This is a system that facilitates the recovery of lost/misplaced National Identity cards and Passports. The system involves 3 entities
- client who has lost their ID
- The Noble Citizen who finds the ID Card
- A Station that receives->records->posts the ID Details and Reissues it to claiming Owners
ENV: python3 Technologies: Flask, SQLAlchemy(ORM), Rest_API
- Install python requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
- modify the file "" and update the mysql Server Username, Password & Database Name
- Setting the "HBNB_ENV=dev" will only create the table structures once
- setting the "HBNB_ENV=test" will Truncate all tables and recreate them each time Flask restarts or reloads after a code change/update.
sudo mysql -u root
CREATE DATABASE kitambulisho_db;
sudo mysql -u root kitambulisho_db < kitambulisho_db.sql
bash -x
NOTE: When you are making database schema modification set HBNB_ENV=test - since any code modification will cause the database to be truncated and DDL to be rerun to incorporate new updates Else just set it's value to HBNB_ENV=dev to test out DQL and DRL.
sudo apt install asciinema -y
# play Recording using the following: -s is for speed you can set to a lower value e.g 1 if you prefer.
ls {1..6}*.rec # Lists all asciinema recordings
asciinema play -s 5 1_report_lost_id.rec # Plays the first asciinema recording
Api Endpoints are documented in the api.txt file provided.
Kitambulisho Trace & Reissue System Pitch Deck & Lean Canvas Model
Minimal Viable Product Specification Document
Trello board Detailing the Work BreakDown Structure & Timelines