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Segmented CFMM

This contract implements a Constant Function Market Maker (CFMM) in Michelson inspired by Uniswap v3.


In a traditional exchange, users will put in buy orders and sell orders. The exchange will find a match between a buy order and a sell order and conduct the transaction. If there aren't enough users, it might be difficult or even impossible to find a match and execute trades. When that happens, the asset being traded is said to have low liquidity, i.e., it's hard to liquidate the asset.

A Market Maker (MM) is an entity that brings liquidity to a market, by constantly buying and selling assets from/to users.

In a Decentralized Exchange (DEX), users don't buy from/sell to each other directly. Instead, they only buy from/sell to an Automated Market Maker (AMM). The AMM manages one liquidity pool (or more), a pot made of funds deposited by those who wish to contribute - the Liquidity Providers (LPs).

For example, say we have two tokens, x and y, and a liquidity pool that maintains reserves of both tokens. LPs can deposit their own tokens in this pool to increase its reserves. Users can then sell their x tokens and get y tokens in return (swapping x for y), or buy x tokens in exchange for their y tokens (swapping y for x).


This contract is a Constant Function Market Maker (CFMM), a class of AMMs, and is capable of managing a pool of any two FA1.2/FA2 tokens.

This CFMM uses a function to ensure that, after every swap, the product of the reserves x and y is always equal to some constant k, i.e., x * y = k.

For example, say k = 15600, and LPs provide liquidity (see Positions) such that our pool contains 1560 x tokens and 10 y tokens, satisfying the x * y = k requirement.

If a user sells 3 y tokens (see Swaps), the pool's y reserves would increase to 13. Since the product of the reserves must remain equal to k at all times, it follows that the x reserves must now be x = k / y = 15600 / 13 = 1200. Thus, the user would get 1560 - 1200 = 360 x tokens in exchange for their 3 y tokens.

A constant product ensures that the price of an asset goes up or down according to demand. The more a token's reserves are depleted, the more expensive it'll be for a user to buy more of those tokens. If a user were to sell 3 more y tokens, they would now receive only x - (k / y) = 1200 - (15600 / 16) = 225 x tokens.

In exchange for their contribution, LPs are rewarded with fees subtracted from every swap.

This contract also exposes on-chain view entrypoints for implementing price oracles and liquidity mining programs.


At any given time, in a pool of two tokens x and y, the spot price of x can range from 0 (when the pool contains only x tokens) to ∞ (when the pool contains only y tokens).

However, in most cases, the price of a token will almost always be within a certain range. For example, in a pool of 2 stablecoins pegged to the same currency, we might expect the price to always stay within the range [0.99, 1.01].

In such a scenario, the x and y reserves would almost always remain very close to each other. This means that most of the pool's tokens would never actually be used.

As such, instead of allocating their tokens to the entire [0, ∞] range, LPs can concentrate their liquidity in a specific, narrower range.

In order to do this, we split the price spectrum [0, ∞] in tick intervals, each interval bound by two ticks. For any integer i (the tick index), there is a tick at the price p(i) = exp(0.0001)^i.

0, ..., 0.99980001999, 0.999900005, 1, 1.000100005, 1.00020002, ..., ∞

LPs can open a position (that is, allocate their liquidity inbetween any two ticks) by calling the set_position entrypoint. Later update_position entrypoint can be used to close or update a position. If necessary, multiple positions in the same range can be created.

When the spot price is within a position's range, that position is said to be active. The LP will earn fees taken from every swap that occurs while their position is active.

Once the spot price moves outside the range (because the tokens in that position have all been converted to either x or y), the position will become inactive, and will not accrue any fees until is becomes active again.

This partitioning system has some implications.

In particular, some ticks intervals may have more liquidity than others, which means the spot price will swing more easily while within a tick interval with low liquidity than within a tick interval with higher liquidity.


Users may call the x_to_y or y_to_x entrypoints to swap their x or y tokens, respectively.

A tick is said to be initialized if it is currently being used as a bound of a position, or uninitialized otherwise.

In the example above, we have two positions. Position p1 ranges from p(0) to p(4), and p2 from p(2) to p(6).

                 |                       |
... p(0)  p(1)  p(2)  p(3)  p(4)  p(5)  p(6)  ...

The ticks p(0), p(2), p(4) and p(6) are initialized, while the remaining are uninitialized.

When a swap is initiated, the contract will first attempt to convert as many tokens as possible with the liquidity available up to the nearest initialized tick. While swapping inbetween two initialized ticks, the contract acts a constant product formula.

For example, if the current price is p(1), then the contract will convert as many tokens as possible using position p1's liquidity alone.

Once the price crosses an initialized tick, then the right amount of liquidity is added to/removed from the calculations.

For example, when the price moves from p(1) to p(2), we start taking position p2's liquidity into account. When it moves from p(3) to p(4), we stop taking p1's liquidity into account.

⚠️ The price movement during a swap is constrained within the range (0.7, 1.5). If the price movement becomes too sharp and surpasses this range, the transaction will be reverted.


At the beginning of every swap, the contract subtracts a swap fee from the tokens sent in, before all other calculations. Whatever remains, is deposited into the liquidity pool and exchanged for the other asset.

For example, if the swap fee is 0.3% and the user sends in 10000 y tokens, then:

  • 30 y tokens will be collected as swap fees and set aside,
  • 9970 y tokens will be deposited into the liquidity pool and exchanged for x tokens according to the constant function calculations.

There is a dev_share and a protocol_share that is taken directly from this fee. The bps values of both the shares are stored in the factory contract.

When an LP updates their position, they are rewarded with part of the swap fees paid by users, in both x and y tokens. This reward is proportional to:

  • the position's size,
  • and the amount of swap fees collected while the position remained active since the last time the position was updated/created.

Both the swap fee and the protocol fee percentages are initialized when the contract is originated and immutable thereafter.

Price Oracle

Conceptually, at every block level, the contract will calculate a cumulative sum of the current tick index ic since the contract's inception.

At any point in time t, the accumulator tick_cumulative(t) is equal to:

tick_cumulative(t) = ic(0) + ic(1) + ... + ic(t)

The contract will take a checkpoint of the current tick_cumulative(t) and store it in a big_map.

Contracts in the periphery may use the observe view entrypoint to retrieve these checkpoints and implement a price oracle.

To compute the time-weighted geometric mean price of the x token between two times t1 and t2, the price oracle contract may call oracle [t1, t2] to obtain tick_cumulative_t1 and tick_cumulative_t2, and apply the following formula:

PX(t1, t2) = exp(0.0001) ^ ( (tick_cumulative_t2 - tick_cumulative_t1) / (t2 - t1) )

To compute the time-weighted geometric mean price of the x token, we simply calculate the reciprocal of PX:

PY(t1, t2) = 1 / PX (t1, t1)

Liquidity Mining

A contract in the periphery may want to reward liquidity miners for staking their positions by distributing some token R at a constant rate per second while the position is active.

In order to do this, when the user stakes their position, the contract may use the get_position_info view entrypoint to get the current liquidity, and snapshot_cumulatives_inside view entrypoint to obtain seconds_per_liquidity_cumulative_t0 and keep a record of them.

Later, when the user unstakes their position, the contract calls the same view entrypoint once more to obtain seconds_per_liquidity_cumulative_t1. It can then apply the following formula to calculate how many R tokens to reward the user with, where position_liquidity is the amount of liquidity provided by the user's position.

rate * position_liquidity * (seconds_per_liquidity_cumulative_t1 - seconds_per_liquidity_cumulative_t0)


Standard FA2 entrypoints

Entrypoints present in the FA2 Standard.

In the context of this contract, positions are NFTs and these entrypoints can be used to manage them.

Note: this contract implements the Default Transfer Permission Policy.


Can be used by the owner or the operator of a position to transfer its ownership to a different address.

  • This entrypoint adheres to the FA2 requirements.
  • If there is no position associated to the given token_id, fails with FA2_TOKEN_UNDEFINED
  • If there used to be a position associated to the given token_id but it is closed, fails with FA2_TOKEN_UNDEFINED
  • If an amount is 0 it does not fail, but effectively there will be no difference.
  • If any amount is higher than 1, fails with FA2_INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE, as NFTs/positions are unique.
  • If any transfer was not initiated by the position owner or an allowed operator, fails with FA2_NOT_OPERATOR.
type position_id = nat

type transfer_destination =
  { to_: address
  ; token_id: position_id
  ; amount: nat

type transfer_item =
  { from_: address
  ; txs: transfer_destination list

type transfer_params = transfer_item list


This can be used by another contract to query the ownership of a position.

  • This entrypoint adheres to the FA2 requirements.
  • If the given owner does not own the given position_id, the returned balance will be 0, otherwise it will be 1.
type position_id = nat

type balance_request_item =
  { owner: address
  ; token_id: position_id

type balance_response_item =
  { request: balance_request_item
  ; balance: nat

type balance_request_params =
  { requests: balance_request_item list
  ; callback: balance_response_item list contract


Updates (adds or removes) operators of a position for the specified token owner.

  • This entrypoint adheres to the FA2 requirements.
  • If two different updates change the same operator for the same owner and position, the last update will take effect.
  • Operators can be updated for for an owner that does not yet own the given position.
  • Operator updates require the owner to be the SENDER, fails with FA2_NOT_OWNER otherwise.
type position_id = nat

type operator_param =
  { owner: address
  ; operator: address
  ; token_id: position_id

type update_operator =
  | Add_operator of operator_param
  | Remove_operator of operator_param

type update_operators_param = update_operator list

CFMM-specific entrypoints


Perform a token swap from x to y.

Note: in order to be able to perform a swap, this contract must be made an operator or be approved (depending if x is an FA2 or FA1.2 contract) to transfer the requested amount of tokens.

  • The dx amount of tokens x is transfered from the SENDER account to this contract's.
  • The swap fee is subtracted from this amount and later awarded to LPs with active positions.
  • If the swap is no longer acceptable because the deadline was not met, fails with past_deadline_err error code.
  • If less than min_dy amount of token y would be obtained from the swap, fails with smaller_than_min_asset_err error code.
  • If the amount of x tokens would get extremely close to zero, fails with price_out_of_bounds_err error code. This case is barely possible in normal conditions.
  • If the swap is successful, the computed converted y tokens will be transferred to the to_dy account.
type x_to_y_param = {
    dx: nat ;
    deadline: timestamp ;
    min_dy: nat ;
    to_dy: address ;


Perform a token swap from y to x.

Analogous to the x_to_y entrypoint, with the following caveats:

type y_to_x_param = {
    dy: nat ;
    deadline: timestamp ;
    min_dx: nat ;
    to_dx: address ;


Creates a new position in the given range.

  • lower_tick_index determines the lowest tick index in which this position will be active.
  • upper_tick_index determines the highest tick index in which this position will be active.
  • lower_tick_witness is a witness (already initialized tick) index lower than lower_tick_index. It should be as close as possible to lower_tick_index, for efficiency.
  • upper_tick_witness is a witness (already initialized tick) index lower than upper_tick_index. It should be as close as possible to upper_tick_index, for efficiency.
  • The liquidity of the SENDER will be set to liquidity, increased or decreased depending on the sign, for both tokens of the pair.
  • If the position update is no longer acceptable because the deadline was not met, fails with past_deadline_err error code
  • If the amount of tokens that needs to be transferred to the contract is higher than maximum_tokens_contributed, fails with high_tokens_err error code.
  • This fails when a tick index out of the [-1048575; 1048575] range is provided.
type set_position_param = {
    lower_tick_index: tick_index ;
    upper_tick_index: tick_index ;
    lower_tick_witness: tick_index ;
    upper_tick_witness: tick_index ;
    liquidity: nat ;
    deadline: timestamp ;
    maximum_tokens_contributed: balance_nat ;

type balance_nat = {x: nat ; y: nat}


Updates an existing position.

  • The liquidity of the SENDER will be updated by liquidity_delta, increased or decreased depending on the sign, for both tokens of the pair.
  • In case, after adding eventual accrued fees, the liquidity_delta is:
    • positive in x and/or y: this amount will be transferred from the SENDER
    • negative in x: this amount will be transferred to to_x
    • negative in y: this amount will be transferred to to_y
  • If the position update is no longer acceptable because the deadline was not met, fails with past_deadline_err error code
  • If the amount of tokens that needs to be transferred to the contract (after taking accrued fees into account) is higher than maximum_tokens_contributed, fails with high_tokens_err error code.
  • If the resulting liquidity in the position becomes less than zero, fails with position_liquidity_below_zero_err error code.
  • A user can set liquidity_delta to 0 on an existing position to simply retrieve any uncollected fees.
type update_position_param = {
    position_id: position_id ;
    liquidity_delta: int ;
    to_x: address ;
    to_y: address ;
    deadline: timestamp ;
    maximum_tokens_contributed: balance_nat ;

type balance_nat = {x: nat ; y: nat}


Forwards the accrued protocol fees to the fee_distributor and calls the add_fees EP. This can only be called by the voter contract of the ve-system.

  • If called by a non-voter contract, fails with not_authorised error code.
  • Performs a type conversion of sorts to convert the token type to token_interop type.
  • Calls the add_fees EP of the fee_distributor contract with the add_fees_params parameter.
  • Transfers the tokens from its own address to the feeDistributor address.
type forwardFee_params = {
    feeDistributor: address;
    epoch: nat;


Allows the dev address stored in the factory to retrieve the dev share of the fees.

  • If not called by the dev, fails with not_authorised error code.
  • Transfers the tokens from its own address to the dev address.


Called by the factory contract to toggle the ve-system connection on or off. When on, a protocol share is taken from the trading fees.

  • If not called by the factory, fails with not_authorised error code.
  • Flips the boolean is_ve in the storage.


Obtains information about the position with the given identifier. The used identifier is token_id that is used to select the position in transfer / get_balance FA2 entrypoints.

  • liquidity is the current amount of liquidity added by this position.
  • lower_tick_index and upper_tick_index are the boundary ticks in which the position is active. These values are constant for the given position.
  • owner is the current position's owner in accordance to the position's semantics of FA2 asset.
  • If the specified position identifier does not exist, fails with position_not_exist_err error code.
type position_info = {
    liquidity: nat;
    owner: address;
    lower_tick_index: tick_index;
    upper_tick_index: tick_index;


Oracle view for a snapshot of the tick cumulative, seconds per liquidity and seconds inside the given range.

  • lower_tick_index determines the lowest tick index of the range.
  • upper_tick_index determines the highest tick index of the range.
  • the callback contract will be called with the computed values.
  • tick_cumulative_inside is the computed snapshot of the tick cumulative for the given range.
  • seconds_per_liquidity_inside is the computed snapshot of the seconds per liquidity for the given range.
  • seconds_inside is the computed snapshot of the seconds for the given range.
  • This entrypoint accepts only indices of initialized ticks; in case invalid tick index is provided, the call will fail with tick_not_exist_err error code.
  • Note that returned values are relative. For instance, seconds_inside is not necessarily 0 for unvisited ranges, but can be also positive or even negative.
  • The only guarantee provided by this entrypoint: snapshot_cumulatives_inside(tick_index_range, t2) - snapshot_cumulatives_inside(tick_index_range, t1) will contain exactly the difference of cumulative values between the two given timestamps if those ticks remained initialized between t1 and t2 timestamps. This perfectly fits for calculating seconds-weighted sums for a certain position over given time period.
type cumulatives_inside_snapshot = {
    tick_cumulative_inside: int ;
    seconds_per_liquidity_inside: int ;
    seconds_inside: int ;

type cumulatives_inside_snapshot_param = {
    lower_tick_index: tick_index ;
    upper_tick_index: tick_index ;


Oracle view for the cumulative tick and liquidity-in-range, calculated for each timestamps in a list.

  • Each value in times will be used to calculate a cumulative_entry. The order of the computed entries is the same as that of the given timestamps.
  • The callback contract will be called with the computed values.
  • For each timestamp/cumulative_entry pair:
    • tick_cumulative is the cumulative tick value at that timestamp.
    • seconds_per_liquidity_cumulative is the cumulative seconds per liquidity-in-range at that timestamp.
  • The contract stores a fixed number of past observations, with recent observations overwriting the oldest.
    • As a result, if any of the timestamps given in the entrypoint's parameter is too far back in the past, the entrypoint fails with observe_outdated_timestamp_err error code.
    • Note that the amount of observations stored by the contract can be increased via the increase_observation_count entrypoint.
  • If any of the timestamps given in the entrypoint's parameter is yet in the future, the entrypoint fails with observe_future_timestamp_err.
type cumulatives_value = {
    tick_cumulative: int ;
    seconds_per_liquidity_cumulative: nat ;


Increase the number of observations of tick_cumulative and seconds_per_liquidity_cumulative taken and stored in the contract by the given number. The greater the number of tracked observations, the further back in time users will be able to retrieve data using observe.

The caller of this entrypoint will pay for the additional storage costs.

type increase_observation_count_param = {
    added_observation_count: nat;


See the Error Codes file for the list of error codes.

Design decisions


The contract stores a fixed number of past observations. The alternative would be to store an unbound number of observations, which implies users would continually pay additional storage costs every time a block is baked, which is not desirable.


When an operation results in tokens being transferred to the contract, the amount of tokens to transfer is rounded up. These operations include:

  • Creating a position / adding liquidity to a position.
  • Charging swap fees.
  • Deposits of y tokens as part of y_to_x swaps.
  • Deposits of x tokens as part of x_to_y swaps.

Conversely, when an operation results in tokens being transferred out of the contract, the amount of tokens to transfer is rounded down. These operations include:

  • Removing liquidity from a position.
  • Withdrawing fees earned by a position.
  • Withdrawing x tokens as part of y_to_x swaps.
  • Withdrawing y tokens as part of x_to_y swaps.

Rounding the amount of tokens in the contract's favor guarantees that the contract always has enough balance to liquidate all the LPs' positions if need be.