This is a node.js module to simplify defining, reading and writing binary blobs, whether they be internet protocols or files.
npm install ProtoDef
See example
See the language independent ProtoDef specification.
- documents the exposed functions and classes
- documents the ProtoDef Compiler
- documents the default datatypes provided by Protodef.
- explains how to create new datatypes for protodef
- is the releases history
- minecraft-protocol defines a protocol.json by minecraft version and use ProtoDef to serialize and parse packets
- the protocol.json files are stored in minecraft-data
- and they can be visualized automatically in this doc
- prismarine-nbt defined a nbt.json to parse and serialize the NBT format
- mineflayer uses ProtoDef to parse plugin messages
- minecraft-protocol-forge parses and serialize forge plugin messages
- node-raknet describe the raknet protocol in a protocol.json and uses ProtoDef to read it
- minecraft-classic-protocol defines the classic minecraft protocol with ProtoDef
- pocket-minecraft-protocol defines the minecraft pocket edition protocol