The goal of this project is to provide a collection of libraries and a wrapper to access the native file browser on all platforms compatible with Unity.
Supported platforms:
- Windows: Supported
- Linux: Not Implemented
- MacOS: Not Implemented
- iOS: Not Implemented
- Android: Not Implemented
- UWP: Not Implemented
- WebGL: Not Implemented
Supported configurations:
- Scripting Backend: Mono/IL2CPP
- API Compatibility Level: .NET Standard/.NET Framework
- Managed Stripping Level: Disabled/Low/Medium/High
Any help or suggestion is welcome.
- File dialog (single select, multi select, filters)
- Folder dialog (single select, multi select)
- Save dialog (overwrite, filters)
- Open file browser
- Open file with default program
- Start an external process
string path = UniversalFileBrowser.SingleFileDialog("Title", directory: null, filters);
UnityEngine.Debug.Log(path == null ? "Dialog cancelled" : path);
string path = UniversalFileBrowser.SingleFolderDialog("Title", directory: null);
UnityEngine.Debug.Log(path == null ? "Dialog cancelled" : path);
string path = UniversalFileBrowser.SingleFolderDialog("Title", directory: null, filters);
UnityEngine.Debug.Log(path == null ? "Dialog cancelled" : path);
Filter[] filters = new[]
new Filter("JPEG", "jpg", "jpeg" ),
new Filter("PNG", "png" ),
new Filter("All Files", "*" )
UniversalFileBrowser.Browser(directory: Application.dataPath);
string path = UniversalFileBrowser.SingleFileDialog("Title", directory: null);
string path = UniversalFileBrowser.SingleFileDialog("Title", directory: null);