Quin Asselin, 2022
- Repository Description
- Github Pages Information
- Technologies Used
- Setup Instructions
- Known Bugs
- License Information
- Photo Licensure
This application asks the user a series of questions to suggest potentially suitable coding languages for new developers who are looking for suggestions.
This project was hand-built in tandem with a programming class taught by Epicodus. It contains use of JavaScript, HTML, and formatting from both custom CSS and Bootstrap.
This project can be accessed on Github Pages via this link
- Javascript
- CSS3
- Markdown Text
- Bootstrap 4.6.2
- Git
- Github and Github Pages
This webpage can be access by following the Github Pages linked above
Alternatively, the project can be opened via cloning/downloading repository:
- Download this repository from its Github Repository.
- Locate the download destination folder on your local machine.
- Unzip the downloaded folder if necessary.
- Enter the decompressed folder and open "index.html" in your prefered web browser.
In the event that disallowed values are entered into the form (eg: no selected radio dial) a window alert asking the user to try another configuration will appear. If you experience this issue, please message the producer of your current repository and include any relevant form/page information. Thank you for your patience as I work on any issues!
The page may experience formatting issues when opened on mobile devices or tablets/laptops in smaller windows. Page should still be legible but general project layout will shift in potentially unforeseen manner. Thus, it is recommended to open the HTML index page in browser or file explorer in a full screen as hardware allows.
Additionally, included image does not scale-down to fit to smaller screen sizes and may take up a majority of the screen when scrolling through the site from a mobile (or other small-screened) device.
Quin Asselin, 2022. Available for distribution, modification, inspection, and application under GPLv3 License
Photo sourcing and respective licenses are as follows:
- The Python Logo Device
- Used under clause of indicating suitability of Python.
- C++
- Used under clause allowing for use in conjunction with educational material.
- Javascript
- Used under permission granted by MIT License here.
- Ruby
- Used under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License produced by Yukihiro Matsumoto, Copyright © 2006.
All photos are used with permission from their respective owners.