLayer implements SketchNodeFactory { super( hasClickThrough, groupLayout, - layers, + children, UUID, booleanOperation, exportOptions, @@ -111,7 +115,7 @@ class Group extends AbstractGroupLayer implements SketchNodeFactory { Map toJson() => _$GroupToJson(this); @override Future interpretNode(PBContext currentContext) => - Future.value(TempGroupLayoutNode(this, currentContext, + Future.value(TempGroupLayoutNode(this, currentContext, name, topLeftCorner: Point(boundaryRectangle.x, boundaryRectangle.y), bottomRightCorner: Point( boundaryRectangle.x + boundaryRectangle.width, diff --git a/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/group.g.dart b/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/group.g.dart index 33a57ce8..63166ea2 100644 --- a/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/group.g.dart +++ b/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/group.g.dart @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Group _$GroupFromJson(Map json) { return Group( hasClickThrough: json['hasClickThrough'] as bool, groupLayout: json['groupLayout'], - layers: (json['layers'] as List) + children: (json['layers'] as List) ?.map((e) => e == null ? null : SketchNode.fromJson(e as Map)) ?.toList(), @@ -73,7 +73,6 @@ Map _$GroupToJson(Group instance) => { 'prototypeNodeUUID': instance.prototypeNodeUUID, 'hasClickThrough': instance.hasClickThrough, 'groupLayout': instance.groupLayout, - 'layers': instance.layers, 'CLASS_NAME': instance.CLASS_NAME, 'frame': instance.boundaryRectangle, 'do_objectID': instance.UUID, @@ -81,4 +80,5 @@ Map _$GroupToJson(Group instance) => { '_class': instance.type, 'isVisible': instance.isVisible, 'style': instance.style, + 'layers': instance.children, }; diff --git a/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/oval.dart b/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/oval.dart index 38fceaba..c89ade55 100644 --- a/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/oval.dart +++ b/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/oval.dart @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ class Oval extends AbstractShapeLayer implements SketchNodeFactory { if (image == null) { return null; } - return Future.value( - InheritedOval(this, currentContext: currentContext, image: image)); + return Future.value(InheritedOval(this, name, + currentContext: currentContext, image: image)); } } diff --git a/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/page.dart b/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/page.dart index 8135f81e..751791f4 100644 --- a/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/page.dart +++ b/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/page.dart @@ -39,6 +39,10 @@ class Page extends AbstractGroupLayer implements SketchNodeFactory { Style _style; + @override + @JsonKey(name: 'layers') + List children; + @override void set isVisible(bool _isVisible) => this._isVisible = _isVisible; @@ -54,7 +58,7 @@ class Page extends AbstractGroupLayer implements SketchNodeFactory { Page( {bool hasClickThrough, groupLayout, - List layers, + List this.children, this.UUID, booleanOperation, exportOptions, @@ -83,7 +87,7 @@ class Page extends AbstractGroupLayer implements SketchNodeFactory { super( hasClickThrough, groupLayout, - layers, + children, UUID, booleanOperation, exportOptions, diff --git a/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/page.g.dart b/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/page.g.dart index aff4ad47..ca9f0078 100644 --- a/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/page.g.dart +++ b/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/page.g.dart @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Page _$PageFromJson(Map json) { return Page( hasClickThrough: json['hasClickThrough'] as bool, groupLayout: json['groupLayout'], - layers: (json['layers'] as List) + children: (json['layers'] as List) ?.map((e) => e == null ? null : SketchNode.fromJson(e as Map)) ?.toList(), @@ -77,7 +77,6 @@ Map _$PageToJson(Page instance) => { 'prototypeNodeUUID': instance.prototypeNodeUUID, 'hasClickThrough': instance.hasClickThrough, 'groupLayout': instance.groupLayout, - 'layers': instance.layers, 'CLASS_NAME': instance.CLASS_NAME, 'includeInCloudUpload': instance.includeInCloudUpload, 'horizontalRulerData': instance.horizontalRulerData, @@ -87,6 +86,7 @@ Map _$PageToJson(Page instance) => { 'frame': instance.boundaryRectangle, 'do_objectID': instance.UUID, '_class': instance.type, + 'layers': instance.children, 'isVisible': instance.isVisible, 'style': instance.style, }; diff --git a/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/polygon.dart b/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/polygon.dart index 4b48ed3c..a84b6bb8 100644 --- a/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/polygon.dart +++ b/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/polygon.dart @@ -110,7 +110,8 @@ class Polygon extends AbstractShapeLayer implements SketchNodeFactory { return polygon; } - factory Polygon.fromJson(Map json) => _$PolygonFromJson(json); + factory Polygon.fromJson(Map json) => + _$PolygonFromJson(json); @override Map toJson() => _$PolygonToJson(this); @@ -121,7 +122,7 @@ class Polygon extends AbstractShapeLayer implements SketchNodeFactory { if (image == null) { return null; } - return Future.value( - InheritedPolygon(this, currentContext: currentContext, image: image)); + return Future.value(InheritedPolygon(this, name, + currentContext: currentContext, image: image)); } } diff --git a/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/rectangle.dart b/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/rectangle.dart index ce294915..3289858a 100644 --- a/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/rectangle.dart +++ b/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/rectangle.dart @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/color.dart'; import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/abstract_sketch_node_factory.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/layers/abstract_layer.dart'; @@ -17,7 +18,9 @@ part 'rectangle.g.dart'; // description: // Rectangle layers are the result of adding a rectangle shape to the canvas @JsonSerializable(nullable: true) -class Rectangle extends AbstractShapeLayer implements SketchNodeFactory { +class Rectangle extends AbstractShapeLayer + with PBColorMixin + implements SketchNodeFactory { @override String CLASS_NAME = 'rectangle'; final double fixedRadius; @@ -132,12 +135,13 @@ class Rectangle extends AbstractShapeLayer implements SketchNodeFactory { Point(boundaryRectangle.x, boundaryRectangle.y), Point(boundaryRectangle.x + boundaryRectangle.width, boundaryRectangle.y + boundaryRectangle.height), + name, currentContext: currentContext, borderInfo: { 'borderRadius': style.borderOptions.isEnabled ? points[0]['cornerRadius'] : null, - 'borderColorHex': border != null ? border.color.toHex() : null, - 'borderThickness' : border != null ? border.thickness : null + 'borderColorHex': border != null ? toHex(border.color) : null, + 'borderThickness': border != null ? border.thickness : null }, )); } diff --git a/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/shape_group.dart b/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/shape_group.dart index 081435ad..366c66db 100644 --- a/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/shape_group.dart +++ b/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/shape_group.dart @@ -47,10 +47,14 @@ class ShapeGroup extends AbstractGroupLayer implements SketchNodeFactory { @override Style get style => _style; + @override + @JsonKey(name: 'layers') + List children; + ShapeGroup( {bool hasClickThrough, groupLayout, - List layers, + List this.children, this.UUID, booleanOperation, exportOptions, @@ -80,7 +84,7 @@ class ShapeGroup extends AbstractGroupLayer implements SketchNodeFactory { super( hasClickThrough, groupLayout, - layers, + children, UUID, booleanOperation, exportOptions, @@ -120,7 +124,7 @@ class ShapeGroup extends AbstractGroupLayer implements SketchNodeFactory { if (image == null) { return null; } - return InheritedShapeGroup(this, + return InheritedShapeGroup(this, name, currentContext: currentContext, image: image); } } diff --git a/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/shape_group.g.dart b/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/shape_group.g.dart index e921f514..45638bce 100644 --- a/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/shape_group.g.dart +++ b/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/shape_group.g.dart @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ ShapeGroup _$ShapeGroupFromJson(Map json) { return ShapeGroup( hasClickThrough: json['hasClickThrough'] as bool, groupLayout: json['groupLayout'], - layers: (json['layers'] as List) + children: (json['layers'] as List) ?.map((e) => e == null ? null : SketchNode.fromJson(e as Map)) ?.toList(), @@ -74,7 +74,6 @@ Map _$ShapeGroupToJson(ShapeGroup instance) => 'prototypeNodeUUID': instance.prototypeNodeUUID, 'hasClickThrough': instance.hasClickThrough, 'groupLayout': instance.groupLayout, - 'layers': instance.layers, 'CLASS_NAME': instance.CLASS_NAME, 'windingRule': instance.windingRule, 'frame': instance.boundaryRectangle, @@ -82,4 +81,5 @@ Map _$ShapeGroupToJson(ShapeGroup instance) => '_class': instance.type, 'isVisible': instance.isVisible, 'style': instance.style, + 'layers': instance.children, }; diff --git a/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/shape_path.dart b/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/shape_path.dart index 46f8e0b8..f6f928f7 100644 --- a/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/shape_path.dart +++ b/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/shape_path.dart @@ -120,10 +120,7 @@ class ShapePath extends AbstractShapeLayer implements SketchNodeFactory { if (image == null) { return null; } - return Future.value( - InheritedShapePath(this, currentContext: currentContext, image: image)); + return Future.value(InheritedShapePath(this, name, + currentContext: currentContext, image: image)); } - - @override - var designNode; } diff --git a/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/shape_path.g.dart b/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/shape_path.g.dart index 598c4cea..21d529ec 100644 --- a/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/shape_path.g.dart +++ b/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/shape_path.g.dart @@ -44,8 +44,7 @@ ShapePath _$ShapePathFromJson(Map json) { ) ..prototypeNodeUUID = json['prototypeNodeUUID'] as String ..CLASS_NAME = json['CLASS_NAME'] as String - ..type = json['_class'] as String - ..designNode = json['designNode']; + ..type = json['_class'] as String; } Map _$ShapePathToJson(ShapePath instance) => { @@ -79,5 +78,4 @@ Map _$ShapePathToJson(ShapePath instance) => { '_class': instance.type, 'isVisible': instance.isVisible, 'style': instance.style, - 'designNode': instance.designNode, }; diff --git a/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/sketch_text.dart b/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/sketch_text.dart index 27506fa8..63acbcdf 100644 --- a/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/sketch_text.dart +++ b/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/sketch_text.dart @@ -19,7 +19,8 @@ part 'sketch_text.g.dart'; class SketchText extends SketchNode implements SketchNodeFactory, Text { @override String CLASS_NAME = 'text'; - final dynamic attributedString; + + Map attributedString; final bool automaticallyDrawOnUnderlyingPath; final bool dontSynchroniseWithSymbol; final dynamic lineSpacingBehaviour; @@ -108,7 +109,9 @@ class SketchText extends SketchNode implements SketchNodeFactory, Text { clippingMaskMode, userInfo, style, - maintainScrollPosition); + maintainScrollPosition) { + content = attributedString == null ? '' : attributedString['string']; + } @override SketchNode createSketchNode(Map json) => @@ -125,11 +128,13 @@ class SketchText extends SketchNode implements SketchNodeFactory, Text { Point(boundaryRectangle.x, boundaryRectangle.y), Point(boundaryRectangle.x + boundaryRectangle.width, boundaryRectangle.y + boundaryRectangle.height), + name, currentContext: currentContext, )..addChild( - InheritedText(this, currentContext: currentContext), + InheritedText(this, name, currentContext: currentContext), )); @override + @JsonKey(ignore: true) String content; } diff --git a/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/sketch_text.g.dart b/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/sketch_text.g.dart index 7839ebac..0b8ca903 100644 --- a/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/sketch_text.g.dart +++ b/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/sketch_text.g.dart @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ SketchText _$SketchTextFromJson(Map json) { ? null : Style.fromJson(json['style'] as Map), maintainScrollPosition: json['maintainScrollPosition'] as bool, - attributedString: json['attributedString'], + attributedString: json['attributedString'] as Map, automaticallyDrawOnUnderlyingPath: json['automaticallyDrawOnUnderlyingPath'] as bool, dontSynchroniseWithSymbol: json['dontSynchroniseWithSymbol'] as bool, @@ -47,8 +47,7 @@ SketchText _$SketchTextFromJson(Map json) { ) ..prototypeNodeUUID = json['prototypeNodeUUID'] as String ..CLASS_NAME = json['CLASS_NAME'] as String - ..type = json['_class'] as String - ..content = json['content'] as String; + ..type = json['_class'] as String; } Map _$SketchTextToJson(SketchText instance) => @@ -86,5 +85,4 @@ Map _$SketchTextToJson(SketchText instance) => '_class': instance.type, 'isVisible': instance.isVisible, 'style': instance.style, - 'content': instance.content, }; diff --git a/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/star.dart b/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/star.dart index 73f93f7b..1f924331 100644 --- a/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/star.dart +++ b/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/star.dart @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ class Star extends AbstractShapeLayer implements SketchNodeFactory { if (image == null) { return null; } - return Future.value( - InheritedStar(this, currentContext: currentContext, image: image)); + return Future.value(InheritedStar(this, name, + currentContext: currentContext, image: image)); } } diff --git a/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/symbol_instance.dart b/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/symbol_instance.dart index 63584630..3ed27b6f 100644 --- a/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/symbol_instance.dart +++ b/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/symbol_instance.dart @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/pb_shared_instance_node.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/pb_shared_instance_design_node.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/abstract_sketch_node_factory.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/layers/abstract_layer.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/layers/flow.dart'; @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ part 'symbol_instance.g.dart'; @JsonSerializable(nullable: true) class SymbolInstance extends SketchNode with SymbolNodeMixin - implements SketchNodeFactory, PBSharedInstanceNodeDesign { + implements SketchNodeFactory, PBSharedInstanceDesignNode { @override String CLASS_NAME = 'symbolInstance'; final List overrideValues; diff --git a/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/symbol_master.dart b/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/symbol_master.dart index e69ab8fe..817997d8 100644 --- a/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/symbol_master.dart +++ b/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/symbol_master.dart @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/pb_shared_instance_node.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/pb_shared_instance_design_node.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/abstract_sketch_node_factory.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/layers/abstract_group_layer.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/layers/abstract_layer.dart'; @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ part 'symbol_master.g.dart'; @JsonSerializable(nullable: true) class SymbolMaster extends AbstractGroupLayer with SymbolNodeMixin - implements SketchNodeFactory, PBSharedInstanceNodeDesign { + implements SketchNodeFactory, PBSharedInstanceDesignNode { @override String CLASS_NAME = 'symbolMaster'; final Color backgroundColor; @@ -66,10 +66,14 @@ class SymbolMaster extends AbstractGroupLayer @override Style get style => _style; + @override + @JsonKey(name: 'layers') + List children; + SymbolMaster( {bool hasClickThrough, groupLayout, - List layers, + List this.children, this.UUID, booleanOperation, exportOptions, @@ -112,7 +116,7 @@ class SymbolMaster extends AbstractGroupLayer super( hasClickThrough, groupLayout, - layers, + children, UUID, booleanOperation, exportOptions, diff --git a/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/symbol_master.g.dart b/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/symbol_master.g.dart index ab966ad1..73d49fc3 100644 --- a/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/symbol_master.g.dart +++ b/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/symbol_master.g.dart @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ SymbolMaster _$SymbolMasterFromJson(Map json) { return SymbolMaster( hasClickThrough: json['hasClickThrough'] as bool, groupLayout: json['groupLayout'], - layers: (json['layers'] as List) + children: (json['layers'] as List) ?.map((e) => e == null ? null : SketchNode.fromJson(e as Map)) ?.toList(), @@ -96,7 +96,6 @@ Map _$SymbolMasterToJson(SymbolMaster instance) => 'prototypeNodeUUID': instance.prototypeNodeUUID, 'hasClickThrough': instance.hasClickThrough, 'groupLayout': instance.groupLayout, - 'layers': instance.layers, 'CLASS_NAME': instance.CLASS_NAME, 'backgroundColor': instance.backgroundColor, 'hasBackgroundColor': instance.hasBackgroundColor, @@ -118,5 +117,6 @@ Map _$SymbolMasterToJson(SymbolMaster instance) => '_class': instance.type, 'isVisible': instance.isVisible, 'style': instance.style, + 'layers': instance.children, 'parameters': instance.parameters, }; diff --git a/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/triangle.dart b/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/triangle.dart index e8231f4e..901cf783 100644 --- a/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/triangle.dart +++ b/lib/input/sketch/entities/layers/triangle.dart @@ -110,7 +110,8 @@ class Triangle extends AbstractShapeLayer implements SketchNodeFactory { return triangle; } - factory Triangle.fromJson(Map json) => _$TriangleFromJson(json); + factory Triangle.fromJson(Map json) => + _$TriangleFromJson(json); @override Map toJson() => _$TriangleToJson(this); @@ -121,7 +122,7 @@ class Triangle extends AbstractShapeLayer implements SketchNodeFactory { if (image == null) { return null; } - return Future.value( - InheritedTriangle(this, currentContext: currentContext, image: image)); + return Future.value(InheritedTriangle(this, name, + currentContext: currentContext, image: image)); } } diff --git a/lib/input/sketch/entities/objects/foreign_symbol.dart b/lib/input/sketch/entities/objects/foreign_symbol.dart index 57788005..c5e66a43 100644 --- a/lib/input/sketch/entities/objects/foreign_symbol.dart +++ b/lib/input/sketch/entities/objects/foreign_symbol.dart @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ part 'foreign_symbol.g.dart'; // description: The document entry in a Sketch file. class ForeignSymbol { static final String CLASS_NAME = 'MSImmutableForeignSymbol'; - final dynamic do_objectID; + final dynamic UUID; final dynamic libraryID; final String sourceLibraryName; final bool symbolPrivate; @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ class ForeignSymbol { final SymbolMaster symbolMaster; ForeignSymbol( - {this.do_objectID, + {this.UUID, this.libraryID, this.sourceLibraryName, this.symbolPrivate, diff --git a/lib/input/sketch/entities/objects/foreign_symbol.g.dart b/lib/input/sketch/entities/objects/foreign_symbol.g.dart index 711828aa..011e394a 100644 --- a/lib/input/sketch/entities/objects/foreign_symbol.g.dart +++ b/lib/input/sketch/entities/objects/foreign_symbol.g.dart @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ part of 'foreign_symbol.dart'; ForeignSymbol _$ForeignSymbolFromJson(Map json) { return ForeignSymbol( - do_objectID: json['do_objectID'], + UUID: json['UUID'], libraryID: json['libraryID'], sourceLibraryName: json['sourceLibraryName'] as String, symbolPrivate: json['symbolPrivate'] as bool, @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ ForeignSymbol _$ForeignSymbolFromJson(Map json) { Map _$ForeignSymbolToJson(ForeignSymbol instance) => { - 'do_objectID': instance.do_objectID, + 'UUID': instance.UUID, 'libraryID': instance.libraryID, 'sourceLibraryName': instance.sourceLibraryName, 'symbolPrivate': instance.symbolPrivate, diff --git a/lib/input/sketch/entities/objects/image_ref.dart b/lib/input/sketch/entities/objects/image_ref.dart deleted file mode 100644 index 4c0a45a2..00000000 --- a/lib/input/sketch/entities/objects/image_ref.dart +++ /dev/null @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ -import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart'; - -part 'image_ref.g.dart'; - -@JsonSerializable(nullable: true) -///Referenfece of an image according to Sketch' schema -class ImageRef{ - - @JsonKey(name: '_ref') - final String reference; - - ImageRef(this.reference); - factory ImageRef.fromJson(Map json) => _$ImageRefFromJson(json); - Map toJson() => _$ImageRefToJson(this); -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/input/sketch/entities/objects/image_ref.g.dart b/lib/input/sketch/entities/objects/image_ref.g.dart deleted file mode 100644 index dbdb7131..00000000 --- a/lib/input/sketch/entities/objects/image_ref.g.dart +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -// GENERATED CODE - DO NOT MODIFY BY HAND - -part of 'image_ref.dart'; - -// ************************************************************************** -// JsonSerializableGenerator -// ************************************************************************** - -ImageRef _$ImageRefFromJson(Map json) { - return ImageRef( - json['_ref'] as String, - ); -} - -Map _$ImageRefToJson(ImageRef instance) => { - '_ref': instance.reference, - }; diff --git a/lib/input/sketch/entities/objects/override_value.dart b/lib/input/sketch/entities/objects/override_value.dart index 973a4db9..f1678af9 100644 --- a/lib/input/sketch/entities/objects/override_value.dart +++ b/lib/input/sketch/entities/objects/override_value.dart @@ -8,10 +8,11 @@ part 'override_value.g.dart'; class OverridableValue { static final String CLASS_NAME = 'overrideValue'; final String overrideName; - final String do_objectID; + @JsonKey(name: 'do_objectID') + final String UUID; final dynamic value; - OverridableValue(this.overrideName, this.do_objectID, this.value); + OverridableValue(this.overrideName, this.UUID, this.value); factory OverridableValue.fromJson(Map json) => _$OverridableValueFromJson(json); diff --git a/lib/input/sketch/entities/objects/override_value.g.dart b/lib/input/sketch/entities/objects/override_value.g.dart index 0801ed3d..e699fd1b 100644 --- a/lib/input/sketch/entities/objects/override_value.g.dart +++ b/lib/input/sketch/entities/objects/override_value.g.dart @@ -17,6 +17,6 @@ OverridableValue _$OverridableValueFromJson(Map json) { Map _$OverridableValueToJson(OverridableValue instance) => { 'overrideName': instance.overrideName, - 'do_objectID': instance.do_objectID, + 'do_objectID': instance.UUID, 'value': instance.value, }; diff --git a/lib/input/sketch/entities/style/border.dart b/lib/input/sketch/entities/style/border.dart index c28081d5..d52ea472 100644 --- a/lib/input/sketch/entities/style/border.dart +++ b/lib/input/sketch/entities/style/border.dart @@ -2,18 +2,23 @@ import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/style/color.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/style/context_settings.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/style/gradient.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/pb_border.dart'; part 'border.g.dart'; @JsonSerializable(nullable: true) -class Border { +class Border implements PBBorder{ @JsonKey(name: '_class') final String classField; + @override final bool isEnabled; + @override final double fillType; + @override final Color color; final ContextSettings contextSettings; final Gradient gradient; final double position; + @override final double thickness; Border( diff --git a/lib/input/sketch/entities/style/border_options.dart b/lib/input/sketch/entities/style/border_options.dart index d8c91ab6..6db5abb0 100644 --- a/lib/input/sketch/entities/style/border_options.dart +++ b/lib/input/sketch/entities/style/border_options.dart @@ -1,16 +1,26 @@ import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/pb_border_options.dart'; part 'border_options.g.dart'; @JsonSerializable(nullable: true) -class BorderOptions{ +class BorderOptions implements PBBorderOptions { @JsonKey(name: '_class') - final String classField; - final bool isEnabled; - final List dashPattern; - final int lineCapStyle, lineJoinStyle; + String classField; + @override + bool isEnabled; + @override + List dashPattern; + @override + int lineCapStyle, lineJoinStyle; - BorderOptions({this.classField, this.dashPattern, this.isEnabled, this.lineCapStyle, this.lineJoinStyle}); + BorderOptions( + this.classField, + this.dashPattern, + this.isEnabled, + this.lineCapStyle, + this.lineJoinStyle, + ); - factory BorderOptions.fromJson(Map json) =>_$BorderOptionsFromJson(json); + factory BorderOptions.fromJson(Map json) => _$BorderOptionsFromJson(json); Map toJson() => _$BorderOptionsToJson(this); } diff --git a/lib/input/sketch/entities/style/border_options.g.dart b/lib/input/sketch/entities/style/border_options.g.dart index 2124af5e..5e09807e 100644 --- a/lib/input/sketch/entities/style/border_options.g.dart +++ b/lib/input/sketch/entities/style/border_options.g.dart @@ -8,11 +8,11 @@ part of 'border_options.dart'; BorderOptions _$BorderOptionsFromJson(Map json) { return BorderOptions( - classField: json['_class'] as String, - dashPattern: json['dashPattern'] as List, - isEnabled: json['isEnabled'] as bool, - lineCapStyle: json['lineCapStyle'] as int, - lineJoinStyle: json['lineJoinStyle'] as int, + json['_class'] as String, + json['dashPattern'] as List, + json['isEnabled'] as bool, + json['lineCapStyle'] as int, + json['lineJoinStyle'] as int, ); } diff --git a/lib/input/sketch/entities/style/color.dart b/lib/input/sketch/entities/style/color.dart index 00d2f727..ca97279f 100644 --- a/lib/input/sketch/entities/style/color.dart +++ b/lib/input/sketch/entities/style/color.dart @@ -1,27 +1,16 @@ import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart'; -import 'package:hex/hex.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/color.dart'; part 'color.g.dart'; @JsonSerializable(nullable: true) -class Color { +class Color implements PBColor { @JsonKey(name: '_class') final String classField; - final double alpha, blue, green, red; + double alpha, blue, green, red; Color({this.alpha, this.blue, this.classField, this.green, this.red}); - ///Converts the current ARBG values into hex - ///in the form of a string `0xAARRGGBB` - String toHex() { - int a, r, g, b; - a = ((alpha ?? 0) * 255).round(); - r = ((red ?? 0) * 255).round(); - g = ((green ?? 0) * 255).round(); - b = ((blue ?? 0) * 255).round(); - return '0x' + HEX.encode([a, r, g, b]); - } - factory Color.fromJson(Map json) => _$ColorFromJson(json); Map toJson() => _$ColorToJson(this); } diff --git a/lib/input/sketch/entities/style/fill.dart b/lib/input/sketch/entities/style/fill.dart index f8ceda00..022252ac 100644 --- a/lib/input/sketch/entities/style/fill.dart +++ b/lib/input/sketch/entities/style/fill.dart @@ -1,16 +1,20 @@ import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/color.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/pb_fill.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/style/color.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/style/context_settings.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/style/gradient.dart'; part 'fill.g.dart'; @JsonSerializable(nullable: true) -class Fill { +class Fill implements PBFill { @JsonKey(name: '_class') final String classField; - final bool isEnabled; + @override + bool isEnabled; final int fillType; - final Color color; + @override + PBColor color; final ContextSettings contextSettings; final Gradient gradient; final int noiseIndex; @@ -20,7 +24,7 @@ class Fill { Fill( {this.classField, - this.color, + Color this.color, this.contextSettings, this.fillType, this.gradient, diff --git a/lib/input/sketch/entities/style/font_descriptor.dart b/lib/input/sketch/entities/style/font_descriptor.dart index a1f5b372..c82350ca 100644 --- a/lib/input/sketch/entities/style/font_descriptor.dart +++ b/lib/input/sketch/entities/style/font_descriptor.dart @@ -1,12 +1,16 @@ import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/pb_font_descriptor.dart'; part 'font_descriptor.g.dart'; @JsonSerializable(nullable: true) -class FontDescriptor { +class FontDescriptor implements PBFontDescriptor { + @override @JsonKey(name: 'attributes') Map rawAttributes; + @override @JsonKey(ignore: true) String fontName; + @override @JsonKey(ignore: true) num fontSize; @JsonKey(ignore: true) diff --git a/lib/input/sketch/entities/style/paragraph_style.dart b/lib/input/sketch/entities/style/paragraph_style.dart index 5b828ddf..2070e81b 100644 --- a/lib/input/sketch/entities/style/paragraph_style.dart +++ b/lib/input/sketch/entities/style/paragraph_style.dart @@ -1,13 +1,16 @@ import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/pb_paragraph_style.dart'; part 'paragraph_style.g.dart'; @JsonSerializable(nullable: true) -class ParagraphStyle { +class ParagraphStyle implements PBParagraphStyle { + @override int alignment; ParagraphStyle({this.alignment}); - factory ParagraphStyle.fromJson(Map json) => _$ParagraphStyleFromJson(json); + factory ParagraphStyle.fromJson(Map json) => + _$ParagraphStyleFromJson(json); - Map toJson() => _$ParagraphStyleToJson(this); + Map toJson() => _$ParagraphStyleToJson(this); } diff --git a/lib/input/sketch/entities/style/style.dart b/lib/input/sketch/entities/style/style.dart index 2e790fac..bba7922c 100644 --- a/lib/input/sketch/entities/style/style.dart +++ b/lib/input/sketch/entities/style/style.dart @@ -1,4 +1,10 @@ import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/pb_border.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/pb_border_options.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/pb_fill.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/color.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/pb_style.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/pb_text_style.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/style/border.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/style/border_options.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/style/color_controls.dart'; @@ -6,22 +12,28 @@ import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/style/context_settings.dart' import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/style/fill.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/style/text_style.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/style/blur.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/helpers/pb_context.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/entities/subclasses/pb_intermediate_node.dart'; part 'style.g.dart'; @JsonSerializable(nullable: true) -class Style { +class Style implements PBStyle { @JsonKey(name: '_class') final String classField; - final String do_objectID; + @override + @JsonKey(name: 'do_objectID') + String UUID; final int endMarkerType, miterLimit, startMarkerType, windingRule; final Blur blur; + @override final BorderOptions borderOptions; + @override final List borders; final ColorControls colorControls; final ContextSettings contextSettings; - final List fills, innerShadows, shadows; + List fills, innerShadows, shadows; @JsonKey(nullable: true) - final TextStyle textStyle; + PBTextStyle textStyle; Style({ this.blur, @@ -30,17 +42,27 @@ class Style { this.classField, this.colorControls, this.contextSettings, - this.do_objectID, + this.UUID, this.endMarkerType, - this.fills, - this.innerShadows, + List this.fills, + List this.innerShadows, this.miterLimit, - this.shadows, + List this.shadows, this.startMarkerType, this.windingRule, - this.textStyle, + TextStyle this.textStyle, }); factory Style.fromJson(Map json) => _$StyleFromJson(json); - Map toJson() => _$StyleToJson(this); + Map toJson() => _$StyleToJson(this); + + @override + @JsonKey(ignore: true) + PBColor backgroundColor; + + @override + set borderOptions(PBBorderOptions _borderOptions) {} + + @override + set borders(List _borders) {} } diff --git a/lib/input/sketch/entities/style/style.g.dart b/lib/input/sketch/entities/style/style.g.dart index f4d9a5c5..b7c26d14 100644 --- a/lib/input/sketch/entities/style/style.g.dart +++ b/lib/input/sketch/entities/style/style.g.dart @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ Style _$StyleFromJson(Map json) { ? null : ContextSettings.fromJson( json['contextSettings'] as Map), - do_objectID: json['do_objectID'] as String, + UUID: json['do_objectID'] as String, endMarkerType: json['endMarkerType'] as int, fills: (json['fills'] as List) ?.map( @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ Style _$StyleFromJson(Map json) { Map _$StyleToJson(Style instance) => { '_class': instance.classField, - 'do_objectID': instance.do_objectID, + 'do_objectID': instance.UUID, 'endMarkerType': instance.endMarkerType, 'miterLimit': instance.miterLimit, 'startMarkerType': instance.startMarkerType, diff --git a/lib/input/sketch/entities/style/text_style.dart b/lib/input/sketch/entities/style/text_style.dart index f4930e8c..b2dc1956 100644 --- a/lib/input/sketch/entities/style/text_style.dart +++ b/lib/input/sketch/entities/style/text_style.dart @@ -1,19 +1,22 @@ import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/color.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/pb_font_descriptor.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/pb_paragraph_style.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/pb_text_style.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/style/color.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/style/font_descriptor.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/style/paragraph_style.dart'; part 'text_style.g.dart'; @JsonSerializable(nullable: true) -class TextStyle { +class TextStyle implements PBTextStyle { @JsonKey(name: 'encodedAttributes') Map rawEncodedAttributes; + @override @JsonKey(ignore: true) - Color color; + PBFontDescriptor fontDescriptor; @JsonKey(ignore: true) - FontDescriptor fontDescriptor; - @JsonKey(ignore: true) - ParagraphStyle paragraphStyle; + PBParagraphStyle paragraphStyle; @JsonKey(ignore: true) num verticalAlignment; @JsonKey(ignore: true) @@ -44,29 +47,29 @@ class TextStyle { // 'Oblique', ]; - final Map > fontInfo = { - 'Thin': { 'fontWeight': 'w100', 'fontStyle': 'normal'}, - 'ThinItalic': { 'fontWeight': 'w100', 'fontStyle': 'italic'}, - 'ExtraLight': { 'fontWeight': 'w200', 'fontStyle': 'normal'}, - 'ExtraLightItalic': { 'fontWeight': 'w200', 'fontStyle': 'italic'}, - 'Light': { 'fontWeight': 'w300', 'fontStyle': 'normal'}, - 'LightItalic': { 'fontWeight': 'w300', 'fontStyle': 'italic'}, - 'Regular': { 'fontWeight': 'w400', 'fontStyle': 'normal'}, - 'Italic': { 'fontWeight': 'w400', 'fontStyle': 'italic'}, - 'Medium': { 'fontWeight': 'w500', 'fontStyle': 'normal'}, - 'MediumItalic': { 'fontWeight': 'w500', 'fontStyle': 'italic'}, - 'SemiBold': { 'fontWeight': 'w600', 'fontStyle': 'normal'}, - 'SemiBoldItalic': { 'fontWeight': 'w600', 'fontStyle': 'italic'}, - 'Bold': { 'fontWeight': 'w700', 'fontStyle': 'normal'}, - 'BoldItalic': { 'fontWeight': 'w700', 'fontStyle': 'italic'}, - 'ExtraBold': { 'fontWeight': 'w800', 'fontStyle': 'normal'}, - 'ExtraBoldItalic': { 'fontWeight': 'w800', 'fontStyle': 'italic'}, - 'Black': { 'fontWeight': 'w900', 'fontStyle': 'normal'}, - 'BlackItalic': { 'fontWeight': 'w900', 'fontStyle': 'italic'}, + final Map> fontInfo = { + 'Thin': {'fontWeight': 'w100', 'fontStyle': 'normal'}, + 'ThinItalic': {'fontWeight': 'w100', 'fontStyle': 'italic'}, + 'ExtraLight': {'fontWeight': 'w200', 'fontStyle': 'normal'}, + 'ExtraLightItalic': {'fontWeight': 'w200', 'fontStyle': 'italic'}, + 'Light': {'fontWeight': 'w300', 'fontStyle': 'normal'}, + 'LightItalic': {'fontWeight': 'w300', 'fontStyle': 'italic'}, + 'Regular': {'fontWeight': 'w400', 'fontStyle': 'normal'}, + 'Italic': {'fontWeight': 'w400', 'fontStyle': 'italic'}, + 'Medium': {'fontWeight': 'w500', 'fontStyle': 'normal'}, + 'MediumItalic': {'fontWeight': 'w500', 'fontStyle': 'italic'}, + 'SemiBold': {'fontWeight': 'w600', 'fontStyle': 'normal'}, + 'SemiBoldItalic': {'fontWeight': 'w600', 'fontStyle': 'italic'}, + 'Bold': {'fontWeight': 'w700', 'fontStyle': 'normal'}, + 'BoldItalic': {'fontWeight': 'w700', 'fontStyle': 'italic'}, + 'ExtraBold': {'fontWeight': 'w800', 'fontStyle': 'normal'}, + 'ExtraBoldItalic': {'fontWeight': 'w800', 'fontStyle': 'italic'}, + 'Black': {'fontWeight': 'w900', 'fontStyle': 'normal'}, + 'BlackItalic': {'fontWeight': 'w900', 'fontStyle': 'italic'}, }; TextStyle({this.rawEncodedAttributes}) { - color = Color.fromJson( + fontColor = Color.fromJson( rawEncodedAttributes['MSAttributedStringColorAttribute']); fontDescriptor = FontDescriptor.fromJson( rawEncodedAttributes['MSAttributedStringFontAttribute']); @@ -78,13 +81,15 @@ class TextStyle { for (var s in STYLES) { if (fontDescriptor.fontName.contains(s)) { // this is really a mapping of style to weight - fontDescriptor.fontWeight = fontInfo[s]['fontWeight']; + (fontDescriptor as FontDescriptor).fontWeight = + fontInfo[s]['fontWeight']; // this is only normal, italic style - fontDescriptor.fontStyle = fontInfo[s]['fontStyle']; + (fontDescriptor as FontDescriptor).fontStyle = fontInfo[s]['fontStyle']; // this is really fontFamily with removal of -XXX font type name suffix - fontDescriptor.fontName = + (fontDescriptor as FontDescriptor).fontName = fontDescriptor.fontName.replaceFirst('-$s', ''); - fontDescriptor.letterSpacing = rawEncodedAttributes['kerning'] ?? 0.0; + (fontDescriptor as FontDescriptor).letterSpacing = + rawEncodedAttributes['kerning'] ?? 0.0; break; } } @@ -93,4 +98,20 @@ class TextStyle { factory TextStyle.fromJson(Map json) => _$TextStyleFromJson(json); Map toJson() => _$TextStyleToJson(this); + + @override + @JsonKey(ignore: true) + PBColor fontColor; + + @override + String fontFamily; + + @override + String fontSize; + + @override + String fontWeight; + + @override + String weight; } diff --git a/lib/input/sketch/entities/style/text_style.g.dart b/lib/input/sketch/entities/style/text_style.g.dart index 08293674..32877b8e 100644 --- a/lib/input/sketch/entities/style/text_style.g.dart +++ b/lib/input/sketch/entities/style/text_style.g.dart @@ -9,9 +9,17 @@ part of 'text_style.dart'; TextStyle _$TextStyleFromJson(Map json) { return TextStyle( rawEncodedAttributes: json['encodedAttributes'] as Map, - ); + ) + ..fontFamily = json['fontFamily'] as String + ..fontSize = json['fontSize'] as String + ..fontWeight = json['fontWeight'] as String + ..weight = json['weight'] as String; } Map _$TextStyleToJson(TextStyle instance) => { 'encodedAttributes': instance.rawEncodedAttributes, + 'fontFamily': instance.fontFamily, + 'fontSize': instance.fontSize, + 'fontWeight': instance.fontWeight, + 'weight': instance.weight, }; diff --git a/lib/input/sketch/helper/sketch_node_tree.dart b/lib/input/sketch/helper/sketch_node_tree.dart index 902a14d3..22059ce7 100644 --- a/lib/input/sketch/helper/sketch_node_tree.dart +++ b/lib/input/sketch/helper/sketch_node_tree.dart @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ import 'package:parabeac_core/controllers/main_info.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/helper/node_tree.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/documents/document.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/layers/page.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/objects/foreign_symbol.dart'; @@ -8,12 +9,14 @@ import 'dart:convert'; import 'package:archive/archive.dart'; import 'package:quick_log/quick_log.dart'; -class SketchNodeTree { +class SketchNodeTree extends NodeTree { + @override var log = Logger('SketchNodeTree'); - List pages = []; - List miscPages = []; SketchPage rootScreen; + + @override String projectName; + @override bool debug = false; final Archive _originalArchive; @@ -60,23 +63,11 @@ class SketchNodeTree { var node = Page.fromJson(jsonData); // Actual Sketch Node // Turn layers into PBNodes - for (var layer in node.layers) { + for (var layer in node.children) { pg.addPageItem(SketchPageItem(layer, pg)); } sketchPages.add(pg); } return sketchPages; } - - Map toJson() { - var result = {}; - result['projectName'] = projectName; - for (var page in pages) { - result.addAll(page.toJson()); - } - for (var page in miscPages) { - result.addAll(page.toJson()); - } - return result; - } } diff --git a/lib/input/sketch/helper/sketch_page.dart b/lib/input/sketch/helper/sketch_page.dart index 8fe26014..61e8ab23 100644 --- a/lib/input/sketch/helper/sketch_page.dart +++ b/lib/input/sketch/helper/sketch_page.dart @@ -1,33 +1,9 @@ +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/helper/page.dart'; import 'package:quick_log/quick_log.dart'; -import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/helper/sketch_page_item.dart'; -class SketchPage { +class SketchPage extends Page { + @override var log = Logger('Sketch'); - String name; - List _pageItems = []; - - SketchPage( - this.name, - ) { - _pageItems = []; - } - - void addPageItem(SketchPageItem item) { - _pageItems.add(item); - } - - List getPageItems() { - log.info('We encountered a page that has 0 page items.'); - return _pageItems; - } - - Map toJson() { - Map result = {}; - result['name'] = name; - for (var item in _pageItems) { - result.addAll(item.root.toJson()); - } - return result; - } + SketchPage(String name) : super(name); } diff --git a/lib/input/sketch/helper/sketch_page_item.dart b/lib/input/sketch/helper/sketch_page_item.dart index 7bb9e334..1aa9c5a3 100644 --- a/lib/input/sketch/helper/sketch_page_item.dart +++ b/lib/input/sketch/helper/sketch_page_item.dart @@ -1,10 +1,7 @@ -import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/layers/abstract_layer.dart'; -import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/helper/sketch_page.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/design_node.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/helper/page.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/input/helper/page_item.dart'; -class SketchPageItem { - SketchNode root; - SketchPage parentPage; - SketchPageItem(this.root, this.parentPage); - - Map toJson() => root.toJson(); +class SketchPageItem extends PageItem { + SketchPageItem(DesignNode root, Page parentPage) : super(root, parentPage); } diff --git a/lib/input/sketch/services/input_design.dart b/lib/input/sketch/services/input_design.dart index 417eaf5e..d6745a50 100644 --- a/lib/input/sketch/services/input_design.dart +++ b/lib/input/sketch/services/input_design.dart @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ class InputDesignService { ///Getting the images in the sketch file and adding them to the png folder. void setImageDir() { - ///Creating the pngs folder, if its already not there. + ///Creating the pngs folder, if it's already not there. Directory('${MainInfo().outputPath}pngs').createSync(recursive: true); for (final file in archive) { final fileName = file.name; diff --git a/lib/input/sketch/services/positional_cleansing_service.dart b/lib/input/sketch/services/positional_cleansing_service.dart index 3860b7da..454e5854 100644 --- a/lib/input/sketch/services/positional_cleansing_service.dart +++ b/lib/input/sketch/services/positional_cleansing_service.dart @@ -1,26 +1,26 @@ +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/design_node.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/layers/abstract_group_layer.dart'; -import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/layers/abstract_layer.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/layers/artboard.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/layers/group.dart'; import '../entities/layers/symbol_master.dart'; -///Class for cleansing the positional data of the [SketchNode] +///Class for cleansing the positional data of the [DesignNode] ///TODO(Eddie): Abstract it, not only for Sketch node but potentially more design files. class PositionalCleansingService { ///Eliminating the offset of the nodes. NOTE: the only nodes that have an offset are [Artboard] and [Group] - SketchNode eliminateOffset(SketchNode rootNode) { + DesignNode eliminateOffset(DesignNode rootNode) { if (rootNode is Group || rootNode is Artboard || rootNode is SymbolMaster) { _eliminateOffsetChildren( - (rootNode as AbstractGroupLayer).layers, rootNode); + (rootNode as AbstractGroupLayer).children, rootNode); } if (rootNode is AbstractGroupLayer) { - rootNode.layers.map((layerNode) => eliminateOffset(layerNode)).toList(); + rootNode.children.map((layerNode) => eliminateOffset(layerNode)).toList(); } return rootNode; } - void _eliminateOffsetChildren(List children, SketchNode parent) => + void _eliminateOffsetChildren(List children, DesignNode parent) => children.forEach((child) { child.boundaryRectangle.x = (parent.boundaryRectangle.x + child.boundaryRectangle.x); diff --git a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/alignments/flexible.dart b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/alignments/flexible.dart index 7107b970..8cefe101 100644 --- a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/alignments/flexible.dart +++ b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/alignments/flexible.dart @@ -30,7 +30,13 @@ class Flexible extends PBVisualIntermediateNode { this.flex, this.topLeftCorner, this.bottomRightCorner, - }) : super(topLeftCorner, bottomRightCorner, currentContext, UUID: UUID) { + }) : super( + topLeftCorner, + bottomRightCorner, + currentContext, + '', + UUID: UUID, + ) { generator = PBFlexibleGenerator(); } diff --git a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/alignments/injected_positioned.dart b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/alignments/injected_positioned.dart index bd1ddb46..27ca6966 100644 --- a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/alignments/injected_positioned.dart +++ b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/alignments/injected_positioned.dart @@ -24,7 +24,8 @@ class InjectedPositioned extends PBIntermediateNode String horizontalAlignType, verticalAlignType; InjectedPositioned(this.UUID, {this.positionedHolder, this.currentContext}) - : super(Point(0, 0), Point(0, 0), UUID, currentContext: currentContext) { + : super(Point(0, 0), Point(0, 0), UUID, '', + currentContext: currentContext) { horizontalAlignType = positionedHolder.h_type.toString()?.split('.')[1]; verticalAlignType = positionedHolder.v_type.toString()?.split('.')[1]; horizontalAlignValue = positionedHolder.h_value; diff --git a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/alignments/padding.dart b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/alignments/padding.dart index df089447..40683ad2 100644 --- a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/alignments/padding.dart +++ b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/alignments/padding.dart @@ -34,7 +34,8 @@ class Padding extends PBVisualIntermediateNode { this.topLeftCorner, this.bottomRightCorner, this.currentContext}) - : super(topLeftCorner, bottomRightCorner, currentContext, UUID: UUID) { + : super(topLeftCorner, bottomRightCorner, currentContext, '', + UUID: UUID) { generator = PBPaddingGen(); } diff --git a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/alignments/spacer.dart b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/alignments/spacer.dart index 8a26e148..501847bb 100644 --- a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/alignments/spacer.dart +++ b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/alignments/spacer.dart @@ -18,7 +18,8 @@ class Spacer extends PBVisualIntermediateNode { Spacer(topLeftCorner, bottomRightCorner, this.UUID, {this.flex, this.currentContext}) - : super(topLeftCorner, bottomRightCorner, currentContext, UUID: UUID) { + : super(topLeftCorner, bottomRightCorner, currentContext, '', + UUID: UUID) { generator = PBSpacerGenerator(); } diff --git a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_bitmap.dart b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_bitmap.dart index db12c4fe..4e816547 100644 --- a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_bitmap.dart +++ b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_bitmap.dart @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ import 'package:parabeac_core/controllers/main_info.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/design_node.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/image.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/generation/generators/visual-widgets/pb_bitmap_gen.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/generation/prototyping/pb_prototype_node.dart'; -import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/layers/bitmap.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/entities/interfaces/pb_inherited_intermediate.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/entities/subclasses/pb_intermediate_node.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/entities/subclasses/pb_visual_intermediate_node.dart'; @@ -34,12 +34,14 @@ class InheritedBitmap extends PBVisualIntermediateNode @JsonKey(ignore: true) PBContext currentContext; - String name; - Map size; String referenceImage; - InheritedBitmap(this.originalRef, {this.currentContext}) - : super( + InheritedBitmap( + this.originalRef, + String name, { + this.currentContext, + this.referenceImage, + }) : super( Point(originalRef.boundaryRectangle.x, originalRef.boundaryRectangle.y), Point( @@ -47,22 +49,24 @@ class InheritedBitmap extends PBVisualIntermediateNode originalRef.boundaryRectangle.width, originalRef.boundaryRectangle.y + originalRef.boundaryRectangle.height), - currentContext) { + currentContext, + name) { if (originalRef is DesignNode && originalRef.prototypeNodeUUID != null) { prototypeNode = PrototypeNode(originalRef?.prototypeNodeUUID); } generator = PBBitmapGenerator(); - if (originalRef.name == null || (originalRef as Bitmap).image == null) { + if (originalRef.name == null || + (originalRef as Image).imageReference == null) { log.debug('NULL BITMAP'); } UUID = originalRef.UUID; - name = (originalRef as Bitmap).image.reference; + name = (originalRef as Image).imageReference; size = { 'width': originalRef.boundaryRectangle.width, 'height': originalRef.boundaryRectangle.height }; - referenceImage = (originalRef as Bitmap).image.reference; + this.referenceImage = (originalRef as Image).imageReference; ImageReferenceStorage().addReference( originalRef.UUID, '${MainInfo().outputPath}assets/images'); } diff --git a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_bitmap.g.dart b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_bitmap.g.dart index 0a023624..6cff06e7 100644 --- a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_bitmap.g.dart +++ b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_bitmap.g.dart @@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ part of 'inherited_bitmap.dart'; InheritedBitmap _$InheritedBitmapFromJson(Map json) { return InheritedBitmap( json['originalRef'], + json['name'] as String, + referenceImage: json['referenceImage'] as String, ) ..subsemantic = json['subsemantic'] as String ..child = json['child'] @@ -18,13 +20,11 @@ InheritedBitmap _$InheritedBitmapFromJson(Map json) { ..bottomRightCorner = json['bottomRightCorner'] == null ? null : Point.fromJson(json['bottomRightCorner'] as Map) + ..size = json['size'] as Map ..borderInfo = json['borderInfo'] as Map ..alignment = json['alignment'] as Map ..color = json['color'] as String - ..UUID = json['UUID'] as String - ..name = json['name'] as String - ..size = json['size'] as Map - ..referenceImage = json['referenceImage'] as String; + ..UUID = json['UUID'] as String; } Map _$InheritedBitmapToJson(InheritedBitmap instance) => @@ -33,12 +33,12 @@ Map _$InheritedBitmapToJson(InheritedBitmap instance) => 'child': instance.child, 'topLeftCorner': instance.topLeftCorner, 'bottomRightCorner': instance.bottomRightCorner, + 'size': instance.size, 'borderInfo': instance.borderInfo, 'alignment': instance.alignment, + 'name': instance.name, 'color': instance.color, 'originalRef': instance.originalRef, 'UUID': instance.UUID, - 'name': instance.name, - 'size': instance.size, 'referenceImage': instance.referenceImage, }; diff --git a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_circle.dart b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_circle.dart index a1765d11..0309ff9b 100644 --- a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_circle.dart +++ b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_circle.dart @@ -46,9 +46,10 @@ class InheritedCircle extends PBVisualIntermediateNode Map alignment; - InheritedCircle(this.originalRef, this.bottomRightCorner, this.topLeftCorner, + InheritedCircle( + this.originalRef, this.bottomRightCorner, this.topLeftCorner, String name, {this.currentContext, this.alignX, this.alignY}) - : super(topLeftCorner, bottomRightCorner, currentContext) { + : super(topLeftCorner, bottomRightCorner, currentContext, name) { if (originalRef is DesignNode && originalRef.prototypeNodeUUID != null) { prototypeNode = PrototypeNode(originalRef?.prototypeNodeUUID); } @@ -77,7 +78,7 @@ class InheritedCircle extends PBVisualIntermediateNode } // If there's multiple children add a temp group so that layout service lays the children out. if (child != null) { - var temp = TempGroupLayoutNode(null, currentContext); + var temp = TempGroupLayoutNode(null, currentContext, node.name); temp.addChild(child); temp.addChild(node); child = temp; @@ -90,7 +91,8 @@ class InheritedCircle extends PBVisualIntermediateNode /// alignCenterX/y = ((childCenter - parentCenter) / max) if > 0.5 subtract 0.5 if less than 0.5 multiply times -1 @override void alignChild() { - var align = InjectedAlign(topLeftCorner, bottomRightCorner, currentContext); + var align = + InjectedAlign(topLeftCorner, bottomRightCorner, currentContext, ''); align.addChild(child); align.alignChild(); child = align; diff --git a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_circle.g.dart b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_circle.g.dart index e8455ab4..4e01877a 100644 --- a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_circle.g.dart +++ b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_circle.g.dart @@ -15,10 +15,10 @@ InheritedCircle _$InheritedCircleFromJson(Map json) { json['topLeftCorner'] == null ? null : Point.fromJson(json['topLeftCorner'] as Map), + json['name'] as String, ) ..subsemantic = json['subsemantic'] as String ..child = json['child'] - ..name = json['name'] as String ..color = json['color'] as String ..UUID = json['UUID'] as String ..size = json['size'] as Map diff --git a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_container.dart b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_container.dart index f8e56e23..2e0b76fd 100644 --- a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_container.dart +++ b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_container.dart @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/color.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/design_node.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/generation/generators/visual-widgets/pb_container_gen.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/generation/prototyping/pb_prototype_node.dart'; @@ -14,6 +15,7 @@ part 'inherited_container.g.dart'; @JsonSerializable(nullable: true) class InheritedContainer extends PBVisualIntermediateNode + with PBColorMixin implements PBInheritedIntermediate { @override final originalRef; @@ -30,7 +32,7 @@ class InheritedContainer extends PBVisualIntermediateNode PBContext currentContext; @override - String UUID; //TODO find the root cause of why certain node have a null UUID + String UUID; /// Used for setting the alignment of it's children @JsonKey(ignore: true) @@ -45,10 +47,20 @@ class InheritedContainer extends PBVisualIntermediateNode @JsonKey(nullable: true) Map borderInfo; + @JsonKey(nullable: true) + bool isBackgroundVisible = true; + InheritedContainer( - this.originalRef, this.topLeftCorner, this.bottomRightCorner, - {this.alignX, this.alignY, this.currentContext, this.borderInfo}) - : super(topLeftCorner, bottomRightCorner, currentContext) { + this.originalRef, + this.topLeftCorner, + this.bottomRightCorner, + String name, { + this.alignX, + this.alignY, + this.currentContext, + this.borderInfo, + this.isBackgroundVisible = true, + }) : super(topLeftCorner, bottomRightCorner, currentContext, name) { if (originalRef is DesignNode && originalRef.prototypeNodeUUID != null) { prototypeNode = PrototypeNode(originalRef?.prototypeNodeUUID); } @@ -62,10 +74,10 @@ class InheritedContainer extends PBVisualIntermediateNode 'height': originalRef.boundaryRectangle.height, }; - if (originalRef.style.fills.isNotEmpty) { + if (originalRef.style != null && originalRef.style.fills.isNotEmpty) { for (var fill in originalRef.style.fills) { if (fill.isEnabled) { - color = fill.color.toHex(); + color = toHex(fill.color); } } } @@ -85,7 +97,7 @@ class InheritedContainer extends PBVisualIntermediateNode } // If there's multiple children add a temp group so that layout service lays the children out. if (child != null) { - var temp = TempGroupLayoutNode(null, currentContext); + var temp = TempGroupLayoutNode(null, currentContext, node.name); temp.addChild(child); temp.addChild(node); child = temp; @@ -98,7 +110,8 @@ class InheritedContainer extends PBVisualIntermediateNode /// alignCenterX/y = ((childCenter - parentCenter) / max) if > 0.5 subtract 0.5 if less than 0.5 multiply times -1 @override void alignChild() { - var align = InjectedAlign(topLeftCorner, bottomRightCorner, currentContext); + var align = + InjectedAlign(topLeftCorner, bottomRightCorner, currentContext, ''); align.addChild(child); align.alignChild(); child = align; diff --git a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_container.g.dart b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_container.g.dart index 71391dbd..c23b39f3 100644 --- a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_container.g.dart +++ b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_container.g.dart @@ -15,11 +15,12 @@ InheritedContainer _$InheritedContainerFromJson(Map json) { json['bottomRightCorner'] == null ? null : Point.fromJson(json['bottomRightCorner'] as Map), + json['name'] as String, borderInfo: json['borderInfo'] as Map, + isBackgroundVisible: json['isBackgroundVisible'] as bool, ) ..subsemantic = json['subsemantic'] as String ..child = json['child'] - ..name = json['name'] as String ..color = json['color'] as String ..UUID = json['UUID'] as String ..size = json['size'] as Map @@ -39,4 +40,5 @@ Map _$InheritedContainerToJson(InheritedContainer instance) => 'size': instance.size, 'alignment': instance.alignment, 'borderInfo': instance.borderInfo, + 'isBackgroundVisible': instance.isBackgroundVisible, }; diff --git a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_oval.dart b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_oval.dart index 77b89542..33fdc1e9 100644 --- a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_oval.dart +++ b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_oval.dart @@ -26,9 +26,6 @@ class InheritedOval extends PBVisualIntermediateNode @JsonKey(ignore: true) Uint8List image; - ///Name of the png file - String name; - @override String UUID; @@ -39,7 +36,8 @@ class InheritedOval extends PBVisualIntermediateNode String referenceImage; - InheritedOval(this.originalRef, {this.image, this.currentContext}) + InheritedOval(this.originalRef, String name, + {this.image, this.currentContext}) : super( Point(originalRef.boundaryRectangle.x, originalRef.boundaryRectangle.y), @@ -48,7 +46,8 @@ class InheritedOval extends PBVisualIntermediateNode originalRef.boundaryRectangle.width, originalRef.boundaryRectangle.y + originalRef.boundaryRectangle.height), - currentContext) { + currentContext, + name) { if (originalRef is DesignNode && originalRef.prototypeNodeUUID != null) { prototypeNode = PrototypeNode(originalRef?.prototypeNodeUUID); } diff --git a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_oval.g.dart b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_oval.g.dart index 9aaebc82..4751b593 100644 --- a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_oval.g.dart +++ b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_oval.g.dart @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ part of 'inherited_oval.dart'; InheritedOval _$InheritedOvalFromJson(Map json) { return InheritedOval( json['originalRef'], + json['name'] as String, ) ..subsemantic = json['subsemantic'] as String ..child = json['child'] @@ -21,7 +22,6 @@ InheritedOval _$InheritedOvalFromJson(Map json) { ..borderInfo = json['borderInfo'] as Map ..alignment = json['alignment'] as Map ..color = json['color'] as String - ..name = json['name'] as String ..UUID = json['UUID'] as String ..size = json['size'] as Map ..referenceImage = json['referenceImage'] as String; @@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ Map _$InheritedOvalToJson(InheritedOval instance) => 'bottomRightCorner': instance.bottomRightCorner, 'borderInfo': instance.borderInfo, 'alignment': instance.alignment, + 'name': instance.name, 'color': instance.color, 'originalRef': instance.originalRef, - 'name': instance.name, 'UUID': instance.UUID, 'size': instance.size, 'referenceImage': instance.referenceImage, diff --git a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_polygon.dart b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_polygon.dart index 805baf83..6d8818c4 100644 --- a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_polygon.dart +++ b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_polygon.dart @@ -26,9 +26,6 @@ class InheritedPolygon extends PBVisualIntermediateNode @JsonKey(ignore: true) Uint8List image; - ///Name of the png file - String name; - @override String UUID; @@ -39,7 +36,8 @@ class InheritedPolygon extends PBVisualIntermediateNode String referenceImage; - InheritedPolygon(this.originalRef, {this.image, this.currentContext}) + InheritedPolygon(this.originalRef, String name, + {this.image, this.currentContext}) : super( Point(originalRef.boundaryRectangle.x, originalRef.boundaryRectangle.y), @@ -48,7 +46,8 @@ class InheritedPolygon extends PBVisualIntermediateNode originalRef.boundaryRectangle.width, originalRef.boundaryRectangle.y + originalRef.boundaryRectangle.height), - currentContext) { + currentContext, + name) { if (originalRef is DesignNode && originalRef.prototypeNodeUUID != null) { prototypeNode = PrototypeNode(originalRef?.prototypeNodeUUID); } diff --git a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_polygon.g.dart b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_polygon.g.dart index 27f28b1d..262074c5 100644 --- a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_polygon.g.dart +++ b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_polygon.g.dart @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ part of 'inherited_polygon.dart'; InheritedPolygon _$InheritedPolygonFromJson(Map json) { return InheritedPolygon( json['originalRef'], + json['name'] as String, ) ..subsemantic = json['subsemantic'] as String ..child = json['child'] @@ -21,7 +22,6 @@ InheritedPolygon _$InheritedPolygonFromJson(Map json) { ..borderInfo = json['borderInfo'] as Map ..alignment = json['alignment'] as Map ..color = json['color'] as String - ..name = json['name'] as String ..UUID = json['UUID'] as String ..size = json['size'] as Map ..referenceImage = json['referenceImage'] as String; @@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ Map _$InheritedPolygonToJson(InheritedPolygon instance) => 'bottomRightCorner': instance.bottomRightCorner, 'borderInfo': instance.borderInfo, 'alignment': instance.alignment, + 'name': instance.name, 'color': instance.color, 'originalRef': instance.originalRef, - 'name': instance.name, 'UUID': instance.UUID, 'size': instance.size, 'referenceImage': instance.referenceImage, diff --git a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_scaffold.dart b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_scaffold.dart index 309825be..f6980a75 100644 --- a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_scaffold.dart +++ b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_scaffold.dart @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/color.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/design_node.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/eggs/injected_app_bar.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/eggs/injected_tab_bar.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/generation/generators/layouts/pb_scaffold_gen.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/generation/prototyping/pb_prototype_node.dart'; -import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/layers/artboard.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/entities/injected_align.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/entities/layouts/temp_group_layout_node.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/entities/pb_shared_instance.dart'; @@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ part 'inherited_scaffold.g.dart'; @JsonSerializable(nullable: true) class InheritedScaffold extends PBVisualIntermediateNode + with + PBColorMixin implements /* with GeneratePBTree */ /* PropertySearchable,*/ PBInheritedIntermediate { @override @@ -27,7 +29,6 @@ class InheritedScaffold extends PBVisualIntermediateNode @override @JsonKey(ignore: true) PrototypeNode prototypeNode; - String name; @JsonSerializable(nullable: true) var navbar; @JsonSerializable(nullable: true) @@ -48,7 +49,7 @@ class InheritedScaffold extends PBVisualIntermediateNode InheritedScaffold(this.originalRef, {Point topLeftCorner, Point bottomRightCorner, - this.name, + String name, this.currentContext, this.isHomeScreen}) : super( @@ -59,7 +60,8 @@ class InheritedScaffold extends PBVisualIntermediateNode originalRef.boundaryRectangle.width, originalRef.boundaryRectangle.y + originalRef.boundaryRectangle.height), - currentContext) { + currentContext, + name) { if (originalRef is DesignNode && originalRef.prototypeNodeUUID != null) { prototypeNode = PrototypeNode(originalRef?.prototypeNodeUUID); } @@ -78,7 +80,7 @@ class InheritedScaffold extends PBVisualIntermediateNode UUID = originalRef.UUID; - backgroundColor = (originalRef as Artboard).backgroundColor?.toHex(); + backgroundColor = toHex(originalRef.backgroundColor); } @override @@ -117,7 +119,7 @@ class InheritedScaffold extends PBVisualIntermediateNode } // If there's multiple children add a temp group so that layout service lays the children out. if (child != null) { - var temp = TempGroupLayoutNode(null, currentContext); + var temp = TempGroupLayoutNode(null, currentContext, node.name); temp.addChild(child); temp.addChild(node); child = temp; @@ -128,7 +130,8 @@ class InheritedScaffold extends PBVisualIntermediateNode @override void alignChild() { - var align = InjectedAlign(topLeftCorner, bottomRightCorner, currentContext); + var align = + InjectedAlign(topLeftCorner, bottomRightCorner, currentContext, ''); align.addChild(child); align.alignChild(); child = align; diff --git a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_scaffold.g.dart b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_scaffold.g.dart index 34a21ae8..2d69c8e4 100644 --- a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_scaffold.g.dart +++ b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_scaffold.g.dart @@ -41,9 +41,9 @@ Map _$InheritedScaffoldToJson(InheritedScaffold instance) => 'size': instance.size, 'borderInfo': instance.borderInfo, 'alignment': instance.alignment, + 'name': instance.name, 'color': instance.color, 'originalRef': instance.originalRef, - 'name': instance.name, 'navbar': instance.navbar, 'tabbar': instance.tabbar, 'backgroundColor': instance.backgroundColor, diff --git a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_shape_group.dart b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_shape_group.dart index 5bdce659..2de76ec5 100644 --- a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_shape_group.dart +++ b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_shape_group.dart @@ -31,9 +31,6 @@ class InheritedShapeGroup extends PBVisualIntermediateNode @override String UUID; - ///Name of the png file - String name; - @JsonKey(ignore: true) PBContext currentContext; @@ -41,7 +38,8 @@ class InheritedShapeGroup extends PBVisualIntermediateNode Map size; - InheritedShapeGroup(this.originalRef, {this.image, this.currentContext}) + InheritedShapeGroup(this.originalRef, String name, + {this.image, this.currentContext}) : super( Point(originalRef.boundaryRectangle.x, originalRef.boundaryRectangle.y), @@ -50,7 +48,8 @@ class InheritedShapeGroup extends PBVisualIntermediateNode originalRef.boundaryRectangle.width, originalRef.boundaryRectangle.y + originalRef.boundaryRectangle.height), - currentContext) { + currentContext, + name) { if (originalRef is DesignNode && originalRef.prototypeNodeUUID != null) { prototypeNode = PrototypeNode(originalRef?.prototypeNodeUUID); } diff --git a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_shape_group.g.dart b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_shape_group.g.dart index 908ccaf8..2cae7637 100644 --- a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_shape_group.g.dart +++ b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_shape_group.g.dart @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ part of 'inherited_shape_group.dart'; InheritedShapeGroup _$InheritedShapeGroupFromJson(Map json) { return InheritedShapeGroup( json['originalRef'], + json['name'] as String, ) ..subsemantic = json['subsemantic'] as String ..child = json['child'] @@ -22,7 +23,6 @@ InheritedShapeGroup _$InheritedShapeGroupFromJson(Map json) { ..alignment = json['alignment'] as Map ..color = json['color'] as String ..UUID = json['UUID'] as String - ..name = json['name'] as String ..referenceImage = json['referenceImage'] as String ..size = json['size'] as Map; } @@ -36,10 +36,10 @@ Map _$InheritedShapeGroupToJson( 'bottomRightCorner': instance.bottomRightCorner, 'borderInfo': instance.borderInfo, 'alignment': instance.alignment, + 'name': instance.name, 'color': instance.color, 'originalRef': instance.originalRef, 'UUID': instance.UUID, - 'name': instance.name, 'referenceImage': instance.referenceImage, 'size': instance.size, }; diff --git a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_shape_path.dart b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_shape_path.dart index b35cf0d2..68b7990c 100644 --- a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_shape_path.dart +++ b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_shape_path.dart @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ import 'dart:typed_data'; import 'package:parabeac_core/controllers/main_info.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/color.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/design_node.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/generation/generators/visual-widgets/pb_bitmap_gen.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/generation/generators/visual-widgets/pb_container_gen.dart'; @@ -18,6 +19,7 @@ part 'inherited_shape_path.g.dart'; @JsonSerializable(nullable: true) class InheritedShapePath extends PBVisualIntermediateNode + with PBColorMixin implements PBInheritedIntermediate { @override var originalRef; @@ -32,9 +34,6 @@ class InheritedShapePath extends PBVisualIntermediateNode @JsonKey(ignore: true) Uint8List image; - ///Name of the png file - String name; - @JsonKey(ignore: true) PBContext currentContext; @@ -43,7 +42,8 @@ class InheritedShapePath extends PBVisualIntermediateNode Map size; - InheritedShapePath(this.originalRef, {this.image, this.currentContext}) + InheritedShapePath(this.originalRef, String name, + {this.image, this.currentContext}) : super( Point(originalRef.boundaryRectangle.x, originalRef.boundaryRectangle.y), @@ -52,7 +52,8 @@ class InheritedShapePath extends PBVisualIntermediateNode originalRef.boundaryRectangle.width, originalRef.boundaryRectangle.y + originalRef.boundaryRectangle.height), - currentContext) { + currentContext, + name) { if (originalRef is DesignNode && originalRef.prototypeNodeUUID != null) { prototypeNode = PrototypeNode(originalRef?.prototypeNodeUUID); } @@ -103,7 +104,7 @@ class InheritedShapePath extends PBVisualIntermediateNode originalRef.boundaryRectangle.height); generator = PBContainerGenerator(); - color = originalRef.style.borders[0].color.toHex(); + color = toHex(originalRef.style.borders[0].color); } } } diff --git a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_shape_path.g.dart b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_shape_path.g.dart index fde4a029..7cc4a569 100644 --- a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_shape_path.g.dart +++ b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_shape_path.g.dart @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ part of 'inherited_shape_path.dart'; InheritedShapePath _$InheritedShapePathFromJson(Map json) { return InheritedShapePath( json['originalRef'], + json['name'] as String, ) ..subsemantic = json['subsemantic'] as String ..child = json['child'] @@ -22,7 +23,6 @@ InheritedShapePath _$InheritedShapePathFromJson(Map json) { ..alignment = json['alignment'] as Map ..color = json['color'] as String ..UUID = json['UUID'] as String - ..name = json['name'] as String ..referenceImage = json['referenceImage'] as String ..size = json['size'] as Map; } @@ -35,10 +35,10 @@ Map _$InheritedShapePathToJson(InheritedShapePath instance) => 'bottomRightCorner': instance.bottomRightCorner, 'borderInfo': instance.borderInfo, 'alignment': instance.alignment, + 'name': instance.name, 'color': instance.color, 'originalRef': instance.originalRef, 'UUID': instance.UUID, - 'name': instance.name, 'referenceImage': instance.referenceImage, 'size': instance.size, }; diff --git a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_star.dart b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_star.dart index f95e7fc5..4f8460d3 100644 --- a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_star.dart +++ b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_star.dart @@ -26,9 +26,6 @@ class InheritedStar extends PBVisualIntermediateNode @JsonKey(ignore: true) Uint8List image; - ///Name of the png file - String name; - @override String UUID; @@ -39,7 +36,8 @@ class InheritedStar extends PBVisualIntermediateNode String referenceImage; - InheritedStar(this.originalRef, {this.image, this.currentContext}) + InheritedStar(this.originalRef, String name, + {this.image, this.currentContext}) : super( Point(originalRef.boundaryRectangle.x, originalRef.boundaryRectangle.y), @@ -48,7 +46,8 @@ class InheritedStar extends PBVisualIntermediateNode originalRef.boundaryRectangle.width, originalRef.boundaryRectangle.y + originalRef.boundaryRectangle.height), - currentContext) { + currentContext, + name) { if (originalRef is DesignNode && originalRef.prototypeNodeUUID != null) { prototypeNode = PrototypeNode(originalRef?.prototypeNodeUUID); } diff --git a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_star.g.dart b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_star.g.dart index 4c6c5934..79cccd93 100644 --- a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_star.g.dart +++ b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_star.g.dart @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ part of 'inherited_star.dart'; InheritedStar _$InheritedStarFromJson(Map json) { return InheritedStar( json['originalRef'], + json['name'] as String, ) ..subsemantic = json['subsemantic'] as String ..child = json['child'] @@ -21,7 +22,6 @@ InheritedStar _$InheritedStarFromJson(Map json) { ..borderInfo = json['borderInfo'] as Map ..alignment = json['alignment'] as Map ..color = json['color'] as String - ..name = json['name'] as String ..UUID = json['UUID'] as String ..size = json['size'] as Map ..referenceImage = json['referenceImage'] as String; @@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ Map _$InheritedStarToJson(InheritedStar instance) => 'bottomRightCorner': instance.bottomRightCorner, 'borderInfo': instance.borderInfo, 'alignment': instance.alignment, + 'name': instance.name, 'color': instance.color, 'originalRef': instance.originalRef, - 'name': instance.name, 'UUID': instance.UUID, 'size': instance.size, 'referenceImage': instance.referenceImage, diff --git a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_text.dart b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_text.dart index eede0290..c3e91b11 100644 --- a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_text.dart +++ b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_text.dart @@ -1,7 +1,8 @@ +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/color.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/design_node.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/text.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/generation/generators/visual-widgets/pb_text_gen.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/generation/prototyping/pb_prototype_node.dart'; -import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/layers/sketch_text.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/entities/interfaces/pb_inherited_intermediate.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/entities/subclasses/pb_intermediate_node.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/entities/subclasses/pb_visual_intermediate_node.dart'; @@ -13,6 +14,7 @@ part 'inherited_text.g.dart'; @JsonSerializable(nullable: true) class InheritedText extends PBVisualIntermediateNode + with PBColorMixin implements PBInheritedIntermediate { ///For the generator to strip out the quotation marks. bool isTextParameter = false; @@ -37,12 +39,12 @@ class InheritedText extends PBVisualIntermediateNode num fontSize; String fontName; - String fontWeight; // one of the w100-w900 weights - String fontStyle; // normal, or italic + String fontWeight; // one of the w100-w900 weights + String fontStyle; // normal, or italic String textAlignment; num letterSpacing; - InheritedText(this.originalRef, {this.currentContext}) + InheritedText(this.originalRef, String name, {this.currentContext}) : super( Point(originalRef.boundaryRectangle.x, originalRef.boundaryRectangle.y), @@ -51,16 +53,17 @@ class InheritedText extends PBVisualIntermediateNode originalRef.boundaryRectangle.width, originalRef.boundaryRectangle.y + originalRef.boundaryRectangle.height), - currentContext) { + currentContext, + name) { if (originalRef is DesignNode && originalRef.prototypeNodeUUID != null) { prototypeNode = PrototypeNode(originalRef?.prototypeNodeUUID); } generator = PBTextGen(); UUID = originalRef.UUID; - text = (originalRef as SketchText).attributedString['string']; + text = (originalRef as Text).content; fontSize = originalRef.style.textStyle.fontDescriptor.fontSize; - color = originalRef.style.textStyle.color.toHex(); + color = toHex(originalRef.style.textStyle.fontColor); fontName = originalRef.style.textStyle.fontDescriptor.fontName; fontWeight = originalRef.style.textStyle.fontDescriptor.fontWeight; fontStyle = originalRef.style.textStyle.fontDescriptor.fontStyle; diff --git a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_text.g.dart b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_text.g.dart index 851eaa20..8fce780e 100644 --- a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_text.g.dart +++ b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_text.g.dart @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ part of 'inherited_text.dart'; InheritedText _$InheritedTextFromJson(Map json) { return InheritedText( json['originalRef'], + json['name'] as String, ) ..subsemantic = json['subsemantic'] as String ..child = json['child'] @@ -21,7 +22,6 @@ InheritedText _$InheritedTextFromJson(Map json) { ..size = json['size'] as Map ..borderInfo = json['borderInfo'] as Map ..alignment = json['alignment'] as Map - ..name = json['name'] as String ..color = json['color'] as String ..isTextParameter = json['isTextParameter'] as bool ..UUID = json['UUID'] as String diff --git a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_triangle.dart b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_triangle.dart index aefb6694..8e7fba8f 100644 --- a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_triangle.dart +++ b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_triangle.dart @@ -26,9 +26,6 @@ class InheritedTriangle extends PBVisualIntermediateNode @JsonKey(ignore: true) Uint8List image; - ///Name of the png file - var name; - @override String UUID; @@ -39,7 +36,8 @@ class InheritedTriangle extends PBVisualIntermediateNode var referenceImage; - InheritedTriangle(this.originalRef, {this.image, this.currentContext}) + InheritedTriangle(this.originalRef, String name, + {this.image, this.currentContext}) : super( Point(originalRef.boundaryRectangle.x, originalRef.boundaryRectangle.y), @@ -48,7 +46,8 @@ class InheritedTriangle extends PBVisualIntermediateNode originalRef.boundaryRectangle.width, originalRef.boundaryRectangle.y + originalRef.boundaryRectangle.height), - currentContext) { + currentContext, + name) { if (originalRef is DesignNode && originalRef.prototypeNodeUUID != null) { prototypeNode = PrototypeNode(originalRef?.prototypeNodeUUID); } diff --git a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_triangle.g.dart b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_triangle.g.dart index 84736808..e098aa3b 100644 --- a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_triangle.g.dart +++ b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/inherited_triangle.g.dart @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ part of 'inherited_triangle.dart'; InheritedTriangle _$InheritedTriangleFromJson(Map json) { return InheritedTriangle( json['originalRef'], + json['name'] as String, ) ..subsemantic = json['subsemantic'] as String ..child = json['child'] @@ -21,7 +22,6 @@ InheritedTriangle _$InheritedTriangleFromJson(Map json) { ..borderInfo = json['borderInfo'] as Map ..alignment = json['alignment'] as Map ..color = json['color'] as String - ..name = json['name'] as String ..UUID = json['UUID'] as String ..size = json['size'] as Map ..referenceImage = json['referenceImage']; @@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ Map _$InheritedTriangleToJson(InheritedTriangle instance) => 'bottomRightCorner': instance.bottomRightCorner, 'borderInfo': instance.borderInfo, 'alignment': instance.alignment, + 'name': instance.name, 'color': instance.color, 'originalRef': instance.originalRef, - 'name': instance.name, 'UUID': instance.UUID, 'size': instance.size, 'referenceImage': instance.referenceImage, diff --git a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/injected_align.dart b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/injected_align.dart index 4e974796..b6ad9f27 100644 --- a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/injected_align.dart +++ b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/injected_align.dart @@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ class InjectedAlign extends PBVisualIntermediateNode double alignX; double alignY; - InjectedAlign( - Point topLeftCorner, Point bottomRightCorner, PBContext currentContext) - : super(topLeftCorner, bottomRightCorner, currentContext) { + InjectedAlign(Point topLeftCorner, Point bottomRightCorner, + PBContext currentContext, String name) + : super(topLeftCorner, bottomRightCorner, currentContext, name) { generator = PBAlignGenerator(); } @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ class InjectedAlign extends PBVisualIntermediateNode } // If there's multiple children add a temp group so that layout service lays the children out. if (child != null) { - var temp = TempGroupLayoutNode(null, currentContext); + var temp = TempGroupLayoutNode(null, currentContext, name); temp.addChild(child); temp.addChild(node); child = temp; diff --git a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/injected_container.dart b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/injected_container.dart index 8fe914db..2ac0e727 100644 --- a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/injected_container.dart +++ b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/injected_container.dart @@ -39,12 +39,13 @@ class InjectedContainer extends PBVisualIntermediateNode InjectedContainer( Point bottomRightCorner, Point topLeftCorner, + String name, this.UUID, { this.alignX, this.alignY, this.color, this.currentContext, - }) : super(topLeftCorner, bottomRightCorner, currentContext) { + }) : super(topLeftCorner, bottomRightCorner, currentContext, name) { generator = PBContainerGenerator(); if (currentContext.screenBottomRightCorner == null && @@ -71,7 +72,7 @@ class InjectedContainer extends PBVisualIntermediateNode } // If there's multiple children add a temp group so that layout service lays the children out. if (child != null) { - var temp = TempGroupLayoutNode(null, currentContext); + var temp = TempGroupLayoutNode(null, currentContext, name); temp.addChild(child); temp.addChild(node); child = temp; @@ -84,7 +85,8 @@ class InjectedContainer extends PBVisualIntermediateNode /// alignCenterX/y = ((childCenter - parentCenter) / max) if > 0.5 subtract 0.5 if less than 0.5 multiply times -1 @override void alignChild() { - var align = InjectedAlign(topLeftCorner, bottomRightCorner, currentContext); + var align = + InjectedAlign(topLeftCorner, bottomRightCorner, currentContext, ''); align.addChild(child); align.alignChild(); child = align; diff --git a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/injected_container.g.dart b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/injected_container.g.dart index 5214e43a..8bd1a80a 100644 --- a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/injected_container.g.dart +++ b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/injected_container.g.dart @@ -14,13 +14,13 @@ InjectedContainer _$InjectedContainerFromJson(Map json) { json['topLeftCorner'] == null ? null : Point.fromJson(json['topLeftCorner'] as Map), + json['name'] as String, json['UUID'] as String, alignX: (json['alignX'] as num)?.toDouble(), alignY: (json['alignY'] as num)?.toDouble(), color: json['color'] as String, ) ..subsemantic = json['subsemantic'] as String - ..name = json['name'] as String ..child = json['child'] ..size = json['size'] as Map ..margins = json['margins'] as Map diff --git a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/layouts/column.dart b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/layouts/column.dart index 9f136239..8ecd68d9 100644 --- a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/layouts/column.dart +++ b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/layouts/column.dart @@ -45,12 +45,15 @@ class PBIntermediateColumnLayout extends PBLayoutIntermediateNode { Map alignment = {}; - + @override + @JsonKey(ignore: true) + PrototypeNode prototypeNode; - PBIntermediateColumnLayout({ + PBIntermediateColumnLayout( + String name, { this.currentContext, this.UUID, - }) : super(COLUMN_RULES, COLUMN_EXCEPTIONS, currentContext) { + }) : super(COLUMN_RULES, COLUMN_EXCEPTIONS, currentContext, name) { generator = PBColumnGenerator(); checkCrossAxisAlignment(); } @@ -107,9 +110,9 @@ class PBIntermediateColumnLayout extends PBLayoutIntermediateNode { } @override - PBLayoutIntermediateNode generateLayout( - List children, PBContext currentContext) { - var col = PBIntermediateColumnLayout( + PBLayoutIntermediateNode generateLayout(List children, + PBContext currentContext, String name) { + var col = PBIntermediateColumnLayout(name, currentContext: currentContext, UUID: Uuid().v4()); col.prototypeNode = prototypeNode; children.forEach((child) => col.addChild(child)); diff --git a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/layouts/column.g.dart b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/layouts/column.g.dart index 53ea21ca..513b1acd 100644 --- a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/layouts/column.g.dart +++ b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/layouts/column.g.dart @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ part of 'column.dart'; PBIntermediateColumnLayout _$PBIntermediateColumnLayoutFromJson( Map json) { return PBIntermediateColumnLayout( + json['name'] as String, UUID: json['UUID'] as String, ) ..subsemantic = json['subsemantic'] as String @@ -16,10 +17,6 @@ PBIntermediateColumnLayout _$PBIntermediateColumnLayoutFromJson( ..color = json['color'] as String ..size = json['size'] as Map ..borderInfo = json['borderInfo'] as Map - ..name = json['name'] as String - ..prototypeNode = json['prototypeNode'] == null - ? null - : PrototypeNode.fromJson(json['prototypeNode'] as Map) ..alignment = json['alignment'] as Map; } @@ -32,7 +29,6 @@ Map _$PBIntermediateColumnLayoutToJson( 'size': instance.size, 'borderInfo': instance.borderInfo, 'name': instance.name, - 'prototypeNode': instance.prototypeNode, 'UUID': instance.UUID, 'alignment': instance.alignment, }; diff --git a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/layouts/row.dart b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/layouts/row.dart index 4806773e..3ea6e1ef 100644 --- a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/layouts/row.dart +++ b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/layouts/row.dart @@ -43,8 +43,12 @@ class PBIntermediateRowLayout extends PBLayoutIntermediateNode { @JsonKey(ignore: true) Point bottomRightCorner; - PBIntermediateRowLayout(this.UUID, {this.currentContext}) - : super(ROW_RULES, ROW_EXCEPTIONS, currentContext) { + @override + @JsonKey(ignore: true) + PrototypeNode prototypeNode; + + PBIntermediateRowLayout(String name, this.UUID, {this.currentContext}) + : super(ROW_RULES, ROW_EXCEPTIONS, currentContext, name) { generator = PBRowGenerator(); checkCrossAxisAlignment(); } @@ -97,10 +101,11 @@ class PBIntermediateRowLayout extends PBLayoutIntermediateNode { } } - PBLayoutIntermediateNode generateLayout( - List children, PBContext currentContext) { - var row = - PBIntermediateRowLayout(Uuid().v4(), currentContext: currentContext); + @override + PBLayoutIntermediateNode generateLayout(List children, + PBContext currentContext, String name) { + var row = PBIntermediateRowLayout(name, Uuid().v4(), + currentContext: currentContext); row.prototypeNode = prototypeNode; children.forEach((child) => row.addChild(child)); return row; diff --git a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/layouts/row.g.dart b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/layouts/row.g.dart index 7dd2ea9d..d3275370 100644 --- a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/layouts/row.g.dart +++ b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/layouts/row.g.dart @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ part of 'row.dart'; PBIntermediateRowLayout _$PBIntermediateRowLayoutFromJson( Map json) { return PBIntermediateRowLayout( + json['name'] as String, json['UUID'] as String, ) ..subsemantic = json['subsemantic'] as String @@ -16,10 +17,6 @@ PBIntermediateRowLayout _$PBIntermediateRowLayoutFromJson( ..color = json['color'] as String ..size = json['size'] as Map ..borderInfo = json['borderInfo'] as Map - ..name = json['name'] as String - ..prototypeNode = json['prototypeNode'] == null - ? null - : PrototypeNode.fromJson(json['prototypeNode'] as Map) ..alignment = json['alignment'] as Map; } @@ -32,7 +29,6 @@ Map _$PBIntermediateRowLayoutToJson( 'size': instance.size, 'borderInfo': instance.borderInfo, 'name': instance.name, - 'prototypeNode': instance.prototypeNode, 'UUID': instance.UUID, 'alignment': instance.alignment, }; diff --git a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/layouts/rules/container_constraint_rule.dart b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/layouts/rules/container_constraint_rule.dart index 69b075b6..a35602b9 100644 --- a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/layouts/rules/container_constraint_rule.dart +++ b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/layouts/rules/container_constraint_rule.dart @@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ class ContainerConstraintRule extends PostConditionRule { dynamic executeAction( PBIntermediateNode currentNode, PBIntermediateNode nextNode) { if (testRule(currentNode, nextNode)) { - var container = InjectedContainer( - currentNode.bottomRightCorner, currentNode.topLeftCorner, Uuid().v4(), + var container = InjectedContainer(currentNode.bottomRightCorner, + currentNode.topLeftCorner, Uuid().v4(), '', currentContext: currentNode.currentContext); container.addChild(currentNode); return container; diff --git a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/layouts/stack.dart b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/layouts/stack.dart index 2bac7c48..2a8c64cf 100644 --- a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/layouts/stack.dart +++ b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/layouts/stack.dart @@ -32,8 +32,12 @@ class PBIntermediateStackLayout extends PBLayoutIntermediateNode { Map alignment = {}; - PBIntermediateStackLayout(this.UUID, {this.currentContext}) - : super(STACK_RULES, [], currentContext) { + @override + @JsonKey(ignore: true) + PrototypeNode prototypeNode; + + PBIntermediateStackLayout(String name, this.UUID, {this.currentContext}) + : super(STACK_RULES, [], currentContext, name) { generator = PBStackGenerator(); } @@ -80,11 +84,14 @@ class PBIntermediateStackLayout extends PBLayoutIntermediateNode { } @override - PBLayoutIntermediateNode generateLayout( - List children, PBContext currentContext) { + PBLayoutIntermediateNode generateLayout(List children, + PBContext currentContext, String name) { /// The width of this stack must be the full width of the Scaffold or Artboard. As discussed, at some point we can change this but for now, this makes the most sense. - var stack = - PBIntermediateStackLayout(Uuid().v4(), currentContext: currentContext); + var stack = PBIntermediateStackLayout( + name, + Uuid().v4(), + currentContext: currentContext, + ); stack.prototypeNode = prototypeNode; children.forEach((child) => stack.addChild(child)); return stack; diff --git a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/layouts/stack.g.dart b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/layouts/stack.g.dart index 9d9edd57..17dd6e56 100644 --- a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/layouts/stack.g.dart +++ b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/layouts/stack.g.dart @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ part of 'stack.dart'; PBIntermediateStackLayout _$PBIntermediateStackLayoutFromJson( Map json) { return PBIntermediateStackLayout( + json['name'] as String, json['UUID'] as String, ) ..subsemantic = json['subsemantic'] as String @@ -16,10 +17,6 @@ PBIntermediateStackLayout _$PBIntermediateStackLayoutFromJson( ..color = json['color'] as String ..size = json['size'] as Map ..borderInfo = json['borderInfo'] as Map - ..name = json['name'] as String - ..prototypeNode = json['prototypeNode'] == null - ? null - : PrototypeNode.fromJson(json['prototypeNode'] as Map) ..topLeftCorner = json['topLeftCorner'] == null ? null : Point.fromJson(json['topLeftCorner'] as Map) @@ -38,7 +35,6 @@ Map _$PBIntermediateStackLayoutToJson( 'size': instance.size, 'borderInfo': instance.borderInfo, 'name': instance.name, - 'prototypeNode': instance.prototypeNode, 'UUID': instance.UUID, 'topLeftCorner': instance.topLeftCorner, 'bottomRightCorner': instance.bottomRightCorner, diff --git a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/layouts/temp_group_layout_node.dart b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/layouts/temp_group_layout_node.dart index 1269caea..158c4b4c 100644 --- a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/layouts/temp_group_layout_node.dart +++ b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/layouts/temp_group_layout_node.dart @@ -15,9 +15,9 @@ class TempGroupLayoutNode extends PBLayoutIntermediateNode @override String get UUID => originalRef.UUID; - TempGroupLayoutNode(this.originalRef, PBContext currentContext, + TempGroupLayoutNode(this.originalRef, PBContext currentContext, String name, {topLeftCorner, bottomRightCorner}) - : super([], [], currentContext) { + : super([], [], currentContext, name) { if (originalRef is DesignNode && originalRef.prototypeNodeUUID != null) { prototypeNode = PrototypeNode(originalRef?.prototypeNodeUUID); } @@ -37,17 +37,17 @@ class TempGroupLayoutNode extends PBLayoutIntermediateNode } @override - PBLayoutIntermediateNode generateLayout( - List children, PBContext currentContext) { - assert( - false, 'Attempted to generateLayout for class type [${runtimeType}]'); + bool satisfyRules( + PBIntermediateNode currentNode, PBIntermediateNode nextNode) { + assert(false, 'Attempted to satisfyRules for class type [${runtimeType}]'); return null; } @override - bool satisfyRules( - PBIntermediateNode currentNode, PBIntermediateNode nextNode) { - assert(false, 'Attempted to satisfyRules for class type [${runtimeType}]'); + PBLayoutIntermediateNode generateLayout(List children, + PBContext currentContext, String name) { + assert( + false, 'Attempted to generateLayout for class type [${runtimeType}]'); return null; } } diff --git a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/pb_deny_list_node.dart b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/pb_deny_list_node.dart index ca45061d..c720afe0 100644 --- a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/pb_deny_list_node.dart +++ b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/pb_deny_list_node.dart @@ -5,11 +5,16 @@ import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/value_objects/point.dart'; /// A node that should not be converted to intermediate. class PBDenyListNode extends PBIntermediateNode { final String UUID; - PBDenyListNode( - Point topLeftCorner, Point bottomRightCorner, PBContext currentContext, + PBDenyListNode(Point topLeftCorner, Point bottomRightCorner, + PBContext currentContext, String name, {this.UUID}) - : super(topLeftCorner, bottomRightCorner, UUID, - currentContext: currentContext); + : super( + topLeftCorner, + bottomRightCorner, + UUID, + name, + currentContext: currentContext, + ); @override void addChild(PBIntermediateNode node) { diff --git a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/pb_shared_instance.dart b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/pb_shared_instance.dart index 15ca8dbb..b1143f19 100644 --- a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/pb_shared_instance.dart +++ b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/pb_shared_instance.dart @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/design_node.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/generation/generators/symbols/pb_instancesym_gen.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/generation/prototyping/pb_prototype_node.dart'; -import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/layers/symbol_instance.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/entities/interfaces/pb_inherited_intermediate.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/entities/subclasses/pb_intermediate_node.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/helpers/pb_context.dart'; @@ -32,7 +31,7 @@ class PBSharedInstanceIntermediateNode extends PBIntermediateNode bool foundMaster = false; @override - SymbolInstance originalRef; + var originalRef; @override @JsonKey(ignore: true) @@ -59,7 +58,8 @@ class PBSharedInstanceIntermediateNode extends PBIntermediateNode originalRef.boundaryRectangle.width), (originalRef.boundaryRectangle.y + originalRef.boundaryRectangle.height)), - originalRef.do_objectID, + originalRef.UUID, + originalRef.name, currentContext: currentContext, ) { if (originalRef is DesignNode && originalRef.prototypeNodeUUID != null) { @@ -67,11 +67,10 @@ class PBSharedInstanceIntermediateNode extends PBIntermediateNode } generator = PBSymbolInstanceGenerator(); - UUID = originalRef.do_objectID; + UUID = originalRef.UUID; overrideValues = sharedParamValues - .map((v) => - PBSymbolInstanceOverridableValue(v.do_objectId, v.value, v.type)) + .map((v) => PBSymbolInstanceOverridableValue(v.UUID, v.value, v.type)) .toList() ..removeWhere((v) => v == null || v.value == null); } @@ -93,8 +92,8 @@ class PBSharedParameterValue { final dynamic _value; dynamic get value => _value; - final String _do_objectId; - String get do_objectId => _do_objectId; + final String _UUID; + String get UUID => _UUID; - PBSharedParameterValue(this._type, this._value, this._do_objectId); + PBSharedParameterValue(this._type, this._value, this._UUID); } diff --git a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/pb_shared_instance.g.dart b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/pb_shared_instance.g.dart index 8e692bba..99563acb 100644 --- a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/pb_shared_instance.g.dart +++ b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/pb_shared_instance.g.dart @@ -9,9 +9,7 @@ part of 'pb_shared_instance.dart'; PBSharedInstanceIntermediateNode _$PBSharedInstanceIntermediateNodeFromJson( Map json) { return PBSharedInstanceIntermediateNode( - json['originalRef'] == null - ? null - : SymbolInstance.fromJson(json['originalRef'] as Map), + json['originalRef'], json['SYMBOL_ID'] as String, topLeftCorner: json['topLeftCorner'] == null ? null diff --git a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/pb_shared_master_node.dart b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/pb_shared_master_node.dart index fbdf2d09..d09b9b0c 100644 --- a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/pb_shared_master_node.dart +++ b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/pb_shared_master_node.dart @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/design_node.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/generation/generators/symbols/pb_mastersym_gen.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/generation/prototyping/pb_prototype_node.dart'; -import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/layers/symbol_master.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/entities/interfaces/pb_inherited_intermediate.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/entities/layouts/temp_group_layout_node.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/entities/subclasses/pb_intermediate_node.dart'; @@ -22,7 +21,7 @@ class PBSharedMasterNode extends PBVisualIntermediateNode String UUID; @override - final SymbolMaster originalRef; + final originalRef; @override @JsonKey(ignore: true) @@ -45,11 +44,11 @@ class PBSharedMasterNode extends PBVisualIntermediateNode ///The children that makes the UI of the [PBSharedMasterNode]. The children are going to be wrapped ///using a [TempGroupLayoutNode] as the root Node. set children(List children) { - child ??= TempGroupLayoutNode(originalRef, currentContext); + child ??= TempGroupLayoutNode(originalRef, currentContext, name); if (child is PBLayoutIntermediateNode) { children.forEach((element) => child.addChild(element)); } else { - child = TempGroupLayoutNode(originalRef, currentContext) + child = TempGroupLayoutNode(originalRef, currentContext, name) ..replaceChildren([child, ...children]); } } @@ -66,11 +65,11 @@ class PBSharedMasterNode extends PBVisualIntermediateNode Point bottomRightCorner, { this.overridableProperties, this.currentContext, - }) : super(topLeftCorner, bottomRightCorner, currentContext) { + }) : super(topLeftCorner, bottomRightCorner, currentContext, name) { if (originalRef is DesignNode && originalRef.prototypeNodeUUID != null) { prototypeNode = PrototypeNode(originalRef?.prototypeNodeUUID); } - UUID = originalRef.do_objectID; + UUID = originalRef.UUID; generator = PBMasterSymbolGenerator(); @@ -83,7 +82,7 @@ class PBSharedMasterNode extends PBVisualIntermediateNode parametersDefinition = overridableProperties .map((p) => PBSymbolMasterParameter( p.type, - p.do_objectId, + p.UUID, p.canOverride, p.propertyName, p.value?.toJson(), @@ -121,9 +120,9 @@ class PBSharedParameterProp { final String _propertyName; String get propertyName => _propertyName; - final String _do_objectId; - String get do_objectId => _do_objectId; + final String _UUID; + String get UUID => _UUID; PBSharedParameterProp(this._type, this.value, this._canOverride, - this._propertyName, this._do_objectId); + this._propertyName, this._UUID); } diff --git a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/pb_shared_master_node.g.dart b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/pb_shared_master_node.g.dart index 2804ed41..65c7102f 100644 --- a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/pb_shared_master_node.g.dart +++ b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/pb_shared_master_node.g.dart @@ -8,9 +8,7 @@ part of 'pb_shared_master_node.dart'; PBSharedMasterNode _$PBSharedMasterNodeFromJson(Map json) { return PBSharedMasterNode( - json['originalRef'] == null - ? null - : SymbolMaster.fromJson(json['originalRef'] as Map), + json['originalRef'], json['SYMBOL_ID'] as String, json['name'] as String, json['topLeftCorner'] == null diff --git a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/plugins/plugin_container.dart b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/plugins/plugin_container.dart index 107720ca..cb91ce2d 100644 --- a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/plugins/plugin_container.dart +++ b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/plugins/plugin_container.dart @@ -55,7 +55,8 @@ class PluginContainer extends PBVisualIntermediateNode implements PBEgg { this.alignY, this.color, this.currentContext, - }) : super(topLeftCorner, bottomRightCorner, currentContext) { + String name, + }) : super(topLeftCorner, bottomRightCorner, currentContext, name) { generator = PBContainerGenerator(); size = { 'width': (bottomRightCorner.x - topLeftCorner.x).abs(), @@ -74,7 +75,7 @@ class PluginContainer extends PBVisualIntermediateNode implements PBEgg { } // If there's multiple children add a temp group so that layout service lays the children out. if (child != null) { - var temp = TempGroupLayoutNode(null, currentContext); + var temp = TempGroupLayoutNode(null, currentContext, name); temp.addChild(child); temp.addChild(node); child = temp; @@ -97,7 +98,8 @@ class PluginContainer extends PBVisualIntermediateNode implements PBEgg { @override void alignChild() { - var align = InjectedAlign(topLeftCorner, bottomRightCorner, currentContext); + var align = + InjectedAlign(topLeftCorner, bottomRightCorner, currentContext, ''); align.addChild(child); align.alignChild(); child = align; diff --git a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/plugins/plugin_container.g.dart b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/plugins/plugin_container.g.dart index ce7f06a1..8bec9271 100644 --- a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/plugins/plugin_container.g.dart +++ b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/plugins/plugin_container.g.dart @@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ PluginContainer _$PluginContainerFromJson(Map json) { alignX: (json['alignX'] as num)?.toDouble(), alignY: (json['alignY'] as num)?.toDouble(), color: json['color'] as String, + name: json['name'] as String, ) - ..name = json['name'] as String ..semanticName = json['semanticName'] as String ..subsemantic = json['subsemantic'] as String ..child = json['child'] diff --git a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/subclasses/pb_intermediate_node.dart b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/subclasses/pb_intermediate_node.dart index adaf2e0d..4cbf7196 100644 --- a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/subclasses/pb_intermediate_node.dart +++ b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/subclasses/pb_intermediate_node.dart @@ -36,12 +36,8 @@ abstract class PBIntermediateNode { String name; PBIntermediateNode( - this.topLeftCorner, - this.bottomRightCorner, - this.UUID, { - this.currentContext, - this.subsemantic, - }) { + this.topLeftCorner, this.bottomRightCorner, this.UUID, this.name, + {this.currentContext, this.subsemantic}) { if (topLeftCorner != null && bottomRightCorner != null) { assert(topLeftCorner.x <= bottomRightCorner.x && topLeftCorner.y <= bottomRightCorner.y); diff --git a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/subclasses/pb_layout_intermediate_node.dart b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/subclasses/pb_layout_intermediate_node.dart index fc4b7f49..b265892c 100644 --- a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/subclasses/pb_layout_intermediate_node.dart +++ b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/subclasses/pb_layout_intermediate_node.dart @@ -34,10 +34,10 @@ abstract class PBLayoutIntermediateNode extends PBIntermediateNode PrototypeNode prototypeNode; /// - PBLayoutIntermediateNode( - this._layoutRules, this._exceptions, PBContext currentContext, + PBLayoutIntermediateNode(this._layoutRules, this._exceptions, + PBContext currentContext, String name, {topLeftCorner, bottomRightCorner, this.UUID, this.prototypeNode}) - : super(topLeftCorner, bottomRightCorner, UUID, + : super(topLeftCorner, bottomRightCorner, UUID, name, currentContext: currentContext); void alignChildren(); @@ -118,5 +118,5 @@ abstract class PBLayoutIntermediateNode extends PBIntermediateNode ///NOTE: make sure that the children that are going to be added satisfy the reles of the [PBLayoutIntermediateNode] PBLayoutIntermediateNode generateLayout( - List children, PBContext currentContext); + List children, PBContext currentContext, String name); } diff --git a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/subclasses/pb_visual_intermediate_node.dart b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/subclasses/pb_visual_intermediate_node.dart index b1ec393f..4da8e40d 100644 --- a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/subclasses/pb_visual_intermediate_node.dart +++ b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/entities/subclasses/pb_visual_intermediate_node.dart @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ abstract class PBVisualIntermediateNode extends PBIntermediateNode { final String UUID; - PBVisualIntermediateNode( - Point topLeftCorner, Point bottomRightCorner, PBContext currentContext, - {this.UUID}) - : super(topLeftCorner, bottomRightCorner, UUID, + PBVisualIntermediateNode(Point topLeftCorner, Point bottomRightCorner, + PBContext currentContext, String name, {this.UUID}) + : super(topLeftCorner, bottomRightCorner, UUID, name, currentContext: currentContext); void alignChild(); diff --git a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/helpers/node_tuple.dart b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/helpers/node_tuple.dart index 386c1321..b52563aa 100644 --- a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/helpers/node_tuple.dart +++ b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/helpers/node_tuple.dart @@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/entities/subclasses/pb_inte /// A simple child Sketch Node & Converted Parent Node holder. (Tuple) class NodeTuple { /// Child Sketch Node - DesignNode sketchNode; + DesignNode designNode; /// Parent Intermediate node where `sketchNode.interpretNode()` should be assigned as a child. PBIntermediateNode convertedParent; /// Constructor for NodeTuple. - NodeTuple(this.sketchNode, this.convertedParent); + NodeTuple(this.designNode, this.convertedParent); } diff --git a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/helpers/pb_deny_list_helper.dart b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/helpers/pb_deny_list_helper.dart index cf14be1a..22244f5f 100644 --- a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/helpers/pb_deny_list_helper.dart +++ b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/helpers/pb_deny_list_helper.dart @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ class PBDenyListHelper { PBDenyListNode returnDenyListNodeIfExist(DesignNode node) { if (isInDenyListDirect(node)) { - return PBDenyListNode(Point(0, 0), Point(0, 0), null); + return PBDenyListNode(Point(0, 0), Point(0, 0), null, ''); } else { return null; } diff --git a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/helpers/pb_plugin_list_helper.dart b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/helpers/pb_plugin_list_helper.dart index e64eee12..8a63bd31 100644 --- a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/helpers/pb_plugin_list_helper.dart +++ b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/helpers/pb_plugin_list_helper.dart @@ -13,11 +13,11 @@ class PBPluginListHelper { static final PBPluginListHelper _instance = PBPluginListHelper._internal(); void initPlugins(PBContext context) { allowListNames = { - '.*tabbar': InjectedTabBar(Point(0, 0), Point(0, 0), Uuid().v4(), + '.*tabbar': InjectedTabBar(Point(0, 0), Point(0, 0), Uuid().v4(), '', currentContext: context), - '.*navbar': InjectedNavbar(Point(0, 0), Point(0, 0), Uuid().v4(), + '.*navbar': InjectedNavbar(Point(0, 0), Point(0, 0), Uuid().v4(), '', currentContext: context), - '.*tab': Tab(Point(0, 0), Point(0, 0), + '.*tab': Tab(Point(0, 0), Point(0, 0), '', currentContext: context, UUID: Uuid().v4()), }; } @@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ class PBPluginListHelper { /// List of static plugin names used for Amplitude static List names = [ - '.*switch', '.*background', '.*navbar', '.*tabbar', diff --git a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/services/pb_layout_generation_service.dart b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/services/pb_layout_generation_service.dart index 7954a434..9fbd41b2 100644 --- a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/services/pb_layout_generation_service.dart +++ b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/services/pb_layout_generation_service.dart @@ -37,10 +37,13 @@ class PBLayoutGenerationService implements PBGenerationService { PBLayoutGenerationService({this.currentContext}) { Map layoutHandlers = { 'column': PBIntermediateColumnLayout( - currentContext: currentContext, UUID: Uuid().v4()), - 'row': - PBIntermediateRowLayout(Uuid().v4(), currentContext: currentContext), - 'stack': PBIntermediateStackLayout(Uuid().v4(), + '', + currentContext: currentContext, + UUID: Uuid().v4(), + ), + 'row': PBIntermediateRowLayout('', Uuid().v4(), + currentContext: currentContext), + 'stack': PBIntermediateStackLayout('', Uuid().v4(), currentContext: currentContext), }; @@ -94,8 +97,12 @@ class PBLayoutGenerationService implements PBGenerationService { return rootNode.children[0]; } var replacementNode = InjectedContainer( - rootNode.bottomRightCorner, rootNode.topLeftCorner, Uuid().v4(), - currentContext: currentContext); + rootNode.bottomRightCorner, + rootNode.topLeftCorner, + Uuid().v4(), + '', + currentContext: currentContext, + ); replacementNode.prototypeNode = prototypeNode; replacementNode.addChild(rootNode.children.first); return replacementNode; @@ -135,7 +142,7 @@ class PBLayoutGenerationService implements PBGenerationService { children = _arrangeChildren(group); rootLayout = children.length == 1 ? children[0] - : defaultLayout.generateLayout(children, currentContext); + : defaultLayout.generateLayout(children, currentContext, group.name); return rootLayout; } @@ -165,8 +172,10 @@ class PBLayoutGenerationService implements PBGenerationService { .replaceChildren(_arrangeChildren(nextNode)); generatedLayout = nextNode; } - generatedLayout ??= - layout.generateLayout([currentNode, nextNode], currentContext); + + /// Generated / Injected Layouts can have no names because they don't derive from a group, which means they would also not end up being a misc. node. + generatedLayout ??= layout + .generateLayout([currentNode, nextNode], currentContext, ''); children .replaceRange(childPointer, childPointer + 2, [generatedLayout]); childPointer = 0; diff --git a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/services/pb_shared_aggregation_service.dart b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/services/pb_shared_aggregation_service.dart index db7fea27..4bbffb12 100644 --- a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/services/pb_shared_aggregation_service.dart +++ b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/services/pb_shared_aggregation_service.dart @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ class PBSharedInterAggregationService { PBSharedMasterNode sharedMasterNode, PBIntermediateNode rootChildNode) { for (var prop in sharedMasterNode.overridableProperties) { prop.value = PBIntermediateNodeSearcherService.searchNodeByUUID( - rootChildNode, prop?.do_objectId); + rootChildNode, prop?.UUID); if (prop.type == PBSharedInstanceIntermediateNode) { ///if the [PBSharedMasterNode] contains [PBSharedInstanceIntermediateNode] as parameters ///then its going gather the information of its [PBSharedMasterNode]. @@ -84,9 +84,9 @@ class PBSharedInterAggregationService { instanceIntermediateNode.sharedParamValues = instanceIntermediateNode.sharedParamValues.map((v) { for (var symParam in masterNode.overridableProperties) { - if (symParam.do_objectId == v.do_objectId) { + if (symParam.UUID == v.UUID) { return PBSharedParameterValue( - symParam.type, v.value, symParam.do_objectId); + symParam.type, v.value, symParam.UUID); } } return null; diff --git a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/services/pb_visual_generation_service.dart b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/services/pb_visual_generation_service.dart index 72b58d70..84c03261 100644 --- a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/services/pb_visual_generation_service.dart +++ b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/services/pb_visual_generation_service.dart @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/design_node.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/group_node.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/pb_shared_instance_design_node.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/design_logic/pb_shared_master_node.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/generation/prototyping/pb_dest_holder.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/generation/prototyping/pb_prototype_node.dart'; -import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/entities/layers/abstract_group_layer.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/services/positional_cleansing_service.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/entities/pb_deny_list_node.dart'; -import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/entities/pb_shared_instance.dart'; -import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/entities/pb_shared_master_node.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/entities/subclasses/pb_intermediate_node.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/helpers/node_tuple.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/interpret_and_optimize/helpers/pb_context.dart'; @@ -46,23 +46,26 @@ class PBVisualGenerationService implements PBGenerationService { queue.add(NodeTuple(originalRoot, null)); while (queue.isNotEmpty) { var currentNode = queue.removeAt(0); - if (currentNode.sketchNode.isVisible) { - PBIntermediateNode result, original; + + if (currentNode.designNode.isVisible) { + PBIntermediateNode result; // Check semantics result = PBDenyListHelper() - .returnDenyListNodeIfExist(currentNode.sketchNode); + .returnDenyListNodeIfExist(currentNode.designNode); if (result is PBDenyListNode) { } else { result = PBPluginListHelper() - .returnAllowListNodeIfExists(currentNode.sketchNode); + .returnAllowListNodeIfExists(currentNode.designNode); + // Generate general intermediate node if still null. // needs to be assigned to [original], because [symbolMaster] needs to be registered to SymbolMaster - original = await currentNode.sketchNode.interpretNode(currentContext); + if (result == null || - original is PBSharedInstanceIntermediateNode || - original is PBSharedMasterNode) { - result = original; + currentNode.designNode is PBSharedInstanceDesignNode || + currentNode.designNode is PBSharedMasterDesignNode) { + result = await currentNode.designNode.interpretNode(currentContext); } + if (currentNode.convertedParent != null) { _addToParent(currentNode.convertedParent, result); } @@ -72,12 +75,11 @@ class PBVisualGenerationService implements PBGenerationService { if (result != null) { // Add next depth to queue. - if (currentNode.sketchNode is AbstractGroupLayer && - (currentNode.sketchNode as AbstractGroupLayer) - .layers - .isNotEmpty) { + if (currentNode.designNode is GroupNode && + (currentNode.designNode as GroupNode).children != null && + (currentNode.designNode as GroupNode).children.isNotEmpty) { for (var child - in (currentNode.sketchNode as AbstractGroupLayer).layers) { + in (currentNode.designNode as GroupNode).children) { queue.add(NodeTuple(child, result)); } } diff --git a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/value_objects/pb_symbol_instance_overridable_value.dart b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/value_objects/pb_symbol_instance_overridable_value.dart index 2d3214d4..33979995 100644 --- a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/value_objects/pb_symbol_instance_overridable_value.dart +++ b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/value_objects/pb_symbol_instance_overridable_value.dart @@ -6,10 +6,11 @@ part 'pb_symbol_instance_overridable_value.g.dart'; class PBSymbolInstanceOverridableValue { @JsonKey(toJson: _typeToJson, fromJson: _typeFromJson) final Type type; - final String do_objectId; + @JsonKey(name: 'do_objectID') + final String UUID; final dynamic value; - PBSymbolInstanceOverridableValue(this.do_objectId, this.value, this.type); + PBSymbolInstanceOverridableValue(this.UUID, this.value, this.type); static String _typeToJson(type) { return {'Type': type.toString()}.toString(); diff --git a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/value_objects/pb_symbol_instance_overridable_value.g.dart b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/value_objects/pb_symbol_instance_overridable_value.g.dart index e179611d..77032597 100644 --- a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/value_objects/pb_symbol_instance_overridable_value.g.dart +++ b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/value_objects/pb_symbol_instance_overridable_value.g.dart @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ part of 'pb_symbol_instance_overridable_value.dart'; PBSymbolInstanceOverridableValue _$PBSymbolInstanceOverridableValueFromJson( Map json) { return PBSymbolInstanceOverridableValue( - json['do_objectId'] as String, + json['do_objectID'] as String, json['value'], PBSymbolInstanceOverridableValue._typeFromJson(json['type']), ); @@ -19,6 +19,6 @@ Map _$PBSymbolInstanceOverridableValueToJson( PBSymbolInstanceOverridableValue instance) => { 'type': PBSymbolInstanceOverridableValue._typeToJson(instance.type), - 'do_objectId': instance.do_objectId, + 'do_objectID': instance.UUID, 'value': instance.value, }; diff --git a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/value_objects/pb_symbol_master_params.dart b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/value_objects/pb_symbol_master_params.dart index 72b97acc..65602d83 100644 --- a/lib/interpret_and_optimize/value_objects/pb_symbol_master_params.dart +++ b/lib/interpret_and_optimize/value_objects/pb_symbol_master_params.dart @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ class PBSymbolMasterParameter extends PBVisualIntermediateNode this.bottomRightX, this.bottomRightY, {this.context}) - : super(Point(0, 0), Point(0, 0), context); + : super(Point(0, 0), Point(0, 0), context, propertyName); static String _typeToJson(type) { return type.toString(); diff --git a/lib/main.dart b/lib/main.dart index b0d57f73..debeab81 100644 --- a/lib/main.dart +++ b/lib/main.dart @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:io'; - +import 'package:parabeac_core/APICaller/api_call_service.dart'; +import 'package:parabeac_core/controllers/figma_controller.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/controllers/main_info.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/controllers/sketch_controller.dart'; import 'package:parabeac_core/input/sketch/services/input_design.dart'; @@ -9,88 +10,123 @@ import 'package:quick_log/quick_log.dart'; import 'package:sentry/sentry.dart'; import 'package:uuid/uuid.dart'; import 'package:http/http.dart' as http; +import 'package:args/args.dart'; import 'controllers/main_info.dart'; -String pathToSketchFile; String resultsDirectory = Platform.environment['SENTRY_DSN'] ?? '/temp'; final SentryClient sentry = SentryClient(dsn: resultsDirectory); +ArgResults argResults; void main(List args) async { await checkConfigFile(); + //Sentry logging initialization MainInfo().sentry = SentryClient(dsn: resultsDirectory); var log = Logger('Main'); - log.info(args.toString()); MainInfo().cwd = Directory.current; - var path = ''; - var projectName = ''; - var designType = 'sketch'; - final _helpText = "Usage Options: \n" + - "-p \t Path to the sketch File \n" + - "-o \t Output Path\n" + - "-n \t Name of the project\n" + - "-c \t Path of the configuration file\n"; - - //Check if no args passed or only -h passed - //If arguments is empty or only has -h - if (args.length == 0 || args[0] == '-h') { - print(_helpText); - return; + ///sets up parser + final parser = ArgParser() + ..addOption('path', + help: 'Path to the design file', valueHelp: 'path', abbr: 'p') + ..addOption('out', help: 'The output path', valueHelp: 'path', abbr: 'o') + ..addOption('project-name', + help: 'The name of the project', abbr: 'n', defaultsTo: 'temp') + ..addOption('config-path', + help: 'Path of the configuration file', + abbr: 'c', + defaultsTo: 'default:lib/configurations/configurations.json') + ..addOption('fig', help: 'The ID of the figma file', abbr: 'f') + ..addOption('figKey', help: 'Your personal API Key', abbr: 'k') + ..addFlag('help', + help: 'Displays this help information.', abbr: 'h', negatable: false); + +//error handler using logger package + void handleError(String msg) { + log.error(msg); + exitCode = 2; + exit(2); } - var configurationPath = 'lib/configurations/configurations.json'; + + argResults = parser.parse(args); + + //Check if no args passed or only -h/--help passed + if (argResults['help'] || argResults.arguments.isEmpty) { + print(''' + ** PARABEAC HELP ** +${parser.usage} + '''); + exit(0); + } + + if (Platform.isMacOS || Platform.isLinux) { + MainInfo().platform = 'UIX'; + } else if (Platform.isWindows) { + MainInfo().platform = 'WIN'; + } else { + MainInfo().platform = 'OTH'; + } + + String path = argResults['path']; + + MainInfo().figmaKey = argResults['figKey']; + MainInfo().figmaProjectID = argResults['fig']; + + var designType = 'sketch'; + + var configurationPath = argResults['config-path']; var configurationType = 'default'; - for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i += 2) { - switch (args[i]) { - case '-p': - path = args[i + 1]; - pathToSketchFile = path; - MainInfo().sketchPath = pathToSketchFile; - // If outputPath is empty, assume we are outputting to sketch path - MainInfo().outputPath ??= getCleanPath(path); - if (pathToSketchFile.endsWith('.sketch')) { - designType = 'sketch'; - } else if (pathToSketchFile.endsWith('.fig')) { - designType = 'figma'; - } - break; - case '-o': - MainInfo().outputPath = args[i + 1]; - break; - case '-n': - projectName = args[i + 1]; - break; - // usage -c "default:lib/configurations/configurations.json - case '-c': - var configSet = args[i + 1].split(':'); - if (configSet.isNotEmpty) { - configurationType = configSet[0]; - } - if (configSet.length >= 2) { - // handle configurations - configurationPath = configSet[1]; - } - break; - } + String projectName = argResults['project-name']; + + // Handle input errors + if (path == null && + (MainInfo().figmaKey == null || MainInfo().figmaProjectID == null)) { + handleError( + 'Missing required argument: path to Sketch file or both Figma Key and Project ID.'); + } else if (path != null && + (MainInfo().figmaKey != null || MainInfo().figmaProjectID != null)) { + handleError( + 'Too many arguments: Please provide either the path to Sketch file or the Figma File ID and API Key'); + } else if (path == null) { + designType = 'figma'; } - if (!MainInfo().outputPath.endsWith('/')) { - MainInfo().outputPath += '/'; + // usage -c "default:lib/configurations/configurations.json + var configSet = configurationPath.split(':'); + if (configSet.isNotEmpty) { + configurationType = configSet[0]; + } + if (configSet.length >= 2) { + // handle configurations + configurationPath = configSet[1]; } - if (projectName.isEmpty) { - projectName = 'temp'; + // Populate `MainInfo()` + MainInfo().outputPath = argResults['out']; + // If outputPath is empty, assume we are outputting to design file path + MainInfo().outputPath ??= await getCleanPath(path ?? Directory.current.path); + if (!MainInfo().outputPath.endsWith('/')) { + MainInfo().outputPath += '/'; } MainInfo().projectName = projectName; - // Input - var id = InputDesignService(path); + // Create pngs directory + await Directory('${MainInfo().outputPath}pngs').create(recursive: true); if (designType == 'sketch') { + var file = await FileSystemEntity.isFile(path); + var exists = await File(path).exists(); + + if (!file || !exists) { + handleError('$path is not a file'); + } + MainInfo().sketchPath = path; + InputDesignService(path); + var process = await Process.start('npm', ['run', 'prod'], workingDirectory: MainInfo().cwd.path + '/SketchAssetConverter'); @@ -101,10 +137,8 @@ void main(List args) async { } } - //Retrieving the Sketch PNGs from the design file - await Directory('${MainInfo().outputPath}pngs').create(recursive: true); - await SketchController().convertSketchFile( - pathToSketchFile, + await SketchController().convertFile( + path, MainInfo().outputPath + projectName, configurationPath, configurationType); @@ -112,8 +146,29 @@ void main(List args) async { } else if (designType == 'xd') { assert(false, 'We don\'t support Adobe XD.'); } else if (designType == 'figma') { - assert(false, 'We don\'t support Figma.'); + if (MainInfo().figmaKey == null || MainInfo().figmaKey.isEmpty) { + assert(false, 'Please provided a Figma API key to proceed.'); + } + if (MainInfo().figmaProjectID == null || + MainInfo().figmaProjectID.isEmpty) { + assert(false, 'Please provided a Figma project ID to proceed.'); + } + var jsonOfFigma = await APICallService.makeAPICall( + 'https://api.figma.com/v1/files/${MainInfo().figmaProjectID}', + MainInfo().figmaKey); + + if (jsonOfFigma != null) { + // Starts Figma to Object + FigmaController().convertFile( + jsonOfFigma, + MainInfo().outputPath + projectName, + configurationPath, + configurationType); + } else { + log.error('File was not retrieved from Figma.'); + } } + exitCode = 0; } /// Checks whether a configuration file is made already, @@ -174,11 +229,17 @@ void addToAmplitude() async { ); } -String getCleanPath(String path) { +Future getCleanPath(String path) async { + if (path == null || path.isEmpty) { + return ''; + } var list = path.split('/'); + if (!await Directory(path).exists()) { + list.removeLast(); + } var result = ''; - for (int i = 0; i < list.length - 1; i++) { - result += list[i] + '/'; + for (var dir in list) { + result += dir + '/'; } return result; } diff --git a/parabeac.dart b/parabeac.dart index 238dfcc1..d47a9871 100644 --- a/parabeac.dart +++ b/parabeac.dart @@ -1,44 +1,86 @@ import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:io'; +import 'dart:io' as io; +import 'package:args/args.dart'; +ArgResults argResults; + +// ignore: always_declare_return_types main(List args) async { - List arguments = ['lib/main.dart']; - final helpText = "Usage Options: \n" + "-url \n" + "-key \n" + "-Skey"; - var url = ''; - var key = ''; - var sKey = ''; - //If arguments is empty or only has -h - if (args.length == 0 || args[0] == '-h') { - print(helpText); + var arguments = ['lib/main.dart']; + + //sets up parser + //wil set the hide option for help flag to true to + //prevent the help usage from being printed twice in console + final parser = ArgParser() + ..addOption('path', + help: 'Path to the design file', valueHelp: 'path', abbr: 'p') + ..addOption('out', help: 'The output path', valueHelp: 'path', abbr: 'o') + ..addOption('project-name', + help: 'The name of the project', abbr: 'n', defaultsTo: 'temp') + ..addOption('config-path', + help: 'Path of the configuration file', + abbr: 'c', + defaultsTo: 'default:lib/configurations/configurations.json') + ..addFlag('help', + help: 'Displays this help information.', abbr: 'h', negatable: false) + ..addOption('url', + help: 'S3 bucket link to download and install Parabeac Eggs', abbr: 'u') + ..addOption('key', help: 'key for S3 bucket account', abbr: 'e') + ..addOption('fig', help: 'The ID of the figma file', abbr: 'f') + ..addOption('figKey', help: 'Your personal API Key', abbr: 'k') + ..addOption('secret-key', help: 'S3 secret key', abbr: 's'); + + argResults = parser.parse(args); + + //Check if no args passed or only -h/--help passed + //stops the program after printing the help for both the + //main parabeac arguments and the the parabeac egg arguments + if (argResults['help'] || argResults.arguments.isEmpty) { + print(''' +Common commands: + +${parser.usage} + '''); + exit(0); + } + + var url = argResults['url']; + var key = argResults['key']; + var sKey = argResults['secret-key']; + var isSketchInput = satisfiesParams(argResults.arguments, [ + ['-p', '--path'] + ]); + var isFigmaInput = satisfiesParams(argResults.arguments, [ + ['-k', '--figKey'], + ['-f', '--fig'] + ]); + if (isSketchInput || isFigmaInput) { + arguments.addAll(argResults.arguments); + } + String _basePath; + String _os; + + if (io.Platform.isMacOS || io.Platform.isLinux) { + _os = 'UIX'; + } else if (io.Platform.isWindows) { + _os = 'WIN'; } else { - for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i += 2) { - switch (args[i]) { - case '-url': - url = args[i + 1]; - break; - case '-key': - key = args[i + 1]; - break; - case '-Skey': - sKey = args[i + 1]; - break; - default: - arguments.addAll([args[i], args[i + 1]]); - break; - } - } + _os = 'OTH'; } + _basePath = io.Directory.current.path; + /// To install parabeac core var install = Process.start( 'bash', [ '${Directory.current.path}/pb-scripts/install.sh', ], - ).then((process){ + ).then((process) { stdout.addStream(process.stdout); process.exitCode.then((exitCode) { - if(exitCode!=0) { + if (exitCode != 0) { print('exit code: $exitCode'); } }); @@ -75,3 +117,8 @@ main(List args) async { print(event); } } + +/// Checks if `args` satisfies the required arguments, `reqArgs`. +bool satisfiesParams(List args, List reqArgs) { + return reqArgs.every((reqArgList) => reqArgList.any(args.contains)); +} diff --git a/pubspec.yaml b/pubspec.yaml index 3deea9d7..27aa67ca 100644 --- a/pubspec.yaml +++ b/pubspec.yaml @@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ dependencies: uuid: ^2.1.0 quick_log: ^1.1.3 sentry: ">=3.0.0 <4.0.0" + http2: ^1.0.1 recase: "^3.0.0" # path: ^1.6.0 @@ -24,3 +25,5 @@ dev_dependencies: pedantic: ^1.8.0 test: ^1.6.0 build_config: ^0.4.2 +# dependency_overrides: +# analyzer: '0.39.14' \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tempJson.json b/tempJson.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..87ae70e1 --- /dev/null +++ b/tempJson.json @@ -0,0 +1,34552 @@ +{ + "document": { + "id": "0:0", + "name": "Document", + "type": "DOCUMENT", + "children": [ + { + "id": "0:1", + "name": "Symbols", + "type": "CANVAS", + "children": [ + { + "id": "0:502", + "name": "External Symbols", + "visible": false, + "type": "GROUP", + "blendMode": "PASS_THROUGH", + "children": [ + { + "id": "0:500", + "name": "iPhone X/Home Indicator/Home Indicator - On Light", + "type": "COMPONENT", + "blendMode": "PASS_THROUGH", + "children": [ + { + "id": "0:501", + "name": "Rectangle 24", + "type": "RECTANGLE", + "blendMode": "PASS_THROUGH", + "absoluteBoundingBox": { + "x": 4868.0, + "y": 228.0, + "width": 134.0, + "height": 5.0 + }, + "constraints": { + "vertical": "BOTTOM", + "horizontal": "CENTER" + }, + "fills": [ + { + "blendMode": "NORMAL", + "type": "SOLID", + "color": { "r": 0.0, "g": 0.0, "b": 0.0, "a": 1.0 } + } + ], + "strokes": [], + "strokeWeight": 0.0, + "strokeAlign": "CENTER", + "exportSettings": [], + "effects": [], + "cornerRadius": 100.0 + } + ], + "absoluteBoundingBox": { + "x": 4747.0, + "y": 208.0, + "width": 375.0, + "height": 34.0 + }, + "constraints": { "vertical": "SCALE", "horizontal": "SCALE" }, + "clipsContent": false, + "background": [ + { + "blendMode": "NORMAL", + "type": "SOLID", + "color": { "r": 1.0, "g": 1.0, "b": 1.0, "a": 1.0 } + } + ], + "fills": [ + { + "blendMode": "NORMAL", + "type": "SOLID", + "color": { "r": 1.0, "g": 1.0, "b": 1.0, "a": 1.0 } + } + ], + "strokes": [], + "strokeWeight": 1.0, + "strokeAlign": "INSIDE", + 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