This file is used to list changes made in each version of the YamlLint gem.
- PR #27 - Fix readme typo and alphabetize things
- PR #28 - Fix Security/YAMLLoad rubocop offense
- PR #29 - Update TraviCI Rubies
- PR #30 - Fix Style/PercentLiteralDelimiters offense
- PR #37 - Update trollop to optimist to remove deprecation warnings
- PR #42 - Allow empty YAML files
- PR #44 - Check syntax with unsafe_load / load
- PR #45 - Rescue Psych exceptions
- PR #46 - Add three valid test files
- PR #47 - Fix readme typo
- PR #48 - Fix rubocop issues
- PR #24 - Update RSpec raise_error to be more specific
- PR #25 - Fix bug with files_to_exclude puts in Rake Task
- PR #26 - Clean up Rubocop cop settings
- PR #13 - Update Ruby syntax per Rubocop v0.37.0
- PR #15 - Rake.application.last_comment has been deprecated
- PR #18 - Update Ruby syntax per Rubocop v0.40.0
- PR #17 - Expose debug logging
- PR #19 - Pry is a devel dependency not a runtime dependency
- PR #20 - Update TravisCI Ruby versions
- ISSUE #7 - Detects dupe keys on arrays of hashes (Proper fix)
- ISSUE #7 - Detects dupe keys on arrays of hashes
- Clean up code by extracting out complex_type_start
- Extract out valid extensions to an array
- Allow disabling of the file extension check
- Allow custom file extensions
- ISSUE #1 - Add more verbose output
- ISSUE #2 - Add file extension verification
- add fail_on_error option to rake task
- Fix rake_task filename
- Initial gem publish