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Prokop edited this page Jul 15, 2015 · 10 revisions

import common libraries

import os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import elements
import basUtils

load ProbeParticle library

def makeclean( ):
	import os
	[ os.remove(f) for f in os.listdir(".") if f.endswith(".so") ]
	[ os.remove(f) for f in os.listdir(".") if f.endswith(".o") ]
	[ os.remove(f) for f in os.listdir(".") if f.endswith(".pyc") ]

makeclean( )  # force to recompile 
import  ProbeParticle as PP

setup system and simulation parameters

PP.loadParams( 'params.ini' ) # load parametes from ini file

atoms    = basUtils.loadAtoms('', elements.ELEMENT_DICT )
Rs       = np.array([atoms[1],atoms[2],atoms[3]]);  
iZs      = np.array( atoms[0])

if not PP.params['PBC' ]:
	PP.autoGeom( Rs, shiftXY=True,  fitCell=True,  border=3.0 )

Rs[0] += PP.params['moleculeShift' ][0]          # shift molecule so that we sample reasonable part of potential 
Rs[1] += PP.params['moleculeShift' ][1]          
Rs[2] += PP.params['moleculeShift' ][2]          
Rs     = np.transpose( Rs, (1,0) ).copy() 

Qs = np.array( atoms[4] )

if PP.params['PBC' ]:
	iZs,Rs,Qs = PP.PBCAtoms( iZs, Rs, Qs, avec=PP.params['gridA'], bvec=PP.params['gridB'] )

Define and allocate arrays

do this before simulation, in case it will crash

dz    = PP.params['scanStep'][2]
zTips = np.arange( PP.params['scanMin'][2], PP.params['scanMax'][2]+0.00001, dz )[::-1];
ntips = len(zTips); 
print " zTips : ",zTips
rTips = np.zeros((ntips,3))
rs    = np.zeros((ntips,3))
fs    = np.zeros((ntips,3))

rTips[:,0] = 1.0
rTips[:,1] = 1.0
rTips[:,2] = zTips 


xTips  = np.arange( PP.params['scanMin'][0], PP.params['scanMax'][0]+0.00001, 0.1 )
yTips  = np.arange( PP.params['scanMin'][1], PP.params['scanMax'][1]+0.00001, 0.1 )
extent=( xTips[0], xTips[-1], yTips[0], yTips[-1] )
fzs    = np.zeros(( len(zTips), len(yTips ), len(xTips ) ));

nslice = 10;

FFparams = PP.loadSpecies        ( 'atomtypes.ini'  )
C6,C12   = PP.getAtomsLJ( PP.params['probeType'], iZs, FFparams )

print " # ============ define Grid "

cell =np.array([

gridN = PP.params['gridN']

FF   = np.zeros( (gridN[2],gridN[1],gridN[0],3) )

Sample Lenard-Jones and electrostatic potential

PP.setFF( FF, cell  )
PP.setFF_Pointer( FF )
PP.getLenardJonesFF( Rs, C6, C12 )

plt.figure(figsize=( 5*nslice,5 )); plt.title( ' FF LJ ' )
for i in range(nslice):
	plt.subplot( 1, nslice, i+1 )
	plt.imshow( FF[i,:,:,2], origin='image', interpolation='nearest' )

withElectrostatics = ( abs( PP.params['charge'] )>0.001 )
if withElectrostatics: 
	print " # =========== Sample Coulomb "
	FFel = np.zeros( np.shape( FF ) )
	CoulombConst = -14.3996448915;  # [ e^2 eV/A ]
	Qs *= CoulombConst
	#print Qs
	PP.setFF_Pointer( FFel )
	PP.getCoulombFF ( Rs, Qs )
	plt.figure(figsize=( 5*nslice,5 )); plt.title( ' FFel ' )
	for i in range(nslice):
		plt.subplot( 1, nslice, i+1 )
		plt.imshow( FFel[i,:,:,2], origin='image', interpolation='nearest' )
	FF += FFel*PP.params['charge']
	PP.setFF_Pointer( FF )
	del FFel

plt.figure(figsize=( 5*nslice,5 )); plt.title( ' FF total ' )
for i in range(nslice):
	plt.subplot( 1, nslice, i+1 )
	plt.imshow( FF[i,:,:,2], origin='image', interpolation='nearest' )

3D-Scan with ProbeParticle relaxation

for ix,x in enumerate( xTips ): print "relax ix:", ix rTips[:,0] = x for iy,y in enumerate( yTips ): rTips[:,1] = y itrav = PP.relaxTipStroke( rTips, rs, fs ) / float( len(zTips) ) fzs[:,iy,ix] = fs[:,2].copy() #print itrav #if itrav > 100: # print " bad convergence > %i iterations per pixel " % itrav # print " exiting " # break

3D-Scan with ProbeParticle relaxation

convert Fz -> df

dfs = PP.Fz2df( fzs, dz = dz, k0 = PP.params['kCantilever'], f0=PP.params['f0Cantilever'], n=int(PP.params['Amplitude']/dz) )

Plot results of relaxed 3D-scan

print " # ============  Plot Relaxed Scan 3D "

#slices = range( PP.params['plotSliceFrom'], PP.params['plotSliceTo'], PP.params['plotSliceBy'] )
#print "plotSliceFrom, plotSliceTo, plotSliceBy : ", PP.params['plotSliceFrom'], PP.params['plotSliceTo'], PP.params['plotSliceBy']
#print slices 
#nslice = len( slices )

slices = range( 0, len(dfs) )

for ii,i in enumerate(slices):
	print " plotting ", i
	plt.figure( figsize=( 10,10 ) )
	plt.imshow( dfs[i], origin='image', interpolation=PP.params['imageInterpolation'], cmap=PP.params['colorscale'], extent=extent )
	z = zTips[i] - PP.params['moleculeShift' ][2]
	plt.xlabel(r' Tip_x $\AA$')
	plt.ylabel(r' Tip_y $\AA$')
	plt.title( r"df Tip_z = %2.2f $\AA$" %z  )
	plt.savefig( 'df_%3i.png' %i, bbox_inches='tight' )