A .NET standard 2.1 library for an easy implementation of asynchronous named pipes (Interprocess Communications) with generic type.
Any help or suggestion is welcome.
- Create a Pipe server
- Create a Pipe client
- Asynchronous read/write
- Support pipe event (connected, received, closed)
PipeServer<string> server = new PipeServer<string>("Test", p => p.StartReaderAsync());
server.Connected += (sndr, args) =>
Console.WriteLine("Client is connected");
server.DataReceived += (sndr, args) =>
Console.WriteLine("Client say: {args.Message}");
server.Closed += (sndr, args) =>
Console.WriteLine("The pipe has been closed");
Although it is in .net standard 2.1, this project is not compatible with Unity compiled in IL2CPP. The managed method for creating pipes isn't supported and it is not possible to use MonoPInvokeCallback on it.
This project is based on the code of Marc Clifton.