A utility is a standalone code that performs some operation. A pipeline is set of utilities where the output of one serves as the input to another. In constructing a pipeline to automate your research workflow, you can combine common Linux commands with self-written utilities.
Earlier we created an alias for checkquota. Now let's take a look at the source code:
$ cat $(which checkquota)
and the standard Linux commands are nothing more than comptuer programs that were written by people. You can write your own commands from scratch to accelerate your research workflow.
Some users will write a data analysis script and place a copy in each directory where it is needed. This leads to unnecessary and problematic duplication. For instance, if the script needs to be changed then all copies must be modified. The correct approach is to store the script in a single location and call it from the different directories while using command-line input parameters to customize the analysis for each directory. This is how the standard Linux commands work. For instance, the ls
command is stored in /usr/bin
and it can be called from anywhere. When you want the long listing you include the option -l
as in ls -l
. Next, we show how to write your own commands.
To get your own utilities to work like the standard Linux commands, you need to do the following:
- create a directory to store them
- update your PATH environment variable so that the utilities are found
- give each utility execute permissions
$ mkdir /home/<YourNetID>/my-utilities
Once you have some scripts stored in this directory, you should put the directory under version control using git, for example. Note that you can use another name instead of my-utilities
such as bin
or programs
Recall that the PATH
environment variable specifies a list of directories to search for executables when a command is ran on the command line. To make your utilities callable on the command line add this line to ~/.bashrc
export PATH=$PATH:/home/<YourNetID>/my-utilities
Be sure to run $ source ~/.bashrc
so that the changes to PATH
take effect (only needed once). Make sure that it worked with:
$ echo $PATH
You should see the path to your my-utilities
directory as the last path in the output.
Below is a utility called slr
which will generate a custom Slurm script in the current working directory. Follow the directions for either the Python or R version.
import argparse
import os
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-j', '--job-name', type=str, action='store', dest='jobname',
default='myjob', help='Job name')
parser.add_argument('-n', '--ntasks', type=str, action='store', dest='ntasks',
default='1', help='Total number of tasks')
parser.add_argument('-t', '--time', type=str, action='store', dest='walltime',
default='1', help='Required time (in hours)')
parser.add_argument('-g', '--gpu', type=str, action='store', dest='gpu',
default=None, help='GPUs per node')
args = parser.parse_args()
def fmt(directive, value, comment):
comment_start_col = 34
spaces = " " * abs(comment_start_col - (len(directive) + len(value) + 12))
comment = f"# {comment}" if comment else ""
s = f"#SBATCH --{directive}={value}{spaces}{comment}\n"
return s
with open('job.slurm', 'w') as f:
f.write(fmt("job-name", args.jobname, "create a short name for your job"))
f.write(fmt("nodes", "1", "node count"))
f.write(fmt("ntasks", args.ntasks, "total number of tasks across all nodes"))
f.write(fmt("cpus-per-task", "1", "cpu-cores per task (>1 if multi-threaded tasks)"))
f.write(fmt("mem-per-cpu", "4G", "memory per cpu-core (4G per cpu-core is default)"))
f.write(fmt("time", f"{args.walltime}:00:00", "total run time limit (HH:MM:SS)"))
if (args.gpu):
f.write(fmt("gres", "gpu:" + args.gpu, "number of gpus per node"))
f.write(fmt("mail-type", "begin", "send email when job begins"))
f.write(fmt("mail-type", "end", "send email when job ends"))
f.write(fmt("mail-user", f"{os.environ['USER']}@princeton.edu", ""))
f.write("module purge\n")
f.write("module load anaconda3/2020.11\n")
f.write("conda activate myenv\n")
f.write("python myscript.py\n")
print("Wrote job.slurm")
Use wget
to get a copy of slr
in my-utilities
$ cd <path/to>/my-utilities/
$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PrincetonUniversity/removing_tedium/master/07_self_written_utilities/slr-python/slr
$ chmod u+x slr
The chmod
command above makes the script executable by changing the permissions. Now try it out:
$ cd ~
$ mkdir test && cd test # or use mk as defined in 03_aliases_and_shell_functions
$ slr -h
usage: slr [-h] [-j JOBNAME] [-n NTASKS] [-t WALLTIME] [-g GPU]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-j JOBNAME, --job-name JOBNAME
Job name
-n NTASKS, --ntasks NTASKS
Total number of tasks
Required time (in hours)
-g GPU, --gpu GPU GPUs per node
Try these options:
$ slr -j test -t 72
$ cat job.slurm # or use jj as defined in 03_aliases_and_shell_functions
$ slr -g 4
$ cat job.slurm
# customize the slr source code for your work using a text editor
If you encounter a Permission denied
error then you probably failed to add execute permission to slr
. A command not found
error suggests that the PATH
was not set correctly.
#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
# create parser object
parser <- ArgumentParser()
# specify our desired options
# by default ArgumentParser will add a help option
parser$add_argument("--noGPU", action="store_true", default=TRUE,
help="Do not write GPU line")
parser$add_argument("-g", "--gpu", action="store_false",
dest="noGPU", help="Write the GPU line")
parser$add_argument("-t", "--time", type="integer", default=24,
help="Number of hours to run", metavar="number")
parser$add_argument("-n", "--ntasks", type="integer", default=1,
help="Number of tasks across all nodes", metavar="number")
# get command line options, if help option encountered print help and exit,
# otherwise if options not found on command line then set defaults,
args <- parser$parse_args()
hours <- trimws(toString(args$time))
ntasks <- trimws(toString(args$ntasks))
cat("#SBATCH --job-name=myjob # create a short name for your job\n")
cat("#SBATCH --nodes=1 # node count\n")
cat(paste("#SBATCH --ntasks=", ntasks, " # total number of tasks across all nodes\n", sep=""))
cat("#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1 # cpu-cores per task (>1 if multithread tasks)\n")
cat("#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=4G # memory per cpu-core (4G is default)\n")
if ( !args$noGPU ) { cat("#SBATCH --gpus=gres:1 # number of gpus per node\n") }
cat(paste("#SBATCH --time=", hours, ":00:00 # total run time limit (HH:MM:SS)\n", sep=""))
cat("#SBATCH --mail-type=begin # send mail when process begins\n")
cat("#SBATCH --mail-type=end # send email when job ends\n")
cat("#SBATCH --mail-user=<YourNetID>@princeton.edu\n")
cat("module purge\n")
cat("Rscript myscript.R\n")
Use wget
to get a copy of slr
in my-utilities
$ cd <path/to>/my-utilities/
$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PrincetonUniversity/removing_tedium/master/07_self_written_utilities/slr-R/slr
$ chmod u+x slr
The chmod
command above makes the script executable by changing the permissions. Next install the argparse
$ R
> install.packages("argparse")
> q()
Now try it out:
$ cd ~
$ mkdir test && cd test # or use mk as defined in 03_aliases_and_shell_functions
$ slr
$ cat job.slurm # or use jj as defined in 03_aliases_and_shell_functions
$ slr -t 72 -n 4 -g
$ cat job.slurm
# customize the slr source code for your work using a text editor like vim or nano
If you encounter a Permission denied
error then you probably failed to add execute permission to slr
. A command not found
error suggests that the PATH
was not set correctly.
Earlier we learned how to cancel the most recently submitted job using mycancel
mycancel() { scancel $(squeue -u $USER -o "%i" -S i -h | tail -n 1); }
The shell function above is written in Bash. Below is pycancel
which performs the same function as mycancel
except it is written in Python which is a language that most people prefer over Bash:
import os
import subprocess
netid = os.environ["USER"]
cmd = f"squeue -u {netid} -o \"%i\" -S i -h | tail -n 1"
output = subprocess.run(cmd, capture_output=True, shell=True, timeout=5)
line = output.stdout.decode("utf-8").split('\n')
if line == ['']:
print("There are no running or pending jobs.")
jobid = line[0]
cmd = f"scancel {jobid}"
_ = subprocess.run(cmd, shell=True, timeout=5)
print(f"Canceled job {jobid}")
Copy the source code above and paste it into a file called pycancel
in the directory <path/to>/my-utilities
. Then give it execute permissions:
$ chmod 744 pycancel
Try it out by submitting a test job:
$ sbatch job.slurm # or the alias sb as defined in 03_aliases_and_shell_functions
$ squeue -u <YourNetID> # or use sq as defined in 03_aliases_and_shell_functions
$ pycancel
$ squeue -u <YourNetID>
We see that the Bash implementation is more concise and maintainable than the Python one.
This is kind of a joke but it illustrates a few principles.
#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <array>
std::string exec(const char* cmd) {
// function taken from https://bit.ly/3jrKs4K
std::array<char, 128> buffer;
std::string result;
std::unique_ptr<FILE, decltype(&pclose)> pipe(popen(cmd, "r"), pclose);
if (!pipe) {
throw std::runtime_error("popen() failed!");
while (fgets(buffer.data(), buffer.size(), pipe.get()) != nullptr) {
result += buffer.data();
return result;
int main() {
const char* user = std::getenv("USER");
std::string netid(user);
std::string cmd = "squeue -u " + netid + " -o \"%i\" -S i -h | tail -n 1";
std::string sq = exec(&(cmd[0]));
if (sq == "")
std::cout << "There are no running or pending jobs." << std::endl;
else {
cmd = "scancel " + sq;
std::string error = exec(&(cmd[0]));
std::cout << "Canceled job " + sq;
After saving the code above in a file called cppcancel.cpp
in the directory <path/to>/my-utilities
, compile it with this command:
$ g++ -std=c++11 -o cppcancel cppcancel.cpp
Then you can call cppcancel
on the command line. We see that the C++ implementation requires much more coding than what was required by Bash or Python. This example exists to illustrate how compiled codes can be used to make a custom command. In some cases the extra work of writing a C++ command is worth the effort given the performance benefits of C++ over Python. Common Linux commands like ls
, cd
and grep
are written in C.
The script below is a reduced version of the shistory
command. You should use shistory
but the script below nicely illustrates how to write a Bash command:
# This script prints your job history using sacct. One can specify the
# number of days to go back in time and whether or not to show the
# individual job steps.
# Example usage:
# $ myjobs
# $ myjobs -d 14
# $ myjobs -d 2 -a
# $ myjobs --days 10 --all
print_help() {
echo -e "\nNAME"
echo -e "\tmyjobs - show Slurm job history\n"
echo -e "USAGE"
echo -e "\tmyjobs [-d days | -a] [-h]\n"
echo -e "OPTIONS"
echo -e "\t-a,--all"
echo -e "\t\tShow all intermediate job steps"
echo -e "\t-d,--days"
echo -e "\t\tShow jobs over this many previous days from now (default: 7)"
# defaults
# parse command-line arguments
while [[ "$#" -gt 0 ]]
case $1 in
startdate=$(date -d"${days} days ago" +%D);
if $show_all_steps; then
sacct -u $USER -S $startdate -o $FMT;
sacct -u $USER -S $startdate -o $FMT -X;
To use the Bash script above as a program, run these commands:
$ cd <path/to>/my-utilities/
$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PrincetonUniversity/removing_tedium/master/07_self_written_utilities/bash/myjobs
$ chmod u+x myjobs
The myjobs
command can then be used as:
$ myjobs
$ myjobs -d 14
$ myjobs -d 2 -a
$ myjobs --days 10 --all
For more on using named command-line arguments with Bash scripts see this post on StackOverflow.
In Linux, the pipe operator lets you send the output of one command as the input to another as in this example:
$ sort records.txt | uniq
Piping, as the term suggests, can redirect the standard output, input or error of one command to another for further processing. Here we demostrate how to use pipes with standard Linux commands and your own self-written commands.
The goal here is to identify the number of lines in a data file where the sine of the value is greater than zero. Below are the contents of data.txt:
Ultimately we want to run this pipeline where myfilter
is a command that you wrote:
$ cat data.txt | myfilter | wc -l
Below is the Python code called myfilter
import sys
from math import sin
for line in sys.stdin:
x = float(line.rstrip())
if sin(x) > 0: print(x)
The code above reads from stdin
, applies the filter and outputs to stdout
. This is precisely how Linux pipes work.
Place myfilter
in <path/to>/my-utilities
and make it executable:
$ chmod u+x myfilter
Then run the pipeline:
$ cat data.txt | myfilter | wc -l
Note that myfilter
was written in Python for demonstration purposes here. In practice, for this specific case, it would probably be best done in awk
but Python is an excellent choice in general.