An abstract data type defines a data type and associated operations. It does not say anything about how these operations are implemented; it merely conveys the idea of the data type.
The stack abstract data type defines a stack as a vertical sequence of items, with the following operations:
returns true if the stack is emptypop
removes and returns the top item from the stackpush
adds an item to the top of the stack
The standard metaphor for a stack is one of those spring-loaded stacks of plates you might find in a cafeteria. You can push a new plate onto the stack or pop one off the top, but there's no way to access the plates underneath. The sequence of previously-viewed pages that your web browser maintains to allow you to go back is also represented as a stack.
Stacks are said to be last in, first out (LIFO).
in Java, an abstract data type is represented by an interface. The Stack interface looks like this:
public interface Stack<T> {
public boolean isEmpty();
public T pop();
public void push(T item);
There are multiple ways to implement this interface, described below.
The items in the stack can be kept in an array. The only catch is that an array has a fixed size, while a stack can grow and shrink as items are pushed and popped. Two simple tricks deal with this problem:
- Maintain an int
indicating how many items are currently in the stack. Thus, even if the array has room for 8 items, ifsize
is 5, only the first 5 items are considered part of the stack. - If anyone tries to push onto a full stack, copy all of the current items into a new, larger array first.
Here is code for the array-based implementation:
public class ArrayStack<T> implements Stack<T> {
private T[] data;
private int size;
public ArrayStack() {
data = (T[]) new Object[1];
public boolean isEmpty() {
return size == 0;
public T pop() {
return data[size];
public void push(T item) {
if (size == data.length) { // Array is full; resize
T[] d = (T[]) new Object[data.length * 2];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
d[i] = data[i];
data = d;
data[size] = item;
Clearly the isEmpty
and pop
operations take constant time.
takes constant time in the best case, but in the worst case (when the array was full) it takes linear time to copy all of the items currently in the stack into the larger array. It turns out that push
takes constant amortized time if, as in the code above, the array capacity is doubled every time it is expanded. Then, when pushing n items in a row (which is the worst case), the total amount of copying is
1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + ... + n < 2n
or less than 2 copies (constant) per item.
A linked implementation uses a chain of linked list nodes. The LinkedStack object knows about the top node, which knows about the next node, and so on. Here is the code:
public class LinkedStack<T> implements Stack<T> {
private class Node {
T item;
Node next;
Node(T item, Node next) {
this.item = item; = next;
private Node top;
public boolean isEmpty() {
return top == null;
public T pop() {
T result = top.item;
top =;
return result;
public void push(T item) {
top = new Node(item, top);
All three stack methods take constant time.
- Sedgewick and Wayne, Introduction to Programming in Java, Section 4.3
- Cormen et al., Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd Edition, Section 10.1
⭐ In the array-based implementation, does
indicate the index of the current top item or the index of the next item to be pushed? -
⭐ What is the amortized running time of all three stack operations in both array-based and linked implementations?
⭐⭐ Here is a linked stack:
Draw the final state of the stack after executing the following sequence of operations:
s.push(4); s.pop(); s.pop(); s.push(8);
⭐⭐ It would save space to replace the epxression
data.length * 2
in thepush
method of ArrayBasedStack withdata.length + 1
. What effect would this have on the amortized running time ofpush
? -
⭐⭐ What does the code below do?
Stack<String> s = new ArrayStack<String>(); In in = new In("file.txt"); while (in.hasNextLine()) { s.push(in.readLine()); } while (!s.isEmpty()) { StdOut.println(s.pop()); }
The next item to be pushed. The current top item, if there is one, is at index
size - 1
. -
The total amount of copying in pushing n items would become
1 + 2 + 3 + ... + n = n(n + 1) / 2
which is (n + 1) / 2 copies per item. The amortized time is therefore linear.
It prints the lines of
in reverse order.