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File metadata and controls

218 lines (192 loc) · 25.4 KB


We provide various metrics about memory, disk, and important procedures. These metrics could help identify performance issue or monitor Celeborn cluster.


  1. Enable Celeborn metrics. Set configuration celeborn.metrics.enabled to true (true by default).

  2. Configure Celeborn metrics properties.


The default values of the Celeborn metrics configuration are as follows:

  1. Install Prometheus ( We provide an example for Prometheus config file:
# Prometheus example config
  scrape_interval: 15s
  evaluation_interval: 15s

  - job_name: "Celeborn"
    metrics_path: /metrics/prometheus
    scrape_interval: 15s
      - targets: [ "master-ip:9098","worker1-ip:9096","worker2-ip:9096","worker3-ip:9096","worker4-ip:9096" ]
  1. Install Grafana server (

  2. Import Celeborn dashboard into Grafana.

You can find the Celeborn dashboard templates under the assets/grafana directory. celeborn-dashboard.json displays Celeborn internal metrics and celeborn-jvm-dashboard.json displays Celeborn JVM related metrics.


We recommend you to install node exporter ( on every host, and configure Prometheus to scrape information about the host. Grafana will need a dashboard (dashboard id:8919) to display host details.

  scrape_interval: 15s
  evaluation_interval: 15s

  - job_name: "Celeborn"
    metrics_path: /metrics/prometheus
    scrape_interval: 15s
      - targets: [ "master-ip:9098","worker1-ip:9096","worker2-ip:9096","worker3-ip:9096","worker4-ip:9096" ]
  - job_name: "node"
      - targets: [ "master-ip:9100","worker1-ip:9100","worker2-ip:9100","worker3-ip:9100","worker4-ip:9100" ]

Import Dashboard Steps

Here is an example of Grafana dashboard importing.

g1 g2 g3 g4 g6 g5


MetricName Scope Description
RegisteredShuffleCount master and worker The value means count of registered shuffle.
RunningApplicationCount master and worker The value means count of running applications.
ActiveShuffleSize master and worker The value means the active shuffle size for workers or a worker including master replica and slave replica.
ActiveShuffleFileCount master and worker The value means the active shuffle file count for workers or a worker including master replica and slave replica.
diskFileCount master and worker The count of disk files consumption by each user.
diskBytesWritten master and worker The amount of disk files consumption by each user.
hdfsFileCount master and worker The count of hdfs files consumption by each user.
hdfsBytesWritten master and worker The amount of hdfs files consumption by each user.
WorkerCount master The count of active workers.
LostWorkers master The count of workers in lost list.
ExcludedWorkerCount master The count of workers in excluded list.
IsActiveMaster master Whether the current master is active.
PartitionSize master The estimated partition size of last 20 flush window whose length is 15 seconds by defaults.
OfferSlotsTime master The time of offer slots.
OpenStreamTime worker OpenStream means read a shuffle file and send client about chunks size and stream index.
FetchChunkTime worker FetchChunk means read a chunk from a shuffle file and send to client.
ActiveChunkStreamCount worker The active stream count for reduce partition reading streams in current worker.
OpenStreamSuccessCount worker The count of opening stream succeed in current worker.
OpenStreamFailCount worker The count of opening stream failed in current worker.
FetchChunkSuccessCount worker The count of fetching chunk succeed in current worker.
FetchChunkFailCount worker The count of fetching chunk failed in current worker.
PrimaryPushDataTime worker PrimaryPushData means handle PushData of primary partition location.
ReplicaPushDataTime worker ReplicaPushData means handle PushData of replica partition location.
WriteDataHardSplitCount worker The count of writing PushData or PushMergedData to HARD_SPLIT partition in current worker.
WriteDataSuccessCount worker The count of writing PushData or PushMergedData succeed in current worker.
WriteDataFailCount worker The count of writing PushData or PushMergedData failed in current worker.
ReplicateDataFailCount worker The count of replicating PushData or PushMergedData failed in current worker.
ReplicateDataWriteFailCount worker The count of replicating PushData or PushMergedData failed caused by write failure in peer worker.
ReplicateDataCreateConnectionFailCount worker The count of replicating PushData or PushMergedData failed caused by creating connection failed in peer worker.
ReplicateDataConnectionExceptionCount worker The count of replicating PushData or PushMergedData failed caused by connection exception in peer worker.
ReplicateDataTimeoutCount worker The count of replicating PushData or PushMergedData failed caused by push timeout in peer worker.
PushDataHandshakeFailCount worker The count of PushDataHandshake failed in current worker.
RegionStartFailCount worker The count of RegionStart failed in current worker.
RegionFinishFailCount worker The count of RegionFinish failed in current worker.
PrimaryPushDataHandshakeTime worker PrimaryPushDataHandshake means handle PushData of primary partition location.
ReplicaPushDataHandshakeTime worker ReplicaPushDataHandshake means handle PushData of replica partition location.
PrimaryRegionStartTime worker PrimaryRegionStart means handle RegionStart of primary partition location.
ReplicaRegionStartTime worker ReplicaRegionStart means handle RegionStart of replica partition location.
PrimaryRegionFinishTime worker PrimaryRegionFinish means handle RegionFinish of primary partition location.
ReplicaRegionFinishTime worker ReplicaRegionFinish means handle RegionFinish of replica partition location.
PausePushDataTime worker PausePushData means stop receiving data from client.
PausePushDataAndReplicateTime worker PausePushDataAndReplicate means stop receiving data from client and other workers.
PausePushData worker The count of stopping receiving data from client in current worker.
PausePushDataAndReplicate worker The count of stopping receiving data from client and other workers in current worker.
TakeBufferTime worker TakeBuffer means get a disk buffer from disk flusher.
FlushDataTime worker FlushData means flush a disk buffer to disk.
CommitFilesTime worker CommitFiles means flush and close a shuffle partition file.
SlotsAllocated worker Slots allocated in last hour
ReserveSlotsTime worker ReserveSlots means acquire a disk buffer and record partition location.
ActiveConnectionCount worker The value means count of active network connection.
NettyMemory worker The value measures all kinds of transport memory used by netty.
SortTime worker SortTime measures the time used by sorting a shuffle file.
SortMemory worker SortMemory means total reserved memory for sorting shuffle files .
SortingFiles worker This value means the count of sorting shuffle files.
SortedFiles worker This value means the count of sorted shuffle files.
SortedFileSize worker This value means the count of sorted shuffle files 's total size.
DiskBuffer worker Disk buffers are part of netty used memory, means data need to write to disk but haven't been written to disk.
BufferStreamReadBuffer worker This value means memory used by credit stream read buffer.
ReadBufferDispatcherRequestsLength worker This value means the queue size of read buffer allocation requests.
ReadBufferAllocatedCount worker This value means count of allocated read buffer.
ActiveCreditStreamCount worker This value means active count of stream for map partition reading streams.
ActiveMapPartitionCount worker This value means count of active map partition reading streams.
DeviceOSFreeBytes worker This value means actual usable space of OS for device monitor.
DeviceOSTotalBytes worker This value means total usable space of OS for device monitor.
DeviceCelebornFreeBytes worker This value means actual usable space of Celeborn for device monitor.
DeviceCelebornTotalBytes worker This value means configured usable space of Celeborn for device monitor.
PotentialConsumeSpeed worker This value means speed of potential consumption for congestion control.
UserProduceSpeed worker This value means speed of user production for congestion control.
WorkerConsumeSpeed worker This value means speed of worker consumption for congestion control.
jvm_gc_count JVM The GC count of each garbage collector.
jvm_gc_time JVM The GC cost time of each garbage collector.
jvm_memory_heap_init JVM The amount of heap init memory.
jvm_memory_heap_max JVM The amount of heap max memory.
jvm_memory_heap_used JVM The amount of heap used memory.
jvm_memory_heap_committed JVM The amount of heap committed memory.
jvm_memory_heap_usage JVM The percentage of heap memory usage.
jvm_memory_non_heap_init JVM The amount of non-heap init memory.
jvm_memory_non_heap_max JVM The amount of non-heap max memory.
jvm_memory_non_heap_used JVM The amount of non-heap uesd memory.
jvm_memory_non_heap_committed JVM The amount of non-heap committed memory.
jvm_memory_non_heap_usage JVM The percentage of non-heap memory usage.
jvm_memory_pools_init JVM The amount of each memory pool's init memory.
jvm_memory_pools_max JVM The amount of each memory pool's max memory.
jvm_memory_pools_used JVM The amount of each memory pool's used memory.
jvm_memory_pools_committed JVM The amount of each memory pool's committed memory.
jvm_memory_pools_used_after_gc JVM The amount of each memory pool's used memory after GC.
jvm_memory_pools_usage JVM The percentage of each memory pool's memory usage.
jvm_memory_total_init JVM The amount of total init memory.
jvm_memory_total_max JVM The amount of total max memory.
jvm_memory_total_used JVM The amount of total used memory.
jvm_memory_total_committed JVM The amount of each memory pool's committed memory.
jvm_direct_capacity JVM An estimate of the total capacity of the buffers in this pool
jvm_direct_count JVM An estimate of the number of buffers in the pool
jvm_direct_used JVM An estimate of the memory that JVM is using for this buffer pool
jvm_mapped_capacity JVM An estimate of the total capacity of the buffers in this pool
jvm_mapped_count JVM An estimate of the number of buffers in the pool
jvm_mapped_used JVM An estimate of the memory that JVM is using for this buffer pool
jvm_thread_count JVM The current number of threads.
jvm_thread_daemon_count JVM The current number of daemon threads.
jvm_thread_blocked_count JVM The current number of threads having blocked state.
jvm_thread_deadlock_count JVM The current number of threads having deadlock state.
jvm_thread_new_count JVM The current number of threads having new state.
jvm_thread_runnable_count JVM The current number of threads having runnable state.
jvm_thread_terminated_count JVM The current number of threads having terminated state.
jvm_thread_timed_waiting_count JVM The current number of threads having timed_waiting state.
jvm_thread_waiting_count JVM The current number of threads having waiting state.
jvm_classloader_loaded JVM The total number of classes loaded since the start of the JVM.
jvm_classloader_unloaded JVM The total number of classes unloaded since the start of the JVM.
JVMCPUTime system The JVM costs cpu time.
AvailableProcessors system The amount of system available processors.
LastMinuteSystemLoad system The last minute load of system.
active_thread_count JVM The approximate number of threads that are actively executing tasks.
pending_task_count JVM The pending task not executed in block queue.
pool_size JVM The current number of threads in the pool.
core_pool_size JVM The core number of threads.
maximum_pool_size JVM The maximum allowed number of threads.
largest_pool_size JVM The largest number of threads that have ever simultaneously been in the pool.
is_terminating JVM If this executor is in the process of terminating after shutdown() or shutdownNow() but has not completely terminated.
is_terminated JVM If this executor is in the process of terminated after shutdown() or shutdownNow() and has completely terminated.
is_shutdown JVM If this executor is shutdown.
thread_count JVM The thread count of current thread group.
thread_is_terminated_count JVM The terminated thread count of current thread group.
thread_is_shutdown_count JVM The shutdown thread count of current thread group.


Celeborn master metrics : org/apache/celeborn/service/deploy/master/MasterSource.scala.

Celeborn worker metrics : org/apache/celeborn/service/deploy/worker/WorkerSource.scala.

Other common metrics are implemented in org.apache.celeborn.common.metrics.source package.

Dashboard Snapshots

The dashboard Celeborn-dashboard was generated by Grafana of version 10.0.3.

Here are some snapshots:

d1 d2