diff --git a/.github/actions/install-pnl/action.yml b/.github/actions/install-pnl/action.yml
index 8571a3293b0..cd4dca7dbe9 100644
--- a/.github/actions/install-pnl/action.yml
+++ b/.github/actions/install-pnl/action.yml
@@ -48,6 +48,17 @@ runs:
           [[ ${{ runner.os }} = Windows* ]] && pip install "pywinpty<1" "terminado<0.10"
+    - name: Install updated package
+      if: ${{ startsWith(github.head_ref, 'dependabot/pip') && matrix.pnl-version != 'base' }}
+      shell: bash
+      id: new_package
+      run: |
+        python -m pip install --upgrade pip wheel
+        export NEW_PACKAGE=`echo '${{ github.head_ref }}' | cut -f 4 -d/ | sed 's/-gt.*//' | sed 's/-lt.*//'`
+        echo "::set-output name=new_package::$NEW_PACKAGE"
+        pip install "`echo $NEW_PACKAGE | sed 's/[-_]/./g' | xargs grep *requirements.txt -h -e | head -n1`"
+        pip show "$NEW_PACKAGE" | grep 'Version' | tee new_version.deps
     - name: Python dependencies
       shell: bash
       run: |
@@ -66,3 +77,11 @@ runs:
             pip cache remove -v $P || true
+    - name: Check updated package
+      if: ${{ startsWith(github.head_ref, 'dependabot/pip') && matrix.pnl-version != 'base' }}
+      shell: bash
+      run: |
+        pip show ${{ steps.new_package.outputs.new_package }} | grep 'Version' | tee installed_version.deps
+        cmp -s new_version.deps installed_version.deps || echo "::error::Package version restricted by dependencies: ${{ steps.new_package.outputs.new_package }}"
+        diff new_version.deps installed_version.deps
diff --git a/.github/workflows/compare-comment.yml b/.github/workflows/compare-comment.yml
index 61bf6896a5d..15f5e85cf6d 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/compare-comment.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/compare-comment.yml
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ jobs:
     - name: 'Download docs artifacts'
       id: docs-artifacts
-      uses: actions/github-script@v5
+      uses: actions/github-script@v6
         script: |
           var artifacts = await github.rest.actions.listWorkflowRunArtifacts({
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ jobs:
         (diff -r docs-base docs-head && echo 'No differences!' || true) | tee ./result.diff
     - name: Post comment with docs diff
-      uses: actions/github-script@v5
+      uses: actions/github-script@v6
         script: |
           var fs = require('fs');
diff --git a/.github/workflows/pnl-ci-docs.yml b/.github/workflows/pnl-ci-docs.yml
index f2396ef7a04..a37c9e7a250 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/pnl-ci-docs.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/pnl-ci-docs.yml
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ jobs:
         branch: master
     - name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
-      uses: actions/setup-python@v3
+      uses: actions/setup-python@v4
         python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
         architecture: ${{ matrix.python-architecture }}
@@ -94,17 +94,21 @@ jobs:
     - name: Add git tag
       # The generated docs include PNL version,
       # set it to a fixed value to prevent polluting the diff
+      # This needs to be done after installing PNL
+      # to not interfere with dependency resolution
+      id: add_zero_tag
       if: github.event_name == 'pull_request'
-      run: git tag --force 'v999.999.999.999'
+      run: git tag --force 'v0.0.0.0'
     - name: Build Documentation
       run: make -C docs/ html -e SPHINXOPTS="-aE -j auto"
     - name: Remove git tag
       # The generated docs include PNL version,
-      # This was set to a fixed value to prevent polluting the diff
-      if: github.event_name == 'pull_request' && always()
-      run: git tag -d 'v999.999.999.999'
+      # A special tag was set to a fixed value
+      # to prevent polluting the diff
+      if: steps.add_zero_tag.outcome != 'skipped'
+      run: git tag -d 'v0.0.0.0'
     - name: Upload Documentation
       uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
@@ -151,7 +155,7 @@ jobs:
         ref: gh-pages
     - name: Download branch docs
-      uses: actions/download-artifact@v2
+      uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
         name: Documentation-head-${{ matrix.os }}-${{ matrix.python-version }}-x64
         path: _built_docs/${{ github.ref }}
@@ -168,7 +172,7 @@ jobs:
       if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' || github.ref == 'refs/heads/devel' || github.ref == 'refs/heads/docs'
     - name: Download main docs
-      uses: actions/download-artifact@v2
+      uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
         name: Documentation-head-${{ matrix.os }}-${{ matrix.python-version }}-x64
         # This overwrites files in current directory
diff --git a/.github/workflows/pnl-ci.yml b/.github/workflows/pnl-ci.yml
index 25227973e1d..b97eaa55ecf 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/pnl-ci.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/pnl-ci.yml
@@ -22,10 +22,6 @@ jobs:
         extra-args: ['']
         os: [ubuntu-latest, macos-latest, windows-latest]
-          # 3.7 is broken on macos-11, https://github.com/actions/virtual-environments/issues/4230
-          - python-version: 3.7
-            python-architecture: 'x64'
-            os: macos-10.15
           # add 32-bit build on windows
           - python-version: 3.8
             python-architecture: 'x86'
@@ -54,7 +50,7 @@ jobs:
       run: git fetch --tags origin master
     - name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
-      uses: actions/setup-python@v3
+      uses: actions/setup-python@v4
         python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
         architecture: ${{ matrix.python-architecture }}
diff --git a/.github/workflows/test-release.yml b/.github/workflows/test-release.yml
index 32b6467d85e..0b7887ea5ee 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/test-release.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/test-release.yml
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ jobs:
       uses: actions/checkout@v3
     - name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
-      uses: actions/setup-python@v3
+      uses: actions/setup-python@v4
         python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
@@ -78,13 +78,13 @@ jobs:
     - name: Download dist files
-      uses: actions/download-artifact@v2
+      uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
         name: Python-dist-files
         path: dist/
     - name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
-      uses: actions/setup-python@v3
+      uses: actions/setup-python@v4
         python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ jobs:
     - name: Download dist files
-      uses: actions/download-artifact@v2
+      uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
         name: Python-dist-files
         path: dist/
@@ -175,13 +175,13 @@ jobs:
     - name: Download dist files
-      uses: actions/download-artifact@v2
+      uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
         name: Python-dist-files
         path: dist/
     - name: Upload dist files to release
-      uses: actions/github-script@v5
+      uses: actions/github-script@v6
         script: |
           const fs = require('fs')
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 0b0f973f543..84bfbe22d2a 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 # Created by https://www.gitignore.io/api/osx,python,pycharm
-# Ignore JSON files created in tests/json/
+# Ignore JSON files created in tests/mdf/
 # Maybe these should be generated in tmpdir instead
 # Log files created by SLURM jobs in this directory
diff --git a/conftest.py b/conftest.py
index 8521ae6c014..94a4de81cc4 100644
--- a/conftest.py
+++ b/conftest.py
@@ -33,7 +33,22 @@
 def pytest_addoption(parser):
     parser.addoption('--{0}'.format(mark_stress_tests), action='store_true', default=False, help='Run {0} tests (long)'.format(mark_stress_tests))
+    parser.addoption('--fp-precision', action='store', default='fp64', choices=['fp32', 'fp64'],
+                     help='Set default fp precision for the runtime compiler. Default: fp64')
+def pytest_sessionstart(session):
+    precision = session.config.getvalue("--fp-precision")
+    if precision == 'fp64':
+        pnlvm.LLVMBuilderContext.default_float_ty = pnlvm.ir.DoubleType()
+    elif precision == 'fp32':
+        pnlvm.LLVMBuilderContext.default_float_ty = pnlvm.ir.FloatType()
+    else:
+        assert False, "Unsupported precision parameter: {}".format(precision)
 def pytest_runtest_setup(item):
+    # Check that all 'cuda' tests are also marked 'llvm'
+    assert 'llvm' in item.keywords or 'cuda' not in item.keywords
     for m in marks_default_skip:
         if m in item.keywords and not item.config.getvalue(m):
             pytest.skip('{0} tests not requested'.format(m))
@@ -97,6 +112,16 @@ def comp_mode_no_llvm():
     # dummy fixture to allow 'comp_mode' filtering
+def llvm_current_fp_precision():
+    float_ty = pnlvm.LLVMBuilderContext.get_current().float_ty
+    if float_ty == pnlvm.ir.DoubleType():
+        return 'fp64'
+    elif float_ty == pnlvm.ir.FloatType():
+        return 'fp32'
+    else:
+        assert False, "Unknown floating point type: {}".format(float_ty)
 def get_comp_execution_modes():
     return [pytest.param(pnlvm.ExecutionMode.Python),
diff --git a/cuda_requirements.txt b/cuda_requirements.txt
index 9a6d83d22c4..63e22850e71 100644
--- a/cuda_requirements.txt
+++ b/cuda_requirements.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
-pycuda >2018, <2022
+pycuda >2018, <2023
diff --git a/dev_requirements.txt b/dev_requirements.txt
index 95b05810996..ad283dfc78d 100644
--- a/dev_requirements.txt
+++ b/dev_requirements.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/doc_requirements.txt b/doc_requirements.txt
index 043ea79e043..f4c95bd01e8 100644
--- a/doc_requirements.txt
+++ b/doc_requirements.txt
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/docs/source/_static/Pathways_fig.svg b/docs/source/_static/Pathways_fig.svg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a13eea7854f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/_static/Pathways_fig.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,2489 @@
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+				<g class="st209">
+					<text transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 388.8307 483.9815)" class="st46 st2">E</text>
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+				<defs>
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+	<text transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 342.5423 461.6365)" class="st51 st52">ix</text>
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+		<g class="st219">
+			<text transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 540.3557 403.9398)" class="st181 st182">C_D = MappingProjection(C, D)</text>
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+			<text transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 530.9084 417.9398)"><tspan x="0" y="0" class="st181 st182">[{A, B, C}, {A_</tspan><tspan x="91.7" y="0" class="st181 st182 st220">F</tspan><tspan x="98.4" y="0" class="st181 st182">, C_D}, {D, E, F}]</tspan></text>
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+		<polygon class="st223" points="521.5,313.2 525,303.2 528.5,313.2 		"/>
+		<ellipse class="st221" cx="597" cy="356.7" rx="27" ry="18"/>
+		<g class="st219">
+			<text transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 592.6292 359.4398)" class="st46 st2">C</text>
+		</g>
+		<ellipse class="st222" cx="597" cy="284.7" rx="27" ry="18"/>
+		<g class="st219">
+			<text transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 592.6292 287.4398)" class="st46 st2">D</text>
+		</g>
+		<path class="st223" d="M597,338.6c0-7.7,0-16.9,0-25.4"/>
+		<polygon class="st219" points="593.5,313.2 597,303.2 600.5,313.2 		"/>
+		<polygon class="st223" points="593.5,313.2 597,303.2 600.5,313.2 		"/>
+		<ellipse class="st224" cx="669" cy="356.7" rx="27" ry="18"/>
+		<g class="st219">
+			<text transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 664.9602 359.4398)" class="st46 st2">B</text>
+		</g>
+		<ellipse class="st224" cx="741" cy="356.7" rx="27" ry="18"/>
+		<g class="st219">
+			<text transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 736.9602 359.4398)" class="st46 st2">E</text>
+		</g>
+	</g>
+	<g>
+		<g>
+			<defs>
+				<rect id="SVGID_403_" x="478" y="452.5" width="340" height="252"/>
+			</defs>
+			<clipPath id="SVGID_404_">
+				<use xlink:href="#SVGID_403_"  style="overflow:visible;"/>
+			</clipPath>
+			<g class="st225">
+				<text transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 556.7178 615.6533)" class="st181 st182">A_F = MappingProjection(A, F)</text>
+			</g>
+			<g class="st225">
+				<text transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 555.166 629.6533)" class="st181 st182">C_D = MappingProjection(C, D)</text>
+			</g>
+			<g class="st225">
+				<text transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 613.8901 643.6533)" class="st181 st182">matrix = [3]</text>
+			</g>
+			<g class="st225">
+				<text transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 526.0039 657.6533)"><tspan x="0" y="0" class="st181 st182">[{A, B, C}, [A_</tspan><tspan x="89.7" y="0" class="st181 st182 st220">F</tspan><tspan x="96.3" y="0" class="st181 st182">, C_D, matrix], {D, E, F}]</tspan></text>
+			</g>
+			<ellipse class="st226" cx="575.8" cy="582.5" rx="27" ry="18"/>
+			<g class="st225">
+				<text transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 571.7705 585.1533)" class="st46 st2">A</text>
+			</g>
+			<ellipse class="st227" cx="575.8" cy="510.5" rx="27" ry="18"/>
+			<g class="st225">
+				<text transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 572.1074 513.1533)" class="st46 st2">F</text>
+			</g>
+			<path class="st228" d="M575.8,564.3c0-7.7,0-16.9,0-25.4"/>
+			<polygon class="st225" points="572.3,538.9 575.8,528.9 579.3,538.9 			"/>
+			<polygon class="st228" points="572.3,538.9 575.8,528.9 579.3,538.9 			"/>
+			<ellipse class="st227" cx="647.8" cy="510.5" rx="27" ry="18"/>
+			<g class="st225">
+				<text transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 643.4395 513.1533)" class="st46 st2">D</text>
+			</g>
+			<path class="st228" d="M591,567.2c9.9-9.9,23-23,34.2-34.2"/>
+			<polygon class="st225" points="623,530.3 632.5,525.7 627.9,535.2 			"/>
+			<polygon class="st228" points="623,530.3 632.5,525.7 627.9,535.2 			"/>
+			<ellipse class="st227" cx="719.8" cy="510.5" rx="27" ry="18"/>
+			<g class="st225">
+				<text transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 715.7705 513.1533)" class="st46 st2">E</text>
+			</g>
+			<path class="st228" d="M597.6,571.5c24.4-12.2,63.9-31.9,91.4-45.7"/>
+			<polygon class="st225" points="687.7,522.6 698.2,521.3 690.8,528.9 			"/>
+			<polygon class="st228" points="687.7,522.6 698.2,521.3 690.8,528.9 			"/>
+			<ellipse class="st226" cx="647.8" cy="582.5" rx="27" ry="18"/>
+			<g class="st225">
+				<text transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 643.7705 585.1533)" class="st46 st2">B</text>
+			</g>
+			<path class="st228" d="M632.5,567.2c-9.9-9.9-23-23-34.2-34.2"/>
+			<polygon class="st225" points="595.6,535.2 591,525.7 600.6,530.3 			"/>
+			<polygon class="st228" points="595.6,535.2 591,525.7 600.6,530.3 			"/>
+			<path class="st228" d="M647.8,564.3c0-7.7,0-16.9,0-25.4"/>
+			<polygon class="st225" points="644.3,538.9 647.8,528.9 651.3,538.9 			"/>
+			<polygon class="st228" points="644.3,538.9 647.8,528.9 651.3,538.9 			"/>
+			<path class="st228" d="M663,567.2c9.9-9.9,23-23,34.2-34.2"/>
+			<polygon class="st225" points="695,530.3 704.5,525.7 699.9,535.2 			"/>
+			<polygon class="st228" points="695,530.3 704.5,525.7 699.9,535.2 			"/>
+			<ellipse class="st226" cx="719.8" cy="582.5" rx="27" ry="18"/>
+			<g class="st225">
+				<text transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 715.4395 585.1533)" class="st46 st2">C</text>
+			</g>
+			<path class="st228" d="M697.9,571.5c-24.4-12.2-63.9-31.9-91.4-45.7"/>
+			<polygon class="st225" points="604.8,528.9 597.4,521.3 607.9,522.6 			"/>
+			<polygon class="st228" points="604.8,528.9 597.4,521.3 607.9,522.6 			"/>
+			<path class="st228" d="M704.5,567.2c-9.9-9.9-23-23-34.2-34.2"/>
+			<polygon class="st225" points="667.6,535.2 663,525.7 672.6,530.3 			"/>
+			<polygon class="st228" points="667.6,535.2 663,525.7 672.6,530.3 			"/>
+			<path class="st228" d="M719.8,564.3c0-7.7,0-16.9,0-25.4"/>
+			<polygon class="st225" points="716.3,538.9 719.8,528.9 723.3,538.9 			"/>
+			<polygon class="st228" points="716.3,538.9 719.8,528.9 723.3,538.9 			"/>
+		</g>
+	</g>
+	<text transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 532.1406 464.976)" class="st51 st52">x</text>
diff --git a/psyneulink/core/components/component.py b/psyneulink/core/components/component.py
index bbe4c760afe..e62540ece0f 100644
--- a/psyneulink/core/components/component.py
+++ b/psyneulink/core/components/component.py
@@ -513,7 +513,7 @@
 from psyneulink.core import llvm as pnlvm
 from psyneulink.core.globals.context import \
     Context, ContextError, ContextFlags, INITIALIZATION_STATUS_FLAGS, _get_time, handle_external_context
-from psyneulink.core.globals.json import JSONDumpable
+from psyneulink.core.globals.mdf import MDFSerializable
 from psyneulink.core.globals.keywords import \
@@ -525,7 +525,7 @@
 from psyneulink.core.globals.log import LogCondition
 from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import \
-    Defaults, SharedParameter, Parameter, ParameterAlias, ParameterError, ParametersBase, copy_parameter_value
+    Defaults, SharedParameter, Parameter, ParameterAlias, ParameterError, ParametersBase, check_user_specified, copy_parameter_value
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.basepreferenceset import BasePreferenceSet, VERBOSE_PREF
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.preferenceset import \
     PreferenceLevel, PreferenceSet, _assign_prefs
@@ -724,7 +724,7 @@ def class_defaults(self):
         return self.defaults
-class Component(JSONDumpable, metaclass=ComponentsMeta):
+class Component(MDFSerializable, metaclass=ComponentsMeta):
     Component(                 \
         default_variable=None, \
@@ -909,7 +909,7 @@ class Component(JSONDumpable, metaclass=ComponentsMeta):
-    # helper attributes for JSON model spec
+    # helper attributes for MDF model spec
     _model_spec_id_parameters = 'parameters'
     _model_spec_id_stateful_parameters = 'stateful_parameters'
@@ -1084,10 +1084,9 @@ def _parse_modulable(self, param_name, param_value):
     #                      insuring that assignment by one instance will not affect the value of others.
     name = None
-    _deepcopy_shared_keys = frozenset([
-        '_init_args',
-    ])
+    _deepcopy_shared_keys = frozenset([])
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
@@ -1303,6 +1302,9 @@ def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
             newone.parameters._owner = newone
             newone.defaults._owner = newone
+            for p in newone.parameters:
+                p._owner = newone.parameters
         # by copying, this instance is no longer "inherent" to a single
         # 'import psyneulink' call
         newone._is_pnl_inherent = False
@@ -1331,6 +1333,10 @@ def _get_compilation_state(self):
         if hasattr(self, 'nodes'):
+        # Drop combination function params from RTM if not needed
+        if getattr(self.parameters, 'has_recurrent_input_port', False):
+            blacklist.update(['combination_function'])
         def _is_compilation_state(p):
             #FIXME: This should use defaults instead of 'p.get'
             return p.name not in blacklist and \
@@ -1362,7 +1368,7 @@ def _convert(p):
                                        state['buffer'], state['uinteger'], state['buffer_pos'],
                                        state['has_uint32'], x.used_seed[0]))
             elif isinstance(x, Time):
-                val = tuple(getattr(x, graph_scheduler.time._time_scale_to_attr_str(t)) for t in TimeScale)
+                val = tuple(x._get_by_time_scale(t) for t in TimeScale)
             elif isinstance(x, Component):
                 return x._get_state_initializer(context)
             elif isinstance(x, ContentAddressableList):
@@ -1423,6 +1429,10 @@ def _get_compilation_params(self):
             # "has_initializers" is only used by RTM
+        # Drop combination function params from RTM if not needed
+        if getattr(self.parameters, 'has_recurrent_input_port', False):
+            blacklist.update(['combination_function'])
         def _is_compilation_param(p):
             if p.name not in blacklist and not isinstance(p, (ParameterAlias, SharedParameter)):
                 #FIXME: this should use defaults
@@ -2015,32 +2025,30 @@ def _initialize_parameters(self, context=None, **param_defaults):
         if param_defaults is not None:
-            # Exclude any function_params from the items to set on this Component
-            # because these should just be pointers to the parameters of the same
-            # name on this Component's function
-            # Exclude any pass parameters whose value is None (assume this means "use the normal default")
-            d = {
-                k: v for (k, v) in param_defaults.items()
-                if (
-                    (
-                        k not in defaults
-                        and k not in alias_names
-                    )
-                    or v is not None
-                )
-            }
-            for p in d:
+            for name, value in copy.copy(param_defaults).items():
-                    parameter_obj = getattr(self.parameters, p)
+                    parameter_obj = getattr(self.parameters, name)
                 except AttributeError:
-                    # p in param_defaults does not correspond to a Parameter
+                    # name in param_defaults does not correspond to a Parameter
-                if d[p] is not None:
+                if (
+                    name not in self._user_specified_args
+                    and parameter_obj.constructor_argument not in self._user_specified_args
+                ):
+                    continue
+                if (
+                    (
+                        name in self._user_specified_args
+                        or parameter_obj.constructor_argument in self._user_specified_args
+                    )
+                    and (value is not None or parameter_obj.specify_none)
+                ):
                     parameter_obj._user_specified = True
                 if parameter_obj.structural:
-                    parameter_obj.spec = d[p]
+                    parameter_obj.spec = value
                 if parameter_obj.modulable:
                     # later, validate this
@@ -2049,17 +2057,18 @@ def _initialize_parameters(self, context=None, **param_defaults):
-                        parsed = modulable_param_parser(p, d[p])
+                        parsed = modulable_param_parser(name, value)
-                        if parsed is not d[p]:
+                        if parsed is not value:
                             # we have a modulable param spec
-                            parameter_obj.spec = d[p]
-                            d[p] = parsed
-                            param_defaults[p] = parsed
+                            parameter_obj.spec = value
+                            value = parsed
+                            param_defaults[name] = parsed
                     except AttributeError:
-            defaults.update(d)
+                if value is not None or parameter_obj.specify_none:
+                    defaults[name] = value
         for k in defaults:
             defaults[k] = copy_parameter_value(
@@ -3712,7 +3721,9 @@ def parse_parameter_value(value, no_expand_components=False, functions_as_dill=F
                         value = value.as_mdf_model(simple_edge_format=False)
-                    except TypeError:
+                    except TypeError as e:
+                        if "got an unexpected keyword argument 'simple_edge_format'" not in str(e):
+                            raise
                         value = value.as_mdf_model()
             elif isinstance(value, ComponentsMeta):
                 value = value.__name__
diff --git a/psyneulink/core/components/functions/function.py b/psyneulink/core/components/functions/function.py
index cda41d037bf..968cd52a77c 100644
--- a/psyneulink/core/components/functions/function.py
+++ b/psyneulink/core/components/functions/function.py
@@ -159,13 +159,13 @@
-from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter
+from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter, check_user_specified
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.basepreferenceset import REPORT_OUTPUT_PREF, is_pref_set
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.preferenceset import PreferenceEntry, PreferenceLevel
 from psyneulink.core.globals.registry import register_category
 from psyneulink.core.globals.utilities import (
     convert_to_np_array, get_global_seed, is_instance_or_subclass, object_has_single_value, parameter_spec, parse_valid_identifier, safe_len,
-    SeededRandomState, contains_type
+    SeededRandomState, contains_type, is_numeric
 __all__ = [
@@ -605,6 +605,7 @@ def _validate_changes_shape(self, param):
     # Note: the following enforce encoding as 1D np.ndarrays (one array per variable)
     variableEncodingDim = 1
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(
@@ -897,7 +898,7 @@ def as_mdf_model(self):
             if typ not in mdf_functions.mdf_functions:
                 warnings.warn(f'{typ} is not an MDF standard function, this is likely to produce an incompatible model.')
-            model.function = {typ: parameters[self._model_spec_id_parameters]}
+            model.function = typ
         return model
@@ -995,6 +996,7 @@ class Manner(Enum):
     # These are used both to type-cast the params, and as defaults if none are assigned
     #  in the initialization call or later (using either _instantiate_defaults or during a function call)
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
@@ -1145,6 +1147,7 @@ class Parameters(Function_Base.Parameters):
         REPORT_OUTPUT_PREF: PreferenceEntry(False, PreferenceLevel.INSTANCE),
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
@@ -1185,7 +1188,14 @@ def get_matrix(specification, rows=1, cols=1, context=None):
     # Matrix provided (and validated in _validate_params); convert to array
     if isinstance(specification, (list, np.matrix)):
-        return convert_to_np_array(specification)
+        # # MODIFIED 4/9/22 OLD:
+        # return convert_to_np_array(specification)
+        # MODIFIED 4/9/22 NEW:
+        if is_numeric(specification):
+            return convert_to_np_array(specification)
+        else:
+            return
+        # MODIFIED 4/9/22 END
     if isinstance(specification, np.ndarray):
         if specification.ndim == 2:
diff --git a/psyneulink/core/components/functions/nonstateful/combinationfunctions.py b/psyneulink/core/components/functions/nonstateful/combinationfunctions.py
index e91fd02a118..be28b1d62eb 100644
--- a/psyneulink/core/components/functions/nonstateful/combinationfunctions.py
+++ b/psyneulink/core/components/functions/nonstateful/combinationfunctions.py
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
 from psyneulink.core.globals.utilities import convert_to_np_array, is_numeric, np_array_less_than_2d, parameter_spec
 from psyneulink.core.globals.context import ContextFlags
-from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter
+from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter, check_user_specified
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.basepreferenceset import \
     REPORT_OUTPUT_PREF, is_pref_set, PreferenceEntry, PreferenceLevel
@@ -201,6 +201,7 @@ class Parameters(CombinationFunction.Parameters):
         offset = Parameter(0.0, modulable=True, aliases=[ADDITIVE_PARAM])
         changes_shape = Parameter(True, stateful=False, loggable=False, pnl_internal=True)
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
@@ -420,6 +421,7 @@ class Parameters(CombinationFunction.Parameters):
         scale = Parameter(1.0, modulable=True, aliases=[MULTIPLICATIVE_PARAM])
         offset = Parameter(0.0, modulable=True, aliases=[ADDITIVE_PARAM])
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
@@ -723,6 +725,7 @@ class Parameters(CombinationFunction.Parameters):
         offset = Parameter(0.0, modulable=True, aliases=[ADDITIVE_PARAM])
         changes_shape = Parameter(True, stateful=False, loggable=False, pnl_internal=True)
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
                  # weights: tc.optional(parameter_spec)=None,
@@ -1165,6 +1168,7 @@ class Parameters(CombinationFunction.Parameters):
         scale = Parameter(1.0, modulable=True, aliases=[MULTIPLICATIVE_PARAM])
         offset = Parameter(0.0, modulable=True, aliases=[ADDITIVE_PARAM])
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
@@ -1689,6 +1693,7 @@ class Parameters(CombinationFunction.Parameters):
         scale = Parameter(1.0, modulable=True, aliases=[MULTIPLICATIVE_PARAM])
         offset = Parameter(0.0, modulable=True, aliases=[ADDITIVE_PARAM])
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
@@ -1948,6 +1953,7 @@ class Parameters(CombinationFunction.Parameters):
         variable = Parameter(np.array([[1], [1]]), pnl_internal=True, constructor_argument='default_variable')
         gamma = Parameter(1.0, modulable=True)
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
diff --git a/psyneulink/core/components/functions/nonstateful/distributionfunctions.py b/psyneulink/core/components/functions/nonstateful/distributionfunctions.py
index 91b255b14d4..b8a64bc1510 100644
--- a/psyneulink/core/components/functions/nonstateful/distributionfunctions.py
+++ b/psyneulink/core/components/functions/nonstateful/distributionfunctions.py
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
 from psyneulink.core.globals.utilities import convert_to_np_array, parameter_spec
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.basepreferenceset import is_pref_set
-from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter
+from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter, check_user_specified
 __all__ = [
     'DistributionFunction', 'DRIFT_RATE', 'DRIFT_RATE_VARIABILITY', 'DriftDiffusionAnalytical', 'ExponentialDist',
@@ -159,6 +159,7 @@ class Parameters(DistributionFunction.Parameters):
         random_state = Parameter(None, loggable=False, getter=_random_state_getter, dependencies='seed')
         seed = Parameter(DEFAULT_SEED, modulable=True, fallback_default=True, setter=_seed_setter)
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
@@ -341,6 +342,7 @@ class Parameters(DistributionFunction.Parameters):
         mean = Parameter(0.0, modulable=True, aliases=[ADDITIVE_PARAM])
         standard_deviation = Parameter(1.0, modulable=True, aliases=[MULTIPLICATIVE_PARAM])
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
@@ -467,6 +469,7 @@ class Parameters(DistributionFunction.Parameters):
         random_state = Parameter(None, loggable=False, getter=_random_state_getter, dependencies='seed')
         seed = Parameter(DEFAULT_SEED, modulable=True, fallback_default=True, setter=_seed_setter)
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
@@ -593,6 +596,7 @@ class Parameters(DistributionFunction.Parameters):
         random_state = Parameter(None, loggable=False, getter=_random_state_getter, dependencies='seed')
         seed = Parameter(DEFAULT_SEED, modulable=True, fallback_default=True, setter=_seed_setter)
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
@@ -750,6 +754,7 @@ class Parameters(DistributionFunction.Parameters):
         scale = Parameter(1.0, modulable=True, aliases=[MULTIPLICATIVE_PARAM])
         dist_shape = Parameter(1.0, modulable=True, aliases=[ADDITIVE_PARAM])
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
@@ -884,6 +889,7 @@ class Parameters(DistributionFunction.Parameters):
         scale = Parameter(1.0, modulable=True, aliases=[MULTIPLICATIVE_PARAM])
         mean = Parameter(1.0, modulable=True, aliases=[ADDITIVE_PARAM])
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
@@ -1120,6 +1126,7 @@ class Parameters(DistributionFunction.Parameters):
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
diff --git a/psyneulink/core/components/functions/nonstateful/learningfunctions.py b/psyneulink/core/components/functions/nonstateful/learningfunctions.py
index c00959d8f6b..c4727f52628 100644
--- a/psyneulink/core/components/functions/nonstateful/learningfunctions.py
+++ b/psyneulink/core/components/functions/nonstateful/learningfunctions.py
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
     MSE, SSE
-from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter
+from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter, check_user_specified
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.basepreferenceset import is_pref_set
 from psyneulink.core.globals.utilities import is_numeric, scalar_distance, convert_to_np_array
@@ -448,6 +448,7 @@ class Parameters(LearningFunction.Parameters):
         gamma_size_n = 1
         gamma_size_prior = 1
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
@@ -774,6 +775,7 @@ def _validate_distance_function(self, distance_function):
     default_learning_rate = 0.05
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
                  # learning_rate: tc.optional(tc.optional(parameter_spec)) = None,
@@ -1045,6 +1047,7 @@ class Parameters(LearningFunction.Parameters):
     default_learning_rate = 0.05
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
@@ -1278,6 +1281,7 @@ class Parameters(LearningFunction.Parameters):
     default_learning_rate = 0.05
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
                  # learning_rate: tc.optional(tc.optional(parameter_spec)) = None,
@@ -1585,6 +1589,7 @@ class Parameters(LearningFunction.Parameters):
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
                  # learning_rate: tc.optional(tc.optional(parameter_spec)) = None,
@@ -1934,6 +1939,7 @@ class Parameters(LearningFunction.Parameters):
     default_learning_rate = 1.0
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
@@ -2175,6 +2181,7 @@ class TDLearning(Reinforcement):
     componentName = TDLEARNING_FUNCTION
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
diff --git a/psyneulink/core/components/functions/nonstateful/objectivefunctions.py b/psyneulink/core/components/functions/nonstateful/objectivefunctions.py
index 286cf63a86e..1e8ac37f370 100644
--- a/psyneulink/core/components/functions/nonstateful/objectivefunctions.py
+++ b/psyneulink/core/components/functions/nonstateful/objectivefunctions.py
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
-from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter
+from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter, check_user_specified
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.basepreferenceset import is_pref_set
 from psyneulink.core.globals.utilities import is_distance_metric, safe_len, convert_to_np_array
 from psyneulink.core.globals.utilities import is_iterable
@@ -206,6 +206,7 @@ class Parameters(ObjectiveFunction.Parameters):
         transfer_fct = Parameter(None, stateful=False, loggable=False)
         normalize = Parameter(False, stateful=False)
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
@@ -558,6 +559,7 @@ class Energy(Stability):
         specifies the `PreferenceSet` for the Function (see `prefs <Function_Base.prefs>` for details).
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
@@ -667,6 +669,7 @@ class Entropy(Stability):
         specifies the `PreferenceSet` for the Function (see `prefs <Function_Base.prefs>` for details).
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
@@ -779,6 +782,7 @@ class Parameters(ObjectiveFunction.Parameters):
         variable = Parameter(np.array([[0], [0]]), read_only=True, pnl_internal=True, constructor_argument='default_variable')
         metric = Parameter(DIFFERENCE, stateful=False)
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
diff --git a/psyneulink/core/components/functions/nonstateful/optimizationfunctions.py b/psyneulink/core/components/functions/nonstateful/optimizationfunctions.py
index 1f70a337c64..df8d182577c 100644
--- a/psyneulink/core/components/functions/nonstateful/optimizationfunctions.py
+++ b/psyneulink/core/components/functions/nonstateful/optimizationfunctions.py
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
 from psyneulink.core.globals.keywords import \
-from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter
+from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter, check_user_specified
 from psyneulink.core.globals.sampleiterator import SampleIterator
 from psyneulink.core.globals.utilities import call_with_pruned_args
@@ -404,6 +404,7 @@ class Parameters(Function_Base.Parameters):
         saved_samples = Parameter([], read_only=True, pnl_internal=True)
         saved_values = Parameter([], read_only=True, pnl_internal=True)
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(
@@ -623,26 +624,26 @@ def _evaluate(self, variable=None, context=None, params=None):
             assert all([not getattr(self.parameters, x)._user_specified for x in self._unspecified_args])
             self._unspecified_args = []
-        # Get initial sample in case it is needed by _search_space_evaluate (e.g., for gradient initialization)
-        initial_sample = self._check_args(variable=variable, context=context, params=params)
-        try:
-            initial_value = self.owner.objective_mechanism.parameters.value._get(context)
-        except AttributeError:
-            initial_value = 0
         # Evaluate all estimates of all samples in search_space
-        # If execution mode is not Python and search_space is static, use parallelized evaluation:
-        if (self.owner and self.owner.parameters.comp_execution_mode._get(context) != 'Python' and
-                all(isinstance(sample_iterator.start, Number) and isinstance(sample_iterator.stop, Number)
-                    for sample_iterator in self.search_space)):
-            # FIX: NEED TO FIX THIS ONCE _grid_evaluate RETURNS all_samples
-            all_samples = []
+        # Run compiled mode if requested by parameter and everything is initialized
+        if self.owner and self.owner.parameters.comp_execution_mode._get(context) != 'Python' and \
+          ContextFlags.PROCESSING in context.flags:
+            all_samples = [s for s in itertools.product(*self.search_space)]
             all_values, num_evals = self._grid_evaluate(self.owner, context)
+            assert len(all_values) == num_evals
+            assert len(all_samples) == num_evals
             last_sample = last_value = None
         # Otherwise, default sequential sampling
+            # Get initial sample in case it is needed by _search_space_evaluate (e.g., for gradient initialization)
+            initial_sample = self._check_args(variable=variable, context=context, params=params)
+            try:
+                initial_value = self.owner.objective_mechanism.parameters.value._get(context)
+            except AttributeError:
+                initial_value = 0
             last_sample, last_value, all_samples, all_values = self._sequential_evaluate(initial_sample,
@@ -654,6 +655,11 @@ def _evaluate(self, variable=None, context=None, params=None):
                 self.parameters.randomization_dimension._get(context) and \
                 self.parameters.num_estimates._get(context) is not None:
+            # FIXME: This is easy to support in hybrid mode. We just need to convert ctype results
+            #        returned from _grid_evaluate to numpy
+            assert not self.owner or self.owner.parameters.comp_execution_mode._get(context) == 'Python', \
+                   "Aggregation function not supported in compiled mode!"
             # Reshape all the values we encountered to group those that correspond to the same parameter values
             # can be aggregated.
             all_values = np.reshape(all_values, (-1, self.parameters.num_estimates._get(context)))
@@ -752,6 +758,17 @@ def _sequential_evaluate(self, initial_sample, initial_value, context):
     def _grid_evaluate(self, ocm, context):
         """Helper method for evaluation of a grid of samples from search space via LLVM backends."""
+        # If execution mode is not Python, the search space has to be static
+        def _is_static(it:SampleIterator):
+            if isinstance(it.start, Number) and isinstance(it.stop, Number):
+                return True
+            if isinstance(it.generator, list):
+                return True
+            return False
+        assert all(_is_static(sample_iterator) for sample_iterator in self.search_space)
         assert ocm is ocm.agent_rep.controller
         # Compiled evaluate expects the same variable as mech function
         variable = [input_port.parameters.value.get(context) for input_port in ocm.input_ports]
@@ -767,7 +784,6 @@ def _grid_evaluate(self, ocm, context):
             assert False, f"Unknown execution mode for {ocm.name}: {execution_mode}."
-        # FIX: RETURN SHOULD BE: outcomes, all_samples (THEN FIX CALL IN _function)
         return outcomes, num_evals
     def _report_value(self, new_value):
@@ -1084,6 +1100,7 @@ def _parse_direction(self, direction):
                 return -1
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
@@ -1486,6 +1503,7 @@ class Parameters(OptimizationFunction.Parameters):
     # TODO: should save_values be in the constructor if it's ignored?
     # is False or True the correct value?
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
@@ -1805,30 +1823,6 @@ def _gen_llvm_function_body(self, ctx, builder, params, state_features, arg_in,
         builder.store(builder.load(min_value_ptr), out_value_ptr)
         return builder
-    def _run_grid(self, ocm, variable, context):
-        # "ct" => c-type variables
-        ct_values, num_evals = self._grid_evaluate(ocm, context)
-        assert len(ct_values) == num_evals
-        # Reduce array of values to min/max
-        # select_min params are:
-        # params, state, min_sample_ptr, sample_ptr, min_value_ptr, value_ptr, opt_count_ptr, count
-        bin_func = pnlvm.LLVMBinaryFunction.from_obj(self, tags=frozenset({"select_min"}))
-        ct_param = bin_func.byref_arg_types[0](*self._get_param_initializer(context))
-        ct_state = bin_func.byref_arg_types[1](*self._get_state_initializer(context))
-        ct_opt_sample = bin_func.byref_arg_types[2](float("NaN"))
-        ct_alloc = None # NULL for samples
-        ct_opt_value = bin_func.byref_arg_types[4]()
-        ct_opt_count = bin_func.byref_arg_types[6](0)
-        ct_start = bin_func.c_func.argtypes[7](0)
-        ct_stop = bin_func.c_func.argtypes[8](len(ct_values))
-        bin_func(ct_param, ct_state, ct_opt_sample, ct_alloc, ct_opt_value,
-                 ct_values, ct_opt_count, ct_start, ct_stop)
-        return np.ctypeslib.as_array(ct_opt_sample), ct_opt_value.value, np.ctypeslib.as_array(ct_values)
     def _function(self,
@@ -1953,15 +1947,37 @@ def _function(self,
                 "PROGRAM ERROR: bad value for {} arg of {}: {}, {}". \
                     format(repr(DIRECTION), self.name, direction)
-            ocm = self._get_optimized_controller()
+            # Evaluate objective_function for each sample
+            last_sample, last_value, all_samples, all_values = self._evaluate(
+                variable=variable,
+                context=context,
+                params=params,
+            )
             # Compiled version
+            ocm = self._get_optimized_controller()
             if ocm is not None and ocm.parameters.comp_execution_mode._get(context) in {"PTX", "LLVM"}:
-                opt_sample, opt_value, all_values = self._run_grid(ocm, variable, context)
-                # This should not be evaluated unless needed
-                all_samples = [s for s in itertools.product(*self.search_space)]
-                value_optimal = opt_value
-                sample_optimal = opt_sample
+                # Reduce array of values to min/max
+                # select_min params are:
+                # params, state, min_sample_ptr, sample_ptr, min_value_ptr, value_ptr, opt_count_ptr, count
+                bin_func = pnlvm.LLVMBinaryFunction.from_obj(self, tags=frozenset({"select_min"}))
+                ct_param = bin_func.byref_arg_types[0](*self._get_param_initializer(context))
+                ct_state = bin_func.byref_arg_types[1](*self._get_state_initializer(context))
+                ct_opt_sample = bin_func.byref_arg_types[2](float("NaN"))
+                ct_alloc = None # NULL for samples
+                ct_values = all_values
+                ct_opt_value = bin_func.byref_arg_types[4]()
+                ct_opt_count = bin_func.byref_arg_types[6](0)
+                ct_start = bin_func.c_func.argtypes[7](0)
+                ct_stop = bin_func.c_func.argtypes[8](len(ct_values))
+                bin_func(ct_param, ct_state, ct_opt_sample, ct_alloc, ct_opt_value,
+                         ct_values, ct_opt_count, ct_start, ct_stop)
+                value_optimal = ct_opt_value.value
+                sample_optimal = np.ctypeslib.as_array(ct_opt_sample)
+                all_values = np.ctypeslib.as_array(ct_values)
                 # These are normally stored in the parent function (OptimizationFunction).
                 # Since we didn't  call super()._function like the python path,
@@ -1974,12 +1990,6 @@ def _function(self,
             # Python version
-                # Evaluate objective_function for each sample
-                last_sample, last_value, all_samples, all_values = self._evaluate(
-                    variable=variable,
-                    context=context,
-                    params=params,
-                )
                 if all_values.size != all_samples.shape[-1]:
                     raise ValueError(f"OptimizationFunction Error: {self}._evaluate returned mismatched sizes for "
@@ -2198,6 +2208,7 @@ class Parameters(OptimizationFunction.Parameters):
     # TODO: should save_values be in the constructor if it's ignored?
     # is False or True the correct value?
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
@@ -2452,12 +2463,13 @@ class Parameters(OptimizationFunction.Parameters):
                     :default value: True
                     :type: ``bool``
-        variable = Parameter([[0], [0]], read_only=True)
+        variable = Parameter([[0], [0]], read_only=True, constructor_argument='default_variable')
         random_state = Parameter(None, loggable=False, getter=_random_state_getter, dependencies='seed')
         seed = Parameter(DEFAULT_SEED, modulable=True, fallback_default=True, setter=_seed_setter)
         save_samples = True
         save_values = True
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
diff --git a/psyneulink/core/components/functions/nonstateful/selectionfunctions.py b/psyneulink/core/components/functions/nonstateful/selectionfunctions.py
index aff4dc5764f..626f1ade454 100644
--- a/psyneulink/core/components/functions/nonstateful/selectionfunctions.py
+++ b/psyneulink/core/components/functions/nonstateful/selectionfunctions.py
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
 from psyneulink.core.globals.keywords import \
-from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter
+from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter, check_user_specified
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.basepreferenceset import \
     REPORT_OUTPUT_PREF, PreferenceEntry, PreferenceLevel, is_pref_set
@@ -201,6 +201,7 @@ def _validate_mode(self, mode):
                 # returns error message
                 return 'not one of {0}'.format(options)
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
diff --git a/psyneulink/core/components/functions/nonstateful/transferfunctions.py b/psyneulink/core/components/functions/nonstateful/transferfunctions.py
index 5bce6445bba..eef16ca3f36 100644
--- a/psyneulink/core/components/functions/nonstateful/transferfunctions.py
+++ b/psyneulink/core/components/functions/nonstateful/transferfunctions.py
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
 from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import \
-    FunctionParameter, Parameter, get_validator_by_function
+    FunctionParameter, Parameter, get_validator_by_function, check_user_specified
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.basepreferenceset import \
     REPORT_OUTPUT_PREF, PreferenceEntry, PreferenceLevel, is_pref_set
 from psyneulink.core.globals.utilities import parameter_spec, safe_len
@@ -197,6 +197,7 @@ class Identity(TransferFunction):  # -------------------------------------------
         REPORT_OUTPUT_PREF: PreferenceEntry(False, PreferenceLevel.INSTANCE),
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
@@ -364,6 +365,7 @@ class Parameters(TransferFunction.Parameters):
         slope = Parameter(1.0, modulable=True, aliases=[MULTIPLICATIVE_PARAM])
         intercept = Parameter(0.0, modulable=True, aliases=[ADDITIVE_PARAM])
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
@@ -625,6 +627,7 @@ class Parameters(TransferFunction.Parameters):
         offset = Parameter(0.0, modulable=True)
         bounds = (0, None)
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
@@ -915,6 +918,7 @@ class Parameters(TransferFunction.Parameters):
         scale = Parameter(1.0, modulable=True)
         bounds = (0, 1)
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
@@ -1233,6 +1237,7 @@ class Parameters(TransferFunction.Parameters):
         scale = Parameter(1.0, modulable=True)
         bounds = (0, 1)
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
@@ -1497,6 +1502,7 @@ class Parameters(TransferFunction.Parameters):
         leak = Parameter(0.0, modulable=True)
         bounds = (None, None)
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
@@ -1705,6 +1711,7 @@ def _validate_variable(self, variable):
             if variable.ndim != 1 or len(variable) < 2:
                 return f"must be list or 1d array of length 2 or greater."
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
@@ -1970,6 +1977,7 @@ class Parameters(TransferFunction.Parameters):
         offset = Parameter(0.0, modulable=True)
         bounds = (None, None)
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
@@ -2243,6 +2251,7 @@ class Parameters(TransferFunction.Parameters):
         seed = Parameter(DEFAULT_SEED, modulable=True, fallback_default=True, setter=_seed_setter)
         bounds = (None, None)
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
@@ -2523,6 +2532,7 @@ def _validate_output(self, output):
                 return 'not one of {0}'.format(options)
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
@@ -2578,7 +2588,7 @@ def _validate_variable(self, variable, context=None):
         return np.asarray(variable)
-    def __gen_llvm_exp_sum_max(self, builder, index, ctx, vi, gain, max_ptr, exp_sum_ptr, max_ind_ptr):
+    def __gen_llvm_exp_sum(self, builder, index, ctx, vi, gain, exp_sum_ptr):
         ptri = builder.gep(vi, [ctx.int32_ty(0), index])
         exp_f = ctx.get_builtin("exp", [ctx.float_ty])
@@ -2590,17 +2600,7 @@ def __gen_llvm_exp_sum_max(self, builder, index, ctx, vi, gain, max_ptr, exp_sum
         new_exp_sum = builder.fadd(exp_sum, exp_val)
         builder.store(new_exp_sum, exp_sum_ptr)
-        old_max = builder.load(max_ptr)
-        gt = builder.fcmp_ordered(">", exp_val, old_max)
-        new_max = builder.select(gt, exp_val, old_max)
-        builder.store(new_max, max_ptr)
-        old_index = builder.load(max_ind_ptr)
-        new_index = builder.select(gt, index, old_index)
-        builder.store(new_index, max_ind_ptr)
     def __gen_llvm_exp_div(self, builder, index, ctx, vi, vo, gain, exp_sum):
-        assert self.output == ALL
         ptro = builder.gep(vo, [ctx.int32_ty(0), index])
         ptri = builder.gep(vi, [ctx.int32_ty(0), index])
         exp_f = ctx.get_builtin("exp", [ctx.float_ty])
@@ -2611,65 +2611,70 @@ def __gen_llvm_exp_div(self, builder, index, ctx, vi, vo, gain, exp_sum):
         builder.store(val, ptro)
-    def __gen_llvm_apply(self, ctx, builder, params, _, arg_in, arg_out):
+    def __gen_llvm_apply(self, ctx, builder, params, state, arg_in, arg_out, tags:frozenset):
         exp_sum_ptr = builder.alloca(ctx.float_ty)
         builder.store(exp_sum_ptr.type.pointee(0), exp_sum_ptr)
-        max_ptr = builder.alloca(ctx.float_ty)
-        builder.store(max_ptr.type.pointee(float('-inf')), max_ptr)
-        max_ind_ptr = builder.alloca(ctx.int32_ty)
-        builder.store(max_ind_ptr.type.pointee(-1), max_ind_ptr)
         gain_ptr = pnlvm.helpers.get_param_ptr(builder, self, params, GAIN)
         gain = pnlvm.helpers.load_extract_scalar_array_one(builder, gain_ptr)
         with pnlvm.helpers.array_ptr_loop(builder, arg_in, "exp_sum_max") as args:
-            self.__gen_llvm_exp_sum_max(*args, ctx=ctx, vi=arg_in,
-                                        max_ptr=max_ptr, gain=gain,
-                                        max_ind_ptr=max_ind_ptr,
-                                        exp_sum_ptr=exp_sum_ptr)
+            self.__gen_llvm_exp_sum(*args, ctx=ctx, vi=arg_in, gain=gain,
+                                    exp_sum_ptr=exp_sum_ptr)
-        output_type = self.output
         exp_sum = builder.load(exp_sum_ptr)
-        index = builder.load(max_ind_ptr)
-        ptro = builder.gep(arg_out, [ctx.int32_ty(0), index])
-        if output_type == ALL:
+        if self.output == ALL:
             with pnlvm.helpers.array_ptr_loop(builder, arg_in, "exp_div") as args:
                 self.__gen_llvm_exp_div(ctx=ctx, vi=arg_in, vo=arg_out,
                                         gain=gain, exp_sum=exp_sum, *args)
-        elif output_type == MAX_VAL:
-            # zero out the output array
-            with pnlvm.helpers.array_ptr_loop(builder, arg_in, "zero_output") as (b,i):
-                b.store(ctx.float_ty(0), b.gep(arg_out, [ctx.int32_ty(0), i]))
-            ptri = builder.gep(arg_in, [ctx.int32_ty(0), index])
-            exp_f = ctx.get_builtin("exp", [ctx.float_ty])
-            orig_val = builder.load(ptri)
-            val = builder.fmul(orig_val, gain)
-            val = builder.call(exp_f, [val])
-            val = builder.fdiv(val, exp_sum)
-            builder.store(val, ptro)
-        elif output_type == MAX_INDICATOR:
-            # zero out the output array
-            with pnlvm.helpers.array_ptr_loop(builder, arg_in, "zero_output") as (b,i):
-                b.store(ctx.float_ty(0), b.gep(arg_out, [ctx.int32_ty(0), i]))
-            builder.store(ctx.float_ty(1), ptro)
+            return builder
+        one_hot_f = ctx.import_llvm_function(self.one_hot_function, tags=tags)
+        one_hot_p = pnlvm.helpers.get_param_ptr(builder, self, params, 'one_hot_function')
+        one_hot_s = pnlvm.helpers.get_state_ptr(builder, self, state, 'one_hot_function')
+        assert one_hot_f.args[3].type == arg_out.type
+        one_hot_out = arg_out
+        one_hot_in = builder.alloca(one_hot_f.args[2].type.pointee)
+        if self.output in {MAX_VAL, MAX_INDICATOR}:
+            with pnlvm.helpers.array_ptr_loop(builder, arg_in, "exp_div") as (b, i):
+                self.__gen_llvm_exp_div(ctx=ctx, vi=arg_in, vo=one_hot_in,
+                                        gain=gain, exp_sum=exp_sum, builder=b, index=i)
+            builder.call(one_hot_f, [one_hot_p, one_hot_s, one_hot_in, one_hot_out])
+        elif self.output == PROB:
+            one_hot_in_data = builder.gep(one_hot_in, [ctx.int32_ty(0), ctx.int32_ty(0)])
+            one_hot_in_dist = builder.gep(one_hot_in, [ctx.int32_ty(0), ctx.int32_ty(1)])
+            with pnlvm.helpers.array_ptr_loop(builder, arg_in, "exp_div") as (b, i):
+                self.__gen_llvm_exp_div(ctx=ctx, vi=arg_in, vo=one_hot_in_dist,
+                                        gain=gain, exp_sum=exp_sum, builder=b, index=i)
+                dist_in = b.gep(arg_in, [ctx.int32_ty(0), i])
+                dist_out = b.gep(one_hot_in_data, [ctx.int32_ty(0), i])
+                b.store(b.load(dist_in), dist_out)
+            builder.call(one_hot_f, [one_hot_p, one_hot_s, one_hot_in, one_hot_out])
+        else:
+            assert False, "Unsupported output in {}: {}".format(self, self.output)
         return builder
-    def _gen_llvm_function_body(self, ctx, builder, params, _, arg_in, arg_out, *, tags:frozenset):
+    def _gen_llvm_function_body(self, ctx, builder, params, state, arg_in, arg_out, *, tags:frozenset):
         if self.parameters.per_item.get():
             assert isinstance(arg_in.type.pointee.element, pnlvm.ir.ArrayType)
             assert isinstance(arg_out.type.pointee.element, pnlvm.ir.ArrayType)
             for i in range(arg_in.type.pointee.count):
                 inner_in = builder.gep(arg_in, [ctx.int32_ty(0), ctx.int32_ty(i)])
                 inner_out = builder.gep(arg_out, [ctx.int32_ty(0), ctx.int32_ty(i)])
-                builder = self.__gen_llvm_apply(ctx, builder, params, _, inner_in, inner_out)
+                builder = self.__gen_llvm_apply(ctx, builder, params, state, inner_in, inner_out, tags=tags)
             return builder
-            return self.__gen_llvm_apply(ctx, builder, params, _, arg_in, arg_out)
+            return self.__gen_llvm_apply(ctx, builder, params, state, arg_in, arg_out, tags=tags)
     def apply_softmax(self, input_value, gain, output_type):
         # Modulate input_value by gain
@@ -2925,6 +2930,7 @@ class Parameters(TransferFunction.Parameters):
     #         return True
     #     return False
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
@@ -3842,8 +3848,7 @@ class Parameters(TransferFunction.Parameters):
                     :default value: None
-        variable = Parameter(np.array([0]),
-                             history_min_length=1)
+        variable = Parameter(np.array([0]), history_min_length=1, constructor_argument='default_variable')
         intensity = Parameter(np.zeros_like(variable.default_value),
@@ -3927,6 +3932,7 @@ class Parameters(TransferFunction.Parameters):
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
diff --git a/psyneulink/core/components/functions/stateful/integratorfunctions.py b/psyneulink/core/components/functions/stateful/integratorfunctions.py
index dd344d3b9f0..afca06fdb6e 100644
--- a/psyneulink/core/components/functions/stateful/integratorfunctions.py
+++ b/psyneulink/core/components/functions/stateful/integratorfunctions.py
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
-from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter
+from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter, check_user_specified
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.basepreferenceset import is_pref_set
 from psyneulink.core.globals.utilities import parameter_spec, all_within_range, \
@@ -220,6 +220,7 @@ class Parameters(StatefulFunction.Parameters):
         previous_value = Parameter(np.array([0]), initializer='initializer')
         initializer = Parameter(np.array([0]), pnl_internal=True)
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
@@ -550,6 +551,7 @@ class Parameters(IntegratorFunction.Parameters):
         rate = Parameter(1.0, modulable=True, aliases=[MULTIPLICATIVE_PARAM], function_arg=True)
         increment = Parameter(0.0, modulable=True, aliases=[ADDITIVE_PARAM], function_arg=True)
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
@@ -826,6 +828,7 @@ class Parameters(IntegratorFunction.Parameters):
         rate = Parameter(1.0, modulable=True, aliases=[MULTIPLICATIVE_PARAM], function_arg=True)
         offset = Parameter(0.0, modulable=True, aliases=[ADDITIVE_PARAM], function_arg=True)
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
@@ -1061,6 +1064,7 @@ class Parameters(IntegratorFunction.Parameters):
         rate = Parameter(1.0, modulable=True, aliases=[MULTIPLICATIVE_PARAM], function_arg=True)
         offset = Parameter(0.0, modulable=True, aliases=[ADDITIVE_PARAM], function_arg=True)
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
@@ -1573,6 +1577,7 @@ class Parameters(IntegratorFunction.Parameters):
         long_term_logistic = None
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
@@ -2014,6 +2019,7 @@ class Parameters(IntegratorFunction.Parameters):
         max_val = Parameter(1.0, function_arg=True)
         min_val = Parameter(-1.0, function_arg=True)
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
@@ -2418,6 +2424,7 @@ def _parse_initializer(self, initializer):
                 return initializer
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(
@@ -2531,10 +2538,6 @@ def _gen_llvm_integrate(self, builder, index, ctx, vi, vo, params, state):
         builder.call(rand_f, [random_state, rand_val_ptr])
         rand_val = builder.load(rand_val_ptr)
-        if isinstance(rate.type, pnlvm.ir.ArrayType):
-            assert len(rate.type) == 1
-            rate = builder.extract_value(rate, 0)
         # Get state pointers
         prev_ptr = pnlvm.helpers.get_state_ptr(builder, self, state, "previous_value")
         prev_time_ptr = pnlvm.helpers.get_state_ptr(builder, self, state, "previous_time")
@@ -2543,10 +2546,8 @@ def _gen_llvm_integrate(self, builder, index, ctx, vi, vo, params, state):
         #       + np.sqrt(time_step_size * noise) * random_state.normal()
         prev_val_ptr = builder.gep(prev_ptr, [ctx.int32_ty(0), index])
         prev_val = builder.load(prev_val_ptr)
         val = builder.load(builder.gep(vi, [ctx.int32_ty(0), index]))
-        if isinstance(val.type, pnlvm.ir.ArrayType):
-            assert len(val.type) == 1
-            val = builder.extract_value(val, 0)
         val = builder.fmul(val, rate)
         val = builder.fmul(val, time_step_size)
         val = builder.fadd(val, prev_val)
@@ -2894,7 +2895,7 @@ class Parameters(IntegratorFunction.Parameters):
         # threshold = Parameter(100.0, modulable=True)
         time_step_size = Parameter(1.0, modulable=True)
         previous_time = Parameter(None, initializer='starting_point', pnl_internal=True)
-        dimension = Parameter(2, stateful=False, read_only=True)
+        dimension = Parameter(3, stateful=False, read_only=True)
         initializer = Parameter([0], initalizer='variable', stateful=True)
         angle_function = Parameter(None, stateful=False, loggable=False)
         random_state = Parameter(None, loggable=False, getter=_random_state_getter, dependencies='seed')
@@ -2933,6 +2934,7 @@ def _parse_noise(self, noise):
                 noise = np.array(noise)
             return noise
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
@@ -3439,6 +3441,7 @@ class Parameters(IntegratorFunction.Parameters):
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(
@@ -3733,6 +3736,7 @@ class Parameters(IntegratorFunction.Parameters):
         offset = Parameter(0.0, modulable=True, aliases=[ADDITIVE_PARAM], function_arg=True)
         time_step_size = Parameter(0.1, modulable=True, function_arg=True)
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
@@ -4414,6 +4418,7 @@ class Parameters(IntegratorFunction.Parameters):
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
diff --git a/psyneulink/core/components/functions/stateful/memoryfunctions.py b/psyneulink/core/components/functions/stateful/memoryfunctions.py
index abade02079c..c6fb7d67731 100644
--- a/psyneulink/core/components/functions/stateful/memoryfunctions.py
+++ b/psyneulink/core/components/functions/stateful/memoryfunctions.py
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
     ContentAddressableMemory_FUNCTION, DictionaryMemory_FUNCTION, \
-from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter
+from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter, check_user_specified
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.basepreferenceset import is_pref_set
 from psyneulink.core.globals.utilities import \
     all_within_range, convert_to_np_array, convert_to_list, convert_all_elements_to_np_array
@@ -56,6 +56,16 @@
 class MemoryFunction(StatefulFunction):  # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     componentType = MEMORY_FUNCTION
+    # TODO: refactor to avoid skip of direct super
+    def _update_default_variable(self, new_default_variable, context=None):
+        if not self.parameters.initializer._user_specified:
+            # use * 0 instead of zeros_like to deal with ragged arrays
+            self._initialize_previous_value([new_default_variable * 0], context)
+        # bypass the additional _initialize_previous_value call used by
+        # other stateful functions
+        super(StatefulFunction, self)._update_default_variable(new_default_variable, context=context)
 class Buffer(MemoryFunction):  # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -215,6 +225,7 @@ class Parameters(StatefulFunction.Parameters):
         changes_shape = Parameter(True, stateful=False, loggable=False, pnl_internal=True)
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
@@ -259,16 +270,6 @@ def _initialize_previous_value(self, initializer, context=None):
         return previous_value
-    # TODO: Buffer variable fix: remove this or refactor to avoid skip
-    # of direct super
-    def _update_default_variable(self, new_default_variable, context=None):
-        if not self.parameters.initializer._user_specified:
-            self._initialize_previous_value([np.zeros_like(new_default_variable)], context)
-        # bypass the additional _initialize_previous_value call used by
-        # other stateful functions
-        super(StatefulFunction, self)._update_default_variable(new_default_variable, context=context)
     def _instantiate_attributes_before_function(self, function=None, context=None):
@@ -1152,6 +1153,7 @@ def _parse_initializer(self, initializer):
                 initializer = ContentAddressableMemory._enforce_memory_shape(initializer)
             return initializer
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
                  # FIX: REINSTATE WHEN 3.6 IS RETIRED:
@@ -2173,6 +2175,7 @@ class Parameters(StatefulFunction.Parameters):
         selection_function = Parameter(OneHot(mode=MIN_INDICATOR), stateful=False, loggable=False)
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
diff --git a/psyneulink/core/components/functions/stateful/statefulfunction.py b/psyneulink/core/components/functions/stateful/statefulfunction.py
index 1a365aca476..5e22d460526 100644
--- a/psyneulink/core/components/functions/stateful/statefulfunction.py
+++ b/psyneulink/core/components/functions/stateful/statefulfunction.py
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
 from psyneulink.core.components.functions.function import Function_Base, FunctionError, _noise_setter
 from psyneulink.core.globals.context import handle_external_context
 from psyneulink.core.globals.keywords import STATEFUL_FUNCTION_TYPE, STATEFUL_FUNCTION, NOISE, RATE
-from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter
+from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter, check_user_specified
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.basepreferenceset import is_pref_set
 from psyneulink.core.globals.utilities import iscompatible, convert_to_np_array, contains_type
@@ -213,6 +213,7 @@ def _validate_noise(self, noise):
                 return 'functions in a list must be instantiated and have the desired noise variable shape'
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
diff --git a/psyneulink/core/components/functions/userdefinedfunction.py b/psyneulink/core/components/functions/userdefinedfunction.py
index 176eff725c7..0cb5db217f3 100644
--- a/psyneulink/core/components/functions/userdefinedfunction.py
+++ b/psyneulink/core/components/functions/userdefinedfunction.py
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 from psyneulink.core.globals.keywords import \
-from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter
+from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter, check_user_specified
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences import is_pref_set
 from psyneulink.core.globals.utilities import _is_module_class, iscompatible
@@ -450,6 +450,7 @@ class Parameters(Function_Base.Parameters):
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
diff --git a/psyneulink/core/components/mechanisms/mechanism.py b/psyneulink/core/components/mechanisms/mechanism.py
index e174f9004e2..567c2f3eeca 100644
--- a/psyneulink/core/components/mechanisms/mechanism.py
+++ b/psyneulink/core/components/mechanisms/mechanism.py
@@ -1098,7 +1098,7 @@
 from psyneulink.core.components.shellclasses import Mechanism, Projection, Port
 from psyneulink.core.globals.context import Context, ContextFlags, handle_external_context
-from psyneulink.core.globals.json import _get_variable_parameter_name, _substitute_expression_args
+from psyneulink.core.globals.mdf import _get_variable_parameter_name
 # TODO: remove unused keywords
 from psyneulink.core.globals.keywords import \
@@ -1109,7 +1109,7 @@
-from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter
+from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter, check_user_specified
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.preferenceset import PreferenceLevel
 from psyneulink.core.globals.registry import register_category, remove_instance_from_registry
 from psyneulink.core.globals.utilities import \
@@ -1680,6 +1680,7 @@ def _parse_output_ports(self, output_ports):
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
@@ -2915,9 +2916,12 @@ def _gen_llvm_ports(self, ctx, builder, ports, group,
                     # the function result can result in 1d structure or scalar
                     # Casting the pointer is LLVM way of adding dimensions
                     array_1d = pnlvm.ir.ArrayType(p_input_data.type.pointee, 1)
-                    array_2d = pnlvm.ir.ArrayType(array_1d, 1)
-                    assert array_1d == p_function.args[2].type.pointee or array_2d == p_function.args[2].type.pointee, \
+                    assert array_1d == p_function.args[2].type.pointee, \
                         "{} vs. {}".format(p_function.args[2].type.pointee, p_input_data.type.pointee)
+                    # restrict shape matching to casting 1d values to 2d arrays
+                    # for Control/Gating signals
+                    assert len(p_function.args[2].type.pointee) == 1
+                    assert str(port).startswith("(ControlSignal") or str(port).startswith("(GatingSignal")
                     p_input = builder.bitcast(p_input_data, p_function.args[2].type)
@@ -3032,7 +3036,7 @@ def _gen_llvm_output_port_parse_variable(self, ctx, builder,
         except TypeError as e:
             # TypeError means we can't index.
             # Convert this to assertion failure below
-            pass
+            data = None
             #TODO: support more spec options
             if name == OWNER_VALUE:
@@ -3042,18 +3046,19 @@ def _gen_llvm_output_port_parse_variable(self, ctx, builder,
                 data = None
-            if data is not None:
-                parsed = builder.gep(data, [ctx.int32_ty(0), *(ctx.int32_ty(i) for i in ids)])
-                # "num_executions" are kept as int64, we need to convert the value to float first
-                if name == "num_executions":
-                    count = builder.load(parsed)
-                    count_fp = builder.uitofp(count, ctx.float_ty)
-                    parsed = builder.alloca(count_fp.type)
-                    builder.store(count_fp, parsed)
+        assert data is not None, "Unsupported OutputPort spec: {} ({})".format(port_spec, value.type)
-                return parsed
+        parsed = builder.gep(data, [ctx.int32_ty(0), *(ctx.int32_ty(i) for i in ids)])
+        # "num_executions" are kept as int64, we need to convert the value to float first
+        # port inputs are also expected to be 1d arrays
+        if name == "num_executions":
+            count = builder.load(parsed)
+            count_fp = builder.uitofp(count, ctx.float_ty)
+            parsed = builder.alloca(pnlvm.ir.ArrayType(count_fp.type, 1))
+            ptr = builder.gep(parsed, [ctx.int32_ty(0), ctx.int32_ty(0)])
+            builder.store(count_fp, ptr)
-        assert False, "Unsupported OutputPort spec: {} ({})".format(port_spec, value.type)
+        return parsed
     def _gen_llvm_output_ports(self, ctx, builder, value,
                                mech_params, mech_state, mech_in, mech_out):
@@ -3071,29 +3076,34 @@ def _get_input_data_ptr(b, i):
                                        mech_params, mech_state, mech_in)
         return builder
-    def _gen_llvm_invoke_function(self, ctx, builder, function, f_params, f_state, variable, *, tags:frozenset):
+    def _gen_llvm_invoke_function(self, ctx, builder, function, f_params, f_state,
+                                  variable, out, *, tags:frozenset):
         fun = ctx.import_llvm_function(function, tags=tags)
-        fun_out = builder.alloca(fun.args[3].type.pointee, name=function.name + "_output")
+        if out is None:
+            f_out = builder.alloca(fun.args[3].type.pointee, name=function.name + "_output")
+        else:
+            f_out = out
-        builder.call(fun, [f_params, f_state, variable, fun_out])
+        builder.call(fun, [f_params, f_state, variable, f_out])
-        return fun_out, builder
+        return f_out, builder
     def _gen_llvm_is_finished_cond(self, ctx, builder, m_params, m_state):
         return ctx.bool_ty(1)
-    def _gen_llvm_mechanism_functions(self, ctx, builder, m_base_params, m_params, m_state, arg_in,
-                                      ip_output, *, tags:frozenset):
+    def _gen_llvm_mechanism_functions(self, ctx, builder, m_base_params, m_params, m_state, m_in,
+                                      m_val, ip_output, *, tags:frozenset):
         # Default mechanism runs only the main function
         f_base_params = pnlvm.helpers.get_param_ptr(builder, self, m_base_params, "function")
         f_params, builder = self._gen_llvm_param_ports_for_obj(
-                self.function, f_base_params, ctx, builder, m_base_params, m_state, arg_in)
+                self.function, f_base_params, ctx, builder, m_base_params, m_state, m_in)
         f_state = pnlvm.helpers.get_state_ptr(builder, self, m_state, "function")
         return self._gen_llvm_invoke_function(ctx, builder, self.function,
                                               f_params, f_state, ip_output,
-                                              tags=tags)
+                                              m_val, tags=tags)
     def _gen_llvm_function_internal(self, ctx, builder, m_params, m_state, arg_in,
                                     arg_out, m_base_params, *, tags:frozenset):
@@ -3101,11 +3111,21 @@ def _gen_llvm_function_internal(self, ctx, builder, m_params, m_state, arg_in,
         ip_output, builder = self._gen_llvm_input_ports(ctx, builder,
                                                         m_base_params, m_state, arg_in)
+        # This will move history items around to make space for a new entry
+        mech_val_ptr = pnlvm.helpers.get_state_space(builder, self, m_state, "value")
         value, builder = self._gen_llvm_mechanism_functions(ctx, builder, m_base_params,
                                                             m_params, m_state, arg_in,
+                                                            mech_val_ptr,
                                                             ip_output, tags=tags)
+        if mech_val_ptr.type.pointee == value.type.pointee:
+            assert value is mech_val_ptr
+        else:
+            # FIXME: Does this need some sort of parsing?
+            warnings.warn("Shape mismatch: function result does not match mechanism value param: {} vs. {}".format(value.type.pointee, mech_val_ptr.type.pointee))
         # Update  num_executions parameter
         num_executions_ptr = pnlvm.helpers.get_state_ptr(builder, self, m_state, "num_executions")
         for scale in TimeScale:
@@ -3117,13 +3137,6 @@ def _gen_llvm_function_internal(self, ctx, builder, m_params, m_state, arg_in,
             new_val = builder.add(new_val, new_val.type(1))
             builder.store(new_val, num_exec_time_ptr)
-        val_ptr = pnlvm.helpers.get_state_ptr(builder, self, m_state, "value")
-        if val_ptr.type.pointee == value.type.pointee:
-            pnlvm.helpers.push_state_val(builder, self, m_state, "value", value)
-        else:
-            # FIXME: Does this need some sort of parsing?
-            warnings.warn("Shape mismatch: function result does not match mechanism value param: {} vs. {}".format(value.type.pointee, val_ptr.type.pointee))
         # Run output ports after updating the mech state (num_executions and value)
         builder = self._gen_llvm_output_ports(ctx, builder, value, m_base_params, m_state, arg_in, arg_out)
@@ -4155,7 +4168,7 @@ def as_mdf_model(self):
-                        function={'onnx::ReduceSum': combination_function_args},
+                        function='onnx::ReduceSum',
@@ -4196,9 +4209,6 @@ def as_mdf_model(self):
-        for func_model in model.functions:
-            _substitute_expression_args(func_model)
         return model
diff --git a/psyneulink/core/components/mechanisms/modulatory/control/controlmechanism.py b/psyneulink/core/components/mechanisms/modulatory/control/controlmechanism.py
index 3da410a7ae5..b4d82a6662e 100644
--- a/psyneulink/core/components/mechanisms/modulatory/control/controlmechanism.py
+++ b/psyneulink/core/components/mechanisms/modulatory/control/controlmechanism.py
@@ -378,11 +378,12 @@
 A ControlMechanism's `function <ControlMechanism.function>` uses its `outcome <ControlMechanism.outcome>`
 attribute (the `value <InputPort.value>` of its *OUTCOME* `InputPort`) to generate a `control_allocation
 <ControlMechanism.control_allocation>`.  By default, its `function <ControlMechanism.function>` is assigned
-the `DefaultAllocationFunction`, which takes a single value as its input, and assigns that as the value of
-each item of `control_allocation <ControlMechanism.control_allocation>`.  Each of these items is assigned as
-the allocation for the corresponding  `ControlSignal` in `control_signals <ControlMechanism.control_signals>`. This
+the `Identity`, which takes a single value as its input, and copies it to the output, this assigns the value of
+each item of `control_allocation <ControlMechanism.control_allocation>`.  This item is assigned as
+the allocation for the all `ControlSignal` in `control_signals <ControlMechanism.control_signals>`. This
 distributes the ControlMechanism's input as the allocation to each of its `control_signals
-<ControlMechanism.control_signals>`.  This same behavior also applies to any custom function assigned to a
+This same behavior also applies to any custom function assigned to a
 ControlMechanism that returns a 2d array with a single item in its outer dimension (axis 0).  If a function is
 assigned that returns a 2d array with more than one item, and it has the same number of `control_signals
 <ControlMechanism.control_signals>`, then each ControlSignal is assigned to the corresponding item of the function's
@@ -587,8 +588,8 @@
 import numpy as np
 import typecheck as tc
-from psyneulink.core import llvm as pnlvm
 from psyneulink.core.components.functions.function import Function_Base, is_function_type
+from psyneulink.core.components.functions.nonstateful.transferfunctions import Identity
 from psyneulink.core.components.functions.nonstateful.combinationfunctions import Concatenate
 from psyneulink.core.components.functions.nonstateful.combinationfunctions import LinearCombination
 from psyneulink.core.components.mechanisms.mechanism import Mechanism, Mechanism_Base
@@ -605,14 +606,13 @@
-from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter
+from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter, check_user_specified
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.basepreferenceset import is_pref_set
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.preferenceset import PreferenceLevel
 from psyneulink.core.globals.utilities import ContentAddressableList, convert_to_list, convert_to_np_array, is_iterable
 __all__ = [
     'CONTROL_ALLOCATION', 'GATING_ALLOCATION', 'ControlMechanism', 'ControlMechanismError', 'ControlMechanismRegistry',
-    'DefaultAllocationFunction'
 CONTROL_ALLOCATION = 'control_allocation'
@@ -727,58 +727,6 @@ def _net_outcome_getter(owning_component=None, context=None):
         return [0]
-class DefaultAllocationFunction(Function_Base):
-    """Take a single 1d item and return a 2d array with n identical items
-    Takes the default input (a single value in the *OUTCOME* InputPort of the ControlMechanism),
-    and returns the same allocation for each of its `control_signals <ControlMechanism.control_signals>`.
-    """
-    componentName = 'Default Control Function'
-    class Parameters(Function_Base.Parameters):
-        """
-            Attributes
-            ----------
-                num_control_signals
-                    see `num_control_signals <DefaultAllocationFunction.num_control_signals>`
-                    :default value: 1
-                    :type: ``int``
-        """
-        num_control_signals = Parameter(1, stateful=False)
-    def __init__(self,
-                 default_variable=None,
-                 params=None,
-                 owner=None
-                 ):
-        super().__init__(default_variable=default_variable,
-                         params=params,
-                         owner=owner,
-                         )
-    def _function(self,
-                 variable=None,
-                 context=None,
-                 params=None,
-                 ):
-        num_ctl_sigs = self._get_current_parameter_value('num_control_signals')
-        result = np.array([variable[0]] * num_ctl_sigs)
-        return self.convert_output_type(result)
-    def reset(self, *args, force=False, context=None, **kwargs):
-        # Override Component.reset which requires that the Component is stateful
-        pass
-    def _gen_llvm_function_body(self, ctx, builder, _1, _2, arg_in, arg_out, *, tags:frozenset):
-        val_ptr = builder.gep(arg_in, [ctx.int32_ty(0), ctx.int32_ty(0)])
-        val = builder.load(val_ptr)
-        with pnlvm.helpers.array_ptr_loop(builder, arg_out, "alloc_loop") as (b, idx):
-            out_ptr = builder.gep(arg_out, [ctx.int32_ty(0), idx])
-            builder.store(val, out_ptr)
-        return builder
 class ControlMechanism(ModulatoryMechanism_Base):
     ControlMechanism(                        \
@@ -1201,7 +1149,7 @@ class Parameters(ModulatoryMechanism_Base.Parameters):
         monitor_for_control = Parameter(
-            [OUTCOME],
+            [],
@@ -1218,6 +1166,7 @@ class Parameters(ModulatoryMechanism_Base.Parameters):
             aliases=[CONTROL, CONTROL_SIGNALS],
+        function = Parameter(Identity, stateful=False, loggable=False)
         def _parse_output_ports(self, output_ports):
             def is_2tuple(o):
@@ -1263,6 +1212,7 @@ def _validate_input_ports(self, input_ports):
             # method?
             # validate_monitored_port_spec(self._owner, input_ports)
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
@@ -1329,8 +1279,6 @@ def __init__(self,
                                                     f"creating unnecessary and/or duplicated Components.")
                     control = convert_to_list(args)
-        function = function or DefaultAllocationFunction
         super(ControlMechanism, self).__init__(
@@ -1727,42 +1675,33 @@ def _register_control_signal_type(self, context=None):
     def _instantiate_control_signals(self, context):
         """Subclasses can override for class-specific implementation (see OptimizationControlMechanism for example)"""
-        output_port_specs = list(enumerate(self.output_ports))
-        for i, control_signal in output_port_specs:
+        for i, control_signal in enumerate(self.output_ports):
             self.control[i] = self._instantiate_control_signal(control_signal, context=context)
-        num_control_signals = i + 1
-        # For DefaultAllocationFunction, set defaults.value to have number of items equal to num control_signals
-        if isinstance(self.function, DefaultAllocationFunction):
-            self.defaults.value = np.tile(self.function.value, (num_control_signals, 1))
-            self.parameters.control_allocation._set(copy.deepcopy(self.defaults.value), context)
-            self.function.num_control_signals = num_control_signals
-        # For other functions, assume that if its value has:
+        # For functions, assume that if its value has:
         # - one item, all control_signals should get it (i.e., the default: (OWNER_VALUE, 0));
         # - same number of items as the number of control_signals;
         #     assign each control_signal to the corresponding item of the function's value
         # - a different number of items than number of control_signals,
         #     leave things alone, and allow any errant indices for control_signals to be caught later.
-        else:
-            self.defaults.value = np.array(self.function.value)
-            self.parameters.value._set(copy.deepcopy(self.defaults.value), context)
+        self.defaults.value = np.array(self.function.value)
+        self.parameters.value._set(copy.deepcopy(self.defaults.value), context)
-            len_fct_value = len(self.function.value)
+        len_fct_value = len(self.function.value)
-            # Assign each ControlSignal's variable_spec to index of ControlMechanism's value
-            for i, control_signal in enumerate(self.control):
+        # Assign each ControlSignal's variable_spec to index of ControlMechanism's value
+        for i, control_signal in enumerate(self.control):
-                # If number of control_signals is same as number of items in function's value,
-                #    assign each ControlSignal to the corresponding item of the function's value
-                if len_fct_value == num_control_signals:
-                    control_signal._variable_spec = [(OWNER_VALUE, i)]
+            # If number of control_signals is same as number of items in function's value,
+            #    assign each ControlSignal to the corresponding item of the function's value
+            if len_fct_value == len(self.control):
+                control_signal._variable_spec = (OWNER_VALUE, i)
-                if not isinstance(control_signal.owner_value_index, int):
-                    assert False, \
-                        f"PROGRAM ERROR: The \'owner_value_index\' attribute for {control_signal.name} " \
-                            f"of {self.name} ({control_signal.owner_value_index})is not an int."
+            if not isinstance(control_signal.owner_value_index, int):
+                assert False, \
+                    f"PROGRAM ERROR: The \'owner_value_index\' attribute for {control_signal.name} " \
+                        f"of {self.name} ({control_signal.owner_value_index})is not an int."
     def _instantiate_control_signal(self,  control_signal, context=None):
         """Parse and instantiate ControlSignal (or subclass relevant to ControlMechanism subclass)
diff --git a/psyneulink/core/components/mechanisms/modulatory/control/defaultcontrolmechanism.py b/psyneulink/core/components/mechanisms/modulatory/control/defaultcontrolmechanism.py
index 0c92b09e3be..c82fff09f9c 100644
--- a/psyneulink/core/components/mechanisms/modulatory/control/defaultcontrolmechanism.py
+++ b/psyneulink/core/components/mechanisms/modulatory/control/defaultcontrolmechanism.py
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
 from psyneulink.core.components.mechanisms.processing.objectivemechanism import ObjectiveMechanism
 from psyneulink.core.globals.defaults import defaultControlAllocation
 from psyneulink.core.globals.keywords import CONTROL, INPUT_PORTS, NAME
+from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import check_user_specified
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.basepreferenceset import is_pref_set
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.preferenceset import PreferenceLevel
 from psyneulink.core.globals.utilities import ContentAddressableList
@@ -87,6 +88,7 @@ class DefaultControlMechanism(ControlMechanism):
     #     PREFERENCE_SET_NAME: 'DefaultControlMechanismCustomClassPreferences',
     #     PREFERENCE_KEYWORD<pref>: <setting>...}
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
                  objective_mechanism:tc.optional(tc.any(ObjectiveMechanism, list))=None,
diff --git a/psyneulink/core/components/mechanisms/modulatory/control/gating/gatingmechanism.py b/psyneulink/core/components/mechanisms/modulatory/control/gating/gatingmechanism.py
index 5338d545fc4..8aa950f2b4a 100644
--- a/psyneulink/core/components/mechanisms/modulatory/control/gating/gatingmechanism.py
+++ b/psyneulink/core/components/mechanisms/modulatory/control/gating/gatingmechanism.py
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@
 from psyneulink.core.globals.keywords import \
-from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter
+from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter, check_user_specified
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.basepreferenceset import is_pref_set
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.preferenceset import PreferenceLevel
 from psyneulink.core.globals.utilities import ContentAddressableList, convert_to_list
@@ -433,6 +433,7 @@ class Parameters(ControlMechanism.Parameters):
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
diff --git a/psyneulink/core/components/mechanisms/modulatory/control/optimizationcontrolmechanism.py b/psyneulink/core/components/mechanisms/modulatory/control/optimizationcontrolmechanism.py
index 9b7517f0f60..67b665ce8cf 100644
--- a/psyneulink/core/components/mechanisms/modulatory/control/optimizationcontrolmechanism.py
+++ b/psyneulink/core/components/mechanisms/modulatory/control/optimizationcontrolmechanism.py
@@ -605,7 +605,7 @@
     <ControlMechanism.net_outcome>` made for each `control_allocation <ControlMechanism.control_allocation>`).
- .. _OptimizationControlMechanism_State:
+.. _OptimizationControlMechanism_State:
@@ -748,23 +748,24 @@
 If an OptimizationControlMechanism has an `objective_mechanism <ControlMechanism.objective_mechanism>`, it is
 assigned a single outcome_input_port, named *OUTCOME*, that receives a Projection from the objective_mechanism's
 `OUTCOME OutputPort <ObjectiveMechanism_Output>`. The OptimizationControlMechanism's `objective_mechanism
-<ControlMechanism>` is used to evaluate the outcome of executing its `agent_rep
+<ControlMechanism.objective_mechanism>` is used to evaluate the outcome of executing its `agent_rep
 <OptimizationControlMechanism.agent_rep>` for a given `state <OptimizationControlMechanism_State>`. This passes
 the result to the OptimizationControlMechanism's *OUTCOME* InputPort, that is placed in its `outcome
 <ControlMechanism.outcome>` attribute.
     .. note::
-        An OptimizationControlMechanism's `objective_mechanism <ControlMechanism.objective_mechanism>` and its `function
-        <ObjectiveMechanism.function>` are distinct from, and should not be confused with the `objective_function
-        <OptimizationFunction.objective_function>` parameter of the OptimizationControlMechanism's `function
-        <OptimizationControlMechanism.function>`.  The `objective_mechanism <ControlMechanism.objective_mechanism>`\\'s
-        `function <ObjectiveMechanism.function>` evaluates the `outcome <ControlMechanism.outcome>` of processing
-        without taking into account the `costs <ControlMechanism.costs>` of the OptimizationControlMechanism's
-        `control_signals <OptimizationControlMechanism.control_signals>`.  In contrast, its `evaluate_agent_rep
-        <OptimizationControlMechanism.evaluate_agent_rep>` method, which is assigned as the `objective_function`
-        parameter of its `function <OptimizationControlMechanism.function>`, takes the `costs <ControlMechanism.costs>`
-        of the OptimizationControlMechanism's `control_signals <OptimizationControlMechanism.control_signals>` into
-        account when calculating the `net_outcome` that it returns as its result.
+        An OptimizationControlMechanism's `objective_mechanism <ControlMechanism.objective_mechanism>` and the `function
+        <ObjectiveMechanism.function>` of that Mechanism, are distinct from and should not be confused with the
+        `objective_function <OptimizationFunction.objective_function>` parameter of the OptimizationControlMechanism's
+        `function <OptimizationControlMechanism.function>`.  The `objective_mechanism
+        <ControlMechanism.objective_mechanism>`\\'s `function <ObjectiveMechanism.function>` evaluates the `outcome
+        <ControlMechanism.outcome>` of processing without taking into account the `costs <ControlMechanism.costs>` of
+        the OptimizationControlMechanism's `control_signals <OptimizationControlMechanism.control_signals>`.  In
+        contrast, its `evaluate_agent_rep <OptimizationControlMechanism.evaluate_agent_rep>` method, which is assigned
+        as the `objective_function` parameter of its `function <OptimizationControlMechanism.function>`, takes the
+        `costs <ControlMechanism.costs>` of the OptimizationControlMechanism's `control_signals
+        <OptimizationControlMechanism.control_signals>` into account when calculating the `net_outcome` that it
+        returns as its result.
@@ -1098,9 +1099,9 @@
-from psyneulink.core.globals.registry import rename_instance_in_registry
-from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter
+from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter, check_user_specified
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.preferenceset import PreferenceLevel
+from psyneulink.core.globals.registry import rename_instance_in_registry
 from psyneulink.core.globals.sampleiterator import SampleIterator, SampleSpec
 from psyneulink.core.globals.utilities import convert_to_list, ContentAddressableList, is_numeric
 from psyneulink.core.llvm.debug import debug_env
@@ -1417,7 +1418,8 @@ class OptimizationControlMechanism(ControlMechanism):
         its `monitor_for_control <ControlMechanism.monitor_for_control>` attribute, the values of which are used
         to compute the `net_outcome <ControlMechanism.net_outcome>` of executing the `agent_rep
         <OptimizationControlMechanism.agent_rep>` in a given `OptimizationControlMechanism_State`
-        (see `Outcome <OptimizationControlMechanism_Outcome>` for additional details).
+        (see `objective_mechanism <OptimizationControlMechanism_ObjectiveMechanism>` and `outcome_input_ports
+        <OptimizationControlMechanism_Outcome>` for additional details).
     state : ndarray
         lists the values of the current state -- a concatenation of the `state_feature_values
@@ -1739,6 +1741,7 @@ def _validate_state_feature_default_spec(self, state_feature_default):
                        f"with a shape appropriate for all of the INPUT Nodes or InputPorts to which it will be applied."
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
@@ -3496,9 +3499,16 @@ def _gen_llvm_function(self, *, ctx:pnlvm.LLVMBuilderContext, tags:frozenset):
         return f
-    def _gen_llvm_invoke_function(self, ctx, builder, function, params, context, variable, *, tags:frozenset):
+    def _gen_llvm_invoke_function(self, ctx, builder, function, params, context,
+                                  variable, out, *, tags:frozenset):
         fun = ctx.import_llvm_function(function)
+        # The function returns (sample_optimal, value_optimal),
+        # but the value of mechanism is only 'sample_optimal'
+        # so we cannot reuse the space provided and need to explicitly copy
+        # the results later.
         fun_out = builder.alloca(fun.args[3].type.pointee, name="func_out")
+        value = builder.gep(fun_out, [ctx.int32_ty(0), ctx.int32_ty(0)])
         args = [params, context, variable, fun_out]
         # If we're calling compiled version of Composition.evaluate,
@@ -3507,13 +3517,17 @@ def _gen_llvm_invoke_function(self, ctx, builder, function, params, context, var
             args += builder.function.args[-3:]
         builder.call(fun, args)
-        return fun_out, builder
-    def _gen_llvm_output_port_parse_variable(self, ctx, builder, params, state, value, port):
-        # The function returns (sample_optimal, value_optimal),
-        # but the value of mechanism is only 'sample_optimal'
-        value = builder.gep(value, [ctx.int32_ty(0), ctx.int32_ty(0)])
-        return super()._gen_llvm_output_port_parse_variable(ctx, builder, params, state, value, port)
+        # The mechanism also converts the value to array of arrays
+        # e.g. [3 x double] -> [3 x [1 x double]]
+        assert len(value.type.pointee) == len(out.type.pointee)
+        assert value.type.pointee.element == out.type.pointee.element.element
+        with pnlvm.helpers.array_ptr_loop(builder, out, id='mech_value_copy') as (b, idx):
+            src = b.gep(value, [ctx.int32_ty(0), idx])
+            dst = b.gep(out, [ctx.int32_ty(0), idx, ctx.int32_ty(0)])
+            b.store(b.load(src), dst)
+        return out, builder
     def agent_rep_type(self):
diff --git a/psyneulink/core/components/mechanisms/modulatory/learning/learningmechanism.py b/psyneulink/core/components/mechanisms/modulatory/learning/learningmechanism.py
index c61c02501f5..2ae1da4c11b 100644
--- a/psyneulink/core/components/mechanisms/modulatory/learning/learningmechanism.py
+++ b/psyneulink/core/components/mechanisms/modulatory/learning/learningmechanism.py
@@ -545,7 +545,7 @@
-from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import FunctionParameter, Parameter
+from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import FunctionParameter, Parameter, check_user_specified
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.basepreferenceset import is_pref_set
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.preferenceset import PreferenceLevel
 from psyneulink.core.globals.utilities import ContentAddressableList, convert_to_np_array, is_numeric, parameter_spec, \
@@ -999,6 +999,7 @@ class Parameters(ModulatoryMechanism_Base.Parameters):
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
                  # default_variable:tc.any(list, np.ndarray),
diff --git a/psyneulink/core/components/mechanisms/modulatory/modulatorymechanism.py b/psyneulink/core/components/mechanisms/modulatory/modulatorymechanism.py
index df26cf1ded9..ebc92c25a03 100644
--- a/psyneulink/core/components/mechanisms/modulatory/modulatorymechanism.py
+++ b/psyneulink/core/components/mechanisms/modulatory/modulatorymechanism.py
@@ -140,6 +140,7 @@
 from psyneulink.core.components.mechanisms.mechanism import Mechanism_Base
 from psyneulink.core.globals.keywords import ADAPTIVE_MECHANISM
+from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import check_user_specified
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.preferenceset import PreferenceLevel
 __all__ = [
@@ -191,6 +192,7 @@ class Parameters(Mechanism_Base.Parameters):
     #     PREFERENCE_SET_NAME: 'ModulatoryMechanismClassPreferences',
     #     PREFERENCE_KEYWORD<pref>: <setting>...}
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
diff --git a/psyneulink/core/components/mechanisms/processing/compositioninterfacemechanism.py b/psyneulink/core/components/mechanisms/processing/compositioninterfacemechanism.py
index 80869f28701..94ce762873c 100644
--- a/psyneulink/core/components/mechanisms/processing/compositioninterfacemechanism.py
+++ b/psyneulink/core/components/mechanisms/processing/compositioninterfacemechanism.py
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@
 from psyneulink.core.globals.context import ContextFlags, handle_external_context
 from psyneulink.core.globals.keywords import COMPOSITION_INTERFACE_MECHANISM, INPUT_PORTS, OUTPUT_PORTS, \
-from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter
+from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter, check_user_specified
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.basepreferenceset import is_pref_set, REPORT_OUTPUT_PREF
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.preferenceset import PreferenceEntry, PreferenceLevel
@@ -174,6 +174,7 @@ class Parameters(ProcessingMechanism_Base.Parameters):
         function = Parameter(Identity, stateful=False, loggable=False)
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
diff --git a/psyneulink/core/components/mechanisms/processing/defaultprocessingmechanism.py b/psyneulink/core/components/mechanisms/processing/defaultprocessingmechanism.py
index 8bb14d9bd03..bf3770582bd 100644
--- a/psyneulink/core/components/mechanisms/processing/defaultprocessingmechanism.py
+++ b/psyneulink/core/components/mechanisms/processing/defaultprocessingmechanism.py
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
 from psyneulink.core.components.mechanisms.mechanism import Mechanism_Base
 from psyneulink.core.globals.defaults import SystemDefaultInputValue
 from psyneulink.core.globals.keywords import DEFAULT_PROCESSING_MECHANISM
+from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter, check_user_specified
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.basepreferenceset import is_pref_set
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.preferenceset import PreferenceLevel
@@ -50,8 +51,9 @@ class DefaultProcessingMechanism_Base(Mechanism_Base):
     #     PREFERENCE_KEYWORD<pref>: <setting>...}
     class Parameters(Mechanism_Base.Parameters):
-        variable = np.array([SystemDefaultInputValue])
+        variable = Parameter(np.array([SystemDefaultInputValue]), constructor_argument='default_variable')
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
diff --git a/psyneulink/core/components/mechanisms/processing/integratormechanism.py b/psyneulink/core/components/mechanisms/processing/integratormechanism.py
index 4da4319a3bc..e11dd8b47b4 100644
--- a/psyneulink/core/components/mechanisms/processing/integratormechanism.py
+++ b/psyneulink/core/components/mechanisms/processing/integratormechanism.py
@@ -89,10 +89,9 @@
 from psyneulink.core.components.functions.stateful.integratorfunctions import AdaptiveIntegrator
 from psyneulink.core.components.mechanisms.processing.processingmechanism import ProcessingMechanism_Base
 from psyneulink.core.components.mechanisms.mechanism import Mechanism
-from psyneulink.core.globals.json import _substitute_expression_args
 from psyneulink.core.globals.keywords import \
-from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter
+from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter, check_user_specified
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.basepreferenceset import is_pref_set, REPORT_OUTPUT_PREF
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.preferenceset import PreferenceEntry, PreferenceLevel
 from psyneulink.core.globals.utilities import parse_valid_identifier
@@ -152,6 +151,7 @@ class Parameters(ProcessingMechanism_Base.Parameters):
         function = Parameter(AdaptiveIntegrator(rate=0.5), stateful=False, loggable=False)
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
@@ -255,7 +255,4 @@ def as_mdf_model(self):
             function_model.args['noise'] = main_noise_function.id
-        for func_model in model.functions:
-            _substitute_expression_args(func_model)
         return model
diff --git a/psyneulink/core/components/mechanisms/processing/objectivemechanism.py b/psyneulink/core/components/mechanisms/processing/objectivemechanism.py
index 84b69156e63..2aaffee2c36 100644
--- a/psyneulink/core/components/mechanisms/processing/objectivemechanism.py
+++ b/psyneulink/core/components/mechanisms/processing/objectivemechanism.py
@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@
 from psyneulink.core.globals.keywords import \
-from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter
+from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter, check_user_specified
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.basepreferenceset import is_pref_set, REPORT_OUTPUT_PREF
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.preferenceset import PreferenceEntry, PreferenceLevel
 from psyneulink.core.globals.utilities import ContentAddressableList
@@ -562,6 +562,7 @@ class Parameters(ProcessingMechanism_Base.Parameters):
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
diff --git a/psyneulink/core/components/mechanisms/processing/processingmechanism.py b/psyneulink/core/components/mechanisms/processing/processingmechanism.py
index 8da4cbdfbe5..d6cbc63488c 100644
--- a/psyneulink/core/components/mechanisms/processing/processingmechanism.py
+++ b/psyneulink/core/components/mechanisms/processing/processingmechanism.py
@@ -98,7 +98,8 @@
 from psyneulink.core.components.ports.outputport import OutputPort
 from psyneulink.core.globals.keywords import \
+from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import check_user_specified
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.basepreferenceset import is_pref_set, REPORT_OUTPUT_PREF
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.preferenceset import PreferenceEntry, PreferenceLevel
@@ -165,9 +166,11 @@ class ProcessingMechanism_Base(Mechanism_Base):
                                   {NAME: MAX_ABS_INDICATOR,
                                    FUNCTION: OneHot(mode=MAX_ABS_INDICATOR)},
                                   {NAME: PROB,
+                                   VARIABLE: OWNER_VALUE,
                                    FUNCTION: SoftMax(output=PROB)}])
     standard_output_port_names = [i['name'] for i in standard_output_ports]
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
@@ -282,6 +285,7 @@ class ProcessingMechanism(ProcessingMechanism_Base):
         PREFERENCE_SET_NAME: 'ProcessingMechanismCustomClassPreferences',
         REPORT_OUTPUT_PREF: PreferenceEntry(False, PreferenceLevel.INSTANCE)}
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
diff --git a/psyneulink/core/components/mechanisms/processing/transfermechanism.py b/psyneulink/core/components/mechanisms/processing/transfermechanism.py
index 44adbd44596..ca81117a2c5 100644
--- a/psyneulink/core/components/mechanisms/processing/transfermechanism.py
+++ b/psyneulink/core/components/mechanisms/processing/transfermechanism.py
@@ -842,13 +842,13 @@
 from psyneulink.core.components.ports.inputport import InputPort
 from psyneulink.core.components.ports.outputport import OutputPort
 from psyneulink.core.globals.context import ContextFlags, handle_external_context
-from psyneulink.core.globals.json import _get_variable_parameter_name, _substitute_expression_args
+from psyneulink.core.globals.mdf import _get_variable_parameter_name
 from psyneulink.core.globals.keywords import \
-from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter, FunctionParameter
+from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter, FunctionParameter, check_user_specified
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.basepreferenceset import is_pref_set
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.preferenceset import PreferenceLevel
 from psyneulink.core.globals.utilities import \
@@ -1283,6 +1283,7 @@ def _validate_termination_comparison_op(self, termination_comparison_op):
                 return f"must be boolean comparison operator or one of the following strings:" \
                        f" {','.join(comparison_operators.keys())}."
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
@@ -1543,13 +1544,11 @@ def _gen_llvm_is_finished_cond(self, ctx, builder, params, state):
             return builder.fcmp_ordered("!=", is_finished_flag,
-        # If modulated, termination threshold is single element array
-        if isinstance(threshold_ptr.type.pointee, pnlvm.ir.ArrayType):
-            assert len(threshold_ptr.type.pointee) == 1
-            threshold_ptr = builder.gep(threshold_ptr, [ctx.int32_ty(0),
-                                                        ctx.int32_ty(0)])
+        # If modulated, termination threshold is single element array.
+        # Otherwise, it is scalar
+        threshold = pnlvm.helpers.load_extract_scalar_array_one(builder,
+                                                                threshold_ptr)
-        threshold = builder.load(threshold_ptr)
         cmp_val_ptr = builder.alloca(threshold.type, name="is_finished_value")
         if self.termination_measure is max:
             assert self._termination_measure_num_items_expected == 1
@@ -1605,7 +1604,7 @@ def _gen_llvm_is_finished_cond(self, ctx, builder, params, state):
         return builder.fcmp_ordered(cmp_str, cmp_val, threshold)
     def _gen_llvm_mechanism_functions(self, ctx, builder, m_base_params, m_params,
-                                      m_state, arg_in, ip_out, *, tags:frozenset):
+                                      m_state, m_in, m_val, ip_out, *, tags:frozenset):
         if self.integrator_mode:
             if_state = pnlvm.helpers.get_state_ptr(builder, self, m_state,
@@ -1614,20 +1613,23 @@ def _gen_llvm_mechanism_functions(self, ctx, builder, m_base_params, m_params,
             if_params, builder = self._gen_llvm_param_ports_for_obj(
                     self.integrator_function, if_base_params, ctx, builder,
-                    m_base_params, m_state, arg_in)
+                    m_base_params, m_state, m_in)
             mf_in, builder = self._gen_llvm_invoke_function(
-                    ctx, builder, self.integrator_function, if_params, if_state, ip_out, tags=tags)
+                    ctx, builder, self.integrator_function, if_params,
+                    if_state, ip_out, None, tags=tags)
             mf_in = ip_out
         mf_state = pnlvm.helpers.get_state_ptr(builder, self, m_state, "function")
         mf_base_params = pnlvm.helpers.get_param_ptr(builder, self, m_base_params, "function")
         mf_params, builder = self._gen_llvm_param_ports_for_obj(
-                self.function, mf_base_params, ctx, builder, m_base_params, m_state, arg_in)
+                self.function, mf_base_params, ctx, builder, m_base_params, m_state, m_in)
         mf_out, builder = self._gen_llvm_invoke_function(ctx, builder,
-                                                         self.function, mf_params, mf_state, mf_in, tags=tags)
+                                                         self.function, mf_params,
+                                                         mf_state, mf_in, m_val,
+                                                         tags=tags)
         clip_ptr = pnlvm.helpers.get_param_ptr(builder, self, m_params, "clip")
         if len(clip_ptr.type.pointee) != 0:
@@ -1852,7 +1854,4 @@ def as_mdf_model(self):
                     integrator_function_model, 'noise', main_noise_function.id
-            for func_model in model.functions:
-                _substitute_expression_args(func_model)
         return model
diff --git a/psyneulink/core/components/ports/inputport.py b/psyneulink/core/components/ports/inputport.py
index 2b1ee1b637a..84fb891f715 100644
--- a/psyneulink/core/components/ports/inputport.py
+++ b/psyneulink/core/components/ports/inputport.py
@@ -589,7 +589,7 @@
-from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter
+from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter, check_user_specified
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.basepreferenceset import is_pref_set
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.preferenceset import PreferenceLevel
 from psyneulink.core.globals.utilities import \
@@ -874,6 +874,7 @@ def _validate_default_input(self, default_input):
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
diff --git a/psyneulink/core/components/ports/modulatorysignals/controlsignal.py b/psyneulink/core/components/ports/modulatorysignals/controlsignal.py
index a5e534579cc..5a9c22f9e6d 100644
--- a/psyneulink/core/components/ports/modulatorysignals/controlsignal.py
+++ b/psyneulink/core/components/ports/modulatorysignals/controlsignal.py
@@ -421,7 +421,8 @@
-from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import FunctionParameter, Parameter, get_validator_by_function
+from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import FunctionParameter, Parameter, get_validator_by_function, \
+    check_user_specified
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.basepreferenceset import is_pref_set
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.preferenceset import PreferenceLevel
 from psyneulink.core.globals.sampleiterator import SampleSpec, SampleIterator
@@ -792,6 +793,7 @@ def _validate_allocation_samples(self, allocation_samples):
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
diff --git a/psyneulink/core/components/ports/modulatorysignals/gatingsignal.py b/psyneulink/core/components/ports/modulatorysignals/gatingsignal.py
index b24e5da5eb7..62d0476e1c3 100644
--- a/psyneulink/core/components/ports/modulatorysignals/gatingsignal.py
+++ b/psyneulink/core/components/ports/modulatorysignals/gatingsignal.py
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@
 from psyneulink.core.globals.keywords import \
-from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter
+from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter, check_user_specified
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.basepreferenceset import is_pref_set
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.preferenceset import PreferenceLevel
@@ -417,6 +417,7 @@ class Parameters(ControlSignal.Parameters):
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
diff --git a/psyneulink/core/components/ports/modulatorysignals/learningsignal.py b/psyneulink/core/components/ports/modulatorysignals/learningsignal.py
index 335896a8bc9..72500b84991 100644
--- a/psyneulink/core/components/ports/modulatorysignals/learningsignal.py
+++ b/psyneulink/core/components/ports/modulatorysignals/learningsignal.py
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@
 from psyneulink.core.components.ports.outputport import PRIMARY
 from psyneulink.core.globals.keywords import \
-from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter
+from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter, check_user_specified
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.basepreferenceset import is_pref_set
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.preferenceset import PreferenceLevel
 from psyneulink.core.globals.utilities import parameter_spec
@@ -333,6 +333,7 @@ class Parameters(ModulatorySignal.Parameters):
         value = Parameter(np.array([0]), read_only=True, aliases=['learning_signal'], pnl_internal=True)
         learning_rate = None
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
diff --git a/psyneulink/core/components/ports/modulatorysignals/modulatorysignal.py b/psyneulink/core/components/ports/modulatorysignals/modulatorysignal.py
index deb1e474258..3e295b414cb 100644
--- a/psyneulink/core/components/ports/modulatorysignals/modulatorysignal.py
+++ b/psyneulink/core/components/ports/modulatorysignals/modulatorysignal.py
@@ -412,6 +412,7 @@
 from psyneulink.core.globals.keywords import \
+from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import check_user_specified
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.preferenceset import PreferenceLevel
 __all__ = [
@@ -562,6 +563,7 @@ class Parameters(OutputPort.Parameters):
     #     PREFERENCE_SET_NAME: 'OutputPortCustomClassPreferences',
     #     PREFERENCE_KEYWORD<pref>: <setting>...}
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
diff --git a/psyneulink/core/components/ports/outputport.py b/psyneulink/core/components/ports/outputport.py
index 5c2be3a09bc..5e1c2bc1eba 100644
--- a/psyneulink/core/components/ports/outputport.py
+++ b/psyneulink/core/components/ports/outputport.py
@@ -631,7 +631,7 @@
     output_port_spec_to_parameter_name, INPUT_PORT_VARIABLES
-from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter
+from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter, check_user_specified
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.basepreferenceset import is_pref_set
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.preferenceset import PreferenceLevel
 from psyneulink.core.globals.utilities import \
@@ -905,6 +905,7 @@ class Parameters(Port_Base.Parameters):
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
diff --git a/psyneulink/core/components/ports/parameterport.py b/psyneulink/core/components/ports/parameterport.py
index c37514c3f58..cd05d489203 100644
--- a/psyneulink/core/components/ports/parameterport.py
+++ b/psyneulink/core/components/ports/parameterport.py
@@ -382,7 +382,7 @@
-from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import ParameterBase, ParameterAlias, SharedParameter
+from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import ParameterBase, ParameterAlias, SharedParameter, check_user_specified
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.basepreferenceset import is_pref_set
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.preferenceset import PreferenceLevel
 from psyneulink.core.globals.utilities \
@@ -701,6 +701,7 @@ class ParameterPort(Port_Base):
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
diff --git a/psyneulink/core/components/ports/port.py b/psyneulink/core/components/ports/port.py
index cdc89dc7b0b..bf17f401732 100644
--- a/psyneulink/core/components/ports/port.py
+++ b/psyneulink/core/components/ports/port.py
@@ -797,7 +797,7 @@ def test_multiple_modulatory_projections_with_mech_and_port_Name_specs(self):
     PORT, PORT_COMPONENT_CATEGORY, PORT_CONTEXT, Port_Name, port_params, PORT_PREFS, PORT_TYPE, port_value, \
-from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter
+from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter, check_user_specified
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.basepreferenceset import VERBOSE_PREF
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.preferenceset import PreferenceLevel
 from psyneulink.core.globals.registry import register_category
@@ -1004,6 +1004,7 @@ class Parameters(Port.Parameters):
     classPreferenceLevel = PreferenceLevel.CATEGORY
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
diff --git a/psyneulink/core/components/projections/modulatory/controlprojection.py b/psyneulink/core/components/projections/modulatory/controlprojection.py
index 624eb563a0d..72d17f635f6 100644
--- a/psyneulink/core/components/projections/modulatory/controlprojection.py
+++ b/psyneulink/core/components/projections/modulatory/controlprojection.py
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@
 from psyneulink.core.globals.context import ContextFlags
 from psyneulink.core.globals.keywords import \
-from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter, SharedParameter
+from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter, SharedParameter, check_user_specified
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.basepreferenceset import is_pref_set
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.preferenceset import PreferenceLevel
@@ -237,6 +237,7 @@ class Parameters(ModulatoryProjection_Base.Parameters):
     projection_sender = ControlMechanism
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
diff --git a/psyneulink/core/components/projections/modulatory/gatingprojection.py b/psyneulink/core/components/projections/modulatory/gatingprojection.py
index 1c852bbea2c..0bdcc4801e5 100644
--- a/psyneulink/core/components/projections/modulatory/gatingprojection.py
+++ b/psyneulink/core/components/projections/modulatory/gatingprojection.py
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
 from psyneulink.core.globals.keywords import \
-from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter
+from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter, check_user_specified
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.basepreferenceset import is_pref_set
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.preferenceset import PreferenceLevel
@@ -238,6 +238,7 @@ class Parameters(ModulatoryProjection_Base.Parameters):
     projection_sender = GatingMechanism
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
diff --git a/psyneulink/core/components/projections/modulatory/learningprojection.py b/psyneulink/core/components/projections/modulatory/learningprojection.py
index 4b1a4a8bb63..fe0d021db7a 100644
--- a/psyneulink/core/components/projections/modulatory/learningprojection.py
+++ b/psyneulink/core/components/projections/modulatory/learningprojection.py
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@
 from psyneulink.core.globals.keywords import \
-from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter
+from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter, check_user_specified
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.basepreferenceset import is_pref_set
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.preferenceset import PreferenceLevel
 from psyneulink.core.globals.utilities import iscompatible, parameter_spec
@@ -440,6 +440,7 @@ class Parameters(ModulatoryProjection_Base.Parameters):
     projection_sender = LearningMechanism
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
                  sender:tc.optional(tc.any(LearningSignal, LearningMechanism))=None,
diff --git a/psyneulink/core/components/projections/pathway/mappingprojection.py b/psyneulink/core/components/projections/pathway/mappingprojection.py
index ba6f37c23a8..557c1b3dbd4 100644
--- a/psyneulink/core/components/projections/pathway/mappingprojection.py
+++ b/psyneulink/core/components/projections/pathway/mappingprojection.py
@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@
 from psyneulink.core.globals.log import ContextFlags
-from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import FunctionParameter, Parameter
+from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import FunctionParameter, Parameter, check_user_specified
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.basepreferenceset import is_pref_set
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.preferenceset import PreferenceLevel
@@ -442,6 +442,7 @@ class sockets:
     projection_sender = OutputPort
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
diff --git a/psyneulink/core/components/projections/pathway/pathwayprojection.py b/psyneulink/core/components/projections/pathway/pathwayprojection.py
index e777205f6c2..61952a9327b 100644
--- a/psyneulink/core/components/projections/pathway/pathwayprojection.py
+++ b/psyneulink/core/components/projections/pathway/pathwayprojection.py
@@ -16,8 +16,6 @@
   * `PathwayProjection_Overview`
   * `PathwayProjection_Creation`
   * `PathwayProjection_Structure`
-      - `PathwayProjection_Sender`
-      - `PathwayProjection_Receiver`
   * `PathwayProjection_Execution`
   * `PathwayProjection_Class_Reference`
@@ -46,7 +44,6 @@
 A PathwayProjection has the same structure as a `Projection <Projection_Structure>`.
 .. _PathwayProjection_Execution:
@@ -63,10 +60,9 @@
-from psyneulink.core.components.projections.projection import Projection_Base, ProjectionRegistry
+from psyneulink.core.components.projections.projection import Projection_Base
 from psyneulink.core.globals.context import ContextFlags
 from psyneulink.core.globals.keywords import NAME, PATHWAY_PROJECTION, RECEIVER, SENDER
-from psyneulink.core.globals.registry import remove_instance_from_registry
 __all__ = []
diff --git a/psyneulink/core/components/projections/projection.py b/psyneulink/core/components/projections/projection.py
index 6999bca6702..d0f8c4c39b2 100644
--- a/psyneulink/core/components/projections/projection.py
+++ b/psyneulink/core/components/projections/projection.py
@@ -409,7 +409,7 @@
 from psyneulink.core.components.ports.port import PortError
 from psyneulink.core.components.shellclasses import Mechanism, Process_Base, Projection, Port
 from psyneulink.core.globals.context import ContextFlags
-from psyneulink.core.globals.json import _get_variable_parameter_name
+from psyneulink.core.globals.mdf import _get_variable_parameter_name
 from psyneulink.core.globals.keywords import \
@@ -418,7 +418,7 @@
-from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter
+from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter, check_user_specified
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.preferenceset import PreferenceLevel
 from psyneulink.core.globals.registry import register_category, remove_instance_from_registry
 from psyneulink.core.globals.socket import ConnectionInfo
@@ -631,6 +631,7 @@ class Parameters(Projection.Parameters):
     classPreferenceLevel = PreferenceLevel.CATEGORY
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
@@ -1066,8 +1067,8 @@ def as_mdf_model(self, simple_edge_format=True):
                 sender_mech = parse_valid_identifier(self.sender.owner.name)
-            sender_name = None
-            sender_mech = None
+            sender_name = ''
+            sender_mech = ''
         if not isinstance(self.receiver, type):
@@ -1086,8 +1087,8 @@ def as_mdf_model(self, simple_edge_format=True):
                 receiver_mech = parse_valid_identifier(self.receiver.owner.name)
-            receiver_name = None
-            receiver_mech = None
+            receiver_name = ''
+            receiver_mech = ''
         socket_dict = {
             MODEL_SPEC_ID_SENDER_PORT: f'{sender_mech}_{sender_name}',
@@ -1147,10 +1148,7 @@ def as_mdf_model(self, simple_edge_format=True):
             metadata = self._mdf_metadata
-                metadata[MODEL_SPEC_ID_METADATA]['functions'] = mdf.Function.to_dict_format(
-                    self.function.as_mdf_model(),
-                    ordered=False
-                )
+                metadata[MODEL_SPEC_ID_METADATA]['functions'] = mdf.Function.to_dict(self.function.as_mdf_model())
             except AttributeError:
                 # projection is in deferred init, special handling here?
diff --git a/psyneulink/core/components/shellclasses.py b/psyneulink/core/components/shellclasses.py
index 7820abc7328..d1d2dc94f84 100644
--- a/psyneulink/core/components/shellclasses.py
+++ b/psyneulink/core/components/shellclasses.py
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
 from psyneulink.core.components.component import Component
+from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import check_user_specified
 __all__ = [
     'Function', 'Mechanism', 'Process_Base', 'Projection', 'ShellClass', 'ShellClassError', 'Port', 'System_Base',
@@ -73,6 +74,7 @@ class Process_Base(ShellClass):
 class Mechanism(ShellClass):
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
diff --git a/psyneulink/core/compositions/composition.py b/psyneulink/core/compositions/composition.py
index 836454b9c0f..b720ef3921e 100644
--- a/psyneulink/core/compositions/composition.py
+++ b/psyneulink/core/compositions/composition.py
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
 # ********************************************* Composition ************************************************************
@@ -111,24 +111,36 @@
 The following arguments of the Composition's constructor can be used to add Compnents when it is constructed:
+   .. _Composition_Pathways_Arg:
+    - **pathways**
+        adds one or more `Pathways <Composition_Pathways>` to the Composition; this is equivalent to constructing
+        the Composition and then calling its `add_pathways <Composition.add_pathways>` method, and can use the
+        same forms of specification as the **pathways** argument of that method (see `Pathway_Specification` for
+        additonal details). If any `learning Pathways <Composition_Learning_Pathway>` are included, then the
+        constructor's **disable_learning** argument can be used to disable learning on those by default (though it
+        will still allow learning to occur on any other Compositions, either nested within the current one,
+        or within which the current one is nested (see `Composition_Learning` for a full description).
+   .. _Composition_Nodes_Arg:
     - **nodes**
         adds the specified `Nodes <Composition_Nodes>` to the Composition;  this is equivalent to constructing the
         Composition and then calling its `add_nodes <Composition.add_nodes>` method, and takes the same values as the
-        **nodes** argument of that method.
+        **nodes** argument of that method (note that this does *not* construct `Pathways <Pathway>` for the specified
+        nodes; the **pathways** arg or  `add_pathways <Composition.add_pathways>` method must be used to do so).
+   .. _Composition_Projections_Arg:
     - **projections**
         adds the specified `Projections <Projection>` to the Composition;  this is equivalent to constructing the
         Composition and then calling its `add_projections <Composition.add_projections>` method, and takes the same
-        values as the **projections** argument of that method.
+        values as the **projections** argument of that method.  In general, this is not neded -- default Projections
+        are created for Pathways and/or Nodes added to the Composition using the methods described above; however
+        it can be useful for custom configurations, including the implementation of specific Projection `matrices
+         <MappingProjection.matrix>`.
-    - **pathways**
-        adds one or more `Pathways <Composition_Pathways>` to the Composition; this is equivalent to constructing the
-        Composition and then calling its `add_pathways <Composition.add_pathways>` method, and can use the same forms
-        of specification as the **pathways** argument of that method.  If any `learning Pathways
-        <Composition_Learning_Pathway>` are included, then the constructor's **disable_learning** argument can be
-        used to disable learning on those by default (though it will still allow learning to occur on any other
-        Compositions, either nested within the current one, or within which the current one is nested (see
-        `Composition_Learning` for a full description).
+   .. _Composition_Controller_Arg:
     - **controller**
        adds the specified `ControlMechanism` (typically an `OptimizationControlMechanism`) as the `controller
@@ -179,10 +191,10 @@
     - `add_linear_processing_pathway <Composition.add_linear_processing_pathway>`
-        adds and a list of `Nodes <Composition_Nodes>` and `Projections <Projection>` to the Composition,
-        inserting a default Projection between any adjacent pair of Nodes for which one is not otherwise specified
-        (or possibly a set of Projections if either Node is a Composition -- see method documentation for details);
-        returns the `Pathway` added to the Composition.
+        adds and a list of `Nodes <Composition_Nodes>` and `Projections <Projection>` to the Composition, inserting
+        a default Projection between any adjacent set(s) of Nodes for which a Projection is not otherwise specified
+        (see method documentation and `Pathway_Specification` for additonal details); returns the `Pathway` added to
+        the Composition.
     The following set of `learning methods <Composition_Learning_Methods>` can be used to add `Pathways
@@ -2730,7 +2742,8 @@ def input_function(env, result):
 from psyneulink.core.components.functions.nonstateful.transferfunctions import Identity
 from psyneulink.core.components.mechanisms.mechanism import Mechanism_Base, MechanismError, MechanismList
 from psyneulink.core.components.mechanisms.modulatory.control.controlmechanism import ControlMechanism
-from psyneulink.core.components.mechanisms.modulatory.control.optimizationcontrolmechanism import AGENT_REP, OptimizationControlMechanism
+from psyneulink.core.components.mechanisms.modulatory.control.optimizationcontrolmechanism import AGENT_REP, \
+    OptimizationControlMechanism
 from psyneulink.core.components.mechanisms.modulatory.learning.learningmechanism import \
 from psyneulink.core.components.mechanisms.modulatory.modulatorymechanism import ModulatoryMechanism_Base
@@ -2747,7 +2760,8 @@ def input_function(env, result):
 from psyneulink.core.components.projections.modulatory.modulatoryprojection import ModulatoryProjection_Base
 from psyneulink.core.components.projections.pathway.mappingprojection import MappingProjection, MappingError
 from psyneulink.core.components.projections.pathway.pathwayprojection import PathwayProjection_Base
-from psyneulink.core.components.projections.projection import Projection_Base, ProjectionError, DuplicateProjectionError
+from psyneulink.core.components.projections.projection import \
+    Projection_Base, ProjectionError, DuplicateProjectionError
 from psyneulink.core.components.shellclasses import Composition_Base
 from psyneulink.core.components.shellclasses import Mechanism, Projection
 from psyneulink.core.compositions.report import Report, \
@@ -2764,16 +2778,16 @@ def input_function(env, result):
 from psyneulink.core.globals.log import CompositionLog, LogCondition
-from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter, ParametersBase
+from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter, ParametersBase, check_user_specified
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.basepreferenceset import BasePreferenceSet
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.preferenceset import PreferenceLevel, _assign_prefs
 from psyneulink.core.globals.registry import register_category
-from psyneulink.core.globals.utilities import \
-    ContentAddressableList, call_with_pruned_args, convert_to_list, nesting_depth, convert_to_np_array, is_numeric, parse_valid_identifier
+from psyneulink.core.globals.utilities import ContentAddressableList, call_with_pruned_args, convert_to_list, \
+    nesting_depth, convert_to_np_array, is_numeric, is_matrix, parse_valid_identifier
 from psyneulink.core.scheduling.condition import All, AllHaveRun, Always, Any, Condition, Never
 from psyneulink.core.scheduling.scheduler import Scheduler, SchedulingMode
 from psyneulink.core.scheduling.time import Time, TimeScale
@@ -3316,12 +3330,30 @@ class Composition(Composition_Base, metaclass=ComponentsMeta):
     pathways : Pathway specification or list[Pathway specification...]
-        specifies one or more Pathways to add to the Compositions (see **pathways** argument of `add_pathways
-        `Composition.add_pathways` for specification format).
+        specifies one or more Pathways to add to the Compositions. A list containing `Node <Composition_Nodes>`
+        and possible `Projection` specifications at its top level is treated as a single `Pathway`; a list containing
+        any nested lists or other forms of `Pathway specification <Pathway_Specification_Formats>` is treated as
+        `multiple pathways <Pathway_Specification_Multiple>` (see `pathways <Composition_Pathways_Arg>` as
+        well as `Pathway specification <Pathway_Specification>` for additional details).
+        .. technical_note::
+           The design pattern for use of sets and lists in specifying the **pathways** argument are:
+             - sets comprise Nodes that all occupy the same (parallel) position within a processing Pathway;
+             - lists comprise *sequences* of Nodes; embedded list are either ignored or a generate an error (see below)
+               (this is because lists of Nodes are interpreted as Pathways and Pathways cannot be nested, which would be
+               redundant since the same can be accomplished by simply including the items "inline" within a single list)
+             - if the Pathway specification contains (in its outer list):
+                 - only a single item or set of items, each is treated as a SINGLETON <NodeRole.SINGLETON> in a Pathway;
+                 - one or more lists, the items in each list are treated as separate (parallel) pathways;
+                 - singly-nested lists ([[[A,B]],[[C,D]]]}), they are collapsed and treated as a Pathway;
+                 - any list with more than one list nested within it ([[[A,B],[C,D]}), an error is generated;
+                 - Pathway objects are treated as a list (if its pathway attribute is a set, it is wrapped in a list)
+             (see `tests <test_various_pathway_configurations_in_constructor>` for examples)
     nodes : `Mechanism <Mechanism>`, `Composition` or list[`Mechanism <Mechanism>`, `Composition`] : default None
         specifies one or more `Nodes <Composition_Nodes>` to add to the Composition;  these are each treated as
-        `SINGLETONs <NodeRole.SINGLETON>` unless they are explicitly assigned `Projections <Projection>`.
+        `SINGLETON <NodeRole.SINGLETON>`\\s unless they are explicitly assigned `Projections <Projection>`.
     projections : `Projection <Projection>` or list[`Projection <Projection>`] : default None
         specifies one or more `Projections <Projection>` to add to the Composition;  these are not functional
@@ -3449,7 +3481,7 @@ class Composition(Composition_Base, metaclass=ComponentsMeta):
         argument of the Composition's constructor and/or one of its `Pathway addition methods
         <Composition_Pathway_Addition_Methods>`; each item is a list of `Nodes <Composition_Nodes>`
         (`Mechanisms <Mechanism>` and/or Compositions) intercolated with the `Projection(s) <Projection>` between each
-        pair of Nodes;  both Nodes are Mechanism, then only a single Projection can be specified;  if either is a
+        pair of Nodes; if both Nodes are Mechanisms, then only a single Projection can be specified;  if either is a
         Composition then, under some circumstances, there can be a set of Projections, specifying how the `INPUT
         <NodeRole.INPUT>` Node(s) of the sender project to the `OUTPUT <NodeRole.OUTPUT>` Node(s) of the receiver
         (see `add_linear_processing_pathway` for additional details).
@@ -3711,6 +3743,7 @@ class Parameters(ParametersBase):
     class _CompilationData(ParametersBase):
         execution = None
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(
@@ -3954,9 +3987,6 @@ def _analyze_graph(self, context=None):
         # Call after above so shadow_projections have relevant organization
-        # # FIX: 12/29/21 / 3/30/22: MOVE TO _update_shadow_projections
-        # # Call again to accommodate any changes from _update_shadow_projections
-        # self._determine_node_roles(context=context)
         self.needs_update_graph = False
@@ -4553,7 +4583,10 @@ def _determine_origin_and_terminal_nodes_from_consideration_queue(self):
         #   consideration set.  Identifying these assumes that graph_processing has been called/updated,
         #   which identifies and "breaks" cycles, and assigns FEEDBACK_SENDER to the appropriate consideration set(s).
         for node in self.nodes:
-            if not any([efferent for efferent in node.efferents if efferent.receiver.owner is not self.output_CIM]):
+            if not any([
+                efferent.is_active_in_composition(self) for efferent in node.efferents
+                if efferent.receiver.owner is not self.output_CIM
+            ]):
                 self._add_node_role(node, NodeRole.TERMINAL)
     def _add_node_aux_components(self, node, context=None):
@@ -4815,14 +4848,14 @@ def _determine_node_roles(self, context=None):
               this is currently the case, but is inconsistent with the analog in Control,
               where monitored Mechanisms *are* allowed to be OUTPUT;
               therefore, might be worth allowing TARGET_MECHANISM to be assigned as OUTPUT
-          - all Nodes for which OUTPUT has been assigned as a required_node_role, inculding by user
+          - all Nodes for which OUTPUT has been assigned as a required_node_role, inclUding by user
             (i.e., in self.required_node_roles[NodeRole.OUTPUT]
           - all Nodes that
             - are not an ObjectiveMechanism assigned the role CONTROLLER_OBJECTIVE
             - or have *no* efferent projections OR
-            - or for for which any efferent projections are either:
+            - or for which any efferent projections are either:
                 - to output_CIM OR
                 - assigned as feedback (i.e., self.graph.comp_to_vertex[efferent].feedback == EdgeType.FEEDBACK
           .. _note::
@@ -4917,9 +4950,9 @@ def _determine_node_roles(self, context=None):
                 #    and doesn't project to any Nodes other than its `AutoassociativeLearningMechanism`
                 #    (this is not picked up as a `TERMINAL` since it projects to the `AutoassociativeLearningMechanism`)
                 #    but can (or already does) project to an output_CIM
-                if all((p.receiver.owner is node
+                if all((p.receiver.owner is node # <- recurrence
                         or isinstance(p.receiver.owner, AutoAssociativeLearningMechanism)
-                        or p.receiver.owner is self.output_CIM)
+                        or p.receiver.owner is self.output_CIM) # <- already projects to an output_CIM
                        for p in node.efferents):
                     self._add_node_role(node, NodeRole.OUTPUT)
@@ -5746,13 +5779,9 @@ def add_projection(self,
                 # Initialize Projection
-                projection._init_args['sender'] = sender
-                projection._init_args['receiver'] = receiver
-                try:
-                    projection._deferred_init()
-                except DuplicateProjectionError:
-                    # return projection
-                    return
+                projection._init_args[SENDER] = sender
+                projection._init_args[RECEIVER] = receiver
+                projection._deferred_init()
             existing_projections = self._check_for_existing_projections(projection, sender=sender, receiver=receiver)
@@ -5787,6 +5816,15 @@ def add_projection(self,
             projection.is_processing = False
             # KDM 5/24/19: removing below rename because it results in several existing_projections
             # projection.name = f'{sender} to {receiver}'
+            # check for required role specification of feedback projections
+            for node, role in self.required_node_roles:
+                if (
+                    (node == projection.sender.owner and role == NodeRole.FEEDBACK_SENDER)
+                    or (node == projection.receiver.owner and role == NodeRole.FEEDBACK_RECEIVER)
+                ):
+                    feedback = True
             self.graph.add_component(projection, feedback=feedback)
@@ -6339,6 +6377,46 @@ def _get_destination(self, projection):
     # region ----------------------------------  PROCESSING  -----------------------------------------------------------
+    def _parse_pathway(self, pathway, name, pathway_arg_str):
+        from psyneulink.core.compositions.pathway import Pathway, _is_pathway_entry_spec
+        # Deal with Pathway() or tuple specifications
+        if isinstance(pathway, Pathway):
+            # Give precedence to name specified in call to add_linear_processing_pathway
+            pathway_name = name or pathway.name
+            pathway = pathway.pathway
+        else:
+            pathway_name = name
+        if isinstance(pathway, tuple):
+            # If tuple is just a single Node specification for a pathway, return in list:
+            if _is_pathway_entry_spec(pathway, NODE):
+                pathway = [pathway]
+            # If tuple is used to specify a sequence of nodes, convert to list (even though not documented):
+            elif all(_is_pathway_entry_spec(n, ANY) for n in pathway):
+                pathway = list(pathway)
+            # If tuple is (pathway, LearningFunction), get pathway and ignore LearningFunction
+            elif isinstance(pathway[1],type) and issubclass(pathway[1], LearningFunction):
+                warnings.warn(f"{LearningFunction.__name__} found in specification of {pathway_arg_str}: {pathway[1]}; "
+                              f"it will be ignored")
+                pathway = pathway[0]
+            else:
+                raise CompositionError(f"Unrecognized tuple specification in {pathway_arg_str}: {pathway}")
+        elif not isinstance(pathway, collections.abc.Iterable) or all(_is_pathway_entry_spec(n, ANY) for n in pathway):
+            pathway = convert_to_list(pathway)
+        else:
+            bad_entry_error_msg = f"The following entries in a pathway specified for '{self.name}' are not " \
+                                  f"a Node (Mechanism or Composition) or a Projection nor a set of either: "
+            bad_entries = [repr(entry) for entry in pathway if not _is_pathway_entry_spec(entry, ANY)]
+            raise CompositionError(f"{bad_entry_error_msg}{','.join(bad_entries)}")
+            # raise CompositionError(f"Unrecognized specification in {pathway_arg_str}: {pathway}")
+        lists = [entry for entry in pathway
+                 if isinstance(entry, list) and all(_is_pathway_entry_spec(node, NODE) for node in entry)]
+        if lists:
+            raise CompositionError(f"Pathway specification for {pathway_arg_str} has embedded list(s): {lists}")
+        return pathway, pathway_name
     def add_pathway(self, pathway):
         """Add an existing `Pathway <Composition_Pathways>` to the Composition
@@ -6370,51 +6448,194 @@ def add_pathway(self, pathway):
+    @handle_external_context()
+    def add_pathways(self, pathways, context=None):
+        """Add pathways to the Composition.
+        Arguments
+        ---------
+        pathways : Pathway or list[Pathway]
+            specifies one or more `Pathways <Pathway>` to add to the Composition.  Any valid form of `Pathway
+            specification <Pathway_Specification>` can be used.  A set can also be used, all elements of which are
+            `Nodes <Composition_Nodes>`, in which case a separate `Pathway` is constructed for each.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        list[Pathway] :
+            List of `Pathways <Pathway>` added to the Composition.
+        """
+        # Possible specifications for **pathways** arg:
+        #  Node specs (single or set):
+        #  0  Single node:  NODE
+        #  1  Set:  {NODE...} -> generate a Pathway for each NODE
+        #  Single pathway spec (list, tuple or dict):
+        #  2   single list:   PWAY = [NODE] or [NODE...] in which *all* are NODES with optional intercolated Projections
+        #  2.5 single with sets: PWAY = [NODE or {NODE...}] or [NODE or {NODE...}, NODE or {NODE...}...]
+        #  3   single tuple:  (PWAY, LearningFunction) = (NODE, LearningFunction) or
+        #                                                 ([NODE...], LearningFunction)
+        #  4   single dict:   {NAME: PWAY} = {NAME: NODE} or
+        #                                    {NAME: [NODE...]} or
+        #                                    {NAME: ([NODE...], LearningFunction)}
+        #  Multiple pathway specs (in outer list):
+        #  5   list with list(s): [PWAY] = [NODE, [NODE]] or [[NODE...]...]
+        #  6   list with tuple(s):  [(PWAY, LearningFunction)...] = [(NODE..., LearningFunction)...] or
+        #                                                       [([NODE...], LearningFunction)...]
+        #  7   list with dict: [{NAME: PWAY}...] = [{NAME: NODE...}...] or
+        #                                          [{NAME: [NODE...]}...] or
+        #                                          [{NAME: (NODE, LearningFunction)}...] or
+        #                                          [{NAME: ([NODE...], LearningFunction)}...]
+        from psyneulink.core.compositions.pathway import Pathway, _is_node_spec, _is_pathway_entry_spec
+        if context.source == ContextFlags.COMMAND_LINE:
+            pathways_arg_str = f"'pathways' arg for the add_pathways method of {self.name}"
+        elif context.source == ContextFlags.CONSTRUCTOR:
+            pathways_arg_str = f"'pathways' arg of the constructor for {self.name}"
+        else:
+            assert False, f"PROGRAM ERROR:  unrecognized context passed to add_pathways of {self.name}."
+        context.string = pathways_arg_str
+        if not pathways:
+            return
+        # Possibilities 0, 3 or 4 (single NODE, set of NODESs tuple, dict or Pathway specified, so convert to list
+        if _is_node_spec(pathways) or isinstance(pathways, (tuple, dict, Pathway)):
+            pathways = convert_to_list(pathways)
+        # Possibility 1 (set of Nodes): create a Pathway for each Node (since set is in pathways arg)
+        elif isinstance(pathways, set):
+            pathways = [pathways]
+        # Possibility 2 (list is a single pathway spec) or 2.5 (includes one or more sets):
+        if (isinstance(pathways, list) and
+                # First item must be a node_spec or set of them
+                ((_is_node_spec(pathways[0])
+                  or (isinstance(pathways[0], set) and all(_is_node_spec(item) for item in pathways[0])))
+                # All other items must be either Nodes, Projections or sets
+                 and all(_is_pathway_entry_spec(p, ANY) for p in pathways))):
+            # Place in outter list (to conform to processing of multiple pathways below)
+            pathways = [pathways]
+            # assert False, f"GOT TO POSSIBILITY 2" # SHOULD HAVE BEEN DONE ABOVE
+        # If pathways is not now a list it must be illegitimate
+        if not isinstance(pathways, list):
+            raise CompositionError(f"The {pathways_arg_str} must be a "
+                                   f"Node, list, set, tuple, dict or Pathway object: {pathways}.")
+        # pathways should now be a list in which each entry should be *some* form of pathway specification
+        #    (including original spec as possibilities 5, 6, or 7)
+        # If there are any lists of Nodes in pathway, or a Pathway or dict with such a list,
+        #     then treat ALL entries as parallel pathways, and embed in lists"
+        if (isinstance(pathways, collections.abc.Iterable)
+                and any(isinstance(pathway, (list, dict, Pathway))) for pathway in pathways):
+            pathways = [pathway if isinstance(pathway, (list, dict, Pathway)) else [pathway] for pathway in pathways]
+        else:
+            # Put single pathway in outer list for consistency of handling below (with specified pathway as pathways[0])
+            pathways = np.atleast_2d(np.array(pathways, dtype=object)).tolist()
+        added_pathways = []
+        def identify_pway_type_and_parse_tuple_prn(pway, tuple_or_dict_str):
+            """
+            Determine whether pway is PROCESSING_PATHWAY or LEARNING_PATHWAY and, if it is the latter,
+            parse tuple into pathway specification and LearningFunction.
+            Return pathway type, pathway, and learning_function or None
+            """
+            learning_function = None
+            if isinstance(pway, Pathway):
+                pway = pway.pathway
+            if (_is_node_spec(pway) or isinstance(pway, (list, set)) or
+                    # Forgive use of tuple to specify a pathway, and treat as if it was a list spec
+                    (isinstance(pway, tuple) and all(_is_pathway_entry_spec(n, ANY) for n in pathway))):
+                pway_type = PROCESSING_PATHWAY
+                if isinstance(pway, set):
+                    pway = [pway]
+                return pway_type, pway, None
+            elif isinstance(pway, tuple):
+                pway_type = LEARNING_PATHWAY
+                if len(pway)!=2:
+                    raise CompositionError(f"A tuple specified in the {pathways_arg_str}"
+                                           f" has more than two items: {pway}")
+                pway, learning_function = pway
+                if not (_is_node_spec(pway) or isinstance(pway, (list, Pathway))):
+                    raise CompositionError(f"The 1st item in {tuple_or_dict_str} specified in the "
+                                           f" {pathways_arg_str} must be a node or a list: {pway}")
+                if not (isinstance(learning_function, type) and issubclass(learning_function, LearningFunction)):
+                    raise CompositionError(f"The 2nd item in {tuple_or_dict_str} specified in the "
+                                           f"{pathways_arg_str} must be a LearningFunction: {learning_function}")
+                return pway_type, pway, learning_function
+            else:
+                assert False, f"PROGRAM ERROR: arg to identify_pway_type_and_parse_tuple_prn in {self.name}" \
+                              f"is not a Node, list or tuple: {pway}"
+        # Validate items in pathways list and add to Composition using relevant add_linear_<> method.
+        bad_entry_error_msg = f"Every item in the {pathways_arg_str} must be a " \
+                              f"Node, list, set, tuple or dict; the following are not: "
+        for pathway in pathways:
+            pathway = pathway[0] if isinstance(pathway, list) and len(pathway) == 1 else pathway
+            pway_name = None
+            if isinstance(pathway, Pathway):
+                pway_name = pathway.name
+                pathway = pathway.pathway
+            if _is_node_spec(pathway) or isinstance(pathway, (list, set, tuple)):
+                if isinstance(pathway, set):
+                    bad_entries = [repr(entry) for entry in pathway if not _is_node_spec(entry)]
+                    if bad_entries:
+                        raise CompositionError(f"{bad_entry_error_msg}{','.join(bad_entries)}")
+                pway_type, pway, pway_learning_fct = identify_pway_type_and_parse_tuple_prn(pathway, f"a tuple")
+            elif isinstance(pathway, dict):
+                if len(pathway)!=1:
+                    raise CompositionError(f"A dict specified in the {pathways_arg_str} "
+                                           f"contains more than one entry: {pathway}.")
+                pway_name, pway = list(pathway.items())[0]
+                if not isinstance(pway_name, str):
+                    raise CompositionError(f"The key in a dict specified in the {pathways_arg_str} must be a str "
+                                           f"(to be used as its name): {pway_name}.")
+                if _is_node_spec(pway) or isinstance(pway, (list, tuple, Pathway)):
+                    pway_type, pway, pway_learning_fct = identify_pway_type_and_parse_tuple_prn(pway,
+                                                                                                f"the value of a dict")
+                else:
+                    raise CompositionError(f"The value in a dict specified in the {pathways_arg_str} must be "
+                                           f"a pathway specification (Node, list or tuple): {pway}.")
+            else:
+                raise CompositionError(f"{bad_entry_error_msg}{repr(pathway)}")
+            context.source = ContextFlags.METHOD
+            if pway_type == PROCESSING_PATHWAY:
+                new_pathway = self.add_linear_processing_pathway(pathway=pway,
+                                                                 name=pway_name,
+                                                                 context=context)
+            elif pway_type == LEARNING_PATHWAY:
+                new_pathway = self.add_linear_learning_pathway(pathway=pway,
+                                                               learning_function=pway_learning_fct,
+                                                               name=pway_name,
+                                                               context=context)
+            else:
+                assert False, f"PROGRAM ERROR: failure to determine pathway_type in add_pathways for {self.name}."
+            added_pathways.append(new_pathway)
+        return added_pathways
     def add_linear_processing_pathway(self, pathway, name:str=None, context=None, *args):
-        """Add sequence of `Nodes <Composition_Nodes>` with intercolated Projections.
+        """Add sequence of `Nodes <Composition_Nodes>` with optionally intercolated `Projections <Projection>`.
         .. _Composition_Add_Linear_Processing_Pathway:
-        Each `Node <Composition_Nodes>` can be either a `Mechanism`, a `Composition`, or a tuple (Mechanism, `NodeRoles
-        <NodeRole>`) that can be used to assign `required_roles` to Mechanisms (see `Composition_Nodes` for additional
-        details).
-        `Projections <Projection>` can be intercolated between any pair of `Nodes <Composition_Nodes>`. If both Nodes
-        of a pair are Mechanisms, a single `MappingProjection` can be `specified <MappingProjection_Creation>`.  The
-        same applies if the first Node is a `Composition` with a single `OUTPUT <NodeRole.OUTPUT>` Node and/or the
-        second is a `Composition` with a single `INPUT <NodeRole.INPUT>` Node.  If either has more than one `INPUT
-        <NodeRole.INPUT>` or `OUTPUT <NodeRole.OUTPUT>` Node, respectively, then a list or set of Projections can be
-        specified for each pair of nested Nodes. If no `Projection` is specified between a pair of contiguous Nodes,
-        then default Projection(s) are constructed between them, as follows:
-        * *One to one* - if both Nodes are Mechanisms or, if either is a Composition, the first (sender) has
-          only a single `OUTPUT <NodeRole.OUTPUT>` Node and the second (receiver) has only a single `INPUT
-          <NodeRole.INPUT>` Node, then a default `MappingProjection` is created from the `primary OutputPort
-          <OutputPort_Primary>` of the sender (or of its sole `OUTPUT <NodeRole.OUTPUT>` Node if the sener is a
-          Composition) to the `primary InputPort <InputPort_Primary>` of the receiver (or of its sole of `INPUT
-          <NodeRole.INPUT>` Node if the receiver is a Composition).
-        * *One to many* - if the first Node (sender) is either a Mechanism or a Composition with a single
-          `OUTPUT <NodeRole.OUTPUT>` Node, but the second (receiver) is a Composition with more than one
-          `INPUT <NodeRole.INPUT>` Node, then a `MappingProjection` is created from the `primary OutputPort
-          <OutputPort_Primary>` of the sender Mechanism (or of its sole `OUTPUT <NodeRole.OUTPUT>` Node if the
-          sender is a Compostion) to each `INPUT <NodeRole.OUTPUT>` Node of the receiver, and a *set*
-          containing the Projections is intercolated between the two Nodes in the `Pathway`.
-        * *Many to one* - if the first Node (sender) is a Composition with more than one `OUTPUT <NodeRole.OUTPUT>`
-          Node, and the second (receiver) is either a Mechanism or a Composition with a single `INPUT <NodeRole.INPUT>`
-          Node, then a `MappingProjection` is created from each `OUPUT <NodeRole.OUTPUT>` Node of the sender to the
-          `primary InputPort <InputPort_Primary>` of the receiver Mechanism (or of its sole `INPUT <NodeRole.INPUT>`
-          Node if the receiver is a Composition), and a *set* containing the Projections is intercolated
-          between the two Nodes in the `Pathway`.
-        * *Many to many* - if both Nodes are Compositions in which the sender has more than one `INPUT <NodeRole.INPUT>`
-          Node and the receiver has more than one `INPUT <NodeRole.INPUT>` Node, it is not possible to determine
-          the correct configuration automatically, and an error is generated.  In this case, a set of Projections
-          must be explicitly specified.
-        .. _note::
+        A Pathway is specified as a list, each element of which is either a `Node <Composition_Nodes>` or
+        set of Nodes, possibly intercolated with specifications of `Projections <Projection>` between them.
+        The Node(s) specified in each entry of the list project to the Node(s) specified in the next entry
+        (see `Pathway_Specification` for details).
+        .. note::
            Any specifications of the **monitor_for_control** `argument <ControlMechanism_Monitor_for_Control_Argument>`
            of a constructor for a `ControlMechanism` or the **monitor** argument in the constructor for an
            `ObjectiveMechanism` in the **objective_mechanism** `argument <ControlMechanism_ObjectiveMechanism>` of a
@@ -6430,9 +6651,8 @@ def add_linear_processing_pathway(self, pathway, name:str=None, context=None, *a
             be used, however if a 2-item (Pathway, LearningFunction) tuple is used, the `LearningFunction` is ignored
             (this should be used with `add_linear_learning_pathway` if a `learning Pathway
             <Composition_Learning_Pathway>` is desired).  A `Pathway` object can also be used;  again, however, any
-            learning-related specifications are ignored, as are its `name <Pathway.name>` if the **name**
-            argument of add_linear_processing_pathway is specified.
-            See `above <Composition_Add_Linear_Processing_Pathway>` for additional details.
+            learning-related specifications are ignored, as are its `name <Pathway.name>` if the **name** argument
+            of add_linear_processing_pathway is specified.
         name : str
             species the name used for `Pathway`; supercedes `name <Pathway.name>` of `Pathway` object if it is has one.
@@ -6442,12 +6662,15 @@ def add_linear_processing_pathway(self, pathway, name:str=None, context=None, *a
         `Pathway` :
             `Pathway` added to Composition.
         from psyneulink.core.compositions.pathway import Pathway, _is_node_spec, _is_pathway_entry_spec
+        def _get_spec_if_tuple(spec):
+            return spec[0] if isinstance(spec, tuple) else spec
         nodes = []
+        node_entries = []
         # If called internally, use its pathway_arg_str in error messages (in context.string)
         if context.source is not ContextFlags.COMMAND_LINE:
@@ -6459,48 +6682,37 @@ def add_linear_processing_pathway(self, pathway, name:str=None, context=None, *a
         context.source = ContextFlags.METHOD
         context.string = pathway_arg_str
-        # First, deal with Pathway() or tuple specifications
-        if isinstance(pathway, Pathway):
-            # Give precedence to name specified in call to add_linear_processing_pathway
-            pathway_name = name or pathway.name
-            pathway = pathway.pathway
-        else:
-            pathway_name = name
-        if _is_pathway_entry_spec(pathway, ANY):
-            pathway = convert_to_list(pathway)
-        elif isinstance(pathway, tuple):
-            # If tuple is used to specify a sequence of nodes, convert to list (even though not documented):
-            if all(_is_pathway_entry_spec(n, ANY) for n in pathway):
-                pathway = list(pathway)
-            # If tuple is (pathway, LearningFunction), get pathway and ignore LearningFunction
-            elif isinstance(pathway[1],type) and issubclass(pathway[1], LearningFunction):
-                warnings.warn(f"{LearningFunction.__name__} found in specification of {pathway_arg_str}: {pathway[1]}; "
-                              f"it will be ignored")
-                pathway = pathway[0]
-            else:
-                raise CompositionError(f"Unrecognized tuple specification in {pathway_arg_str}: {pathway}")
-        else:
-            raise CompositionError(f"Unrecognized specification in {pathway_arg_str}: {pathway}")
+        pathway, pathway_name = self._parse_pathway(pathway, name, pathway_arg_str)
-        # Then, verify that the pathway begins with a node
+        # Verify that the pathway begins with a Node or set of Nodes
         if _is_node_spec(pathway[0]):
             # Use add_nodes so that node spec can also be a tuple with required_roles
-            self.add_nodes(nodes=[pathway[0]],
-                           context=context)
+            self.add_nodes(nodes=[pathway[0]], context=context)
+            node_entries.append(pathway[0])
+        # Or a set of Nodes
+        elif isinstance(pathway[0], set):
+            self.add_nodes(nodes=pathway[0], context=context)
+            nodes.extend(pathway[0])
+            node_entries.append(pathway[0])
             # 'MappingProjection has no attribute _name' error is thrown when pathway[0] is passed to the error msg
             raise CompositionError(f"First item in {pathway_arg_str} must be "
                                    f"a Node (Mechanism or Composition): {pathway}.")
-        # Next, add all of the remaining nodes in the pathway
+        # Add all of the remaining nodes in the pathway
         for c in range(1, len(pathway)):
-            # if the current item is a Mechanism, Composition or (Mechanism, NodeRole(s)) tuple, add it
+            # if the entry is for a Node (Mechanism, Composition or (Mechanism, NodeRole(s)) tuple), add it
             if _is_node_spec(pathway[c]):
+                node_entries.append(pathway[c])
+            # If the entry is for a set of Nodes, add them
+            elif isinstance(pathway[c], set) and all(_is_node_spec(entry) for entry in pathway[c]):
+                self.add_nodes(nodes=pathway[c], context=context)
+                nodes.extend(pathway[c])
+                node_entries.append(pathway[c])
         # Then, delete any ControlMechanism that has its monitor_for_control attribute assigned
         #    and any ObjectiveMechanism that projects to a ControlMechanism,
@@ -6532,146 +6744,271 @@ def add_linear_processing_pathway(self, pathway, name:str=None, context=None, *a
         projections = []
         for c in range(1, len(pathway)):
-            # if the current item is a Node
-            if _is_node_spec(pathway[c]):
-                if _is_node_spec(pathway[c - 1]):
-                    # if the previous item was also a node, add a MappingProjection between them
-                    if isinstance(pathway[c - 1], tuple):
-                        sender = pathway[c - 1][0]
-                    else:
-                        sender = pathway[c - 1]
-                    if isinstance(pathway[c], tuple):
-                        receiver = pathway[c][0]
-                    else:
-                        receiver = pathway[c]
-                    # If sender and/or receiver is a Composition with INPUT or OUTPUT Nodes,
-                    #    replace it with those Nodes
-                    senders = self._get_nested_nodes_with_same_roles_at_all_levels(sender, NodeRole.OUTPUT)
-                    receivers = self._get_nested_nodes_with_same_roles_at_all_levels(receiver,
-                                                                                    NodeRole.INPUT, NodeRole.TARGET)
-                    if senders or receivers:
-                        senders = senders or convert_to_list(sender)
-                        receivers = receivers or convert_to_list(receiver)
-                        if len(senders) > 1 and len(receivers) > 1:
-                            raise CompositionError(f"Pathway specified with two contiguous Compositions, the first of "
-                                                   f"which ({sender.name}) has more than one OUTPUT Node, and second "
-                                                   f"of which ({receiver.name}) has more than one INPUT Node, making "
-                                                   f"the configuration of Projections between them ambiguous; please "
-                                                   f"specify those Projections explicitly.")
-                        proj = {self.add_projection(sender=s, receiver=r, allow_duplicates=False)
-                                for r in receivers for s in senders}
-                    else:
-                        proj = self.add_projection(sender=sender, receiver=receiver)
-                    if proj:
-                        projections.append(proj)
-            # if the current item is a Projection specification
+            # NODE ENTRY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+            def _get_node_specs_for_entry(entry, include_roles=None, exclude_roles=None):
+                """Extract Nodes from any tuple specs and replace Compositions with their INPUT Nodes
+                """
+                nodes = []
+                for node in entry:
+                    # Extract Nodes from any tuple specs
+                    node = _get_spec_if_tuple(node)
+                    # Replace any nested Compositions with their INPUT Nodes
+                    node = (self._get_nested_nodes_with_same_roles_at_all_levels(node, include_roles, exclude_roles)
+                                if isinstance(node, Composition) else [node])
+                    nodes.extend(node)
+                return nodes
+            # The current entry is a Node or a set of them:
+            #  - if it is a set, list or array, leave as is, else place in set for consistency of processing below
+            current_entry = pathway[c] if isinstance(pathway[c], (set, list, np.ndarray)) else {pathway[c]}
+            if all(_is_node_spec(entry) for entry in current_entry):
+                receivers = _get_node_specs_for_entry(current_entry, NodeRole.INPUT, NodeRole.TARGET)
+                # The preceding entry is a Node or set of them:
+                #  - if it is a set, list or array, leave as is, else place in set for consistnecy of processin below
+                preceding_entry = (pathway[c - 1] if isinstance(pathway[c - 1], (set, list, np.ndarray))
+                                   else {pathway[c - 1]})
+                if all(_is_node_spec(sender) for sender in preceding_entry):
+                    senders = _get_node_specs_for_entry(preceding_entry, NodeRole.OUTPUT)
+                    projs = {self.add_projection(sender=s, receiver=r, allow_duplicates=False)
+                            for r in receivers for s in senders}
+                    if all(projs):
+                        projs = projs.pop() if len(projs) == 1 else projs
+                        projections.append(projs)
+            # PROJECTION ENTRY --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+            # Validate that it is between two nodes, then add the Projection;
+            #    note: if Projection is already instantiated and valid, it is used as is;  if it is a set or list:
+            #          - those are implemented between the corresponding pairs of sender and receiver Nodes
+            #          - the list or set has a default Projection or matrix specification,
+            #            that is used between all pairs of Nodes for which a Projection has not been specified
+            # The current entry is a Projection specification or a list or set of them
             elif _is_pathway_entry_spec(pathway[c], PROJECTION):
-                # Convert pathway[c] to list (embedding in one if matrix) for consistency of handling below
-                # try:
-                #     proj_specs = set(convert_to_list(pathway[c]))
-                # except TypeError:
-                #     proj_specs = [pathway[c]]
-                if is_numeric(pathway[c]):
-                    proj_specs = [pathway[c]]
+                # Validate that Projection specification is not last entry
+                if c == len(pathway) - 1:
+                    raise CompositionError(f"The last item in the {pathway_arg_str} cannot be a Projection: "
+                                           f"{pathway[c]}.")
+                # Validate that entry is between two Nodes (or sets of Nodes)
+                #     and get all pairings of sender and receiver nodes
+                prev_entry = pathway[c - 1]
+                next_entry = pathway[c + 1]
+                if ((_is_node_spec(prev_entry) or isinstance(prev_entry, set))
+                        and (_is_node_spec(next_entry) or isinstance(next_entry, set))):
+                    senders = [_get_spec_if_tuple(sender) for sender in convert_to_list(prev_entry)]
+                    receivers = [_get_spec_if_tuple(receiver) for receiver in convert_to_list(next_entry)]
+                    node_pairs = list(itertools.product(senders,receivers))
+                else:
+                    raise CompositionError(f"A Projection specified in {pathway_arg_str} "
+                                           f"is not between two Nodes: {pathway[c]}")
+                # Convert specs in entry to list (embedding in one if matrix) for consistency of handling below
+                all_proj_specs = [pathway[c]] if is_numeric(pathway[c]) else convert_to_list(pathway[c])
+                # Get default Projection specification
+                #  Must be a matrix spec, or a Projection with no sender or receiver specified
+                #  If it is:
+                #    - a single Projection, not in a set or list
+                #    - appears only once in the pathways arg
+                #    - it is preceded by only one sender Node and followed by only one receiver Node
+                #  then treat as an individual Projection specification and not a default projection specification
+                possible_default_proj_spec = [proj_spec for proj_spec in all_proj_specs
+                                              if (is_matrix(proj_spec)
+                                                  or (isinstance(proj_spec, Projection)
+                                                      and proj_spec._initialization_status & ContextFlags.DEFERRED_INIT
+                                                      and proj_spec._init_args[SENDER] is None
+                                                      and proj_spec._init_args[RECEIVER] is None))]
+                # Validate that there is no more than one default Projection specification
+                if len(possible_default_proj_spec) > 1:
+                    raise CompositionError(f"There is more than one matrix specification in the set of Projection "
+                                           f"specifications for entry {c} of the {pathway_arg_str}: "
+                                           f"{possible_default_proj_spec}.")
+                # Get spec from list:
+                spec = possible_default_proj_spec[0] if possible_default_proj_spec else None
+                # If it appears only once on its own in the pathways arg and there is only one sender and one receiver
+                #     consider it an individual Projection specification rather than a specification of the default
+                if sum(isinstance(s, Projection) and s is spec for s in pathway) == len(senders) == len(receivers) == 1:
+                    default_proj_spec = None
+                    proj_specs = all_proj_specs
-                    proj_specs = convert_to_list(pathway[c])
+                    # Unpack if tuple spec, and assign feedback (with False as default)
+                    default_proj_spec, feedback = (spec if isinstance(spec, tuple) else (spec, False))
+                    # Get all specs other than default_proj_spec
+                    # proj_specs = [proj_spec for proj_spec in all_proj_specs if proj_spec not in possible_default_proj_spec]
+                    proj_specs = [proj_spec for proj_spec in all_proj_specs if proj_spec is not spec]
+                # Collect all Projection specifications (to add to Composition at end)
                 proj_set = []
-                for proj_spec in proj_specs:
-                    if c == len(pathway) - 1:
-                        raise CompositionError(f"The last item in the {pathway_arg_str} cannot be a Projection: "
-                                               f"{proj_spec}.")
-                    # confirm that it is between two nodes, then add the projection
-                    if isinstance(proj_spec, tuple):
-                        proj = proj_spec[0]
-                        feedback = proj_spec[1]
-                    else:
-                        proj = proj_spec
-                        feedback = False
-                    sender = pathway[c - 1]
-                    receiver = pathway[c + 1]
-                    if _is_node_spec(sender) and _is_node_spec(receiver):
-                        if isinstance(sender, tuple):
-                            sender = sender[0]
-                        if isinstance(receiver, tuple):
-                            receiver = receiver[0]
+                def handle_misc_errors(proj, error):
+                    raise CompositionError(f"Bad Projection specification in {pathway_arg_str} ({proj}): "
+                                           f"{str(error.error_value)}")
+                def handle_duplicates(sender, receiver):
+                    duplicate = [p for p in receiver.afferents if p in sender.efferents]
+                    assert len(duplicate)==1, \
+                        f"PROGRAM ERROR: Could not identify duplicate on DuplicateProjectionError " \
+                        f"for {Projection.__name__} between {sender.name} and {receiver.name} " \
+                        f"in call to {repr('add_linear_processing_pathway')} for {self.name}."
+                    duplicate = duplicate[0]
+                    warning_msg = f"Projection specified between {sender.name} and {receiver.name} " \
+                                  f"in {pathway_arg_str} is a duplicate of one"
+                    # IMPLEMENTATION NOTE: Version that allows different Projections between same
+                    #                      sender and receiver in different Compositions
+                    # if duplicate in self.projections:
+                    #     warnings.warn(f"{warning_msg} already in the Composition ({duplicate.name}) "
+                    #                   f"and so will be ignored.")
+                    #     proj=duplicate
+                    # else:
+                    #     if self.prefs.verbosePref:
+                    #         warnings.warn(f" that already exists between those nodes ({duplicate.name}). The "
+                    #                       f"new one will be used; delete it if you want to use the existing one")
+                    # Version that forbids *any* duplicate Projections between same sender and receiver
+                    warnings.warn(f"{warning_msg} that already exists between those nodes ({duplicate.name}) "
+                                  f"and so will be ignored.")
+                    proj_set.append(self.add_projection(duplicate))
+                # IMPLEMENTATION NOTE:
+                #    self.add_projection is called for each Projection
+                #    to catch any duplicates with exceptions below
+                if default_proj_spec is not None and not proj_specs:
+                    # If there is a default specification and no other Projection specs,
+                    #    use default to construct Projections for all node_pairs
+                    for sender, receiver in node_pairs:
-                            if isinstance(proj, (np.ndarray, np.matrix, list)):
-                                # If proj is a matrix specification, use it as the matrix arg
-                                proj = MappingProjection(sender=sender,
-                                                         matrix=proj,
-                                                         receiver=receiver)
+                            # Default is a Projection
+                            if isinstance(default_proj_spec, Projection):
+                                # Copy so that assignments made to instantiated Projection don't affect default
+                                projection = self.add_projection(projection=deepcopy(default_proj_spec),
+                                                                 sender=sender,
+                                                                 receiver=receiver,
+                                                                 allow_duplicates=False,
+                                                                 feedback=feedback)
-                                # Otherwise, if it is Port specification, implement default Projection
+                                # Default is a matrix_spec
+                                assert is_matrix(default_proj_spec), \
+                                    f"PROGRAM ERROR: Expected {default_proj_spec} to be " \
+                                    f"a matrix specification in {pathway_arg_str}."
+                                projection = self.add_projection(projection=MappingProjection(sender=sender,
+                                                                                              matrix=default_proj_spec,
+                                                                                              receiver=receiver),
+                                                                 allow_duplicates=False,
+                                                                 feedback=feedback)
+                            proj_set.append(projection)
+                        except (InputPortError, ProjectionError, MappingError) as error:
+                            handle_misc_errors(proj, error)
+                        except DuplicateProjectionError:
+                            handle_duplicates(sender, receiver)
+                else:
+                    # FIX: 4/9/22 - PUT THIS FIRST (BEFORE BLOCK JUST ABOVE) AND THEN ASSIGN TO ANY LEFT IN node_pairs
+                    # Projections have been specified
+                    for proj_spec in proj_specs:
+                        try:
+                            proj = _get_spec_if_tuple(proj_spec)
+                            feedback = proj_spec[1] if isinstance(proj_spec, tuple) else False
+                            if isinstance(proj, Projection):
+                                # FIX 4/9/22 - TEST FOR DEFERRED INIT HERE (THAT IS NOT A default_proj_spec)
+                                #              IF JUST SENDER OR RECEIVER, TREAT AS PER PORTS BELOW
+                                # Validate that Projection is between a Node in senders and one in receivers
+                                if proj._initialization_status & ContextFlags.DEFERRED_INIT:
+                                    sender_node = senders[0]
+                                    receiver_node = receivers[0]
+                                else:
+                                    sender_node = proj.sender.owner
+                                    receiver_node = proj.receiver.owner
+                                proj_set.append(self.add_projection(proj,
+                                                                    sender = sender_node,
+                                                                    receiver = receiver_node,
+                                                                    allow_duplicates=False, feedback=feedback))
+                                if default_proj_spec:
+                                    # If there IS a default Projection specification, remove from node_pairs
+                                    #   only the entry for the sender-receiver pair, so that the sender is assigned
+                                    #   a default Projection to all other receivers (to which a Projection is not
+                                    #   explicitly specified) and the receiver is assigned a default Projection from
+                                    #   all other senders (from which a Projection is not explicitly specified).
+                                    node_pairs = [pair for pair in node_pairs
+                                                  if not all(node in pair for node in {sender_node, receiver_node})]
+                                else:
+                                    # If there is NOT a default Projection specification, remove from node_pairs
+                                    #   all other entries with either the same sender OR receiver, so that neither
+                                    #   the sender nor receiver are assigned any other default Projections.
+                                    node_pairs = [pair for pair in node_pairs
+                                                  if not any(node in pair for node in {sender_node, receiver_node})]
+                            # FIX: 4/9/22 - SHOULD INCLUDE MECH SPEC (AND USE PRIMARY PORT) HERE:
+                            elif isinstance(proj, Port):
+                                # Implement default Projection (using matrix if specified) for all remaining specs
+                                    # FIX: 4/9/22 - INCLUDE TEST FOR DEFERRED_INIT WITH ONLY RECEIVER SPECIFIED
                                     if isinstance(proj, InputPort):
-                                        proj = MappingProjection(sender=sender,
-                                                                 receiver=proj)
+                                        for sender in senders:
+                                            proj_set.append(self.add_projection(
+                                                projection=MappingProjection(sender=sender, receiver=proj),
+                                                allow_duplicates=False, feedback=feedback))
+                                    # FIX: 4/9/22 - INCLUDE TEST FOR DEFERRED_INIT WITH ONLY SENDER SPECIFIED
                                     elif isinstance(proj, OutputPort):
-                                        proj = MappingProjection(sender=proj,
-                                                                 receiver=receiver)
+                                        for receiver in receivers:
+                                            proj_set.append(self.add_projection(
+                                                projection=MappingProjection(sender=proj, receiver=receiver),
+                                                allow_duplicates=False, feedback=feedback))
+                                    # Remove from node_pairs all pairs involving the owner of the Port
+                                    #   (since all Projections to or from it have been implemented)
+                                    node_pairs = [pair for pair in node_pairs if (proj.owner not in pair)]
                                 except (InputPortError, ProjectionError) as error:
                                     raise ProjectionError(str(error.error_value))
                         except (InputPortError, ProjectionError, MappingError) as error:
-                            raise CompositionError(f"Bad Projection specification in {pathway_arg_str} ({proj}): "
-                                                   f"{str(error.error_value)}")
+                            handle_misc_errors(proj, error)
                         except DuplicateProjectionError:
-                            # FIX: 7/22/19 ADD WARNING HERE??
-                            # FIX: 7/22/19 MAKE THIS A METHOD ON Projection??
-                            duplicate = [p for p in receiver.afferents if p in sender.efferents]
-                            assert len(duplicate)==1, \
-                                f"PROGRAM ERROR: Could not identify duplicate on DuplicateProjectionError " \
-                                f"for {Projection.__name__} between {sender.name} and {receiver.name} " \
-                                f"in call to {repr('add_linear_processing_pathway')} for {self.name}."
-                            duplicate = duplicate[0]
-                            warning_msg = f"Projection specified between {sender.name} and {receiver.name} " \
-                                          f"in {pathway_arg_str} is a duplicate of one"
-                            # IMPLEMENTATION NOTE: Version that allows different Projections between same
-                            #                      sender and receiver in different Compositions
-                            # if duplicate in self.projections:
-                            #     warnings.warn(f"{warning_msg} already in the Composition ({duplicate.name}) "
-                            #                   f"and so will be ignored.")
-                            #     proj=duplicate
-                            # else:
-                            #     if self.prefs.verbosePref:
-                            #         warnings.warn(f" that already exists between those nodes ({duplicate.name}). The "
-                            #                       f"new one will be used; delete it if you want to use the existing one")
-                            # Version that forbids *any* duplicate Projections between same sender and receiver
-                            warnings.warn(f"{warning_msg} that already exists between those nodes ({duplicate.name}) "
-                                          f"and so will be ignored.")
-                            proj=duplicate
-                        proj = self.add_projection(projection=proj,
-                                                   sender=sender,
-                                                   receiver=receiver,
-                                                   feedback=feedback,
-                                                   allow_duplicates=False)
-                        if proj:
-                            proj_set.append(proj)
-                    else:
-                        raise CompositionError(f"A Projection specified in {pathway_arg_str} "
-                                               f"is not between two Nodes: {pathway[c]}")
+                            handle_duplicates(sender, receiver)
+                    # FIX: 4/9/22 - REPLACE BELOW WITH CALL TO _assign_default_proj_spec(sender, receiver)
+                    # If a default Projection is specified and any sender-receiver pairs remain, assign default
+                    if default_proj_spec and node_pairs:
+                        for sender, receiver in node_pairs:
+                            try:
+                                p = self.add_projection(projection=deepcopy(default_proj_spec),
+                                                        sender=sender,
+                                                        receiver=receiver,
+                                                        allow_duplicates=False,
+                                                        feedback=feedback)
+                                proj_set.append(p)
+                            except (InputPortError, ProjectionError, MappingError) as error:
+                                handle_misc_errors(proj, error)
+                            except DuplicateProjectionError:
+                                handle_duplicates(sender, receiver)
+                # If there is a single Projection, extract it from list and append as Projection
+                # IMPLEMENTATION NOTE:
+                #    this is to support calls to add_learing_processing_pathway by add_learning_<> methods
+                #    that do not yet support a list or set of Projection specifications
                 if len(proj_set) == 1:
+            # BAD PATHWAY ENTRY: contains neither Node nor Projection specification(s)
-                raise CompositionError(f"An entry in {pathway_arg_str} is not a Node (Mechanism or Composition) "
-                                       f"or a Projection: {repr(pathway[c])}.")
+                assert False, f"PROGRAM ERROR : An entry in {pathway_arg_str} is not a Node (Mechanism " \
+                              f"or Composition) or a Projection nor a set of either: {repr(pathway[c])}."
         # Finally, clean up any tuple specs
-        for i, n in enumerate(nodes):
-            if isinstance(n, tuple):
-                nodes[i] = nodes[i][0]
-        # interleave nodes and projections
-        explicit_pathway = [nodes[0]]
+        for i, n_e in enumerate(node_entries):
+            for n in convert_to_list(n_e):
+                if isinstance(n, tuple):
+                    nodes[i] = nodes[i][0]
+        # interleave (sets of) Nodes and (sets or lists of) Projections
+        explicit_pathway = [node_entries[0]]
         for i in range(len(projections)):
-            explicit_pathway.append(nodes[i + 1])
+            explicit_pathway.append(node_entries[i + 1])
         # If pathway is an existing one, return that
         existing_pathway = next((p for p in self.pathways if explicit_pathway==p.pathway), None)
@@ -6698,7 +7035,8 @@ def add_linear_processing_pathway(self, pathway, name:str=None, context=None, *a
                 # Otherwise, something has gone wrong
-                assert False, f"PROGRAM ERROR: Bad pathway specification for {self.name} in {pathway_arg_str}: {pathway}."
+                assert False, \
+                    f"PROGRAM ERROR: Bad pathway specification for {self.name} in {pathway_arg_str}: {pathway}."
         pathway = Pathway(pathway=explicit_pathway,
@@ -6710,150 +7048,6 @@ def add_linear_processing_pathway(self, pathway, name:str=None, context=None, *a
         return pathway
-    @handle_external_context()
-    def add_pathways(self, pathways, context=None):
-        """Add pathways to the Composition.
-        Arguments
-        ---------
-        pathways : Pathway or list[Pathway]
-            specifies one or more `Pathways <Pathway>` to add to the Composition (see `Pathway_Specification`).
-        Returns
-        -------
-        list[Pathway] :
-            List of `Pathways <Pathway>` added to the Composition.
-        """
-        # Possible specifications for **pathways** arg:
-        # 1  Single node:  NODE
-        #    Single pathway spec (list, tuple or dict):
-        # 2   single list:   PWAY = [NODE] or [NODE...] in which *all* are NODES with optional intercolated Projections
-        # 3   single tuple:  (PWAY, LearningFunction) = (NODE, LearningFunction) or
-        #                                                ([NODE...], LearningFunction)
-        # 4   single dict:   {NAME: PWAY} = {NAME: NODE} or
-        #                                   {NAME: [NODE...]} or
-        #                                   {NAME: ([NODE...], LearningFunction)}
-        #   Multiple pathway specs (outer list):
-        # 5   list with list: [PWAY] = [NODE, [NODE]] or [[NODE...]...]
-        # 6   list with tuple:  [(PWAY, LearningFunction)...] = [(NODE..., LearningFunction)...] or
-        #                                                      [([NODE...], LearningFunction)...]
-        # 7   list with dict: [{NAME: PWAY}...] = [{NAME: NODE...}...] or
-        #                                         [{NAME: [NODE...]}...] or
-        #                                         [{NAME: (NODE, LearningFunction)}...] or
-        #                                         [{NAME: ([NODE...], LearningFunction)}...]
-        from psyneulink.core.compositions.pathway import Pathway, _is_node_spec, _is_pathway_entry_spec
-        if context.source == ContextFlags.COMMAND_LINE:
-            pathways_arg_str = f"'pathways' arg for the add_pathways method of {self.name}"
-        elif context.source == ContextFlags.CONSTRUCTOR:
-            pathways_arg_str = f"'pathways' arg of the constructor for {self.name}"
-        else:
-            assert False, f"PROGRAM ERROR:  unrecognized context pass to add_pathways of {self.name}."
-        context.string = pathways_arg_str
-        if not pathways:
-            return
-        # Possibilities 1, 3 or 4 (single NODE, tuple or dict specified, so convert to list
-        elif _is_node_spec(pathways) or isinstance(pathways, (tuple, dict, Pathway)):
-            pathways = convert_to_list(pathways)
-        # Possibility 2 (list is a single pathway spec):
-        if (isinstance(pathways, list)
-                and _is_node_spec(pathways[0]) and all(_is_pathway_entry_spec(p, ANY) for p in pathways)):
-            # Place in outter list (to conform to processing of multiple pathways below)
-            pathways = [pathways]
-        # If pathways is not now a list it must be illegitimate
-        if not isinstance(pathways, list):
-            raise CompositionError(f"The {pathways_arg_str} must be a "
-                                   f"Node, list, tuple, dict or Pathway object: {pathways}.")
-        # pathways should now be a list in which each entry should be *some* form of pathway specification
-        #    (including original spec as possibilities 5, 6, or 7)
-        added_pathways = []
-        def identify_pway_type_and_parse_tuple_prn(pway, tuple_or_dict_str):
-            """
-            Determine whether pway is PROCESSING_PATHWAY or LEARNING_PATHWAY and, if it is the latter,
-            parse tuple into pathway specification and LearningFunction.
-            Return pathway type, pathway, and learning_function or None
-            """
-            learning_function = None
-            if isinstance(pway, Pathway):
-                pway = pway.pathway
-            if (_is_node_spec(pway) or isinstance(pway, list) or
-                    # Forgive use of tuple to specify a pathway, and treat as if it was a list spec
-                    (isinstance(pway, tuple) and all(_is_pathway_entry_spec(n, ANY) for n in pathway))):
-                pway_type = PROCESSING_PATHWAY
-                return pway_type, pway, None
-            elif isinstance(pway, tuple):
-                pway_type = LEARNING_PATHWAY
-                if len(pway)!=2:
-                    raise CompositionError(f"A tuple specified in the {pathways_arg_str}"
-                                           f" has more than two items: {pway}")
-                pway, learning_function = pway
-                if not (_is_node_spec(pway) or isinstance(pway, (list, Pathway))):
-                    raise CompositionError(f"The 1st item in {tuple_or_dict_str} specified in the "
-                                           f" {pathways_arg_str} must be a node or a list: {pway}")
-                if not (isinstance(learning_function, type) and issubclass(learning_function, LearningFunction)):
-                    raise CompositionError(f"The 2nd item in {tuple_or_dict_str} specified in the "
-                                           f"{pathways_arg_str} must be a LearningFunction: {learning_function}")
-                return pway_type, pway, learning_function
-            else:
-                assert False, f"PROGRAM ERROR: arg to identify_pway_type_and_parse_tuple_prn in {self.name}" \
-                              f"is not a Node, list or tuple: {pway}"
-        # Validate items in pathways list and add to Composition using relevant add_linear_XXX method.
-        for pathway in pathways:
-            pway_name = None
-            if isinstance(pathway, Pathway):
-                pway_name = pathway.name
-                pathway = pathway.pathway
-            if _is_node_spec(pathway) or isinstance(pathway, (list, tuple)):
-                pway_type, pway, pway_learning_fct = identify_pway_type_and_parse_tuple_prn(pathway, f"a tuple")
-            elif isinstance(pathway, dict):
-                if len(pathway)!=1:
-                    raise CompositionError(f"A dict specified in the {pathways_arg_str} "
-                                           f"contains more than one entry: {pathway}.")
-                pway_name, pway = list(pathway.items())[0]
-                if not isinstance(pway_name, str):
-                    raise CompositionError(f"The key in a dict specified in the {pathways_arg_str} must be a str "
-                                           f"(to be used as its name): {pway_name}.")
-                if _is_node_spec(pway) or isinstance(pway, (list, tuple, Pathway)):
-                    pway_type, pway, pway_learning_fct = identify_pway_type_and_parse_tuple_prn(pway,
-                                                                                                f"the value of a dict")
-                else:
-                    raise CompositionError(f"The value in a dict specified in the {pathways_arg_str} must be "
-                                           f"a pathway specification (Node, list or tuple): {pway}.")
-            else:
-                raise CompositionError(f"Every item in the {pathways_arg_str} must be "
-                                       f"a Node, list, tuple or dict: {repr(pathway)} is not.")
-            context.source = ContextFlags.METHOD
-            if pway_type == PROCESSING_PATHWAY:
-                new_pathway = self.add_linear_processing_pathway(pathway=pway,
-                                                                 name=pway_name,
-                                                                 context=context)
-            elif pway_type == LEARNING_PATHWAY:
-                new_pathway = self.add_linear_learning_pathway(pathway=pway,
-                                                               learning_function=pway_learning_fct,
-                                                               name=pway_name,
-                                                               context=context)
-            else:
-                assert False, f"PROGRAM ERROR: failure to determine pathway_type in add_pathways for {self.name}."
-            added_pathways.append(new_pathway)
-        return added_pathways
     # endregion PROCESSING PATHWAYS
     # region ------------------------------------ LEARNING -------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -7446,7 +7640,7 @@ def _create_backpropagation_learning_pathway(self,
         if path_length >= 3:
             # get the "terminal_sequence" --
             # the last 2 nodes in the back prop pathway and the projection between them
-            # these components are are processed separately because
+            # these components are processed separately because
             # they inform the construction of the Target and Comparator mechs
             terminal_sequence = processing_pathway[path_length - 3: path_length]
diff --git a/psyneulink/core/compositions/compositionfunctionapproximator.py b/psyneulink/core/compositions/compositionfunctionapproximator.py
index 0623bb72ddb..1b657ae102a 100644
--- a/psyneulink/core/compositions/compositionfunctionapproximator.py
+++ b/psyneulink/core/compositions/compositionfunctionapproximator.py
@@ -59,6 +59,8 @@
 __all__ = ['CompositionFunctionApproximator']
+from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import check_user_specified
 class CompositionFunctionApproximatorError(Exception):
     def __init__(self, error_value):
@@ -105,6 +107,7 @@ class CompositionFunctionApproximator(Composition):
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self, name=None, **param_defaults):
        # self.function = function
         super().__init__(name=name, **param_defaults)
diff --git a/psyneulink/core/compositions/parameterestimationcomposition.py b/psyneulink/core/compositions/parameterestimationcomposition.py
index 0ab934d0fc2..3162eae360a 100644
--- a/psyneulink/core/compositions/parameterestimationcomposition.py
+++ b/psyneulink/core/compositions/parameterestimationcomposition.py
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@
 from psyneulink.core.compositions.composition import Composition
 from psyneulink.core.globals.context import Context, ContextFlags, handle_external_context
 from psyneulink.core.globals.keywords import BEFORE
-from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter
+from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter, check_user_specified
 __all__ = ['ParameterEstimationComposition']
@@ -431,6 +431,7 @@ class Parameters(Composition.Parameters):
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
                  parameters, # OCM control_signals
                  outcome_variables,  # OCM monitor_for_control
diff --git a/psyneulink/core/compositions/pathway.py b/psyneulink/core/compositions/pathway.py
index 951385a36bc..da18203bc84 100644
--- a/psyneulink/core/compositions/pathway.py
+++ b/psyneulink/core/compositions/pathway.py
@@ -26,6 +26,9 @@
       - `Pathway_Assignment_to_Composition`
       - `Pathway_Name`
       - `Pathway_Specification`
+          - `Pathway_Specification_Formats`
+          - `Pathway_Specification_Projections`
+          - `Pathway_Specification_Multiple`
       - `Composition_Add_Nested`
   * `Pathway_Structure`
   * `Pathway_Execution`
@@ -37,9 +40,9 @@
 A Pathway is a sequence of `Nodes <Composition_Nodes>` and `Projections <Projection>`. Generally, Pathways are assigned
-to `Compositions <Composition>`, but a Pathway object can be created on its and used as a template for specifying a
-Pathway for a Composition, as described below.  See `Pathways  <Composition_Pathways>` for additional information about
-Pathways in Compositions.
+to a `Compositions`, but a Pathway object can also be created on its and used as a template for specifying a Pathway for
+a Composition, as described below (see `Pathways  <Composition_Pathways>` for additional information about Pathways in
 .. _Pathway_Creation:
@@ -54,7 +57,7 @@
 *Pathway as a Template*
-A Pathway created on its own, using its constructor, is a **template**, that can be used to `specifiy a Pathway
+A Pathway created on its own, using its constructor, is a **template**, that can be used to `specify a Pathway
 <Pathway_Specification>` for one or more Compositions, as described `below <Pathway_Assignment_to_Composition>`;
 however, it cannot be executed on its own.  When a Pathway object is used to assign a Pathway to a Composition,
 its `pathway <Pathway.pathway>` attribute, and its `name <Pathway.name>` if that is not otherwise specified (see
@@ -82,7 +85,7 @@
 If the **name** argument of the Pathway's constructor is used to assign it a name, this is used as the name of the
 Pathway created when it is assigned to a Composition in its constructor, or using its `add_pathways
 <Composition.add_pathways>` method.  This is also the case if one of the Composition's other `Pathway addition methods
-<Compositiion_Pathway_Addition_Methods>` is used, as long as the **name** argument of those methods is not specified.
+<Composition_Pathway_Addition_Methods>` is used, as long as the **name** argument of those methods is not specified.
 However, if the **name** argument is specified in those methods, or `Pathway specification dictionary
 <Pathway_Specification_Dictionary>` is used to specify the Pathway's name, that takes precedence over, and replaces
 one specified in the Pathway `template's <Pathway_Template>` `name <Pathway.name>` attribute.
@@ -93,27 +96,149 @@
 *Pathway Specification*
-The following formats can be used to specify a Pathway in the **pathway** argument of the constructor for the
-Pathway, the **pathways** argument of a the constructor for a `Composition`, or the corresponding argument
+Pathway are specified as a list, each element of which is either a `Node <Composition_Nodes>` or set of Nodes,
+possibly intercolated with specifications of `Projections <Projection>` between them.  `Nodes <Composition_Nodes>`
+can be either a `Mechanism`, a `Composition`, or a tuple (Mechanism or Composition, `NodeRoles <NodeRole>`) that can
+be used to assign `required_roles` to the Nodes in the Composition (see `Composition_Nodes` for additional details).
+The Node(s) specified in each entry of the list project to the Node(s) specified in the next entry.
+    .. _Pathway_Projection_List_Note:
+    .. note::
+       Only a *set* can be used to specify multiple Nodes for a given entry in a Pathway; a *list* can *not* be used
+       for this purpose, as a list containing Nodes is always interpreted as a Pathway. If a list *is* included in a
+       Pathway specification, then it and all other entries are considered as separate, parallel Pathways (see
+       example *vii* in the `figure <Pathway_Figure>` below).
+.. _Pathway_Specification_Projections:
+*Pathway Projection Specifications*
+Where no Projections are specified between entries in the list, default Projections (using a `FULL_CONNECTIVITY_MATRIX`;
+see `MappingProjection_Matrix_Specification`) are created from each Node in the first entry, as the sender(s),
+to each Node in the second, as receiver(s) (described further `below <Pathway_Projections>`).  Projections between
+Nodes in the two entries can also be specified explicitly, by intercolating a Projection or set of Projections between
+the two entries in the list.  If the sender and receiver are both a single Mechanism, then a single `MappingProjection`
+can be `specified<MappingProjection_Creation>` between them.  The same applies if the sender is a `Composition` with
+a single `OUTPUT <NodeRole.OUTPUT>` Node and/or the receiver is a `Composition` with a single `INPUT <NodeRole.INPUT>`
+Node.  If either is a set of Nodes, or is a `nested Composition <Composition_Nested>` with more than one `INPUT
+<NodeRole.INPUT>` or `OUTPUT <NodeRole.OUTPUT>` Node, respectively, then a collection of Projections can be specified
+between any or all pairs of the Nodes in the set(s) and/or nested Composition(s), using either a set or list of
+Projections (order of specification does not matter whether a set or a list is used). The collection can contain
+`MappingProjections <MappingProjection>` between a specific pairs of Nodes and/or a single default specification
+(either a `matrix <MappingProjection.matrix>` specification or a MappingProjection without any `sender
+<MappingProjection.sender>` or `receiver <MappingProjection.receiver>` specified).
+    .. _Pathway_Projection_Matrix_Note:
+    .. note::
+       If a collection of Projection specifications includes a default matrix specification, then a list must be used
+       to specify the collection and *not* a set (since a matrix is unhashable and thus cannot be included in a set).
+If a default Projection specification is included in the set, it is used to implement a Projection between any pair
+of Nodes for which no MappingProjection is otherwise specified, whether within the collection or on its own; if no
+Projections are specified for any individual pairs, a default Projection is created for every pairing of senders and
+receivers. If a collection contains Projections for one or more pairs of Nodes, but does not include a default
+projection specification, then no Projection is created between any of the other pairings.
+If a pair of entries in a pathway has multiple sender and/or receiver Nodes specified (either in a set and/or belonging
+to `nested Composition <Composition_Nested>`, and either no Projection(s) or only a default Projection is intercollated
+between them, then a default set of Projections is constructed (using the default Projection specification, if provided)
+between each pair of sender and receiver Nodes in the set(s) or nested Composition(s), as follows:
+.. _Pathway_Projections:
+* *One to one* - if both the sender and receiver entries are Mechanisms, or if either is a Composition and the
+  sender has a single `OUTPUT <NodeRole.OUTPUT>` Node and the receiver has a single `INPUT <NodeRole.INPUT>`
+  Node, then a default `MappingProjection` is created from the `primary OutputPort <OutputPort_Primary>` of the
+  sender (or of its sole `OUTPUT <NodeRole.OUTPUT>` Node, if the sender is a Composition) to the `primary InputPort
+  <InputPort_Primary>` of the receiver (or of its sole of `INPUT <NodeRole.INPUT>` Node, if the receiver is
+  a Composition), and the Projection specification is intercolated between the two entries in the `Pathway`.
+* *One to many* - if the sender is either a Mechanism or a Composition with a single `OUTPUT <NodeRole.OUTPUT>` Node,
+  but the receiver is either a Composition with more than one `INPUT <NodeRole.INPUT>` Node or a set of Nodes, then
+  a `MappingProjection` is created from the `primary OutputPort <OutputPort_Primary>` of the sender Mechanism (or of
+  its sole `OUTPUT <NodeRole.OUTPUT>` Node if the sender is a Composition) to the `primary InputPort
+  <InputPort_Primary>` of each `INPUT <NodeRole.OUTPUT>` Node of the receiver Composition and/or Mechanism in the
+  receiver set, and a set containing the Projections is intercolated between the two entries in the `Pathway`.
+* *Many to one* - if the sender is a Composition with more than one `OUTPUT <NodeRole.OUTPUT>` Node or a set of
+  Nodes, and the receiver is either a Mechanism or a Composition with a single `INPUT <NodeRole.INPUT>` `OUTPUT
+  <NodeRole.OUTPUT>` Node in the Composition or Mechanism in the set of sender(s), to the `primary InputPort
+  <InputPort_Primary>` of the receiver Mechanism (or of its sole `INPUT <NodeRole.INPUT>` Node if the receiver is
+  a Composition), and a set containing the Projections is intercolated between the two entries in the `Pathway`.
+* *Many to many* - if both the sender and receiver entries contain multiple Nodes (i.e., are sets,  and/or the
+  the sender is a Composition that has more than one `INPUT <NodeRole.INPUT>` Node and/or the receiver has more
+  than one `OUTPUT <NodeRole.OutPUT>` Node), then a Projection is constructed for every pairing of Nodes in the
+  sender and receiver entries, using the `primary OutputPort <OutputPort_Primary>` of each sender Node and the
+  `primary InputPort <InputPort_Primary>` of each receiver node.
+  .. _Pathway_Figure:
+  .. figure:: _static/Pathways_fig.svg
+     :scale: 50%
+     **Examples of Pathway specifications** (including in the **pathways** argument of a `Composition`. *i)* Set
+     of `Nodes <Composition_Nodes>`: each is treated as a `SINGLETON <NodeRole.SINGLETON>` within a single Pathway.
+     *ii)* List of Nodes: forms a sequential Pathway. *iii)* Single Node followed by a set:  one to many mapping.
+     *iv)* Set followed by a single Node: many to one mapping. *v)* Set followed by a set: many to many mapping.
+     *vi)* Set followed by a list: because there is a list in the specification (``[C,D]``) all other entries are
+     also treated as parallel Pathways (see `note <Pathway_Projection_List_Note>` above), so ``A`` and ``B`` in the
+     set are `SINGLETON <NodeRole.SINGLETON>`\\s. *vii)* Set of Projections intercolated between two sets of Nodes:
+     since the set of Projections does not include any involving ``B`` or ``E`` nor a default Projection specification,
+     they are treated as `SINGLETON <NodeRole.SINGLETON>`\\s (compare with *x*). *viii)* Set followed by a Node and
+     then a set:  many to one to many mapping. *ix)* Node followed by one that is a `nested Composition
+     <Composition_Nested>` then another Node: one to many to one mapping. *x)* Set followed by a list of Projections
+     then another set: since the list of Projections contains a default Projection specification (``matrix``)
+     Projections are created between all pairings of nodes in the sets that precede and follow the list (compare with
+     *vii*); note that the Projections must be specified in a list because the matrix is a list (or array), which
+     cannot be included in a set (see `note <Pathway_Projection_Matrix_Note>` above).
+     .. technical_note::
+        The full code for the examples above can be found in `test_pathways_examples`,
+        although some have been graphically rearranged for illustrative purposes.
+.. _Pathway_Specification_Formats:
+*Pathway Specification Formats*
+The following formats can be used to specify a Pathway in the **pathway** argument of the constructor for
+the Pathway, the **pathways** argument of the constructor for a `Composition`, or the corresponding argument
 of any of a Composition's `Pathway addition methods <Composition_Pathway_Addition_Methods>`:
-    * `Node <Composition_Nodes>`: -- assigns the Node to a `SINGLETON` Pathway.
+    * `Node <Composition_Nodes>`: -- assigns the Node as `SINGLETON <NodeRole.SINGLETON>` in a Pathway.
     .. _Pathway_Specification_List:
     * **list**: [`Node <Composition_Nodes>`, <`Projection(s) <Projection>`,> `Node <Composition_Nodes>`...] --
-      each item of the list must be a `Node <Composition_Nodes>` -- i.e., Mechanism or Composition, or a
-      (`Mechanism <Mechanism>`, `NodeRoles <NodeRole>`) tuple -- or, optionally, a `Projection specification
-      <Projection_Specification>`, a (`Projection specification <Projection_Specification>`, `feedback specification
-      <Composition_Feedback_Designation>`) tuple, or a set of either interposed between a pair of nodes (see
+      each item of the list must be a `Node <Composition_Nodes>` (i.e., Mechanism or Composition, or a
+      (`Mechanism <Mechanism>`, `NodeRoles <NodeRole>`) tuple) or set of Nodes, optionally with a `Projection
+      specification <Projection_Specification>`, a (`Projection specification <Projection_Specification>`,
+      `feedback specification <Composition_Feedback_Designation>`) tuple, or a set of either interposed between
+      a pair of (sets of) Nodes (see `add_linear_processing_pathway <Composition.add_linear_processing_pathway>`
+      for additional details).  The list must begin and end with a (set of) Node(s).
+    ..
+    * **set**: {`Node <Composition_Nodes>`, `Node <Composition_Nodes>`...} --
+      each item of the set must be a `Node <Composition_Nodes>` (i.e., Mechanism or Composition, or a
+      (`Mechanism <Mechanism>`, `NodeRoles <NodeRole>`) tuple);  each Node is treated as a `SINGLETON
+      <NodeRole.SINGLETON>`.  Sets can also be used in a list specification (see above; and see
       `add_linear_processing_pathway <Composition.add_linear_processing_pathway>` for additional details).
-      The list must begin and end with a node.
     * **2-item tuple**: (Pathway, `LearningFunction`) -- used to specify a `learning Pathway
-      <Composition_Learning_Pathway>`;  the 1st item must be a `Node <Composition_Nodes>` or list, as
-      described above, and the 2nd item be a subclass of `LearningFunction`.
+      <Composition_Learning_Pathway>`;  the 1st item must be one of the forms of Pathway specification
+      described above, and the 2nd item must be a subclass of `LearningFunction`.
-.. _Multiple_Pathway_Specification:
+.. _Pathway_Specification_Multiple:
+*Multiple Pathway Specifications*
 In addition to the forms of single Pathway specification `above <Pathway_Specification>`, where multiple Pathways
 can be specified (e.g., the **pathways** argument of the constructor for a `Composition` or its `add_pathways
@@ -130,15 +255,15 @@
        If any of the following is used to specify the **pathways** argument:
          * a **standalone** `Node <Composition_Nodes>` (i.e., not in a list), \n
          * a **single Node** alone in a list, \n
+         * a **set** of Nodes, \n
          * one or more Nodes with any other form of `Pathway specification <Pathway_Specification>` in the list \n
-       then each such Node in the list is treated as its own `SINGLETON` pathway (i.e., one containing a single
-       Node that is both the `ORIGIN` and the`TERMINAL` of the Pathway).  However, if the list contains only
-       Nodes, then it is treated as a single Pathway (i.e., the list form of `Pathway specification
-       <Pathway_Specification>`.  Thus:
+       then each such Node in the list is assigned as a `SINGLETON <NodeRole.SINGLETON>` Node in its own Pathway.
+       However, if the list contains only Nodes, then it is treated as a single Pathway (i.e., the list form of
+       `Pathway specification <Pathway_Specification>` described above.  Thus:
          **pathway**: NODE -> single pathway \n
          **pathway**: [NODE] -> single pathway \n
          **pathway**: [NODE, NODE...] -> single pathway \n
-         **pathway**: [NODE, NODE, () or {} or `Pathway`...] -> three or more pathways
+         **pathway**: [NODE, () or {} or `Pathway`...] -> individual Pathways for each specification.
 .. _Pathway_Structure:
@@ -210,13 +335,13 @@
 def _is_pathway_entry_spec(entry, desired_type:tc.enum(NODE, PROJECTION, ANY)):
     """Test whether pathway entry is specified type (NODE or PROJECTION)"""
     from psyneulink.core.components.projections.projection import _is_projection_spec
-    node_specs = (Mechanism, Composition)
-    is_node = is_proj = False
+    node_types = (Mechanism, Composition)
+    is_node = is_proj = is_set = False
     if desired_type in {NODE, ANY}:
-        is_node = (isinstance(entry, node_specs)
+        is_node = (isinstance(entry, node_types)
                    or (isinstance(entry, tuple)
-                       and isinstance(entry[0], node_specs)
+                       and isinstance(entry[0], node_types)
                        and (isinstance(entry[1], NodeRole) or
                             (isinstance(entry[1], list) and all(isinstance(nr, NodeRole) for nr in entry[1])))))
@@ -226,9 +351,13 @@ def _is_pathway_entry_spec(entry, desired_type:tc.enum(NODE, PROJECTION, ANY)):
                        and _is_projection_spec(entry[0])
                        and entry[1] in {True, FEEDBACK, False, MAYBE})
                    or (isinstance(entry, (set,list))
+                   # or (isinstance(entry, set)
                        and all(_is_projection_spec(item) for item in entry)))
-    if is_node or is_proj:
+    if desired_type in {ANY}:
+        is_set = (isinstance(entry, set) and all(_is_node_spec(item) for item in entry))
+    if is_node or is_proj or is_set:
         return True
         return False
diff --git a/psyneulink/core/globals/__init__.py b/psyneulink/core/globals/__init__.py
index 2119b48aeb9..45cdf94c8fa 100644
--- a/psyneulink/core/globals/__init__.py
+++ b/psyneulink/core/globals/__init__.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 from . import context
 from . import defaults
-from . import json
+from . import mdf
 from . import keywords
 from . import kvo
 from . import log
@@ -12,10 +12,10 @@
 from .context import *
 from .defaults import *
-from .json import *
 from .keywords import *
 from .kvo import *
 from .log import *
+from .mdf import *
 from .parameters import *
 from .preferences import *
 from .registry import *
@@ -24,10 +24,10 @@
 __all__ = list(context.__all__)
diff --git a/psyneulink/core/globals/keywords.py b/psyneulink/core/globals/keywords.py
index c65e6a5c965..713e9e16dfb 100644
--- a/psyneulink/core/globals/keywords.py
+++ b/psyneulink/core/globals/keywords.py
@@ -997,10 +997,6 @@ def _is_metric(metric):
 MODEL_SPEC_ID_PARAMETER_INITIAL_VALUE = 'default_initial_value'
diff --git a/psyneulink/core/globals/json.py b/psyneulink/core/globals/mdf.py
similarity index 54%
rename from psyneulink/core/globals/json.py
rename to psyneulink/core/globals/mdf.py
index 4c598cc8c4d..d898bb8394a 100644
--- a/psyneulink/core/globals/json.py
+++ b/psyneulink/core/globals/mdf.py
@@ -3,36 +3,36 @@
-  * `JSON_Overview`
-  * `JSON_Examples`
-  * `JSON_Model_Specification`
+  * `MDF_Overview`
+  * `MDF_Examples`
+  * `MDF_Model_Specification`
-.. _JSON_Overview:
+.. _MDF_Overview:
 The developers of PsyNeuLink are collaborating with the scientific community, as part of the `OpenNeuro effort
-<https://openneuro.org>`_, to create a standard, JSON-based format for the description and exchange of computational
+<https://openneuro.org>`_, to create a standard, serialzied format for the description and exchange of computational
 models of brain and psychological function across different simulation environments. As part of this effort,
 PsyNeuLink supports the `ModECI Model Description Format <https://github.com/ModECI/MDF/includes>`_ (MDF) by
 including the ability to produce an MDF-compatible model from a PsyNeuLink model and to construct valid Python
 scripts that express a PsyNeuLink model from an MDF model.
 Any PsyNeuLink `Composition` or `Component` can be exported to MDF format using its `as_mdf_model` method or
-to JSON format using its `json_summary` method. `json_summary` generates a string that, passed into the
-`generate_script_from_json` function, produces a valid Python script replicating the original PsyNeuLink model.
-`write_json_file` can be used to write the json_summary for one or more Compositions into a specified file (though
-see `note <JSON_Write_Multiple_Compositions_Note>`).  `generate_script_from_json` can accept either the string returned
-by `generate_script_from_json` or the name of a file containing one.
-Calling ``exec(generate_script_from_json(<input>))`` will load into the current namespace all of the PsyNeuLink
+to serialized format using its `json_summary` or `yaml_summary` methods. These methods generate strings that, passed into the
+`generate_script_from_mdf` function, produce a valid Python script replicating the original PsyNeuLink model.
+`write_mdf_file` can be used to write the serialization for one or more Compositions into a specified file (though
+see `note <MDF_Write_Multiple_Compositions_Note>`). `generate_script_from_mdf` can accept either the string returned
+by `get_mdf_serialized` or the name of a file containing one.
+Calling ``exec(generate_script_from_mdf(<input>))`` will load into the current namespace all of the PsyNeuLink
 objects specified in the ``input``; and `get_compositions` can be used to retrieve a list of all of the Compositions
-in that namespace, including any generated by execution of `generate_script_from_json`. `generate_script_from_mdf`
+in that namespace, including any generated by execution of `generate_script_from_mdf`. `generate_script_from_mdf`
 may similarly be used to create a PsyNeuLink Python script from a ModECI MDF Model object, such as that created
 by `as_mdf_model <Composition.as_mdf_model>`.
-.. _JSON_Security_Warning:
+.. _MDF_Security_Warning:
 .. warning::
    Use of `generate_script_from_json` or `generate_script_from_mdf` to generate a Python script from a file without taking proper precautions can
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
    exec, which has the potential to execute non-PsyNeuLink-related code embedded in the file.  Therefore,
    `generate_script_from_json` or `generate_script_from_mdf` should be used to read only files of known and secure origin.
-.. _JSON_Examples:
+.. _MDF_Examples:
 Model Examples
@@ -50,14 +50,14 @@
 that will give the same results when run on the same input as the original.
 :download:`Download stroop_conflict_monitoring.py
 :download:`Download stroop_conflict_monitoring.json
-.. _JSON_Model_Specification:
+.. _MDF_Model_Specification:
-JSON/MDF Model Specification
+MDF Model Specification
 .. note::
@@ -66,12 +66,22 @@
 See https://github.com/ModECI/MDF/blob/main/docs/README.md#model
+.. _MDF_Simple_Edge_Format:
+MDF Simple Edge Format
+Models may be output as they are in PsyNeuLink or in "simple edge"
+format. In simple edge format, PsyNeuLink Projections are written as a
+combination of two Edges and an intermediate Node, because the generic
+MDF execution engine does not support using Functions on Edges.
+PsyNeuLink is capable of re-importing models exported by PsyNeuLink in
+either form.
 import ast
 import base64
 import binascii
-import copy
 import dill
 import enum
 import graph_scheduler
@@ -80,38 +90,53 @@
 import math
 import numbers
 import numpy
+import os
 import pickle
 import pint
 import psyneulink
 import re
+import tempfile
 import types
+import time
 import warnings
 from psyneulink.core.globals.keywords import \
 from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import ParameterAlias
 from psyneulink.core.globals.sampleiterator import SampleIterator
 from psyneulink.core.globals.utilities import convert_to_list, gen_friendly_comma_str, get_all_explicit_arguments, \
     parse_string_to_psyneulink_object_string, parse_valid_identifier, safe_equals, convert_to_np_array
 __all__ = [
-    'PNLJSONError', 'JSONDumpable', 'PNLJSONEncoder',
+    'MDFError', 'MDFSerializable', 'PNLJSONEncoder',
     'generate_json', 'generate_script_from_json', 'generate_script_from_mdf',
-    'write_json_file'
+    'write_json_file', 'get_mdf_model', 'get_mdf_serialized', 'write_mdf_file'
-class PNLJSONError(Exception):
+# file extension to mdf common name
+supported_formats = {
+    'json': 'json',
+    'yml': 'yaml',
+    'yaml': 'yaml',
+class MDFError(Exception):
-class JSONDumpable:
+class MDFSerializable:
     def json_summary(self):
         return self.as_mdf_model().to_json()
+    @property
+    def yaml_summary(self):
+        return self.as_mdf_model().to_yaml()
 # leaving this due to instructions in test_documentation_models
 # (useful for exporting Composition results to JSON)
@@ -173,14 +198,36 @@ def _get_variable_parameter_name(obj):
-def _substitute_expression_args(model):
-    # currently cannot use args with value expressions
-    if model.value is not None:
-        for arg, val in model.args.items():
-            model.value = model.value.replace(arg, str(val))
+def _mdf_obj_from_dict(d):
+    import modeci_mdf.mdf as mdf
+    def _get_mdf_object(obj, cls_):
+        try:
+            model_id = obj['id']
+        except KeyError:
+            try:
+                model_id = obj['metadata']['name']
+            except KeyError:
+                model_id = f'{cls_.__name__}_{time.perf_counter_ns()}'
+        return cls_.from_dict({model_id: obj})
+    for cls_name in mdf.__all__:
+        cls_ = getattr(mdf, cls_name)
+        if all([attr.name in d or attr.name in {'id', 'parameters'} for attr in cls_.__attrs_attrs__]):
+            return _get_mdf_object(d, cls_)
+    if 'function' in d and 'args' in d:
+        return _get_mdf_object(d, mdf.Function)
+    # nothing else seems to fit, try Function (unreliable)
+    if 'value' in d:
+        return _get_mdf_object(d, mdf.Function)
-def _parse_component_type(component_dict):
+    return None
+def _parse_component_type(model_obj):
     def get_pnl_component_type(s):
         from psyneulink.core.components.component import ComponentsMeta
@@ -196,14 +243,15 @@ def get_pnl_component_type(s):
     type_str = None
-    if MODEL_SPEC_ID_TYPE in component_dict:
-        type_dict = component_dict[MODEL_SPEC_ID_TYPE]
-    else:
+    try:
-            type_dict = component_dict[MODEL_SPEC_ID_METADATA][MODEL_SPEC_ID_TYPE]
-        except KeyError:
-            # specifically for functions the keyword is not 'type'
-            type_str = component_dict['function']
+            type_dict = model_obj.metadata[MODEL_SPEC_ID_TYPE]
+        except AttributeError:
+            # could be a dict specification
+            type_str = model_obj[MODEL_SPEC_ID_METADATA][MODEL_SPEC_ID_TYPE]
+    except (KeyError, TypeError):
+        # specifically for functions the keyword is not 'type'
+        type_str = model_obj.function
     if type_str is None:
@@ -216,12 +264,12 @@ def get_pnl_component_type(s):
             type_str = type_dict
     elif isinstance(type_str, dict):
         if len(type_str) != 1:
-            raise PNLJSONError
+            raise MDFError
             elem = list(type_str.keys())[0]
             # not a function_type: args dict
             if MODEL_SPEC_ID_METADATA in type_str[elem]:
-                raise PNLJSONError
+                raise MDFError
                 type_str = elem
@@ -256,21 +304,19 @@ def get_pnl_component_type(s):
         return type_str
-    raise PNLJSONError(
-        'Invalid type specified for JSON object: {0}'.format(
-            component_dict
-        )
-    )
+    raise MDFError(f'Invalid type specified for MDF object: {model_obj}')
 def _parse_parameter_value(value, component_identifiers=None, name=None, parent_parameters=None):
+    import modeci_mdf.mdf as mdf
     if component_identifiers is None:
         component_identifiers = {}
     exec('import numpy')
         pnl_type = _parse_component_type(value)
-    except (KeyError, TypeError, PNLJSONError):
+    except (AttributeError, TypeError, MDFError):
         # ignore parameters that aren't components
         pnl_type = None
@@ -296,8 +342,8 @@ def _parse_parameter_value(value, component_identifiers=None, name=None, parent_
                 value_type = eval(value[MODEL_SPEC_ID_TYPE])
             except Exception as e:
-                raise PNLJSONError(
-                    'Invalid python type specified in JSON object: {0}'.format(
+                raise MDFError(
+                    'Invalid python type specified in MDF object: {0}'.format(
                 ) from e
@@ -334,57 +380,51 @@ def _parse_parameter_value(value, component_identifiers=None, name=None, parent_
-            # it is either a Component spec or just a plain dict
-            try:
-                # try handling as a Component spec
+            if len(value) == 1:
-                    comp_name = value['name']
+                    identifier = list(value.keys())[0]
                 except KeyError:
-                    comp_name = name
-                if comp_name is not None:
-                    identifier = parse_valid_identifier(comp_name)
-                    if len(value) == 1:
-                        try:
-                            value = value[comp_name]
-                        except KeyError:
-                            pass
-                else:
-                    if len(value) == 1:
-                        comp_name = list(value.keys())[0]
-                        identifier = parse_valid_identifier(comp_name)
-                        if isinstance(value[comp_name], dict):
-                            value = value[comp_name]
-                    else:
-                        raise PNLJSONError(
-                            f'Component without name could reference multiple objects: {value}',
-                        )
+                    identifier = name
-                if (
-                    identifier in component_identifiers
-                    and component_identifiers[identifier]
-                ):
-                    # if this spec is already created as a node elsewhere,
-                    # then just use a reference
-                    value = identifier
-                else:
+                mdf_object = value[identifier]
+            else:
+                try:
+                    identifier = value['id']
+                except KeyError:
+                    identifier = name
+                mdf_object = value
+            # it is either a Component spec or just a plain dict
+            if (
+                identifier in component_identifiers
+                and component_identifiers[identifier]
+            ):
+                # if this spec is already created as a node elsewhere,
+                # then just use a reference
+                value = identifier
+            else:
+                if not isinstance(mdf_object, mdf.Base):
+                    mdf_object = _mdf_obj_from_dict(mdf_object)
+                try:
                     value = _generate_component_string(
-                        value,
+                        mdf_object,
-                        component_name=comp_name,
+                        component_name=identifier,
-            except (PNLJSONError, KeyError, TypeError):
-                # standard dict handling
-                value = '{{{0}}}'.format(
-                    ', '.join([
-                        '{0}: {1}'.format(
-                            str(_parse_parameter_value(k, component_identifiers, name)),
-                            str(_parse_parameter_value(v, component_identifiers, name))
-                        )
-                        for k, v in value.items()
-                    ])
-                )
+                except (AttributeError, MDFError, KeyError, TypeError):
+                    # standard dict handling
+                    value = '{{{0}}}'.format(
+                        ', '.join([
+                            '{0}: {1}'.format(
+                                str(_parse_parameter_value(k, component_identifiers, name)),
+                                str(_parse_parameter_value(v, component_identifiers, name))
+                            )
+                            for k, v in value.items()
+                        ])
+                    )
     elif isinstance(value, str):
         # handle pointer to parent's parameter value
@@ -458,11 +498,19 @@ def _parse_parameter_value(value, component_identifiers=None, name=None, parent_
             value = f"'{value}'"
+    elif isinstance(value, mdf.Base):
+        value = _generate_component_string(
+            value,
+            component_identifiers,
+            component_name=value.id,
+            parent_parameters=parent_parameters
+        )
     return value
 def _generate_component_string(
-    component_dict,
+    component_model,
@@ -471,63 +519,63 @@ def _generate_component_string(
     from psyneulink.core.components.functions.function import Function_Base
     from psyneulink.core.components.functions.userdefinedfunction import UserDefinedFunction
-    from psyneulink.core.components.projections.projection import Projection_Base
-        component_type = _parse_component_type(component_dict)
-    except KeyError as e:
+        component_type = _parse_component_type(component_model)
+    except AttributeError as e:
         # acceptable to exclude type currently
         if default_type is not None:
             component_type = default_type
             raise type(e)(
-                f'{component_dict} has no PNL or generic type and no '
+                f'{component_model} has no PNL or generic type and no '
                 'default_type is specified'
             ) from e
     if component_name is None:
-        name = component_dict['name']
+        name = component_model.id
         name = component_name
-            assert component_name == component_dict['name']
+            assert component_name == component_model.id
         except KeyError:
     is_user_defined_function = False
-        parameters = dict(component_dict[component_type._model_spec_id_parameters])
+        parameters = dict(getattr(component_model, component_type._model_spec_id_parameters))
     except AttributeError:
         is_user_defined_function = True
-    except KeyError:
+    except TypeError:
         parameters = {}
     if is_user_defined_function or component_type is UserDefinedFunction:
         custom_func = component_type
         component_type = UserDefinedFunction
-            parameters = dict(component_dict[component_type._model_spec_id_parameters])
-        except KeyError:
+            parameters = dict(getattr(component_model, component_type._model_spec_id_parameters))
+        except TypeError:
             parameters = {}
         parameters['custom_function'] = f'{custom_func}'
-            del component_dict[MODEL_SPEC_ID_METADATA]['custom_function']
+            del component_model.metadata['custom_function']
         except KeyError:
-        parameters.update(component_dict[component_type._model_spec_id_stateful_parameters])
-    except KeyError:
+        parameters.update(getattr(component_model, component_type._model_spec_id_parameters))
+    except TypeError:
         # args in function dict
-        parameters.update(component_dict['function'][list(component_dict['function'].keys())[0]])
+        parameters.update(component_model.function[list(component_model.function.keys())[0]])
     except (AttributeError, KeyError):
     parameter_names = {}
+    # TODO: remove this?
     # If there is a parameter that is the psyneulink identifier string
     # (as of this comment, 'pnl'), then expand these parameters as
     # normal ones. We don't check and expand for other
@@ -540,20 +588,20 @@ def _generate_component_string(
-        metadata = component_dict[MODEL_SPEC_ID_METADATA]
-    except KeyError:
-        metadata = {}
-    if issubclass(component_type, Projection_Base):
+        functions = component_model.functions
+    except AttributeError:
-            component_dict['functions'] = metadata['functions']
+            functions = [_mdf_obj_from_dict(v) for k, v in component_model.metadata['functions'].items()]
         except KeyError:
-            pass
+            functions = None
+        except AttributeError:
+            functions = component_model.metadata['functions']
     # pnl objects only have one function unless specified in another way
     # than just "function"
-    if 'functions' in component_dict:
-        dup_function_names = set([name for name in component_dict['functions'] if name in component_identifiers])
+    if functions is not None:
+        dup_function_names = set([f.id for f in functions if f.id in component_identifiers])
         if len(dup_function_names) > 0:
                 f'Functions ({gen_friendly_comma_str(dup_function_names)}) of'
@@ -564,8 +612,8 @@ def _generate_component_string(
         function_determined_by_output_port = False
-            output_ports = component_dict[MODEL_SPEC_ID_OUTPUT_PORTS]
-        except KeyError:
+            output_ports = component_model.output_ports
+        except AttributeError:
             if len(output_ports) == 1 or isinstance(output_ports, list):
@@ -577,7 +625,7 @@ def _generate_component_string(
                     # 'out_port' appears to be the general primary output_port term
-                    # should ideally have a marker in json to define it as primary
+                    # should ideally have a marker in mdf to define it as primary
                     primary_output_port = output_ports['out_port']
                 except KeyError:
@@ -585,17 +633,15 @@ def _generate_component_string(
                     function_determined_by_output_port = True
         # neuroml-style mdf has MODEL_SPEC_ID_PARAMETER_VALUE in output port definitions
-        if function_determined_by_output_port and MODEL_SPEC_ID_PARAMETER_VALUE in primary_output_port:
-            parameter_names['function'] = re.sub(r'(.*)\[\d+\]', '\\1', primary_output_port[MODEL_SPEC_ID_PARAMETER_VALUE])
+        if function_determined_by_output_port and hasattr(primary_output_port, MODEL_SPEC_ID_PARAMETER_VALUE):
+            parameter_names['function'] = re.sub(r'(.*)\[\d+\]', '\\1', getattr(primary_output_port, MODEL_SPEC_ID_PARAMETER_VALUE))
             parameter_names['function'] = [
-                f for f in component_dict['functions']
-                if not f.endswith(MODEL_SPEC_ID_INPUT_PORT_COMBINATION_FUNCTION)
+                f.id for f in functions
+                if not f.id.endswith(MODEL_SPEC_ID_INPUT_PORT_COMBINATION_FUNCTION)
-        parameters['function'] = {
-            parameter_names['function']: component_dict['functions'][parameter_names['function']]
-        }
+        parameters['function'] = [f for f in functions if f.id == parameter_names['function']][0]
     assignment_str = f'{parse_valid_identifier(name)} = ' if assignment else ''
@@ -617,7 +663,7 @@ def _generate_component_string(
     parameters = {
         **{k: v for k, v in parent_parameters.items() if isinstance(v, dict) and MODEL_SPEC_ID_PARAMETER_INITIAL_VALUE in v},
-        **metadata
+        **(component_model.metadata if component_model.metadata is not None else {})
     # MDF input ports do not have functions, so their shape is
@@ -626,13 +672,9 @@ def _generate_component_string(
     # the input port shape if input_ports parameter is specified
     if 'variable' not in parameters and 'input_ports' not in parameters:
-            ip = parameters['function'][Function_Base._model_spec_id_parameters][MODEL_SPEC_ID_MDF_VARIABLE]
+            ip = getattr(parameters['function'], Function_Base._model_spec_id_parameters)[MODEL_SPEC_ID_MDF_VARIABLE]
             var = convert_to_np_array(
-                numpy.zeros(
-                    ast.literal_eval(
-                        component_dict[MODEL_SPEC_ID_INPUT_PORTS][ip][MODEL_SPEC_ID_SHAPE]
-                    )
-                ),
+                numpy.zeros(ast.literal_eval(component_model.input_ports[ip][MODEL_SPEC_ID_SHAPE])),
             parameters['variable'] = var
@@ -766,57 +808,46 @@ def parameter_value_matches_default(component_type, param, value):
 def _generate_scheduler_string(
-    scheduler_dict,
+    scheduler_model,
     output = []
-    try:
-        node_specific_conds = scheduler_dict['node_specific']
-    except KeyError:
-        pass
-    else:
-        for node, condition in node_specific_conds.items():
-            if node not in blacklist:
-                output.append(
-                    '{0}.add_condition({1}, {2})'.format(
-                        scheduler_id,
-                        parse_valid_identifier(node),
-                        _generate_condition_string(
-                            condition,
-                            component_identifiers
-                        )
+    for node, condition in scheduler_model.node_specific.items():
+        if node not in blacklist:
+            output.append(
+                '{0}.add_condition({1}, {2})'.format(
+                    scheduler_id,
+                    parse_valid_identifier(node),
+                    _generate_condition_string(
+                        condition,
+                        component_identifiers
-        output.append('')
+            )
     termination_str = []
-    try:
-        termination_conds = scheduler_dict['termination']
-    except KeyError:
-        pass
-    else:
-        for scale, cond in termination_conds.items():
-            termination_str.insert(
-                1,
-                'psyneulink.{0}: {1}'.format(
-                    f'TimeScale.{str.upper(scale)}',
-                    _generate_condition_string(cond, component_identifiers)
-                )
+    for scale, cond in scheduler_model.termination.items():
+        termination_str.insert(
+            1,
+            'psyneulink.{0}: {1}'.format(
+                f'TimeScale.{str.upper(scale)}',
+                _generate_condition_string(cond, component_identifiers)
+        )
-        output.append(
-            '{0}.termination_conds = {{{1}}}'.format(
-                scheduler_id,
-                ', '.join(termination_str)
-            )
+    output.append(
+        '{0}.termination_conds = {{{1}}}'.format(
+            scheduler_id,
+            ', '.join(termination_str)
+    )
     return '\n'.join(output)
-def _generate_condition_string(condition_dict, component_identifiers):
+def _generate_condition_string(condition_model, component_identifiers):
     def _parse_condition_arg_value(value):
             identifier = parse_valid_identifier(value)
@@ -827,7 +858,7 @@ def _parse_condition_arg_value(value):
                 return str(identifier)
-            getattr(psyneulink.core.scheduling.condition, value['type'])
+            getattr(psyneulink.core.scheduling.condition, value.type)
         except (AttributeError, KeyError, TypeError):
@@ -853,7 +884,7 @@ def _parse_graph_scheduler_type(typ):
         return typ
     args_str = ''
-    cond_type = _parse_graph_scheduler_type(condition_dict[MODEL_SPEC_ID_TYPE])
+    cond_type = _parse_graph_scheduler_type(condition_model.type)
     sig = inspect.signature(getattr(psyneulink, cond_type).__init__)
     var_positional_arg_name = None
@@ -863,7 +894,7 @@ def _parse_graph_scheduler_type(typ):
             var_positional_arg_name = name
-    args_dict = condition_dict['args']
+    args_dict = condition_model.kwargs
         pos_args = args_dict[var_positional_arg_name]
@@ -906,30 +937,8 @@ def _parse_graph_scheduler_type(typ):
     return f'psyneulink.{cond_type}({arguments_str})'
-def _generate_composition_string(graphs_dict, component_identifiers):
-    def _replace_function_node_with_mech_node(function_dict, name, typ=None):
-        if typ is None:
-            typ = _parse_component_type(function_dict)
-        else:
-            typ = typ.__name__
-        mech_func_dict = {
-            'functions': {
-                name: {
-                    MODEL_SPEC_ID_TYPE: {MODEL_SPEC_ID_PSYNEULINK: typ},
-                    psyneulink.Function_Base._model_spec_id_parameters: function_dict[psyneulink.Component._model_spec_id_parameters]
-                },
-            }
-        }
-        try:
-            del function_dict[MODEL_SPEC_ID_TYPE]
-        except KeyError:
-            pass
-        function_dict['name'] = f"{name}_wrapped_mech"
-        return {**function_dict, **mech_func_dict}
+def _generate_composition_string(graph, component_identifiers):
+    import modeci_mdf.mdf as mdf
     # used if no generic types are specified
     default_composition_type = psyneulink.Composition
@@ -947,410 +956,321 @@ def _replace_function_node_with_mech_node(function_dict, name, typ=None):
     output = []
-    # may be given multiple compositions
-    for comp_name, composition_dict in graphs_dict.items():
-        try:
-            assert comp_name == composition_dict['name']
-        except KeyError:
-            pass
-        comp_identifer = parse_valid_identifier(comp_name)
+    comp_identifer = parse_valid_identifier(graph.id)
-        def alphabetical_order(items):
-            alphabetical = enumerate(
-                sorted(items)
-            )
-            return {
-                parse_valid_identifier(item[1]): item[0]
-                for item in alphabetical
-            }
-        # get order in which nodes were added
-        # may be node names or dictionaries
-        try:
-            node_order = composition_dict[MODEL_SPEC_ID_METADATA]['node_ordering']
-            node_order = {
-                parse_valid_identifier(list(node.keys())[0]) if isinstance(node, dict)
-                else parse_valid_identifier(node): node_order.index(node)
-                for node in node_order
-            }
-            unspecified_node_order = {
-                node: position + len(node_order)
-                for node, position in alphabetical_order([
-                    n for n in composition_dict[MODEL_SPEC_ID_NODES] if n not in node_order
-                ]).items()
-            }
-            node_order.update(unspecified_node_order)
-            assert all([
-                (parse_valid_identifier(node) in node_order)
-                for node in composition_dict[MODEL_SPEC_ID_NODES]
-            ])
-        except (KeyError, TypeError, AssertionError):
-            # if no node_ordering attribute exists, fall back to
-            # alphabetical order
-            node_order = alphabetical_order(composition_dict[MODEL_SPEC_ID_NODES])
-        # clean up pnl-specific and other software-specific items
-        pnl_specific_items = {}
-        keys_to_delete = []
-        for name, node in composition_dict[MODEL_SPEC_ID_NODES].items():
-            try:
-                component_type = _parse_component_type(node)
-            except KeyError:
-                # will use a default type
-                pass
-            except PNLJSONError:
-                # node isn't a node dictionary, but a dict of dicts,
-                # indicating a software-specific set of nodes or
-                # a composition
-                if name == MODEL_SPEC_ID_PSYNEULINK:
-                    pnl_specific_items = node
-                if MODEL_SPEC_ID_COMPOSITION not in node:
-                    keys_to_delete.append(name)
-            else:
-                # projection was written out as a node for simple_edge_format
-                if issubclass(component_type, psyneulink.Projection_Base):
-                    assert len(node[MODEL_SPEC_ID_INPUT_PORTS]) == 1
-                    assert len(node[MODEL_SPEC_ID_OUTPUT_PORTS]) == 1
-                    extra_projs_to_delete = set()
-                    sender = None
-                    sender_port = None
-                    receiver = None
-                    receiver_port = None
-                    for proj_name, proj in composition_dict[MODEL_SPEC_ID_PROJECTIONS].items():
-                        if proj[MODEL_SPEC_ID_RECEIVER_MECH] == name:
-                            assert 'dummy' in proj_name
-                            sender = proj[MODEL_SPEC_ID_SENDER_MECH]
-                            sender_port = proj[MODEL_SPEC_ID_SENDER_PORT]
-                            extra_projs_to_delete.add(proj_name)
-                        if proj[MODEL_SPEC_ID_SENDER_MECH] == name:
-                            assert 'dummy' in proj_name
-                            receiver = proj[MODEL_SPEC_ID_RECEIVER_MECH]
-                            receiver_port = proj[MODEL_SPEC_ID_RECEIVER_PORT]
-                            # if for some reason the projection has node as both sender and receiver
-                            # this is a bug, let the deletion fail
-                            extra_projs_to_delete.add(proj_name)
-                    if sender is None:
-                        raise PNLJSONError(f'Dummy node {name} for projection has no sender in projections list')
-                    if receiver is None:
-                        raise PNLJSONError(f'Dummy node {name} for projection has no receiver in projections list')
-                    proj_dict = {
-                        **{
-                            MODEL_SPEC_ID_SENDER_PORT: sender_port,
-                            MODEL_SPEC_ID_RECEIVER_PORT: receiver_port,
-                            MODEL_SPEC_ID_SENDER_MECH: sender,
-                            MODEL_SPEC_ID_RECEIVER_MECH: receiver
-                        },
-                        **{
-                            MODEL_SPEC_ID_METADATA: {
-                                # variable isn't specified for projections
-                                **{k: v for k, v in node[MODEL_SPEC_ID_METADATA].items() if k != 'variable'},
-                                'functions': node['functions']
-                            }
-                        },
-                    }
-                    try:
-                        proj_dict[component_type._model_spec_id_parameters] = node[psyneulink.Component._model_spec_id_parameters]
-                    except KeyError:
-                        pass
-                    composition_dict[MODEL_SPEC_ID_PROJECTIONS][name.rstrip('_dummy_node')] = proj_dict
-                    keys_to_delete.append(name)
-                    for p in extra_projs_to_delete:
-                        del composition_dict[MODEL_SPEC_ID_PROJECTIONS][p]
+    def alphabetical_order(items):
+        alphabetical = enumerate(
+            sorted(items)
+        )
+        return {
+            parse_valid_identifier(item[1]): item[0]
+            for item in alphabetical
+        }
-                    for nr_item in ['required_node_roles', 'excluded_node_roles']:
-                        nr_removal_indices = []
+    # get order in which nodes were added
+    # may be node names or dictionaries
+    try:
+        node_order = graph.metadata['node_ordering']
+        node_order = {
+            parse_valid_identifier(list(node.keys())[0]) if isinstance(node, dict)
+            else parse_valid_identifier(node): node_order.index(node)
+            for node in node_order
+        }
-                        for i, (nr_name, nr_role) in enumerate(
-                            composition_dict[MODEL_SPEC_ID_METADATA][nr_item]
-                        ):
-                            if nr_name == name:
-                                nr_removal_indices.append(i)
+        unspecified_node_order = {
+            node: position + len(node_order)
+            for node, position in alphabetical_order([
+                parse_valid_identifier(n.id) for n in graph.nodes if n.id not in node_order
+            ]).items()
+        }
-                        for i in nr_removal_indices:
-                            del composition_dict[MODEL_SPEC_ID_METADATA][nr_item][i]
+        node_order.update(unspecified_node_order)
-        for nodes_dict in pnl_specific_items:
-            for name, node in nodes_dict.items():
-                composition_dict[MODEL_SPEC_ID_NODES][name] = node
+        assert all([
+            (parse_valid_identifier(node.id) in node_order)
+            for node in graph.nodes
+        ])
+    except (KeyError, TypeError, AssertionError):
+        # if no node_ordering attribute exists, fall back to
+        # alphabetical order
+        node_order = alphabetical_order([parse_valid_identifier(n.id) for n in graph.nodes])
-        for name_to_delete in keys_to_delete:
-            del composition_dict[MODEL_SPEC_ID_NODES][name_to_delete]
+    keys_to_delete = []
+    for node in graph.nodes:
-            edges_dict = composition_dict[MODEL_SPEC_ID_PROJECTIONS]
-            pnl_specific_items = {}
-            keys_to_delete = []
-        except KeyError:
+            component_type = _parse_component_type(node)
+        except (AttributeError, KeyError):
+            # will use a default type
-            for name, edge in edges_dict.items():
-                try:
-                    _parse_component_type(edge)
-                except KeyError:
-                    # will use a default type
-                    pass
-                except PNLJSONError:
-                    if name == MODEL_SPEC_ID_PSYNEULINK:
-                        pnl_specific_items = edge
-                    keys_to_delete.append(name)
-            for name, edge in pnl_specific_items.items():
-                # exclude CIM projections because they are automatically
-                # generated
-                if (
-                    edge[MODEL_SPEC_ID_SENDER_MECH] != comp_name
-                    and edge[MODEL_SPEC_ID_RECEIVER_MECH] != comp_name
-                ):
-                    composition_dict[MODEL_SPEC_ID_PROJECTIONS][name] = edge
-            for name_to_delete in keys_to_delete:
-                del composition_dict[MODEL_SPEC_ID_PROJECTIONS][name_to_delete]
-        # generate string for Composition itself
-        output.append(
-            "{0} = {1}\n".format(
-                comp_identifer,
-                _generate_component_string(
-                    composition_dict,
-                    component_identifiers,
-                    component_name=comp_name,
-                    default_type=default_composition_type
+            # projection was written out as a node for simple_edge_format
+            if issubclass(component_type, psyneulink.Projection_Base):
+                assert len(node.input_ports) == 1
+                assert len(node.output_ports) == 1
+                extra_projs_to_delete = set()
+                sender = None
+                sender_port = None
+                receiver = None
+                receiver_port = None
+                for proj in graph.edges:
+                    if proj.receiver == node.id:
+                        assert 'dummy' in proj.id
+                        sender = proj.sender
+                        sender_port = proj.sender_port
+                        extra_projs_to_delete.add(proj.id)
+                    if proj.sender == node.id:
+                        assert 'dummy' in proj.id
+                        receiver = proj.receiver
+                        receiver_port = proj.receiver_port
+                        # if for some reason the projection has node as both sender and receiver
+                        # this is a bug, let the deletion fail
+                        extra_projs_to_delete.add(proj.id)
+                if sender is None:
+                    raise MDFError(f'Dummy node {node.id} for projection has no sender in projections list')
+                if receiver is None:
+                    raise MDFError(f'Dummy node {node.id} for projection has no receiver in projections list')
+                main_proj = mdf.Edge(
+                    id=node.id.rstrip('_dummy_node'),
+                    sender=sender,
+                    receiver=receiver,
+                    sender_port=sender_port,
+                    receiver_port=receiver_port,
+                    metadata={
+                        # variable isn't specified for projections
+                        **{k: v for k, v in node.metadata.items() if k != 'variable'},
+                        'functions': node.functions
+                    }
+                proj.parameters = {p.id: p for p in node.parameters}
+                graph.edges.append(main_proj)
+                keys_to_delete.append(node.id)
+                for p in extra_projs_to_delete:
+                    del graph.edges[graph.edges.index([e for e in graph.edges if e.id == p][0])]
+                for nr_item in ['required_node_roles', 'excluded_node_roles']:
+                    nr_removal_indices = []
+                    for i, (nr_name, nr_role) in enumerate(
+                        graph.metadata[nr_item]
+                    ):
+                        if nr_name == node.id:
+                            nr_removal_indices.append(i)
+                    for i in nr_removal_indices:
+                        del graph.metadata[nr_item][i]
+    for name_to_delete in keys_to_delete:
+        del graph.nodes[graph.nodes.index([n for n in graph.nodes if n.id == name_to_delete][0])]
+    # generate string for Composition itself
+    output.append(
+        "{0} = {1}\n".format(
+            comp_identifer,
+            _generate_component_string(
+                graph,
+                component_identifiers,
+                component_name=graph.id,
+                default_type=default_composition_type
-        component_identifiers[comp_identifer] = True
-        mechanisms = {}
-        compositions = {}
-        control_mechanisms = {}
-        implicit_mechanisms = {}
-        # add nested compositions and mechanisms in order they were added
-        # to this composition
-        for name, node in sorted(
-            composition_dict[MODEL_SPEC_ID_NODES].items(),
-            key=lambda item: node_order[parse_valid_identifier(item[0])]
-        ):
-            if MODEL_SPEC_ID_COMPOSITION in node:
-                compositions[name] = node[MODEL_SPEC_ID_COMPOSITION]
-            else:
-                try:
-                    component_type = _parse_component_type(node)
-                except KeyError:
-                    component_type = default_node_type
-                identifier = parse_valid_identifier(name)
-                if issubclass(component_type, control_mechanism_types):
-                    control_mechanisms[name] = node
-                    component_identifiers[identifier] = True
-                elif issubclass(component_type, implicit_types):
-                    implicit_mechanisms[name] = node
-                else:
-                    mechanisms[name] = node
-                    component_identifiers[identifier] = True
-        implicit_names = [
-            x
-            for x in [*implicit_mechanisms.keys(), *control_mechanisms.keys()]
-        ]
-        for name, mech in copy.copy(mechanisms).items():
+    )
+    component_identifiers[comp_identifer] = True
+    mechanisms = []
+    compositions = []
+    control_mechanisms = []
+    implicit_mechanisms = []
+    # add nested compositions and mechanisms in order they were added
+    # to this composition
+    for node in sorted(
+        graph.nodes,
+        key=lambda item: node_order[parse_valid_identifier(item.id)]
+    ):
+        if isinstance(node, mdf.Graph):
+            compositions.append(node)
+        else:
-                mech_type = _parse_component_type(mech)
-            except KeyError:
-                mech_type = None
-            if (
-                isinstance(mech_type, type)
-                and issubclass(mech_type, psyneulink.Function)
-            ):
-                mech = _replace_function_node_with_mech_node(mech, name, mech_type)
-                component_identifiers[mech['name']] = component_identifiers[name]
-                del component_identifiers[name]
-                node_order[mech['name']] = node_order[name]
-                del node_order[name]
+                component_type = _parse_component_type(node)
+            except (AttributeError, KeyError):
+                component_type = default_node_type
+            identifier = parse_valid_identifier(node.id)
+            if issubclass(component_type, control_mechanism_types):
+                control_mechanisms.append(node)
+                component_identifiers[identifier] = True
+            elif issubclass(component_type, implicit_types):
+                implicit_mechanisms.append(node)
+            else:
+                mechanisms.append(node)
+                component_identifiers[identifier] = True
-                mechanisms[mech['name']] = mechanisms[name]
-                del mechanisms[name]
+    implicit_names = [node.id for node in implicit_mechanisms + control_mechanisms]
-                composition_dict['nodes'][mech['name']] = composition_dict['nodes'][name]
-                del composition_dict['nodes'][name]
+    for mech in mechanisms:
+        try:
+            mech_type = _parse_component_type(mech)
+        except (AttributeError, KeyError):
+            mech_type = None
-                name = mech['name']
+        if (
+            isinstance(mech_type, type)
+            and issubclass(mech_type, psyneulink.Function)
+        ):
+            # removed branch converting functions defined as nodes
+            # should no longer happen with recent MDF versions
+            assert False
-            output.append(
-                _generate_component_string(
-                    mech,
-                    component_identifiers,
-                    component_name=name,
-                    assignment=True,
-                    default_type=default_node_type
-                )
+        output.append(
+            _generate_component_string(
+                mech,
+                component_identifiers,
+                component_name=parse_valid_identifier(mech.id),
+                assignment=True,
+                default_type=default_node_type
-        if len(mechanisms) > 0:
-            output.append('')
+        )
+    if len(mechanisms) > 0:
+        output.append('')
-        for name, mech in control_mechanisms.items():
-            output.append(
-                _generate_component_string(
-                    mech,
-                    component_identifiers,
-                    component_name=name,
-                    assignment=True,
-                    default_type=default_node_type
-                )
+    for mech in control_mechanisms:
+        output.append(
+            _generate_component_string(
+                mech,
+                component_identifiers,
+                component_name=parse_valid_identifier(mech.id),
+                assignment=True,
+                default_type=default_node_type
+        )
-        if len(control_mechanisms) > 0:
-            output.append('')
+    if len(control_mechanisms) > 0:
+        output.append('')
-        # recursively generate string for inner Compositions
-        for name, comp in compositions.items():
-            output.append(
-                _generate_composition_string(
-                    comp,
-                    component_identifiers
-                )
+    # recursively generate string for inner Compositions
+    for comp in compositions:
+        output.append(
+            _generate_composition_string(
+                comp,
+                component_identifiers
-        if len(compositions) > 0:
-            output.append('')
-        # generate string to add the nodes to this Composition
-        try:
-            node_roles = {
-                parse_valid_identifier(node): role for (node, role) in
-                composition_dict[MODEL_SPEC_ID_METADATA]['required_node_roles']
-            }
-        except KeyError:
-            node_roles = []
+        )
+    if len(compositions) > 0:
+        output.append('')
-        try:
-            excluded_node_roles = {
-                parse_valid_identifier(node): role for (node, role) in
-                composition_dict[MODEL_SPEC_ID_METADATA]['excluded_node_roles']
-            }
-        except KeyError:
-            excluded_node_roles = []
+    # generate string to add the nodes to this Composition
+    try:
+        node_roles = {
+            parse_valid_identifier(node): role for (node, role) in
+            graph.metadata['required_node_roles']
+        }
+    except KeyError:
+        node_roles = []
-        # do not add the controller as a normal node
-        try:
-            controller_name = list(composition_dict[MODEL_SPEC_ID_METADATA]['controller'].keys())[0]
-        except (AttributeError, KeyError, TypeError):
-            controller_name = None
+    try:
+        excluded_node_roles = {
+            parse_valid_identifier(node): role for (node, role) in
+            graph.metadata['excluded_node_roles']
+        }
+    except KeyError:
+        excluded_node_roles = []
-        for name in sorted(
-            composition_dict[MODEL_SPEC_ID_NODES],
-            key=lambda item: node_order[parse_valid_identifier(item)]
+    # do not add the controller as a normal node
+    try:
+        controller_name = graph.metadata['controller']['id']
+    except (AttributeError, KeyError, TypeError):
+        controller_name = None
+    for node in sorted(
+        graph.nodes,
+        key=lambda item: node_order[parse_valid_identifier(item.id)]
+    ):
+        name = node.id
+        if (
+            name not in implicit_names
+            and name != controller_name
-            if (
-                name not in implicit_names
-                and name != controller_name
-            ):
-                name = parse_valid_identifier(name)
+            name = parse_valid_identifier(name)
+            output.append(
+                '{0}.add_node({1}{2})'.format(
+                    comp_identifer,
+                    name,
+                    ', {0}'.format(
+                        _parse_parameter_value(
+                            node_roles[name],
+                            component_identifiers
+                        )
+                    ) if name in node_roles else ''
+                )
+            )
+    if len(graph.nodes) > 0:
+        output.append('')
+    if len(excluded_node_roles) > 0:
+        for node, roles in excluded_node_roles.items():
+            if name not in implicit_names and name != controller_name:
-                    '{0}.add_node({1}{2})'.format(
-                        comp_identifer,
-                        name,
-                        ', {0}'.format(
-                            _parse_parameter_value(
-                                node_roles[name],
-                                component_identifiers
-                            )
-                        ) if name in node_roles else ''
-                    )
+                    f'{comp_identifer}.exclude_node_roles({node}, {_parse_parameter_value(roles, component_identifiers)})'
-        if len(composition_dict[MODEL_SPEC_ID_NODES]) > 0:
-            output.append('')
-        if len(excluded_node_roles) > 0:
-            for node, roles in excluded_node_roles.items():
-                if name not in implicit_names and name != controller_name:
-                    output.append(
-                        f'{comp_identifer}.exclude_node_roles({node}, {_parse_parameter_value(roles, component_identifiers)})'
-                    )
-            output.append('')
+        output.append('')
+    # generate string to add the projections
+    for proj in graph.edges:
-            edges_dict = composition_dict[MODEL_SPEC_ID_PROJECTIONS]
-        except KeyError:
-            pass
-        else:
-            # generate string to add the projections
-            for name, projection_dict in edges_dict.items():
-                try:
-                    projection_type = _parse_component_type(projection_dict)
-                except KeyError:
-                    projection_type = default_edge_type
-                if (
-                    not issubclass(projection_type, implicit_types)
-                    and projection_dict[MODEL_SPEC_ID_SENDER_MECH] not in implicit_names
-                    and projection_dict[MODEL_SPEC_ID_RECEIVER_MECH] not in implicit_names
-                ):
-                    output.append(
-                        '{0}.add_projection(projection={1}, sender={2}, receiver={3})'.format(
-                            comp_identifer,
-                            _generate_component_string(
-                                projection_dict,
-                                component_identifiers,
-                                component_name=name,
-                                default_type=default_edge_type
-                            ),
-                            parse_valid_identifier(
-                                projection_dict[MODEL_SPEC_ID_SENDER_MECH]
-                            ),
-                            parse_valid_identifier(
-                                projection_dict[MODEL_SPEC_ID_RECEIVER_MECH]
-                            ),
-                        )
-                    )
+            projection_type = _parse_component_type(proj)
+        except (AttributeError, KeyError):
+            projection_type = default_edge_type
-        # add controller if it exists (must happen after projections)
-        if controller_name is not None:
+        if (
+            not issubclass(projection_type, implicit_types)
+            and proj.sender not in implicit_names
+            and proj.receiver not in implicit_names
+        ):
-                '{0}.add_controller({1})'.format(
+                '{0}.add_projection(projection={1}, sender={2}, receiver={3})'.format(
-                    parse_valid_identifier(controller_name)
+                    _generate_component_string(
+                        proj,
+                        component_identifiers,
+                        default_type=default_edge_type
+                    ),
+                    parse_valid_identifier(proj.sender),
+                    parse_valid_identifier(proj.receiver),
-        # add schedulers
-        # blacklist automatically generated nodes because they will
-        # not exist in the script namespace
-        try:
-            conditions = composition_dict['conditions']
-        except KeyError:
-            conditions = {}
-        output.append('')
+    # add controller if it exists (must happen after projections)
+    if controller_name is not None:
-            _generate_scheduler_string(
-                f'{comp_identifer}.scheduler',
-                conditions,
-                component_identifiers,
-                blacklist=implicit_names
+            '{0}.add_controller({1})'.format(
+                comp_identifer,
+                parse_valid_identifier(controller_name)
-    return '\n'.join(output)
+    # add schedulers
+    # blacklist automatically generated nodes because they will
+    # not exist in the script namespace
+    output.append('')
+    output.append(
+        _generate_scheduler_string(
+            f'{comp_identifer}.scheduler',
+            graph.conditions,
+            component_identifiers,
+            blacklist=implicit_names
+        )
+    )
+    return output
 def generate_script_from_json(model_input, outfile=None):
@@ -1379,67 +1299,76 @@ def generate_script_from_json(model_input, outfile=None):
+    warnings.warn(
+        'generate_script_from_json is replaced by generate_script_from_mdf and will be removed in a future version',
+        FutureWarning
+    )
+    return generate_script_from_mdf(model_input, outfile)
+def generate_script_from_mdf(model_input, outfile=None):
+    """
+        Generate a Python script from MDF model **model_input**
-    def get_declared_identifiers(graphs_dict):
-        names = set()
+        .. warning::
+           Use of `generate_script_from_mdf` to generate a Python script from a model without taking proper precautions
+           can introduce a security risk to the system on which the Python interpreter is running.  This is because it
+           calls exec, which has the potential to execute non-PsyNeuLink-related code embedded in the file.  Therefore,
+           `generate_script_from_mdf` should be used to read only model of known and secure origin.
-        for comp_name, composition_dict in graphs_dict.items():
-            try:
-                assert comp_name == composition_dict['name']
-            except KeyError:
-                pass
+        Arguments
+        ---------
-            names.add(parse_valid_identifier(comp_name))
-            for name, node in composition_dict[MODEL_SPEC_ID_NODES].items():
-                if MODEL_SPEC_ID_COMPOSITION in node:
-                    names.update(
-                        get_declared_identifiers(
-                            node[MODEL_SPEC_ID_COMPOSITION]
-                        )
-                    )
+            model_input : modeci_mdf.Model
-                names.add(parse_valid_identifier(name))
+        Returns
+        -------
+            Text of Python script : str
+    """
+    import modeci_mdf.mdf as mdf
+    from modeci_mdf.utils import load_mdf
+    def get_declared_identifiers(model):
+        names = set()
+        for graph in model.graphs:
+            names.add(parse_valid_identifier(graph.id))
+            for node in graph.nodes:
+                if isinstance(node, mdf.Graph):
+                    names.update(get_declared_identifiers(graph))
+                names.add(parse_valid_identifier(node.id))
         return names
     # accept either json string or filename
-        model_input = open(model_input, 'r').read()
-    except (FileNotFoundError, OSError):
-        pass
-    try:
-        model_input = json.loads(model_input)
-    except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
-        raise ValueError(
-            f'{model_input} is neither valid JSON nor a file containing JSON'
-        )
-    assert len(model_input.keys()) == 1
-    model_input = model_input[list(model_input.keys())[0]]
+        model = load_mdf(model_input)
+    except (FileNotFoundError, OSError, ValueError):
+        try:
+            model = mdf.Model.from_json(model_input)
+        except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
+            # assume yaml
+            # delete=False because of problems with reading file on windows
+            with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', suffix='.yml', delete=False) as f:
+                f.write(model_input)
+                model = load_mdf(f.name)
     imports_str = ''
-    if MODEL_SPEC_ID_COMPOSITION in model_input:
-        # maps declared names to whether they are accessible in the script
-        # locals. that is, each of these will be names specified in the
-        # composition and subcomposition nodes, and their value in this dict
-        # will correspond to True if they can be referenced by this name in the
-        # script
-        component_identifiers = {
-            i: False
-            for i in get_declared_identifiers(model_input[MODEL_SPEC_ID_COMPOSITION])
-        }
+    comp_strs = []
+    # maps declared names to whether they are accessible in the script
+    # locals. that is, each of these will be names specified in the
+    # composition and subcomposition nodes, and their value in this dict
+    # will correspond to True if they can be referenced by this name in the
+    # script
+    component_identifiers = {
+        i: False
+        for i in get_declared_identifiers(model)
+    }
-        comp_str = _generate_composition_string(
-            model_input[MODEL_SPEC_ID_COMPOSITION],
-            component_identifiers
-        )
-    else:
-        comp_str = _generate_component_string(
-            model_input,
-            component_identifiers={},
-            assignment=True
-        )
+    for graph in model.graphs:
+        comp_strs.append(_generate_composition_string(graph, component_identifiers))
     module_friendly_name_mapping = {
         'psyneulink': 'pnl',
@@ -1447,92 +1376,98 @@ def get_declared_identifiers(graphs_dict):
         'numpy': 'np'
+    potential_module_names = set()
     module_names = set()
+    model_output = []
+    for i in range(len(comp_strs)):
+        # greedy and non-greedy
+        for cs in comp_strs[i]:
+            potential_module_names = set([
+                *re.findall(r'([A-Za-z_\.]+)\.', cs),
+                *re.findall(r'([A-Za-z_\.]+?)\.', cs)
+            ])
-    # greedy and non-greedy
-    potential_module_names = set([
-        *re.findall(r'([A-Za-z_\.]+)\.', comp_str),
-        *re.findall(r'([A-Za-z_\.]+?)\.', comp_str)
-    ])
-    for module in potential_module_names:
-        if module not in component_identifiers:
-            try:
-                exec(f'import {module}')
-                module_names.add(module)
-            except (ImportError, ModuleNotFoundError, SyntaxError):
-                pass
+        for module in potential_module_names:
+            if module not in component_identifiers:
+                try:
+                    exec(f'import {module}')
+                    module_names.add(module)
+                except (ImportError, ModuleNotFoundError, SyntaxError):
+                    pass
-    for module in module_names.copy():
-        try:
-            friendly_name = module_friendly_name_mapping[module]
-            comp_str = re.sub(f'{module}\\.', f'{friendly_name}.', comp_str)
-        except KeyError:
-            friendly_name = module
+        for j in range(len(comp_strs[i])):
+            for module in module_names.copy():
+                try:
+                    friendly_name = module_friendly_name_mapping[module]
+                    comp_strs[i][j] = re.sub(f'{module}\\.', f'{friendly_name}.', comp_strs[i][j])
+                except KeyError:
+                    pass
-        if not re.findall(rf'[^\.]{friendly_name}\.', comp_str):
-            module_names.remove(module)
+        for m in module_names.copy():
+            for n in module_names.copy():
+                # remove potential modules that are substrings of another
+                if m is not n and m in n:
+                    module_names.remove(m)
-    for m in module_names.copy():
-        for n in module_names.copy():
-            # remove potential modules that are substrings of another
-            if m is not n and m in n:
-                module_names.remove(m)
+        for module in sorted(module_names):
+            try:
+                friendly_name = module_friendly_name_mapping[module]
+            except KeyError:
+                friendly_name = module
-    for module in sorted(module_names):
-        try:
-            friendly_name = module_friendly_name_mapping[module]
-        except KeyError:
-            friendly_name = module
+            imports_str += 'import {0}{1}\n'.format(
+                module,
+                f' as {friendly_name}' if friendly_name != module else ''
+            )
-        imports_str += 'import {0}{1}\n'.format(
-            module,
-            f' as {friendly_name}' if friendly_name != module else ''
-        )
+        comp_strs[i] = '\n'.join(comp_strs[i])
     model_output = '{0}{1}{2}'.format(
         '\n' if len(imports_str) > 0 else '',
-        comp_str
+        '\n'.join(comp_strs)
     if outfile is not None:
         # pass through any file exceptions
         with open(outfile, 'w') as outfile:
-            print(f'Wrote JSON to {outfile.name}')
+            print(f'Wrote script to {outfile.name}')
         return model_output
-def generate_script_from_mdf(model_input, outfile=None):
+def generate_json(*compositions, simple_edge_format=True):
-        Generate a Python script from MDF model **model_input**
-        .. warning::
-           Use of `generate_script_from_mdf` to generate a Python script from a model without taking proper precautions
-           can introduce a security risk to the system on which the Python interpreter is running.  This is because it
-           calls exec, which has the potential to execute non-PsyNeuLink-related code embedded in the file.  Therefore,
-           `generate_script_from_mdf` should be used to read only model of known and secure origin.
-        Arguments
-        ---------
-            model_input : modeci_mdf.Model
+        Generate the `general JSON format <JSON_Model_Specification>`
+        for one or more `Compositions <Composition>` and associated
+        objects.
+        .. _MDF_Write_Multiple_Compositions_Note:
-        Returns
-        -------
+        .. note::
+           At present, if more than one Composition is specified, all
+           must be fully disjoint;  that is, they must not share any
+           `Components <Component>` (e.g., `Mechanism`, `Projections`
+           etc.). This limitation will be addressed in a future update.
-            Text of Python script : str
+        Arguments:
+            *compositions : Composition
+                specifies `Composition` or iterable of ones to be output
+                in JSON
-    return generate_script_from_json(model_input.to_json(), outfile)
+    warnings.warn(
+        'generate_json is replaced by get_mdf_serialized and will be removed in a future version',
+        FutureWarning
+    )
+    return get_mdf_serialized(*compositions, fmt='json', simple_edge_format=simple_edge_format)
-def generate_json(*compositions, simple_edge_format=True):
+def get_mdf_serialized(*compositions, fmt='json', simple_edge_format=True):
-        Generate the `general JSON format <JSON_Model_Specification>`
+        Generate the `general MDF serialized format <JSON_Model_Specification>`
         for one or more `Compositions <Composition>` and associated
-        .. _JSON_Write_Multiple_Compositions_Note:
         .. note::
            At present, if more than one Composition is specified, all
@@ -1543,28 +1478,23 @@ def generate_json(*compositions, simple_edge_format=True):
             *compositions : Composition
                 specifies `Composition` or iterable of ones to be output
-                in JSON
-    """
-    import modeci_mdf
-    import modeci_mdf.mdf as mdf
-    from psyneulink.core.compositions.composition import Composition
+                in **fmt**
-    model_name = "_".join([c.name for c in compositions])
+            fmt : str
+                specifies file format of output. Current options ('json', 'yml'/'yaml')
-    model = mdf.Model(
-        id=model_name,
-        format=f'ModECI MDF v{modeci_mdf.__version__}',
-        generating_application=f'PsyNeuLink v{psyneulink.__version__}',
-    )
-    for c in compositions:
-        if not isinstance(c, Composition):
-            raise PNLJSONError(
-                f'Item in compositions arg of {__name__}() is not a Composition: {c}.'
-            )
-        model.graphs.append(c.as_mdf_model(simple_edge_format=simple_edge_format))
+            simple_edge_format : bool
+                specifies use of
+                `simple edge format <MDF_Simple_Edge_Format>` or not
+    """
+    model = get_mdf_model(*compositions, simple_edge_format=simple_edge_format)
-    return model.to_json()
+    try:
+        return getattr(model, f'to_{supported_formats[fmt]}')()
+    except AttributeError as e:
+        raise ValueError(
+            f'Unsupported MDF output format "{fmt}". Supported formats: {gen_friendly_comma_str(supported_formats.keys())}'
+        ) from e
 def write_json_file(compositions, filename:str, path:str=None, simple_edge_format=True):
@@ -1572,7 +1502,7 @@ def write_json_file(compositions, filename:str, path:str=None, simple_edge_forma
         Write one or more `Compositions <Composition>` and associated objects to file in the `general JSON format
-        .. _JSON_Write_Multiple_Compositions_Note:
+        .. _MDF_Write_Multiple_Compositions_Note:
         .. note::
            At present, if more than one Composition is specified, all must be fully disjoint;  that is, they must not
@@ -1592,8 +1522,103 @@ def write_json_file(compositions, filename:str, path:str=None, simple_edge_forma
              specifies path of file for JSON specification;  if it is not specified then the current directory is used.
+    warnings.warn(
+        'write_json_file is replaced by write_mdf_file and will be removed in a future version',
+        FutureWarning
+    )
+    write_mdf_file(compositions, filename, path, 'json', simple_edge_format)
+def write_mdf_file(compositions, filename: str, path: str = None, fmt: str = None, simple_edge_format: bool = True):
+    """
+        Write the `general MDF serialized format <MDF_Model_Specification>`
+        for one or more `Compositions <Composition>` and associated
+        objects to file.
+        .. note::
+           At present, if more than one Composition is specified, all
+           must be fully disjoint;  that is, they must not share any
+           `Components <Component>` (e.g., `Mechanism`, `Projections`
+           etc.). This limitation will be addressed in a future update.
+        Arguments:
+            compositions : Composition or list
+                specifies `Composition` or list of ones to be written to
+                **filename**
+            filename : str
+                specifies name of file in which to write MDF
+                specification of `Composition(s) <Composition>` and
+                associated objects.
+            path : str : default None
+                specifies path of file for MDF specification; if it is
+                not specified then the current directory is used.
+            fmt : str
+                specifies file format of output. Current options ('json', 'yml'/'yaml')
+            simple_edge_format : bool
+                specifies use of
+                `simple edge format <MDF_Simple_Edge_Format>` or not
+    """
     compositions = convert_to_list(compositions)
+    model = get_mdf_model(*compositions, simple_edge_format=simple_edge_format)
+    if fmt is None:
+        try:
+            fmt = re.match(r'(.*)\.(.*)$', filename).groups(1)
+        except AttributeError:
+            fmt = 'json'
+    if path is not None:
+        filename = os.path.join(path, filename)
+    try:
+        return getattr(model, f'to_{supported_formats[fmt]}_file')(filename)
+    except AttributeError as e:
+        raise ValueError(
+            f'Unsupported MDF output format "{fmt}". Supported formats: {gen_friendly_comma_str(supported_formats.keys())}'
+        ) from e
+def get_mdf_model(*compositions, simple_edge_format=True):
+    """
+        Generate the MDF Model object for one or more
+        `Compositions <Composition>` and associated objects.
+        .. note::
+           At present, if more than one Composition is specified, all
+           must be fully disjoint;  that is, they must not share any
+           `Components <Component>` (e.g., `Mechanism`, `Projections`
+           etc.). This limitation will be addressed in a future update.
+        Arguments:
+            *compositions : Composition
+                specifies `Composition` or iterable of ones to be output
+                in the Model
+            simple_edge_format : bool
+                specifies use of
+                `simple edge format <MDF_Simple_Edge_Format>` or not
+    """
+    import modeci_mdf
+    import modeci_mdf.mdf as mdf
+    from psyneulink.core.compositions.composition import Composition
+    model_name = "_".join([c.name for c in compositions])
+    model = mdf.Model(
+        id=model_name,
+        format=f'ModECI MDF v{modeci_mdf.__version__}',
+        generating_application=f'PsyNeuLink v{psyneulink.__version__}',
+    )
+    for c in compositions:
+        if not isinstance(c, Composition):
+            raise MDFError(
+                f'Item in compositions arg of {__name__}() is not a Composition: {c}.'
+            )
+        model.graphs.append(c.as_mdf_model(simple_edge_format=simple_edge_format))
-    with open(filename, 'w') as json_file:
-        json_file.write(generate_json(*compositions, simple_edge_format=simple_edge_format))
+    return model
diff --git a/psyneulink/core/globals/parameters.py b/psyneulink/core/globals/parameters.py
index d7cc7233a38..819db375349 100644
--- a/psyneulink/core/globals/parameters.py
+++ b/psyneulink/core/globals/parameters.py
@@ -99,7 +99,10 @@
     class B(A):
         class Parameters(A.Parameters):
             p = 1.0
-            q = Parameter(1.0, modulable=True)
+            q = Parameter()
+        def __init__(p=None, q=1.0):
+            super(p=p, q=q)
 - create an inner class Parameters on the Component, inheriting from the parent Component's Parameters class
@@ -108,6 +111,8 @@ class Parameters(A.Parameters):
     - as with *p*, specifying only a value uses default values for the attributes of the Parameter
     - as with *q*, specifying an explicit instance of the Parameter class allows you to modify the
       `Parameter attributes <Parameter_Attributes_Table>`
+- default values for the parameters can be specified in the Parameters class body, or in the
+  arguments for *B*.__init__. If both are specified and the values differ, an exception will be raised
 - if you want assignments to parameter *p* to be validated, add a method _validate_p(value),
   that returns None if value is a valid assignment, or an error string if value is not a valid assignment
 - if you want all values set to *p* to be parsed beforehand, add a method _parse_p(value) that returns the parsed value
@@ -295,6 +300,8 @@ def _recurrent_transfer_mechanism_matrix_setter(value, owning_component=None, co
 import collections
 import copy
+import functools
+import inspect
 import itertools
 import logging
 import types
@@ -307,7 +314,7 @@ def _recurrent_transfer_mechanism_matrix_setter(value, owning_component=None, co
 from psyneulink.core.globals.context import time as time_object
 from psyneulink.core.globals.log import LogCondition, LogEntry, LogError
 from psyneulink.core.globals.utilities import call_with_pruned_args, copy_iterable_with_shared, \
-    get_alias_property_getter, get_alias_property_setter, get_deepcopy_with_shared, unproxy_weakproxy, create_union_set
+    get_alias_property_getter, get_alias_property_setter, get_deepcopy_with_shared, unproxy_weakproxy, create_union_set, safe_equals, get_function_sig_default_value
 from psyneulink.core.rpc.graph_pb2 import Entry, ndArray
 __all__ = [
@@ -392,6 +399,92 @@ def copy_parameter_value(value, shared_types=None, memo=None):
             return value
+def get_init_signature_default_value(obj, parameter):
+    """
+        Returns:
+            the default value of the **parameter** argument of
+            the __init__ method of **obj** if it exists, or inspect._empty
+    """
+    # only use the signature if it's on the owner class, not a parent
+    if '__init__' in obj.__dict__:
+        return get_function_sig_default_value(obj.__init__, parameter)
+    else:
+        return inspect._empty
+def check_user_specified(func):
+    @functools.wraps(func)
+    def check_user_specified_wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        if 'params' in kwargs and kwargs['params'] is not None:
+            orig_kwargs = copy.copy(kwargs)
+            kwargs = {**kwargs, **kwargs['params']}
+            del kwargs['params']
+        else:
+            orig_kwargs = kwargs
+        # find the corresponding constructor in chained wrappers
+        constructor = func
+        while '__init__' not in constructor.__qualname__:
+            constructor = constructor.__wrapped__
+        for k, v in kwargs.items():
+            try:
+                p = getattr(self.parameters, k)
+            except AttributeError:
+                pass
+            else:
+                if k == p.constructor_argument:
+                    kwargs[p.name] = v
+        try:
+            self._user_specified_args
+        except AttributeError:
+            self._prev_constructor = constructor if '__init__' in type(self).__dict__ else None
+            self._user_specified_args = copy.copy(kwargs)
+        else:
+            # add args determined in constructor to user_specifed.
+            # since some args are set by the values of other
+            # user_specified args in a constructor, we label these as
+            # user_specified also (ex. LCAMechanism hetero/competition)
+            for k, v in kwargs.items():
+                # we only know changes in passed parameter values after
+                # calling the next __init__ in the hierarchy, so can
+                # only check _prev_constructor
+                if k not in self._user_specified_args and self._prev_constructor is not None:
+                    prev_constructor_default = get_function_sig_default_value(
+                        self._prev_constructor, k
+                    )
+                    if (
+                        # arg value passed through constructor is
+                        # different than default arg in signature
+                        (
+                            type(prev_constructor_default) != type(v)
+                            or not safe_equals(prev_constructor_default, v)
+                        )
+                        # arg value is different than the value given
+                        # from the previous constructor in the class
+                        # hierarchy
+                        and (
+                            k not in self._prev_kwargs
+                            or (
+                                type(self._prev_kwargs[k]) != type(v)
+                                or not safe_equals(self._prev_kwargs[k], v)
+                            )
+                        )
+                    ):
+                        # NOTE: this is a good place to identify
+                        # potentially unnecessary/inconsistent default
+                        # parameter settings in body of constructors
+                        self._user_specified_args[k] = v
+            self._prev_constructor = constructor
+        self._prev_kwargs = kwargs
+        return func(self, *args, **orig_kwargs)
+    return check_user_specified_wrapper
 class ParametersTemplate:
     _deepcopy_shared_keys = ['_parent', '_params', '_owner_ref', '_children']
     _values_default_excluded_attrs = {'user': False}
@@ -572,7 +665,6 @@ def __getattr__(self, attr):
     def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
         if (attr[:1] != '_'):
             param = getattr(self._owner.parameters, attr)
-            param._inherited = False
             param.default_value = value
             super().__setattr__(attr, value)
@@ -796,6 +888,12 @@ class Parameter(ParameterBase):
             :default: None
+        specify_none
+            if True, a user-specified value of None for this Parameter
+            will set the _user_specified flag to True
+            :default: False
     # The values of these attributes will never be inherited from parent Parameters
     # KDM 7/12/18: consider inheriting ONLY default_value?
@@ -823,7 +921,6 @@ class Parameter(ParameterBase):
-        'delivery_condition',
@@ -861,6 +958,7 @@ def __init__(
+        specify_none=False,
         # this stores a reference to the Parameter object that is the
@@ -925,9 +1023,11 @@ def __init__(
+            specify_none=specify_none,
+            _temp_uninherited=set(),
@@ -1012,10 +1112,15 @@ def __getattr__(self, attr):
     def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
         if attr in self._additional_param_attr_properties:
+            self._temp_uninherited.add(attr)
+            self._inherited = False
                 getattr(self, '_set_{0}'.format(attr))(value)
             except AttributeError:
                 super().__setattr__(attr, value)
+            self._temp_uninherited.remove(attr)
             super().__setattr__(attr, value)
@@ -1024,20 +1129,34 @@ def reset(self):
             Resets *default_value* to the value specified in its `Parameters` class declaration, or
             inherits from parent `Parameters` classes if it is not explicitly specified.
-        try:
-            self.default_value = self._owner.__class__.__dict__[self.name].default_value
-        except (AttributeError, KeyError):
+        # check for default in Parameters class
+        cls_param_value = inspect._empty
+        if self._owner._param_is_specified_in_class(self.name):
-                self.default_value = self._owner.__class__.__dict__[self.name]
+                cls_param_value = self._owner.__class__.__dict__[self.name]
             except KeyError:
-                if self._parent is not None:
-                    self._inherited = True
-                else:
-                    raise ParameterError(
-                        'Parameter {0} cannot be reset, as it does not have a default specification '
-                        'or a parent. This may occur if it was added dynamically rather than in an'
-                        'explict Parameters inner class on a Component'
-                    )
+                pass
+            else:
+                try:
+                    cls_param_value = cls_param_value.default_value
+                except AttributeError:
+                    pass
+        # check for default in __init__ signature
+        value = self._owner._reconcile_value_with_init_default(self.name, cls_param_value)
+        if value is not inspect._empty:
+            self.default_value = value
+            return
+        # no default specified, must be inherited or invalid
+        if self._parent is not None:
+            self._inherited = True
+        else:
+            raise ParameterError(
+                'Parameter {0} cannot be reset, as it does not have a default specification '
+                'or a parent. This may occur if it was added dynamically rather than in an'
+                'explict Parameters inner class on a Component'
+            )
     def _register_alias(self, name):
         if self.aliases is None:
@@ -1054,6 +1173,7 @@ def _inherited(self, value):
         if value is not self._inherited:
             # invalid if set to inherited
             self._is_invalid_source = value
+            self.__inherited = value
             if value:
@@ -1079,14 +1199,14 @@ def _inherited(self, value):
-            self.__inherited = value
     def _inherit_from(self, parent):
         self._inherited_source = weakref.ref(parent)
     def _cache_inherited_attrs(self, exclusions=None):
         if exclusions is None:
-            exclusions = self._uninherited_attrs
+            exclusions = set()
+        exclusions = self._uninherited_attrs.union(self._temp_uninherited).union(exclusions)
         for attr in self._param_attrs:
             if attr not in exclusions:
@@ -1095,7 +1215,9 @@ def _cache_inherited_attrs(self, exclusions=None):
     def _restore_inherited_attrs(self, exclusions=None):
         if exclusions is None:
-            exclusions = self._uninherited_attrs
+            exclusions = set()
+        exclusions = self._uninherited_attrs.union(self._temp_uninherited).union(exclusions)
         for attr in self._param_attrs:
             if (
@@ -1787,12 +1909,12 @@ def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
     def _cache_inherited_attrs(self):
-            exclusions=self._uninherited_attrs.union(self._sourced_attrs)
+            exclusions=self._sourced_attrs
     def _restore_inherited_attrs(self):
-            exclusions=self._uninherited_attrs.union(self._sourced_attrs)
+            exclusions=self._sourced_attrs
     def _set_name(self, name):
@@ -1944,16 +2066,20 @@ class ParametersBase(ParametersTemplate):
     _validation_method_prefix = '_validate_'
     def __init__(self, owner, parent=None):
+        self._initializing = True
         super().__init__(owner=owner, parent=parent)
         aliases_to_create = set()
         for param_name, param_value in self.values(show_all=True).items():
+            constructor_default = get_init_signature_default_value(self._owner, param_name)
             if (
-                param_name in self.__class__.__dict__
-                and (
-                    param_name not in self._parent.__class__.__dict__
-                    or self._parent.__class__.__dict__[param_name] is not self.__class__.__dict__[param_name]
+                (
+                    constructor_default is not None
+                    and constructor_default is not inspect._empty
+                or self._param_is_specified_in_class(param_name)
                 # KDM 6/25/18: NOTE: this may need special handling if you're creating a ParameterAlias directly
                 # in a class's Parameters class
@@ -1979,6 +2105,8 @@ def __init__(self, owner, parent=None):
         for param, value in self.values(show_all=True).items():
             self._validate(param, value.default_value)
+        self._initializing = False
     def __getattr__(self, attr):
         def throw_error():
@@ -2017,10 +2145,20 @@ def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
             super().__setattr__(attr, value)
             if isinstance(value, Parameter):
+                if value._owner is None:
+                    value._owner = self
+                elif value._owner is not self and self._initializing:
+                    # case where no Parameters class defined on subclass
+                    # but default value overridden in __init__
+                    value = copy.deepcopy(value)
+                    value._owner = self
                 if value.name is None:
                     value.name = attr
-                value._owner = self
+                if self._initializing and not value._inherited:
+                    value.default_value = self._reconcile_value_with_init_default(attr, value.default_value)
                 super().__setattr__(attr, value)
                 if value.aliases is not None:
@@ -2072,6 +2210,9 @@ def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
                 except AttributeError:
                     current_value = None
+                if self._initializing:
+                    value = self._reconcile_value_with_init_default(attr, value)
                 # assign value to default_value
                 if isinstance(current_value, (Parameter, ParameterAlias)):
                     # construct a copy because the original may be used as a base for reset()
@@ -2092,6 +2233,39 @@ def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
             self._validate(attr, getattr(self, attr).default_value)
+    def _reconcile_value_with_init_default(self, attr, value):
+        constructor_default = get_init_signature_default_value(self._owner, attr)
+        if constructor_default is not None and constructor_default is not inspect._empty:
+            if (
+                value is None
+                or not self._param_is_specified_in_class(attr)
+                or (
+                    type(constructor_default) == type(value)
+                    and safe_equals(constructor_default, value)
+                )
+            ):
+                # TODO: consider placing a developer-focused warning here?
+                return constructor_default
+            else:
+                assert False, (
+                    'PROGRAM ERROR: '
+                    f'Conflicting default parameter values assigned for Parameter {attr} of {self._owner} in:'
+                    f'\n\t{self._owner}.Parameters: {value}'
+                    f'\n\t{self._owner}.__init__: {constructor_default}'
+                    f'\nRemove one of these assignments. Prefer removing the default_value of {attr} in {self._owner}.Parameters'
+                )
+        return value
+    def _param_is_specified_in_class(self, param_name):
+        return (
+            param_name in self.__class__.__dict__
+            and (
+                param_name not in self._parent.__class__.__dict__
+                or self._parent.__class__.__dict__[param_name] is not self.__class__.__dict__[param_name]
+            )
+        )
     def _get_prefixed_method(
diff --git a/psyneulink/core/globals/utilities.py b/psyneulink/core/globals/utilities.py
index a77f319061c..84fd6a73f93 100644
--- a/psyneulink/core/globals/utilities.py
+++ b/psyneulink/core/globals/utilities.py
@@ -144,6 +144,7 @@
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+_signature_cache = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary()
 class UtilitiesError(Exception):
@@ -1672,9 +1673,6 @@ def _get_arg_from_stack(arg_name:str):
     return arg_val
-_unused_args_sig_cache = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary()
 def prune_unused_args(func, args=None, kwargs=None):
@@ -1695,10 +1693,10 @@ def prune_unused_args(func, args=None, kwargs=None):
     # use the func signature to filter out arguments that aren't compatible
-        sig = _unused_args_sig_cache[func]
+        sig = _signature_cache[func]
     except KeyError:
         sig = inspect.signature(func)
-        _unused_args_sig_cache[func] = sig
+        _signature_cache[func] = sig
     has_args_param = False
     has_kwargs_param = False
@@ -1943,3 +1941,24 @@ def _is_module_class(class_: type, module: types.ModuleType) -> bool:
     return False
+def get_function_sig_default_value(
+    function: typing.Union[types.FunctionType, types.MethodType],
+    parameter: str
+    """
+        Returns:
+            the default value of the **parameter** argument of
+            **function** if it exists, or inspect._empty
+    """
+    try:
+        sig = _signature_cache[function]
+    except KeyError:
+        sig = inspect.signature(function)
+        _signature_cache[function] = sig
+    try:
+        return sig.parameters[parameter].default
+    except KeyError:
+        return inspect._empty
diff --git a/psyneulink/core/llvm/__init__.py b/psyneulink/core/llvm/__init__.py
index f59a46e4dde..a62f8c875e3 100644
--- a/psyneulink/core/llvm/__init__.py
+++ b/psyneulink/core/llvm/__init__.py
@@ -158,12 +158,15 @@ def cuda_max_block_size(self, override):
     def cuda_call(self, *args, threads=1, block_size=None):
         block_size = self.cuda_max_block_size(block_size)
         grid = ((threads + block_size - 1) // block_size, 1)
-        self._cuda_kernel(*args, np.int32(threads),
-                          block=(block_size, 1, 1), grid=grid)
+        ktime = self._cuda_kernel(*args, np.int32(threads), time_kernel="time_stat" in debug_env,
+                                  block=(block_size, 1, 1), grid=grid)
+        if "time_stat" in debug_env:
+            print("Time to run kernel '{}' using {} threads: {}".format(
+                self.name, threads, ktime))
-    def cuda_wrap_call(self, *args, threads=1, block_size=None):
+    def cuda_wrap_call(self, *args, **kwargs):
         wrap_args = (jit_engine.pycuda.driver.InOut(a) if isinstance(a, np.ndarray) else a for a in args)
-        self.cuda_call(*wrap_args, threads=threads, block_size=block_size)
+        self.cuda_call(*wrap_args, **kwargs)
diff --git a/psyneulink/core/llvm/builder_context.py b/psyneulink/core/llvm/builder_context.py
index 6fa5af54287..8695d1e5347 100644
--- a/psyneulink/core/llvm/builder_context.py
+++ b/psyneulink/core/llvm/builder_context.py
@@ -55,8 +55,9 @@ def module_count():
 _BUILTIN_PREFIX = "__pnl_builtin_"
-_builtin_intrinsics = frozenset(('pow', 'log', 'exp', 'tanh', 'coth', 'csch', 'is_close', 'mt_rand_init',
-                                 'philox_rand_init'))
+_builtin_intrinsics = frozenset(('pow', 'log', 'exp', 'tanh', 'coth', 'csch',
+                                 'is_close_float', 'is_close_double',
+                                 'mt_rand_init', 'philox_rand_init'))
 class _node_wrapper():
@@ -198,7 +199,7 @@ def get_builtin(self, name: str, args=[], function_type=None):
         if name in _builtin_intrinsics:
             return self.import_llvm_function(_BUILTIN_PREFIX + name)
         if name in ('maxnum'):
-            function_type = pnlvm.ir.FunctionType(args[0], [args[0], args[0]])
+            function_type = ir.FunctionType(args[0], [args[0], args[0]])
         return self.module.declare_intrinsic("llvm." + name, args, function_type)
     def create_llvm_function(self, args, component, name=None, *, return_type=ir.VoidType(), tags:frozenset=frozenset()):
@@ -206,21 +207,20 @@ def create_llvm_function(self, args, component, name=None, *, return_type=ir.Voi
         # Builtins are already unique and need to keep their special name
         func_name = name if name.startswith(_BUILTIN_PREFIX) else self.get_unique_name(name)
-        func_ty = pnlvm.ir.FunctionType(return_type, args)
-        llvm_func = pnlvm.ir.Function(self.module, func_ty, name=func_name)
+        func_ty = ir.FunctionType(return_type, args)
+        llvm_func = ir.Function(self.module, func_ty, name=func_name)
         for a in llvm_func.args:
             if isinstance(a.type, ir.PointerType):
         metadata = self.get_debug_location(llvm_func, component)
-        if metadata is not None:
-            scope = dict(metadata.operands)["scope"]
-            llvm_func.set_metadata("dbg", scope)
+        scope = dict(metadata.operands)["scope"]
+        llvm_func.set_metadata("dbg", scope)
         # Create entry block
         block = llvm_func.append_basic_block(name="entry")
-        builder = pnlvm.ir.IRBuilder(block)
+        builder = ir.IRBuilder(block)
         builder.debug_metadata = metadata
         return builder
@@ -262,12 +262,9 @@ def get_random_state_ptr(self, builder, component, state, params):
         used_seed = builder.load(used_seed_ptr)
         seed_ptr = helpers.get_param_ptr(builder, component, params, "seed")
-        if isinstance(seed_ptr.type.pointee, ir.ArrayType):
-            # Modulated params are usually single element arrays
-            seed_ptr = builder.gep(seed_ptr, [self.int32_ty(0), self.int32_ty(0)])
-        new_seed = builder.load(seed_ptr)
+        new_seed = pnlvm.helpers.load_extract_scalar_array_one(builder, seed_ptr)
         # FIXME: The seed should ideally be integer already.
-        #        However, it can be modulated and we don't support,
+        #        However, it can be modulated and we don't support
         #        passing integer values as computed results.
         new_seed = builder.fptoui(new_seed, used_seed.type)
@@ -286,9 +283,6 @@ def get_random_state_ptr(self, builder, component, state, params):
     def get_debug_location(func: ir.Function, component):
-        if "debug_info" not in debug_env:
-            return
         mod = func.module
         path = inspect.getfile(component.__class__) if component is not None else "<pnl_builtin>"
         d_version = mod.add_metadata([ir.IntType(32)(2), "Dwarf Version", ir.IntType(32)(4)])
@@ -327,6 +321,14 @@ def get_debug_location(func: ir.Function, component):
         return di_loc
+    @staticmethod
+    def update_debug_loc_position(di_loc: ir.DIValue, line:int, column:int):
+        di_func = dict(di_loc.operands)["scope"]
+        return di_loc.parent.add_debug_info("DILocation", {
+            "line": line, "column": column, "scope": di_func,
+        })
     def get_input_struct_type(self, component):
         self._stats["input_structs_generated"] += 1
@@ -615,6 +617,10 @@ def _convert_llvm_ir_to_ctype(t: ir.Type):
         return ctypes.c_double
     elif type_t is ir.FloatType:
         return ctypes.c_float
+    elif type_t is ir.HalfType:
+        # There's no half type in ctypes. Use uint16 instead.
+        # User will need to do the necessary casting.
+        return ctypes.c_uint16
     elif type_t is ir.PointerType:
         pointee = _convert_llvm_ir_to_ctype(t.pointee)
         ret_t = ctypes.POINTER(pointee)
diff --git a/psyneulink/core/llvm/builtins.py b/psyneulink/core/llvm/builtins.py
index a64be3d4c6a..30973992713 100644
--- a/psyneulink/core/llvm/builtins.py
+++ b/psyneulink/core/llvm/builtins.py
@@ -11,14 +11,10 @@
 from llvmlite import ir
-from . import debug
 from . import helpers
 from .builder_context import LLVMBuilderContext, _BUILTIN_PREFIX
-debug_env = debug.debug_env
 def _setup_builtin_func_builder(ctx, name, args, *, return_type=ir.VoidType()):
     builder = ctx.create_llvm_function(args, None, _BUILTIN_PREFIX + name,
@@ -389,24 +385,27 @@ def setup_mat_add(ctx):
 def setup_is_close(ctx):
-    builder = _setup_builtin_func_builder(ctx, "is_close", [ctx.float_ty,
-                                                            ctx.float_ty,
-                                                            ctx.float_ty,
-                                                            ctx.float_ty],
-                                          return_type=ctx.bool_ty)
-    val1, val2, rtol, atol = builder.function.args
+    # Make sure we always have fp64 variant
+    for float_ty in {ctx.float_ty, ir.DoubleType()}:
+        name = "is_close_{}".format(float_ty)
+        builder = _setup_builtin_func_builder(ctx, name, [float_ty,
+                                                          float_ty,
+                                                          float_ty,
+                                                          float_ty],
+                                              return_type=ctx.bool_ty)
+        val1, val2, rtol, atol = builder.function.args
-    fabs_f = ctx.get_builtin("fabs", [val2.type])
+        fabs_f = ctx.get_builtin("fabs", [val2.type])
-    diff = builder.fsub(val1, val2, "is_close_diff")
-    abs_diff = builder.call(fabs_f, [diff], "is_close_abs")
+        diff = builder.fsub(val1, val2, "is_close_diff")
+        abs_diff = builder.call(fabs_f, [diff], "is_close_abs")
-    abs2 = builder.call(fabs_f, [val2], "abs_val2")
+        abs2 = builder.call(fabs_f, [val2], "abs_val2")
-    rtol = builder.fmul(rtol, abs2, "is_close_rtol")
-    tol = builder.fadd(rtol, atol, "is_close_atol")
-    res  = builder.fcmp_ordered("<=", abs_diff, tol, "is_close_cmp")
-    builder.ret(res)
+        rtol = builder.fmul(rtol, abs2, "is_close_rtol")
+        tol = builder.fadd(rtol, atol, "is_close_atol")
+        res  = builder.fcmp_ordered("<=", abs_diff, tol, "is_close_cmp")
+        builder.ret(res)
 def setup_csch(ctx):
@@ -415,11 +414,14 @@ def setup_csch(ctx):
     x = builder.function.args[0]
     exp_f = ctx.get_builtin("exp", [x.type])
     # (2e**x)/(e**2x - 1)
+    # 2/(e**x - e**-x)
     ex = builder.call(exp_f, [x])
-    num = builder.fmul(ex.type(2), ex)
-    _2x = builder.fmul(x.type(2), x)
-    e2x = builder.call(exp_f, [_2x])
-    den = builder.fsub(e2x, e2x.type(1))
+    nx = helpers.fneg(builder, x)
+    enx = builder.call(exp_f, [nx])
+    den = builder.fsub(ex, enx)
+    num = den.type(2)
     res = builder.fdiv(num, den)
@@ -429,12 +431,13 @@ def setup_tanh(ctx):
     x = builder.function.args[0]
     exp_f = ctx.get_builtin("exp", [x.type])
-    # (e**2x - 1)/(e**2x + 1)
+    # (e**2x - 1)/(e**2x + 1) is faster but doesn't handle large inputs (exp -> Inf) well (Inf/Inf = NaN)
+    # (1 - (2/(exp(2*x) + 1))) is a bit slower but handles large inputs better
     _2x = builder.fmul(x.type(2), x)
     e2x = builder.call(exp_f, [_2x])
-    num = builder.fsub(e2x, e2x.type(1))
     den = builder.fadd(e2x, e2x.type(1))
-    res = builder.fdiv(num, den)
+    res = builder.fdiv(den.type(2), den)
+    res = builder.fsub(res.type(1), res)
@@ -443,12 +446,14 @@ def setup_coth(ctx):
     x = builder.function.args[0]
     exp_f = ctx.get_builtin("exp", [x.type])
+    # (e**2x + 1)/(e**2x - 1) is faster but doesn't handle large inputs (exp -> Inf) well (Inf/Inf = NaN)
+    # (1 + (2/(exp(2*x) - 1))) is a bit slower but handles large inputs better
     # (e**2x + 1)/(e**2x - 1)
     _2x = builder.fmul(x.type(2), x)
     e2x = builder.call(exp_f, [_2x])
-    num = builder.fadd(e2x, e2x.type(1))
     den = builder.fsub(e2x, e2x.type(1))
-    res = builder.fdiv(num, den)
+    res = builder.fdiv(den.type(2), den)
+    res = builder.fadd(res.type(1), res)
diff --git a/psyneulink/core/llvm/codegen.py b/psyneulink/core/llvm/codegen.py
index 7b8258e077b..76f29f8bbfb 100644
--- a/psyneulink/core/llvm/codegen.py
+++ b/psyneulink/core/llvm/codegen.py
@@ -75,6 +75,10 @@ def np_cmp(builder, x, y):
         self.name_constants = name_constants
+    def _update_debug_metadata(self, builder: ir.IRBuilder, node:ast.AST):
+        builder.debug_metadata = self.ctx.update_debug_loc_position(builder.debug_metadata,
+                                                                    node.lineno,
+                                                                    node.col_offset)
     def get_rval(self, val):
         if helpers.is_pointer(val):
             return self.builder.load(val)
@@ -99,18 +103,22 @@ def visit_arguments(self, node):
                 self.register[param.arg] = self.func_params[param.arg]
-    def visit_FunctionDef(self, node):
+    def visit_FunctionDef(self, node:ast.AST):
         # the current position will be used to create temp space
         # for local variables. This block dominates all others
         # generated by this visitor.
         self.var_builder = self.builder
+        self._update_debug_metadata(self.var_builder, node)
         # Create a new basic block to house the generated code
         udf_block = self.builder.append_basic_block(name="udf_body")
         self.builder = ir.IRBuilder(udf_block)
+        self.builder.debug_metadata = self.var_builder.debug_metadata
+        self._update_debug_metadata(self.builder, node)
         if not self.builder.block.is_terminated:
             # the function didn't use return as the last statement
             # e.g. only includes 'return' statements in if blocks
@@ -120,10 +128,11 @@ def visit_FunctionDef(self, node):
         return self.builder
-    def visit_Lambda(self, node):
+    def visit_Lambda(self, node:ast.AST):
         expr = self.visit(node.body)
+        self._update_debug_metadata(self.builder, node)
         # store the lambda expression in the result and terminate
         self.builder.store(expr, self.arg_out)
@@ -197,9 +206,10 @@ def _not(builder, x):
     def visit_Name(self, node):
         return self.register.get(node.id, None)
-    def visit_Attribute(self, node):
+    def visit_Attribute(self, node:ast.AST):
         val = self.visit(node.value)
+        self._update_debug_metadata(self.builder, node)
         # special case numpy attributes
         if node.attr == "shape":
             shape = helpers.get_array_shape(val)
@@ -233,11 +243,17 @@ def visit_Num(self, node):
         return self.ctx.float_ty(node.n)
     def visit_Assign(self, node):
-        value = self.get_rval(self.visit(node.value))
+        value = self.visit(node.value)
+        self._update_debug_metadata(self.builder, node)
+        value = self.get_rval(value)
         for t in node.targets:
             target = self.visit(t)
+            # Visiting 't' might have changed code location metadata
+            self._update_debug_metadata(self.builder, node)
             if target is None: # Allocate space for new variable
+                self._update_debug_metadata(self.var_builder, node)
                 target = self.var_builder.alloca(value.type, name=str(t.id) + '_local_variable')
                 self.register[t.id] = target
             assert self.is_lval(target)
@@ -248,10 +264,13 @@ def visit_NameConstant(self, node):
         assert val, f"Failed to convert NameConstant {node.value}"
         return val
-    def visit_Tuple(self, node):
+    def visit_Tuple(self, node:ast.AST):
         elements = (self.visit(element) for element in node.elts)
+        self._update_debug_metadata(self.builder, node)
         element_values = [self.builder.load(element) if helpers.is_pointer(element) else element for element in elements]
         element_types = [element.type for element in element_values]
         if len(element_types) > 0 and all(x == element_types[0] for x in element_types):
             result = ir.ArrayType(element_types[0], len(element_types))(ir.Undefined)
@@ -277,9 +296,12 @@ def _do_unary_op(self, builder, x, scalar_op):
         return result
-    def visit_UnaryOp(self, node):
+    def visit_UnaryOp(self, node:ast.AST):
         operator = self.visit(node.op)
-        operand = self.get_rval(self.visit(node.operand))
+        operand = self.visit(node.operand)
+        self._update_debug_metadata(self.builder, node)
+        operand = self.get_rval(operand)
         return self._do_unary_op(self.builder, operand, operator)
     def _do_bin_op(self, builder, x, y, scalar_op):
@@ -308,15 +330,22 @@ def _do_bin_op(self, builder, x, y, scalar_op):
         return res
-    def visit_BinOp(self, node):
+    def visit_BinOp(self, node:ast.AST):
         operator = self.visit(node.op)
-        lhs = self.get_rval(self.visit(node.left))
-        rhs = self.get_rval(self.visit(node.right))
+        lhs = self.visit(node.left)
+        rhs = self.visit(node.right)
+        self._update_debug_metadata(self.builder, node)
+        lhs = self.get_rval(lhs)
+        rhs = self.get_rval(rhs)
         return self._do_bin_op(self.builder, lhs, rhs, operator)
-    def visit_BoolOp(self, node):
+    def visit_BoolOp(self, node:ast.AST):
         operator = self.visit(node.op)
-        values = (self.get_rval(self.visit(value)) for value in node.values)
+        values = list(self.visit(value) for value in node.values)
+        self._update_debug_metadata(self.builder, node)
+        values = (self.get_rval(v) for v in values)
         ret_val = next(values)
         for value in values:
             assert ret_val.type == value.type, "Don't know how to mix types in boolean expressions!"
@@ -342,7 +371,11 @@ def _or(builder, x, y):
         return _or
     def visit_List(self, node):
-        element_values = [self.get_rval(self.visit(element)) for element in node.elts]
+        elements = list(self.visit(element) for element in node.elts)
+        self._update_debug_metadata(self.builder, node)
+        element_values = [self.get_rval(e) for e in elements]
         element_types = [element.type for element in element_values]
         assert all(e_type == element_types[0] for e_type in element_types), f"Unable to convert {node} into a list! (Elements differ in type!)"
         result = ir.ArrayType(element_types[0], len(element_types))(ir.Undefined)
@@ -382,17 +415,22 @@ def visit_GtE(self, node):
         return self._generate_fcmp_handler(self.ctx, self.builder, ">=")
     def visit_Compare(self, node):
-        result = self.get_rval(self.visit(node.left))
+        res = self.visit(node.left)
+        comparators = list(self.visit(comparator) for comparator in node.comparators)
+        ops = list(self.visit(op) for op in node.ops)
-        comparators = (self.visit(comparator) for comparator in node.comparators)
+        self._update_debug_metadata(self.builder, node)
+        result = self.get_rval(res)
         values = (self.builder.load(val) if helpers.is_pointer(val) else val for val in comparators)
-        ops = (self.visit(op) for op in node.ops)
         for val, op in zip(values, ops):
             result = self._do_bin_op(self.builder, result, val, op)
         return result
-    def visit_If(self, node):
-        cond_val = self.get_rval(self.visit(node.test))
+    def visit_If(self, node:ast.AST):
+        cond = self.visit(node.test)
+        self._update_debug_metadata(self.builder, node)
+        cond_val = self.get_rval(cond)
         predicate = helpers.convert_type(self.builder, cond_val, self.ctx.bool_ty)
         with self.builder.if_else(predicate) as (then, otherwise):
@@ -403,10 +441,11 @@ def visit_If(self, node):
                 for child in node.orelse:
-    def visit_Return(self, node):
+    def visit_Return(self, node:ast.AST):
         ret_val = self.visit(node.value)
         arg_out = self.arg_out
+        self._update_debug_metadata(self.builder, node)
         # dereference pointer
         if helpers.is_pointer(ret_val):
             ret_val = self.builder.load(ret_val)
@@ -423,9 +462,11 @@ def visit_Return(self, node):
         self.builder.store(ret_val, arg_out)
-    def visit_Subscript(self, node):
+    def visit_Subscript(self, node:ast.AST):
         node_val = self.visit(node.value)
         index = self.visit(node.slice)
+        self._update_debug_metadata(self.builder, node)
         node_slice_val = helpers.convert_type(self.builder, index, self.ctx.int32_ty)
         if not self.is_lval(node_val):
             temp_node_val = self.builder.alloca(node_val.type)
@@ -434,7 +475,7 @@ def visit_Subscript(self, node):
         return self.builder.gep(node_val, [self.ctx.int32_ty(0), node_slice_val])
-    def visit_Index(self, node):
+    def visit_Index(self, node:ast.AST):
         Returns the wrapped value.
@@ -442,12 +483,13 @@ def visit_Index(self, node):
         return self.visit(node.value)
-    def visit_Call(self, node):
+    def visit_Call(self, node:ast.AST):
         node_args = [self.visit(arg) for arg in node.args]
         call_func = self.visit(node.func)
         assert callable(call_func), f"Uncallable function {node.func}!"
+        self._update_debug_metadata(self.builder, node)
         return call_func(self.builder, *node_args)
     # Python builtins
@@ -513,7 +555,7 @@ def call_builtin_np_max(self, builder, x):
         x = self.get_rval(x)
         if helpers.is_scalar(x):
             return x
-        res = self.ctx.float_ty("-Inf")
+        res = self.ctx.float_ty(float("-Inf"))
         def find_max(builder, x):
             nonlocal res
             # to propagate NaNs we use unordered >,
diff --git a/psyneulink/core/llvm/debug.py b/psyneulink/core/llvm/debug.py
index 0a6788f838d..02038133f0a 100644
--- a/psyneulink/core/llvm/debug.py
+++ b/psyneulink/core/llvm/debug.py
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
  * "print_values" -- Enabled printfs in llvm code (from ctx printf helper)
 Compilation modifiers:
- * "debug_info" -- emit line debugging information when generating LLVM IR
  * "const_data" -- hardcode initial output values into generated code,
                 instead of loading them from the data argument
  * "const_input" -- hardcode input values for composition runs
diff --git a/psyneulink/core/llvm/execution.py b/psyneulink/core/llvm/execution.py
index ff7a2defdd6..ab96adfafd4 100644
--- a/psyneulink/core/llvm/execution.py
+++ b/psyneulink/core/llvm/execution.py
@@ -48,10 +48,23 @@ def _tupleize(x):
         return x if x is not None else tuple()
 def _element_dtype(x):
+    """
+    Extract base builtin type from aggregate type.
+    Throws assertion failure if the aggregate type includes more than one base type.
+    The assumption is that array of builtin type has the same binary layout as
+    the original aggregate and it's easier to construct
+    """
     dt = np.dtype(x)
     while dt.subdtype is not None:
         dt = dt.subdtype[0]
+    if not dt.isbuiltin:
+        fdts = (_element_dtype(f[0]) for f in dt.fields.values())
+        dt = next(fdts)
+        assert all(dt == fdt for fdt in fdts)
+    assert dt.isbuiltin, "Element type is not builtin: {} from {}".format(dt, np.dtype(x))
     return dt
 def _pretty_size(size):
@@ -683,7 +696,7 @@ def _prepare_evaluate(self, variable, num_evaluations):
         # Construct input variable
         var_dty = _element_dtype(bin_func.byref_arg_types[5])
-        converted_variable = np.asfarray(np.concatenate(variable), dtype=var_dty)
+        converted_variable = np.concatenate(variable, dtype=var_dty)
         # Output ctype
         out_ty = bin_func.byref_arg_types[4] * num_evaluations
@@ -715,17 +728,27 @@ def thread_evaluate(self, variable, num_evaluations):
         ct_results = out_ty()
         ct_variable = converted_variale.ctypes.data_as(self.__bin_func.c_func.argtypes[5])
-        # There are 7 arguments to evaluate_alloc_range:
-        # comp_param, comp_state, from, to, results, input, comp_data
         jobs = min(os.cpu_count(), num_evaluations)
         evals_per_job = (num_evaluations + jobs - 1) // jobs
-        executor = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=jobs)
-        for i in range(jobs):
-            start = i * evals_per_job
-            stop = min((i + 1) * evals_per_job, num_evaluations)
-            executor.submit(self.__bin_func, ct_param, ct_state, int(start),
-                            int(stop), ct_results, ct_variable, ct_data)
-        executor.shutdown()
+        parallel_start = time.time()
+        with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=jobs) as ex:
+            # There are 7 arguments to evaluate_alloc_range:
+            # comp_param, comp_state, from, to, results, input, comp_data
+            results = [ex.submit(self.__bin_func, ct_param, ct_state,
+                                 int(i * evals_per_job),
+                                 min((i + 1) * evals_per_job, num_evaluations),
+                                 ct_results, ct_variable, ct_data)
+                       for i in range(jobs)]
+        parallel_stop = time.time()
+        if "time_stat" in self._debug_env:
+            print("Time to run {} executions of '{}' in {} threads: {}".format(
+                      num_evaluations, self.__bin_func.name, jobs,
+                      parallel_stop - parallel_start))
+        exceptions = [r.exception() for r in results]
+        assert all(e is None for e in exceptions), "Not all jobs finished sucessfully: {}".format(exceptions)
         return ct_results
diff --git a/psyneulink/core/llvm/helpers.py b/psyneulink/core/llvm/helpers.py
index 6b54aaf4bde..bdb887e7ddc 100644
--- a/psyneulink/core/llvm/helpers.py
+++ b/psyneulink/core/llvm/helpers.py
@@ -144,15 +144,14 @@ def get_state_ptr(builder, component, state_ptr, stateful_name, hist_idx=0):
     return ptr
-def push_state_val(builder, component, state_ptr, name, new_val):
+def get_state_space(builder, component, state_ptr, name):
     val_ptr = get_state_ptr(builder, component, state_ptr, name, None)
     for i in range(len(val_ptr.type.pointee) - 1, 0, -1):
         dest_ptr = get_state_ptr(builder, component, state_ptr, name, i)
         src_ptr = get_state_ptr(builder, component, state_ptr, name, i - 1)
         builder.store(builder.load(src_ptr), dest_ptr)
-    dest_ptr = get_state_ptr(builder, component, state_ptr, name)
-    builder.store(builder.load(new_val), dest_ptr)
+    return get_state_ptr(builder, component, state_ptr, name)
 def unwrap_2d_array(builder, element):
@@ -219,7 +218,8 @@ def csch(ctx, builder, x):
 def is_close(ctx, builder, val1, val2, rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08):
-    is_close_f = ctx.get_builtin("is_close")
+    assert val1.type == val2.type
+    is_close_f = ctx.get_builtin("is_close_{}".format(val1.type))
     rtol_val = val1.type(rtol)
     atol_val = val1.type(atol)
     return builder.call(is_close_f, [val1, val2, rtol_val, atol_val])
@@ -304,6 +304,24 @@ def convert_type(builder, val, t):
         # Python integers are signed
         return builder.fptosi(val, t)
+    if is_floating_point(val) and is_floating_point(t):
+        if isinstance(val.type, ir.HalfType) or isinstance(t, ir.DoubleType):
+            return builder.fpext(val, t)
+        elif isinstance(val.type, ir.DoubleType) or isinstance(t, ir.HalfType):
+            # FIXME: Direct conversion from double to half needs a runtime
+            #        function (__truncdfhf2). llvmlite MCJIT fails to provide
+            #        it and instead generates invocation of a NULL pointer.
+            #        Use double conversion (double->float->half) instead.
+            #        Both steps can be done in one CPU instruction,
+            #        but the result can be slightly different
+            #        see: https://github.com/numba/llvmlite/issues/834
+            if isinstance(val.type, ir.DoubleType) and isinstance(t, ir.HalfType):
+                val = builder.fptrunc(val, ir.FloatType())
+            return builder.fptrunc(val, t)
+        else:
+            assert val.type == t
+            return val
     assert False, "Unknown type conversion: {} -> {}".format(val.type, t)
@@ -463,18 +481,24 @@ def get_private_condition_initializer(self, composition):
         return ((0, 0, 0),
                 tuple((0, (-1, -1, -1)) for _ in composition.nodes))
-    def get_condition_struct_type(self, composition=None):
-        composition = self.composition if composition is None else composition
-        structs = [self.get_private_condition_struct_type(composition)]
-        for node in composition.nodes:
-            structs.append(self.get_condition_struct_type(node) if isinstance(node, type(self.composition)) else ir.LiteralStructType([]))
+    def get_condition_struct_type(self, node=None):
+        node = self.composition if node is None else node
+        subnodes = getattr(node, 'nodes', [])
+        structs = [self.get_condition_struct_type(n) for n in subnodes]
+        if len(structs) != 0:
+            structs.insert(0, self.get_private_condition_struct_type(node))
         return ir.LiteralStructType(structs)
-    def get_condition_initializer(self, composition=None):
-        composition = self.composition if composition is None else composition
-        data = [self.get_private_condition_initializer(composition)]
-        for node in composition.nodes:
-            data.append(self.get_condition_initializer(node) if isinstance(node, type(self.composition)) else tuple())
+    def get_condition_initializer(self, node=None):
+        node = self.composition if node is None else node
+        subnodes = getattr(node, 'nodes', [])
+        data = [self.get_condition_initializer(n) for n in subnodes]
+        if len(data) != 0:
+            data.insert(0, self.get_private_condition_initializer(node))
         return tuple(data)
     def bump_ts(self, builder, cond_ptr, count=(0, 0, 1)):
diff --git a/psyneulink/core/scheduling/condition.py b/psyneulink/core/scheduling/condition.py
index aba519892b7..2d0e1fbfdf3 100644
--- a/psyneulink/core/scheduling/condition.py
+++ b/psyneulink/core/scheduling/condition.py
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 import numpy as np
 from psyneulink.core.globals.context import handle_external_context
-from psyneulink.core.globals.json import JSONDumpable
+from psyneulink.core.globals.mdf import MDFSerializable
 from psyneulink.core.globals.keywords import MODEL_SPEC_ID_TYPE, comparison_operators
 from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import parse_context
 from psyneulink.core.globals.utilities import parse_valid_identifier
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ def _create_as_pnl_condition(condition):
     return res
-class Condition(graph_scheduler.Condition, JSONDumpable):
+class Condition(graph_scheduler.Condition, MDFSerializable):
     def is_satisfied(self, *args, context=None, execution_id=None, **kwargs):
         if execution_id is None:
@@ -293,6 +293,6 @@ def as_mdf_model(self):
         m = super().as_mdf_model()
         if self.parameter == 'value':
-            m.args['parameter'] = f'{self.dependency.name}_OutputPort_0'
+            m.kwargs['parameter'] = f'{self.dependency.name}_OutputPort_0'
         return m
diff --git a/psyneulink/core/scheduling/scheduler.py b/psyneulink/core/scheduling/scheduler.py
index f163dc19900..3db80e0551a 100644
--- a/psyneulink/core/scheduling/scheduler.py
+++ b/psyneulink/core/scheduling/scheduler.py
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 # ********************************************* Scheduler **************************************************************
 import copy
+import logging
 import typing
 import graph_scheduler
@@ -15,7 +16,7 @@
 from psyneulink import _unit_registry
 from psyneulink.core.globals.context import Context, handle_external_context
-from psyneulink.core.globals.json import JSONDumpable
+from psyneulink.core.globals.mdf import MDFSerializable
 from psyneulink.core.globals.utilities import parse_valid_identifier
 from psyneulink.core.scheduling.condition import _create_as_pnl_condition
@@ -24,10 +25,11 @@
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 SchedulingMode = graph_scheduler.scheduler.SchedulingMode
-class Scheduler(graph_scheduler.Scheduler, JSONDumpable):
+class Scheduler(graph_scheduler.Scheduler, MDFSerializable):
     def __init__(
@@ -50,7 +52,7 @@ def __init__(
                 default_execution_id = composition.default_execution_id
         # TODO: consider integrating something like this into graph-scheduler?
-        self._user_specified_conds = copy.copy(conditions)
+        self._user_specified_conds = copy.copy(conditions) if conditions is not None else {}
@@ -70,19 +72,51 @@ def replace_term_conds(term_conds):
         self.default_termination_conds = replace_term_conds(self.default_termination_conds)
         self.termination_conds = replace_term_conds(self.termination_conds)
+    def _validate_conditions(self):
+        unspecified_nodes = []
+        for node in self.nodes:
+            if node not in self.conditions:
+                dependencies = list(self.dependency_dict[node])
+                if len(dependencies) == 0:
+                    cond = graph_scheduler.Always()
+                elif len(dependencies) == 1:
+                    cond = graph_scheduler.EveryNCalls(dependencies[0], 1)
+                else:
+                    cond = graph_scheduler.All(*[graph_scheduler.EveryNCalls(x, 1) for x in dependencies])
+                # TODO: replace this call in graph-scheduler if adding _user_specified_conds
+                self._add_condition(node, cond)
+                unspecified_nodes.append(node)
+        if len(unspecified_nodes) > 0:
+            logger.info(
+                'These nodes have no Conditions specified, and will be scheduled with conditions: {0}'.format(
+                    {node: self.conditions[node] for node in unspecified_nodes}
+                )
+            )
     def add_condition(self, owner, condition):
-        super().add_condition(owner, _create_as_pnl_condition(condition))
+        self._user_specified_conds[owner] = condition
+        self._add_condition(owner, condition)
+    def _add_condition(self, owner, condition):
+        condition = _create_as_pnl_condition(condition)
+        super().add_condition(owner, condition)
     def add_condition_set(self, conditions):
+        self._user_specified_conds.update(conditions)
+        self._add_condition_set(conditions)
+    def _add_condition_set(self, conditions):
             conditions = conditions.conditions
         except AttributeError:
-        super().add_condition_set({
+        conditions = {
             node: _create_as_pnl_condition(cond)
             for node, cond in conditions.items()
-        })
+        }
+        super().add_condition_set(conditions)
     def run(
diff --git a/psyneulink/library/components/mechanisms/modulatory/control/agt/agtcontrolmechanism.py b/psyneulink/library/components/mechanisms/modulatory/control/agt/agtcontrolmechanism.py
index f97e9a80003..92c245d3275 100644
--- a/psyneulink/library/components/mechanisms/modulatory/control/agt/agtcontrolmechanism.py
+++ b/psyneulink/library/components/mechanisms/modulatory/control/agt/agtcontrolmechanism.py
@@ -169,6 +169,7 @@
 from psyneulink.core.components.ports.outputport import OutputPort
 from psyneulink.core.globals.keywords import \
+from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import check_user_specified
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.basepreferenceset import is_pref_set
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.preferenceset import PreferenceLevel
@@ -244,6 +245,7 @@ class AGTControlMechanism(ControlMechanism):
     #     PREFERENCE_SET_NAME: 'ControlMechanismClassPreferences',
     #     PREFERENCE_KEYWORD<pref>: <setting>...}
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
diff --git a/psyneulink/library/components/mechanisms/modulatory/control/agt/lccontrolmechanism.py b/psyneulink/library/components/mechanisms/modulatory/control/agt/lccontrolmechanism.py
index bcee443a12e..ae6b0af7a9d 100644
--- a/psyneulink/library/components/mechanisms/modulatory/control/agt/lccontrolmechanism.py
+++ b/psyneulink/library/components/mechanisms/modulatory/control/agt/lccontrolmechanism.py
@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@
 from psyneulink.core.components.ports.outputport import OutputPort
 from psyneulink.core.globals.keywords import \
-from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter, ParameterAlias
+from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter, ParameterAlias, check_user_specified
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.basepreferenceset import is_pref_set
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.preferenceset import PreferenceLevel
 from psyneulink.core.globals.utilities import is_iterable, convert_to_list
@@ -662,6 +662,7 @@ class Parameters(ControlMechanism.Parameters):
         modulated_mechanisms = Parameter(None, stateful=False, loggable=False)
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
@@ -821,8 +822,7 @@ def _execute(
         """Updates LCControlMechanism's ControlSignal based on input and mode parameter value
-        # IMPLEMENTATION NOTE:  skip ControlMechanism._execute since it is a stub method that returns input_values
-        output_values = super(ControlMechanism, self)._execute(
+        output_values = super()._execute(
@@ -834,58 +834,54 @@ def _execute(
         return gain_t, output_values[0], output_values[1], output_values[2]
-    def _gen_llvm_invoke_function(self, ctx, builder, function, params, state, variable, *, tags:frozenset):
-        assert function is self.function
-        mf_out, builder = super()._gen_llvm_invoke_function(ctx, builder, function, params, state, variable, tags=tags)
+    def _gen_llvm_mechanism_functions(self, ctx, builder, m_base_params, m_params, m_state, m_in,
+                                      m_val, ip_output, *, tags:frozenset):
+        mf_out, builder = super()._gen_llvm_mechanism_functions(ctx, builder, m_base_params,
+                                                                m_params, m_state, m_in,
+                                                                None, ip_output, tags=tags)
         # prepend gain type (matches output[1] type)
         gain_ty = mf_out.type.pointee.elements[1]
-        elements = gain_ty, *mf_out.type.pointee.elements
-        elements_ty = pnlvm.ir.LiteralStructType(elements)
-        # allocate new output type
-        new_out = builder.alloca(elements_ty, name="function_out")
+        assert all(e == gain_ty for e in mf_out.type.pointee.elements)
+        mech_out_ty = pnlvm.ir.ArrayType(gain_ty, len(mf_out.type.pointee.elements) + 1)
+        # allocate a new output location if the type doesn't match the one
+        # provided by the caller.
+        if mech_out_ty != m_val.type.pointee:
+            m_val = builder.alloca(mech_out_ty, name="mechanism_out")
         # Load mechanism parameters
-        params = builder.function.args[0]
-        scaling_factor_ptr = pnlvm.helpers.get_param_ptr(builder, self, params,
+        scaling_factor_ptr = pnlvm.helpers.get_param_ptr(builder, self, m_params,
-        base_factor_ptr = pnlvm.helpers.get_param_ptr(builder, self, params,
+        base_factor_ptr = pnlvm.helpers.get_param_ptr(builder, self, m_params,
-        # If modulated, scaling factor is a single element array
-        if isinstance(scaling_factor_ptr.type.pointee, pnlvm.ir.ArrayType):
-            assert len(scaling_factor_ptr.type.pointee) == 1
-            scaling_factor_ptr = builder.gep(scaling_factor_ptr,
-                                             [ctx.int32_ty(0), ctx.int32_ty(0)])
-        # If modulated, base factor is a single element array
-        if isinstance(base_factor_ptr.type.pointee, pnlvm.ir.ArrayType):
-            assert len(base_factor_ptr.type.pointee) == 1
-            base_factor_ptr = builder.gep(base_factor_ptr,
-                                          [ctx.int32_ty(0), ctx.int32_ty(0)])
-        scaling_factor = builder.load(scaling_factor_ptr)
-        base_factor = builder.load(base_factor_ptr)
-        # Apply to the entire vector
+        # If modulated, parameters are single element array
+        scaling_factor = pnlvm.helpers.load_extract_scalar_array_one(builder, scaling_factor_ptr)
+        base_factor = pnlvm.helpers.load_extract_scalar_array_one(builder, base_factor_ptr)
+        # Apply to the entire first subvector
         vi = builder.gep(mf_out, [ctx.int32_ty(0), ctx.int32_ty(1)])
-        vo = builder.gep(new_out, [ctx.int32_ty(0), ctx.int32_ty(0)])
+        vo = builder.gep(m_val, [ctx.int32_ty(0), ctx.int32_ty(0)])
         with pnlvm.helpers.array_ptr_loop(builder, vi, "LC_gain") as (b1, index):
             in_ptr = b1.gep(vi, [ctx.int32_ty(0), index])
+            out_ptr = b1.gep(vo, [ctx.int32_ty(0), index])
             val = b1.load(in_ptr)
             val = b1.fmul(val, scaling_factor)
             val = b1.fadd(val, base_factor)
-            out_ptr = b1.gep(vo, [ctx.int32_ty(0), index])
             b1.store(val, out_ptr)
         # copy the main function return value
         for i, _ in enumerate(mf_out.type.pointee.elements):
             ptr = builder.gep(mf_out, [ctx.int32_ty(0), ctx.int32_ty(i)])
-            out_ptr = builder.gep(new_out, [ctx.int32_ty(0), ctx.int32_ty(i + 1)])
+            out_ptr = builder.gep(m_val, [ctx.int32_ty(0), ctx.int32_ty(i + 1)])
             val = builder.load(ptr)
             builder.store(val, out_ptr)
-        return new_out, builder
+        return m_val, builder
     # 5/8/20: ELIMINATE SYSTEM
diff --git a/psyneulink/library/components/mechanisms/modulatory/learning/autoassociativelearningmechanism.py b/psyneulink/library/components/mechanisms/modulatory/learning/autoassociativelearningmechanism.py
index ec540c8764e..80e0e5fb43a 100644
--- a/psyneulink/library/components/mechanisms/modulatory/learning/autoassociativelearningmechanism.py
+++ b/psyneulink/library/components/mechanisms/modulatory/learning/autoassociativelearningmechanism.py
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
 from psyneulink.core.globals.context import ContextFlags
 from psyneulink.core.globals.keywords import \
-from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter
+from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter, check_user_specified
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.basepreferenceset import is_pref_set
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.preferenceset import PreferenceLevel
 from psyneulink.core.globals.utilities import is_numeric, parameter_spec
@@ -319,6 +319,7 @@ class Parameters(LearningMechanism.Parameters):
     classPreferenceLevel = PreferenceLevel.TYPE
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
                  default_variable:tc.any(list, np.ndarray),
diff --git a/psyneulink/library/components/mechanisms/modulatory/learning/kohonenlearningmechanism.py b/psyneulink/library/components/mechanisms/modulatory/learning/kohonenlearningmechanism.py
index d6717abd1d9..9122b97282b 100644
--- a/psyneulink/library/components/mechanisms/modulatory/learning/kohonenlearningmechanism.py
+++ b/psyneulink/library/components/mechanisms/modulatory/learning/kohonenlearningmechanism.py
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
 from psyneulink.core.globals.keywords import \
-from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter
+from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter, check_user_specified
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.basepreferenceset import is_pref_set
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.preferenceset import PreferenceLevel
 from psyneulink.core.globals.utilities import is_numeric, parameter_spec
@@ -320,6 +320,7 @@ class Parameters(LearningMechanism.Parameters):
         learning_timing = LearningTiming.EXECUTION_PHASE
         modulation = ADDITIVE
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
                  default_variable:tc.any(list, np.ndarray),
diff --git a/psyneulink/library/components/mechanisms/processing/integrator/ddm.py b/psyneulink/library/components/mechanisms/processing/integrator/ddm.py
index c3bac361a1d..5f790fc9200 100644
--- a/psyneulink/library/components/mechanisms/processing/integrator/ddm.py
+++ b/psyneulink/library/components/mechanisms/processing/integrator/ddm.py
@@ -380,7 +380,7 @@
 from psyneulink.core.globals.keywords import \
-from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter
+from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter, check_user_specified
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.basepreferenceset import is_pref_set, REPORT_OUTPUT_PREF
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.preferenceset import PreferenceEntry, PreferenceLevel
 from psyneulink.core.globals.utilities import convert_all_elements_to_np_array, is_numeric, is_same_function_spec, object_has_single_value, get_global_seed
@@ -753,6 +753,7 @@ class Parameters(ProcessingMechanism.Parameters):
     standard_output_port_names = [i['name'] for i in standard_output_ports]
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
@@ -1099,25 +1100,20 @@ def _execute(
                 return_value[self.DECISION_VARIABLE_INDEX] = threshold
             return return_value
-    def _gen_llvm_invoke_function(self, ctx, builder, function, params, state, variable, *, tags:frozenset):
-        mf_out, builder = super()._gen_llvm_invoke_function(ctx, builder, function, params, state, variable, tags=tags)
-        mech_out_ty = ctx.convert_python_struct_to_llvm_ir(self.defaults.value)
-        mech_out = builder.alloca(mech_out_ty, name="mech_out")
+    def _gen_llvm_invoke_function(self, ctx, builder, function, params, state,
+                                  variable, m_val, *, tags:frozenset):
         if isinstance(self.function, IntegratorFunction):
-            # Integrator version of the DDM mechanism converts the
-            # second element to a 2d array
-            builder.store(builder.load(builder.gep(mf_out, [ctx.int32_ty(0),
-                                                            ctx.int32_ty(0)])),
-                          builder.gep(mech_out, [ctx.int32_ty(0),
-                                                 ctx.int32_ty(0)]))
-            builder.store(builder.load(builder.gep(mf_out, [ctx.int32_ty(0),
-                                                            ctx.int32_ty(1)])),
-                          builder.gep(mech_out, [ctx.int32_ty(0),
-                                                 ctx.int32_ty(1)]))
+            # Integrator based DDM works like other mechanisms
+            return super()._gen_llvm_invoke_function(ctx, builder, function,
+                                                     params, state, variable,
+                                                     m_val, tags=tags)
         elif isinstance(self.function, DriftDiffusionAnalytical):
+            mf_out, builder = super()._gen_llvm_invoke_function(ctx, builder, function,
+                                                                params, state, variable,
+                                                                None, tags=tags)
+            # The order and number of returned values is different for DDA
             for res_idx, idx in enumerate((self.RESPONSE_TIME_INDEX,
@@ -1127,47 +1123,68 @@ def _gen_llvm_invoke_function(self, ctx, builder, function, params, state, varia
                 src = builder.gep(mf_out, [ctx.int32_ty(0), ctx.int32_ty(res_idx)])
-                dst = builder.gep(mech_out, [ctx.int32_ty(0), ctx.int32_ty(idx)])
+                dst = builder.gep(m_val, [ctx.int32_ty(0), ctx.int32_ty(idx)])
                 builder.store(builder.load(src), dst)
-            # Handle upper threshold probability
-            src = builder.gep(mf_out, [ctx.int32_ty(0), ctx.int32_ty(1),
-                                       ctx.int32_ty(0)])
-            dst = builder.gep(mech_out, [ctx.int32_ty(0),
-                ctx.int32_ty(self.PROBABILITY_UPPER_THRESHOLD_INDEX),
-                ctx.int32_ty(0)])
+            # Handle upper threshold probability (1 - Lower Threshold)
+            src = builder.gep(m_val, [ctx.int32_ty(0),
+                                      ctx.int32_ty(self.PROBABILITY_LOWER_THRESHOLD_INDEX),
+                                      ctx.int32_ty(0)])
+            dst = builder.gep(m_val, [ctx.int32_ty(0),
+                                      ctx.int32_ty(self.PROBABILITY_UPPER_THRESHOLD_INDEX),
+                                      ctx.int32_ty(0)])
             prob_lower_thr = builder.load(src)
-            prob_upper_thr = builder.fsub(prob_lower_thr.type(1),
-                                          prob_lower_thr)
+            prob_upper_thr = builder.fsub(prob_lower_thr.type(1), prob_lower_thr)
             builder.store(prob_upper_thr, dst)
-            # Load function threshold
+            # Store threshold as decision variable output
+            # this will be used by the mechanism to return the right decision
             threshold_ptr = pnlvm.helpers.get_param_ptr(builder, self.function,
                                                         params, THRESHOLD)
-            threshold = pnlvm.helpers.load_extract_scalar_array_one(builder,
-                                                                    threshold_ptr)
-            # Load mechanism state to generate random numbers
-            mech_params = builder.function.args[0]
-            mech_state = builder.function.args[1]
-            random_state = ctx.get_random_state_ptr(builder, self, mech_state, mech_params)
+            threshold = pnlvm.helpers.load_extract_scalar_array_one(builder, threshold_ptr)
+            decision_ptr = builder.gep(m_val, [ctx.int32_ty(0),
+                                               ctx.int32_ty(self.DECISION_VARIABLE_INDEX),
+                                               ctx.int32_ty(0)])
+            builder.store(threshold, decision_ptr)
+        else:
+            assert False, "Unknown mode in compiled DDM!"
+        return m_val, builder
+    def _gen_llvm_mechanism_functions(self, ctx, builder, m_base_params, m_params, m_state, m_in,
+                                      m_val, ip_output, *, tags:frozenset):
+        mf_out, builder = super()._gen_llvm_mechanism_functions(ctx, builder, m_base_params,
+                                                                m_params, m_state, m_in, m_val,
+                                                                ip_output, tags=tags)
+        assert mf_out is m_val
+        if isinstance(self.function, DriftDiffusionAnalytical):
+            random_state = ctx.get_random_state_ptr(builder, self, m_state, m_params)
             random_f = ctx.get_uniform_dist_function_by_state(random_state)
             random_val_ptr = builder.alloca(random_f.args[1].type.pointee, name="random_out")
             builder.call(random_f, [random_state, random_val_ptr])
             random_val = builder.load(random_val_ptr)
             # Convert ER to decision variable:
-            dst = builder.gep(mech_out, [ctx.int32_ty(0),
-                ctx.int32_ty(self.DECISION_VARIABLE_INDEX),
-                ctx.int32_ty(0)])
+            prob_lthr_ptr = builder.gep(m_val, [ctx.int32_ty(0),
+                                                ctx.int32_ty(self.PROBABILITY_LOWER_THRESHOLD_INDEX),
+                                                ctx.int32_ty(0)])
+            prob_lower_thr = builder.load(prob_lthr_ptr)
             thr_cmp = builder.fcmp_ordered("<", random_val, prob_lower_thr)
+            # The correct (modulated) threshold value is passed as
+            # decision variable output
+            decision_ptr = builder.gep(m_val, [ctx.int32_ty(0),
+                                               ctx.int32_ty(self.DECISION_VARIABLE_INDEX),
+                                               ctx.int32_ty(0)])
+            threshold = builder.load(decision_ptr)
             neg_threshold = pnlvm.helpers.fneg(builder, threshold)
             res = builder.select(thr_cmp, neg_threshold, threshold)
-            builder.store(res, dst)
-        else:
-            assert False, "Unknown mode in compiled DDM!"
+            builder.store(res, decision_ptr)
-        return mech_out, builder
+        return m_val, builder
     def reset(self, *args, force=False, context=None, **kwargs):
diff --git a/psyneulink/library/components/mechanisms/processing/integrator/episodicmemorymechanism.py b/psyneulink/library/components/mechanisms/processing/integrator/episodicmemorymechanism.py
index 268ba986a5b..3286eff87c8 100644
--- a/psyneulink/library/components/mechanisms/processing/integrator/episodicmemorymechanism.py
+++ b/psyneulink/library/components/mechanisms/processing/integrator/episodicmemorymechanism.py
@@ -415,7 +415,7 @@
 from psyneulink.core.components.mechanisms.processing.processingmechanism import ProcessingMechanism_Base
 from psyneulink.core.components.ports.inputport import InputPort
 from psyneulink.core.globals.keywords import EPISODIC_MEMORY_MECHANISM, INITIALIZER, NAME, OWNER_VALUE, VARIABLE
-from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter
+from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter, check_user_specified
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.basepreferenceset import is_pref_set
 from psyneulink.core.globals.utilities import deprecation_warning, convert_to_np_array, convert_all_elements_to_np_array
@@ -512,6 +512,7 @@ class Parameters(ProcessingMechanism_Base.Parameters):
         variable = Parameter([[0,0]], pnl_internal=True, constructor_argument='default_variable')
         function = Parameter(ContentAddressableMemory, stateful=False, loggable=False)
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
                  default_variable:Union[int, list, np.ndarray]=None,
                  size:Optional[Union[int, list, np.ndarray]]=None,
diff --git a/psyneulink/library/components/mechanisms/processing/leabramechanism.py b/psyneulink/library/components/mechanisms/processing/leabramechanism.py
index 16cbc400030..ff78c9f3f39 100644
--- a/psyneulink/library/components/mechanisms/processing/leabramechanism.py
+++ b/psyneulink/library/components/mechanisms/processing/leabramechanism.py
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
 from psyneulink.core.components.functions.function import Function_Base
 from psyneulink.core.components.mechanisms.processing.processingmechanism import ProcessingMechanism_Base
-from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import FunctionParameter, Parameter
+from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import FunctionParameter, Parameter, check_user_specified
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.basepreferenceset import REPORT_OUTPUT_PREF
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.preferenceset import PreferenceEntry, PreferenceLevel
 from psyneulink.core.scheduling.time import TimeScale
@@ -212,6 +212,7 @@ class Parameters(Function_Base.Parameters):
         variable = Parameter(np.array([[0], [0]]), read_only=True, pnl_internal=True, constructor_argument='default_variable')
         network = None
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
@@ -471,6 +472,7 @@ class Parameters(ProcessingMechanism_Base.Parameters):
         network = FunctionParameter(None)
         training_flag = Parameter(False, setter=_training_flag_setter, dependencies='network')
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
diff --git a/psyneulink/library/components/mechanisms/processing/objective/comparatormechanism.py b/psyneulink/library/components/mechanisms/processing/objective/comparatormechanism.py
index 50381e88984..3a8e169b380 100644
--- a/psyneulink/library/components/mechanisms/processing/objective/comparatormechanism.py
+++ b/psyneulink/library/components/mechanisms/processing/objective/comparatormechanism.py
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@
 from psyneulink.core.components.ports.port import _parse_port_spec
 from psyneulink.core.globals.keywords import \
-from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter
+from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter, check_user_specified
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.basepreferenceset import is_pref_set, REPORT_OUTPUT_PREF
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.preferenceset import PreferenceEntry, PreferenceLevel
 from psyneulink.core.globals.utilities import \
@@ -323,6 +323,7 @@ class Parameters(ObjectiveMechanism.Parameters):
     standard_output_port_names = ObjectiveMechanism.standard_output_port_names.copy()
     standard_output_port_names.extend([SSE, MSE])
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
diff --git a/psyneulink/library/components/mechanisms/processing/objective/predictionerrormechanism.py b/psyneulink/library/components/mechanisms/processing/objective/predictionerrormechanism.py
index c106444d7f6..548d0a40d3a 100644
--- a/psyneulink/library/components/mechanisms/processing/objective/predictionerrormechanism.py
+++ b/psyneulink/library/components/mechanisms/processing/objective/predictionerrormechanism.py
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@
 from psyneulink.core.components.mechanisms.mechanism import Mechanism_Base
 from psyneulink.core.components.ports.outputport import OutputPort
 from psyneulink.core.globals.keywords import PREDICTION_ERROR_MECHANISM, SAMPLE, TARGET
-from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter
+from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter, check_user_specified
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.basepreferenceset import is_pref_set, REPORT_OUTPUT_PREF
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.preferenceset import PreferenceEntry, PreferenceLevel, PREFERENCE_SET_NAME
 from psyneulink.core.globals.utilities import is_numeric
@@ -283,6 +283,7 @@ class Parameters(ComparatorMechanism.Parameters):
         sample = None
         target = None
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
                  sample: tc.optional(tc.any(OutputPort, Mechanism_Base, dict,
diff --git a/psyneulink/library/components/mechanisms/processing/transfer/contrastivehebbianmechanism.py b/psyneulink/library/components/mechanisms/processing/transfer/contrastivehebbianmechanism.py
index 69a48ef6fc5..d4e8482ebbc 100644
--- a/psyneulink/library/components/mechanisms/processing/transfer/contrastivehebbianmechanism.py
+++ b/psyneulink/library/components/mechanisms/processing/transfer/contrastivehebbianmechanism.py
@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@
 from psyneulink.core.globals.keywords import \
-from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter, SharedParameter
+from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter, SharedParameter, check_user_specified
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.basepreferenceset import is_pref_set
 from psyneulink.core.globals.utilities import is_numeric_or_none, parameter_spec
 from psyneulink.library.components.mechanisms.processing.transfer.recurrenttransfermechanism import \
@@ -977,6 +977,7 @@ class Parameters(RecurrentTransferMechanism.Parameters):
     standard_output_port_names = RecurrentTransferMechanism.standard_output_port_names.copy()
     standard_output_port_names = [i['name'] for i in standard_output_ports]
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
diff --git a/psyneulink/library/components/mechanisms/processing/transfer/kohonenmechanism.py b/psyneulink/library/components/mechanisms/processing/transfer/kohonenmechanism.py
index 9339c89b1d5..ba0d3840a41 100644
--- a/psyneulink/library/components/mechanisms/processing/transfer/kohonenmechanism.py
+++ b/psyneulink/library/components/mechanisms/processing/transfer/kohonenmechanism.py
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
 from psyneulink.core.globals.keywords import \
-from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter, SharedParameter
+from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter, SharedParameter, check_user_specified
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.basepreferenceset import is_pref_set
 from psyneulink.core.globals.utilities import is_numeric_or_none, parameter_spec
 from psyneulink.library.components.mechanisms.modulatory.learning.kohonenlearningmechanism import KohonenLearningMechanism
@@ -274,6 +274,7 @@ class Parameters(TransferMechanism.Parameters):
                                     FUNCTION: OneHot(mode=MAX_INDICATOR)}
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
diff --git a/psyneulink/library/components/mechanisms/processing/transfer/kwtamechanism.py b/psyneulink/library/components/mechanisms/processing/transfer/kwtamechanism.py
index 12c1369996e..2ffe285dfae 100644
--- a/psyneulink/library/components/mechanisms/processing/transfer/kwtamechanism.py
+++ b/psyneulink/library/components/mechanisms/processing/transfer/kwtamechanism.py
@@ -187,10 +187,11 @@
 from psyneulink.core.components.functions.nonstateful.transferfunctions import Logistic
 from psyneulink.core.globals.keywords import KWTA_MECHANISM, K_VALUE, RATIO, RESULT, THRESHOLD
-from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter
+from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter, check_user_specified
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.basepreferenceset import is_pref_set
 from psyneulink.core.globals.utilities import is_numeric_or_none
 from psyneulink.library.components.mechanisms.processing.transfer.recurrenttransfermechanism import RecurrentTransferMechanism
+from psyneulink.library.components.projections.pathway.autoassociativeprojection import get_auto_matrix, get_hetero_matrix
 __all__ = [
     'KWTAMechanism', 'KWTAError',
@@ -342,6 +343,7 @@ class Parameters(RecurrentTransferMechanism.Parameters):
         average_based = False
         inhibition_only = True
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
@@ -414,6 +416,17 @@ def _instantiate_attributes_before_function(self, function=None, context=None):
         # so it shouldn't be a problem)
         self.indexOfInhibitionInputPort = len(self.input_ports) - 1
+        # NOTE: this behavior matches what kwta tests assert. Values for
+        # auto and hetero were ALWAYS "user_specified" due to using
+        # values set in KWTAMechanism.__init__. To change this and use
+        # default RecurrentTransferMechanism behavior, the test values
+        # must be changed
+        matrix = (
+            get_auto_matrix(self.defaults.auto, self.recurrent_size)
+            + get_hetero_matrix(self.defaults.hetero, self.recurrent_size)
+        )
+        self.parameters.matrix._set(matrix, context)
     def _kwta_scale(self, current_input, context=None):
         k_value = self._get_current_parameter_value(self.parameters.k_value, context)
         threshold = self._get_current_parameter_value(self.parameters.threshold, context)
diff --git a/psyneulink/library/components/mechanisms/processing/transfer/lcamechanism.py b/psyneulink/library/components/mechanisms/processing/transfer/lcamechanism.py
index 9402929ec4c..31dd42b52d4 100644
--- a/psyneulink/library/components/mechanisms/processing/transfer/lcamechanism.py
+++ b/psyneulink/library/components/mechanisms/processing/transfer/lcamechanism.py
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@
 from psyneulink.core.globals.keywords import \
-from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import FunctionParameter, Parameter
+from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import FunctionParameter, Parameter, check_user_specified
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.basepreferenceset import is_pref_set
 from psyneulink.library.components.mechanisms.processing.transfer.recurrenttransfermechanism import \
     RecurrentTransferMechanism, _recurrent_transfer_mechanism_matrix_getter, _recurrent_transfer_mechanism_matrix_setter
@@ -437,6 +437,7 @@ def _validate_integration_rate(self, integration_rate):
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
diff --git a/psyneulink/library/components/mechanisms/processing/transfer/recurrenttransfermechanism.py b/psyneulink/library/components/mechanisms/processing/transfer/recurrenttransfermechanism.py
index bd300b0c98c..3724b53f732 100644
--- a/psyneulink/library/components/mechanisms/processing/transfer/recurrenttransfermechanism.py
+++ b/psyneulink/library/components/mechanisms/processing/transfer/recurrenttransfermechanism.py
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@
 from psyneulink.core.globals.context import handle_external_context
 from psyneulink.core.globals.keywords import \
-from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter, SharedParameter
+from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter, SharedParameter, check_user_specified
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.basepreferenceset import is_pref_set
 from psyneulink.core.globals.registry import register_instance, remove_instance_from_registry
 from psyneulink.core.globals.socket import ConnectionInfo
@@ -644,6 +644,7 @@ class Parameters(TransferMechanism.Parameters):
     standard_output_port_names = TransferMechanism.standard_output_port_names.copy()
     standard_output_port_names.extend([ENERGY_OUTPUT_PORT_NAME, ENTROPY_OUTPUT_PORT_NAME])
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
@@ -1340,6 +1341,8 @@ def _gen_llvm_input_ports(self, ctx, builder, params, state, arg_in):
             # input
             builder.call(recurrent_f, [recurrent_params, recurrent_state, recurrent_in, recurrent_out])
+        assert not self.has_recurrent_input_port, "Configuration using combination function is not supported!"
         return super()._gen_llvm_input_ports(ctx, builder, params, state, arg_in)
     def _gen_llvm_output_ports(self, ctx, builder, value,
diff --git a/psyneulink/library/components/projections/pathway/autoassociativeprojection.py b/psyneulink/library/components/projections/pathway/autoassociativeprojection.py
index 011106e512e..98c9948ca5d 100644
--- a/psyneulink/library/components/projections/pathway/autoassociativeprojection.py
+++ b/psyneulink/library/components/projections/pathway/autoassociativeprojection.py
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
 from psyneulink.core.components.shellclasses import Mechanism
 from psyneulink.core.components.ports.outputport import OutputPort
-from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import SharedParameter, Parameter
+from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import SharedParameter, Parameter, check_user_specified
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.basepreferenceset import is_pref_set
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.preferenceset import PreferenceLevel
@@ -236,6 +236,7 @@ class Parameters(MappingProjection.Parameters):
     classPreferenceLevel = PreferenceLevel.TYPE
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
diff --git a/psyneulink/library/components/projections/pathway/maskedmappingprojection.py b/psyneulink/library/components/projections/pathway/maskedmappingprojection.py
index c521d123319..7fd93defa26 100644
--- a/psyneulink/library/components/projections/pathway/maskedmappingprojection.py
+++ b/psyneulink/library/components/projections/pathway/maskedmappingprojection.py
@@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
 from psyneulink.core.components.projections.pathway.mappingprojection import MappingProjection
 from psyneulink.core.components.projections.projection import projection_keywords
 from psyneulink.core.globals.keywords import MASKED_MAPPING_PROJECTION, MATRIX
+from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import check_user_specified
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.basepreferenceset import is_pref_set
 from psyneulink.core.globals.preferences.preferenceset import PreferenceLevel
@@ -170,6 +171,7 @@ def _validate_mask_operation(self, mode):
     classPreferenceLevel = PreferenceLevel.TYPE
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
diff --git a/psyneulink/library/compositions/autodiffcomposition.py b/psyneulink/library/compositions/autodiffcomposition.py
index 81142b6f4f2..28b4e6cf81d 100644
--- a/psyneulink/library/compositions/autodiffcomposition.py
+++ b/psyneulink/library/compositions/autodiffcomposition.py
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@
 from psyneulink.core.globals.context import Context, ContextFlags, handle_external_context
 from psyneulink.core.globals.keywords import AUTODIFF_COMPOSITION, SOFT_CLAMP
 from psyneulink.core.scheduling.scheduler import Scheduler
-from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter
+from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter, check_user_specified
 from psyneulink.core.scheduling.time import TimeScale
 from psyneulink.core import llvm as pnlvm
@@ -222,6 +222,7 @@ class Parameters(Composition.Parameters):
         pytorch_representation = None
     # TODO (CW 9/28/18): add compositions to registry so default arg for name is no longer needed
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
diff --git a/psyneulink/library/compositions/gymforagercfa.py b/psyneulink/library/compositions/gymforagercfa.py
index 64250e035f6..e8b0e3f535b 100644
--- a/psyneulink/library/compositions/gymforagercfa.py
+++ b/psyneulink/library/compositions/gymforagercfa.py
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
 from psyneulink.library.compositions.regressioncfa import RegressionCFA
 from psyneulink.core.components.functions.nonstateful.learningfunctions import BayesGLM
 from psyneulink.core.globals.keywords import DEFAULT_VARIABLE
-from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter
+from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter, check_user_specified
 __all__ = ['GymForagerCFA']
@@ -108,6 +108,7 @@ class GymForagerCFA(RegressionCFA):
     class Parameters(RegressionCFA.Parameters):
         update_weights = Parameter(BayesGLM, stateful=False, loggable=False)
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
diff --git a/psyneulink/library/compositions/pytorchcomponents.py b/psyneulink/library/compositions/pytorchcomponents.py
index 27f72292951..43122730437 100644
--- a/psyneulink/library/compositions/pytorchcomponents.py
+++ b/psyneulink/library/compositions/pytorchcomponents.py
@@ -131,7 +131,9 @@ def _gen_llvm_execute_derivative_func(self, ctx, builder, state, params, arg_in)
                 self._mechanism.function, f_params_ptr, ctx, builder, mech_params, mech_state, mech_input)
         f_state = pnlvm.helpers.get_state_ptr(builder, self._mechanism, mech_state, "function")
-        output, _ = self._mechanism._gen_llvm_invoke_function(ctx, builder, self._mechanism.function, f_params, f_state, mech_input, tags=frozenset({"derivative"}))
+        output, _ = self._mechanism._gen_llvm_invoke_function(ctx, builder, self._mechanism.function,
+                                                              f_params, f_state, mech_input, None,
+                                                              tags=frozenset({"derivative"}))
         return builder.gep(output, [ctx.int32_ty(0),
diff --git a/psyneulink/library/compositions/regressioncfa.py b/psyneulink/library/compositions/regressioncfa.py
index 7682d9ecbba..5d1f3eef154 100644
--- a/psyneulink/library/compositions/regressioncfa.py
+++ b/psyneulink/library/compositions/regressioncfa.py
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
 from psyneulink.core.components.ports.port import _parse_port_spec
 from psyneulink.core.compositions.compositionfunctionapproximator import CompositionFunctionApproximator
 from psyneulink.core.globals.keywords import ALL, CONTROL_SIGNALS, DEFAULT_VARIABLE, VARIABLE
-from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter
+from psyneulink.core.globals.parameters import Parameter, check_user_specified
 from psyneulink.core.globals.utilities import get_deepcopy_with_shared, powerset, tensor_power
 __all__ = ['PREDICTION_TERMS', 'PV', 'RegressionCFA']
@@ -246,6 +246,7 @@ class Parameters(CompositionFunctionApproximator.Parameters):
         previous_state = None
         regression_weights = None
+    @check_user_specified
     def __init__(self,
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index 02d2dd607e5..302ecce50e9 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
-graph-scheduler>=0.2.0, <1.1.1
+graph-scheduler>=0.2.0, <1.1.2
-modeci_mdf>=0.3.2, <0.3.4
-numpy<1.21.4, >=1.17.0
+modeci_mdf>=0.3.4, <0.4.2
+numpy<1.21.7, >=1.17.0
-torch>=1.8.0, <2.0.0; (platform_machine == 'AMD64' or platform_machine == 'x86_64') and platform_python_implementation == 'CPython' and implementation_name == 'cpython'
+torch>=1.8.0, <1.12.0; (platform_machine == 'AMD64' or platform_machine == 'x86_64') and platform_python_implementation == 'CPython' and implementation_name == 'cpython'
 rich>=10.1, <10.13
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup.cfg b/setup.cfg
index 9bc862ce6b8..fbd3d06c3bb 100644
--- a/setup.cfg
+++ b/setup.cfg
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ markers =
 	cuda: Tests using LLVM runtime compiler and CUDA GPGPU backend
 	control: Tests including control mechanism and/or control projection
 	state_features: Tests for OptimizationControlMechanism state_features specifications
+	pathways: Tests for pathway arg of Composition constructor and node Roles
 	nested: Tests including nested compositions
 	function: Tests of Function classes
diff --git a/tests/components/test_general.py b/tests/components/test_general.py
index 762bf894a07..dd4c8f23de7 100644
--- a/tests/components/test_general.py
+++ b/tests/components/test_general.py
@@ -55,33 +55,12 @@ def test_function_parameters_stateless(class_):
-    'class_',
-    component_classes
-def test_parameters_user_specified(class_):
-    violators = set()
-    constructor_parameters = inspect.signature(class_.__init__).parameters
-    for name, param in constructor_parameters.items():
-        if (
-            param.kind in {
-                inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD,
-                inspect.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY
-            }
-            and name in class_.parameters.names()
-            and param.default is not inspect.Parameter.empty
-            and param.default is not None
-        ):
-            violators.add(name)
-    message = (
-        "If a value other than None is used as the default value in a class's"
-        + ' constructor/__init__, for an argument corresponding to a Parameter,'
-        + ' _user_specified will always be True. The default value should be'
-        + " specified in the class's Parameters inner class. Violators for"
-        + f' {class_.__name__}: {violators}'
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("class_", component_classes)
+def test_constructors_have_check_user_specified(class_):
+    assert "check_user_specified" in inspect.getsource(class_.__init__), (
+        f"The __init__ method of Component {class_.__name__} must be wrapped by"
+        f" check_user_specified in {pnl.core.globals.parameters.check_user_specified.__module__}"
-    assert violators == set(), message
diff --git a/tests/composition/test_autodiffcomposition.py b/tests/composition/test_autodiffcomposition.py
index 6eab099d8fc..2bc81653862 100644
--- a/tests/composition/test_autodiffcomposition.py
+++ b/tests/composition/test_autodiffcomposition.py
@@ -333,8 +333,14 @@ def test_optimizer_specs(self, learning_rate, weight_decay, optimizer_type, expe
                                                 "targets": {xor_out:xor_targets},
                                                 "epochs": 10}, execution_mode=autodiff_mode)
+        # fp32 results are different due to rounding
+        if pytest.helpers.llvm_current_fp_precision() == 'fp32' and \
+           autodiff_mode != pnl.ExecutionMode.Python and \
+           optimizer_type == 'sgd' and \
+           learning_rate == 10:
+            expected = [[[0.9918830394744873]], [[0.9982172846794128]], [[0.9978305697441101]], [[0.9994590878486633]]]
         # FIXME: LLVM version is broken with learning rate == 1.5
-        if learning_rate != 1.5 or autodiff_mode is pnl.ExecutionMode.Python:
+        if learning_rate != 1.5 or autodiff_mode == pnl.ExecutionMode.Python:
             assert np.allclose(results_before_proc, expected)
         if benchmark.enabled:
diff --git a/tests/composition/test_composition.py b/tests/composition/test_composition.py
index 1f06cce8a50..230af9f4c34 100644
--- a/tests/composition/test_composition.py
+++ b/tests/composition/test_composition.py
@@ -575,6 +575,7 @@ def test_unused_projections_warning(self):
         assert repr(warning[1].message.args[0]) == '"\\nThe following Projections were specified but are not being used by Nodes in \'COMP_2\':\\n\\tMappingProjection from A[OutputPort-0] to C[InputPort-0] (to \'C\' from \'A\')."'
 class TestPathway:
     def test_pathway_standalone_object(self):
@@ -616,7 +617,47 @@ def test_pathway_illegal_arg_error(self):
         assert "Illegal argument(s) used in constructor for Pathway: foo." in str(error_text.value)
-class TestCompositionPathwayAdditionMethods:
+class TestCompositionPathwayArgsAndAdditionMethods:
+    def test_add_pathways_with_all_types(self):
+        A = ProcessingMechanism(name='A')
+        B = ProcessingMechanism(name='B')
+        C = ProcessingMechanism(name='C')
+        D = ProcessingMechanism(name='D')
+        E = ProcessingMechanism(name='E')
+        X = ProcessingMechanism(name='X')
+        Y = ProcessingMechanism(name='Y')
+        F = ProcessingMechanism(name='F')
+        G = ProcessingMechanism(name='G')
+        H = ProcessingMechanism(name='H')
+        J = ProcessingMechanism(name='J')
+        K = ProcessingMechanism(name='K')
+        L = ProcessingMechanism(name='L')
+        M = ProcessingMechanism(name='M')
+        # FIX: 4/9/22 - ADD SET SPEC
+        p = Pathway(pathway=[L,M], name='P')
+        c = Composition()
+        c.add_pathways(pathways=[A,
+                                 [B,C],
+                                 (D,E),
+                                 {X,Y},
+                                 {'DICT PATHWAY': F},
+                                 ([G, H], BackPropagation),
+                                 {'LEARNING PATHWAY': ([J,K], Reinforcement)},
+                                 p])
+        assert len(c.pathways) == 8
+        assert isinstance(c.pathways[0].pathway, list) and len(c.pathways[0].pathway) == 1
+        assert isinstance(c.pathways[1].pathway, list) and len(c.pathways[1].pathway) == 3
+        assert isinstance(c.pathways[2].pathway, list) and len(c.pathways[2].pathway) == 3
+        assert isinstance(c.pathways[3].pathway[0], set) and len(c.pathways[3].pathway) == 1
+        assert c.pathways['P'].input == L
+        assert c.pathways['DICT PATHWAY'].input == F
+        assert c.pathways['DICT PATHWAY'].output == F
+        assert c.pathways['LEARNING PATHWAY'].output == K
+        assert [p for p in c.pathways if p.input == G][0].learning_function == BackPropagation
+        assert c.pathways['LEARNING PATHWAY'].learning_function == Reinforcement
     def test_pathway_attributes(self):
         c = Composition()
@@ -837,44 +878,148 @@ def test_add_td_learning_pathway_arg_pathway(self):
-    def test_add_pathways_with_all_types(self):
+    config = [
+        ('[A,{B,C}]', 's1'),                      # SEQUENTIAL A->{B,C})
+        ('[A,[B,C]]', 'p1'),                      # PARALLEL:  A, B->C
+        ('[{A},{B,C}]', 's1'),                    # SEQUENTIAL: A->{B,C}
+        ('[[A],{B,C}]', 'p2'),                    # PARALLEL: A, B, C
+        ('[[A,B],{C,D}]', 'p3'),                  # PARALLEL: A->B, C, D
+        ('[[A,B],C,D ]', 'p3'),                   # PARALLEL: A->B, C, D
+        ('[[A,B],[C,D]]', 'p5'),                  # PARALLEL: A->B, C->D
+        ('[{A,B}, MapProj(B,D), C, D]', 's2'),    # SEQUENTIAL: A, B->D, C->D
+        ('[{A,B}, [MapProj(B,D)], C, D]', 's2'),  # SEQUENTIAL: A, B->D, C->D
+        ('[{A,B}, {MapProj(B,D)}, C, D]', 's2'),  # SEQUENTIAL: A, B->D, C->D
+        ('[{A,B}, [[C,D]]]', 'p4'),               # PARALLEL: A, B, C->D (FORGIVES EMBEDDED LIST OF [C,D])
+        ('[[A,B], [[C,D]]]', 'p5'),               # PARALLEL: A->B, C->D (FORGIVES EMBEDDED LIST OF [C,D])
+        ('[[[A,B]], [[C,D]]]','p5'),              # PARALLEL: A->B, C->D (FORGIVES EMBEDDED LISTS OF [A, B] and [C,D])
+        ('[A, "B"]','e1'),                        # BAD ITEM ERROR
+        ('[[A,B, [C,D]],[E,F]]','e2'),            # EMBEDDED LIST ERROR
+        ('[{A,B}, [MapProj(B,D)], [C,D]]', 'e3')  # BAD ITEM ERROR, FIX: SHOULD ALLOW EMBEDDED PER ABOVE
+    ]
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize('config', config, ids=[x[0] for x in config])
+    def test_various_pathway_configurations_in_constructor(self, config):
+        """Test combinations of sets and lists in pathways specification of Composition constructor
+        Principles:
+          if outer list (pathways spec) contains:
+          - single item or only sets, treat single (sequential) pathway
+          - one or more lists within it, treat all items as a separate (parallel) pathways
+          - one or more lists each with a single list within it ([[[A,B]],[[C,D]]]}), each is treated as a pathway
+          - any list with more than a single list within it ([[[A,B],[C,D]}), an error is generated
+          - any bad items (strings, misplaced items), an error is generated
+        """
         A = ProcessingMechanism(name='A')
         B = ProcessingMechanism(name='B')
+        # B_comparator = ComparatorMechanism(name='B COMPARATOR')
         C = ProcessingMechanism(name='C')
         D = ProcessingMechanism(name='D')
         E = ProcessingMechanism(name='E')
         F = ProcessingMechanism(name='F')
-        G = ProcessingMechanism(name='G')
-        H = ProcessingMechanism(name='H')
-        J = ProcessingMechanism(name='J')
-        K = ProcessingMechanism(name='K')
-        L = ProcessingMechanism(name='L')
-        M = ProcessingMechanism(name='M')
-        p = Pathway(pathway=[L,M], name='P')
-        c = Composition()
-        c.add_pathways(pathways=[A,
-                                 [B,C],
-                                 (D,E),
-                                 {'DICT PATHWAY': F},
-                                 ([G, H], BackPropagation),
-                                 {'LEARNING PATHWAY': ([J,K], Reinforcement)},
-                                 p])
-        assert len(c.pathways) == 7
-        assert c.pathways['P'].input == L
-        assert c.pathways['DICT PATHWAY'].input == F
-        assert c.pathways['DICT PATHWAY'].output == F
-        assert c.pathways['LEARNING PATHWAY'].output == K
-        [p for p in c.pathways if p.input == G][0].learning_function == BackPropagation
-        assert c.pathways['LEARNING PATHWAY'].learning_function == Reinforcement
+        # LEGAL:
+        if config[0] == '[A,{B,C}]':                 # SEQUENTIAL A->{B,C}) (s1)
+            comp = Composition([A,{B,C}])
+        elif config[0] == '[A,[B,C]]':               # PARALLEL:  A, B->C (p1)
+            comp = Composition([A,[B,C]])
+        elif config[0] == '[{A},{B,C}]':             # SEQUENTIAL: A->{B,C} (s1)
+            comp = Composition([{A},{B,C}])
+        elif config[0] == '[[A],{B,C}]':             # PARALLEL: A, B, C (p2)
+            comp = Composition([[A],{B,C}])
+        elif config[0] == '[[A,B],{C,D}]':           # PARALLEL: A->B, C, D (p3)
+            comp = Composition([[A,B],{C,D}])
+        elif config[0] == '[[A,B],C,D ]':            # PARALLEL: A->B, C, D (p3)
+            comp = Composition([[A,B],C,D ])
+        elif config[0] == '[[A,B],[C,D]]':           # PARALLEL: A->B, C->D {p5)
+            comp = Composition([[A,B],[C,D]])
+        elif config[0] == '[{A,B}, MapProj(B,D), C, D]':                   # SEQUENTIAL: A, B->D, C->D (s2)
+            comp = Composition([{A,B}, MappingProjection(B,D), C, D])
+        elif config[0] == '[{A,B}, [MapProj(B,D)], C, D]':                 # SEQUENTIAL: A, B->D, C->D (s2)
+            comp = Composition([{A,B}, [MappingProjection(B,D)], C, D])
+        elif config[0] == '[{A,B}, {MapProj(B,D)}, C, D]':                 # SEQUENTIAL: A, B->D, C->D (s2)
+            comp = Composition([{A,B}, {MappingProjection(B,D)}, C, D])
+        elif config[0] == '[{A,B}, [[C,D]]]':        # PARALLEL: A, B, C->D (FORGIVES EMBEDDED LIST [C,D]) (p4)
+            comp = Composition([{A,B}, [[C,D]]])
+        elif config[0] == '[[A,B], [[C,D]]]':        # PARALLEL: A->B, C->D (SINGLE EMBEDDED LIST OK [C,D])  (p5)
+            comp = Composition([[A,B], [[C,D]]])
+        elif config[0] == '[[[A,B]], [[C,D]]]':      # PARALLEL: A->B, C->D (FORGIVES EMBEDDED LISTS [A,B] & [C,D]) (p5)
+            comp = Composition([[[A,B]], [[C,D]]])
+        # ERRORS:
+        elif config[0] == '[A, "B"]':                                      # BAD ITEM ERROR (e1)
+            with pytest.raises(CompositionError) as error_text:
+                comp = Composition([A, "B"])
+            assert f"Every item in the 'pathways' arg of the constructor for Composition-0 must be " \
+                   f"a Node, list, set, tuple or dict; the following are not: 'B'" in str(error_text.value)
+        elif config[0] == '[[A,B, [C,D]],[E,F]]':                          # EMBEDDED LIST ERROR (e2)
+            with pytest.raises(CompositionError) as error_text:
+                comp = Composition([[A,B, [C,D]],[E,F]])
+            assert f"The following entries in a pathway specified for \'Composition-0\' are not " \
+                   f"a Node (Mechanism or Composition) or a Projection nor a set of either: " \
+                   f"[(ProcessingMechanism C), (ProcessingMechanism D)]" in str(error_text.value)
+        elif config[0] == '[{A,B}, [MapProj(B,D)], [C,D]]':                # BAD ITEM ERROR (e3)
+            with pytest.raises(CompositionError) as error_text:
+                comp = Composition([{A,B}, [MappingProjection(B,D)], [C,D]])
+            assert f"Every item in the 'pathways' arg of the constructor for Composition-0 must be " \
+                   f"a Node, list, set, tuple or dict; the following are not: " \
+                   f"(MappingProjection MappingProjection from B[OutputPort-0] to D[InputPort-0])" \
+                   in str(error_text.value)
+        else:
+            assert False, f"BAD CONFIG ARG: {config}"
+        # Tests:
+        if config[1] == 's1':
+            assert len(A.efferents) == 2
+            assert all(len(receiver.path_afferents) == 1 for receiver in {B,C})
+            assert all(receiver in [p.receiver.owner for p in A.efferents] for receiver in {B,C})
+            assert [A] == comp.get_nodes_by_role(NodeRole.INPUT)
+            assert all(node in comp.get_nodes_by_role(NodeRole.OUTPUT) for node in {B,C})
+        if config[1] == 's2':
+            assert all(len(sender.efferents) == 1 for sender in {B,C})
+            assert len(D.path_afferents) == 2
+            assert all(D in [p.receiver.owner for p in receiver.efferents] for receiver in {B,C})
+            assert [A] == comp.get_nodes_by_role(NodeRole.SINGLETON)
+            assert all(node in comp.get_nodes_by_role(NodeRole.INPUT) for node in {B,C})
+            assert all(node in comp.get_nodes_by_role(NodeRole.OUTPUT) for node in {A,D})
+        if config[1] == 'p1':
+            assert len(B.efferents) == 1
+            assert len(C.path_afferents) == 1
+            assert B.efferents[0].receiver.owner == C
+            assert [A] == comp.get_nodes_by_role(NodeRole.SINGLETON)
+            assert all(node in comp.get_nodes_by_role(NodeRole.INPUT) for node in {A,B})
+            assert all(node in comp.get_nodes_by_role(NodeRole.OUTPUT) for node in {A,C})
+        if config[1] == 'p2':
+            assert all(node in comp.get_nodes_by_role(NodeRole.SINGLETON) for node in {A,B,C})
+        if config[1] == 'p3':
+            assert len(A.efferents) == 1
+            assert len(B.path_afferents) == 1
+            assert A.efferents[0].receiver.owner == B
+            assert all(node in comp.get_nodes_by_role(NodeRole.SINGLETON) for node in {C,D})
+        if config[1] == 'p4':
+            assert len(C.efferents) == 1
+            assert len(D.path_afferents) == 1
+            assert C.efferents[0].receiver.owner == D
+            assert all(node in comp.get_nodes_by_role(NodeRole.SINGLETON) for node in {A,B})
+            assert all(node in comp.get_nodes_by_role(NodeRole.INPUT) for node in {A,B,C})
+            assert all(node in comp.get_nodes_by_role(NodeRole.OUTPUT) for node in {A,D})
+        if config[1] == 'p5':
+            assert len(A.efferents) == 1
+            assert len(B.path_afferents) == 1
+            assert A.efferents[0].receiver.owner == B
+            assert len(C.efferents) == 1
+            assert len(D.path_afferents) == 1
+            assert C.efferents[0].receiver.owner == D
+            assert all(node in comp.get_nodes_by_role(NodeRole.INPUT) for node in {A,C})
+            assert all(node in comp.get_nodes_by_role(NodeRole.OUTPUT) for node in {B,D})
     def test_add_pathways_bad_arg_error(self):
         I = InputPort(name='I')
         c = Composition()
         with pytest.raises(pnl.CompositionError) as error_text:
-        assert ("The \'pathways\' arg for the add_pathways method" in str(error_text.value)
-                and "must be a Node, list, tuple, dict or Pathway object" in str(error_text.value))
+        assert f"The 'pathways' arg for the add_pathways method of Composition-0 must be a " \
+               f"Node, list, set, tuple, dict or Pathway object: (InputPort I [Deferred Init])." \
+               in str(error_text.value)
     def test_add_pathways_arg_pathways_list_and_item_not_list_or_dict_or_node_error(self):
         A = ProcessingMechanism(name='A')
@@ -882,8 +1027,8 @@ def test_add_pathways_arg_pathways_list_and_item_not_list_or_dict_or_node_error(
         c = Composition()
         with pytest.raises(pnl.CompositionError) as error_text:
             c.add_pathways(pathways=[[A,B], 'C'])
-        assert ("Every item in the \'pathways\' arg for the add_pathways method" in str(error_text.value)
-                and "must be a Node, list, tuple or dict:" in str(error_text.value))
+        assert f"Every item in the 'pathways' arg for the add_pathways method of Composition-0 must be a " \
+              f"Node, list, set, tuple or dict; the following are not: 'C'" in str(error_text.value)
     def test_for_add_processing_pathway_recursion_error(self):
         A = TransferMechanism()
@@ -902,6 +1047,7 @@ def test_for_add_learning_pathway_recursion_error(self):
                f"add_backpropagation_learning_pathway method of {C.name}." in str(error_text.value)
 class TestDuplicatePathwayWarnings:
     def test_add_processing_pathway_exact_duplicate_warning(self):
@@ -936,9 +1082,10 @@ def test_add_processing_pathway_subset_duplicate_warning(self):
         regexp = "Pathway specified in 'pathway' arg for add_linear_procesing_pathway method .*"\
-                f"has same Nodes in same order as one already in {comp.name}"
+                 f"has same Nodes in same order as one already in {comp.name}"
         with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match=regexp):
+            assert True
     def test_add_backpropagation_pathway_exact_duplicate_warning(self):
         A = TransferMechanism()
@@ -996,6 +1143,7 @@ def test_add_processing_pathway_same_nodes_but_reversed_order_is_OK(self):
 class TestCompositionPathwaysArg:
     def test_composition_pathways_arg_pathway_object(self):
@@ -1042,6 +1190,202 @@ def test_composition_pathways_arg_mech(self):
+    def test_composition_pathways_arg_set(self):
+        A = ProcessingMechanism(name='A')
+        B = ProcessingMechanism(name='B')
+        C = ProcessingMechanism(name='C')
+        c = Composition({A,B,C})
+        # # MODIFIED 4/11/22 OLD:
+        # # assert all(name in c.pathways.names for name in {'Pathway-0', 'Pathway-1', 'Pathway-2'})
+        # MODIFIED 4/11/22 NEW:
+        assert all(name in c.pathways.names for name in {'Pathway-0'})
+        # MODIFIED 4/11/22 END
+        assert all(set(c.get_roles_by_node(node)) == {NodeRole.INPUT,
+                                                      NodeRole.ORIGIN,
+                                                      NodeRole.SINGLETON,
+                                                      NodeRole.OUTPUT,
+                                                      NodeRole.TERMINAL}
+                   for node in {A,B,C})
+        # assert all(set(c.pathways[i].roles) == {PathwayRole.INPUT,
+        #                                     PathwayRole.ORIGIN,
+        #                                     PathwayRole.SINGLETON,
+        #                                     PathwayRole.OUTPUT,
+        #                                     PathwayRole.TERMINAL}
+        #            for i in range(0,1))
+        with pytest.raises(CompositionError) as err:
+            d = Composition({A,B,C.input_port})
+        assert f"Every item in the \'pathways\' arg of the constructor for Composition-1 must be " \
+               f"a Node, list, set, tuple or dict; the following are not: (InputPort InputPort-0)" in str(err.value)
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("nodes_config", [
+        "many_many",
+        "many_one_many",
+    ])
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("projs", [
+        "none",
+        "default_proj",
+        "matrix_spec",
+        "some_projs_no_default",
+        "some_projs_and_matrix_spec",
+        "some_projs_and_default_proj"
+    ])
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("set_or_list", [
+        "set",
+        "list"
+    ])
+    def test_composition_pathways_arg_with_various_set_or_list_configurations(self, nodes_config, projs, set_or_list):
+        import itertools
+        A = ProcessingMechanism(name='A')
+        B = ProcessingMechanism(name='B')
+        # FIX: 4/9/22 - INCLUDE TWO PORT MECHANISM:
+        # B_comparator = ComparatorMechanism(name='B COMPARATOR')
+        C = ProcessingMechanism(name='C')
+        D = ProcessingMechanism(name='D')
+        E = ProcessingMechanism(name='E')
+        F = ProcessingMechanism(name='F')
+        M = ProcessingMechanism(name='M')
+        # C = A.input_port
+        # proj = MappingProjection(sender=A, receiver=B)
+        default_proj = MappingProjection(matrix=[2])
+        default_matrix = [1]
+        # For many_many:
+        A_D = MappingProjection(sender=A, receiver=D, matrix=[2])
+        B_D = MappingProjection(sender=B, receiver=D, matrix=[3])
+        B_E = MappingProjection(sender=B, receiver=E, matrix=[4])
+        C_E = MappingProjection(sender=C, receiver=E, matrix=[5])
+        # For many_one_many:
+        A_M = MappingProjection(sender=A, receiver=M, matrix=[6])
+        C_M = MappingProjection(sender=C, receiver=M, matrix=[7])
+        M_D = MappingProjection(sender=M, receiver=D, matrix=[8])
+        M_F = MappingProjection(sender=M, receiver=F, matrix=[9])
+        B_M = MappingProjection(sender=B, receiver=M, matrix=[100])
+        nodes_1 = {A,B,C}
+        nodes_2 = {D,E,F}
+        # FIX: 4/9/22 - MODIFY TO INCLUDE many to first (set->list) and last to many(list->set)
+        # FIX: 4/9/22 - INCLUDE PORT SPECS:
+        # nodes_1 = {A.output_port,B,C} if set_or_list == 'set' else [A.output_port,B,C]
+        # nodes_2 = {D,E,F.input_port} if set_or_list == 'set' else [D,E,F.input_port]
+        if projs != "none":
+            if nodes_config == "many_many":
+                projections = {
+                    "default_proj": default_proj,
+                    "matrix_spec": [10],
+                    "some_projs_no_default": {A_D, B_E} if set_or_list == 'set' else [A_D, B_E],
+                    "some_projs_and_matrix_spec":  [A_D, C_E, default_matrix], # matrix spec requires list
+                    "some_projs_and_default_proj":
+                        {B_D, B_E, default_proj} if set_or_list == 'set' else [B_D, B_E, default_proj]
+                }
+            elif nodes_config == "many_one_many":
+                # Tuples with first item for nodes_1 -> M and second item M -> nodes_2
+                projections = {
+                    "default_proj": (default_proj, default_proj),
+                    "matrix_spec": ([11], [12]),
+                    "some_projs_no_default":
+                        ({A_M, C_M}, {M_D, M_F}) if set_or_list == 'set' else ([A_M, C_M], [M_D, M_F]),
+                    "some_projs_and_matrix_spec":  ([A_M, C_M, default_matrix],
+                                              [M_D, M_F, default_matrix]),  # matrix spec requires list
+                    "some_projs_and_default_proj":
+                        ({A_M, C_M, default_proj}, {M_D, M_F, default_proj})
+                        if set_or_list == 'set' else ([A_M, C_M, default_proj], [M_D, M_F, default_proj])
+                }
+            else:
+                assert False, f"TEST ERROR: No handling for '{nodes_config}' condition."
+        if projs in {'default_proj', 'some_projs_and_default_proj'}:
+            matrix_val = default_proj._init_args['matrix']
+        elif projs == 'matrix_spec':
+            matrix_val = projections[projs]
+        elif projs == "some_projs_and_matrix_spec":
+            matrix_val = default_matrix
+        if nodes_config == "many_many":
+            if projs == 'none':
+                comp = Composition([nodes_1, nodes_2])
+                matrix_val = default_matrix
+            else:
+                comp = Composition([nodes_1, projections[projs], nodes_2])
+            if projs == "some_projs_no_default":
+                assert A_D in comp.projections
+                assert B_E in comp.projections
+                # Pre-specified Projections that were not included in pathways should not be in Composition:
+                assert B_D not in comp.projections
+                assert C_E not in comp.projections
+                assert C in comp.get_nodes_by_role(NodeRole.SINGLETON)
+                assert F in comp.get_nodes_by_role(NodeRole.SINGLETON)
+            else:
+                # If there is no Projection specification or a default one, then there should be all-to-all Projections
+                # Each sender projects to all three 3 receivers
+                assert all(len([p for p in node.efferents if p in comp.projections])==3 for node in {A,B,C})
+                # Each receiver gets Projections from all 3 senders
+                assert all(len([p for p in node.path_afferents if p in comp.projections])==3 for node in {D,E,F})
+                for sender,receiver in itertools.product([A,B,C],[D,E,F]):
+                    # Each sender projects to each of the receivers
+                    assert sender in {p.sender.owner for p in receiver.path_afferents if p in comp.projections}
+                    # Each receiver receives a Projection from each of the senders
+                    assert receiver in {p.receiver.owner for p in sender.efferents if p in comp.projections}
+                # Matrices for pre-specified Projections should preserve their specified value:
+                A_D.parameters.matrix.get() == [2]
+                B_D.parameters.matrix.get() == [3]
+                B_E.parameters.matrix.get() == [4]
+                C_E.parameters.matrix.get() == [5]
+                # Matrices for pairs without pre-specified Projections should be assigned value of default
+                assert [p.parameters.matrix.get() for p in A.efferents if p.receiver.owner.name == 'E'] == matrix_val
+                assert [p.parameters.matrix.get() for p in A.efferents if p.receiver.owner.name == 'F'] == matrix_val
+                assert [p.parameters.matrix.get() for p in B.efferents if p.receiver.owner.name == 'F'] == matrix_val
+                assert [p.parameters.matrix.get() for p in C.efferents if p.receiver.owner.name == 'D'] == matrix_val
+                assert [p.parameters.matrix.get() for p in C.efferents if p.receiver.owner.name == 'F'] == matrix_val
+        elif nodes_config == 'many_one_many':
+            if projs == 'none':
+                comp = Composition([nodes_1, M, nodes_2])
+                matrix_val = default_matrix
+            else:
+                comp = Composition([nodes_1, projections[projs][0], M, projections[projs][1], nodes_2])
+                if projs == 'matrix_spec':
+                    matrix_val = projections[projs][1]
+            if projs == "some_projs_no_default":
+                assert all(p in comp.projections for p in {A_M, C_M, M_D, M_F})
+                # Pre-specified Projections that were not included in pathways should not be in Composition:
+                assert B_M not in comp.projections
+                assert B in comp.get_nodes_by_role(NodeRole.SINGLETON)
+                assert E in comp.get_nodes_by_role(NodeRole.SINGLETON)
+            else:
+                # Each sender projects to just one receiver
+                assert all(len([p for p in node.efferents if p in comp.projections])==1 for node in {A,B,C})
+                # Each receiver receives from just one sender
+                assert all(len([p for p in node.path_afferents if p in comp.projections])==1 for node in {D,E,F})
+                for sender,receiver in itertools.product([A,B,C],[M]):
+                    # Each sender projects to M:
+                    assert sender in {p.sender.owner for p in receiver.path_afferents if p in comp.projections}
+                    # Each receiver receives from M:
+                    assert receiver in {p.receiver.owner for p in sender.efferents if p in comp.projections}
+                # Matrices for pre-specified Projections should preserve their specified value:
+                A_M.parameters.matrix.get() == [6]
+                C_M.parameters.matrix.get() == [7]
+                M_D.parameters.matrix.get() == [8]
+                M_F.parameters.matrix.get() == [9]
+                # Matrices for pairs without pre-specified Projections should be assigned value of default
+                assert [p.parameters.matrix.get() for p in B.efferents if p.receiver.owner.name == 'M'] == [100]
+                assert [p.parameters.matrix.get() for p in M.efferents if p.receiver.owner.name == 'E'] == matrix_val
+        else:
+            assert False, f"TEST ERROR: No handling for '{nodes_config}' condition."
+    def test_pathways_examples(self):
+        pass
     def test_composition_pathways_arg_dict_and_list_and_pathway_roles(self):
         A = ProcessingMechanism(name='A')
         B = ProcessingMechanism(name='B')
@@ -1107,8 +1451,8 @@ def test_composition_pathways_arg_pathways_list_and_item_not_list_or_dict_or_nod
         B = ProcessingMechanism(name='B')
         with pytest.raises(pnl.CompositionError) as error_text:
             c = Composition(pathways=[[A,B], 'C'])
-        assert ("Every item in the \'pathways\' arg of the constructor" in str(error_text.value) and
-                "must be a Node, list, tuple or dict:" in str(error_text.value))
+        assert ("Every item in the 'pathways' arg of the constructor for Composition-0 must be "
+                "a Node, list, set, tuple or dict; the following are not: 'C'" in str(error_text.value))
     def test_composition_pathways_arg_pathways_dict_and_item_not_list_dict_or_node_error(self):
         A = ProcessingMechanism(name='A')
@@ -1117,8 +1461,8 @@ def test_composition_pathways_arg_pathways_dict_and_item_not_list_dict_or_node_e
         D = ProcessingMechanism(name='D')
         with pytest.raises(pnl.CompositionError) as error_text:
             c = Composition(pathways=[{'P1':[A,B]}, 'C'])
-        assert ("Every item in the \'pathways\' arg of the constructor" in str(error_text.value) and
-                "must be a Node, list, tuple or dict:" in str(error_text.value))
+        assert ("Every item in the 'pathways' arg of the constructor for Composition-0 must be "
+                "a Node, list, set, tuple or dict; the following are not: 'C'" in str(error_text.value))
     def test_composition_pathways_arg_dict_with_more_than_one_entry_error(self):
         A = ProcessingMechanism(name='A')
@@ -1212,16 +1556,17 @@ def test_composition_pathways_bad_arg_error(self):
         I = InputPort(name='I')
         with pytest.raises(pnl.CompositionError) as error_text:
             c = Composition(pathways=I)
-        assert ("The \'pathways\' arg of the constructor" in str(error_text.value) and
-                "must be a Node, list, tuple, dict or Pathway object" in str(error_text.value))
+        assert ("The 'pathways' arg of the constructor for Composition-0 must be a Node, list, "
+                "set, tuple, dict or Pathway object: (InputPort I [Deferred Init])."
+                in str(error_text.value))
     def test_composition_arg_pathways_list_and_item_not_list_or_dict_or_node_error(self):
         A = ProcessingMechanism(name='A')
         B = ProcessingMechanism(name='B')
         with pytest.raises(pnl.CompositionError) as error_text:
             c = Composition(pathways=[[A,B], 'C'])
-        assert ("Every item in the \'pathways\' arg of the constructor" in str(error_text.value) and
-                "must be a Node, list, tuple or dict:" in str(error_text.value))
+        assert ("Every item in the 'pathways' arg of the constructor for Composition-0 must be a "
+                "Node, list, set, tuple or dict; the following are not: 'C'" in str(error_text.value))
     def test_composition_learning_pathway_dict_and_list_error(self):
         A = ProcessingMechanism(name='A')
@@ -1695,7 +2040,7 @@ def test_recurrent_transfer_mechanisms(self):
         output = comp.run(inputs={R1: [1.0]}, num_trials=3)
         assert np.allclose(output, [[np.array([22.])]])
 class TestExecutionOrder:
     def test_2_node_loop(self):
         A = ProcessingMechanism(name="A")
@@ -2406,7 +2751,7 @@ def test_exact_time(self):
         assert comp.scheduler.execution_list[comp.default_execution_id] == [{A, B}]
         assert comp.scheduler.execution_timestamps[comp.default_execution_id][0].absolute == 1 * pnl._unit_registry.ms
 class TestGetMechanismsByRole:
     def test_multiple_roles(self):
@@ -3283,8 +3628,9 @@ def test_lpp_invalid_matrix_keyword(self):
         with pytest.raises(CompositionError) as error_text:
         # Typo in IdentityMatrix
             comp.add_linear_processing_pathway([A, "IdntityMatrix", B])
-        assert ("An entry in \'pathway\' arg for add_linear_procesing_pathway method" in str(error_text.value) and
-                "is not a Node (Mechanism or Composition) or a Projection: \'IdntityMatrix\'." in str(error_text.value))
+        assert (f"The following entries in a pathway specified for 'Composition-0' are not a Node "
+                f"(Mechanism or Composition) or a Projection nor a set of either: 'IdntityMatrix'"
+                in str(error_text.value))
     def test_LPP_two_origins_one_terminal(self, comp_mode):
@@ -4585,153 +4931,7 @@ def test_combine_two_overlapping_trees(self):
         assert len(terminals) == 1
         assert myMech5 in terminals
-    # def test_one_pathway_inside_one_system(self):
-    #     # create a PathwayComposition | blank slate for composition
-    #     myPath = PathwayComposition()
-    #
-    #     # create mechanisms to add to myPath
-    #     myMech1 = TransferMechanism(function=Linear(slope=2.0))  # 1 x 2 = 2
-    #     myMech2 = TransferMechanism(function=Linear(slope=2.0))  # 2 x 2 = 4
-    #     myMech3 = TransferMechanism(function=Linear(slope=2.0))  # 4 x 2 = 8
-    #
-    #     # add mechanisms to myPath with default MappingProjections between them
-    #     myPath.add_linear_processing_pathway([myMech1, myMech2, myMech3])
-    #
-    #     # assign input to origin mech
-    #     stimulus = {myMech1: [[1]]}
-    #
-    #     # execute path (just for comparison)
-    #     myPath.run(inputs=stimulus)
-    #
-    #     # create a SystemComposition | blank slate for composition
-    #     sys = SystemComposition()
-    #
-    #     # add a PathwayComposition [myPath] to the SystemComposition [sys]
-    #     sys.add_pathway(myPath)
-    #
-    #     # execute the SystemComposition
-    #     output = sys.run(inputs=stimulus)
-    #     assert np.allclose([8], output)
-    #
-    # def test_two_paths_converge_one_system(self):
-    #
-    #     # mech1 ---> mech2 --
-    #     #                   --> mech3
-    #     # mech4 ---> mech5 --
-    #
-    #     # 1x2=2 ---> 2x2=4 --
-    #     #                   --> (4+4)x2=16
-    #     # 1x2=2 ---> 2x2=4 --
-    #
-    #     # create a PathwayComposition | blank slate for composition
-    #     myPath = PathwayComposition()
-    #
-    #     # create mechanisms to add to myPath
-    #     myMech1 = TransferMechanism(function=Linear(slope=2.0))  # 1 x 2 = 2
-    #     myMech2 = TransferMechanism(function=Linear(slope=2.0))  # 2 x 2 = 4
-    #     myMech3 = TransferMechanism(function=Linear(slope=2.0))  # 4 x 2 = 8
-    #
-    #     # add mechanisms to myPath with default MappingProjections between them
-    #     myPath.add_linear_processing_pathway([myMech1, myMech2, myMech3])
-    #
-    #     myPath2 = PathwayComposition()
-    #     myMech4 = TransferMechanism(function=Linear(slope=2.0))  # 1 x 2 = 2
-    #     myMech5 = TransferMechanism(function=Linear(slope=2.0))  # 2 x 2 = 4
-    #     myPath2.add_linear_processing_pathway([myMech4, myMech5, myMech3])
-    #
-    #     sys = SystemComposition()
-    #     sys.add_pathway(myPath)
-    #     sys.add_pathway(myPath2)
-    #     # assign input to origin mechs
-    #     stimulus = {myMech1: [[1]], myMech4: [[1]]}
-    #
-    #     # schedule = Scheduler(composition=sys)
-    #     output = sys.run(inputs=stimulus)
-    #     assert np.allclose(16, output)
-    #
-    # def test_two_paths_in_series_one_system(self):
-    #
-    #     # [ mech1 --> mech2 --> mech3 ] -->   [ mech4  -->  mech5  -->  mech6 ]
-    #     #   1x2=2 --> 2x2=4 --> 4x2=8   --> (8+1)x2=18 --> 18x2=36 --> 36*2=64
-    #     #                                X
-    #     #                                |
-    #     #                                1
-    #     # (if mech4 were recognized as an origin mech, and used SOFT_CLAMP, we would expect the final result to be 72)
-    #     # create a PathwayComposition | blank slate for composition
-    #     myPath = PathwayComposition()
-    #
-    #     # create mechanisms to add to myPath
-    #     myMech1 = TransferMechanism(function=Linear(slope=2.0))  # 1 x 2 = 2
-    #     myMech2 = TransferMechanism(function=Linear(slope=2.0))  # 2 x 2 = 4
-    #     myMech3 = TransferMechanism(function=Linear(slope=2.0))  # 4 x 2 = 8
-    #
-    #     # add mechanisms to myPath with default MappingProjections between them
-    #     myPath.add_linear_processing_pathway([myMech1, myMech2, myMech3])
-    #
-    #     myPath2 = PathwayComposition()
-    #     myMech4 = TransferMechanism(function=Linear(slope=2.0))
-    #     myMech5 = TransferMechanism(function=Linear(slope=2.0))
-    #     myMech6 = TransferMechanism(function=Linear(slope=2.0))
-    #     myPath2.add_linear_processing_pathway([myMech4, myMech5, myMech6])
-    #
-    #     sys = SystemComposition()
-    #     sys.add_pathway(myPath)
-    #     sys.add_pathway(myPath2)
-    #     sys.add_projection(projection=MappingProjection(sender=myMech3,
-    #                                                     receiver=myMech4), sender=myMech3, receiver=myMech4)
-    #
-    #     # assign input to origin mechs
-    #     # myMech4 ignores its input from the outside world because it is no longer considered an origin!
-    #     stimulus = {myMech1: [[1]]}
-    #
-    #     # schedule = Scheduler(composition=sys)
-    #     output = sys.run(inputs=stimulus)
-    #
-    #     assert np.allclose([64], output)
-    #
-    # def test_two_paths_converge_one_system_scheduling_matters(self):
-    #
-    #     # mech1 ---> mech2 --
-    #     #                   --> mech3
-    #     # mech4 ---> mech5 --
-    #
-    #     # 1x2=2 ---> 2x2=4 --
-    #     #                   --> (4+4)x2=16
-    #     # 1x2=2 ---> 2x2=4 --
-    #
-    #     # create a PathwayComposition | blank slate for composition
-    #     myPath = PathwayComposition()
-    #
-    #     # create mechanisms to add to myPath
-    #     myMech1 = IntegratorMechanism(function=Linear(slope=2.0))  # 1 x 2 = 2
-    #     myMech2 = TransferMechanism(function=Linear(slope=2.0))  # 2 x 2 = 4
-    #     myMech3 = TransferMechanism(function=Linear(slope=2.0))  # 4 x 2 = 8
-    #
-    #     # add mechanisms to myPath with default MappingProjections between them
-    #     myPath.add_linear_processing_pathway([myMech1, myMech2, myMech3])
-    #
-    #     myPathScheduler = Scheduler(composition=myPath)
-    #     myPathScheduler.add_condition(myMech2, AfterNCalls(myMech1, 2))
-    #
-    #     myPath.run(inputs={myMech1: [[1]]}, scheduler=myPathScheduler)
-    #     myPath.run(inputs={myMech1: [[1]]}, scheduler=myPathScheduler)
-    #     myPath2 = PathwayComposition()
-    #     myMech4 = TransferMechanism(function=Linear(slope=2.0))  # 1 x 2 = 2
-    #     myMech5 = TransferMechanism(function=Linear(slope=2.0))  # 2 x 2 = 4
-    #     myPath2.add_linear_processing_pathway([myMech4, myMech5, myMech3])
-    #
-    #     sys = SystemComposition()
-    #     sys.add_pathway(myPath)
-    #     sys.add_pathway(myPath2)
-    #     # assign input to origin mechs
-    #     stimulus = {myMech1: [[1]], myMech4: [[1]]}
-    #
-    #     # schedule = Scheduler(composition=sys)
-    #     output = sys.run(inputs=stimulus)
-    #     assert np.allclose(16, output)
-    # MODIFIED 5/8/20 END
+    @pytest.mark.pathways
     def test_three_level_deep_pathway_routing_single_mech(self):
         p2 = ProcessingMechanism(name='p2')
         p0 = ProcessingMechanism(name='p0')
@@ -4744,6 +4944,7 @@ def test_three_level_deep_pathway_routing_single_mech(self):
         result = c0.run([5])
         assert result == [5]
+    @pytest.mark.pathways
     def test_three_level_deep_pathway_routing_two_mech(self):
         p3a = ProcessingMechanism(name='p3a')
         p3b = ProcessingMechanism(name='p3b')
@@ -4759,6 +4960,7 @@ def test_three_level_deep_pathway_routing_two_mech(self):
         result = c1.run([5])
         assert result == [5, 5]
+    @pytest.mark.pathways
     def test_three_level_deep_modulation_routing_single_mech(self):
         p3 = ProcessingMechanism(name='p3')
         ctrl1 = ControlMechanism(name='ctrl1',
@@ -4771,6 +4973,7 @@ def test_three_level_deep_modulation_routing_single_mech(self):
         result = c1.run({c2: 2, ctrl1: 5})
         assert result == [10]
+    @pytest.mark.pathways
     def test_three_level_deep_modulation_routing_two_mech(self):
         p3a = ProcessingMechanism(name='p3a')
         p3b = ProcessingMechanism(name='p3b')
@@ -4787,6 +4990,7 @@ def test_three_level_deep_modulation_routing_two_mech(self):
         result = c1.run({c2: [[2], [2]], ctrl1: [5]})
         assert result == [10, 10]
+    @pytest.mark.pathways
     def test_four_level_nested_transfer_mechanism_composition_parallel(self):
         # mechanisms
@@ -7147,6 +7351,31 @@ def test_controller_role(self):
         assert comp.get_nodes_by_role(NodeRole.CONTROLLER) == [comp.controller]
         assert comp.nodes_to_roles[comp.controller] == {NodeRole.CONTROLLER}
+    def test_inactive_terminal_projection(self):
+        A = pnl.ProcessingMechanism(name='A')
+        B = pnl.ProcessingMechanism(name='B')
+        C = pnl.ProcessingMechanism(name='C')
+        D = pnl.ProcessingMechanism(name='D')
+        pnl.MappingProjection(sender=A, receiver=D)
+        comp = pnl.Composition([[A],[B,C]])
+        assert comp.nodes_to_roles[A] == {NodeRole.INPUT, NodeRole.OUTPUT, NodeRole.SINGLETON, NodeRole.ORIGIN, NodeRole.TERMINAL}
+    def test_feedback_projection_added_by_pathway(self):
+        A = pnl.ProcessingMechanism(name='A')
+        B = pnl.ProcessingMechanism(name='B')
+        C = pnl.ProcessingMechanism(name='C')
+        icomp = pnl.Composition(pathways=[C])
+        ocomp = pnl.Composition(pathways=[A, icomp, (B, pnl.NodeRole.FEEDBACK_SENDER), A])
+        assert ocomp.nodes_to_roles == {
+            A: {NodeRole.ORIGIN, NodeRole.INPUT, NodeRole.FEEDBACK_RECEIVER},
+            icomp: {NodeRole.INTERNAL},
+            B: {NodeRole.TERMINAL, NodeRole.OUTPUT, NodeRole.FEEDBACK_SENDER},
+        }
 class TestMisc:
@@ -7386,6 +7615,52 @@ def test_remove_node_learning(self):
         comp.learn(inputs={n: [0] for n in comp.get_nodes_by_role(pnl.NodeRole.INPUT)})
+    def test_rebuild_scheduler_after_add_node(self):
+        A = ProcessingMechanism(name='A')
+        B = ProcessingMechanism(name='B')
+        C = ProcessingMechanism(name='C')
+        comp = Composition(pathways=[A, C])
+        comp.scheduler.add_condition(C, pnl.EveryNCalls(A, 2))
+        comp.add_node(B)
+        comp.scheduler.add_condition(B, pnl.EveryNCalls(A, 2))
+        comp.run(inputs={A: [0], B: [0]})
+        assert type(comp.scheduler.conditions[A]) is pnl.Always
+        assert(
+            type(comp.scheduler.conditions[B]) is pnl.EveryNCalls
+            and comp.scheduler.conditions[B].args == (A, 2)
+        )
+        assert(
+            type(comp.scheduler.conditions[C]) is pnl.EveryNCalls
+            and comp.scheduler.conditions[C].args == (A, 2)
+        )
+        assert comp.scheduler.execution_list[comp.default_execution_id] == [{A}, {A, B}, {C}]
+        assert set(comp.scheduler._user_specified_conds.keys()) == {B, C}
+    def test_rebuild_scheduler_after_remove_node(self):
+        A = ProcessingMechanism(name='A')
+        B = ProcessingMechanism(name='B')
+        C = ProcessingMechanism(name='C')
+        comp = Composition(pathways=[[A, C], [B, C]])
+        comp.scheduler.add_condition(C, pnl.EveryNCalls(A, 2))
+        comp.remove_node(B)
+        comp.run(inputs={A: [0]})
+        assert type(comp.scheduler.conditions[A]) is pnl.Always
+        assert B not in comp.scheduler.conditions
+        assert(
+            type(comp.scheduler.conditions[C]) is pnl.EveryNCalls
+            and comp.scheduler.conditions[C].args == (A, 2)
+        )
+        assert comp.scheduler.execution_list[comp.default_execution_id] == [{A}, {A}, {C}]
+        assert set(comp.scheduler._user_specified_conds.keys()) == {C}
 class TestInputSpecsDocumentationExamples:
diff --git a/tests/composition/test_control.py b/tests/composition/test_control.py
index 26169e34515..706dc08ef19 100644
--- a/tests/composition/test_control.py
+++ b/tests/composition/test_control.py
@@ -2464,10 +2464,15 @@ def test_modulation_of_random_state_direct(self, comp_mode, benchmark, prng):
         if prng == 'Default':
             prngs = {s:np.random.RandomState([s]) for s in seeds}
+            def get_val(s, dty):
+                return prngs[s].uniform()
         elif prng == 'Philox':
             prngs = {s:_SeededPhilox([s]) for s in seeds}
+            def get_val(s, dty):
+                return prngs[s].random(dtype=dty)
-        expected = [prngs[s].uniform() for s in seeds] * 2
+        dty = np.float32 if pytest.helpers.llvm_current_fp_precision() == 'fp32' else np.float64
+        expected = [get_val(s, dty) for s in seeds] * 2
         assert np.allclose(np.squeeze(comp.results[:len(seeds) * 2]), expected)
@@ -2496,10 +2501,15 @@ def test_modulation_of_random_state_DDM(self, comp_mode, benchmark, prng):
         # cycle over the seeds twice setting and resetting the random state
         benchmark(comp.run, inputs={ctl_mech:seeds, mech:5.0}, num_trials=len(seeds) * 2, execution_mode=comp_mode)
+        precision = pytest.helpers.llvm_current_fp_precision()
         if prng == 'Default':
             assert np.allclose(np.squeeze(comp.results[:len(seeds) * 2]), [[100, 21], [100, 23], [100, 20]] * 2)
-        elif prng == 'Philox':
+        elif prng == 'Philox' and precision == 'fp64':
             assert np.allclose(np.squeeze(comp.results[:len(seeds) * 2]), [[100, 19], [100, 21], [100, 21]] * 2)
+        elif prng == 'Philox' and precision == 'fp32':
+            assert np.allclose(np.squeeze(comp.results[:len(seeds) * 2]), [[100, 17], [100, 22], [100, 20]] * 2)
+        else:
+            assert False, "Unknown PRNG!"
@@ -2525,10 +2535,15 @@ def test_modulation_of_random_state_DDM_Analytical(self, comp_mode, benchmark, p
         # cycle over the seeds twice setting and resetting the random state
         benchmark(comp.run, inputs={ctl_mech:seeds, mech:0.1}, num_trials=len(seeds) * 2, execution_mode=comp_mode)
+        precision = pytest.helpers.llvm_current_fp_precision()
         if prng == 'Default':
             assert np.allclose(np.squeeze(comp.results[:len(seeds) * 2]), [[-1, 3.99948962], [1, 3.99948962], [-1, 3.99948962]] * 2)
-        elif prng == 'Philox':
+        elif prng == 'Philox' and precision == 'fp64':
             assert np.allclose(np.squeeze(comp.results[:len(seeds) * 2]), [[-1, 3.99948962], [-1, 3.99948962], [1, 3.99948962]] * 2)
+        elif prng == 'Philox' and precision == 'fp32':
+            assert np.allclose(np.squeeze(comp.results[:len(seeds) * 2]), [[1, 3.99948978], [-1, 3.99948978], [1, 3.99948978]] * 2)
+        else:
+            assert False, "Unknown PRNG!"
@@ -2608,41 +2623,27 @@ def test_ocm_default_function(self):
         assert type(comp.controller.function) == pnl.GridSearch
         assert comp.run([1]) == [10]
-    def test_ocm_searchspace_arg(self):
-        a = pnl.ProcessingMechanism()
-        comp = pnl.Composition(
-            controller_mode=pnl.BEFORE,
-            nodes=[a],
-            controller=pnl.OptimizationControlMechanism(
-                control=pnl.ControlSignal(
-                    modulates=(pnl.SLOPE, a),
-                    intensity_cost_function=lambda x: 0,
-                    adjustment_cost_function=lambda x: 0,
-                ),
-                state_features=[a.input_port],
-                objective_mechanism=pnl.ObjectiveMechanism(
-                    monitor=[a.output_port]
-                ),
-                search_space=[pnl.SampleIterator([1, 10])]
-            )
-        )
-        assert type(comp.controller.function) == pnl.GridSearch
-        assert comp.run([1]) == [10]
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("nested", [True, False])
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("format", ["list", "tuple", "SampleIterator", "SampleIteratorArray", "SampleSpec", "ndArray"])
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("mode", pytest.helpers.get_comp_execution_modes() +
+                                     [pytest.helpers.cuda_param('Python-PTX'),
+                                      pytest.param('Python-LLVM', marks=pytest.mark.llvm)])
+    def test_ocm_searchspace_format_equivalence(self, format, nested, mode):
+        if str(mode).startswith('Python-'):
+            ocm_mode = mode.split('-')[1]
+            mode = pnl.ExecutionMode.Python
+        else:
+            # OCM default mode is Python
+            ocm_mode = 'Python'
-    @pytest.mark.parametrize("format,nested",
-                             [("list", True), ("list", False),
-                              ("tuple", True), ("tuple", False),
-                              ("SampleIterator", True), ("SampleIterator", False),
-                              ("SampleSpec", True), ("SampleSpec", False),
-                              ("ndArray", True), ("ndArray", False),
-                              ],)
-    def test_ocm_searchspace_format_equivalence(self, format, nested):
         if format == "list":
             search_space = [1, 10]
         elif format == "tuple":
             search_space = (1, 10)
         elif format == "SampleIterator":
-            search_space = SampleIterator((1,10))
+            search_space = SampleIterator((1, 10))
+        elif format == "SampleIteratorArray":
+            search_space = SampleIterator([1, 10])
         elif format == "SampleSpec":
             search_space = SampleSpec(1, 10, 9)
         elif format == "ndArray":
@@ -2658,8 +2659,7 @@ def test_ocm_searchspace_format_equivalence(self, format, nested):
                     modulates=(pnl.SLOPE, a),
-                    intensity_cost_function=lambda x: 0,
-                    adjustment_cost_function=lambda x: 0,
+                    cost_options=None
@@ -2668,8 +2668,10 @@ def test_ocm_searchspace_format_equivalence(self, format, nested):
+        comp.controller.comp_execution_mode = ocm_mode
         assert type(comp.controller.function) == pnl.GridSearch
-        assert comp.run([1]) == [10]
+        assert comp.run([1], execution_mode=mode) == [[10]]
     def test_evc(self):
         # Mechanisms
diff --git a/tests/composition/test_learning.py b/tests/composition/test_learning.py
index cdf3c289165..cbba3e2d0c8 100644
--- a/tests/composition/test_learning.py
+++ b/tests/composition/test_learning.py
@@ -2291,9 +2291,9 @@ def test_backprop_with_various_intersecting_pathway_configurations(self, configu
     @pytest.mark.parametrize('order', [
-        'color_full',
-        'word_partial',
-        'word_full',
+        # 'color_full',
+        # 'word_partial',
+        # 'word_full',
     def test_stroop_model_learning(self, order):
diff --git a/tests/functions/test_default_allocation.py b/tests/functions/test_default_allocation.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 4486e7d7042..00000000000
--- a/tests/functions/test_default_allocation.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-import numpy as np
-import pytest
-import psyneulink.core.llvm as pnlvm
-from psyneulink.core.components.mechanisms.modulatory.control.controlmechanism import DefaultAllocationFunction
-def test_basic(benchmark, func_mode):
-    variable = np.random.rand(1)
-    f = DefaultAllocationFunction()
-    EX = pytest.helpers.get_func_execution(f, func_mode)
-    res = benchmark(EX, variable)
-    assert np.allclose(res, variable)
diff --git a/tests/functions/test_distribution.py b/tests/functions/test_distribution.py
index dcdf066e092..2b0d111d2c3 100644
--- a/tests/functions/test_distribution.py
+++ b/tests/functions/test_distribution.py
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 import numpy as np
 import pytest
+import sys
 import psyneulink.core.llvm as pnlvm
 import psyneulink.core.components.functions.nonstateful.distributionfunctions as Functions
@@ -14,61 +15,119 @@
 RAND4 = np.random.rand()
 RAND5 = np.random.rand()
+dda_expected_default = (1.9774974807292212, 0.012242689689501842,
+                        1.9774974807292207, 1.3147677945132479, 1.7929299891370192,
+                        1.9774974807292207, 1.3147677945132479, 1.7929299891370192)
+dda_expected_random = (0.4236547993389047, -2.7755575615628914e-17,
+                       0.5173675420165031, 0.06942854144616283, 6.302631815990666,
+                       1.4934079600147951, 0.4288991185241868, 1.7740760781361433)
+dda_expected_negative = (0.42365479933890504, 0.0,
+                         0.5173675420165031, 0.06942854144616283, 6.302631815990666,
+                         1.4934079600147951, 0.4288991185241868, 1.7740760781361433)
+dda_expected_small = (0.5828813465336954, 0.04801236718458773,
+                      0.532471083815943, 0.09633801362499317, 6.111833139205608,
+                      1.5821207676710864, 0.5392724012504414, 1.8065252817609618)
+# Different libm implementations produce slightly different results
+if sys.platform.startswith("win") or sys.platform.startswith("darwin"):
+    dda_expected_small = (0.5828813465336954, 0.04801236718458773,
+                          0.5324710838150166, 0.09633802135385469, 6.119380538293901,
+                          1.58212076767016, 0.5392724012504414, 1.8065252817609618)
+normal_expected_mt = (1.0890232855122397)
+uniform_expected_mt = (0.6879771504250405)
+normal_expected_philox = (0.5910357654927911)
+uniform_expected_philox = (0.6043448764869507)
+llvm_expected = {}
+llvm_expected = {'fp64': {}, 'fp32': {}}
+llvm_expected['fp64'][dda_expected_small] = (0.5828813465336954, 0.04801236718458773,
+                                             0.5324710838085324, 0.09633787836991654, 6.0158766570416775,
+                                             1.5821207675877176, 0.5392731045768397, 1.8434859117411773)
+# add fp32 results
+llvm_expected['fp32'][dda_expected_random] = (0.42365485429763794, 0.0,
+                                              0.5173675417900085, 0.06942801177501678, 6.302331447601318,
+                                              1.4934077262878418, 0.428894966840744, 1.7738982439041138)
+llvm_expected['fp32'][dda_expected_negative] = (0.4236549735069275, 5.960464477539063e-08,
+                                                0.5173678398132324, 0.06942889094352722, 6.303247451782227,
+                                                1.4934080839157104, 0.42889583110809326, 1.7739603519439697)
+llvm_expected['fp32'][dda_expected_small] = None
+llvm_expected['fp32'][normal_expected_philox] = (0.5655658841133118)
+llvm_expected['fp32'][uniform_expected_philox] = (0.6180108785629272)
 test_data = [
-    (Functions.DriftDiffusionAnalytical, test_var, {}, None,
-     (1.9774974807292212, 0.012242689689501842, 1.9774974807292207, 1.3147677945132479, 1.7929299891370192, 1.9774974807292207, 1.3147677945132479, 1.7929299891370192)),
-    (Functions.DriftDiffusionAnalytical, test_var, {"drift_rate": RAND1, "threshold": RAND2, "starting_value": RAND3, "non_decision_time":RAND4, "noise": RAND5}, None,
-     (0.4236547993389047, -2.7755575615628914e-17, 0.5173675420165031, 0.06942854144616283, 6.302631815990666, 1.4934079600147951, 0.4288991185241868, 1.7740760781361433)),
-    (Functions.DriftDiffusionAnalytical, -test_var, {"drift_rate": RAND1, "threshold": RAND2, "starting_value": RAND3, "non_decision_time":RAND4, "noise": RAND5}, None,
-     (0.42365479933890504, 0.0, 0.5173675420165031, 0.06942854144616283, 6.302631815990666, 1.4934079600147951, 0.4288991185241868, 1.7740760781361433)),
-#    FIXME: Rounding errors result in different behaviour on different platforms
-#    (Functions.DriftDiffusionAnalytical, 1e-4, {"drift_rate": 1e-5, "threshold": RAND2, "starting_value": RAND3, "non_decision_time":RAND4, "noise": RAND5}, "Rounding errors",
-#     (0.5828813465336954, 0.04801236718458773, 0.532471083815943, 0.09633801362499317, 6.111833139205608, 1.5821207676710864, 0.5392724012504414, 1.8065252817609618)),
+    pytest.param(Functions.DriftDiffusionAnalytical, test_var, {}, None, None,
+                 dda_expected_default, id="DriftDiffusionAnalytical-DefaultParameters"),
+    pytest.param(Functions.DriftDiffusionAnalytical, test_var,
+                 {"drift_rate": RAND1, "threshold": RAND2, "starting_value": RAND3,
+                  "non_decision_time":RAND4, "noise": RAND5}, None, None,
+                 dda_expected_random, id="DriftDiffusionAnalytical-RandomParameters"),
+    pytest.param(Functions.DriftDiffusionAnalytical, -test_var,
+                 {"drift_rate": RAND1, "threshold": RAND2, "starting_value": RAND3,
+                  "non_decision_time":RAND4, "noise": RAND5}, None, None,
+                 dda_expected_negative, id="DriftDiffusionAnalytical-NegInput"),
+    pytest.param(Functions.DriftDiffusionAnalytical, 1e-4,
+                 {"drift_rate": 1e-5, "threshold": RAND2, "starting_value": RAND3,
+                  "non_decision_time":RAND4, "noise": RAND5}, None, "Rounding Errors",
+                 dda_expected_small, id="DriftDiffusionAnalytical-SmallDriftRate"),
+    pytest.param(Functions.DriftDiffusionAnalytical, -1e-4,
+                 {"drift_rate": 1e-5, "threshold": RAND2, "starting_value": RAND3,
+                  "non_decision_time":RAND4, "noise": RAND5}, None, "Rounding Errors",
+                 dda_expected_small, id="DriftDiffusionAnalytical-SmallDriftRate-NegInput"),
+    pytest.param(Functions.DriftDiffusionAnalytical, 1e-4,
+                 {"drift_rate": -1e-5, "threshold": RAND2, "starting_value": RAND3,
+                  "non_decision_time":RAND4, "noise": RAND5}, None, "Rounding Errors",
+                 dda_expected_small, id="DriftDiffusionAnalytical-SmallNegDriftRate"),
     # Two tests with different inputs to show that input is ignored.
-    (Functions.NormalDist, 1e14, {"mean": RAND1, "standard_deviation": RAND2}, None, (1.0890232855122397)),
-    (Functions.NormalDist, 1e-4, {"mean": RAND1, "standard_deviation": RAND2}, None, (1.0890232855122397)),
-    (Functions.UniformDist, 1e14, {"low": min(RAND1, RAND2), "high": max(RAND1, RAND2)}, None, (0.6879771504250405)),
-    (Functions.UniformDist, 1e-4, {"low": min(RAND1, RAND2), "high": max(RAND1, RAND2)}, None, (0.6879771504250405)),
+    pytest.param(Functions.NormalDist, 1e14, {"mean": RAND1, "standard_deviation": RAND2},
+                 None, None, normal_expected_mt, id="NormalDist"),
+    pytest.param(Functions.NormalDist, 1e-4, {"mean": RAND1, "standard_deviation": RAND2},
+                 None, None, normal_expected_mt, id="NormalDist Small Input"),
+    pytest.param(Functions.UniformDist, 1e14, {"low": min(RAND1, RAND2), "high": max(RAND1, RAND2)},
+                 None, None, uniform_expected_mt, id="UniformDist"),
+    pytest.param(Functions.UniformDist, 1e-4, {"low": min(RAND1, RAND2), "high": max(RAND1, RAND2)},
+                 None, None, uniform_expected_mt, id="UniformDist"),
     # Inf inputs select Philox PRNG, test_var should never be inf
-    (Functions.NormalDist, np.inf, {"mean": RAND1, "standard_deviation": RAND2}, None, (0.5910357654927911)),
-    (Functions.NormalDist, -np.inf, {"mean": RAND1, "standard_deviation": RAND2}, None, (0.5910357654927911)),
-    (Functions.UniformDist, np.inf, {"low": min(RAND1, RAND2), "high": max(RAND1, RAND2)}, None, (0.6043448764869507)),
-    (Functions.UniformDist, -np.inf, {"low": min(RAND1, RAND2), "high": max(RAND1, RAND2)}, None, (0.6043448764869507)),
+    pytest.param(Functions.NormalDist, 1e14, {"mean": RAND1, "standard_deviation": RAND2},
+                 _SeededPhilox, None, normal_expected_philox, id="NormalDist Philox"),
+    pytest.param(Functions.NormalDist, 1e-4, {"mean": RAND1, "standard_deviation": RAND2},
+                 _SeededPhilox, None, normal_expected_philox, id="NormalDist Philox"),
+    pytest.param(Functions.UniformDist, 1e14, {"low": min(RAND1, RAND2), "high": max(RAND1, RAND2)},
+                 _SeededPhilox, None, uniform_expected_philox, id="UniformDist Philox"),
+    pytest.param(Functions.UniformDist, 1e-4, {"low": min(RAND1, RAND2), "high": max(RAND1, RAND2)},
+                 _SeededPhilox, None, uniform_expected_philox, id="UniformDist Philox"),
-# use list, naming function produces ugly names
-names = [
-    "DriftDiffusionAnalytical-DefaultParameters",
-    "DriftDiffusionAnalytical-RandomParameters",
-    "DriftDiffusionAnalytical-NegInput",
-#    "DriftDiffusionAnalytical-SmallDriftRate",
-    "NormalDist1",
-    "NormalDist2",
-    "UniformDist1",
-    "UniformDist2",
-    "NormalDist1 Philox",
-    "NormalDist2 Philox",
-    "UniformDist1 Philox",
-    "UniformDist2 Philox",
-@pytest.mark.parametrize("func, variable, params, llvm_skip, expected", test_data, ids=names)
-def test_execute(func, variable, params, llvm_skip, expected, benchmark, func_mode):
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("func, variable, params, prng, llvm_skip, expected", test_data)
+def test_execute(func, variable, params, prng, llvm_skip, expected, benchmark, func_mode):
     benchmark.group = "TransferFunction " + func.componentName
-    if func_mode != 'Python' and llvm_skip:
+    if func_mode != 'Python':
+        precision = pytest.helpers.llvm_current_fp_precision()
+        # PTX needs only one special case, this is not worth adding
+        # it to the mechanism above
+        if func_mode == "PTX" and precision == 'fp32' and expected is dda_expected_negative:
+            expected = (0.4236549735069275, 5.960464477539063e-08,
+                        0.5173678398132324, 0.06942889094352722, 6.303247451782227,
+                        1.4934064149856567, 0.42889145016670227, 1.7737685441970825)
+        expected = llvm_expected.get(precision, {}).get(expected, expected)
+    if expected is None:
     f = func(default_variable=variable, **params)
-    if np.isinf(variable):
-        f.parameters.random_state.set(_SeededPhilox([0]))
+    if prng is not None:
+        f.parameters.random_state.set(prng([0]))
     ex = pytest.helpers.get_func_execution(f, func_mode)
     res = ex(variable)
-    assert np.allclose(res, expected)
+    if pytest.helpers.llvm_current_fp_precision() == 'fp32':
+        assert np.allclose(res, expected)
+    else:
+        np.testing.assert_allclose(res, expected)
     if benchmark.enabled:
         benchmark(ex, variable)
diff --git a/tests/functions/test_memory.py b/tests/functions/test_memory.py
index fe712bc49bb..92d736fda8a 100644
--- a/tests/functions/test_memory.py
+++ b/tests/functions/test_memory.py
@@ -18,16 +18,13 @@
 test_var = np.random.rand(2, SIZE)
-#TODO: Initializer should use different values to test recall
-test_initializer = np.array([[test_var[0], test_var[1]]])
+test_initializer = np.array([[test_var[0] * 5, test_var[1] * 4]])
 test_noise_arr = np.random.rand(SIZE)
 RAND1 = np.random.random(1)
 RAND2 = np.random.random()
 philox_var = np.random.rand(2, SIZE)
-#TODO: Initializer should use different values to test recall
-philox_initializer = np.array([[philox_var[0], philox_var[1]]])
 test_data = [
 # Default initializer does not work
@@ -87,25 +84,25 @@
     pytest.param(Functions.DictionaryMemory, philox_var, {'seed': module_seed},
                  [[0.45615033221654855, 0.5684339488686485, 0.018789800436355142, 0.6176354970758771, 0.6120957227224214, 0.6169339968747569, 0.9437480785146242, 0.6818202991034834, 0.359507900573786, 0.43703195379934145],
                   [0.6976311959272649, 0.06022547162926983, 0.6667667154456677, 0.6706378696181594, 0.2103825610738409, 0.1289262976548533, 0.31542835092418386, 0.3637107709426226, 0.5701967704178796, 0.43860151346232035]],
-                 id="DictionaryMemory (Philox)"),
+                 id="DictionaryMemory Philox"),
     pytest.param(Functions.DictionaryMemory, philox_var, {'rate':RAND1, 'seed': module_seed},
                  [[0.45615033221654855, 0.5684339488686485, 0.018789800436355142, 0.6176354970758771, 0.6120957227224214, 0.6169339968747569, 0.9437480785146242, 0.6818202991034834, 0.359507900573786, 0.43703195379934145],
                   [0.6976311959272649, 0.06022547162926983, 0.6667667154456677, 0.6706378696181594, 0.2103825610738409, 0.1289262976548533, 0.31542835092418386, 0.3637107709426226, 0.5701967704178796, 0.43860151346232035]],
-                 id="DictionaryMemory Rate (Philox)"),
+                 id="DictionaryMemory Rate Philox"),
     pytest.param(Functions.DictionaryMemory, philox_var, {'initializer':test_initializer, 'rate':RAND1, 'seed': module_seed},
                  [[0.45615033221654855, 0.5684339488686485, 0.018789800436355142, 0.6176354970758771, 0.6120957227224214, 0.6169339968747569, 0.9437480785146242, 0.6818202991034834, 0.359507900573786, 0.43703195379934145],
                   [0.6976311959272649, 0.06022547162926983, 0.6667667154456677, 0.6706378696181594, 0.2103825610738409, 0.1289262976548533, 0.31542835092418386, 0.3637107709426226, 0.5701967704178796, 0.43860151346232035]],
-                 id="DictionaryMemory Initializer (Philox)"),
-    pytest.param(Functions.DictionaryMemory, philox_var, {'rate':RAND1, 'retrieval_prob':0.1, 'seed': module_seed},
+                 id="DictionaryMemory Initializer Philox"),
+    pytest.param(Functions.DictionaryMemory, philox_var, {'rate':RAND1, 'retrieval_prob':0.01, 'seed': module_seed},
                  [[ 0. for i in range(SIZE) ],[ 0. for i in range(SIZE) ]],
-                 id="DictionaryMemory Low Retrieval (Philox)"),
+                 id="DictionaryMemory Low Retrieval Philox"),
     pytest.param(Functions.DictionaryMemory, philox_var, {'rate':RAND1, 'storage_prob':0.01, 'seed': module_seed},
                  [[ 0. for i in range(SIZE) ],[ 0. for i in range(SIZE) ]],
-                 id="DictionaryMemory Low Storage (Philox)"),
-    pytest.param(Functions.DictionaryMemory, philox_var, {'rate':RAND1, 'retrieval_prob':0.9, 'storage_prob':0.9, 'seed': module_seed},
+                 id="DictionaryMemory Low Storage Philox"),
+    pytest.param(Functions.DictionaryMemory, philox_var, {'rate':RAND1, 'retrieval_prob':0.95, 'storage_prob':0.95, 'seed': module_seed},
                  [[0.45615033221654855, 0.5684339488686485, 0.018789800436355142, 0.6176354970758771, 0.6120957227224214, 0.6169339968747569, 0.9437480785146242, 0.6818202991034834, 0.359507900573786, 0.43703195379934145],
                   [0.6976311959272649, 0.06022547162926983, 0.6667667154456677, 0.6706378696181594, 0.2103825610738409, 0.1289262976548533, 0.31542835092418386, 0.3637107709426226, 0.5701967704178796, 0.43860151346232035]],
-                 id="DictionaryMemory High Storage/Retrieve (Philox)"),
+                 id="DictionaryMemory High Storage/Retrieve Philox"),
 # Disable noise tests for now as they trigger failure in DictionaryMemory lookup
 #    (Functions.DictionaryMemory, philox_var, {'rate':RAND1, 'noise':RAND2}, [[
 #       0.79172504, 0.52889492, 0.56804456, 0.92559664, 0.07103606, 0.0871293 , 0.0202184 , 0.83261985, 0.77815675, 0.87001215 ],[
@@ -121,18 +118,18 @@
     pytest.param(Functions.ContentAddressableMemory, philox_var, {'rate':RAND1, 'retrieval_prob':0.1, 'seed': module_seed},
                  [[ 0. for i in range(SIZE) ],[ 0. for i in range(SIZE) ]],
-                 id="ContentAddressableMemory Low Retrieval (Philox)"),
+                 id="ContentAddressableMemory Low Retrieval Philox"),
     pytest.param(Functions.ContentAddressableMemory, philox_var, {'rate':RAND1, 'storage_prob':0.01, 'seed': module_seed},
                  [[ 0. for i in range(SIZE) ],[ 0. for i in range(SIZE) ]],
-                 id="ContentAddressableMemory Low Storage (Philox)"),
+                 id="ContentAddressableMemory Low Storage Philox"),
     pytest.param(Functions.ContentAddressableMemory, philox_var, {'rate':RAND1, 'retrieval_prob':0.9, 'storage_prob':0.9, 'seed': module_seed},
                  [[0.45615033221654855, 0.5684339488686485, 0.018789800436355142, 0.6176354970758771, 0.6120957227224214, 0.6169339968747569, 0.9437480785146242, 0.6818202991034834, 0.359507900573786, 0.43703195379934145],
                   [0.6976311959272649, 0.06022547162926983, 0.6667667154456677, 0.6706378696181594, 0.2103825610738409, 0.1289262976548533, 0.31542835092418386, 0.3637107709426226, 0.5701967704178796, 0.43860151346232035]],
-                 id="ContentAddressableMemory High Storage/Retrieval (Philox)"),
+                 id="ContentAddressableMemory High Storage/Retrieval Philox"),
     pytest.param(Functions.ContentAddressableMemory, philox_var, {'initializer':test_initializer, 'rate':RAND1, 'seed': module_seed},
                  [[0.45615033221654855, 0.5684339488686485, 0.018789800436355142, 0.6176354970758771, 0.6120957227224214, 0.6169339968747569, 0.9437480785146242, 0.6818202991034834, 0.359507900573786, 0.43703195379934145],
                   [0.6976311959272649, 0.06022547162926983, 0.6667667154456677, 0.6706378696181594, 0.2103825610738409, 0.1289262976548533, 0.31542835092418386, 0.3637107709426226, 0.5701967704178796, 0.43860151346232035]],
-                 id="ContentAddressableMemory Initializer (Philox)"),
+                 id="ContentAddressableMemory Initializer Philox"),
diff --git a/tests/functions/test_selection.py b/tests/functions/test_selection.py
index 3ca5059706a..8fe21b1c5b2 100644
--- a/tests/functions/test_selection.py
+++ b/tests/functions/test_selection.py
@@ -16,20 +16,27 @@
 test_philox = np.random.rand(SIZE)
 test_philox /= sum(test_philox)
+expected_philox_prob = (0., 0.43037873274483895, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.)
+expected_philox_ind = (0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.)
+llvm_res = {'fp32': {}, 'fp64': {}}
+llvm_res['fp32'][expected_philox_prob] = (0.09762700647115707, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
+llvm_res['fp32'][expected_philox_ind] = (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
 test_data = [
-    (Functions.OneHot, test_var, {'mode':kw.MAX_VAL}, [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.92732552, 0.]),
-    (Functions.OneHot, test_var, {'mode':kw.MAX_ABS_VAL}, [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.92732552, 0.]),
-    (Functions.OneHot, -test_var, {'mode':kw.MAX_ABS_VAL}, [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.92732552, 0.]),
-    (Functions.OneHot, test_var, {'mode':kw.MAX_INDICATOR}, [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0.]),
-    (Functions.OneHot, test_var, {'mode':kw.MAX_ABS_INDICATOR}, [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0.]),
-    (Functions.OneHot, test_var, {'mode':kw.MIN_VAL}, [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., -0.23311696]),
-    (Functions.OneHot, test_var, {'mode':kw.MIN_ABS_VAL}, [0., 0., 0., 0.08976637, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]),
-    (Functions.OneHot, test_var, {'mode':kw.MIN_INDICATOR}, [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.]),
-    (Functions.OneHot, test_var, {'mode':kw.MIN_ABS_INDICATOR}, [0., 0., 0., 1.,0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]),
-    (Functions.OneHot, [test_var, test_prob], {'mode':kw.PROB}, [0., 0., 0., 0.08976636599379373, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]),
-    (Functions.OneHot, [test_var, test_prob], {'mode':kw.PROB_INDICATOR}, [0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]),
-    (Functions.OneHot, [test_var, test_philox], {'mode':kw.PROB}, [0., 0.43037873274483895, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]),
-    (Functions.OneHot, [test_var, test_philox], {'mode':kw.PROB_INDICATOR}, [0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]),
+    (Functions.OneHot, test_var, {'mode':kw.MAX_VAL}, (0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.92732552, 0.)),
+    (Functions.OneHot, test_var, {'mode':kw.MAX_ABS_VAL}, (0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.92732552, 0.)),
+    (Functions.OneHot, -test_var, {'mode':kw.MAX_ABS_VAL}, (0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.92732552, 0.)),
+    (Functions.OneHot, test_var, {'mode':kw.MAX_INDICATOR}, (0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0.)),
+    (Functions.OneHot, test_var, {'mode':kw.MAX_ABS_INDICATOR}, (0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0.)),
+    (Functions.OneHot, test_var, {'mode':kw.MIN_VAL}, (0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., -0.23311696)),
+    (Functions.OneHot, test_var, {'mode':kw.MIN_ABS_VAL}, (0., 0., 0., 0.08976637, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.)),
+    (Functions.OneHot, test_var, {'mode':kw.MIN_INDICATOR}, (0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.)),
+    (Functions.OneHot, test_var, {'mode':kw.MIN_ABS_INDICATOR}, (0., 0., 0., 1.,0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.)),
+    (Functions.OneHot, [test_var, test_prob], {'mode':kw.PROB}, (0., 0., 0., 0.08976636599379373, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.)),
+    (Functions.OneHot, [test_var, test_prob], {'mode':kw.PROB_INDICATOR}, (0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.)),
+    (Functions.OneHot, [test_var, test_philox], {'mode':kw.PROB}, expected_philox_prob),
+    (Functions.OneHot, [test_var, test_philox], {'mode':kw.PROB_INDICATOR}, expected_philox_ind),
 # use list, naming function produces ugly names
@@ -45,8 +52,8 @@
     "OneHot PROB",
-    "OneHot PROB PHILOX",
+    "OneHot PROB Philox",
+    "OneHot PROB_INDICATOR Philox",
 GROUP_PREFIX="SelectionFunction "
@@ -62,10 +69,15 @@ def test_basic(func, variable, params, expected, benchmark, func_mode):
     if len(variable) == 2 and variable[1] is test_philox:
+    if func_mode != 'Python':
+        precision = pytest.helpers.llvm_current_fp_precision()
+        expected = llvm_res[precision].get(expected, expected)
     EX = pytest.helpers.get_func_execution(f, func_mode)
     res = EX(variable)
     assert np.allclose(res, expected)
     if benchmark.enabled:
         benchmark(EX, variable)
diff --git a/tests/functions/test_transfer.py b/tests/functions/test_transfer.py
index b526a0cb4ed..5f71ee55d35 100644
--- a/tests/functions/test_transfer.py
+++ b/tests/functions/test_transfer.py
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 from math import e, pi, sqrt
 test_var = np.random.rand(SIZE)
 test_matrix = np.random.rand(SIZE, SIZE)
 test_matrix_s = np.random.rand(SIZE, SIZE // 4)
@@ -35,26 +36,46 @@ def gaussian_distort_helper(seed):
 test_data = [
-    (Functions.Linear, test_var, {'slope':RAND1, 'intercept':RAND2}, None, test_var * RAND1 + RAND2),
-    (Functions.Exponential, test_var, {'scale':RAND1, 'rate':RAND2}, None, RAND1 * np.exp(RAND2 * test_var)),
-    (Functions.Logistic, test_var, {'gain':RAND1, 'x_0':RAND2, 'offset':RAND3, 'scale':RAND4}, None, RAND4 / (1 + np.exp(-(RAND1 * (test_var - RAND2)) + RAND3))),
-    (Functions.Tanh, test_var, {'gain':RAND1, 'bias':RAND2, 'x_0':RAND3, 'offset':RAND4}, None, tanh_helper),
-    (Functions.ReLU, test_var, {'gain':RAND1, 'bias':RAND2, 'leak':RAND3}, None, np.maximum(RAND1 * (test_var - RAND2), RAND3 * RAND1 *(test_var - RAND2))),
-    (Functions.Angle, [0.5488135,  0.71518937, 0.60276338, 0.54488318, 0.4236548,
-                       0.64589411, 0.43758721, 0.891773, 0.96366276, 0.38344152], {}, None,
-     [0.85314409, 0.00556188, 0.01070476, 0.0214405,  0.05559454,
-      0.08091079, 0.21657281, 0.19296643, 0.21343805, 0.92738261, 0.00483101]),
-    (Functions.Gaussian, test_var, {'standard_deviation':RAND1, 'bias':RAND2, 'scale':RAND3, 'offset':RAND4}, None, gaussian_helper),
-    (Functions.GaussianDistort, test_var.tolist(), {'bias': RAND1, 'variance':RAND2, 'offset':RAND3, 'scale':RAND4 }, None, gaussian_distort_helper(0)),
-    (Functions.GaussianDistort, test_var.tolist(), {'bias': RAND1, 'variance':RAND2, 'offset':RAND3, 'scale':RAND4, 'seed':0 }, None, gaussian_distort_helper(0)),
-    (Functions.SoftMax, test_var, {'gain':RAND1, 'per_item': False}, None, softmax_helper),
-    (Functions.SoftMax, test_var, {'gain':RAND1, 'params':{kw.OUTPUT_TYPE:kw.MAX_VAL}, 'per_item': False}, None, np.where(softmax_helper == np.max(softmax_helper), np.max(softmax_helper), 0)),
-    (Functions.SoftMax, test_var, {'gain':RAND1, 'params':{kw.OUTPUT_TYPE:kw.MAX_INDICATOR}, 'per_item': False}, None, np.where(softmax_helper == np.max(softmax_helper), 1, 0)),
-    (Functions.LinearMatrix, test_var.tolist(), {'matrix':test_matrix.tolist()}, None, np.dot(test_var, test_matrix)),
-    (Functions.LinearMatrix, test_var.tolist(), {'matrix':test_matrix_l.tolist()}, None, np.dot(test_var, test_matrix_l)),
-    (Functions.LinearMatrix, test_var.tolist(), {'matrix':test_matrix_s.tolist()}, None, np.dot(test_var, test_matrix_s)),
+    pytest.param(Functions.Linear, test_var, {'slope':RAND1, 'intercept':RAND2}, test_var * RAND1 + RAND2, id="LINEAR"),
+    pytest.param(Functions.Exponential, test_var, {'scale':RAND1, 'rate':RAND2}, RAND1 * np.exp(RAND2 * test_var), id="EXPONENTIAL"),
+    pytest.param(Functions.Logistic, test_var, {'gain':RAND1, 'x_0':RAND2, 'offset':RAND3, 'scale':RAND4}, RAND4 / (1 + np.exp(-(RAND1 * (test_var - RAND2)) + RAND3)), id="LOGISTIC"),
+    pytest.param(Functions.Tanh, test_var, {'gain':RAND1, 'bias':RAND2, 'x_0':RAND3, 'offset':RAND4}, tanh_helper, id="TANH"),
+    pytest.param(Functions.ReLU, test_var, {'gain':RAND1, 'bias':RAND2, 'leak':RAND3}, np.maximum(RAND1 * (test_var - RAND2), RAND3 * RAND1 *(test_var - RAND2)), id="RELU"),
+    pytest.param(Functions.Angle, [0.5488135,  0.71518937, 0.60276338, 0.54488318, 0.4236548,
+                                   0.64589411, 0.43758721, 0.891773, 0.96366276, 0.38344152], {},
+                 [0.85314409, 0.00556188, 0.01070476, 0.0214405,  0.05559454,
+                  0.08091079, 0.21657281, 0.19296643, 0.21343805, 0.92738261, 0.00483101],
+                 id="ANGLE"),
+    pytest.param(Functions.Gaussian, test_var, {'standard_deviation':RAND1, 'bias':RAND2, 'scale':RAND3, 'offset':RAND4}, gaussian_helper, id="GAUSSIAN"),
+    pytest.param(Functions.GaussianDistort, test_var.tolist(), {'bias': RAND1, 'variance':RAND2, 'offset':RAND3, 'scale':RAND4 }, gaussian_distort_helper(0), id="GAUSSIAN DISTORT GLOBAL SEED"),
+    pytest.param(Functions.GaussianDistort, test_var.tolist(), {'bias': RAND1, 'variance':RAND2, 'offset':RAND3, 'scale':RAND4, 'seed':0 }, gaussian_distort_helper(0), id="GAUSSIAN DISTORT"),
+    pytest.param(Functions.SoftMax, test_var, {'gain':RAND1, 'per_item': False}, softmax_helper, id="SOFT_MAX ALL"),
+    pytest.param(Functions.SoftMax, test_var, {'gain':RAND1, 'params':{kw.OUTPUT_TYPE:kw.MAX_VAL}, 'per_item': False}, np.where(softmax_helper == np.max(softmax_helper), np.max(softmax_helper), 0), id="SOFT_MAX MAX_VAL"),
+    pytest.param(Functions.SoftMax, test_var, {'gain':RAND1, 'params':{kw.OUTPUT_TYPE:kw.MAX_INDICATOR}, 'per_item': False}, np.where(softmax_helper == np.max(softmax_helper), 1, 0), id="SOFT_MAX MAX_INDICATOR"),
+    pytest.param(Functions.SoftMax, test_var, {'gain':RAND1, 'params':{kw.OUTPUT_TYPE:kw.PROB}, 'per_item': False},
+                 [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, test_var[4], 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], id="SOFT_MAX PROB"),
+    pytest.param(Functions.LinearMatrix, test_var.tolist(), {'matrix':test_matrix.tolist()}, np.dot(test_var, test_matrix), id="LINEAR_MATRIX SQUARE"),
+    pytest.param(Functions.LinearMatrix, test_var.tolist(), {'matrix':test_matrix_l.tolist()}, np.dot(test_var, test_matrix_l), id="LINEAR_MATRIX WIDE"),
+    pytest.param(Functions.LinearMatrix, test_var.tolist(), {'matrix':test_matrix_s.tolist()}, np.dot(test_var, test_matrix_s), id="LINEAR_MATRIX TALL"),
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("func, variable, params, expected", test_data)
+def test_execute(func, variable, params, expected, benchmark, func_mode):
+    if 'Angle' in func.componentName and func_mode != 'Python':
+        pytest.skip('Angle not yet supported by LLVM or PTX')
+    benchmark.group = "TransferFunction " + func.componentName
+    f = func(default_variable=variable, **params)
+    ex = pytest.helpers.get_func_execution(f, func_mode)
+    res = ex(variable)
+    assert np.allclose(res, expected)
+    if benchmark.enabled:
+        benchmark(ex, variable)
 relu_derivative_helper = lambda x : RAND1 if x > 0 else RAND1 * RAND3
 logistic_helper = RAND4 / (1 + np.exp(-(RAND1 * (test_var - RAND2)) + RAND3))
 tanh_derivative_helper = (RAND1 * (test_var + RAND2) + RAND3)
@@ -67,25 +88,6 @@ def gaussian_distort_helper(seed):
     (Functions.Tanh, test_var, {'gain':RAND1, 'bias':RAND2, 'offset':RAND3, 'scale':RAND4}, tanh_derivative_helper),
-# use list, naming function produces ugly names
-names = [
-    "LINEAR",
-    "LOGISTIC",
-    "TANH",
-    "RELU",
-    "ANGLE",
-    "GAUSIAN",
-    "SOFT_MAX ALL",
 derivative_names = [
@@ -94,23 +96,6 @@ def gaussian_distort_helper(seed):
-@pytest.mark.parametrize("func, variable, params, fail, expected", test_data, ids=names)
-def test_execute(func, variable, params, fail, expected, benchmark, func_mode):
-    if 'Angle' in func.componentName and func_mode != 'Python':
-        pytest.skip('Angle not yet supported by LLVM or PTX')
-    benchmark.group = "TransferFunction " + func.componentName
-    f = func(default_variable=variable, **params)
-    ex = pytest.helpers.get_func_execution(f, func_mode)
-    res = ex(variable)
-    assert np.allclose(res, expected)
-    if benchmark.enabled:
-        benchmark(ex, variable)
diff --git a/tests/llvm/test_builtins_intrinsics.py b/tests/llvm/test_builtins_intrinsics.py
index dad65836dd8..307ccdabc5d 100644
--- a/tests/llvm/test_builtins_intrinsics.py
+++ b/tests/llvm/test_builtins_intrinsics.py
@@ -10,12 +10,23 @@
 @pytest.mark.parametrize("op, args, builtin, result", [
                          (np.exp, (x,), "__pnl_builtin_exp", np.exp(x)),
+                         #~900 is the limit after which exp returns inf
+                         (np.exp, (900.0,), "__pnl_builtin_exp", np.exp(900.0)),
                          (np.log, (x,), "__pnl_builtin_log", np.log(x)),
                          (np.power, (x,y), "__pnl_builtin_pow", np.power(x, y)),
                          (np.tanh, (x,), "__pnl_builtin_tanh", np.tanh(x)),
+                         #~450 is the limit after which exp(2x) used in tanh formula returns inf
+                         (np.tanh, (450.0,), "__pnl_builtin_tanh", np.tanh(450)),
                          (lambda x: 1.0 / np.tanh(x), (x,), "__pnl_builtin_coth", 1 / np.tanh(x)),
+                         #~450 is the limit after which exp(2x) used in coth formula returns inf
+                         (lambda x: 1.0 / np.tanh(x), (450,), "__pnl_builtin_coth", 1 / np.tanh(450)),
                          (lambda x: 1.0 / np.sinh(x), (x,), "__pnl_builtin_csch", 1 / np.sinh(x)),
-                         ], ids=["EXP", "LOG", "POW", "TANH", "COTH", "CSCH"])
+                         #~450 is the limit after which exp(2x) used in csch formula returns inf
+                         (lambda x: 1.0 / np.sinh(x), (450,), "__pnl_builtin_csch", 1 / np.sinh(450)),
+                         #~900 is the limit after which exp(x) used in csch formula returns inf
+                         (lambda x: 1.0 / np.sinh(x), (900,), "__pnl_builtin_csch", 1 / np.sinh(900)),
+                         ], ids=["EXP", "Large EXP", "LOG", "POW", "TANH", "Large TANH", "COTH", "Large COTH",
+                                "CSCH", "Large CSCH", "xLarge CSCH"])
 def test_builtin_op(benchmark, op, args, builtin, result, func_mode):
     if func_mode == 'Python':
         f = op
@@ -34,10 +45,15 @@ def test_builtin_op(benchmark, op, args, builtin, result, func_mode):
         bin_f = pnlvm.LLVMBinaryFunction.get(wrap_name)
-        ptx_res = np.asarray(type(result)(0))
+        dty = np.dtype(bin_f.byref_arg_types[0])
+        ptx_res = np.empty_like(result, dtype=dty)
         ptx_res_arg = pnlvm.jit_engine.pycuda.driver.Out(ptx_res)
         def f(*a):
-            bin_f.cuda_call(*(np.double(p) for p in a), ptx_res_arg)
+            bin_f.cuda_call(*(dty.type(p) for p in a), ptx_res_arg)
             return ptx_res
     res = benchmark(f, *args)
-    assert np.allclose(res, result)
+    if pytest.helpers.llvm_current_fp_precision() == 'fp32':
+        assert np.allclose(res, result)
+    else:
+        np.testing.assert_allclose(res, result)
diff --git a/tests/llvm/test_builtins_matrix.py b/tests/llvm/test_builtins_matrix.py
index 8010f3d317c..f3b485468f5 100644
--- a/tests/llvm/test_builtins_matrix.py
+++ b/tests/llvm/test_builtins_matrix.py
@@ -8,9 +8,12 @@
 DIM_X = 1000
 DIM_Y = 2000
-u = np.random.rand(DIM_X, DIM_Y)
+# These are just basic tests to check that matrix indexing and operations
+# work correctly when compiled. The values don't matter much.
+# Might as well make them representable in fp32 for single precision testing.
+u = np.random.rand(DIM_X, DIM_Y).astype(np.float32).astype(np.float64)
+v = np.random.rand(DIM_X, DIM_Y).astype(np.float32).astype(np.float64)
 trans_u = u.transpose()
-v = np.random.rand(DIM_X, DIM_Y)
 vector = np.random.rand(DIM_X)
 trans_vector = np.random.rand(DIM_Y)
 scalar = np.random.rand()
@@ -29,183 +32,87 @@
 mat_sadd_res = np.add(u, scalar)
 mat_smul_res = np.multiply(u, scalar)
-ct_u = u.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double))
-ct_v = v.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double))
-ct_vec = vector.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double))
-ct_tvec = trans_vector.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double))
-ct_mat_res = llvm_mat_res.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double))
-ct_vec_res = llvm_vec_res.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double))
-ct_tvec_res = llvm_tvec_res.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double))
-@pytest.mark.parametrize("op, builtin, result", [
-                         (np.add, "__pnl_builtin_mat_add", mat_add_res),
-                         (np.subtract, "__pnl_builtin_mat_sub", mat_sub_res),
-                         (np.multiply, "__pnl_builtin_mat_hadamard", mat_mul_res),
-                         ], ids=["ADD", "SUB", "MUL"])
-def test_mat_hadamard(benchmark, op, builtin, result, func_mode):
-    if func_mode == 'Python':
-        def ex():
-            return op(u, v)
-    elif func_mode == 'LLVM':
-        bin_f = pnlvm.LLVMBinaryFunction.get(builtin)
-        def ex():
-            bin_f(ct_u, ct_v, DIM_X, DIM_Y, ct_mat_res)
-            return llvm_mat_res
-    elif func_mode == 'PTX':
-        bin_f = pnlvm.LLVMBinaryFunction.get(builtin)
-        cuda_u = pnlvm.jit_engine.pycuda.driver.In(u)
-        cuda_v = pnlvm.jit_engine.pycuda.driver.In(v)
-        cuda_res = pnlvm.jit_engine.pycuda.driver.Out(llvm_mat_res)
-        def ex():
-            bin_f.cuda_call(cuda_u, cuda_v, np.int32(DIM_X), np.int32(DIM_Y), cuda_res)
-            return llvm_mat_res
-    res = benchmark(ex)
-    assert np.allclose(res, result)
-@pytest.mark.parametrize("op, builtin, result", [
-                         (np.add, "__pnl_builtin_mat_scalar_add", mat_sadd_res),
-                         (np.multiply, "__pnl_builtin_mat_scalar_mult", mat_smul_res),
-                         ], ids=["ADD", "MUL"])
-def test_mat_scalar(benchmark, op, builtin, result, func_mode):
-    if func_mode == 'Python':
-        def ex():
-            return op(u, scalar)
-    elif func_mode == 'LLVM':
-        bin_f = pnlvm.LLVMBinaryFunction.get(builtin)
-        def ex():
-            bin_f(ct_u, scalar, DIM_X, DIM_Y, ct_mat_res)
-            return llvm_mat_res
-    elif func_mode == 'PTX':
-        bin_f = pnlvm.LLVMBinaryFunction.get(builtin)
-        cuda_u = pnlvm.jit_engine.pycuda.driver.In(u)
-        cuda_res = pnlvm.jit_engine.pycuda.driver.Out(llvm_mat_res)
-        def ex():
-            bin_f.cuda_call(cuda_u, np.float64(scalar), np.int32(DIM_X), np.int32(DIM_Y), cuda_res)
-            return llvm_mat_res
-    res = benchmark(ex)
-    assert np.allclose(res, result)
-def test_dot(benchmark, func_mode):
-    if func_mode == 'Python':
-        def ex():
-            return np.dot(vector, u)
-    elif func_mode == 'LLVM':
-        bin_f = pnlvm.LLVMBinaryFunction.get("__pnl_builtin_vxm")
-        def ex():
-            bin_f(ct_vec, ct_u, DIM_X, DIM_Y, ct_vec_res)
-            return llvm_vec_res
-    elif func_mode == 'PTX':
-        bin_f = pnlvm.LLVMBinaryFunction.get("__pnl_builtin_vxm")
-        cuda_vec = pnlvm.jit_engine.pycuda.driver.In(vector)
-        cuda_mat = pnlvm.jit_engine.pycuda.driver.In(u)
-        cuda_res = pnlvm.jit_engine.pycuda.driver.Out(llvm_vec_res)
-        def ex():
-            bin_f.cuda_call(cuda_vec, cuda_mat, np.int32(DIM_X), np.int32(DIM_Y), cuda_res)
-            return llvm_vec_res
-    res = benchmark(ex)
-    assert np.allclose(res, dot_res)
-@pytest.mark.parametrize('mode', ['CPU',
-                                  pytest.param('PTX', marks=pytest.mark.cuda)])
-def test_dot_llvm_constant_dim(benchmark, mode):
-    custom_name = None
+def _get_const_dim_func(builtin, *dims):
     with pnlvm.LLVMBuilderContext.get_current() as ctx:
-        custom_name = ctx.get_unique_name("vxsqm")
-        double_ptr_ty = ctx.float_ty.as_pointer()
-        func_ty = ir.FunctionType(ir.VoidType(), (double_ptr_ty, double_ptr_ty, double_ptr_ty))
+        custom_name = ctx.get_unique_name("cont_dim" + builtin)
+        # get builtin function
+        builtin = ctx.import_llvm_function(builtin)
+        pointer_arg_types = [a for a in builtin.type.pointee.args if pnlvm.helpers.is_pointer(a)]
+        func_ty = ir.FunctionType(ir.VoidType(), pointer_arg_types)
-        # get builtin IR
-        builtin = ctx.import_llvm_function("__pnl_builtin_vxm")
         # Create square vector matrix multiply
-        function = ir.Function(ctx.module, func_ty, name=custom_name)
-        _x = ctx.int32_ty(DIM_X)
-        _y = ctx.int32_ty(DIM_Y)
-        _v, _m, _o = function.args
+        function = ir.Function(ctx.module, builtin.type.pointee, name=custom_name)
+        const_dims = (ctx.int32_ty(d) for d in dims)
+        *inputs, output = (a for a in function.args if pnlvm.helpers.is_floating_point(a))
         block = function.append_basic_block(name="entry")
         builder = ir.IRBuilder(block)
-        builder.call(builtin, [_v, _m, _x, _y, _o])
+        builder.call(builtin, [*inputs, *const_dims, output])
-    binf2 = pnlvm.LLVMBinaryFunction.get(custom_name)
-    if mode == 'CPU':
-        benchmark(binf2, ct_vec, ct_u, ct_vec_res)
-    else:
-        cuda_vec = pnlvm.jit_engine.pycuda.driver.In(vector)
-        cuda_mat = pnlvm.jit_engine.pycuda.driver.In(u)
-        cuda_res = pnlvm.jit_engine.pycuda.driver.Out(llvm_vec_res)
-        benchmark(binf2.cuda_call, cuda_vec, cuda_mat, cuda_res)
-    assert np.allclose(llvm_vec_res, dot_res)
-def test_dot_transposed(benchmark, func_mode):
+    return custom_name
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("op, x, y, builtin, result", [
+                         (np.add, u, v, "__pnl_builtin_mat_add", mat_add_res),
+                         (np.subtract, u, v, "__pnl_builtin_mat_sub", mat_sub_res),
+                         (np.multiply, u, v, "__pnl_builtin_mat_hadamard", mat_mul_res),
+                         (np.add, u, scalar, "__pnl_builtin_mat_scalar_add", mat_sadd_res),
+                         (np.multiply, u, scalar, "__pnl_builtin_mat_scalar_mult", mat_smul_res),
+                         (np.dot, vector, u, "__pnl_builtin_vxm", dot_res),
+                         (np.dot, trans_vector, trans_u, "__pnl_builtin_vxm_transposed", trans_dot_res),
+                         ], ids=["ADD", "SUB", "MUL", "ADDS", "MULS", "DOT", "TRANS DOT"])
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("dims", [(DIM_X, DIM_Y), (0, 0)], ids=["VAR-DIM", "CONST-DIM"])
+def test_matrix_op(benchmark, op, x, y, builtin, result, func_mode, dims):
     if func_mode == 'Python':
         def ex():
-            return np.dot(trans_vector, trans_u)
-    elif func_mode == 'LLVM':
-        bin_f = pnlvm.LLVMBinaryFunction.get("__pnl_builtin_vxm_transposed")
-        def ex():
-            bin_f(ct_tvec, ct_u, DIM_X, DIM_Y, ct_tvec_res)
-            return llvm_tvec_res
-    elif func_mode == 'PTX':
-        bin_f = pnlvm.LLVMBinaryFunction.get("__pnl_builtin_vxm_transposed")
-        cuda_vec = pnlvm.jit_engine.pycuda.driver.In(trans_vector)
-        cuda_mat = pnlvm.jit_engine.pycuda.driver.In(u)
-        cuda_res = pnlvm.jit_engine.pycuda.driver.Out(llvm_tvec_res)
-        def ex():
-            bin_f.cuda_call(cuda_vec, cuda_mat, np.int32(DIM_X), np.int32(DIM_Y), cuda_res)
-            return llvm_tvec_res
+            return op(x, y)
-    res = benchmark(ex)
-    assert np.allclose(res, trans_dot_res)
+    elif func_mode == 'LLVM':
+        if dims == (0, 0):
+            func_name = _get_const_dim_func(builtin, DIM_X, DIM_Y)
+        else:
+            func_name = builtin
+        bin_f = pnlvm.LLVMBinaryFunction.get(func_name)
+        dty = np.dtype(bin_f.byref_arg_types[0])
+        assert dty == np.dtype(bin_f.byref_arg_types[1])
+        assert dty == np.dtype(bin_f.byref_arg_types[4])
-@pytest.mark.parametrize('mode', ['CPU',
-                                  pytest.param('PTX', marks=pytest.mark.cuda)])
-def test_dot_transposed_llvm_constant_dim(benchmark, mode):
-    custom_name = None
+        lx = x.astype(dty)
+        ly = dty.type(y) if np.isscalar(y) else y.astype(dty)
+        lres = np.empty_like(result, dtype=dty)
-    with pnlvm.LLVMBuilderContext.get_current() as ctx:
-        custom_name = ctx.get_unique_name("vxsqm")
-        double_ptr_ty = ctx.float_ty.as_pointer()
-        func_ty = ir.FunctionType(ir.VoidType(), (double_ptr_ty, double_ptr_ty, double_ptr_ty))
+        ct_x = lx.ctypes.data_as(bin_f.c_func.argtypes[0])
+        ct_y = ly if np.isscalar(ly) else ly.ctypes.data_as(bin_f.c_func.argtypes[1])
+        ct_res = lres.ctypes.data_as(bin_f.c_func.argtypes[4])
-        # get builtin IR
-        builtin = ctx.import_llvm_function("__pnl_builtin_vxm_transposed")
+        def ex():
+            bin_f(ct_x, ct_y, *dims, ct_res)
+            return lres
-        # Create square vector matrix multiply
-        function = ir.Function(ctx.module, func_ty, name=custom_name)
-        _x = ctx.int32_ty(DIM_X)
-        _y = ctx.int32_ty(DIM_Y)
-        _v, _m, _o = function.args
-        block = function.append_basic_block(name="entry")
-        builder = ir.IRBuilder(block)
-        builder.call(builtin, [_v, _m, _x, _y, _o])
-        builder.ret_void()
+    elif func_mode == 'PTX':
+        if dims == (0, 0):
+            func_name = _get_const_dim_func(builtin, DIM_X, DIM_Y)
+        else:
+            func_name = builtin
+        bin_f = pnlvm.LLVMBinaryFunction.get(func_name)
+        dty = np.dtype(bin_f.byref_arg_types[0])
+        assert dty == np.dtype(bin_f.byref_arg_types[1])
+        assert dty == np.dtype(bin_f.byref_arg_types[4])
+        lx = x.astype(dty)
+        ly = dty.type(y) if np.isscalar(y) else y.astype(dty)
+        lres = np.empty_like(result, dtype=dty)
+        cuda_x = pnlvm.jit_engine.pycuda.driver.In(lx)
+        cuda_y = ly if np.isscalar(ly) else pnlvm.jit_engine.pycuda.driver.In(ly)
+        cuda_res = pnlvm.jit_engine.pycuda.driver.Out(lres)
+        def ex():
+            bin_f.cuda_call(cuda_x, cuda_y, np.int32(dims[0]), np.int32(dims[1]), cuda_res)
+            return lres
-    binf2 = pnlvm.LLVMBinaryFunction.get(custom_name)
-    if mode == 'CPU':
-        benchmark(binf2, ct_tvec, ct_u, ct_tvec_res)
-    else:
-        cuda_vec = pnlvm.jit_engine.pycuda.driver.In(trans_vector)
-        cuda_mat = pnlvm.jit_engine.pycuda.driver.In(u)
-        cuda_res = pnlvm.jit_engine.pycuda.driver.Out(llvm_tvec_res)
-        benchmark(binf2.cuda_call, cuda_vec, cuda_mat, cuda_res)
-    assert np.allclose(llvm_tvec_res, trans_dot_res)
+    res = benchmark(ex)
+    assert np.allclose(res, result)
diff --git a/tests/llvm/test_builtins_mt_random.py b/tests/llvm/test_builtins_mt_random.py
index 86a02ff8627..19dbeb7b818 100644
--- a/tests/llvm/test_builtins_mt_random.py
+++ b/tests/llvm/test_builtins_mt_random.py
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 @pytest.mark.benchmark(group="Mersenne Twister integer PRNG")
 @pytest.mark.parametrize('mode', ['Python', 'numpy',
                                   pytest.param('LLVM', marks=pytest.mark.llvm),
-                                  pytest.param('PTX', marks=pytest.mark.cuda)])
+                                  pytest.helpers.cuda_param('PTX')])
 def test_random_int(benchmark, mode):
     res = []
     if mode == 'Python':
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ def f():
 @pytest.mark.benchmark(group="Mersenne Twister floating point PRNG")
 @pytest.mark.parametrize('mode', ['Python', 'numpy',
                                   pytest.param('LLVM', marks=pytest.mark.llvm),
-                                  pytest.param('PTX', marks=pytest.mark.cuda)])
+                                  pytest.helpers.cuda_param('PTX')])
 def test_random_float(benchmark, mode):
     res = []
     if mode == 'Python':
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ def f():
         init_fun(state, SEED)
         gen_fun = pnlvm.LLVMBinaryFunction.get('__pnl_builtin_mt_rand_double')
-        out = ctypes.c_double()
+        out = gen_fun.byref_arg_types[1]()
         def f():
             gen_fun(state, out)
             return out.value
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ def f():
         init_fun.cuda_call(gpu_state, np.int32(SEED))
         gen_fun = pnlvm.LLVMBinaryFunction.get('__pnl_builtin_mt_rand_double')
-        out = np.asfarray([0.0], dtype=np.float64)
+        out = np.asfarray([0.0], dtype=np.dtype(gen_fun.byref_arg_types[1]))
         gpu_out = pnlvm.jit_engine.pycuda.driver.Out(out)
         def f():
             gen_fun.cuda_call(gpu_state, gpu_out)
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ def f():
 @pytest.mark.benchmark(group="Marsenne Twister Normal distribution")
 @pytest.mark.parametrize('mode', ['numpy',
                                   pytest.param('LLVM', marks=pytest.mark.llvm),
-                                  pytest.param('PTX', marks=pytest.mark.cuda)])
+                                  pytest.helpers.cuda_param('PTX')])
 # Python uses different algorithm so skip it in this test
 def test_random_normal(benchmark, mode):
     if mode == 'numpy':
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ def f():
         init_fun(state, SEED)
         gen_fun = pnlvm.LLVMBinaryFunction.get('__pnl_builtin_mt_rand_normal')
-        out = ctypes.c_double()
+        out = gen_fun.byref_arg_types[1]()
         def f():
             gen_fun(state, out)
             return out.value
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ def f():
         init_fun.cuda_call(gpu_state, np.int32(SEED))
         gen_fun = pnlvm.LLVMBinaryFunction.get('__pnl_builtin_mt_rand_normal')
-        out = np.asfarray([0.0], dtype=np.float64)
+        out = np.asfarray([0.0], dtype=np.dtype(gen_fun.byref_arg_types[1]))
         gpu_out = pnlvm.jit_engine.pycuda.driver.Out(out)
         def f():
             gen_fun.cuda_call(gpu_state, gpu_out)
diff --git a/tests/llvm/test_builtins_philox_random.py b/tests/llvm/test_builtins_philox_random.py
index 1117fcc3605..479e91379e7 100644
--- a/tests/llvm/test_builtins_philox_random.py
+++ b/tests/llvm/test_builtins_philox_random.py
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 @pytest.mark.benchmark(group="Philox integer PRNG")
 @pytest.mark.parametrize('mode', ['numpy',
                                   pytest.param('LLVM', marks=pytest.mark.llvm),
-                                  pytest.param('PTX', marks=pytest.mark.cuda)])
+                                  pytest.helpers.cuda_param('PTX')])
 @pytest.mark.parametrize('seed, expected', [
     (0, [259491006799949737,  4754966410622352325,  8698845897610382596, 1686395276220330909, 18061843536446043542, 4723914225006068263]),
     (-5, [4936860362606747269, 11611290354192475889, 2015254117581537576, 4620074701282684350, 9574602527017877750, 2811009141214824706]),
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ def f():
 @pytest.mark.benchmark(group="Philox integer PRNG")
 @pytest.mark.parametrize('mode', ['numpy',
                                   pytest.param('LLVM', marks=pytest.mark.llvm),
-                                  pytest.param('PTX', marks=pytest.mark.cuda)])
+                                  pytest.helpers.cuda_param('PTX')])
 def test_random_int32(benchmark, mode):
     res = []
     if mode == 'numpy':
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ def f():
 @pytest.mark.benchmark(group="Philox floating point PRNG")
 @pytest.mark.parametrize('mode', ['numpy',
                                   pytest.param('LLVM', marks=pytest.mark.llvm),
-                                  pytest.param('PTX', marks=pytest.mark.cuda)])
+                                  pytest.helpers.cuda_param('PTX')])
 def test_random_double(benchmark, mode):
     res = []
     if mode == 'numpy':
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ def f():
 @pytest.mark.benchmark(group="Philox floating point PRNG")
 @pytest.mark.parametrize('mode', ['numpy',
                                   pytest.param('LLVM', marks=pytest.mark.llvm),
-                                  pytest.param('PTX', marks=pytest.mark.cuda)])
+                                  pytest.helpers.cuda_param('PTX')])
 def test_random_float(benchmark, mode):
     res = []
     if mode == 'numpy':
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ def f():
 @pytest.mark.benchmark(group="Philox Normal distribution")
 @pytest.mark.parametrize('mode', ['numpy',
                                   pytest.param('LLVM', marks=pytest.mark.llvm),
-                                  pytest.param('PTX', marks=pytest.mark.cuda)])
+                                  pytest.helpers.cuda_param('PTX')])
 @pytest.mark.parametrize('fp_type', [pnlvm.ir.DoubleType(), pnlvm.ir.FloatType()],
                          ids=lambda x: str(x))
 def test_random_normal(benchmark, mode, fp_type):
diff --git a/tests/llvm/test_builtins_vector.py b/tests/llvm/test_builtins_vector.py
index cf101848eca..7bb1f472cae 100644
--- a/tests/llvm/test_builtins_vector.py
+++ b/tests/llvm/test_builtins_vector.py
@@ -5,50 +5,66 @@
 from psyneulink.core import llvm as pnlvm
-u = np.random.rand(DIM_X)
-v = np.random.rand(DIM_X)
+# These are just basic tests to check that vector indexing and operations
+# work correctly when compiled. The values don't matter much.
+# Might as well make them representable in fp32 for single precision testing.
+u = np.random.rand(DIM_X).astype(np.float32).astype(np.float64)
+v = np.random.rand(DIM_X).astype(np.float32).astype(np.float64)
 scalar = np.random.rand()
-llvm_res = np.random.rand(DIM_X)
 add_res = np.add(u, v)
 sub_res = np.subtract(u, v)
 mul_res = np.multiply(u, v)
 smul_res = np.multiply(u, scalar)
-ct_u = u.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double))
-ct_v = v.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double))
-ct_res = llvm_res.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double))
-@pytest.mark.parametrize("op, y, llvm_y, builtin, result", [
-                         (np.add, v, ct_v, "__pnl_builtin_vec_add", add_res),
-                         (np.subtract, v, ct_v, "__pnl_builtin_vec_sub", sub_res),
-                         (np.multiply, v, ct_v, "__pnl_builtin_vec_hadamard", mul_res),
-                         (np.multiply, scalar, scalar, "__pnl_builtin_vec_scalar_mult", smul_res),
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("op, v, builtin, result", [
+                         (np.add, v, "__pnl_builtin_vec_add", add_res),
+                         (np.subtract, v, "__pnl_builtin_vec_sub", sub_res),
+                         (np.multiply, v, "__pnl_builtin_vec_hadamard", mul_res),
+                         (np.multiply, scalar, "__pnl_builtin_vec_scalar_mult", smul_res),
                          ], ids=["ADD", "SUB", "MUL", "SMUL"])
-def test_vector_op(benchmark, op, y, llvm_y, builtin, result, func_mode):
+def test_vector_op(benchmark, op, v, builtin, result, func_mode):
     if func_mode == 'Python':
         def ex():
-            return op(u, y)
+            return op(u, v)
     elif func_mode == 'LLVM':
         bin_f = pnlvm.LLVMBinaryFunction.get(builtin)
+        dty = np.dtype(bin_f.byref_arg_types[0])
+        assert dty == np.dtype(bin_f.byref_arg_types[1])
+        assert dty == np.dtype(bin_f.byref_arg_types[3])
+        lu = u.astype(dty)
+        lv = dty.type(v) if np.isscalar(v) else v.astype(dty)
+        lres = np.empty_like(lu)
+        ct_u = lu.ctypes.data_as(bin_f.c_func.argtypes[0])
+        ct_v = lv if np.isscalar(lv) else lv.ctypes.data_as(bin_f.c_func.argtypes[1])
+        ct_res = lres.ctypes.data_as(bin_f.c_func.argtypes[3])
         def ex():
-            bin_f(ct_u, llvm_y, DIM_X, ct_res)
-            return llvm_res
+            bin_f(ct_u, ct_v, DIM_X, ct_res)
+            return lres
     elif func_mode == 'PTX':
         bin_f = pnlvm.LLVMBinaryFunction.get(builtin)
-        cuda_u = pnlvm.jit_engine.pycuda.driver.In(u)
-        cuda_y = np.float64(y) if np.isscalar(y) else pnlvm.jit_engine.pycuda.driver.In(y)
-        cuda_res = pnlvm.jit_engine.pycuda.driver.Out(llvm_res)
+        dty = np.dtype(bin_f.byref_arg_types[0])
+        assert dty == np.dtype(bin_f.byref_arg_types[1])
+        assert dty == np.dtype(bin_f.byref_arg_types[3])
+        lu = u.astype(dty)
+        lv = dty.type(v) if np.isscalar(v) else v.astype(dty)
+        lres = np.empty_like(lu)
+        cuda_u = pnlvm.jit_engine.pycuda.driver.In(lu)
+        cuda_v = lv if np.isscalar(lv) else pnlvm.jit_engine.pycuda.driver.In(lv)
+        cuda_res = pnlvm.jit_engine.pycuda.driver.Out(lres)
         def ex():
-            bin_f.cuda_call(cuda_u, cuda_y, np.int32(DIM_X), cuda_res)
-            return llvm_res
+            bin_f.cuda_call(cuda_u, cuda_v, np.int32(DIM_X), cuda_res)
+            return lres
     res = benchmark(ex)
     assert np.allclose(res, result)
@@ -61,16 +77,25 @@ def ex():
             return np.sum(u)
     elif func_mode == 'LLVM':
         bin_f = pnlvm.LLVMBinaryFunction.get("__pnl_builtin_vec_sum")
+        lu = u.astype(np.dtype(bin_f.byref_arg_types[0]))
+        llvm_res = np.empty(1, dtype=lu.dtype)
+        ct_u = lu.ctypes.data_as(bin_f.c_func.argtypes[0])
+        ct_res = llvm_res.ctypes.data_as(bin_f.c_func.argtypes[2])
         def ex():
             bin_f(ct_u, DIM_X, ct_res)
             return llvm_res[0]
     elif func_mode == 'PTX':
         bin_f = pnlvm.LLVMBinaryFunction.get("__pnl_builtin_vec_sum")
-        cuda_u = pnlvm.jit_engine.pycuda.driver.In(u)
-        cuda_res = pnlvm.jit_engine.pycuda.driver.Out(llvm_res)
+        lu = u.astype(np.dtype(bin_f.byref_arg_types[0]))
+        cuda_u = pnlvm.jit_engine.pycuda.driver.In(lu)
+        res = np.empty(1, dtype=lu.dtype)
+        cuda_res = pnlvm.jit_engine.pycuda.driver.Out(res)
         def ex():
             bin_f.cuda_call(cuda_u, np.int32(DIM_X), cuda_res)
-            return llvm_res[0]
+            return res[0]
     res = benchmark(ex)
     assert np.allclose(res, sum(u))
diff --git a/tests/llvm/test_compile.py b/tests/llvm/test_compile.py
index ed012f037b5..406fc1e2430 100644
--- a/tests/llvm/test_compile.py
+++ b/tests/llvm/test_compile.py
@@ -8,20 +8,25 @@
-matrix = np.random.rand(DIM_X, DIM_Y)
-vector = np.random.rand(DIM_X)
-llvm_res = np.random.rand(DIM_Y)
-ct_vec = vector.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double))
-ct_mat = matrix.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double))
-x, y = matrix.shape
 def test_recompile():
     # The original builtin mxv function
     binf = pnlvm.LLVMBinaryFunction.get('__pnl_builtin_vxm')
+    dty = np.dtype(binf.byref_arg_types[0])
+    assert dty == np.dtype(binf.byref_arg_types[1])
+    assert dty == np.dtype(binf.byref_arg_types[4])
+    matrix = np.random.rand(DIM_X, DIM_Y).astype(dty)
+    vector = np.random.rand(DIM_X).astype(dty)
+    llvm_res = np.empty(DIM_Y, dtype=dty)
+    x, y = matrix.shape
+    ct_vec = vector.ctypes.data_as(binf.c_func.argtypes[0])
+    ct_mat = matrix.ctypes.data_as(binf.c_func.argtypes[1])
     orig_res = np.empty_like(llvm_res)
-    ct_res = orig_res.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double))
+    ct_res = orig_res.ctypes.data_as(binf.c_func.argtypes[4])
     binf.c_func(ct_vec, ct_mat, x, y, ct_res)
@@ -30,7 +35,7 @@ def test_recompile():
     rebuild_res = np.empty_like(llvm_res)
-    ct_res = rebuild_res.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double))
+    ct_res = rebuild_res.ctypes.data_as(binf.c_func.argtypes[4])
     binf.c_func(ct_vec, ct_mat, x, y, ct_res)
     assert np.array_equal(orig_res, rebuild_res)
@@ -38,13 +43,13 @@ def test_recompile():
     # Get a new pointer
     binf2 = pnlvm.LLVMBinaryFunction.get('__pnl_builtin_vxm')
     new_res = np.empty_like(llvm_res)
-    ct_res = new_res.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double))
+    ct_res = new_res.ctypes.data_as(binf2.c_func.argtypes[4])
-    binf.c_func(ct_vec, ct_mat, x, y, ct_res)
+    binf2.c_func(ct_vec, ct_mat, x, y, ct_res)
     assert np.array_equal(rebuild_res, new_res)
     callable_res = np.empty_like(llvm_res)
-    ct_res = callable_res.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double))
+    ct_res = callable_res.ctypes.data_as(binf.c_func.argtypes[4])
-    binf(ct_vec, ct_mat, x, y, ct_res)
+    binf2(ct_vec, ct_mat, x, y, ct_res)
     assert np.array_equal(new_res, callable_res)
diff --git a/tests/llvm/test_custom_func.py b/tests/llvm/test_custom_func.py
index 5435b9f3013..406beb937c3 100644
--- a/tests/llvm/test_custom_func.py
+++ b/tests/llvm/test_custom_func.py
@@ -4,67 +4,6 @@
 from psyneulink.core import llvm as pnlvm
-from llvmlite import ir
-matrix = np.random.rand(DIM_X, DIM_X)
-vector = np.random.rand(DIM_X)
-llvm_res = np.random.rand(DIM_X)
-x, y = matrix.shape
-@pytest.mark.parametrize('mode', ['CPU',
-                                  pytest.param('PTX', marks=pytest.mark.cuda)])
-def test_fixed_dimensions__pnl_builtin_vxm(mode):
-    # The original builtin mxv function
-    binf = pnlvm.LLVMBinaryFunction.get("__pnl_builtin_vxm")
-    orig_res = np.empty_like(llvm_res)
-    if mode == 'CPU':
-        ct_in_ty, ct_mat_ty, _, _, ct_res_ty = binf.byref_arg_types
-        ct_vec = vector.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.POINTER(ct_in_ty))
-        ct_mat = matrix.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.POINTER(ct_mat_ty))
-        ct_res = orig_res.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.POINTER(ct_res_ty))
-        binf.c_func(ct_vec, ct_mat, x, y, ct_res)
-    else:
-        binf.cuda_wrap_call(vector, matrix, np.int32(x), np.int32(y), orig_res)
-    custom_name = None
-    with pnlvm.LLVMBuilderContext.get_current() as ctx:
-        custom_name = ctx.get_unique_name("vxsqm")
-        double_ptr_ty = ctx.convert_python_struct_to_llvm_ir(1.0).as_pointer()
-        func_ty = ir.FunctionType(ir.VoidType(), (double_ptr_ty, double_ptr_ty, double_ptr_ty))
-        # get builtin IR
-        builtin = ctx.import_llvm_function("__pnl_builtin_vxm")
-        # Create square vector matrix multiply
-        function = ir.Function(ctx.module, func_ty, name=custom_name)
-        _x = ctx.int32_ty(x)
-        _v, _m, _o = function.args
-        block = function.append_basic_block(name="entry")
-        builder = ir.IRBuilder(block)
-        builder.call(builtin, [_v, _m, _x, _x, _o])
-        builder.ret_void()
-    binf2 = pnlvm.LLVMBinaryFunction.get(custom_name)
-    new_res = np.empty_like(llvm_res)
-    if mode == 'CPU':
-        ct_res = new_res.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.POINTER(ct_res_ty))
-        binf2(ct_vec, ct_mat, ct_res)
-    else:
-        binf2.cuda_wrap_call(vector, matrix, new_res)
-    assert np.array_equal(orig_res, new_res)
 @pytest.mark.parametrize('mode', ['CPU',
@@ -79,14 +18,15 @@ def test_integer_broadcast(mode, val):
     with pnlvm.LLVMBuilderContext.get_current() as ctx:
         custom_name = ctx.get_unique_name("broadcast")
         int_ty = ctx.convert_python_struct_to_llvm_ir(val)
-        int_array_ty = ir.ArrayType(int_ty, 8)
-        func_ty = ir.FunctionType(ir.VoidType(), (int_ty.as_pointer(),
-                                                  int_array_ty.as_pointer()))
-        function = ir.Function(ctx.module, func_ty, name=custom_name)
+        int_array_ty = pnlvm.ir.ArrayType(int_ty, 8)
+        func_ty = pnlvm.ir.FunctionType(pnlvm.ir.VoidType(),
+                                        (int_ty.as_pointer(),
+                                         int_array_ty.as_pointer()))
+        function = pnlvm.ir.Function(ctx.module, func_ty, name=custom_name)
         i, o = function.args
         block = function.append_basic_block(name="entry")
-        builder = ir.IRBuilder(block)
+        builder = pnlvm.ir.IRBuilder(block)
         ival = builder.load(i)
         ival = builder.add(ival, ival.type(1))
         with pnlvm.helpers.array_ptr_loop(builder, o, "broadcast") as (b, i):
diff --git a/tests/llvm/test_debug_composition.py b/tests/llvm/test_debug_composition.py
index 5555e601791..e84ba68c1c8 100644
--- a/tests/llvm/test_debug_composition.py
+++ b/tests/llvm/test_debug_composition.py
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 from psyneulink.core.compositions.composition import Composition
 debug_options=["const_input=[[[7]]]", "const_input", "const_data", "const_params", "const_data", "const_state", "stat", "time_stat", "unaligned_copy"]
-options_combinations = (";".join(("debug_info", *c)) for i in range(len(debug_options) + 1) for c in combinations(debug_options, i))
+options_combinations = (";".join(("", *c)) for i in range(len(debug_options) + 1) for c in combinations(debug_options, i))
 @pytest.mark.parametrize("mode", [pytest.param(pnlvm.ExecutionMode.LLVMRun, marks=pytest.mark.llvm),
diff --git a/tests/llvm/test_helpers.py b/tests/llvm/test_helpers.py
index 6862c784d00..56dff0df215 100644
--- a/tests/llvm/test_helpers.py
+++ b/tests/llvm/test_helpers.py
@@ -108,7 +108,11 @@ def test_helper_fclamp_const(mode):
                          [[1, 1], [1, 100], [1,2], [-4,5], [0, -100], [-1,-2],
                           [[1,1,1,-4,0,-1], [1,100,2,5,-100,-2]]
-def test_helper_is_close(mode, var1, var2, rtol, atol):
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('fp_type', [ir.DoubleType, ir.FloatType])
+def test_helper_is_close(mode, var1, var2, rtol, atol, fp_type):
+    # Instantiate LLVMBuilderContext using the preferred fp type
+    pnlvm.builder_context.LLVMBuilderContext(fp_type())
     tolerance = {}
     if rtol is not None:
@@ -116,11 +120,10 @@ def test_helper_is_close(mode, var1, var2, rtol, atol):
     if atol is not None:
         tolerance['atol'] = atol
     with pnlvm.LLVMBuilderContext.get_current() as ctx:
-        double_ptr_ty = ir.DoubleType().as_pointer()
-        func_ty = ir.FunctionType(ir.VoidType(), [double_ptr_ty, double_ptr_ty,
-                                                  double_ptr_ty, ctx.int32_ty])
+        float_ptr_ty = ctx.float_ty.as_pointer()
+        func_ty = ir.FunctionType(ir.VoidType(), [float_ptr_ty, float_ptr_ty,
+                                                  float_ptr_ty, ctx.int32_ty])
         custom_name = ctx.get_unique_name("is_close")
         function = ir.Function(ctx.module, func_ty, name=custom_name)
@@ -143,13 +146,15 @@ def test_helper_is_close(mode, var1, var2, rtol, atol):
-    vec1 = np.atleast_1d(np.asfarray(var1))
-    vec2 = np.atleast_1d(np.asfarray(var2))
+    bin_f = pnlvm.LLVMBinaryFunction.get(custom_name)
+    dty = np.dtype(bin_f.byref_arg_types[0])
+    vec1 = np.atleast_1d(np.asfarray(var1, dtype=dty))
+    vec2 = np.atleast_1d(np.asfarray(var2, dtype=dty))
     assert len(vec1) == len(vec2)
     res = np.empty_like(vec2)
     ref = np.isclose(vec1, vec2, **tolerance)
-    bin_f = pnlvm.LLVMBinaryFunction.get(custom_name)
     if mode == 'CPU':
         ct_ty = ctypes.POINTER(bin_f.byref_arg_types[0])
         ct_vec1 = vec1.ctypes.data_as(ct_ty)
@@ -459,8 +464,8 @@ def test_helper_numerical(mode, op, var, expected, fp_type):
 @pytest.mark.parametrize('mode', ['CPU',
                                   pytest.param('PTX', marks=pytest.mark.cuda)])
 @pytest.mark.parametrize('var,expected', [
-    (np.array([1,2,3], dtype=np.float64), np.array([2,3,4], dtype=np.float64)),
-    (np.array([[1,2],[3,4]], dtype=np.float64), np.array([[2,3],[4,5]], dtype=np.float64)),
+    (np.asfarray([1,2,3]), np.asfarray([2,3,4])),
+    (np.asfarray([[1,2],[3,4]]), np.asfarray([[2,3],[4,5]])),
 ], ids=["vector", "matrix"])
 def test_helper_elementwise_op(mode, var, expected):
     with pnlvm.LLVMBuilderContext.get_current() as ctx:
@@ -479,12 +484,18 @@ def test_helper_elementwise_op(mode, var, expected):
     bin_f = pnlvm.LLVMBinaryFunction.get(custom_name)
+    # convert input to the right type
+    dt = np.dtype(bin_f.byref_arg_types[0])
+    dt = np.empty(1, dtype=dt).flatten().dtype
+    var = var.astype(dt)
     if mode == 'CPU':
         ct_vec = np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(var)
         res = bin_f.byref_arg_types[1]()
         bin_f(ct_vec, ctypes.byref(res))
-        res = copy.deepcopy(var)
+        res = np.empty_like(var)
         bin_f.cuda_wrap_call(var, res)
     assert np.array_equal(res, expected)
@@ -524,13 +535,64 @@ def test_helper_recursive_iterate_arrays(mode, var1, var2, expected):
     bin_f = pnlvm.LLVMBinaryFunction.get(custom_name)
+    # convert input to the right type
+    dt = np.dtype(bin_f.byref_arg_types[0])
+    dt = np.empty(1, dtype=dt).flatten().dtype
+    var1 = var1.astype(dt)
+    var2 = var2.astype(dt)
     if mode == 'CPU':
         ct_vec = np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(var1)
         ct_vec_2 = np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(var2)
         res = bin_f.byref_arg_types[2]()
         bin_f(ct_vec, ct_vec_2, ctypes.byref(res))
-        res = copy.deepcopy(var1)
+        res = np.empty_like(var1)
         bin_f.cuda_wrap_call(var1, var2, res)
     assert np.array_equal(res, expected)
+_fp_types = [ir.DoubleType, ir.FloatType, ir.HalfType]
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('mode', ['CPU',
+                                  pytest.param('PTX', marks=pytest.mark.cuda)])
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('t1', _fp_types)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('t2', _fp_types)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('val', [1.0, '-Inf', 'Inf', 'NaN', 16777216, 16777217, -1.0])
+def test_helper_convert_fp_type(t1, t2, mode, val):
+    with pnlvm.LLVMBuilderContext.get_current() as ctx:
+        func_ty = ir.FunctionType(ir.VoidType(), [t1().as_pointer(), t2().as_pointer()])
+        custom_name = ctx.get_unique_name("fp_convert")
+        function = ir.Function(ctx.module, func_ty, name=custom_name)
+        x, y = function.args
+        block = function.append_basic_block(name="entry")
+        builder = ir.IRBuilder(block)
+        x_val = builder.load(x)
+        conv_x = pnlvm.helpers.convert_type(builder, x_val, y.type.pointee)
+        builder.store(conv_x, y)
+        builder.ret_void()
+    bin_f = pnlvm.LLVMBinaryFunction.get(custom_name)
+    # Convert type to numpy dtype
+    npt1, npt2 = (np.dtype(bin_f.byref_arg_types[x]) for x in (0, 1))
+    npt1, npt2 = (np.float16().dtype if x == np.uint16 else x for x in (npt1, npt2))
+    # instantiate value, result and reference
+    x = np.asfarray(val, dtype=npt1)
+    y = np.asfarray(np.random.rand(), dtype=npt2)
+    ref = x.astype(npt2)
+    if mode == 'CPU':
+        ct_x = x.ctypes.data_as(bin_f.c_func.argtypes[0])
+        ct_y = y.ctypes.data_as(bin_f.c_func.argtypes[1])
+        bin_f(ct_x, ct_y)
+    else:
+        bin_f.cuda_wrap_call(x, y)
+    assert np.allclose(y, ref, equal_nan=True)
diff --git a/tests/json/model_backprop.py b/tests/mdf/model_backprop.py
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/json/model_backprop.py
rename to tests/mdf/model_backprop.py
diff --git a/tests/json/model_basic.py b/tests/mdf/model_basic.py
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/json/model_basic.py
rename to tests/mdf/model_basic.py
diff --git a/tests/json/model_basic_non_identity.py b/tests/mdf/model_basic_non_identity.py
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/json/model_basic_non_identity.py
rename to tests/mdf/model_basic_non_identity.py
diff --git a/tests/json/model_integrators.py b/tests/mdf/model_integrators.py
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/json/model_integrators.py
rename to tests/mdf/model_integrators.py
diff --git a/tests/json/model_nested_comp_with_scheduler.py b/tests/mdf/model_nested_comp_with_scheduler.py
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/json/model_nested_comp_with_scheduler.py
rename to tests/mdf/model_nested_comp_with_scheduler.py
diff --git a/tests/json/model_udfs.py b/tests/mdf/model_udfs.py
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/json/model_udfs.py
rename to tests/mdf/model_udfs.py
diff --git a/tests/json/model_varied_matrix_sizes.py b/tests/mdf/model_varied_matrix_sizes.py
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/json/model_varied_matrix_sizes.py
rename to tests/mdf/model_varied_matrix_sizes.py
diff --git a/tests/json/model_with_control.py b/tests/mdf/model_with_control.py
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/json/model_with_control.py
rename to tests/mdf/model_with_control.py
diff --git a/tests/json/model_with_two_conjoint_comps.py b/tests/mdf/model_with_two_conjoint_comps.py
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/json/model_with_two_conjoint_comps.py
rename to tests/mdf/model_with_two_conjoint_comps.py
diff --git a/tests/json/model_with_two_disjoint_comps.py b/tests/mdf/model_with_two_disjoint_comps.py
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/json/model_with_two_disjoint_comps.py
rename to tests/mdf/model_with_two_disjoint_comps.py
diff --git a/tests/json/stroop_conflict_monitoring.py b/tests/mdf/stroop_conflict_monitoring.py
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/json/stroop_conflict_monitoring.py
rename to tests/mdf/stroop_conflict_monitoring.py
diff --git a/tests/json/test_json.py b/tests/mdf/test_mdf.py
similarity index 76%
rename from tests/json/test_json.py
rename to tests/mdf/test_mdf.py
index 091e55def88..150f7c1964a 100644
--- a/tests/json/test_json.py
+++ b/tests/mdf/test_mdf.py
@@ -2,13 +2,14 @@
 import os
 import psyneulink as pnl
 import pytest
-import sys
-    reason='JSON methods require modeci_mdf package'
+    reason='MDF methods require modeci_mdf package'
+from modeci_mdf.execution_engine import evaluate_onnx_expr  # noqa: E402
 # stroop stimuli
 red = [1, 0]
@@ -76,7 +77,7 @@ def test_json_results_equivalence(
     # Get python script from file and execute
-    filename = f'{os.path.dirname(__file__)}/{filename}'
+    filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), filename)
     with open(filename, 'r') as orig_file:
@@ -103,7 +104,7 @@ def test_write_json_file(
     # Get python script from file and execute
-    filename = f'{os.path.dirname(__file__)}/{filename}'
+    filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), filename)
     with open(filename, 'r') as orig_file:
@@ -140,7 +141,7 @@ def test_write_json_file_multiple_comps(
     orig_results = {}
     # Get python script from file and execute
-    filename = f'{os.path.dirname(__file__)}/{filename}'
+    filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), filename)
     with open(filename, 'r') as orig_file:
@@ -168,37 +169,36 @@ def test_write_json_file_multiple_comps(
 # Values are generated from running onnx function RandomUniform and
 # RandomNormal with parameters used in model_integrators.py (seed 0).
 # RandomNormal values are different on mac versus linux and windows
-if sys.platform == 'linux':
-    onnx_integrators_fixed_seeded_noise = {
-        'A': [[-0.9999843239784241]],
-        'B': [[-1.1295466423034668]],
-        'C': [[-0.0647732987999916]],
-        'D': [[-0.499992161989212]],
-        'E': [[-0.2499941289424896]],
-    }
-elif sys.platform == 'win32':
-    onnx_integrators_fixed_seeded_noise = {
-        'A': [[0.0976270437240601]],
-        'B': [[-0.4184607267379761]],
-        'C': [[0.290769636631012]],
-        'D': [[0.04881352186203]],
-        'E': [[0.1616101264953613]],
-    }
-    assert sys.platform == 'darwin'
-    onnx_integrators_fixed_seeded_noise = {
-        'A': [[-0.9999550580978394]],
-        'B': [[-0.8846577405929565]],
-        'C': [[0.0576711297035217]],
-        'D': [[-0.4999775290489197]],
-        'E': [[-0.2499831467866898]],
+onnx_noise_data = {
+    'onnx_ops.randomuniform': {
+        'A': {'low': -1.0, 'high': 1.0, 'seed': 0, 'shape': (1, 1)},
+        'D': {'low': -0.5, 'high': 0.5, 'seed': 0, 'shape': (1, 1)},
+        'E': {'low': -0.25, 'high': 0.5, 'seed': 0, 'shape': (1, 1)}
+    },
+    'onnx_ops.randomnormal': {
+        'B': {'mean': -1.0, 'scale': 0.5, 'seed': 0, 'shape': (1, 1)},
+        'C': {'mean': 0.0, 'scale': 0.25, 'seed': 0, 'shape': (1, 1)},
+onnx_integrators_fixed_seeded_noise = {}
+integrators_runtime_params = None
-integrators_runtime_params = (
-    'runtime_params={'
-    + ','.join([f'{k}: {{ "noise": {v} }}' for k, v in onnx_integrators_fixed_seeded_noise.items()])
-    + '}'
+for func_type in onnx_noise_data:
+    for node, args in onnx_noise_data[func_type].items():
+        # generates output from onnx noise functions with seed 0 to be
+        # passed in in runtime_params during psyneulink execution
+        onnx_integrators_fixed_seeded_noise[node] = evaluate_onnx_expr(
+            func_type, base_parameters=args, evaluated_parameters=args
+        )
+# high precision printing needed because script will be executed from string
+# 16 is insufficient on windows
+with np.printoptions(precision=32):
+    integrators_runtime_params = (
+        'runtime_params={'
+        + ','.join([f'{k}: {{ "noise": {v} }}' for k, v in onnx_integrators_fixed_seeded_noise.items()])
+        + '}'
+    )
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ def test_mdf_equivalence(filename, composition_name, input_dict, simple_edge_for
     import modeci_mdf.execution_engine as ee
     # Get python script from file and execute
-    filename = f'{os.path.dirname(__file__)}/{filename}'
+    filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), filename)
     with open(filename, 'r') as orig_file:
         inputs_str = str(input_dict).replace("'", '')
@@ -240,3 +240,20 @@ def test_mdf_equivalence(filename, composition_name, input_dict, simple_edge_for
     assert pnl.safe_equals(orig_results, mdf_results)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('filename', ['model_basic.py'])
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('fmt', ['json', 'yml'])
+def test_generate_script_from_mdf(filename, fmt):
+    filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), filename)
+    outfi = filename.replace('.py', f'.{fmt}')
+    with open(filename, 'r') as orig_file:
+        exec(orig_file.read())
+        serialized = eval(f'pnl.get_mdf_serialized(comp, fmt="{fmt}")')
+    with open(outfi, 'w') as f:
+        f.write(serialized)
+    with open(outfi, 'r') as f:
+        assert pnl.generate_script_from_mdf(f.read()) == pnl.generate_script_from_mdf(outfi)
diff --git a/tests/mechanisms/test_control_mechanism.py b/tests/mechanisms/test_control_mechanism.py
index f43fdaf04b4..d5fdfd66204 100644
--- a/tests/mechanisms/test_control_mechanism.py
+++ b/tests/mechanisms/test_control_mechanism.py
@@ -109,6 +109,8 @@ def test_lc_control_modulated_mechanisms_all(self):
         assert T_1.parameter_ports[pnl.SLOPE].mod_afferents[0] in LC.control_signals[0].efferents
         assert T_2.parameter_ports[pnl.SLOPE].mod_afferents[0] in LC.control_signals[0].efferents
+class TestControlMechanism:
     def test_control_modulation(self):
         Tx = pnl.TransferMechanism(name='Tx')
         Ty = pnl.TransferMechanism(name='Ty')
@@ -124,9 +126,11 @@ def test_control_modulation(self):
         # comp.show_graph()
         assert Tz.parameter_ports[pnl.SLOPE].mod_afferents[0].sender.owner == C
+        assert C.parameters.control_allocation.get() == [1]
         result = comp.run(inputs={Tx:[1,1], Ty:[4,4]})
         assert comp.results == [[[4.], [4.]], [[4.], [4.]]]
     def test_identicalness_of_control_and_gating(self):
         """Tests same configuration as gating in tests/mechansims/test_gating_mechanism"""
         Input_Layer = pnl.TransferMechanism(name='Input Layer', function=pnl.Logistic, size=2)
@@ -168,6 +172,8 @@ def test_identicalness_of_control_and_gating(self):
         # c.add_linear_processing_pathway(pathway=z)
+        assert np.allclose(Control_Mechanism.parameters.control_allocation.get(), [0, 0, 0])
         stim_list = {
             Input_Layer: [[-1, 30]],
             Control_Mechanism: [1.0],
@@ -190,14 +196,18 @@ def test_identicalness_of_control_and_gating(self):
         expected_results = [[0.96941429, 0.9837254 , 0.99217549]]
         assert np.allclose(results, expected_results)
     def test_control_of_all_input_ports(self, comp_mode):
         mech = pnl.ProcessingMechanism(input_ports=['A','B','C'])
         control_mech = pnl.ControlMechanism(control=mech.input_ports)
         comp = pnl.Composition()
         comp.add_nodes([(mech, pnl.NodeRole.INPUT), (control_mech, pnl.NodeRole.INPUT)])
         results = comp.run(inputs={mech:[[2],[2],[2]], control_mech:[2]}, num_trials=2, execution_mode=comp_mode)
+        assert np.allclose(control_mech.parameters.control_allocation.get(), [1, 1, 1])
         np.allclose(results, [[4],[4],[4]])
     def test_control_of_all_output_ports(self, comp_mode):
         mech = pnl.ProcessingMechanism(output_ports=[{pnl.VARIABLE: (pnl.OWNER_VALUE, 0)},
                                                       {pnl.VARIABLE: (pnl.OWNER_VALUE, 0)},
@@ -206,6 +216,8 @@ def test_control_of_all_output_ports(self, comp_mode):
         comp = pnl.Composition()
         comp.add_nodes([(mech, pnl.NodeRole.INPUT), (control_mech, pnl.NodeRole.INPUT)])
         results = comp.run(inputs={mech:[[2]], control_mech:[3]}, num_trials=2, execution_mode=comp_mode)
+        assert np.allclose(control_mech.parameters.control_allocation.get(), [1, 1, 1])
         np.allclose(results, [[6],[6],[6]])
     def test_control_signal_default_allocation_specification(self):
@@ -227,6 +239,7 @@ def test_control_signal_default_allocation_specification(self):
         comp = pnl.Composition()
+        assert np.allclose(c1.parameters.control_allocation.get(), [10, 10, 10])
         assert c1.control_signals[0].value == [10] # defaultControlAllocation should be assigned
                                                    # (as no default_allocation from pnl.ControlMechanism)
         assert m1.parameter_ports[pnl.SLOPE].value == [1]
@@ -266,6 +279,7 @@ def test_control_signal_default_allocation_specification(self):
         comp = pnl.Composition()
+        assert np.allclose(c2.parameters.control_allocation.get(), [10, 10, 10])
         assert c2.control_signals[0].value == [4]        # default_allocation from pnl.ControlMechanism assigned
         assert m1.parameter_ports[pnl.SLOPE].value == [10]  # has not yet received pnl.ControlSignal value
         assert c2.control_signals[1].value == [5]        # default_allocation from pnl.ControlSignal assigned (converted scalar)
diff --git a/tests/mechanisms/test_processing_mechanism.py b/tests/mechanisms/test_processing_mechanism.py
index ced6f68ae8a..4780b575692 100644
--- a/tests/mechanisms/test_processing_mechanism.py
+++ b/tests/mechanisms/test_processing_mechanism.py
@@ -248,6 +248,7 @@ class TestProcessingMechanismStandardOutputPorts:
                                               (MAX_ABS_INDICATOR, [0, 0, 1]),
                                               (MAX_ABS_ONE_HOT, [0, 0, 4]),
                                               (MAX_VAL, [2]),
+                                              (PROB, [0, 2, 0]),
                              ids=lambda x: x if isinstance(x, str) else "")
     def test_output_ports(self, mech_mode, op, expected, benchmark):
@@ -265,7 +266,6 @@ def test_output_ports(self, mech_mode, op, expected, benchmark):
                                               (STANDARD_DEVIATION, [1.24721913]),
                                               (VARIANCE, [1.55555556]),
                                               (MAX_ABS_VAL, [4]),
-                                              (PROB, [0, 2, 0]),
                              ids=lambda x: x if isinstance(x, str) else "")
     def test_output_ports2(self, op, expected):
diff --git a/tests/misc/test_parameters.py b/tests/misc/test_parameters.py
index 7f9cf8828c8..98af182a686 100644
--- a/tests/misc/test_parameters.py
+++ b/tests/misc/test_parameters.py
@@ -6,6 +6,11 @@
 import warnings
 def shared_parameter_warning_regex(param_name, shared_name=None):
     if shared_name is None:
         shared_name = param_name
@@ -83,6 +88,19 @@ def test_parameter_values_overriding(ancestor, child, should_override, reset_var
         assert child.parameters.variable.default_value == original_child_variable
+def test_unspecified_inheritance():
+    class NewTM(pnl.TransferMechanism):
+        class Parameters(pnl.TransferMechanism.Parameters):
+            pass
+    assert NewTM.parameters.variable._inherited
+    NewTM.parameters.variable.default_value = -1
+    assert not NewTM.parameters.variable._inherited
+    NewTM.parameters.variable.reset()
+    assert NewTM.parameters.variable._inherited
 @pytest.mark.parametrize('obj, param_name, alias_name', param_alias_data)
 def test_aliases(obj, param_name, alias_name):
     obj = obj()
@@ -245,11 +263,15 @@ def test_copy():
         (pnl.AdaptiveIntegrator, {'rate': None}, 'rate', False),
         (pnl.AdaptiveIntegrator, {'rate': None}, 'multiplicative_param', False),
+        (pnl.AdaptiveIntegrator, {'rate': 0.5}, 'additive_param', False),
         (pnl.AdaptiveIntegrator, {'rate': 0.5}, 'rate', True),
         (pnl.AdaptiveIntegrator, {'rate': 0.5}, 'multiplicative_param', True),
         (pnl.TransferMechanism, {'integration_rate': None}, 'integration_rate', False),
         (pnl.TransferMechanism, {'integration_rate': 0.5}, 'integration_rate', True),
-    ]
+        (pnl.TransferMechanism, {'initial_value': 0}, 'initial_value', True),
+        (pnl.TransferMechanism, {'initial_value': None}, 'initial_value', False),
+        (pnl.TransferMechanism, {}, 'initial_value', False),
+    ],
 def test_user_specified(cls_, kwargs, parameter, is_user_specified):
     c = cls_(**kwargs)
@@ -269,6 +291,17 @@ def test_function_user_specified(kwargs, parameter, is_user_specified):
     assert getattr(t.function.parameters, parameter)._user_specified == is_user_specified
+# sort param names or pytest-xdist may cause failure
+# see https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/4101
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('attr', sorted(pnl.Parameter._additional_param_attr_properties))
+def test_additional_param_attrs(attr):
+    assert hasattr(pnl.Parameter, f'_set_{attr}'), (
+        f'To include {attr} in Parameter._additional_param_attr_properties, you'
+        f' must add a _set_{attr} method on Parameter. If this is unneeded,'
+        ' remove it from Parameter._additional_param_attr_properties.'
+    )
 class TestSharedParameters:
     recurrent_mech = pnl.RecurrentTransferMechanism(default_variable=[0, 0], enable_learning=True)
@@ -418,3 +451,185 @@ def test_conflict_no_warning_parser(self):
         delattr(pnl.AdaptiveIntegrator.Parameters, '_parse_noise')
+class TestSpecificationType:
+    @staticmethod
+    def _create_params_class_variant(cls_param, init_param, parent_class=pnl.Component):
+        # init_param as Parameter doesn't make sense, only check cls_param
+        if cls_param is pnl.Parameter:
+            cls_param = pnl.Parameter()
+        if cls_param is NO_PARAMETERS:
+            if init_param is NO_INIT:
+                class TestComponent(parent_class):
+                    pass
+            else:
+                class TestComponent(parent_class):
+                    @pnl.core.globals.parameters.check_user_specified
+                    def __init__(self, p=init_param):
+                        super().__init__(p=p)
+        elif cls_param is NO_VALUE:
+            if init_param is NO_INIT:
+                class TestComponent(parent_class):
+                    class Parameters(parent_class.Parameters):
+                        pass
+            else:
+                class TestComponent(parent_class):
+                    class Parameters(parent_class.Parameters):
+                        pass
+                    @pnl.core.globals.parameters.check_user_specified
+                    def __init__(self, p=init_param):
+                        super().__init__(p=p)
+        else:
+            if init_param is NO_INIT:
+                class TestComponent(parent_class):
+                    class Parameters(parent_class.Parameters):
+                        p = cls_param
+            else:
+                class TestComponent(parent_class):
+                    class Parameters(parent_class.Parameters):
+                        p = cls_param
+                    @pnl.core.globals.parameters.check_user_specified
+                    def __init__(self, p=init_param):
+                        super().__init__(p=p)
+        return TestComponent
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize(
+        "cls_param, init_param, param_default",
+        [
+            (1, 1, 1),
+            (1, None, 1),
+            (None, 1, 1),
+            (1, NO_INIT, 1),
+            ("foo", "foo", "foo"),
+            (np.array(1), np.array(1), np.array(1)),
+            (np.array([1]), np.array([1]), np.array([1])),
+        ],
+    )
+    def test_valid_assignment(self, cls_param, init_param, param_default):
+        TestComponent = TestSpecificationType._create_params_class_variant(cls_param, init_param)
+        assert TestComponent.defaults.p == param_default
+        assert TestComponent.parameters.p.default_value == param_default
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize(
+        "cls_param, init_param",
+        [
+            (1, 2),
+            (2, 1),
+            (1, 1.0),
+            (np.array(1), 1),
+            (np.array([1]), 1),
+            (np.array([1]), np.array(1)),
+            ("foo", "bar"),
+        ],
+    )
+    def test_conflicting_assignments(self, cls_param, init_param):
+        with pytest.raises(AssertionError, match="Conflicting default parameter"):
+            TestSpecificationType._create_params_class_variant(cls_param, init_param)
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize(
+        "child_cls_param, child_init_param, parent_value, child_value",
+        [
+            (NO_PARAMETERS, NO_INIT, 1, 1),
+            (NO_VALUE, NO_INIT, 1, 1),
+            (2, NO_INIT, 1, 2),
+            (NO_PARAMETERS, 2, 1, 2),
+            (NO_VALUE, 2, 1, 2),
+            (2, 2, 1, 2),
+        ],
+    )
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize(
+        "parent_cls_param, parent_init_param",
+        [(1, 1), (1, None), (None, 1), (pnl.Parameter, 1)],
+    )
+    def test_inheritance(
+        self,
+        parent_cls_param,
+        parent_init_param,
+        child_cls_param,
+        child_init_param,
+        parent_value,
+        child_value,
+    ):
+        TestParent = TestSpecificationType._create_params_class_variant(
+            parent_cls_param, parent_init_param
+        )
+        TestChild = TestSpecificationType._create_params_class_variant(
+            child_cls_param, child_init_param, parent_class=TestParent
+        )
+        assert TestParent.defaults.p == parent_value
+        assert TestParent.parameters.p.default_value == parent_value
+        assert TestChild.defaults.p == child_value
+        assert TestChild.parameters.p.default_value == child_value
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("set_from_defaults", [True, False])
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize(
+        "child_cls_param, child_init_param",
+        [(1, 1), (1, None), (None, 1), (NO_PARAMETERS, 1), (1, NO_INIT)],
+    )
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("parent_cls_param, parent_init_param", [(0, 0), (0, None)])
+    def test_set_and_reset(
+        self,
+        parent_cls_param,
+        parent_init_param,
+        child_cls_param,
+        child_init_param,
+        set_from_defaults,
+    ):
+        def set_p_default(obj, val):
+            if set_from_defaults:
+                obj.defaults.p = val
+            else:
+                obj.parameters.p.default_value = val
+        TestParent = TestSpecificationType._create_params_class_variant(
+            parent_cls_param, parent_init_param
+        )
+        TestChild = TestSpecificationType._create_params_class_variant(
+            child_cls_param, child_init_param, parent_class=TestParent
+        )
+        TestGrandchild = TestSpecificationType._create_params_class_variant(
+            NO_PARAMETERS, NO_INIT, parent_class=TestChild
+        )
+        set_p_default(TestChild, 10)
+        assert TestParent.defaults.p == 0
+        assert TestChild.defaults.p == 10
+        assert TestGrandchild.defaults.p == 10
+        set_p_default(TestGrandchild, 20)
+        assert TestParent.defaults.p == 0
+        assert TestChild.defaults.p == 10
+        assert TestGrandchild.defaults.p == 20
+        TestChild.parameters.p.reset()
+        assert TestParent.defaults.p == 0
+        assert TestChild.defaults.p == 1
+        assert TestGrandchild.defaults.p == 20
+        TestGrandchild.parameters.p.reset()
+        assert TestParent.defaults.p == 0
+        assert TestChild.defaults.p == 1
+        assert TestGrandchild.defaults.p == 1
+        set_p_default(TestGrandchild, 20)
+        assert TestParent.defaults.p == 0
+        assert TestChild.defaults.p == 1
+        assert TestGrandchild.defaults.p == 20
diff --git a/tests/models/test_bi_percepts.py b/tests/models/test_bi_percepts.py
index 2b4dbc2df43..5d819d890bf 100644
--- a/tests/models/test_bi_percepts.py
+++ b/tests/models/test_bi_percepts.py
@@ -126,7 +126,10 @@ def get_node(percept, node_id):
     # run the model
     res = bp_comp.run(input_dict, num_trials=n_time_steps, execution_mode=comp_mode)
-    np.testing.assert_allclose(res, expected)
+    if pytest.helpers.llvm_current_fp_precision() == 'fp32':
+        assert np.allclose(res, expected)
+    else:
+        np.testing.assert_allclose(res, expected)
     # Test that order of CIM ports follows order of Nodes in self.nodes
     for i in range(n_nodes):
diff --git a/tests/models/test_greedy_agent.py b/tests/models/test_greedy_agent.py
index 676150e3e1d..1ee9c192628 100644
--- a/tests/models/test_greedy_agent.py
+++ b/tests/models/test_greedy_agent.py
@@ -119,7 +119,8 @@ def test_simplified_greedy_agent_random(benchmark, comp_mode):
     pytest.param([a / 10.0 for a in range(0, 101)], marks=pytest.mark.stress),
 ], ids=lambda x: len(x))
 @pytest.mark.parametrize('prng', ['Default', 'Philox'])
-def test_predator_prey(benchmark, mode, prng, samples):
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('fp_type', [pnl.core.llvm.ir.DoubleType, pnl.core.llvm.ir.FloatType])
+def test_predator_prey(benchmark, mode, prng, samples, fp_type):
     if len(samples) > 10 and mode not in {pnl.ExecutionMode.LLVM,
@@ -132,6 +133,9 @@ def test_predator_prey(benchmark, mode, prng, samples):
         # OCM default mode is Python
         ocm_mode = 'Python'
+    # Instantiate LLVMBuilderContext using the preferred fp type
+    pnl.core.llvm.builder_context.LLVMBuilderContext(fp_type())
     benchmark.group = "Predator-Prey " + str(len(samples))
     obs_len = 3
     obs_coords = 2
@@ -234,11 +238,16 @@ def action_fn(variable):
         if prng == 'Default':
             assert np.allclose(run_results[0], [[0.9705216285127504, -0.1343332460369043]])
         elif prng == 'Philox':
-            assert np.allclose(run_results[0], [[-0.16882940384606543, -0.07280074899749223]])
+            if mode == pnl.ExecutionMode.Python or pytest.helpers.llvm_current_fp_precision() == 'fp64':
+                assert np.allclose(run_results[0], [[-0.16882940384606543, -0.07280074899749223]])
+            elif pytest.helpers.llvm_current_fp_precision() == 'fp32':
+                assert np.allclose(run_results[0], [[-0.8639436960220337, 0.4983368515968323]])
+            else:
+                assert False, "Unkown FP type!"
             assert False, "Unknown PRNG!"
-        if mode is pnl.ExecutionMode.Python:
+        if mode == pnl.ExecutionMode.Python:
             # FIXEM: The results are 'close' for both Philox and MT,
             #        because they're dominated by costs
             assert np.allclose(np.asfarray(ocm.function.saved_values).flatten(),
diff --git a/tests/projections/test_projection_specifications.py b/tests/projections/test_projection_specifications.py
index 52358f04f52..02edd207534 100644
--- a/tests/projections/test_projection_specifications.py
+++ b/tests/projections/test_projection_specifications.py
@@ -28,14 +28,15 @@ def test_projection_specification_formats(self):
         M3_M4_matrix_A = (np.arange(4 * 3).reshape((4, 3)) + 1) / (4 * 5)
         M3_M4_matrix_B = (np.arange(4 * 3).reshape((4, 3)) + 1) / (4 * 3)
-        M1_M2_proj = pnl.MappingProjection(matrix=M1_M2_matrix)
+        M1_M2_proj = pnl.MappingProjection(matrix=M1_M2_matrix, name='M1_M2_matrix')
         M2_M3_proj = pnl.MappingProjection(sender=M2,
                                            matrix={pnl.VALUE: M2_M3_matrix,
                                                    pnl.FUNCTION: pnl.AccumulatorIntegrator,
                                                    pnl.FUNCTION_PARAMS: {pnl.DEFAULT_VARIABLE: M2_M3_matrix,
-                                                                         pnl.INITIALIZER: M2_M3_matrix}})
-        M3_M4_proj_A = pnl.MappingProjection(sender=M3, receiver=M4, matrix=M3_M4_matrix_A)
+                                                                         pnl.INITIALIZER: M2_M3_matrix}},
+                                           name='M2_M3_proj')
+        M3_M4_proj_A = pnl.MappingProjection(sender=M3, receiver=M4, matrix=M3_M4_matrix_A, name='M3_M4_proj_A')
         c = pnl.Composition()
diff --git a/tutorial_requirements.txt b/tutorial_requirements.txt
index 728aa0c0eab..6d141f739cd 100644
--- a/tutorial_requirements.txt
+++ b/tutorial_requirements.txt
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@