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WIP: Config generator
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davesmith00000 committed Sep 15, 2023
1 parent ff85dcc commit da06479
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@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
package indigoplugin.generators

import indigoplugin.IndigoOptions

object ConfigGen {

def generate(
outDir: os.Path,
moduleName: String,
fullyQualifiedPackage: String,
indigoOptions: IndigoOptions
): Seq[os.Path] = {

val wd = outDir / Generators.OutputDirName


val file = wd / s"$moduleName.scala"

val contents =
s"""package $fullyQualifiedPackage
|// DO NOT EDIT: Generated by Indigo.
|object $moduleName:
| val config: GameConfig =
| GameConfig(
| viewport = GameViewport(${indigoOptions.metadata.width}, ${indigoOptions.metadata.height}),
| frameRateLimit = Option(FPS.`60`),
| clearColor = ${extractBgColor(indigoOptions.metadata.backgroundColor)},
| magnification = 1,
| transparentBackground = false,
| resizePolicy = ResizePolicy.Resize,
| advanced = AdvancedGameConfig(
| renderingTechnology = WebGL2WithFallback,
| antiAliasing = false,
| premultipliedAlpha = true,
| batchSize = 256,
| autoLoadStandardShaders = true,
| disableContextMenu = true
| )
| )

os.write.over(file, contents)


def extractBgColor(backgroundColor: String): String =
backgroundColor.replace(" ", "") match {
case c if c.matches(extractRGBA) =>

case c if c.matches(extractRGB) =>

case c if c.matches(hexColorMatch) =>

case c if colorLookUp.keySet.contains(c.toLowerCase) =>

case _ =>

private val hexColorMatch: String = "#[A-Z0-9]*" // Remember to remove whitespace first.
private val extractRGB: String = """^rgb\(([0-9]*),([0-9]*),([0-9]*)\)""" // Remember to remove whitespace first.
private val extractRGBA: String =
"""^rgba\(([0-9]*),([0-9]*),([0-9]*),([0-9]*)\)""" // Remember to remove whitespace first.

private val colorLookUp: Map[String, String] =
"AliceBlue" -> "#F0F8FF",
"AntiqueWhite" -> "#FAEBD7",
"Aqua" -> "#00FFFF",
"Aquamarine" -> "#7FFFD4",
"Azure" -> "#F0FFFF",
"Beige" -> "#F5F5DC",
"Bisque" -> "#FFE4C4",
"Black" -> "#000000",
"BlanchedAlmond" -> "#FFEBCD",
"Blue" -> "#0000FF",
"BlueViolet" -> "#8A2BE2",
"Brown" -> "#A52A2A",
"BurlyWood" -> "#DEB887",
"CadetBlue" -> "#5F9EA0",
"Chartreuse" -> "#7FFF00",
"Chocolate" -> "#D2691E",
"Coral" -> "#FF7F50",
"CornflowerBlue" -> "#6495ED",
"Cornsilk" -> "#FFF8DC",
"Crimson" -> "#DC143C",
"Cyan" -> "#00FFFF",
"DarkBlue" -> "#00008B",
"DarkCyan" -> "#008B8B",
"DarkGoldenRod" -> "#B8860B",
"DarkGrey" -> "#A9A9A9",
"DarkGreen" -> "#006400",
"DarkKhaki" -> "#BDB76B",
"DarkMagenta" -> "#8B008B",
"DarkOliveGreen" -> "#556B2F",
"Darkorange" -> "#FF8C00",
"DarkOrchid" -> "#9932CC",
"DarkRed" -> "#8B0000",
"DarkSalmon" -> "#E9967A",
"DarkSeaGreen" -> "#8FBC8F",
"DarkSlateBlue" -> "#483D8B",
"DarkSlateGrey" -> "#2F4F4F",
"DarkTurquoise" -> "#00CED1",
"DarkViolet" -> "#9400D3",
"DeepPink" -> "#FF1493",
"DeepSkyBlue" -> "#00BFFF",
"DimGray" -> "#696969",
"DodgerBlue" -> "#1E90FF",
"FireBrick" -> "#B22222",
"FloralWhite" -> "#FFFAF0",
"ForestGreen" -> "#228B22",
"Fuchsia" -> "#FF00FF",
"Gainsboro" -> "#DCDCDC",
"GhostWhite" -> "#F8F8FF",
"Gold" -> "#FFD700",
"GoldenRod" -> "#DAA520",
"Grey" -> "#808080",
"Green" -> "#008000",
"GreenYellow" -> "#ADFF2F",
"HoneyDew" -> "#F0FFF0",
"HotPink" -> "#FF69B4",
"IndianRed" -> "#CD5C5C",
"Indigo" -> "#4B0082",
"Ivory" -> "#FFFFF0",
"Khaki" -> "#F0E68C",
"Lavender" -> "#E6E6FA",
"LavenderBlush" -> "#FFF0F5",
"LawnGreen" -> "#7CFC00",
"LemonChiffon" -> "#FFFACD",
"LightBlue" -> "#ADD8E6",
"LightCoral" -> "#F08080",
"LightCyan" -> "#E0FFFF",
"LightGoldenRodYellow" -> "#FAFAD2",
"LightGrey" -> "#D3D3D3",
"LightGreen" -> "#90EE90",
"LightPink" -> "#FFB6C1",
"LightSalmon" -> "#FFA07A",
"LightSeaGreen" -> "#20B2AA",
"LightSkyBlue" -> "#87CEFA",
"LightSlateGrey" -> "#778899",
"LightSteelBlue" -> "#B0C4DE",
"LightYellow" -> "#FFFFE0",
"Lime" -> "#00FF00",
"LimeGreen" -> "#32CD32",
"Linen" -> "#FAF0E6",
"Magenta" -> "#FF00FF",
"Maroon" -> "#800000",
"MediumAquaMarine" -> "#66CDAA",
"MediumBlue" -> "#0000CD",
"MediumOrchid" -> "#BA55D3",
"MediumPurple" -> "#9370D8",
"MediumSeaGreen" -> "#3CB371",
"MediumSlateBlue" -> "#7B68EE",
"MediumSpringGreen" -> "#00FA9A",
"MediumTurquoise" -> "#48D1CC",
"MediumVioletRed" -> "#C71585",
"MidnightBlue" -> "#191970",
"MintCream" -> "#F5FFFA",
"MistyRose" -> "#FFE4E1",
"Moccasin" -> "#FFE4B5",
"NavajoWhite" -> "#FFDEAD",
"Navy" -> "#000080",
"OldLace" -> "#FDF5E6",
"Olive" -> "#808000",
"OliveDrab" -> "#6B8E23",
"Orange" -> "#FFA500",
"OrangeRed" -> "#FF4500",
"Orchid" -> "#DA70D6",
"PaleGoldenRod" -> "#EEE8AA",
"PaleGreen" -> "#98FB98",
"PaleTurquoise" -> "#AFEEEE",
"PaleVioletRed" -> "#D87093",
"PapayaWhip" -> "#FFEFD5",
"PeachPuff" -> "#FFDAB9",
"Peru" -> "#CD853F",
"Pink" -> "#FFC0CB",
"Plum" -> "#DDA0DD",
"PowderBlue" -> "#B0E0E6",
"Purple" -> "#800080",
"Red" -> "#FF0000",
"RosyBrown" -> "#BC8F8F",
"RoyalBlue" -> "#4169E1",
"SaddleBrown" -> "#8B4513",
"Salmon" -> "#FA8072",
"SandyBrown" -> "#F4A460",
"SeaGreen" -> "#2E8B57",
"SeaShell" -> "#FFF5EE",
"Sienna" -> "#A0522D",
"Silver" -> "#C0C0C0",
"SkyBlue" -> "#87CEEB",
"SlateBlue" -> "#6A5ACD",
"SlateGrey" -> "#708090",
"Snow" -> "#FFFAFA",
"SpringGreen" -> "#00FF7F",
"SteelBlue" -> "#4682B4",
"Tan" -> "#D2B48C",
"Teal" -> "#008080",
"Thistle" -> "#D8BFD8",
"Tomato" -> "#FF6347",
"Turquoise" -> "#40E0D0",
"Violet" -> "#EE82EE",
"Wheat" -> "#F5DEB3",
"White" -> "#FFFFFF",
"WhiteSmoke" -> "#F5F5F5",
"Yellow" -> "#FFFF00",
"YellowGreen" -> "#9ACD32"
).map { case (k, v) => k.toLowerCase -> v }

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@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
package indigoplugin.generators

class ConfigGenTests extends munit.FunSuite {

test("Can detect/extract rgba") {
assert(1 == 2)

test("Can detect/extract rgb") {
assert(1 == 2)

test("Can detect/extract hex") {
assert(1 == 2)

test("Can detect/extract named colour") {
assert(1 == 2)

test("Will fall back to black") {
assert(1 == 2)


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